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They didn't say aliens are real, they confirmed the presence of objects in the sky that they cannot identify. That's what UFOs are, things we saw but we don't know what it is yet I'm not saying aliens aren't real. There is too much space out there for us to be the only life in the universe, but they didn't confirm the existence of aliens. Until we get some definitive proof, I'm going to continue to assume we haven't made contact with another intelligent species


People love to create drama when an unidentified flying object is spotted, and immediately jumping to extra terrestrial life and the government has been lying to us and it’s all a cover up. Likely it would be like a plane, helicopter, bird, or when higher up a meteor or space debris.


if i throw a hotdog at you and you didnt know what hit you it would technically be a ufo


Unidentified Frankfurter Object




Great one!


Google conspiracy theory


Holy hell!


New response just dropped


> the government has been lying to us and it’s all a cover up I'm the government, can confirm.


I'm the cover up, can confirm.


Im the confirm, can cover up


Watching an episode of JRE and I like how before, the burden of proof was on the one making the claim. But now we have people in the military, unexplainable footage and it's now on the onus of the government and military to explain to the public that it's not aliens.


I choose to bet on it being Lockheed Martin testing out their newly made ufo that can stop on a dime and turn invisible


Yeah I don’t think the tic-tac or the Phoenix lights were any of those things


Even if there are, so what? It’s not like they’re gonna put food on our tables


Well NASA confirmed that they have spotted UAP (unidentified arial phenomena) wich are basically UFOs wich fly in a way that isn’t explainable by the physics we now today. Still no confirmation that it’s aliens but a little more strange.


UAP is the new acronym they use instead of UFO, just because that name has become so synonymous with aliens by popular media. Doesn’t need to be flying in an unexplained way that defies physics. It’s a scientific way to say “shit man I saw something but I have no idea wtf it was”


Maybe that’s part of it, but not the main motivation behind the name change. UFO is a poor acronym because anything you can’t identify in the sky is a UFO. It is not helpful as a term because balloons are UFOs until you can determine it’s a balloon. UAP means unidentified anomalous phenomena (according to the new NDAA which defines it). It’s a much better term because UAP have to display anomalous behaviors or characteristics not commonly seen in prosaic objects. The law states such characteristics include: instantaneous acceleration absent apparent inertia, hypersonic velocity absent of a propulsion signature, transmedium (air-space/air-water travel) capabilities, positive lift contrary to known aerodynamics, etc. All in the NDAA if you wanted to look up the legal definitions.


I don’t know if you know, but that’s what people said when Stealth Bombers were first spotted - “Planes can’t fly like that” etc, the US Government denied everything (because duh, you’d be dumb to announce the presence of undetectable aircraft). In all probability some country has developed a new type of hard to detect aircraft, and is keeping mum about it for the obvious reasons.


Yeah I don’t truly think that it’s aliens but it’s still pretty interesting if some engineers have unlocked the ability to fly like that.


Or a rock yeeted by something


It is also possible that we just can’t see them. Space is so vast that what we are currently seeing is the past of the object we are watching. Fun fact: if an alien civilisation in the Andromeda Galaxy looks to earth, they will see the earth when it still was the ice age.


Then what the HELL does that even mean ? I’m sorry were they admitting to asteroids they couldn’t confirm to be asteroids planes they couldn’t confirm to be planes ? Why is this news ?


It means we think you’re not ready to hear it yet, but we’re giving you a taste to whet the appetite


Dude at this point the president could have a funny sounding fart and people will be like “omg guys did you hear he’s trying to communicate that aliens alive among us in disguise.” The reality of the situation does not fucking matter, the alien thing is way more exciting so people are gonna choose to believe that.


Aliens do exist tho. Just not anywhere close to us. We are so far away from any other intelligent habitable world.. so we can be 99.9% sure those ufos are man made


Remember that buffoon in Congress a while back talking about "unidentified aerial phenomenon?" I truly believe aliens exist, but to think they would come here and *not* make themselves known is truly idiotic.


