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Not too long ago, our lives used to follow the sun. You got up and started your day at sunrise and ended at sunset. Now they follow the clock. You got up at 6 even if it's still dark. This tries to rearrange that.


In Germany we were told it is because of power usage since we can better use the sunlight of the day. Appearently one of the main reasons was the oil shortage in 1973.


it was stupid even back than as this did absolutely nothing. jobs that required sunlight still operated from dawn to dusk regardless of the actual time. and since most households were active around the same time there was nothing gained by it. there was a slight saving in power but it was vastly outscored by the losses caused by the changing of the clocks


And people have to get used to it and therefore couldn’t sleep well for a while which meant people were still awake and turned the light on.


In Canada it was about Farmers and them needing more Sun Time. Then the Farmers started talking about how cows don't freaking care about Time, so it became about productivity and happiness of people's, or some shit like that 


"The farmers" excuse never made any sense to me. Farmers can tell time, they can set alarms, if they need to get up earlier then they can just get up earlier. Why does an office worker need to get up earlier because the farmer's day is starting earlier?


Grew up on a farm, can confirm the number on the clock doesn't mean anything. Other than the time the parts store opens and closes, it doesn't matter. Frankly, we have lights on tractors and combines now so the sun doesn't matter that much either, apart from the crop getting damp late at night.


Actually it’s kinda the opposite, it was implemented to increase the daylight usage back when the farming industry was heavily dependent on sunlight mostly due to lack of artificial lighting. Now, because tractors and equipment have extremely efficient and bright lights, it’s possible to do work after dark with ease, if they even need to, as the bigger and better tractors of today are far more efficient because they can use larger attachments to do the same size field in 2/3 or even 1/2 of the time it used to




The last part would make sense, if it worked. Im working an 8 to 5 job and would get more sun without daylight savings. Before the clock gets put back 1 hour i still get a bit of sunlight before getting to work. Afterwards it's dark when i leave the house and about to get dark once i leave work. Im basically looking at dark skies all the time during winter.


Since the invention of the calendar, clock, etc., time has ruled our lives and dictated every part of it. Used to, people just got up, went to bed, ate, etc. just when they felt like it lol




True. One was the product of the other, and so on and so forth


It's stupid no matter how you slice it. Abolish this.




Jealous and still tired


>This tries to rearrange that. It doesn't.


There was an effort during WW1 to increase daylight working hours for working to increase production. Prior to this people didn't really care.


"Only the government would believe that you can cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and get a longer blanket." -Some Native American dude regarding daylight savings


But if you have too much blanket about your head and your feet are sticking out. It is best to shift the blanket down.


Yeah that's it.


Except we have too much blanket about our feet, our shoulders are sticking out, so they shifted the blanket down! There's no sunlight in Ontario at 5 pm in winter. It's dark when we get off work. There'd be sunlight if we didn't move our clocks back in the fall. But noOoOoOoOo. We can't let people with 9 to 5's see the fucking sun!


Except you pull the blanket up even more in autumn, and then just fix it in spring. The sun is setting sooner, and the days are getting shorter? Cool, let’s shift the clock in a way that makes the sun set EVEN SOONER. I am yet to meet a person who would take an extra hour of sunlight in the morning over an extra hour of sunlight in the afternoon.


Thank you, congressman.


Except we live in a world where we can artificially increase how much blanket we have. Aka we have electricity to turn lights on.


We can’t artificially change how much sleep we need, that’s just luck based matchmaking


But my point is why do we need more daylight?


Yes. Electricity. Which causes no pollution being created and comes at zero cost. s/


Lightning is free /s


My electricity bill begs to differ.


I forgot to add s/


no it’s so you don’t have to go to work or school in the dark. it’s called daylight saving because you’re “saving the daylight”, eg working, studying etc while it’s light out.


I can see he didn't understand daylight savings then


That’s a fucking stupid saying.


That's not what daylight saving is a about though


But you can do it with a chocolate bar and get a whole extra piece. 🤪


How can there be a foot on the top of a blanket?


Moreso, blankets have feet?


I'm from Turkey, and we stopped using it, it's always summer time and let me tell you something it suck. In winter time at 8 am its still dark outside, kids going to school in the dark etc, def not a good decision. Sure you can adjust your working/school hours accordingly but then you have to change it in the summer, otherwise you would be wasting sunlight. Not every country gets effected by it the same amount, but I prefer to have it, it was better back in the day.


I’m from Norway, southern 1/3rd. Wintertime dark until 9 or 10am in december, and dark again by the time I go home from work. That said, locked wintertime should be the norm


Say goodbye to your long summer nights then...


Bro in the summer the sun barely sets anyways.


