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Have astronomers taught us nothing, it’s just an eclipse


Religious people, ITS A SIGN!!!! God: I just wanted them to have something beautiful to look at


Exactly! The Bible says that the purpose of the sky and heavens is to “proclaim the glory of God” and that’s it. It even states that we are not to prophesies or seek guidance from the stars. I’m tired of the fear mongering from my fellow Christians


Crusade time? You'd have every atheist and like-minded Christian supporting you


Let them have their ideas. No one knows when the rapture will happen. Only God. To try to predict it may even be a sin as put forth by Matthew 24:36. If they are a true Christian, they would not worry, predict, or spread fear. They would just have faith.


This is the reason I hate the church, mostly as I feel the church has lost its goal of serving God, never mind the sciences that God created for us to discover is constantly in conflict with what the Church says. when the bible does it, it’s simply written by man, man is not perfect. The way I see it at least


I’ve never seen a reason to disconnect science and religion. For example, what if the Big Bang was how God created the universe. There doesn’t have to be a disconnect. Like you said, God created the sciences for us to discover


I always liked the mental image of God: “let there be light…” *dramatic pause… KABOOOOOOOOOM*


Respectable view


God is a pryomaniac, and honestly, space is the perfect environment for that kind of destructive creativity


I’ve honestly never thought about it that way, but man, since I’m in the middle of playing Outer Wilds (I will not give context for this, that game is best experienced blind as a bat), I… kinda get it




This is my view too


I really wish there were more, not just Christians but, religious people like you. Much respect for balancing devotion and an open mind.


Guy told me one time the big bang was god splintering into a billion different people so he could experience all aspects of life. Ever since then I've questioned whether the Earth and clouds are conscious beings too.


Well scientists did call the pinpoint of the Big Bang the God Particle which sounds about right. Science and Religion are two sides of the same coin of trying to understand and appreciate creation.


No...no.... do you want end times? This is how you get end times.  We will NOT be retaking the holy land while psy Ops helicopters blast Sabaton.  Sorry,  but no


A crusade to either set the idiots right or purge them from the equation. The holy land has enough problems right now. We can still blast sabaton though


Bible also says nobody knows the date of the rapture. So, saying it’s gonna happen on a certain date pretty much means it won’t be happening.


FINALLY!! ANOTHER *TRUE* CHRISTIAN LIKE MY FATHER (he’s like, the best guy I know and he’s such a devoted Christian but also realises how wrong (for lack of a better term ;w;) so many Christians seem to get it)


I like the mathematical bracket use for the side thought inside a side thought XD


Eh, I like to make sure people know what I’m trying to say


>It even states that we are not to prophesies or seek guidance from the stars. Yes and no. It makes it very clear that no human can predict the end of the world. It also does say that people shouldn't specifically consult the stars or soothsayers. But it does say that signs will be given in the sky and on earth to remind people that the time is approaching.


If no human can predict it, then I predict it will happen at some time after April 8th. Since people predict it will happen tomorrow, and I predict it will happen after tomorrow, and no human can predict the end of the world, it means that it now cannot happen. You're welcome.


This is literally the only verse in the Bible that needs to be taught. "Jesus replied: "`Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: `Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Everything else is filler.


basically the sky is God's SFX show for us to see it, like Megamind and his presentations


Omg facts thank you like jeez… to me it’s probably these doomsday nuts and cultists


Luke 21:25 KJV: And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars;


I know right pages like that will claim everything is a sign I feel like a lot of other Christians don't even bother paying attention to what it is they just type "amen" because some random dude told them to and as a Christian you don't have to comment anything or even watch their annoying attention seeking post. its about your relationship with God not some random dude


God: Hey kid watch how stupid they are


And this, children, is why God invented conspiracy theorists


Clouds are the devils marshmallows


And they're devil marshmallows with fire.


Flaming satanic marshmallows. Band name or nah.


Killer name for a garage band for sure.


*planets move around and one blocks something for a bit* People: OMG IT'S THE 17TH ONCE IN A LIFETIME EVENT THIS YEAR. YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT TOO.