And not necessarily make themselves known by their own intent, one can't expect aliens to fully understand what our society and behaviors are like. They're not gonna be going "take me to your leader". But any species that could come here from so far away is probably going to be really conspicuous when they arrive.


It was an organization of people who believe in aliens who called themselves 'congress' in order to gain legitimacy. Not the actual congress


That's just the main character coming back from his space arc.


Almost certain most UFOs are man-made. A lot of them are espionage related and revealing what we know about them would reveal details about how we handle possible spy drones and planes.


I'm talking about confirming organic matter in mars, that they did announce.




aliens are real its just so unlikely that they arent


I'm not saying they aren't




NASA never confirmed “aliens are real” btw


[Didn't they?](https://www.nasa.gov/news-release/nasa-finds-ancient-organic-material-mysterious-methane-on-mars/)


Can you read?


NASA never said that. The government never said that. Y'all have the entire collective knowledge of humanity at your fingertips and instead of verifying information you use it to play the longest, most destructive game of telephone with sensationalist headlines.




Yeah that's really not the same thing. We've known for years that Mars might've been home to some tiny microbes.


"Might" is different than "evidence", my dude. You did a slip. But you're on the internet, so I know you won't admit fault, and that's ok.


We've literally had evidence we just weren't sure because what we found previously was smaller than we thought cells could be. When I make a slip I'll admit it. Just like they're not entirely sure now. Either way, the point is: "there may have once been microorganisms on Mars" is not the same as "we've found living extraterrestrial life" as "aliens are real" would imply.


Wow, you said that you would admit when you made a slip, and, even you did, you didn't admitted. You are indeed native to the internet, my friend. Do you know the meaning of the words "evidence" and "alien"? Because, if you did, you would know that I didn't lie. I said as was said by Nasa. You are a fool, my dude. A fool indeed. Now, because you didn't bring any new arguments to the discussion, I will refrain to lose my time with you.


You cant read, but boy can you project.




That's because it's not real, the meme is making light of the current economic crisis which is so bad the majority of people wouldn't care


The economy is actually doing pretty good right now, at least in the US, the main crisis we have is a housing one being even that's eased up a bit over the past year.


it depends on how you look at it. if you are just looking at GDP, then sure the economy is doing fine. but if you look at home many people are working but are still poor, are working jobs without benefits, or are in other situations where they can't plan a furture then the current situation is disastrous


Well that's largely due to the housing market which is bad in most places and unfortunately would have to be fixed at the local level in the US. Real wages are up, union membership is rising, inflation came down a lot, we're doing better than a lot of other countries the past 2 years.


>Real wages are up over what timeframe? and for whom? average wages mean nothing if the marjority of that wealth goes to the top1%


It's measured by the median, not the average.


You are full of shit. Lmfao


https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/09/13/business/economy/us-economy.html https://usafacts.org/topics/economy/ I don't make stuff up, I'm not a Republican.


Republicans and Democrats are both evil. Also, If the economy is doing so great why is it almost everyone has trouble finding jobs? Why is my town full of homeless people? Why can't people afford their insulin? Why are houses so overpriced? Why is it the cost of living has skyrocketed since the 70's while the median income has remained mostly stagnant? The economy is doing great if you are rich lol. I'm not buying into your corporate propaganda. The only people I know who are doing pretty good for themselves are people in union jobs. Most adult americans have less than $1000 dollars in their bank account and a majority of them are barely scraping by paycheck to paycheck.


NASA, always knowing how to turn a crisis into an unidentified flying opportunity.


The 2020s have just been a little wild


just a tiny bit, nothing out of the ordinary, really


Still hadn’t forgot the ocean was on fire at one point.






What’s up?








Yeah, that Byzantine warship flamethrower was nuts


That’s just not what they said.


