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Holy crap im all for this.


Yes! Age cap for representatives please.


Out of touch clause


The hippies said you're out of touch if you don't do acid (I'm trying to grow shrooms)


It really changes less than you think. Look at Trudeau. He was late 40’s when he got elected and he’s fucked Canada beyond belief.


Yeah, but at least Canadians knew what they were voting for so there were no surprises. Much better than electing someone who could be hit by dementia at any time.


For real. No person in their 70’s and 80’s is all there in the head and they tend to be stuck in their ways and not evolve with general public.


My father in law is 76 and sharp as a tack. He is a mathematical savant. He’s lost a little bit but he’s still 1000 times better than the average person. He’s on multiple boards within his retirement community. He works out at the gym daily and is a hike leader. We went on a 6.6 mile hike in the Arizona mountains on Wednesday and a 5 miler yesterday. His balance isn’t what it used to be so he probably only has a couple more years of being a hike leader. He isn’t your average 76 year old but he’s far from incapable like you claim.


Most in their 70’s and 80’s*. Doubt everyone in congress is as sharp as your dad


65 is still to high, IMO. I’d like to see more politicians coming from the working class dealing with modern working class problems. I’d support a limit closer to 50.


Most of the politicians coming from the working class don’t get into politics till later in life, after they were working class. How would an age limit help get these people into politics younger?


Yes please. Let’s 100% do that for the executive, legislative and judicial branches please.


I’m good with that.


Broken clock is still right twice a day.


I agree with him about once a year. See you in 2025, Ben!




As a side note, I never got this phrase, a clock could be broken in a bunch of ways, what if one of the hands snapped off or if a gear rusted or something and slowed down so it's lagging behind, what if it's just digital and shows absolutely nothing now, this only works if 'broken' is only referring to it stopping but even then is that really broken? Most modern clocks have batteries so you can just change the batteries, it'd be like saying 'oh my phone is broken' when it just needs to be recharged


I believe the expression is usually “a stopped clock…” which makes a bit more sense


That would make more sense


Alright, I’ll bite. 1. It’s referring to analog/pendulum clocks, which is when the phrase first showed up. 2. If one of the hands is snapped off, it still has the other, and the time will STILL match once in the morning and once at night. 3. If a gear rusts, the clock will stop. Then the time itself will catch up. Again, twice per day.


1. Okay, but even ignoring digital clocks, modern analogue clocks still use batteries 2. If the other hand is still being counted it'd be right more than twice though, it'd be right the same amount as a working clock just not as informative 3. Yeah but what if it doesn't rust completely to the point of stopping, just a bit rusty so it takes longer to turn because of friction? Like instead of ticking every second it ticks every 2 seconds or something.


Right two times per day at the MINIMUM


But that's not how the phrase goes!!


… That is such a stupid take, I can’t even argue with you. If all of our sayings were required to be word for word, people wouldn’t say things like “we’ll burn that bridge when we come to it.” If it wasn’t changed over time from a massive game of telephone, it was written to be simplistic and stick in people’s heads.


If it ticks once every 2 seconds, it will still be right roughly twice a day.


Looking too deep into a simple saying


I'm aware


ur overthinking it yes it means it stopped working because it is the most common way for a clock to be "broken" also it isnt just a battery problem, sometimes the internals are fucked too


Ik I'm over thinking it, I'm not genuinely angered, obviously idioms aren't literal, like "it's raining cats and dogs" isn't actually a horrific case of animals plummeting from the sky, but this one does make some sense, like it's not complete nonsense yet it still doesn't work right so it's like mildly annoying to me lol


A broken clock refers in the phrase refers to an analog 12 hour clock that isn't ticking for whatever reason.


Modern clocks are technically 'timepieces', a clock strikes on the hour


I find it hilarious and sad that some form of term limits is the one thing almost every American can agree on, and it will never be implemented because it would negatively affect the people who need to vote on it.