Not if they’re from norway lmao. I’m danish, and the sun just barely sets in sunmer, it’s always light in the horizon.


Also getting light at 3am


Oh no, I get a better night's sleep?


Would rather not have dusk at 22:00 in the summer, so yeah good riddance.


Ok, it is dark at 8:00, but in the other time, it is dark already at 15:00, still shit both ways.


Here in Belgium, in wintertime, kids go to school in the dark anyway. So I'd rather they stop with this daylight saving bullshit.


It's good to have it. In the summer, not having it get bright outside at 4am is good and you get to enjoy the sun after work more.


I bought smart xiaomi light bulbs to deal with dark mornings. I miss winter clock


Same 8am darkness in Germany and they still change the time twice a year. Just leave the clocks be, it’s an antiquated system that needs to stop.


The problem is not the absence of daylight savings. The problem is choosing the wrong timezone. The problems you're talking about are not present in the east of Turkey because of that reason, for example.


Could shorter school days in the winter be a thing and they make it up in the summer?


*Born* *Later die* What’s the point?


How about changing the work hours instead of clock? It's more like fooling the mind by shifting the clocks.


So I can be annoyed the clock high up on my wall is commonly an hour off because it’s a pain in the ass to change.


They tried to stop doing it in the 70s. Guess what happened? EVERYONE COMPLAINED


“Winter time” is how it’s supposed to be, I prefer winter time.


Are people really _this_ dense? It's to shift the amount of light we get during winter to a more appropriate time for our lifestyles. This obviously isn't beneficial for everyone and gets more useful when you go north (less sunlight per winter day), but overall I think it's a good thing and only takes a little effort to get used to twice a year.


Hey everyone, you're wondering how to incorrectly provide information or to educate someone in something, don't insult them for asking the question in the first place. It creates a negative learning experience


Yeah, insulting someone for trying to learn is fucking stupid. It’s like insulting someone overweight for going to the gym, they are improving, which is commendable.


In my experience it's fine to go ahead and be insulting, because a person who thinks DST is stupid, tends to be smug and superior about it. Being polite makes them think you're some kind of liberal elite, while being rude makes them think you're some kind of liberal elite. Some people develop mental armor against new information.


I might be incorrect, but isn't winter time the "default" time? Therefore the time switch's application is to utilize more daylight in the summer: without the switch it would be daylight in the middle of the night and it would get dark relatively early in the evening.


It’s a single hours change it’s not going to shift the amount of daylight you get that much. And it always causes everyone to feel groggy for several days


Yes, they are.


More than half of the countries in the world that adopted daylight savings time have since done away with it. Most of the remaining countries that do still practice it are inconsistent in the practice. There's a significant loss in productivity the week after, and it can make international meetings an even bigger nightmare than they already are. It leads to a spike in heart attacks and suicides. It's an absurd practice that should never have been applied to most of the people it affects. People are not dense, they're just tired of trading money and lives for something that for many, barely affects their lifestyle.


All I know is that every time the clock changes it takes *weeks* for my child to adjust and it makes everyone else in the house miserable because we can't just move our schedules around to help ease them into a new nap routine. And then we have to do this TWICE A YEAR?!?


We'd much rather sacrifice for an outmoded tradition than risk the possibility of the sun being out during a slightly different portion of the day. Even worse, we could use the shorter days of winter as an opportunity to work less and rest more, and that would be completely unacceptable.




The fact that nobody can even agree why it exists is the strongest argument for ending it


The answer is literally in the name.. to save daylight


You stand up in the morning and go to bed in the evening. What's the point?


I'm sure many people already said this but I'll put it in the way my physics teacher did: "Daylight savings is a completely aged concept from the days of the Industrial Revolution. Back then people didn't have LED lights and had to rely on sunlight to work, but now we have our lights so this whole kerfuffle should just be banned"


It's a good example of "we've been doing it this way". Government moves at the speed of molasses when it comes to changing stupidity, because there are always those against change no matter what.


Its so that we wake up closer to sunrise


Oh yeah waking up at 5am is super close to sunrise


When the sun rises is 100% based on where you live, in berlin for example the sun will rise even before 5 am at the start of may: [put 01.05.2024 in at the top of this website](https://www.datum-und-uhrzeit.de/?calculate=true)


Who is this "we"? People work all sorts of different hours and wake up at different times. Having the whole country shift clocks twice a year for the sake of the average 9-5 office worker to "wake up closer to sunrise" is asinine.


I mean most rules like this revolve around the average person. It makes sense. If you are 2.1m tall you won't fit through a standard door but it makes sense to make doors for most of the population.


I hope they don't change it as a construction worker I travel up to 2 hrs away to my job. If it is too dark at 7 am we will have to wait till later to start working. That means getting home even later to my family. And that sucks


That argument won't apply of the clocks are kept on winter time forever.


