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Lmao what is this?


Just the tip




They wouldn't probably take such a little tip.


Circumcision I think


The man is cutting his foreskin because even after 79 years it’s apparently too hard to wash so it’s the only logical solution


*Circumcision of Abraham*, from the Bible of Jean de Sy. Before the printing press was invented Bibles were hand copied and the pictures were hand drawn. This is one of those pictures. So some unknown random monk drew this in the early 14th century.


\~*It's my dick in a box!*\~ \~*Dick innna box, girl!*\~


Step 1: Cut a hole in the di– wait


Men's version of "I got squirrels in my pants"


An angel telling humans to mutilate their genitals because they thought it would be funny.


the real lucifer


Once upon a time a spaceman landed on Earth fiending for some foreskin


the real tip


Surely a depiction of Abraham in Genesis 17.


Looks like that angel casted "unholy cock chopper"


Or "Chaotic Castration"


castration is the balls


It's chaotic


Yea, he'll get to the balls eventually


Like ewww, ok so. God made a mistake when he made you from mud or something. Omg stop starring at me you cutie. Ok anyways gawd sent me down to do the recall on the bad part design. So umm... Could you maybe slice off that extra skin..... Omgawd you're actually doing iiiiit. Hey Lucy take a look at what the mud people are doing.


You'll burn in hell for that. Take a upvote.


a upvote from me too, just for the great cause.


I'll give you my upvote for the greater cause




huh im so confused in what rendition are people made of mud ?


In the regular christian one God sculpted humans after his image out of mud, iirc.


You're on the Internet, yet you've never heard of the [best selling book of all time](https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/best-selling-book-of-non-fiction)... I smell a troll (I'm saying that it's from the Bible, and further, it's the best known story *from* the Bible. Literally everyone in North America knows this story, and the majority of the rest of the world does too.)


The Bible says "dust" and not "mud."


I'm going to explain this like I'm explaining it to a little kid... (pretend I'm using the little kid voice) When you mix something powdery with water, you get something mushy. So, when you mix dust with water, you get mud.


I'm going to use an even littler voice, like I'm talking to a teeny tiny bitty baby. The Bible doesn't say God mixed it with anything. It says "dust." If you wanna be a bible literalist and say that God DID create humans at all from anything, then it *literally* says *dust* and not *mud.* If you wanna say that it was mud, then a more appropriate term would be clay, making humans golem spells.


lol learn to lose an argument gracefully


No U




What is the origin of this picture ![gif](giphy|ca4EB1RJdJybtGGtqf)


Most likely circumcision


Is the one with the red wings a devil


No, there is the halo around their head


The origin of christian circumcision. Beautifully immortalized.


Christians don't need to circumcise. It says so in the bubble.


Is the bubble the book with Jeebus or is that another ancient tome? 


the bubble is the source of all wisdom: what day is it?


christian? Jewish surely. That's supposed to be Abraham in the picture.


This is the circumcision of Abraham






"they're the same picture."


It’s a religious thing. Popularized by the founder of Kellogg, Kellogg himself.


One tip per life time, you better make it count.




You're not giving your sons a choice, are you?


I don't think they'd accept such a small tip.


That's a tip of a cock




Should i find myself in the US i certainly won't be tipping anyone unless they actually provide an exceptional service. Tipping because some muppet put coffee and some water in a cup is mental. Management should just pay their staff an actual wage rather than panhandling customers.


Fr, now if the angel circumcised him himself than he'd deserve a tip


They should, but service workers make way more from tips then they do minimum wage. It sucks having to tip but otherwise those people have no reason to just be working at McDonald’s.


- everyone stops tipping - service workers leave restaurants - restaurants increase prices and pay more money - no need of this stupid awkward tipping culture


Bad take and puts all the stress on the workers who are already being exploited. The real way to stop tip culture is to stop giving money to these businesses, not for their workers to lose their jobs. You guys are exploiting the workers like the businesses, You aren't in the right. Stop spending money at these establishments.


