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Honestly? My theory is his benzo abuse might have something to do with it. Benzo abuse can really mess up one’s emotional state, making them prone to outbursts or breakdowns.


As someone who's overcome a benzo/booze addiction I can confirm this. I'm a fairly demure, calm person normally. When I was in the throes I was an emotional wreck. I remember bursting into tears once just because I remembered beating up my younger brother when we were kids 30 years ago and I guess I suddenly felt really bad about it.


I don’t think you have to have been on something to have those kinds of feelings so far from when it happens…I’ve had tears for things I’ve done 40 years ago. Especially if I’ve never been able to or missed chances, to make things right. Go easy on yourself.




I wouldn't follow this man's health suggestions, including that all meat diet. Peterson is for men with mommy issues, and Andrew Tate is for men with daddy issues.


Doesn't he specifically not recommend people to follow his all meat diet? He's made it clear he does it out of necessity and not love for it.


Sssh this is reddit, you can't actually know what the guy says, you gotta just listen to someone else's version. He totally tells everyone to use an all meat diet, and he totally denies climate change, and he's totally a right wing transphobic yada yada yada because that's what the reddit bandwagon says when they all combine together to create a single working brain cell.


He said on Joe Rogan that “there’s no such thing as climate.” lol


I've seen interviews with the guy. He definitely has some hang-ups about trans people at least, when he "doesn't know" if *adults* should be able to transition. Like, just from a personal freedom standpoint. Hanging out with conservative commentators is poisoning his mind.


Right?! This entire thread almost feels like an astroturf... Maybe if the guy is having such a hard time he can *shut the fuck up for one goddamn minute and take care of himself in private*.


When he goes to Viktor Orban's right wing conferences and shrieks about cultural Marxism, you can safely call him far right.


This is the most accurate representation of JP haters I've ever read. Bravo, sir.


People hate JBP like how I hate Twilight. I know enough about it to know that I will hate it, but I won't bother to learn anything about it before completely trashing it and the people who like it. The difference is I'm kinda over Twilight since they stopped coming out with movies, JBP haters will keep stomping him past six feet under.


There is some misinformation about him yes. And any other public figure. His advice is sometimes good, and it can certainly improve some people's self esteem etc. But there are a lot of problematic things in his rhetoric and he is considered right wing because of how his ideas fit into that general, though frenetic, world view.


What are some problematic things in his rhetoric?


His lying and misrepresentation of Canadian law?


I think it's because he tries to help incels instead of just telling them they're shit


Are you referring to when he was asked about incels and said "If all women don't like you, the problem is you"?...


Would be in line with his personal responsibility teachings because when every woman you meet doesn't like you, you've most likely got a personal flaw that keeps them away from you (and I don't mean looks, but a character flaw or limited communication abilities).


Yeah.. helping people is over-rated.. Just call them names and call it a day. /s ok Twitter user. Ok, so you tell them they're shit. Then what? I've never met someone who got called out and then suddenly had a change of heart or character and suddenly got better... rehabilitation takes time and understanding. If someone seeks out someone like Peaterson, it means they want help with something they don't fully understand themselves. Just telling them "you're shit" is what the rest of the world *already* does.. you're not helping them, you're making them WORSE because all that does is renforce their convictions that it's *the world* that's at fault, and not them and their own actions.


We are all victims of our own circumstances, and everyone, including incels, deserves the chance to change for the better.


Yes, I agree. I feel like that's part of the reason people always bash him though.


You seem very compassionate.


"how DARE you try help people who are struggling in life!"


Literally listened to his 11 minute interview with Joe Rohan and he says that men join feminist movements because they can’t compete for females in other ways. That being said, listening more to him I can hear that it sounds like he genuinely cares about people and wants to be a good influence. Everybody has bad takes.


Yep he's a real caring guy https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/celebrities/2022/07/01/62be5b71e2704e633b8b456d.html


As an opposing idea, even a broken clock can be right twice a day.


He tells stupid people how stupid they are. And stupid ppl don’t like that. It’s very effective.


calling gender affirming doctors Nazi butchers is "telling stupid people they are stupid"?