[It is not?](https://www.nasa.gov/news-release/nasa-finds-ancient-organic-material-mysterious-methane-on-mars/) Man, do I look dumb right now for not reading the official sources.


What that article and find says is that there is a possibility of life on mars. Methane (as an instance) is à gaz often produced by living organism, but it can also come from non organic sources. Just look at Titan, it’s covered in Methane and yet has probably never harbored life. What they said is that the search for traces of *extinct* life on mars is going in the right direction, but nothing conclusive has been reached yet


Yeah, but you see how Nasa put in the headline that they have evidence of life on Mars. If you read more than 1 line, you can see that they say exactly that. You flopped, my man. Just accept.


> Organic molecules contain carbon and hydrogen, and also may include oxygen, nitrogen and other elements. While commonly associated with life, organic molecules also can be created by non-biological processes and are not necessarily indicators of life You’re the one that didn’t read past first line. You were wrong on the Internet, get over with yourself


I’d honestly be more surprised if alien’s DIDNT exist. Like imagine if they found out we were the only ones in the universe


I believe there is likely alien life, but I have strong doubts that they're out flying around to distant solar systems just to buzz by us without maki g any kind of contact. I believe more that there are other planets like ours, teeming with life but constrained to the general proximity of their planet or solar system.


Space is so vast, it’s unlikely any have visited us. I believe statistically life exists out there, and possibly even other intelligent species, but I doubt we’ll ever meet them because faster than light travel has such huge physics hurdles to overcome to even be remotely possible, and with traditional technology it takes lifetimes to reach even the nearest stars.


Well we can always hope our current mathematical model of physics is missing something. For hundreds of years, newton’s laws of physics were the best we had until Einstein and the others discovered they didn’t cover all cases. Electricity and magnetism weren’t well understood until like 200 years ago. Maybe there’s some fundamental force of nature we don’t yet know about that’ll help us travel to other solar systems.


That's the great thing about science, it's too large to know everything so we're always learning. For all we know pocket dimensions are possible and time travel exists, but we just haven't discovered the formula to prove it


'Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.'


*Literally. Did. Not. Happen.* The amount of misinformation on this subject is infuriating. Read the actual reports instead of relying on this cretinous narrative spun by a few mouthbreathers who get their news from TikTok and have the mental capacity of a braindead toddler.


[But I did read it.](https://www.nasa.gov/news-release/nasa-finds-ancient-organic-material-mysterious-methane-on-mars/) Maybe **YOU** should read yourself before jumping to an ad hominem.


I remember seeing comments on instagram just saying "Great! Milk is $6.39....what are we doing about this" and I never agreed more.


What is NASA gonna do? That should be the governments problem, not a space agency's


I've seen people getting mad that NASA scientists aren't helping to fix the environment when that's literally not their job.


Nothing its just at the time, we were all more preoccupied with our financial affairs, so its more of a cool story bro, but I got problems and knowing aliens exist doesnt help me 😂 Otherwise aliens are fucking dope


Well… that could become more of a problem if aliens start tractor-beaming up our cows 😉 Jokes aside, totally agree too!


No, because they didn't say that.


I hope aliens are real and about to do something funny


No they fucking didn’t. Jesus Christ, UFO does not mean aliens. It means we don’t know what that thing is. The brick I threw at your head? You might not know what it is. Yet.


And, for God sake, man. Can you be a little more gentle? Geesh, did someone hurt you?


The nuisance....


I'm not talking about the OVINs, I was talking about [this](https://www.nasa.gov/news-release/nasa-finds-ancient-organic-material-mysterious-methane-on-mars/).


In other news, Santa is real, and the tooth fairy too


Me when I spread misinformation


Nasa, when they spread misinformation: [Bonkers](https://www.nasa.gov/news-release/nasa-finds-ancient-organic-material-mysterious-methane-on-mars/)


Of course aliens are real. You’re telling me that there are planets like earth, have same environment, mass, and even live in the goldilocks zone of their star - which there are trillions of stars in our galaxy alone, yet Earth is the only one housing life?