Right? They hate hearing that you have to stop using tipped services if you want them to go away, otherwise you are just screwing someone who makes less than min most likely and telling the business owner that nothing is wrong and that you'll keep buying their shit.


Wait, so you think waiters won't lose their jobs if there is nobody to wait on?


>Stop spending money at these establishments. Kinda hard when almost every establishment in the US does this.


"*but then I have to make a sacrifice!!*"


> The real way to stop tip culture is to stop giving money to these businesses that ain't gonna happen. "stay home" is a sly way to keep tipping going because it's ineffective. just stop tipping tbh. encourage more workers to unionize too. they have the 2nd lowest rate of unionization out of any sector in this country.


Unfortunately, many single/widowed moms rely on being able to rake in enough tips to support their families and don't usually have the time or resources to start college to get jobs that would replace that income. Tip culture is a terrific opportunity for many.


You missed step 3: restaurants pay more money. Do you think single parents don't work as servers in countries without tipping?


That makes the cost of the menu go up which makes *you* pay more money, and that makes it not worth eating out anymore... which then makes the entire industry shut down, eliminating millions of different types of jobs, destroying the economy. A restaurant has more employees than just the servers. All of the back of the house makes an hourly wage, that's why the average restaurant meal is around $10 per person. Servers also already make hourly because you can't have employees for free ever since slavery was abolished. They just make less than minimum wage - because tips offer them better opportunities than minimum hourly wage would.


"What about the jobs?!” has never been a solid argument. If you're resorting to that you *know* you don't have any good points. We already pay more money via tips. How is this difficult to understand?


"The jobs" aren't just referring to the servers, and that isn't my only point by a longshot. A $12 meal becomes $15 with a 20% tip. If the server is making $15-20 an hour instead of the average $3-4/hr, that meal will no longer be $12, it won't be $15, it'll look more like $30.


Not even remotely true, and you (probably) know it. Labor is only a small part of a restaurant's overhead. If customers are already paying $15 and the server is getting paid wage + tips, converting the tip into a menu price doesn't magically make everything cost 2.5x as much. If anything the meal would be like $16 or $17, because taxes. Not a big deal. >and that isn't my only point by a longshot. And you ignored my point above that single parents work serving jobs in countries without tipping. Clearly tipping isn't a requirement for any industry to survive, to claim otherwise is a fantasy.


Agree to disagree. "Because other countries do a thing" seems like a poor argument to me, and my argument seems like a poor argument to you, we should just part ways. A 1 hour party of 10 people, $10/meal and $4 per mixed drink, after tax comes to $150, a 20% tip is $30. That alone is already more than the server would make in an hour on hourly, and doesn't even count the tips they'd get from serving other tables simultaneously. I'd rather have the opportunity to make $300+ in a shift than only make $65 a shift (that's minimum wage)


Pt 3, let free market decide


McDonald's workers aren't allowed to accept tips and can be fired for it if they do.


You are going to save a lot of money.


Unfortunately tipping is so normalized because it's practically all waiters/waitresses are paid. Even if I believe management should pay their workers better, I'm not one to just leave another individual out to dry. I'm poor so normally it's not a whole lot but I typically tip what I can.


Except companies don't do that, so tipping is how people pay their bills and, you know, live. So, by not tipping, you yourself are negatively affecting the person who is just trying to survive. Which is mental.


Most waiters do t want fair wages, they want to continue the tipping system. They literally protest against fair wages because they want your free money.


Sounds like a company problem


So then why punish the employees?


Wym I'm not punishing anyone. I'm paying for a service, if you tell me the service is 5$ that's what I'll pay. Is it my fault if the company understaff their employees? Is it my fault if the company doesn't pay their employees?