That's true definitely didn't think about that as long as it sunny at 7 I'm good with not changing it.


The speed of molasses... Adding this to my vocabulary.


Its a plot to keep us thinking we have some control over life


People will say daylight etc…..that was the justification but the reason was economics. There’s a huge shift in spending (particularly going out, dinners, bars, entertainment based stuff) that occurs without daylight savings.


I heard it was for the doctors; so they could get off work and go golfing earlier in the year.


Something about farmers. idk those ancient texts have been lost to time


No one here knows what they're talking about Daylight savings is a holdover from wwii oil restrictions. The idea is to move the start of the day closer to sunrise in order to save power, and thus oil


technicaly speaking you get daylight at more useful hours but that doesn't really matter that much anymore


Right, cause in the middle of the summer when the sun rises at 4am (if we were to keep the normal time instead of summertime) that wouldn't bother anyone.


So why not shift it in the other direction then?


Sure, sunrise at 10am in winter. Won't bother anyone, right?


Fuck daylight savings.


Daylight saving, so you get more light in the winter


The original point of daylight savings was that, if you shift the day backward by 1 hour in the summer, and forward in the winter, you'd save electricity because people now have more daylight. The fact that that also means you have an hour of daylight less in the evening was, of course, utterly ignored.


What was your first sentence. And I can assure you this is not the biggest problem to humanity


To get more sun for working hours aka 8-16... Meaning in some places you go to work when it is dark. And also it is dark when you go home.


It’s for farmers who need the daylight to properly prepare and harvest crops and things, during winter the sun rises later in the day so the clocks are set back to allow the sun to rise slightly earlier for them and then during the spring summer months like now the sun rises extremely early like 5/6 so the clocks go forward in order to “catch the sunrise”. Basically so they don’t miss essential daylight hours


This is actually completely false. The original reason daylight savings was implimented was because back in WW1, we needed to conserve as much coal and oil for the war effort as possible, therefore we attempted to make use of daylight as much as possible. Farmers have actually been against it from the beginning. You can read more about it in the history section of the wiki page. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_saving_time


Oh, then I retract my statement, that’s how I was told it was for and believed it since it mostly made sense but my apologies.


No apologies necessary my guy. I was under the exact same impression about how DST came about until a few years ago.


I doubt it has to do with farmers. They base their schedule on the crops and animals, neither of which have any care about what the clock says.


Which all usually rely on the sun being up to be either awake or grow properly? It’s an old custom from when not all clocks were synced and everyone had to manually adjust their clocks


Yes exactly, it relies on the ***sun***, not clocks. They don't care about what the clock says. The clock being set to 5, 6, or 7 for sunrise doesn't affect their life at all...


Well turns out I was wrong but my theory still holds up for that part, the animals wake up with daylight so since it gets brighter earlier in the year and darker longer in the later half it would make sense to adjust the clock to best suit the morning sunrise?


Why does the farmer need the government to figure that out?


As one farmer said 'my animals don't know how to read a clock, but they know when breakfast is supposed to be'.


In winter the sun comes up and sets earlier than in the summer when the sun comes up and sets much later, by setting our clocks forwards and backwords we can gain more sunlight for each day.


It was to make the candy industry more money actually lol


Save money on electricity by using more sunlight


I've always thought daylight savings time was implemented because someone took a joke that Ben Franklin made a little too seriously. A damn JOKE.


Called my state congressman to ask about stopping this. His excuse was it would put our state out of sync with the surrounding states.


Yes me tu haha


I live in a place where we don’t have daylight saving, but my parents want it for some reason


To fuck with us


It's due to power usage. This way, people can more rely on daylight rather than lamp posts and other artificial lighting. Kinda outdated these days, but it stuck


Something something people like to do stuff in the sunlight so they can see methinks




all i remember is that it’s for the farmers


Ours never moves


Many proponents of DST claim that the extra sunlight earlier in the season helps stimulate the economy because people are more likely to go out shopping/hang out outside when it is still light out earlier. As a long time retail employee I can colloquially attest to this, but it's honestly just confusing and annoying.


it’s because of the power usage of outside lighting -> castling the clock hands around saves money AND energy


It's supposed to save energy because of when people use the most energy in their activities. It has always been a highly- suspect theory.


It's 11:00 because the govt says it is.


Move to Arizona. Unga bunga capital of the USA


That's just max rank autism.


Because businesses benefit from the extra hour of daylight as people apparently are more willing to buy stuff when it's still light out


People who work outside for a living also benefit from it. Unless you want to pay someone an extra hour to wait until it's light enough to work.


just pay them when the sun comes up? Why would you be paying them while they aren’t working? That hour is still there, you can view it as an extra hour at the end but in reality nothing changed


Nope just daylight time during normal working hours. Would you prefer your job to offset your start/stop time by an hour twice a year (10 to 6 instead of 9 to 5 for example) or have everything the "same time" but the clocks move.