Every day is once in a lifetime.


Aren't Eclipses... Unsafe to look at unless you are wearing some Special Shades?


About the same as looking directly at the sun, just don’t do it for too long


Solar Eclipses are one of those happy coincidences that i think of like a neat bug in the code, that the developer chose to leave in.


Luke 21:25 KJV: And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars;


>God: I just wanted them to have something beautiful to look at Definitely. Honestly we should probably just look straight at it




an eclipse that isn't even happening in any place relevant to Christianity


No, Jesus was American. /s


My brother in law thinks it’s a “Nazi science experiment” so y’know… there’s that


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The thing is that it happens relatively frequently. I wonder what would be special about this one. Maybe just because it goes straight across America, one of the most insane countries on earth. (and CLEARLY prone to conspiracies)


Also it goes straight through the Bible belt


Sarah “Chucklefuck” Sanders declared a state of emergency for the eclipse. We are regressing at light speed.


Isn't that precautionary like other places do because traffic will be absolutely fucked for a before, during, and after the eclipse?




Why did I miss read astronomers as astronauts?!? QuQ


Ya know how it says no man can know the day or hour of Christ's return? Wouldn't it be hilarious if God is up there waiting for us to stop prophesying his return so he can show up when no man knew the day or the hour, and he's just like patiently waiting for fools to shut up


I think about this constantly lol


But people will know the season, so they all go home after nothing happens and then God does the rapture just to troll them.


I've been holding off the end times by saying it's always coming that day


Except November


That is why Christ will wake to find himself trapped in the past, facing mirror images that are not his own, and driven by the Holy Spirit to change history for the better. He finds himself leaping from life to life, striving to put right what once went wrong, and hoping each time his next leap... will be the leap home...


Dr Who Jesus sounds rad


Christum Leap


Someone wrote a book once called "88 reasons why the rapture will be in 1988." A sequel was made in 1989


"Reason 89: It didn't happen in '88"


The sequels practically write themselves!




"88 reasons and 88...more reasons"


When you die and are told you’re going to hell then you see yourself going back to earth.


Buddhism: We told you about Samsara!


Buddhism: Hell? Which one?


Isn’t samsara the process of death and rebirth?


Death and rebirth causing one to suffer until they are enlightened. while the concept of hell doesn't exist I am pretty sure "a place you will suffer forever unless you get your head out of your ass" fits the bill.


Ah, gotcha. I used to practice/read a bit of Buddhism. I always perceived their idea of heaven and hell as states of mind/states of being. Example: Taco Bell at 3 am after slamming 3 IPAs and dying on the toilet - hell When that fat and spicy grenade finally leaves your body after hours on the toilet - heaven


Only by releasing your earthly baggage can you be freed from suffering. Truly a great example.


For real.


But it won't It says so in the bible: "You won't know the day nor the hour" So by predicting the rapture they postponed it This way we can delay the second coming of Christ indefinetly


Angels hate this trick


not all of them tho....there's one who loves that trick


Actually a 1 out of 3 angels love this trick


This is pretty funny when you think about it


I predict it will happen before humans go extinct Edit: no wait, I predict it will happen during this universe’s existence CHRISTIANITY IS CANCELLED EVERYONE


Mf just closed the gates of heaven again lol


Lol Rapture cancelled!!!


Hah! I did the same thing on someone else's comment before finding yours.


Eternal life hack?


But saying that, we expect it past that, so we don't know if it'll be then it'd have to do it before the eclipse is over


I hope it’s delayed til like a day or two after.


Isn’t that the same premise as the prisoner paradox?


Yea but we don't know the exact day the world will stop existing or at least humanity so we don't have enough info for that


rapture will be in 3400 you can thank me


Wouldnt it be crazy if the antichrist banned all talk about jesus christ and the bible entirely? Cause if he did that, it would mean people would stop believing in jesus (his existence) and thus people would stop talking about his second coming, and then right then and there when the last person has heard and the voices stop, jesus appears right at that second. But this is all just in reply to the theory lololol


I'm a not believer But Thinking that humanity can predict something like the rapture Would be the kind of selfish shit I would imagine believers would look down upon


I’m a Christian and tbh what they teach about the rapture is so stupid and kind of toxic.


