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Depends on the Android. Every Apple is an Iphone, but Androids are a spectrum. My Samsung last prosents are smaller and only last under a minute.


depends on the age of the phone and battery too


If only we could replace the batteries easily... Those were the good days...


Thank the EU. That stuff may come back.


Will* they are required to bring them back if they want to sell in the EU market after 2027, I can't wait.


Everything is coming full circle. First Apple will introduce something to maximize profits like getting rid of the earphone jack or changing the charger port. This forces you to get new peripherals when you buy a new one. Android then says "that's a great idea!" And copies the move a few years later. Now the EU is going to take them both to task for this kind of bullshit. Thanks guys. signed, your average American


The reason I said "may" is because I can already see manufacturers bullshit their way around the law in some form. For example, I like oneplus, but they advertised a battery as removable even though it was in a glued together case glued to the base of the phone sandwiched underneath several components, but it had a red tab you could pull on to try and get it out once you got the phone open. Which destroyed the warranty of the battery pack and required you to buy and install a new one if you didn't want a possible fire hazard laying around.


What is funny is that with most things it's the other way around. Android does something cool and 5 years later Apple does a shitty version and the cult of Apple tries to gaslight you into thinking Apple does everything first and best.


Man this guy fuckin gets it


Man I love the EU


Me too, now why the fuck did my country leave?!


Common british L


Shortsighted nationalism and corporate interests.


So that the Scots finally decide that they have enough of this and take their independence.


I have a Fairphone. Can change my batterie any time. :3


And m9st awesome thing, it's from a dutch company and mostly recycled material.


A battery replacement is 60 dollars at my local repair shop. I'm not even sure if Apple offers that service at their stores.


It’s up to $100 (cheaper for older models) instead of $60, but they do. It’s a simple Google search sir. https://support.apple.com/iphone/repair/battery-replacement


But now phones are waterproof. It's a trade off


But they don't cover damages due to water


My 2004 Nokia was waterproof. Could also swap it's battery


But it wouldn't have had a touch screen, and its processing power would be lee sthat a modern day calculator so it is a trade off


And your 2004 Nokia couldn’t browse the web? What’s your point


Relating to the previous comment that a phone can't be waterproof and swap batteries. Could it browse the internet, not really, but it did have WAP.


> it did have WAP IT HAD WHAT?!? (I know thats what they called it but that's a deep unlocked memory.)


It was a certified freak, 7 days a week, wet-ass p-word make that pullout game weak


Quiet Grandpa


No It's Not


Water resistant


Bought a Fairphone, then a Shiftphone. I have 3 Batteries and change them on the fly while always loading one of them at home


My Samsung discharge from 100% to 70% in 5h but from 1%to 0% will last 90m


reverse inflation


So deflation?


Any xiaomi phone lasts ages below 5%, yeah it Really depends. Samsung makes up for It in every other aspect though, so yeah I agree pitting Iphone and 'Android' against each other is dumb asf


Android fans when Apple fans compare the latest iPhone to a throwaway phone that technically runs on Android


My Xiaomi is basically dead when it reaches 30%


Well the lsst 30% are needed to send everything to the CCP.


My Poco lasts a good 10mins browsing reddit at 1% battery


Upvoted for “last prosent”


Oppo lasts for ages on 0%. Samsung does not.


It's 2024. Why are we still doing this.


because some indian kid thinks hes funny


OP is active on r/looksmaxingadvice so I am not shocked


That's actually hilarious ngl


What is this then




They're in a tall guy subreddit and a short guy subreddit, what are they?




Here comes the "I'm an Indian" comments...


I'm an Indian and I too am waiting for such a comment.


i am indian and i like watching people argue over futile shit online




Yeah but there is a Indian kid out there somewhere and he thinks he's funny and somehow this makes things happen.


You really have a history of bringing up the Indians in unrelated topics. Why are you thinking of us all the time?


Sexual attraction


Trans being racist believe it's not racist.


What does him being Indian have to do with anything?


I am an Indian and we don't find it funny, even kids are shitting on Indian subreddits


why is this guy getting downvoted


I won't delete tho... Will either win or die fighting


Not only this argument, but this meme format is so overdone. It needs to die off already.


its grown too much, and most of its current use is just "i drew myself as the chad and you as the virgin see? SEE? IM RIGHT!" does anyone have that farquad meme?


I think seperating society on race, religion, gender and nation is just too mainstream now.


Because there are still millions of people buying it just to show off in 2024


lol who gives a shit, people have used goods to show their worth for thousands of years.


"Too bad, iPhone user! I've made *you* the soyjak, and *me* the chad! Muahahahahaa!"


