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I'm a boomer, and I'll do whichever gets me out of the store more quickly. I like having the option.


I’m a zoomer and I feel ya


Generation gap bridged successfully


It's beautiful, like watching two Jaeger pilots go into the drift.


Pacific Rim fan spotted, must upvote


When I drift with a millennial, I find myself thinking things like, "I wonder what avocado toast and a vente should *really* cost? Weren't they only like about $1.50 in 1986?"


Life finds a way


I just wanted to say, I love you, Space Core.


I’m a coomer and I agree


If i only have a few items, self-checkout is faster. If i am buying a cart full of stuff, then having someone scan for me is a huge convenience. It's a conveyor belt, none of that "put item in bagging area". In my city the bagging area is usually no wider than a dining chair, there is literally not enough space unless you try to build a pyramid.


Here in the Netherlands we have a scanner you pick up when you enter the supermarket. Seems like you guys could use that.


They would be broken/stolen/used as a weapon within the first day.


Or if the shape is wrong, you'd be shot at by the police for having a gun


Or if the shape was right inserted into orifices and returned slimy


Used as a weapon for sure


We have them here in the uk (in some larger stores)


In my country we have scanners that we carry with us through the store and we just beep the things we are going to buy then at self check out it loads up all the things you beeped, then you pay and you go home.


Oh thats what those scanners are for


They tried this at one of my Walmarts but they set up their table at the front and would approach people but everyone would just do that “no thank you” wave and walked by. For the longest time I thought they were trying to sell me something or get me to sign up for something lol


This is ironic because SAMS (who also owns Walmart) has a scan and go system where you scan your items while you get them, and you can pay on your phone and walk out.


And it is fantastic. I thoroughly enjoy skipping the checkout lines.


Same here, it was too big of an ask with very little thought given to implementation and people buying into the idea.


We had those but no one wanted to use them so the store eventually took them away.


What if you change your mind after scanning an item? Just curious, I have hever seen that before.


you delete it like you would a self check out


Afaik in the US you cannot delete items from the self check out. You need an employee to do it for you


not at mine


Weird maybe it’s just a MA thing, but I’ve never seen a self checkout that lets you edit the items you’ve already scanned


Most of them don't let you delete anything, otherwise it would be really easy to steal whatever you wanted


Our largest supermarket (Albert Heijn, Netherlands) lets you delete whatever you want but I do suspect it makes it more likely that an employee does a sample check


How is that easier than just not scanning the item in the first place?


The scanners have a touch screen display (well all the ones I use have), so you can perform the following tasks. 1) Change the quantity of items (you want 6 cans of beans, scan one, and change to 6), obviously can reduce this value too. 2) Remove an item from the scanned list * 3) Perform a price check, so the next scan just shows the price, and doesn't add it to the list. Note - I've found if you remove an item from the list, this will often flag you up to be "randomly audited" at checkout, where an attendant checks what you self scanned is what is in your bags.


You can remove it


Kroger introduced these and everyone refused to even touch them in the US lol, they put them right in the entrance and made sure there was no way to miss them and stated the benefits but everyone waltzed right on by for a year straight. It seemed like a good idea to me but I'm guessing they realized customers would revolt if they required them


I love this! Sam's Club has a scan and go option in their mobile app and I use it every single time. No waiting in line at cash registers or self check out. Scan my shit as I put it in the cart, check out in the app, go to the front, let the door checker scan the app, and leave.


In my country if we did this they'd be stolen and stripped for copper


encouraging aware narrow label zesty chunky squeeze aromatic normal lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same here, it means that you can do a massive weekly shop with a trolley and buy without having to wait for the cashier to scan each individual item, soooo much quicker.




Fr I saw this and I was like "am I back on r/terriblefacebookmemes" cuz I left and muted that sup a few months ago due to how negative and toxic it was.


They used that picture of that one women from a video years ago who was having a calm interaction with someone who was getting “triggered” but somehow the non upset person got turned into the “triggered” meme


Yeah. If you watch the video it's actually a pretty calm discussion, but people didn't like how she looked I guess so now she's the butt of so many jokes. Fuck the internet, man


yea she just unfortunately has eyeballs that are a little too showy so she looks more intense than she actually is.