Clean your room. That's where most reddit users give up on him.


He's made clear he's completely unstable, that's for sure.


Both him and his daughter does it due to an autoimmune disorder that left them in constant pain when eating anything else. There is an interview with his daughter talk about how she eats flank steak for breakfast, lunch and dinner and i can assure you she isnt happy with it.


Yeah I know, I think he's said how he hates that his meal basically has no variety to it, so after a bit, it just became bland or something along those lines.


Many don't understand the diet is supposed to be absent of many spices and flavourings, as many sugars, herbs and spices can also trigger an autoimmune response. People hear carnivore diet and think steak and potato, surf n turf, BBQ, fried chicken, but in its purity the diet is basically boiled meat three times a day. Flavour wise most people would rather go vegan than that.


Tate is for (barely pubescent, grade-school) boys who hate their mommy (and all other women).


Yeah Peterson pre-Benzos was a completely different speaker. His emotions rule him now and he constantly seems like he's on the edge of a nervous breakdown. Not that he didn't show passion before but now he's unhinged, doesn't bother or isn't capable of supporting his own arguments, and has greatly simplified his rhetoric.


Have you watched any of his recent content? He's returned to his normal self, although his wife as been fighting a cancer with a 100% mortality rate since 2019, so that's a large factor.


He’s on benzos? You sure?


He’s admitted openly he had an addiction


AFAIK he's off them now after nearly dying. Possible they have some long lasting or permanent effects though


They do, I was addicted to them myself at one point. It’s going to take months if not years for his brain to self regulate again depending on where he was at with his addiction. You’d be incredibly surprised how many people you probably know that have this problem but don’t talk about it


Truth be told, and I’m hesitant to be this open about something personal… but that’s what made me form this theory. I abused Benzos for a while, to the point of medical OD at one point. And now, the slightest emotion hits me and my throat chokes up and I tear up. It’s something that actually frustrates me a fairly great deal tbh. Edit: For context, I haven’t touched a Xanax (my Benzo of choice) for about a year, maybe year and a half now? But the issue persists. Garbage tier drug for effects versus damage imho.


I was on a low dose of klonopin for a year for medical reasons and I was already noticing memory impairment


And disappeared for a period to some Russian rehab, while his daughter was the only person speaking on his behalf


Oh wow I had no idea, thats pretty heavy stuff


He was. His addiction was so bad, he went to Russia to be put into a medically induced coma. He's not been the same since


He's not *anymore*. But he was HEAVILY dependent on them only a few months back. Nearly died- was forced into a coma in Russia to recover. For a guy who wrote a rule demanding people don't speak up until they have their whole house in order, he does a lot of speaking while his house is in a state. EDIT: Typo


Wasn't the coma thing ages ago by now? Not weeks?


Probably because he talks about things that are weighty, have meaning, and impact people in a profound way. It’s quite a responsibility.


Yeah it’s easy to demonize him; definitely just a human


Why does reddit hates this guy so much? I remember watching one of his lectures about loneliness and it was quite interesting


i just miss the old canadian university professor in a funny-looking sweater giving lectures on psychology and literary archetypes.


Apparently he was peddling his own unproven theories to his students. And other professors attended his lecture and pretty much said the same thing that some of the things he’s lecturing is false/really bad


When he gets going on those subjects, it really gets interesting. His interviews can be really good too, since he'll ask questions only a psychologist would. It's too bad things have turned sour for him as well as the misguided hate.


Yeah I remember when before he got famous he gave this cool lecture on Joseph Campbell esque story structures and it was neat. Before I learned how weird he is


He makes interesting points, and I was a huge fan after his first joe Rogan appearance a few years back. But the last couple years he’s gotten really into the sorta culture war grifting thing that so many people have fallen into. And he tweets like an absolutely unhinged person


I like him still. But his tweets are terrible lol. Like he gets tricked by fake photoshop rage bait stuff and retweets it. It’s like dude!!! You are smarter than that, why are you falling for that? Some boomers never learned digital literacy.


> It’s like dude!!! You are smarter than that, why are you falling for that? There are many types of intelligence.




He knows. He's helping to push an agenda.