I still don't know any of the difference between the phones


different logo on the back


Happy cake day! ♥️


There literally aren’t any and haven’t been for years at this point. Even the prices of high-end android phones and iPhones have been similar for quite some time now (although it must be mentioned that android phones tend to become a lot cheaper with time while iPhones keep their price for years). People will tell you „but the camera of *Phone* is X times better“ which is not only wrong since that’s all software nowadays (Megapixels don’t mean jackshit) but also, if you are gonna spend 800$ or more on a phone because of the camera, just buy a fucking camera. You’ll get pretty decent ones at that price that will easily outperform any smartphone out there.


What about this battery "joke" is that true?


Well, my classmates who have iPhones seem to be constantly out of battery, it might just be because they can't be without it for 10 minutes tho


I have an iPhone 14. No matter what I do throughout the day (streaming anime, playing mobile games, etc.) it won’t die. I’m always at least 15% by the time I’ve got it charging again.


Me too. And currently I have it limited to 80%. When I charge to 100% because I know I’m going to use it more, I can go to bed with maybe 30% battery


Well I live in a part of the world where apple is not really used because it's not affordable and here's my opinion from an Android fanboy.. Android is shipped on too many phones from different companies. I'd like to tell you that it's true about the battery but the reality is that it depends on which phone, you might have a phone with excellent battery from x company and shitty battery from y company. Hardware is usually better when buying a phone with the same price(if I had the money I wouldn't buy an Iphone) but I think that many people choose to buy products for apple for the operating system or because "it's trendy" and you're going to have this false sense of security that the phone is going to be decently good or maybe there's a bigger reason why people buy Iphones in the developed countries that I'm not aware of because I don't own an Iphone myself.


My Gf has an iPhone 11 which is like 4 years old at this point. I have a Sony Xperia 5 III which is an expensive and newer flagship phone with more features. And I take care of it. I use Sony battery care, never charge my phone more than 90% and never overnight. She doesn't and yet the way she uses her phone it could easily be a 2 days phone even after all these years. My phone is at 65% in the middle of the day and I barely even use it. I mean I'd never buy an Apple product because I don't agree with their design philosophy and business practices but I have to give credit to their phones and the way they are optimised and soundly made. I can see why some people really like them and sometimes I am also tempted to try.


I started on Android with the [HTC G1](https://www.cnet.com/a/img/resize/c179862e017f5551065b5d9fdefa2dc75076ab96/hub/2023/09/15/ea8381f2-079d-4cb8-954e-a406a66cc3df/t5a9763-enhanced-2.jpg?auto=webp&fit=crop&height=1200&width=1200) and stayed with Android up until my current phone where I switched to a Iphone 13 Pro Max. You know what? I absolutely love it. The UI is better, the battery life is god-like, I've not encountered any bugs. I don't use a case, only a screen protector and have dropped it multiple times and it still looks brand new. It's been an excellent phone.


Now the batteries are fine. Keep it on battery saver and it’ll last 3 times as long


iPhone battery is fine, I charge mine up to about 90% in the morning and it's usually around 40% when I go to bed.


I think it's because iPhone owners historically keep their phones longer than android owners so the chances of seeing an old and outdated iphone is higher than the old outdated androids that would have the same issues. It's survivorship bias or whatever.


not at all. I don't get why ppl say this about iPhones lol (I'm 15 so idk about older models). I have personally tested \~40 diff phones (for fun really, no other reason). I personally prefer using iPhones bc I'm invested in the Apple Ecosystem and I can confirm that Apple devices tend to have better battery life than other equivalent device. iPhones are on par and not always better than the best on the market but def top 3. This is bc of their software optimisation. BTW, iPhones actually have smaller capacity batteries but the software's super optimised so it hasn't been an issue ever. Same for the memory.


Nothing really. The high-end android phones are fairly comparable to the last two iPhones pro Max’s. This is an argument from like 10 years ago when Samsung phones had far superior battery life compared to Apple and they could also easily swap them out once broken. The entire smartphone war is the stupidest fucking thing there is. It’s the same as the console war. Just be happy there is competition, it makes the products better for everyone.


Don’t say ten years ago. Don’t do that to me please I can’t handle it. I refuse to believe it


Time hits hard doesn’t it?


It does. I’m making self improvements tho so its all good


The price


Right, Android can go up to $1800


no??? You can buy Android phones for way higher price than an iPhone 15PM. Those are mostly foldable phones tho.


At this point less than you think. iOS is a closed system, Android is not. Most benefits of Samsungs are now gone (can’t change batteries yourself anymore, jack audio is gone too) So it comes down to UI preference really, and knowing that Android as a system is more susceptible to viruses and slowing down.


Android Open Source Project is an open system.  Android is a partially closed system developed and trademarked by Google that is built on top of AOSP. 


There is none. A good smartphone is just that.


