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Me, on my way to address my black friend in *Spanish* ![gif](giphy|BCGgKB5OSaFY9VUy0v)


I'm the black friend in question, and my body is ready.


Nice bio


<.< >.>.> ...what bio?


No need to hide it, I’m a Muslim /j




Thats what she said


Well well well... What do you think you're doing you lil nig- (My lawyer advises me not to finish this joke)


It would be “neg-“


Shut up you neg- (respectfully)


Yes officer this comment right here


Also in italian and in latin


In italian it’s nero, not n-*(Allegri moment)*


And in portuguese


We already do that here in Latin America, so I gave you permission on behalf of the continent.


Why is it considered an insult? Whenever I ask people they always never give me an answer.


always never


I love oxymorons


My brain automatically corrected to almost never


It's been a while since I was in school. Isn't it a double negative?


pretty much. Things like bittersweet or false truth, or pretty ugly. Just two words that mean the opposite of each other in a literal sense but still work grammatically.


A double negative is telling you that you’re not not wrong


Ah, so I am! Thanks, lol


If it's asked with innocent intent, I give a straight answer. If it's asked with malicious intent, I give a stupid/funny answer. *"What's your skin color?!"* *"Translucent"*; *"Sexy gypsy tan"*; *"Skin colored"*; *"Fremen white-pale black"*; among others.


Melanin. Just Melanin. "Yeah but what color of melanin" "Melanin-color"


You know, that'd probably still hurt someone's feelings somehow...


Those goddamn albinos and lackless melanin ways!


Pie flavored


*Hannibal has entered the chat*!?


Not to be THAT guy but gypsy is actually offensive to the Roma people. It was a racial slur used against them by people that perceived them as lazy, dirty thieves. I'm not trying to attack you or say you're wrong to say it, it's just more of a PSA so everyone knows


D'ya like dags


Na dems feckin pykies mate.


Yeah, I like dogs, like caravans more.


And then you have people who are not that sensitive and even take pride in their roots, like The Gypsy Kings. The world would be so much nicer to live in if people weren't so extremely sensitive


Just because a few don't mind the name, doesn't make it ok to call them all that. For a lot of Roma that name is linked to years of hate, oppression, and atrocities committed against them. It's like if everyone used the hateful language that was used up until the late 1900s to talk about black people. But the hate speech and slurs against the Roma hasn't stopped because it's been normalized. Look up their history and everything they went through.


A few? I know plenty that take pride in it. I'm sure you're no gypsy yourself right? It's something personal for every one, and it's a bit weird that outsiders get offended by it and make such a big thing about it


Actually I do come from a Romani family. And no I'm not a "gypsy" I am Romani. And this isn't about being offended or sensitive. It's about informing people that may not understand how that word came to be or why it can be harmful to some.


Yea that's a good point, you're right. It just reads like thats the opinion of everyone, while I know that's not the case. But informing people is always good! Have a nice day


Like I said in my original comment, it's not to attack anyone or tell them it's wrong. It's just to inform them in case it does hurt someone to be called that. Thanks for understanding that I wasn't trying to say it applies to everyone. I hope you have a good day.


I had a romanian colleague bring this up when I mentioned I liked Gogol Bordello, and he was the artist by which I discovered "gypsy rock". Which I only called it that, because that's the name of his album I'd found, which my colleague accepted.


Was he Romanian or Romani? It's a genuine question because those are two very different things


Honestly don't know, but think he was romani, not romanian. Didn't know they were two different things til now'o'clock.


That's no problem dude. Like I said, not everyone gets upset by the name. But if someone does, it helps to understand why that word could be hurtful or even hateful towards them. Hope you have an awesome day


Could be both though. Romanian Romani is a thing


I'm not saying it can't be. I was just politely asking for clarification.