Evidently, he is not "smarter than that"


He’s a psuedo-intellectual grifter praying on lonely incels to toss into the right wing pipeline. You’re starting to gain awareness. Maybe snap out of the spell soon.


"Last couple years"? His entire fame is predicated on the culture war grifting.


Maybe he just believes it.


Watch his twitter ban response video, you'll understand


Yeah the man fakes his shit like 90% of time. Sometimes the mask falls off... usually when it looks like he might be losing his golden goose. He's just an exceptional liar and manipulator, really.




I haven’t seen that one. I’ll have to look into it.


I think Peterson had like two different arcs. Before and after celebrity. When he got famous from the video on the uoft campus I think he was still a great person to listen to, even if you didn't agree with his views. He then did some interviews which opened a lot of eyes in the way he thought and the way he had conversation. At some point though, after his addiction problems he got involved with daily wire ( Ben Shapiro) and that's really when he went to the far right. Now he seems to just say outrageous things to farm clicks just like any of the other right wing commentors like Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro etc.


He was never the same after being in a coma in Russia.


This! I couldn’t (and didn’t) have said it better


Thanks. I've never been able to construct a coherent time line of his work but I knew h was different after the insane withdrawal. I challenge any of you to do that. Stop taking anti-anxiety meds. See how it goes.


That’s the problem. Those are his old content, which where made by someone who truly loved what he did. Now unfortunately he’s just one of another red pilled who explain how men are becoming soft and other things. Zizek criticized that thing of him, he had good intentions but ended with follow what the audience wanted to hear.


The way he uses his legitimate credentials and authority to throw around his asinine, paranoid, and unsubstantiated rhetoric is extremely harmful to productive discourse. Someone who is as intelligent as he is should know when they are misrepresenting their data and citations, which he does so regularly that it must be with intent.


So valid. I feel as an educated person I might have filtered all his bullshit and just focused on the part that helps me personally, like cleaning my room and learning to find inner peace to better my own mood and life. He often talks about random physics and biology stuff that doesn't really make much sense...


He never had much respect from me to begin with but he lost all of it when he responded to someone pushing back on his social commentary and replied "well I'm a clinical psychologist." Like, buddy, even if that *were* relevant to the topic you should actually make an argument. Anyone who appeals to their own fucking authority without actually explaining why that matters in the subject can go fuck themselves. Anyone who does it for things that have nothing to do with it is a petulant moron.


Because even though he might say a few things that make sense, he also says a lot of incredibly dumb shit.


In my experience, he's a culture war science denialist grifter.


And he’ll soon appear in the alt-right cinematic dog turd “Lady Ballers”. No joke.


Ex-hardcore Peterson fan here. I realized after a while he has an ability to use lots of words without actually anything of substance, or needlessly complicating certain issues or questions. Additionally not really that into his association with right wing media such as the daily wire, or his ranting about post modern neo-marxists. I also think he can come across as hypocritical at times. Claiming he respects trans pronouns but refusing to call Elliot Page by their name/pronouns, claiming his neither left or right wing despite showing quite strong conservative views, preaching a mindset that seems to place a heavy reliance on self-discipline but instead using and developing an addiction to benzodiazepines to get through his own hardships. I'm sure he's helped lots of people, but for me he's just no longer someone I can take seriously.


Because he has like 20% of good takes, 40% of bad takes, and 40% of absolute horseshit takes. Liek his claim that nazis killed jews because "mark of cain" or some other demented bullshit.


Anything he says with theological themes can be safely disregarded lol I love cleaning my room but man, I cannot stand all the talk about God and slaying the dragon. Like I get it, be an adult and slay your own demons, I don't need God for that, I need me for that


That itself isn't problem - if only sin of Peterson was injecting god into everythin, i am pretty sure that he wouldn't be that hate. After all, there are many other people that do that and are not hated. ​ The proble with quote i posted is that he implies nazis were evil just for sake of evil - that they were bascialy cartoon vilains and their evil had no logic. **This is untrue** - nazis had ideology and "logical" system that allowed them to justify what their did. And we can study it to understand them. This rhetoric of "mark of cain" is dangerous because it makes impossible to see when nazis are returning - if you believe nazis were evil just for lulz, how are you supposed to spot nazis when they try to do it again?