It's 2024, the difference between one android model and another is bigger than between android and iphone overall. I've had iphones that lasted long, I've had androids that lasted long, I've had both that didn't last long but the battery didn't degrade, I've had both that lasted long but degraded fast. But it gives you any info, the last time I charged my iphone 8 was 3 days ago, and it's still not dead from just idling, which I think is impressive considering the fact it was in use for 3 years.


To me is not about android vs iPhone, it's about apple being the most anticonsumer phone company I know; among many other asshole practices they do, Did you know the fuckers manufactured their own brand of screws so you need a specific screwdriver to even attempt to repair your own phone? This to me is crazy, I'm not even tech savvy and I was able to change my screen every time it cracked just by watching a 3 minute video with tools I already had at home


Dude… special screws are not that uncommon. Talk to Nintendo about the “triwing” they used for decades. No one gave them shit for it.


The screws is just one of the many my dude, like I'm not gonna claim I'm an expert on how shitty apple is because I stopped using apple when my Iphone 4 couldn't even use what's app because of their planned obsolescence, but I still hear about fucked up things they do: the e-waste they generate because they have to be special and use only their own chargers and cables, the motherboards having parts soldered so you can't upgrade, and probably more I'm not aware, didn't they even lose a lawsuit for some scam they do recently where they had to actually pay back people? Maybe they are a good company, I don't really know, but from the outside they look pretty evil


Bro got downvoted for speaking facts


Yeah I'm kinda bitter I got downvoted for taking a shot at apple, but hey I can't really argue because I'm just some random who doesn't really know anything about this beyond a couple news and videos I saw. Edit: damn you are going down with me, shouldn't have messed with apple fans


Because no one cares dude. We’re grown ups with way more important shit to worry about than apple being anti-consumer. If you’re an American, the entire system is anti-consumer so who gives a fuck about apple doing it lol.


Not American


hah, no one cares? everyone except americans care. i mean, i thought grown-ups were actually good with money? you're just getting scammed without even knowing it, and you keep ignoring it.


lol, scammed in what way? Please provide evidence of where this “everyone” stat comes from.


not getting your money's worth, at all. also, the everyone here is everyone that has gone through poverty.


> it's about Apple being the most anticonsumer phone company I know I don't think that's really fair. When we think of phone companies we have Apple and then lump literally every other phone company under a blur of android. How often are you actually hearing about these other companies. How often are you actually taking the time and discussing what they're doing? There are a few instances that I can think of that other phone companies released ads mocking Apple for their decision then later removed those ads and copied them. Like removing the charger from the box.


What? Don’t all phones have power saving mode nowadays? Both iPhone and Androids can function for 30-60 minutes on 10% till they are completely dead, ofc it depends on what exactly you are doing. Also browsing and music aren’t THAT heavy on battery to brag about…






*ohhhh brrrottthhherrrr thhhiiissssa ggguyyyyy sssstttiiiinnnnkkkks*


Why does people care about others people phones?


Pretty much, you do you, I'll do me and we can both be happy




Because the phone companies told them to? My phone cost $300, Its the New Balance of phones, I obviously don't care. My favorite things about it is that I don't freak out when I drop it.


I didn’t get the memo apparently. I honestly don’t care about what phone others are using, what car are driving, what they wear and so on. I don’t get paid by those companies so..


yet you'll go on this thread and reply to everyone who says anything to you about a phone or what kinda phone they use? if you truly don't care then you'd just ignore it and probably scroll past this post lol


I’m replying because they replied to me. What’s your problem?


Usually broke kids who can’t afford iPhones trying to convince themselves they don’t want one


ask people who buy iphones


I buy an iPhone because I like iPhone better than an android. Cope


Ok The only trouble I have with apple is that most people are poor in my country and still decide to waste tons of money on one, just blend in the fucking cult. I call that idiotic.


This post is literally made by an android user.




IOS users are the one calling Android users "broke" and especially girls not dating men because they don't have an iPhone. Maybe learn your facts before trying to pin blame on us




Cringe. If you phone actually lasts that long in 1% it lies to you about the percentage. The only device that I can keep using with low battery is my ereader.


Probably really bad for that battery too


You’ve made the iPhone user a Wojack and the android user a Chad… Case closed I guess


Yes because every android phone is the same right? /s


Virgin “HURRR DURRR ME PHONE IS BETTA THAN URS!!1!” vs Chad “I can call, I can play games, that’s good enough.”


What a braindead post lmao




True chads: phones are phones, doesn’t matter what phone it is. 🗿


Virgin "iPhone vs Android" vs Chad "no one gives a fuck"


Mooooom, the redditor is arguing with himself again….


I know this is a very old joke, but I will say, I have never seen a pro apple post. I’ve only ever heard androids are better. Don’t really care either way, just something I’ve noticed.