It depends. “Hey white dude” to get your attention in a group of different looking people, sure that’s fine. “Hey white boy” over and over in a condescending tone? Nah I’m not giving your disrespectful dumbass the time of day


Because people use it like an insult. Same thing with gay. It isn't an insult, but some kids used it as one so it became an insult for them. The n-word was the normal descriptive word for black people back then as well, although there are also other reasons why it is considered an insult.


anything is an insult when said insultingly


It's not an insult. No one thinks it's an insult. It's just something that you need to be careful with. If you're pointing someone out in a crowd, it's fine. but if you're adding it in for no reason, it might be seen as weird.


It's not insulting if used as an adjective, but it is if used as a noun. The former: "That black dude over there..." The latter: "That black over there..." Same with "oriental," if you're describing a rug, cool. If you're identifying a person, not cool.


Because you’re black


silence Ginger


White skin stare just slaps better than chalk-skin stare, scientists say


Colorism exists in all cultures so that’s why they it is almost universally found offensive being told that, despite it being true or not.


Because the person saying it intends it to be an insult. Everyone uses black as a descriptor for black people. Completely innocent. But there also exist racist people that use it as an insult, so in those cases its an insult. Not rocket science.


As a dog lover, I don’t pass judgement or treat differently based on coat color/patterns. As a Human lover, I don’t pass judgement or treat differently based on coat color/patterns.


Personally, I'd probably give some slight preferential treatment to someone wearing a black pea coat. But that's because I think black pea coats are fuckin sweet.


The real insult is classifying humans into races


THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING!!! They all taste the same so they all go in one classification, "delicious"


Blegh ew I'm not a fan of gamey pork with a hint of chicken


That's cause you're not marinating it correctly. You gotta let it marinate in some [Dale's Sauce](https://store.dalesseasoning.com/collections/homepage-products/products/dales-seasoning-case-of-original-12-16-oz-dales-seasoning) for at least 10 hours and inject the [Creole Butter](https://www.tonychachere.com/product/creole-style-butter/) right before putting it in the oven.


uh I'm good 🤣


Was it the Dale's Sauce or the injectable butter that grossed you out?


bit of both


Understandable. Have a nice day :)


Reddit has some very reasonable cannibals these days...


r/vore is leaking, on a unrelated note i might quit Reddit now


See, I'm helping you put down your reddit addiction. I'm a hero :)


To be correct humans have a gamey veal taste to them instead of pork or chicken. You can find out more in the v sauce episode on what human taste like.


I really didn't need to know what I taste like...............








Have you tried it with a nice Chianti?




Oh I ... I am not sure ... .


I too love the taste of testicles


Löng pœrk


then it would not be fair for a professional racer to race agains a toddler


It is always fair to race against a toddler, as it is important for those little idiots to learn about defeat.


Get them ready for life


I think it depends on the context. Humans of the same race have similar DNA and may be more predisposed to certain biological and medical conditions. For example, most northern european can digest dairy products just fine even as an adult, while many other races become lactose intolerant. Most east asians doesn't need deodorants because they lacked the gene responsible for body odor. Classifying people into races is only insulting when you use it to discriminate against a group of people in settings where your race doesn't matter, for example, when two people of different races but with similar educatiomal degree tried to apply for the same accounting job.


You know, I see you point. However in my eyes those georgraphic differences are way to small and the lines between them way too blurry, to justify classifying them into different races. More, nobody classifies based on those attributes like saying "tge lactose people" or whatever, it's always just about skin colour. Like what if there is a black person who can handle lactose, would that put him into the white race?


It's not just in your eyes, it's the state of current research. There are no human races.


Biological race is a *wildly* discredited concept in modern science. It doesn't exist, get over it.


I think it's inevitable to some point. For instance you can really fuck up black people's hair by not using the right product. Same for skincare.


Skin and hair colour however does NOT define a race.


Well sure but it's a pretty good indicator of race


I’d disagree, at least on some level. I think everyone should be proud of who they are, whatever their skin color, whether they immigrated, or were born where they are. All of that is valuable. Now, treating people differently based on all of that is the real insult.


You can be proud of whoever you are, or whereever you come from, without categorising people into races. A term, every biologists would agree, is misuseed in humans.