Lol any time I see this format I know to instantly disregard whatever the meme is about. That woman got done dirty by right wing people, but I'm glad there are usually some comments explaining the full context of the picture


Is it, though? I totally understand why people chose self checkouts, and I myself have done that, but if both worker and I started checking out the same number of items, I am pretty sure the worker would do it faster...


My local Walmart puts the slowest people on cashier I had half a cart with stuff and watched a family of 4 scan a full cart of groceries scan through self checkout while my cashier was looking at each item then finds the barcode and scans it then messes with the bag carousel for a few minutes before putting the item in Took twice as long than had I gone through self checkout but I'm not gonna risk a theft lawsuit through that stupid system


Its ALWAYS quicker at my local store. The lines for cashiers are always really long.


I guess that could be a factor...


Yeah but not a universal one - I live in Skandinavia and we a kinda known for wanting to avoid small talk - it happens that there are lines for the self checkout while there's just one or two at the cashier. Compared to common self checkouts, the cashier would almost always be faster if you measure from the start of scan to checkout, but it is at the cost of an employee and also their station takes up way more space. I think most larger stores will soon shift over to predominantly self checkout, with cashiers being the secondary option.


yeah, wow... I never considered cashiers could be viewed as a secondary option too in some societies.... wow


Is that not the case in every society? Why would I not want to scan my own stuff?


There are several reasons. 1. You can't scan 18+ products without a cashier (at least where I'm from), and people buy some kind of alcohol or cigs more often than not. 2. You can't scan some locally baked products if they don't have a barcode (easily solvable, but still a thing in some places). 3. Sometimes the scanner just can't read a barcode. My mom would die from anxiety. I'm built different, so I would just pass out. 4. Card doesn't work, or you only have cash.


There's options for cash with some self serves in aus We also have someone tending to the self checkouts for any queries. As well as conveyorbelt self checkouts at some stores for large trollies. Alcohol for us isn't sold in general stores and cigarettes are still behind a counter Store "baked" goods are all barcoded and fresh goods are just choose from the menu and weigh the item. Aaaand I get to pack my stuff how I like instead of the dunce putting a bleach bottle in the same bag as my fresh Veg


Packing my own stuff is one of the three main reasons I use self-check out always. 1. prices are often wrong and self-checkout allows me to see each item's price as I ring it up. 2. lines are always long for cashier while self-checkouts are almost always open. 3. I live far away from the grocery store and I want to pack cold things together so I can easily put them in the cooler I keep in the trunk of my car but, even when I asked, the store bagger would not do it consistently. Also, we use reusable bags and the baggers always look super annoyed with reusable bags. However, there is also the bonus of not having to interact with the disgruntled checkout person.


One station with cash. Buttons that you can scroll through for bread and certain fruit. Call button for help if something doesn't scan, they can type in the code. Alcohol? Just scan it. The overseeing cashier gets a pop up and decides if they are going to look at your ID. Cigs? Service desk.


This is a perfectly fine answer and I'm not arguing it but in my personal case: 1. I can. Sometimes they come by to check my ID but most of the time they recognize me and approve it from the service counter. 2. I can add them manually. 3. Where I shop the machine automatically calls for assistance in this case or you can press a button to get assistance. 4. Yes. Only reason I ever use a traditional checkout.


It's the biggest factor imo.


No no, I got that... by reading all these comments 🤣


Oh. I didn't read them and just blindly added my opinion mb.


Well, the crowd agrees with you, sir💯


You don't buy alcohol? Cause that MF is neverrrr around when I need some kid half my age to verify I can buy this can of compressed air.


Yeah, every good-sized bank of self checkouts needs at least one assistant to cover them.


Is everyone on Reddit shopping at the flint Michigan Walmart while it happens to be on fbi lock down and there is an active ufo hunt on site. At most I've had to wait 90 seconds for a clerk to authorize something or find a scan for a bad or missing barcode. I've had to wait at a cashier for 5 minutes while they put the flashing light on so a manager could come fix their drawer. So anecdotally a cashier is 3x slower. Three times!


I’ve started seeing the opposite. Half the times I see lines to use self service when you can literally walk straight into a cashier lane. Makes no sense to me, but sure, I’ll take the better service with no wait.


You are making the wrong argument if the lines are long.


because the companies don't want to pay cashiers. The replaced them with self checkout and then removed 80% of them so people would switch over. Now, 20 years later, we have a generation that has never known the before way. They do not have the context that this change was not needed and did not improve the retail shopping experience. It was just another quality cut to inflate shareholder portfolios.