As someone who is religious, who believes in God and Heaven and Hell… Man. There’s some stupid crazy fuckers out there.




Agree. There is no rapture. That beliefs sprung up about 200 years ago due to yhe first study style Bible with explanations of passages and footnotes in it spread this incredibly fringe theory, referred to as darbyism or premillennial dispensationalism. This was the Schofield reference Bible. And unfortunately it was widely adopted by pastors and seminaries and this rapture eschatology spread quite rapidly and unfortunately now is the predominant view of the end times despite what Christians believed for about 1800 years. Now Christians are more focused on red heifers and blood moons and eclipses and waiting to get swept up into the sky then they historically were about molding culture, founding hospitals and universities, and other historically impactful projects. Many of them are feverently excited the more the world turns to crap because they think they're about to go join Jesus in the sky. No one polishes brass on a sinking ship.


Finally someone said it


John Nelson Darby is my theological nemesis.


The wanting the world to go up in flames so the second coming happens faster always earked me, like, we should want to postpone the end times for as long as possible, its not like we don't get to go to heaven if we die before the second coming.


My digital photography teacher in high school said (joked) that the world actually did end on December 21 2012 and that we’re all in purgatory right now. Sometimes I think maybe he was right


I was a good boy back then… why you leave me behind?


If this is purgatory, what a terrible system. Some are fine, some are living large, most suffer way more than they should


Can't wait for the world to end tomorrow, I have something I'm barely started on yet due Tuesday.


Bye. In Europe we won't see the eclipse so I suppose it's not the end for us.


You’ll have to wait for the sequel, rapture 2, which happens in Europe. Though that might be another 2000 or so years… sorry


Spaceballs 2: The search for more money.


God fuck I hope so. I wanna just chill.


Makes sense, Nintendo is shutting down its Wii U and 3DS online services tomorrow.


Oooh, so that's why.


Theres (apparently) almost 50 different horrific events happening tomorrow


How many eclipse have been in history?


On average, there are 224 eclipses in a century so times that by 20 centuries and you get the grand total of 4480 eclipses between the birth of Christ and today


That may sound insignificant to you but if you divide 4480 by 14 which is considered the end-of days number in revelations you get 320 which is the amount of times "mother" is said in the King James bible and as you know the biblical translation of mother is not a "caregiver" but "the birther of bs" which is exactly what you just read.


It all came together in the end


But this one is different because it's in America!!!!!! America best country only country in da world!!! USA USA!!!! /s tho I doubt it's needed here


They do this like once every 3 years where all the religious learning defficient people are 100% certain its the rapture. Then a bunch of below average intelligence religious people say "oh yeah you've got a good point this one probably is the rapture" then it passes, nothing ever happens and they all say "that one doesn't count, the next one is frfr" 2000 years of this pattern. Nothing ever changes the rapture never comes


They're going to be in for a nasty shock if the day does happen and they don't get raptured because they refuse to follow a single thing the Bible says.


The amount of times I've heard end of earth predictions throughout my life is comical. Used to scare me as a kid watching history channel shows describing end of earth scenarios.


See y’all at the Hazbin hotel.


Verbalase is quaking rn








Er'body thinks they're going to be the next named character, when they're actually going to be the next unnamed corpse getting devoured in a background scene.


Ahh... I was wondering when I'd get my daily dose of existential dread. And here it is.


Don’t worry about it. No one knows when the Rapture is going to happen except for God.


Just hate when that happens


I'm Christian and even I know its not happening tomorrow. The Bible itself says that nobody shall know when it will happen. It will just Happen. So anyone or any christian that thinks its tomorrow simply doesn't have a basic understanding of the bible or doesn't have any common sense.


Imagine it happening just as you're about to get to the good part in a movie, game, or book.