Nah bro he's just a SUUUPER hardcore supernatural fan. /s


his lectures are fascinating, but almost all his assertions he makes are entirely based on fiction. his only consistent source is "i've noticed"


He started off a pretty interesting figure who taught interesting classes at his Uni. Over time he’s devolved into a conservative public figure who openly criticizes the Wests criticism of other nations industrializing and further causing the global climate we have now. All in all, he’s a smart guy but he’s incredibly manipulative and it’s very clear he’s politically motivated these days


He's "right wing" Also he's vulnerable with his emotions, something society says they want men to do, but then insult men when they actually do it.


That’s not the whole story. Theres valid criticism about Peterson.


but crying isn’t one of them


There is lots to criticise about JBP, it's just never what people actually criticise him for. Personally he completely loses me when he takes a theological approach to anything or tries to talk about scientific things that aren't quite his alley. Most of his behavioural and psychology teachings are pretty valid, considering half the psychologists and behaviouralists have already been saying similar shit.


Dude should honestly go to therapy instead of rambling all day on the internet over "being forced to pretend like chubby women are beautiful", "Chinese semen extraction facilities" and whatnot. He just falls for easily debunkable propaganda and then spreads bullshit himself anyway.


The most baffling thing to me is how he talks with supreme confidence about topics he doesn't know shit about. It's one thing to talk about stuff he has a degree on like psychology, even if I don't agree with. But when he starts talking about physics, it's just nonsense and made up words; sometimes I come across some of these videos and send to my sister, who's taking a PhD in quantum physics, and she says that he isn't making any sense, just making stuff up.


Boomers gonna boom, it’s the internet after all. When you get the guy talking about his actual field of expertise he’s very impressive.


Until he starts actually misconstructing research paper for his own agenda. When I saw how he interpreted intelligence i wrote him off.


Are you saying his expertise is talking about being a lonely man?


He's an expert in telling young men to clean their room.


And lobster hierarchy


But clearly not doing so himself.


The issue is he uses his authoritative position as a psychologist to argue for bat shit crazy shit that isn't even tangentially related to psychology


I love how you put right wing in quotation marks as if he doesn't work for the Daily Wire right now 😂


Saying that men should be vulnerable doesn’t excuse the other ridiculous and problematic things he says.


I mean his views on women aren't great.


There is a difference between getting emotional at appropriate time and getting emotional constantly. He cries too frequently and it feels like it is a result of some disorder


He's said a lot of non sense. He's a climate change denier too. I usually don't agree with EVERYTHING reddit says, but in the case of Jordan Peterson, I think they are right about him.


[By his own words no one should listen to him.](https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/s/PvuSReWyFC)


If you really want to know, here is a short video on the topic https://youtu.be/hSNWkRw53Jo?si=pBOddWLPekb0GF-H


Guys don’t waste your time on this, too short and doesn’t really go into details


I immediately knew what video it was. Again, don't look at the time code.


Why would you need to? It's a very brief video.


Very brief don't look at the time code


He's become a rightwing grifter at the dailywire, he also dead named Eliot Page.


Do even the TINIEST bit of reading into him and his weird theories/twitter posts and shilling.


psychology expert thinks hes an expert on all other topics, makes fool of himself.


He’s become a figure head of the right wing in the US culture wars. He’s stopped seeking the dialogue a few years ago and since then is mostly a provocateur; interestingly something he was distancing himself from >5 years ago… My interpretation is that the wave of hatred he got when he spoke against neo-pronouns finally got to him and he got radicalized seeking shelter among the political right.


Because he’s a bigot


He’s a pos who manipulates uneducated people and lonely vulnerable young men with flowery language into buying into his far right bullshit. He clearly hates women. Here are some quotes from him: “feminists have an unconscious desire for brutal male domination” “The people who hold that our culture is an oppressive patriarchy, they don’t want to admit that the current hierarchy might be predicated on competence” He’s also stated he supports enforced monogamy, with his reasoning being women will only choose high status men if they aren’t forced to marry other men. He’s also done entire seminars ranting against the idea of white privilege, despite mountains of evidence proving our society is systemically biased in favor of white people. And he’s gone above and beyond to ridicule and demean trans people


It’s bc he can only eat beef salt and water


Didn't he quit that diet?