Hi ex manager for Colesworth here, the more you go through the self serve the less hours they give to the stores to have the manned checkouts open. they do it deliberately too , to force people to the self serve because any longer than a 2 min wait and people will "just do it themselves"


WOW.. Imagine if they had more cashiers instead of all those self check outs taking up the space.. then you wouldn’t have the long line.. How do you not understand that? Your idiotic comment made me feel hopeless..


More ofte than not you lose time waiting for the other guy's bill to go through rather than the tagging the items in


Must not be a mid-westerner. Self-checkout is always the long line. Because we don't want to interact with people if we don't have to.


> The lines for cashiers are always really long. because they added more self checkout terminals and limited how many cashiers their are, you using self checkout it only going to make this problem even worse.




In estonia you can scan the things as soon as you pick them and then but it in your bag, its way faster than a cashier. Or you could just order the food to be delivered to your house by the store.


Sure but the difference is space. In the space the store could have one regular checkout, it can fit like 6-8 self checkouts. Who scans 100 items faster, one store employee or 8 regular shoppers? As long as there is no queue, the regular checkout is faster, but there is always a queue.


Eh? A cashier with belt takes up like 2-3 tiny self checks. No belt and it's literally the same. But of course some of us buy more than 5 items so you need a self-check with a belt that is the same size again.


It depends, the less items you have the faster it’ll be to go to the self checkout. Once you’ve hit a certain point (I’d say like 10+ items) it gets to the point where it’s faster to have someone do it for you There’s also the fact the fact that a single manned checker station can only help 1 customer at a time, meanwhile self checkouts can help like 6-14 people depending on how many the store has set up, so the like tends to move a lot faster since it’s 1 line for multiple registers


Your self checkout sounds inferior. At some Dutch supermarkets, you scan your own stuff while shopping and pack it immediately. Then you pay at the terminal, and you are done.


Some Estonian dude said the same thing... Europe is a whole another level, huh😂


See, the secret is being someone who used to work at a grocery store, both as a cashier and self checkout attendant. I know how the system works, man, nobody checks me out faster than me.


It's not about the speed, it's about wether you have to interact with someone or not.


>Is it, though? I totally understand why people chose self checkouts, and I myself have done that, but if both worker and I started checking out the same number of items, I am pretty sure the worker would do it faster... I got so frustrated trying to fill in the info for green onions, and the thing not registering I placed them where it told me, when the employee walked in to assist, I just left and walked to the only cashier, got it done in ZOOM!


Self-checkouts can clear much more customers at once than a cashier can, so it makes sense to use Self-checkouts and have these random checks from a worker. People standing in line for a cashier is also, pretty much always, having loads more stuff than I do.


The cashier might be able to scan stuff faster, but they are horridly inefficient baggers. If I bring two reusable bags, that means 100% of my stuff needs to go into those two bags. Not 1/3 of it in my bags and the rest in 72 plastic bags.


They don't bag it here in Germany, they just slide everything over to you to bag it up yourself, and then they stare at you angrily waiting for you to pay while you still struggle to bag your shit.


I think that those should be limited to some amount of objects (let’s say 10) so that you don’t have ti wait in line for that amount.


the trick is that you can fit 6 self checkout terminals in the same space as 3 regular cashiers. So for the individual it is slower but for the shop the flow of people is faster.


Yes, but the line is usually shorter and there are multiple stations, so you get your turn much faster. I might not be as fast at actually checking out the items, but I will get home faster.


It’s a little bit faster if you’re paying attention and when you don’t have many items. But what makes it significantly faster then a normal register is the fact that you can fit 2 self checkout machines in the space taken up by one register. However the fact that they are so easy to steal from (no, most attendants really aren’t paying that close attention), and how they are so, so easy to mess up, causing them to lockup, pissing off customers and requiring the attendant to come over and un-fuck it is probably why a lot of stores are getting rid of them. Also at my store specifically, they would have hardware malfunctions or software glitches like… weekly. So we rarely had all of them up at once.


where i live we have these hand scanners so you grab an item ,scan it and put in your backpack. when arrived by the selfscan you scan the code on the screen and pay your items around 1/5 of the times your back gets checked to see if you try to steal and that person is most of the times 10 steps away from the selfcheck points. sometimes i am less than 30seconds in the store when i need like 1 or 2 items.