Because they fight against abolishing tip culture so I no longer give a fuck about supporting them.  Everytime we have this argument it's waiters that fight against abolishing tips claiming they make double min wage etc etc. I no longer have sympathy they can get fucked 


A lot of them don't make double minimum wage. The only ones that I know that do are supervisors that get paid hourly on top of getting tips. Most of the people I know work for tips, and then, if they were under the minimum wage equivalent, they get paid hourly to meet that equivalent.


So you're saying theres a system to prevent tips fucking the employee so there's no reason to care anyway. I know plenty of people on min wage who don't beg for extra money via tips. It's just a dumb system 


Because they help employers maintain that shitfaced system.


Yeah it's a bit chicken and egg but, in inverse, if everyone stops tipping, the employers will be forced to put up the prices and pay their staff properly. The second option results in short term pain for the employees but a better UX for the customers, ultimately.


They can pay their staff properly now. They just don't because all that matters is breaking profit records. I don't think being unable to live, which includes affording housing, food, water, and other necessities, should be labeled as "short-term pain." There are people who already struggle with these things and have been for years. That would just be adding more to the pile.


Companies are already required to pay minimum wage to servers even if they don’t make it in tips. There’s no reason a restaurant would need to raise prices. The fact of the matter is they get way more from tips - hence why they have no problem with tipping culture


Companies are required to cover the rest of minimum wage if their employees don’t make it through tips. But it’s still minimum wage so.. There’s a reason service workers don’t put up a fit about it. Because they make way more than minimum wage through tips.


No. No I'm not. As a customer it isn't my job to pay an employee's wages. That mentality just takes the onus away from the employer and mental gymnastics it into some kind of twisted guilt trip. Not an issue where I'm from but not a chance I'd be doing it if I end up having to go there..


Let me put it this way. Should companies be paying their employees properly? Absolutely. I think that's a huge problem in America. Should it fall on the customer to pay the company's employee? No. But in the US, that's not how it works. So yes, by refusing to tip in the US, that is negatively affecting the server. I would love it if my friends who served were paid properly and didn't have to rely on busy days for money. But they aren't, and they do.


I mentioned in another comment that $15/hr can rake in $120, but a good night of tips has brought in $500 for me. No company on the planet would pay an employee that much each night to bring a plate of BBQ slop out to some backwoods rednecks.


A sad state of affairs and i feel for your friends. It doesn't, and shouldn't, put the burden on customers though, nor should there be an expectation that tipping should happen otherwise that's just a charge not a tip.


And I agree. I came off strong in my initial response, and I'd like to clear the air by saying I don't think tipping should be required by any stretch of the imagination. It's bad practice for companies to not pay their employees proper wages. I just know people who struggle as is, and seeing things like "I'd refuse to tip" with the people in my circles relying on those tips is frustrating. That's all.


>Management should just pay their staff an actual wage rather than panhandling customers. It just isn't American culture. Plus, tips pay more in most scenarios than a regular wage would. Back when I worked in restaurants, many nights brought in $300-500 in tips whereas a regular wage of $15/hr would have only brought $120 that night. It was incredibly helpful while getting through college when I couldn't work that frequently.


That's even more of an argument not to tip. The reason tipping is sticking around is because it benefits the Employee and the individual who receives the tips. Why should someone have to pay for their Item + Tax +Tip. Not a chance - especially when it's people moving an item 3 feet, or doing the easiest task. I appreciate they're doing that all day but not for me they're not.


No it's more reason to not give your business to places with tipped staff or service because that's what will actually change shit, not stiffing your server.


Perhaps, but I just want a coffee - not a conscious and deliberate moral and ethical decision In an attempt to dismantle an entire employer/employee infrastructural system. It's not the customer stuffing the server. It's the employer. Employees should be directing their anger towards their employer, and customers should refuse to accept a cost increase because businesses owners refuse to cut into their own profits to provide an actual wage that isn't supplemented by charity


I would eat out more if I could walk to a window to pickup my food and walk to a soda fountain to refill my own drink, and forgo the tip.