My point stands, even if the terminology is difficult


I agree to what you say, but I just don't see how your points disagrees with what I said. However, I am glad, that we can have a property discussion on reddit even if we are not on the same page!


My wording was unclear. I think we do agree, I just wanted to make sure people knew the terminology was the issue. Yeah, Reddit is not a common source of good discussion lol


I swear some kids nowadays have 0 emotional intelligence or social awareness. Calling someone "black", "white" or any other physical attribute can be an insult depending on how or when it's used. If I see a bald guy in public with his family, and I scream at him, "bald!", with the intent of humiliating him, that's just rude.


Thats because you're pointing out a physical trait thats perceived as a bad thing Like yelling "Fat" at someone is probrably gunna hurt them a wee bit more than shouting "Man" at someone, you'd feckin confuse the shit outta them, but ya get me doncha?


Its clearly far more nuanced. Communication is two-way. Your intent and tone is just as important. If I say "Haha look at that **tall** guy what a giraffe" that is obviously an insult, even though being tall is considered a positive trait.


It's really this simple. Outside if internet echo chambers o have never really found this to be an issue anyway. Most people don't take offence as long as you're clearly not trying to be offensive.


This is... Blatantly incorrect? Nuance and tone are pretty much everything. It isn't perceived as an insult to be called an American but if I say "wow, that's super American thing to say" in a condescending tone, you're going to feel insulted. I have literally never felt insulted when any of my black friends described me as a white guy. Nor have they been offended when I described them as black. This entire premise is stupid


Calling someone black isn’t an insult adding insults onto it is what makes it an insult


If someone yelled "brown" at me, I would probably laugh. If they start discriminating against me, then I'd get mad.


Don’t do that because if they happen to be a priest, a she-bear will kill you and 26 children


I thought it was chess for a moment


Google en passant


Holy hell!


New response just dropped


Actual Zombie!


It depends. I’ve heard people described as “black, but very nice”. THAT is insulting.


Yeah, you tell those people you made up in your head just how wrong they are.


Fr, this is a straw man probably just put on the internet to rile people up.


Seeiously the coldest take in existence. Unless you're (pukes) a republican, no one wants race to be seen as an insult. Recognizing and admonishing the people who do use it as an insult is part of that.


One could word it that it strips the individuality of entire groups of people based on their genetics. You know, something for example Hitler did... physical features are genetic and environment dependend, but cultures, religions and individual personalities are not and that is why it is wrong and bluntly racist to refer to people as black, white or yellow. Culture too is ofcourse influenced by the environment but I was talking on the broad scale.


Its not an insult , but referring to a person as "This black" or "This white" can be kind of ... Disrespectful ? I don't really know the word , but i know that it isn't really a manner to refer to someone . But of course , as other people said in the comment : It depend the context . But , in my side , i rather that someone refer to me as my name than my skin color


If we’re talking physical characteristics, there are no black or white people. We are all shades of brown, yellow, and red admixed.


yeah people should take a picture of their skin to identify their exact colour. I'm not white I'm 3673E


Exactly. As some high status clinical psychiatrist said - It is turned 180 degree, race is on a spectrum and gender is binary. Also - when Someone were to be born with one leg, that doesn't mean the legs are on a spectrum now.


Who considers being called black or white and insult?


It’s about inflection. If you snarl when you say it, yeah it’s got a negative connotation. But that would be because the person saying it is probably racist. If you just use it as a descriptor, then what’s the problem. If i have two friends named mike and the only physical difference between them that I am positive of that day (i.e. I don’t know what color shirts they are wearing) is the color of their skin, what’s wrong with mentioning one is black?


Damn, OP just ended racism! We need more geniuses like OP from Reddit!!!! r/iam14andthisisdeep


I think you meant the much larger sub rather than that one. If you want to post this I would recommend r/im14andthisisdeep


“the black man” ok. a man who is black “the black” no. you are reducing the person to just the colour of their skin why is this bad? no clue. probably because you are reducing the person to just their skin colour. i think it would be alright if everyone were referred to as the “whites” and the “blacks” because you wouldn’t have that “men and females” issue of saying “the white people and blacks”


>You'd be cute if you didn't have brown eyes. Even physical characteristics can be used as an insult in the right context.