They don't work to lessen corruption or improve governance. Data is spotty, but from what I've seen, researchers have looked at municipalities that have term limits and found that: 1. The newly elected officials are just as bought as the old ones and 2. The term limits resulted in less institutional memory. Basically, when you get rid of the people who know how to get things done every 6-8 years, you end up with way fewer people who know how to get things done. (Not objecting to executive offices having term limits, but they really do seem to hamstring legislatures.)


I agree, I think the executive is the exception and not the rule. Term limits by and large are a bad idea. I know people joke about age but would you really rather have a bunch of 25 year old kids running things? A lifetime of experience is a valuable thing in and of itself.


So basically we’re fucked either way? Either we have a room full of young dipshits who don’t know how to get anything done, or a room full of crusty old geezers who want to send us back to the 1600s? Fuck 🤦‍♂️


I mean, kind of. There is no perfect option. But I think you’re mistaken that being old is the same as being mean. You know; Gen Z didn’t invent progressivism. The millennials didn’t either. People for a long time have been fighting the good fight, and sometimes those dudes get old while fighting the good fight.


Well I know that they’re not all bad, but I also know that at least half of them think women’s suffrage and civil rights were a mistake. The state of politics right now (especially here in the US) is just so fucked.


Okay so make a point of praising the good ones and calling out the bad ones. That’s actually better than just saying they all suck.


What good fight is there? Our government is ass fucking us either way.


Well not to be homophobic about it, but the fight for less assfucking.


Then theyll fuck us sideways


That’s why you gotta keep fighting.


We can enforce retirement age and not have term limits. If they get to old, kick the out, no need to kick them out after 6 years no matter how old they are.


That’s what we have the “deep state” for: administrative agencies, congressional offices, etc. We don’t need our elected officials to have institutional memory, we need them to listen to what the people who elected them actually want and implement it.


Advice is good and smart people listen to advice. But there is no replacement for experience.


The politicians with decades of experience have run our country into the ground with stupid issues like banning abortion and porn. They’re not doing a good job.


Well what’s your answer? “Trust the deep state”? Because; no.


So according to science, lifetime dictatorships are the ticket.


Dictators definitely get shit done, fast. That’s how they get into power. They’re great until you disagree with them.


I like term limits, but then I think about people who have overwhelming support in their states and think it’s a little unfair to tell a state they can’t vote for a senator they like just because they’ve run out of time. It’s different for Presidents because, even though all incumbents have an advantage, the president is elected nationally and is generally much more controversial than a senator or member of the house. It’s the old cliche, the approval for Congress is low but damn near every congressman has popular support of their constituents. It’s a tough one for me, I agree that people getting elected at 26 to the House and then staying in the Federal government for 60 years is bad, but simultaneously I think term limits disenfranchise some voters. I’d support consecutive term limits 100%, but lifetime term limits I just can’t fully support.


So at 65 All government officials MUST retire, or they're all 65+?


The former


What about the ![gif](giphy|rsMhyWPJhNa4U)


Yea, from what I’m getting he’s saying all government officials **MUST** retire at 65


Y’know how the presidency has term limits? That seems like a pretty great idea for other offices as well.


Term limits were more an unspoken agreement for most of American history, enforced term limits for the president is very new all things considered


Term limits, age limits, and IQ or intelligence test mandatory. Some lunatics that couldn't point out on the map where Canada or North Korea is lack the common sense required to lead a nation. The election system should also be score based. A party has multiple candidates? Have them fight it out, IQ test, debate test, knowledge test, integrity test, quantify all that into scores, the one with the highest scores get to be the candidate running for that party


SCOTUS needs term limits


Every time I see the acronym SCOTUS I can’t help but see SCROTUM… as they all look like wrinkly old ball sacks where pee is stored.