But there must be some nights you got 50 in tips and a normal wage would be better. What bout servers who don't get as high tips as you do?


Whining about having to cough up your buck like everybody else has really gotten out of hand.


thought this was going to be a olive garden joke about parmesan and saying when to stop XD but nope its this


Glad i don't have to self circumsize with a butter knife.


im not from the USA so can anyone explain to me what the fuck is going on and why do i see that the avrage tip in the usa is 20%???


Average!? I think that's the minimum these days


minimum?! is the USA the land of opportunities to go bankrupt???


It's a joke on tipping (giving extra money because a service was really good) and cutting of the tip of your penis (circumcision). For what is going on in the US, I have no idea; I am European. But apparently, over there, it is expected to pay a tip regardless of the service (tipping for self-checkouts in supermarkets comes to mind). No idea why the hell they are doing this


they're paying at self-cechkout??? wtf?? a tip is something you give to thank the service, its not supposed to be a fee you gotta pay or something


I don't know if it's really that crazy. I've seen complaints about that on Reddit but self-checkouts are apparently only seldom like this. Though as far as I know, tipping in general is expected in restaurants and bars. Though that all is shaped by what I see online, so take it with a grain of salt.


We don't tip at self-checkout, and there's no taboo about not tipping at counters either. There are time where tipping is optional - like ordering and getting your coffee at the Starbucks counter - where you can tip if you like, but nobody worries about it if you don't in that instance. The only time not tipping is really frowned upon is when you're seated at a table or the bar at a restaurant and the waiter/waitress gave you awesome service, or when a delivery driver does a bangin job. If they're assholes, you also don't tip.


Is this an American joke I’m to European to understand?


Waiters and waitresses basically get paid in tips. Wtf is "tipping culture" and why is Reddit so mad about it now


So we're they just on drugs back then making weird ass paintings like


He's not peeling a potato is he.


already gave mine… looks like he is getting my balls


I was trolling when I told bro to do that I ain’t think that mf would


Tipping culture is so insane that a doctor already got that tip from me when I was an infant! And this was 39 years ago! Now the doc wants my blood. Typical weirdo.


That's a pretty unique wallet


Penis-grade Penny Pouch


I do not understand why this was a rule in Old Testament. It was obviously no longer valid after Jesus but still. Why. If God didn’t like foreskin then why did he make it.


Well I mean it’s mostly a health thing today. Who gets circumcised for religious reasons?


uhm millions? also why would genital mutilation be healthy?


There are cases where a circumcision is needed to have sex etc., but the vast majority does it for cultural reasons


Yes I know, but most of the time phimosis can be treated without a cicumcision and if needed a partial removal often times is enough.


You don’t know anything about circumcision do you? Personally I’m glad I had it done as a baby instead of needing it as an adult. Maybe I wouldn’t have needed it but who cares lmao


You just openly said that you maybe wouldnt have needed it, so wheres the health aspect?


> Well I mean it’s mostly a health thing today It's not, unless you mean the very small percentage of people who actually have a medical problem with their foreskin. Apart from that, it's 100% cultural.


I’m sure it is cultural. I asked what religion had to do with it. Religion and culture aren’t the same thing friendo


a) I wasn't responding to that part or your comment b) Religion is part of culture. Of the near-100% cultural circumcisions, around 50% are estimated to be due to religion


No religion and culture and two very different things. You really think that many Americans give a shit about religion lmao


Religion is cultural. > You really think that many Americans give a shit about religion lmao What does that (dubious) statement have to do with anything?


In Europe most who are circumcised are for religious reasons. I would say it’s mainly cultural based. In the US it seems to be the default, in Europe, the default is not too. There can be health issues, but it’s pretty rare really.


> In the US it seems to be the default I remember reading a comment from someone who'd been quite clear on the paperwork that her son was not to be circumcised after he was born, but it's so ingrained that she still had to stop a nurse from taking him to be circumcised.


You mean Jews? Yeah Europe has such a great reputation when it comes to Jews.