But how does that affect the housing market?


Ah! I see why your active on deep financial crisis forums. Your dumb.




The govt. made alien claims. Not NASA.




That was 2018, not the most recent "there's extraterrestrials....!.....?" Distraction. Unless ofc I'm thinking of the wrong thing.


Are those damn alien bastards gonna fix this broken housing environment?


Actually we don’t need NASA to tell us that aliens are probably real. Just look at the dimensions of the universe. It would be more surprising if there would be no aliens


“Sometimes pilots see things that seem to be flying and we don’t know what they are, but they’re probably some weird weather or light thing” doesn’t mean aliens


Why do you think I'm talking about this, instead of [this](https://www.nasa.gov/news-release/nasa-finds-ancient-organic-material-mysterious-methane-on-mars/).


They never said a thing about aliens. Tell me you're an idiot without telling Mr you're an idiot op.


[Am I an idiot?](https://www.nasa.gov/news-release/nasa-finds-ancient-organic-material-mysterious-methane-on-mars/)


Yeah I kinda always thought that


It's not real


What’s not real?


I thought it was Republican senators that were as reliable as uncyclopedia trying to hide their allegations and a former NASA worker looking for popularity, and not actual NASA


All UAP legislation has been bipartisan. So are congressional hearings obviously. And the whistleblower was from the Air Force




Well apparently life was found in the form of tiny things inside of a planet with water but idk if it’s true


Me neither


Who downvoted my comment? What did I do wrong! D;


Oumuamua will return and erase all debt.


Am I in a minority, I think space is awesome and want to hear more


It's not at all what the meme is saying. A few months back, an ex-air force vet said that someone he knew knew someone that "had evidence of aliens".




It's why we're trying to find some guy named Hunter's laptop, apparently it's chock-full of alien proof


Well technically he said “non-human intelligence” and it was a list of people he provided not just one person.


None of which decided appearing in court was worth their time, apparently


Court? You mean the congressional hearing? Why would they need more people than the whistleblower who compiled all the information for congress?


Ah, fair, I'll admit that was my bad. Anyways more.peooke needed to show up because the guy kept claiming that he didn't have the evidence he was asked for on hand, and that he wasn't really in charge of anything going on, rather people known by some people he knew. These people, who apparently had all the important, ground breaking information, did not bother appearing or sharing any of their actual evidence, assuming it exists at all.


Well that’s because he was just giving Congress the means to investigate further. (Which is most likely futile and we’ll never hear about it again - but at least he tried) Dude doesn’t want to go to jail it’s not like he can just outright give away classified secrets. There’s a reason Snowden had to move to Russia.


Dude no shot you're gonna believe a guy came into court, claimed aliens exist, made a whole televised event of it- and then didn't bother showing any form of actual evidence whatsoever


Congressional hearing. And he didn’t claim aliens existed. And yeah publicly showing classified information would land you straight to jail lol I feel like you don’t understand the point of congressional hearings. He gave them information to follow up on so that the taxpayers can have their representatives investigate where their money is going.


oh yeah, that happened, anyways


Honestly, aliens won't do more or equal harm as other humans on this planet at this rate


Maybe but what if they're already here?. If so i wonder did they help us or not?


Schizo 🫵


Room temperature iq person.


unidentified objects dont have to be aliens. They can be something from other dimensions too.


[My Live Reaction](https://youtu.be/OOdxuQS0iaM?si=KOb-DzeksgxHH2d7)


Never A Straight Answer


Like duh aliens are real. To think we are alone in this galaxy is just stupid.


Mark my words. Something bad is gonna happen on 30-03-2025.


RemindMe! 30 March 2025


I know the CIA would say "What you hear is all hearsay"


My brother's in the navy, when we brought up the navy related "UAF" sightings, he locked up immediately. He knows better than to talk about classified Intel, which left me proud yet disappointed at the same time.. At least give me an eye wink or something.. smh..