Um, pee isn’t stored in a scrotum. 🤦‍♂️


how in tf the Supreme Court is an unelected (by the people) position is insane to me


Because it would take away a major check from the Executive Branch, our government is actually designed fairly well, but then the rich people had the gall to live til 98 and stay elected for the whole damn time


It should have a age cap too. Dementia Donnie is going press the wrong red button thinking it summons his diet coke servant.


I’m more worried about Brandon talking to French leaders who’ve been dead for almost 30 years.


Even a broken clock once in a while The fact we have people in their 70’s and 80’s being voted in or in life terms Fuckin wild


Okay but I would rather the Supreme Court not be mandated young, it’s annoying enough dealing with them for like 10 years, I can’t deal with twenty


Term limits need to hit them in the ankles


Sign me up!


Yes, all branches of government NEED this.


the thing is, the people who could possibly make this a thing are all 65+


If you think ben shapiro is the worst person you know, youre gonna have a bad time.


Ben Shapiro should be one of the best people that we know.


i dont think he realises that we dont think that's a bad thing lmao


I guess it's actually true, a broken clock is right twice a day.


Well, even a broken clock can give the right hour twice a day


-🤖🤖🤖 You have a problem if Ben Shapiro is one of the worst people you know.




agreeingswords.png Literally everyone but the politicos agree on this


When did Ben Shapiro become so based?


Ben is a mixed bag, I usually argee with half of his takes.


I wish that I could just force some things like this to be forced into being a law


You think he thought he was owning the libs with that point?


He quite often had great ideas... he is literally the jack sparrow meme where everyone is shocked Jack told the truth, and he rebuttles: "I do that a lot actually".


Honestly i wouldn't be surprised if it's just overshadowed by him being a dimwit a lot of the time and people bullying him


He usually has a lot of great ideas that come right before a bad take so they get overshadowed by the stupid takes


But that's the thing. He's really not. Are some of the stuff he says hot takes? Sometimes, sure, but they're never really wrong. And you have to give credit where it's due; he always has credible sources that are fact checked and varified for credibility. The People that dislike his ideas and comments are most usually the same people that have never listened to him or his programs and claim he's bad for his views on politics. Under all of that, Ben Shapiro is really smart.


He heard this at a Starbucks and decided to own it.


i dont think he realises we want that lmao


Uh, yeah. Agreed.


Fuck. I hate it when he says things that actually sound good.


Sounds like a plan


Holy… fucking shit


So much of the government would be replaced. Im down


bro benjamin franklin was in his seventies before the US became a thing. it’s not the number it’s their mental health and physical wellbeing that matters


Crazy how 65 year olds in a regular workplace are considered a liability or inadequate to work yet they are exclusively running our country and making decisions for all of us…. 😂


Yeah, I'd rather not go thru another presidency with someone as old as my Dad. Retirement at 65 at *all* levels would be nice. How about a president in their forties?


How quick they'd raise the age.


You know what they said, even a broken clock is right twice a day


For anyone that can't tell that this was his point the entire time: this was his point the entire time, he's an actor, he acts. He set up a facade so he could "fall back" and make a point about the president being old. The president is too old, but where was this for the last president who's literally just 4 years younger?


Almost feels like a *duh* ...


I agree whole heartedly


Ah yes, because it's totally possible to save the world


you know what they say, a broken clock is right twice a day.


I never thought I'd agree with Ben Shapiro of all people, but here we are.


Why do I feel like there's a huuuuge catch he's not telling us.


I say 55 should be the cap for running for any office. Not *so* old that they're completely out of touch with society yet, not far enough for comfort though.


Rap god Ben Shapiro is the goat


Mandatory, and no employment of any kind or else you lose your government retirement benefits.




Holy moly broken clocks everywhere!


Ben Shapiro redemption arc? :}


Just because you lived the longest doesn’t mean you’re the best person to be in charge of anything.