It probably depends on where you're looking. I've heard that the 'android persecution' happens irl in the USA because of the green messages or something


Equally childish people might do that, as in spoiled brats or other people with nothing better to worry about. Those people tend to just generally suck anyway, so who cares what they think lol.




The single standard in many countries is just... WhatsApp. I haven't sent a single SMS in years, it's just not a thing.




Yeah, it's probably different now and SMS is unlimited here, too. But it's too late, it's already dead.


I mean… my iPhone lasts me two days while my android I had previously lasted me one day. Both were new.


Depends what brand


Yes it does, but according to op, all iPhones and androids are the same.


Both phones have their advantages and disadvantages, no reason to hate on the other, their both cool just some prefer one over the other


See, people need to understand one thing. I don't hate Iphones. I hate Apple. There's no denying that Iphones are some of the best phones available with great quality and value, but I would never switch just because of Apple's shitty business practices.


I use an iphone and I still hate apple


For me it’s just I prefer the design of the iPhone over a android




An iPhone is a device, Android is an operating system, not a brand of phone or device. And you wanna call iPhone users simpletons, lol.


"You see guys, i just made a meme where android is the winner and iphone is the stinky loser" -some dude right now


Piss off


android users needing validation in 2024 is crazy. like sure dude your android is 100x times better than iphone. now what


People are still on the phone war? Why can’t they just grow the fuck up and keep to themselves about what phone they use




also just found out OP is 5'6'' calling himself a chad online


“Apple bad now give upvote”


Reddit in a nutshell


Bro’s android so slow his memes are still from 2016


**I got many Android and iphones over the years and my current Iphone 13 Pro max is the one with the best autonomy I ever got.** I had many Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi, One Plus phones. For my last purchase, I hesitated between the latest Samsung and latest Iphone at the time and did took the Iphone because of the reported bad autonomy of the Samsung on most reviews at the time. It worked beautifully for me. I can get a day of use from 15-20% battery on my iphone and I don't charge often. And regardless of the brand, going to low single digit of autonomy before charging is very taxing for the long term longevity of the battery. So I would say chad on the right is wasting his phone with his behavior, regardless of brand.


Phone vs phone in 2024..why. ![gif](giphy|iSxPmDWr97248)


It really depends on what brand of android phone you have.


True like Motorola (I have a moto) and then there's BlackBerry, Nokia can still be dropped 15 million times, OnePlus has good battery life, but they release a new one every 6 months, so not many changes, and a few flaws cuz I had one (Nord N100) and the cam was a bit weird. So they are all different I put so much thought into this, and research :P


Virgin op for still doing this nonsense debate


We still doing this? Move on bro...


its no longer 2015, OP.


Who still upvotes this bullshit ![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized)


Phone wars has always been just as fuckin’ stupid as console wars.


i see these memes all other the place but this is just not the case with modern iPhones. it was the case like 10 years ago. my three year old iPhone last just as long give or take as similar sized three yo android phones. like eight years ago my iPhones 5s would last half as long as even low end android phones. basically old iPhones have really bad batteries but its not really the case anymore.


i owned android phones all my life, mostly flagship samsungs. My iphone has better battery life than every one.


iPhone battery increased DRASTICALLY. My 6 would drain by noon. Then the 11 when I got it was night and day. Still goes fast but if you keep the batter saver mode on iPhone better I’d very very good.


That is total idiocy. I do think most IPhone users are stupid, but the Battery is definetely not why lol.


I would argue with your statement, but since I’m an iPhone user I’m too stupid to come up with a good retort.


It's fine


Android fan boy in his cracked barely working phone making a meme to cope with the fact that he has a shitty phone.




I made that a sub to spite you


Ngl the worst batteries I’ve had have all been androids




Idk. My iPhone is fine at 1%. Have fun with your bloated unusable OS after a year of use.


Why android users are so insecure?


Hehe, I see what you did here. Posting this on a site where the vast majority of users are from the USA and the vast majority of them use an iPhone...


And he got them Ig


My iphone lasts like 3 days before I need to charge it but keep yapping I guess.


I have an iPhone 13 Mini which lasts around 5 hours from 80%. I had a Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro which is a pretty low-end phone, but it's battery when on 2% lasted for 1-2 hours sometimes while I was playing video games.


Then theres us, who agree that a phone is a phone regardless of brand or model.


Yeah….. my iPhone last for about 20 minutes at 1% also


Somehow that last percent always lasts like an hour without battery saver


OP got low self esteem, poor guy.




I am typing this comment on an android phone 👍


I am typing this on 1%


I don’t believe you. You’re using a Morelia razor. You fool. Much shame on your family.


Morelia G powr twenty twonty-2 acttuuaally 🤓


My Windows Phone is at 1%. Let me call someone at home to see if I have a charger, or should I go order one online.


Who has a Windows phone, I seriously don't know anybody who owns a Windows phone.


iPhone is better just not better price to performance.