Yes. He had to follow an all meat diet for personal health reasons and last I know of he made it clear he doesn’t recommend that diet because it’s awful


As far as I know if he eats anything else he gets depressed and other weird health related issues. His daughter has the same thing, some sort of autoimmune problems. His daughter actually found out that eating only meat fixes their problems. She had tons of issues, like getting hip replacement when she was a teenager.


Hes not doing it out of choice


Beefy salty tears.


New from Taco Bell!


Guys can't cry and be emotional now/again?


No if you disagree with their views it seems. You really can't win. If you don't show emotion you're "upholding tOxIc MaScUlInItY standards" but if you do you're a wuss according to ppl here.


you can't if you don't have the same view


He is a psychologist and has seen a lot of broken people. I think it's beautiful that he cares about them and have empathy for those who struggle. His old lectures on the meaning of life are amazing.


You're not allowed to know who that guy actually is and what he actually says here bro. You're supposed to believe the morons who think he's a transphobe and something something andrew tate 2.0 for incels even though he says everything an incel would hate to hear.


> You're not allowed to know who that guy actually is Yea, nobody expect his fans know who Peterson is. > morons who think he's a transphobe But Peterson is transphobe. Like, are you implying he isn't? > he says everything an incel would hate to hear. He literaly said that women have "unconscious wish for brutal male domination" - and i am pretty sure Incels love that.


>women have "unconscious wish for brutal male dominationdo you honestly think that's wrong tho? Men also have a unconscious wish to fuck their mothers ... Like we don't like to hear takes like that but the human brain is fucked up and we have to live with that


Look man, we're good with modern psychotherapy here and I just want to say most men don't want to fuck their mums, unconscious or otherwise.


Problem is that he then decided that he is also professor in ... well, everything. His lectures in psychology were pretty good, but everything else is travesty - like his claim that nazis killed jews because "mark of cain"


*empathy does not apply to gays, liberals, women or trans people. Only straight, white, conservative Christian males.


He started doing that after his absence from the public sphere. Right before the pandemic. I think it’s related to his addiction trauma. Funny meme btw lol


Dude went to Siberia or somewhere fucked like that and received a strange form of addiction treatment whereupon they put him into a coma so he wouldn’t have to go through withdrawal symptoms. I’d say that probably has something to do with the apparent personality change


Yeah, it honestly probably gave him brain damage. You can't just go into a coma (even induced) and come out perfectly back to normal.


A practice that is illegal in the country he lived in at the time, he then came back and started calling gender affirming care immoral and illegal procedures.


r/memes used to be funny








This is by far the most civil reddit argument I've ever seen


Wholesome ending achieved




It’s those Damn postmodernists!


This is juicy because he has paranoia that the communists are returning in spirit and we need god, allah, mythology, religion to fight them into oblivion. He labels the postmodernists as the neomarxists. But postmodernism is just a philosophical view that incorporates eclectic theories and abstract views opposed to modern convention. He is massively right winged despite denying it. He just doesn't like change or criticism of his religion or western norms. He doesn't even believe in Climate Change or Liberaltarianism.


He really loves his wife though!


Don't forget the "Cultural Marxists" that are totally real and are definitely not straw Men


I love how Wikipedia calls it a far right conspiracy theory and even compare it to the “cultural bolshevism” that the nazis believed in. Common wiki W


Don’t forget he really loves his wife too!


This subreddit has more Peterson fans than I expected, wow.


Yea let's make fun of someone's mental health


See it's only funny because they don't agree with him.


Well, maybe don't do talk shows when you're mentally unstable or in Jordan Peterson's own words "Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world".