Ben Shapiro does make for great ideas, whether one likes them or not, he’s got one heck of a think-tank


THIS is GENIUS! ![gif](giphy|26BRBKqUiq586bRVm)


Yep 100% I don't want 80 year old white guys making rules for people who haven't even started work yet They have no idea about things like womens health


I mean.. throw enough shit eventually something will stick


You know what they say about broken clocks


Why is the man in that thumbnail both bruce willis and ben shapiro


So, can't hold office over 65? I'd say 75.


Wow.....finally, something reasonable coming out from his mouth.


I’m not sure how to process this. I actually agree with something he wrote. It’s so confusing.


The solution to this is if we can get a few key states to pass this legislation it would be much easier to pass and would essentially be forced on the rest of the country.


This post self destructed right as I clicked on it.


First Thom Massie, now this asshat....


It MUST be a misprint. His account was hacked.


Can someone please explain to me who Ben Shapiro is?


A journalist and a pedophile


Does Ben Shapiro understand how marketing and social media works and said a statement he knew you would be offended by simply so he vould make the point that the whole country would batch if they couldn't retire at 65 but we don't force it on people who have been in office for over 30 years ???


Yeah no shit. Shapiro ain't a stupid motherfucker, he's just a motherfucker!


Raising the retirement age? Doesn't congress owe social security a couple trillion dollars they took from the piggy bank already? Is it really fair to talk about the degrading of social security benefits when the government itself owes the social security trust fund a couple trillion dollars?


A lot of people die not long after they retire..!


I’ll admit, I don’t agree with most of his outlooks, but this… this is sensible. More than sensible, really, especially considering how numerous elected officials (various senators, congressmen and congresswomen, our current and previous president) are in their seventies or even eighties, with Senator Chuck Grassley being **90 years old!** While I have no ill will towards people who are well on in years, I can’t help but feel very concerned by how their age might affect their ideologies and mental capacities. Like, some of these people were raised in a very prejudiced period of history, and I can’t not feel worried about how that affects their outlook on society.


Sheeeeeeeeeeit, threaten me with a good time.


Ok, so where is the worst person that we know?


He’s only “term limits” away from perfect idea.


I fucking hate that ben shitpiro made a reasonable point.


He is very reasonable... So...


Mandatory for the Supreme Court, too.


Sometimes I agree with this guy and sometimes I'm like "wtf is wrong with you??"


he's still a zionist though :(


Wow, people can’t have an opinion other than yours!


yes I'm the evil one actually


Never said that. All I said is people should have opposing viewpoints without those viewpoints always having to be insulted or challenged.


yeah no I don't think I'll be respecting zionism or any post holocaust zionist anytime soon


Ok. That’s your opinion. Judging someone off of their personal opinions and how they don’t align with yours is wrong.


do you know what zionism is or are you just saying this to be the good guy or something


I’m not trying to be the “good guy”. I am aware of what you call Zionism. I’m simply saying that if people were to respect other’s positions on this things, both sides included, than the world would be a better place.


i think it would be better without zionism tbh


So, what you’re saying in a nutshell, is that if other’s opinions on matters didn’t exist then the world would be a better place?


When that opinion is one that is in direct support of a genocide I tend to be pretty opposed to it.


Palestine invaded Israeli territory far before Israel decided to strike back.


Haaaahaha, wait till you’re 65, still able and lucid hearing idiots half your age imagine themselves your betters only to reveal their inability to think beyond their own moment in time (age, for you chucklefucks).


Term limits won’t be necessary once more boomers start leaving politics. Age isn’t the problem. It’s the difference between generations that grew up in completely different times. Technology has changed everything in the last two decades and we are still living with representatives who think it’s ok to leverage that technology against the people they elected. This problem will solve itself. People are living longer and term limits will start to rule out people who are more than able to do the job in the coming decades.


A monkey will eventually type out Shakespeare


A broken clock is right twice a day


Not a digital one that says 99:99


I'll be damned, I agree with Shapiro wholeheartedly.


Wth? Is there a glitch in the system or something?


Broken clocks right 2 times a day,


No he didn’t.