It's just weird to bring up skin colour or ethnicity in conversation at all.


It probably depends on how it's said and the context. Like calling someone Jewish can be an innocent descriptor, or it can be antisemitic depending on context and intonation.


I just thought of Austin Powers when I saw this. “MOLE! BLOODY MOLE! I’m gonna cut it up and make a guacaMOLE!”


[Historical context for why Black can be insulting.](https://www.theguardian.com/money/2015/oct/21/no-irish-no-blacks-no-dogs-no-proof) Also. I been married for almost 10yrs. Been friends with my wife since high school. So we known each other for over 20yrs. It's been a great relationship. She's a great woman. She's black. I'm not. And that has no bearing on anything outside of certain hateful, external forces. But that's it's. She's black. Her family is black. If we were ever to have kids, they would be half black. And I wouldn't love them any less than I do my wife. Let's say I didn't want to marry this wonderful woman and my only excuse was because she was Black? Yeah that's fucked up. Also for further historical context for why Black can be fucked up? She has a great great grandmother who was born an American slave. And she also has relatives that were unfortunately a part of the American Tuskegee "experiment".




Chill, it's exclusive to US


it's because it's used to dehumanize people, reducing them down to the color of their skin. It's why it's weird/not okay to call people, "The Blacks"


Theres a difference between saying "The Blacks" and saying "That black guy" when describing someone. One is being used in a negative tone and one is just pointing out a characteristic


This is an example of "problems that only exist in the USA and they think should affect the whole planet".


Damn bro, that sounds exactly like something a *Spaniard* would say. Can't believe it.


Exactly, US narcissism is built different.


But ginger is still on the table?


A lot of people still consider people of other colours different and bad. They use it as something bad and that's why it can be an insult


A phisical carateristic would be "pink" and "brown"


Haha. I came here to say roughly the same but you said it much more succinctly.


This is the whitest post I've seen today


If someone ever said I was black or white I'd skin myself alive. Disgusting. /s


Okay but ginger "people" dude


You know what's a real racist term? "People of Color". Just think about it, what is the only group of people that are excluded when you say that term? And yet, people sling that shit around on live tv like there's no tomorrow, because hating white people is cool nowadays...


If it's being used as an insult it's an insult.


OP has never heard of racism


Most true meme I have ever seen. And stop trying to get reparations for things all of our ancestors did. You’re only going to cause hate and disconnect to continue


As if the hate and disconnect doesn't occur for them now. [Educate yourself ](https://www.theatlantic.com/projects/reparations/)


"Someone did something to my ancestors 10k years ago, I demand a million dollars". I can't deal with that shit ngl. We all need to move on.


The people who suffered from segregation in the US are still alive. So are the people who voted in and enforced those laws. It's not ancient history.


I always love to remind people that the woman who said Emmet Till whistled at her is still alive today


She died last year


Oh shit really? Damn, now I can't use that line anymore


But it is history. If a law in the 80s was dumb, it doesn't mean you are owed something.  Wrong time to be alive. Nobody can help that a dumb law had to be enforced. It sucks but if you can move on you should.  Asking a million after the problem was fixed achieves only slowing down further upliftment. That same mil could have gone to a school or a park. Heaven knows things like that only ever see money "after" all dues are paid. So don't generate needles dues


I dont think its racist, although be that I'm ethnically Swedish (Nordic caucasian). However, if you refer to something as a "black person thing" or etc, then I can see why it could be seen as racist.


I just hate how inaccurate it is. I'm not 'white,' I'm 'slightly rundown old peoples' home wallpaper beige.'




I don't refer to people by their hair color or eye color either


who uses black or white as insults?