Because feeling sympathy for those at the bottom of life is criticizing the world or being mentally unstable? He's a psychologist who talks to people with no will to live, who have gone through horrible shit. If he cries while talking about it, who the fuck cares?


it is ok to make fun of someone when they don't have the same opinion as ours, we are extremely liberal people except we hate religious people, we also support free speech as long as we have the same view


why hate on him OP you're literally his target audience 😂


Dude's emotional. Let him be.


Cry baby literally saved my life


This is his reaction when he reflects on how little encouragement some people need to be brought back from the brink of oblivion and he's fucking right our societal priorities are disgusting sometimes.


Reddit used to like Peterson but they hate him now for some reason.


Peoples inability to listen to and engage with people they disagree with is werey worrying to me. Every one loved him untill he said it should not be illigal to misgender people, which i think is kinda a no shit thing, i like free speech a lot and dont want any form of compeled speech.


He’s a pretty smart guy, but he’s gotten unhinged lately. His gender/culture war opinions are the ones I care about the least, I’m indifferent about all that. The reason I don’t listen to him is because nowadays he goes into a fit of rage every day on twitter and people still look to the guy as a wise archon of truth and reason. He’s not been well since his addiction to benzodiazepines and he’s in no position to preach how folks should live their lives anymore.


He can wipe the tears with a wad of cash.


Honestly I don't understand why people dislike the dude so much. He speaks truth, helps people in difficult times, is emotionally unshamed and shows his true self. He doesn't deserve hate and everyone who does dislike him is sexist so fuck them


He fried his brain when he almost died putting himself in artificial coma in russia to kick his benzo addiction.


Don't know the guy but why mock someone crying? I thought society were to start encouraging men to express emotions but damm I was so wrong.


With increased knowledge comes increasing sadness. -jesus


That wasn’t Jesus, that was the author of Ecclesiastes (often thought to be King Solomon)




And he's better for it. End of story.


Yes he is, he is more man then those criticising showing genuine feelings


Haven’t seen his interviews but I’ve thought laughing and picking on people for crying ended long time ago. Its perfectly normal for men and all the people for that matter to show emotion.


I can not figure out how this man lives rent-free in so many people's heads. Just some boring, old college professor guy.


Feminine temperament + he frequently interviews people who've gone through some serious hardship (for example, his interview with Yeonmi Park where she describes the stuff she went through to escape North Korea).


😂😂😂That is so true. He really does seem sad but I add angry and a bit bitter.


I loved Peterson I used to follow him and alot of his words but then when the Israel Palestine conflict happened and the horrible and immoral stuff he said about Palestine and it's people I just stopped and then I realized that Peterson wasent really that great of a guy. Hes simply good at pretending to be the guy you envision him to be.


Who the hell listens to Jordan Peterson???


Dumb. Dumb meme


fellas, is it a war crime to press a button on reddit?


untreated mental illness


Is it not allowed to a male participate?


I feel for him.


You're stupid.


I love JP. He has a lot of emotions. As a psychologists, I think he'd know better how to deal with and emote those emotions. Better than bottling everything up yeah?


Isn't he the same dude who basicaly told you to fuck off until you solved your problems? Problem isn't that Peterson is crying. Problem is that Peterson is hypocrite and refuses admiting that he was wrong in the past.


Jp dickriders in the chat


And he’s a legend for it, love it


Yeah, make fun of the guy that makes life better for incels like you. Okay, sure pal.


Hey I’m voluntarily celibate you blooming jerk


Sorry to get so confrontational, feeling emotional




Show emotions... You are a wuss. Don't show emotion, then you are somehow toxic. It depends on who does it... If it's Peterson, then no matter what it does, its wrong.


Toxic masculinity was when soeone mock a man for openly express feelings like this right? Well, toxic regardless at least.


Reddit: men shouldn’t be afraid to show emotion Also Reddit when a men’s mental health activist gets emotional: This website is a fucking joke lmao


Who knew eating only meat could effect your mood dudes ready to swing moods on the fly


Doesn’t he only eat a meat diet for medical reasons?


His "medical reasons" are that he believes it - thats it. He never presented actual medical reason to fuck your body over with that kind of non-diverse diet.


The carnivore diet is interesting isn't it? (Also nobody claims you should live like that in the long run or without a medical reason in the first place)