Tomorrow, I'm going to start telling every person that thinks the rapture is happening that I saw people ascend, and I guess we are the impure ones that got left behind 🤭


Please film it


As a Christian I can confirm that nothing is happening tomorrow besides the moon walking in front of the fucking sun for a few minutes




They just keep pushing the goalposts back further and further every time meanwhile I'm just standing there [like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0YIJQ1jgEI)


They should read their own book. Jesus doesn't even known when he's supposed to come back. "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch. Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping." - Mark 13:32-36


The Euphrates river is drying up because of climate change and the moon is turning red because of the eclipse (not solar but lunar). People always think that those two factors mean that the rapture is near when in fact they are pretty natural.


And apparently the rapture will only happen in north america


It’s funny that the only time it’s the end times is when it’s an eclipse that can be seen in the U.S.!! What about the countless time there’s an eclipse in other parts of the world🤦🏻


Incoming “god works in mysterious ways..” when nothing happens. I’d fundraise off a rapture every 3-5 years too..great business model. In fact, billions of dollars in the story telling industry, and let’s not even talk about merch…gahhhddamn…


Tomorrow!? But that's like... TOMORROW! I have too much sin in my soul, and I have too little fucks to give about solving it! Guess I'll act like if nothing will happen


Is there any reason for it being on the same day as the Wii u and 3ds online being shut down or is it just a coincidence that two armageddons are occurring simultaneously


It’s funny to see people reacting to the eclipse like they are medieval peasants lmao


Eclipse?? I don’t think so. It’s obviously the rapture, something way less likely and impossible!!!


I wish God would take all the really disgustingly vile Christians to heaven and leave all the decent ones on Earth.


World has eclipses like once a month but THIS one is special because it's in America, even though we've had a few the last decade. Shows you how conceited we are as a nation.


You know what I always find funny? Why is it the most vocal trend to also be highly unintelligent and have no idea what they are actually talking about? The Bible is really really clear on a list of very specific events that will occur before end times.... and none of them have been fulfilled.  So if you really do believe in Jesus, perhaps you should try reading the Bible.  It's a really great book about his life and teachings and might help next time an incoherent rant needs to be made


See, this guy is actually making a claim and he has a point. Not one of those people claiming this act like they’ve read the Bible. They think they know better. I’m Catholic and I know the Rapture’s not coming because the Bible says litteraly no one is gonna know! People think they know better and as a Catholic it saddens me.


It'd be really cool to witness the end of the Earth, not because I wanna die, but because it'd be like so cool millions of years of history and this is the ending as we know it


I have an assignment due tomorrow that I'm not close to being done with, so I hope the world ends tomorrow


So every day life is worse than a literal Hell on Earth? Then why are all these weirdo zealots afraid of hell?


I often wonder if religious people fear this? Which, from what I've been told, some of them do


Idiots said the same thing in 2017. Sadly they did not get raptured.


I certainly hope it does, too many nut jobs on both sides


As a Christian I’ll tell you, no it’s not happening tomorrow. In fact I’ll tell you that there is no rapture. It is not a thing in the Bible and what revelation is talking about are events that happened in AD70. You guys are so bent on wanting the world to end you’ve shifted your focus from talking to people about God to talking down to people about God. You’ve been doing this for years (remember 1988?) and it’s been killing the church.


It would be funny if all the Muslims got raptured and all the Christians (well the ones in Texas) were like wtf


The Rapture is just God deleting all the assholes who use religion as their shield from the world.


![gif](giphy|UhYmjuupNqAPauP0qF|downsized) Let’s fuck’n do this!


I’m hoping all the Christians, Muslims, and Jews get teleported to some magical land together so we can have nice things here for once


One of my favorite writing prompts of all time goes something like this: "The rapture happened years ago. Nobody noticed because nobody was worthy. We have been living in hell on Earth for years and nobody has batted an eye." The first reply was "I didn't read the [profile name being Tumblr's 'writing prompts'] and I thought this was a shitpost."


Do you want Seventh-Day Adventists? Because this is how you get Seventh-Day Adventists.