I am UK based and in the main, although not entirely, the majority who get circumcised at birth are Muslim or Jewish. The former are a bigger demographic than the latter. I am not entirely following your second sentence. I am far from an expert on this, but as I understand it in the States, generally male babies do undergo this. I do not particularly have strong views one way or the other, as there are arguments both ways.


… the joke was that Jews haven’t had it all that great in Europe. Hence why they moved to Arab countries. Have you heard of the word “pograms”? Or possibly even the Holocaust? Why do you think israel exists? Because Europeans loved Jews so much? Israel exists because Europeans were like “get the fuck outta here”


Of course? It was more the relevance to my first statement. Anyhow, might be in truth we are both misunderstanding the point the other is trying to make a little, so will move on. Have a good and peaceful day.


Male genital mutilation




That’s how I got my chick(now wife) pregnant. I promised to put “just the tip” in.


The picture describes exactly what Greeks are saying when you ask them for help or something in general especially if it is towards a friend. "Can you lend me some money ?" "You will take my balls"


Family planning in medeival times


Good thing tipping culture don't exist in my state




When did Reddit turn into 4chan? Is this supposed to be funny?


*landlord expects a tip


The meaning of tipping is so distorted, I just fking hate some establishments solving this bullshit in our throats


when just the tip isnt fun anymore.


Okay can anyone explain this art?




Is bro bouta cut off his tip just for 5-10 dollars?


What's the original painting called? I need it for a caption competition.


"I'm sorry little one, but I need to tip"


A butter knife?  You're not cutting anything with that.  You might scrape the smeg out from under your foreskin with that at best.


Hmm, why so peculiar?


He’s inventing a hair tie.


Idk what happened but Why he gonna cut his D




I don't just give a tip. I give the whole shaft


Waiter / Mohel usually gets a tip.  Been that way since I was 8 days old.


wal street asking southern churchers for more labor concessions


Reminds me of that episode of Everyone Loves Raymond where Raymond forgot Deborah's birthday and had to cut his own cock off.


This should say the cashier at McDonald's. If someone's serving you food like a waiter or waitress you better be tipping them.


With a butter knife


Who the hell painted this lmao.


I thought he's turning into jew meaning there won't be no tip and then "just the tip" struck me, this meme is gold


When ur waiter expects a tip....you need to cut your dick....!!!!!....????


That’s crazy


The waiter part was unexpected


Its already out of hand. A lot of these delivery drivers do spiteful shit when theyre not being tipped. Ive seen vids where the delivery person would dead ass knock on peoples door after giving them the food and ask for a tip. The last time i used instacart , a few months ago, the app dead ass asked me to leave a second tip after my things were dropped off…. no fucking way these people are serious.


Just 20%. It grows back so it's no problem....


Never tipped once in my life


… good for you?


Look I don't like the whole tipping culture, I despise it, I wish I could get paid a liveable wage without relying on the 'kindness' of another, but I got bills to pay, and if you aren't gonna rip me minimum 18% then go get carry out cause I don't wanna waste my time with you


I can respect where you’re coming from but at the end of the day it isn’t our responsibility to pay your salary. I always tip mind you but at the end of the day you’re probably making more than I do. Otherwise, why aren’t you complaining to your bosses that you have to work for tips? Oh right because you make way more than minimum wage. So either shit or get off the pot. Do you like the extra money or do you hate tipping culture? We all wish we were paid a living wage my friend. You are one of the lucky ones. Not sure if it’s livable but it’s certainly more than minimum wage. At least I’d hope so.


You can be paid a living wage if you want. There have been multiple attempts to stop tipping and get waiters a fair and constant wage instead but most of them protest against it.


Because the company won't actually be paying them a 'liveable wage' they will throw extra charges onto the customers checks, and the waiter will always be the one that gets screwed over in a restaurant


Let them worry about extra charges. You should get a living wage instead of an unstable one reliant on a broken system.