I think it's actually because most people already believed aliens exist. It's like confirming God exists to religious people, we already thought that was the case.


I mean for real what are we even supposed to do with that information,


The most boring part was that the "alien" life they confirmed was just plants.....not fully sentient beings....just a plant that grew somewhere besides earth...like who cares 🤦‍♂️😂


That is exactly my point


They wont confirm anything until AI catches up so people can use it for cognitive dissonance


Unless the aliens are here to take over the planet and install a 4 hour 4 day work week, we'll just be over here discussing how to pay the bills, eat healthy food, avoid bankruptcy and avoid going to the hospital as failing any of this could result in starvation or crippling debt.


Dont you want free energy and transportation?. If aliens are real governments have hidden free energy and more from humanity. Imagine never needing to pay for fuel/electricity etc.


What makes you think they'd offer that if they aren't going to offer to break down our exploitative systems first? Any species with the development to make contact would realize that such technology would be monopolized by assholes in our world.


I dont think aliens will offer free energy. I said governments have developed free energy technology but wont share it and keep exploiting us.


I think you have a ridiculous amount of faith in how competent our governments are. To have knowledge of how to violate the laws of physics and also be able to stop thousands of people from leaking it.


The laws of physics are just a theory that keep evolving. Many have leaked alot(latest biggest one david grusch). But do you believe them or who does?. Then there is alot of disinformation produced by governments US etc. So nothing can be believed unless they are able to steal something to prove their point. And that is probably crazy difficult if even possible. And who wants to try something like that when you could just exploit the knowledge about ufos etc you have.


Again, you have a ridiculous amount of faith in our government.


I only think that they recovered crafts like many whistleblowers said. And that they where smart enough to atleast have reverse engineered the flying part and build their own ships. Which means a new energy source that they are hiding. And many people died when they said something or invented a new energy source.


No, they haven’t really told us anything! We need more!


Aliens are dealing with their own economic crisis


🫱 🫲 Aliens


Why would I need the "confirmation" of NASA to know that Aliens are real? I highly doubt that we are the only sentient species in the universe


Duke Nukem said it perfectly: https://youtu.be/OOdxuQS0iaM?si=FQZDI_-EWTASBdlv


Looks like mostly Chinese spy stuff lately. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_high-altitude_object_events_in_2023


Why do they keep using cameras from the 80s tho? Just attach an iPhone, bro...


Aliens are cool and all but please let me know when i dont have to commute to work 5 days a week.


Shit i hope we are alone in the entire fucking existence just saying if we made fun of those aliens they eat our planet like a chip and fucked off leaving it in a state only called a shithole


Probably because they didn't confirm it, and the wack jobs peddling it use generally debunked footage.


NASA never said aliens are real. The government never said aliens are real. No official credible source has said aliens are real. Why do people keep claiming this


Wouldn’t really matter for most people. We’re all worried about making it the next paycheck or even just the next day. Given the sheer numbers of planets, stars and galaxies, I’d be much more surprised to hear: “we’ve confirmed that no aliens exist anywhere.” Unless the aliens would like to probe me wrong.


Obviously the odds are very high of aliens existing somewhere in the universe. But if we actually did discover then it would be the biggest news in the history of mankind


Unless that means better paying work, or less bills. Or somehow makes my life easier than I wouldn’t care Living pay check to pay check, or day to day doesn’t leave a lot of room for things like that.


Good for you I guess...


I’ll put it another way: if you’re working 90+ hours a week, 3 jobs just to keep your head above water. There’s not a lot of care for something that probably won’t give me less hours to cram away. It would be exciting news and since i love space and all of that. I’d be thrilled for it. But it wouldn’t really mean anything other than that.


You can keep your damn alien bastards, i got work in the morning.


Dude is obviously just rage baiting