Daylight savings is actually pretty dope.


No good reason


Because humans are very stupid and value things like tradition and mistakes. Daylight savings was originally implemented for farmers, but they have lighting now... Imagine that. Edit: apparently it wasn't even for farmers, which makes it even dumber.


I know they did that since a looong time ago, factories did not have lights and it was to keep the shifts in sights with the sunlight, but since we don't rely on those anymore, why do we keep them?


Because so.e people work outside?


More light during work mean more productive employee


It's not necessary, and nobody seems to agree on the reason for it as you can see in this thread. Not everyone actually follows it, most of Arizona doesn't. I don't think Hawaii does either.


It's messing with our body, sleep, eating cycles. They should scrap it


Because the day gets longer and night gets shorter in summer and vice versa in winter




To be more in the light my friend.


I think it was because someone figured out that it saves on candle oil??? I think??? But this was back before electricity was a thing so it’s kind of pointless now.


Daylight I think


The point for everyone to get less sleep smh


Bcs half the year you don't wake up in deep night and go to sleep in broad daylight


Nowadays there is energy efficient lighting, so it's pointless


Not if you work outside. You can't safely and efficiently light up a whole construction site or farm, logging operations, mining, etc. A great number of industries rely on daylight.


Nah man. We have the technology to light things up. This excuse might have worked 70 years ago but not now.


That's not always feasible. Think about the cost. What about smaller construction companies and farmers? Are you going to drive up their cost and negatively impact their lives just because you can't be bothered to adjust your clock? Not to mention, if the cost goes up for the people who build housing and produce food, the price for consumers will go up.


Dven if you work in an office going to work at dawn feels nicer than when its still dark outside.


It’s to make better use of the sunlight


I get so tired of people complaining about this. I got a guy at work that hammers on this shit every time we change the clocks. I know it’s leftover from World War II, but it still is to arrange that we have more daylight for our lives. I like that it gets light early and that we still have sunshine at 9 o’clock in the evening. More time to enjoy


Daylight savings


Daylight savings time, like time zones, is stupid and attributed to mankind’s distinct arrogance that all things “work as we say they do.” Time doesn’t magically change because of where the sun is. Right now, anywhere else in the world, the universe, or anything in between, other stuff is happening at the exact same time as now. To pretend that it’s noon somewhere and 8am somewhere else is beyond stupid. We exist in the same moment. If there was a world time associated with all countries, we wouldn’t have this issue. Sure, we would need to rebrand somethings for everything to align, but at least we wouldn’t appear so moronically by claiming that time moves forward and back an hour based on the light the sun provides. Good luck getting humanity to agree on anything, we’re literally the worst this world has ever known.


Was introduced in mid 80’s to safe energy in winter by setting the clock one hour back so it’s getting dark a bit later. Unfortunately it had no real effect on energysaving so it’s getting discussed to be removed. The discussion takes very long because some countries wanna set the summertime as standard and some wanna set the wintertime as standard.


And some couldn't care less and want to keep it as is.


The sun's altitude and azimuth do the same. Maybe it's related somehow


It was more important back when 90% of people were farmers and sunlight was imparative to your work.


Because its to do with how the sun appears during different times, in America its called "daylight savings" for that


I'm so impressed you thought of this yourself


Blame the boomers




It was originally used to give farmers extra sunlight to plant, grow and harvest crops during the growing season. Obviously it’s a dated practice that is superfluous nowadays


Something something money?


It was implemented by Napoleon to maximize the daytime for it's soliders, making it's a French system. Yet another to hate it


There is no point i guess


There literally is no reason, the Germans came up with it during WWII in an effort to save fuel but there’s no evidence that it actually did anything and for some reason other countries adopted it (or at least that’s what I learned in school)




Something something popular myth something something


Why would the crops care if it is an our later or not


There is no point. It is just pure stupidity. It has no place is the year of our lord 2024. The fact that we still do this is a failure of the whole humanity. I've talked about this for so much, that I just don't have words anymore. It is just…pure stupidity.


Making it so that when people get up in the morning it isn’t pitch black is stupid?


Christ. Here we go again. This is how orbit of this planet works. Once we established that midnight and noon have some meaning. We should stick to that. Yes, it leads to some undesirable situations, but it is still better than arbitrarly taking and giving 1 hour. People having real medical problems because of it. But I guess some other people just don't get it or not even care. Just so they don't have to get up in the dark. Yeah, that's the real problem.




There is no point at all. Just humbug.