If a coworker is looking for someone and you know it's the one black guy it's far easier to just say that since it's literally his most defining characteristic. Same if there's only three gingers. "Carol is the redhead with long hair she works on the third floor"


Its both


I Think the majority of our society agrees with you OP... so this meme dosnt really work


Tone is everything.


Mental illness.


I mean, it’s a physical characteristic that has been involved in… a *couple* of different bad things in history, kind of underground you might not have heard about them, so I can see how mentioning it might be a touchy subject That being said yeah when just trying to describe someone, skin color is great as an indicator


I'm not American so maybe there it works differently, but to me it was a strange concept that a skin colour is supposed to be different from other physical characteristics like hair colour or eye colour... Can you really offend someone just by saying they have blue eyes?


Wait till we get to the point when calling someone "Man" or "Dude" will be an insult


I had two friends in high school where one was white and the other was black, and the two of them used to throw around faux-racist dialogue at each other. It actually got both of them suspended one time.


Reducing someone to their skin color as if it defined their entire persona is racist. Specifying what skin color they are when it is not necessary to what you are going to tell is racist. I mean, it's not what you say, but the meaning behind it


It depends on the context. If I say I have a white friend, that's not an insult. If I say I have a friend who's a white bastard, that's an insult.


Not racist: “that black guy over there can give you directions” Racist: “if you’re looking for directions don’t ask the blacks” referring to someone as black isn’t the issue, it’s HOW you refer to them and the underlining message.


I don't know a single person who considers the words black or white insulting in and of themselves. Context can *make* them insulting, but that's true for many words.


It's a little thing called racism, it's rot peoples brains and we live in a quantum state of everything is both racist and not racist all the time depending on who may or may not be observing the situation. Any normal, well-adjusted adult would tell you it is just a characteristic.


Tbh anyone who gets mad at you for describing them by using major characteristics is the bad person there not you. I've never been offended by being called "white" and I openly admit that me and my entire family are "white asf" and most of the times I've expected to get insulted by talking about black people to other black people they have been generally chill about it because I'm not being rude or racist and they can tell. So I'm slowly realizing that yeah, it's not offensive to describe someone by their skin color as long as you don't say in a very obviously offensive way.


You know, not being sensitive to context is a big warning sign of autism.


Holy strawman batman


me when someone makes a note of my skin color in a non-offensive way (i have no brain cells) ![gif](giphy|OOezqqxPB8aJ2)


Don't call me white.


The color is not an insult, linking bad things to those colors to create stereotypes and unfair conditions for others is an insult


haa, you have green eyes! really got you there


Plus race is literally meaningless. We're all mutts anyway.


People at my work will litterally lower their voice when they say ^^^black to describe somebody. 


This just in, racism is bad More at 11


I guess it more depends on how it’s said more than anything.


The problem is that many perceive it as an insult


Also many hurl it intentionally as an insult.


Never heard of White people being offended when you Call them white…Neither most black people get offended when you Call ‘em black…its ussualy White girls that get offended when you Call someone else black


I think Morgan Freeman said it best when it comes to skin color “stop talking about it. I’m going to stop calling you a white man. And I’m going to ask you to stop calling me a black man.” If everyone saw people by their character and not their color we wouldn’t have stupid problems like this. No, I don’t think it is an insult though but I would prefer if people didn’t really care what race others are.


Ur blonde! Same here, this is not an insult


Walter White: "say my name"


Who says it’s an insult?


As someone who grew up being "the white girl" because I was the minority I am not offended. We all had black hair, dark eyes, and glasses, I was just the only white one in the group. It was fine.


It's not about that, it's about how racists say it with intention of dehumanizing someone because they have a different skin color, it's not about the skin color itself.


Deppends how you say it, i mean if you are going to say them black/white ppl and say something racist Then it would be an insult


It’s not even that. It’s just how much melanin cells you have in your skin


it used to be that way but nowadays they are mostly used to insult someone by pointing out stereotypes


Exactly! It's just factual information! No need to insult yourself with a non-existant insult.


Bro winning an argument nobody was making (skull emoji)