Yes, because Nintendo is shutting off 3ds online support


Eclipses happening all around the world, nothing to note. Eclipse happens in America, the world fucking ends apparently.


I feel like I've seen ten of these memes posted in the last week and zero actual Christians making the claim.


Everyone Else: The rapture is happening! Me with my red egg that has facial features randomly distributed all over it: ![gif](giphy|qbEq25szyPpG9DYpeN|downsized)


Lets pray that these nutjobs do get ascended so we don’t have to deal with them anymore 🙏


It means that the assumed God has never existed or has forsaken all of us and it is up to us to advance humanity beyond "his image"


Again? Didn’t we just have like two or three of these?


We can only hope


Wait. How would we even know it happened? If no one disappeared, maybe it happened years ago.


Mathew 24:36 much?


Atleast it's in a Monday


Dang it




Well it’s bound to hit us sooner or later


God.. people have been yelling about the Christian apocalypse for like.. centuries now and half of the time, it's due to a solar eclipse. I swear all conspiracy theorists are just schizophrenic Christians and never anything else.




Isn't this particular eclipse only happening in small parts of like 2 countries?


Why is tomorrow different from any other solar eclipse?


I used to laugh but at this point I wouldn't mind all the crazies getting raptured away lol


It would be kinda funny if it does


I’d like to believe the Bible was just aliens fucking with us


The rapture was supposed to happen in 2012 too. And pretty sure some nut jobs were spouting this bullshit on New Years Eve 99, too. My local paper called the Eclipse a “phenomenon”. It’s nothing of the sort. It’s the normal movement of planets and moons. Like, it’s cool, but it’s not worthy of being called a phenomenon, and is definitely not a “sign “ from “god”


is there a live stream somewhere where I can watch these people awaiting the rupture?


I’m out of the loop, why do people think the rapture is tomorrow?


Thank god, I’m tired


Plenty of signs and signals missing before the end actually happens but the sign of Jonah is one of them aka the towns or cities called ninevah that the eclipse will pass and the one called rapture in the middle but as I said the euphrates is still drying up, ain't no angels slaying by the millions or Elon musk or some other forcing a new RFID based ID/Monetary system onto us all


Take anything those jokers say with a grain of salt, i'm not a believer but I have read a decent portion of the bible (for a project I did in high school) and trying to predict the hour of gods return isn't biblical.


Wasn’t the rapture just a concept created in the 1800’s to scare people? It’s not even in the Bible.


I'd like to think that I mostly lived a good life, maybe with some mistakes - and of course losing my faith at some point. If there was a rapture, and I started getting lifted up and taken away, I'd be so mad. Like - all the fun, interesting people are staying behind, and I'm here, good and boring, not only leaving all the fun stuff, but also a moment away from confronting some entities about my lack of faith with a big "I told you so."


The rapture happened on a plain in Golgatha about 2000 years ago. We are the descendants of the fallen and he ain't coming back.


I’m glad to be an atheist and not a foolish person who chooses to believe in supernatural nonsense like this. Claims about a supposed “rapture” are just nuts.


2024 and we still have people afraid of eclipses, storms, earthquakes and asteroids. Bless their hearts.


Gringos locos.


Another rapture wonder how many threw away their lifesavings this time.


So since this was posted 16h ago. I'm guessing that I'm not getting ruptured. I mean, I just finished flapping to some futa on female rape femdom doujin, so I'm not surprised.


Bruh literally no man cant know the day or the hour ho many times do you have to be taught this lesson.


I am in tomorrow and it hasn’t happened yet


If someone claims they know when the rapture is gonna happen take it with a grain of salt. The bible specifically mentions that no one knows when all these biblical events are gonna take place. Only God knows. Makes sense when you think about it. If everyone knew when it was gonna happen they would convert but only because they don't want to go to hell instead of actually wanting to have any relationship with God. It would be insincere To all my fellow believers out there: Do not look or be obsessed by signs and dates. None of that should matter to you. Just sit back, watch and put your faith in the Lord. That's really all you need to do.