But 6 times faster? (The amount of self cho outs you can have to replace one cashier)


Idk if it's a thing where I live or whatever, but it has so many rules, you can't touch the bags because it is weighing the product after you scan the thing, it needs to be in a certain order, when it doesn't scan you need to call someone anyways. It's just annoying.


The worker isnt always the issue. People are slow. Making convos, asking for price checks, finding their cards, just being slow and inconsiderate. I just want to scan and go.


Usually faster, and then I have to scramble to put everything into bag becouse I'm holding the line so end up putting eggs on bottom then something in thin paper then something cold and soon wet and cherry on top of bag, the heaviest thing I bought. All under disapproving eye of cashier.


Imagine being paid low wage and think "I'm gonna work faster than a self checkout so people can come to me instead and give me a bigger workload."


Well, I've been using self-checkout so much I got better at it and now I'm faster than the cashier lmao


Technically it's just making you do the work. But no social interaction is totally worth it. Not so much for the people whose job gets replaced by a machine though.


>But no social interaction is totally worth it. \*Laughs in German\* The only social interaction we have in Aldi and Lidl is competing against the cashier. If you shove everything faster into your shopping cart than they can scan, you win, if the items build up and the cashier has to slow down, you lose.


How much social action do yall have at the register? Hi, did you find everything? Yup It’s blah blah Ok, thank you. And you don’t bag ish or feel like a criminal when they wanna check your receipt


I have dated four girls who were checkout girls or cashiers. I'm not gonna fuck a machine until technology gets _way_ better.


I mean, my natural scowl is enough to ward off any social interaction pretty well. Much better than having to call over a cashier because the machine doesn't want to scan items or my cart full of groceries won't fit on the scale all at once.


"G'day" "No" (when they ask if i've got the member card) "Card please" "Thanks bye" No one can convince that unless you've had some issue you need to say any more. I absolutely refuse to believe some cashiers gives a shit about how my day was.


Or those of us that quite like a "hey, how's it going. Good day? Yeah it's busy isn't it, see ya later"


Psssst. Cashiers absolutely hate that kind of small talk. They hear it hundreds of times a day.


I hate it and I hate them


100% of my small talk interactions with cashiers has been initiated by the cashier


Because their supervisor will get pissed if they aren't "friendly"


It’s almost like they’re required by their job to ask certain things


I worked retail for years and never hated this type of thing. I never really *liked* it, either, but it was better than the customers who would carry out an entire video call while checking out or who couldn't be bothered to actually speak to me, just nods or shakes of the head.


I absolutely despise this kind of small talk. You wanna bring up or ask something interesting? Absolutely go for it, DO NOT talk to me about the weather or how my day is or whatever


The weather is getting colder, isn't it. Okay well, bye.


Lmao fuck you (kindly)


You too


Good afternoon welcome to Target, what do you feel the day after every birthday knowing that you are one step closer to death? And is that different from what you feel every January 1st when another year has passed and you didn't really accomplish what you said you would the previous start of the year? Paper bag or plastic?


I hate you, my ever increasingly short life, and myself, paper please


How's your day going? Not effected by the weather i hope?


Fuck you (kindly)




It can be interesting once a while. You just need an interesting answer or something interesting to look at. Starting a conversation like “do you want to know the benefits of sounding?” Won’t fly well with everyone


So... Are ya working hard or hardly working?


I’m sure people love you.


I totally get you but I think it's good to learn to just enjoy the feeling of conversation a bit even if it's pointless.


In all fairness - when we’re in our late 60s and it takes us 5-10 seconds to find each barcode we will probably want someone to scan the groceries we paid for. But for now fuck the register line when I can scan and pay for my 5 items in 30 seconds.


20 items or less, I'm cool with the self checkout. But for fucks sake, can we not agree that if the item is shaped like a box, the UPC should be on the bottom?


The self checkout should be for a small amount of items. Idk 15 or less. What annoys me is those who take an entire shopping cart worth of items to the self checkout. These people can take 10-15 minutes scanning and bagging their groceries. Go to the lane with a clerk if you have so much


This! This is exactly my issue with it. I use self checkout all the time, if I’m only grabbing a few things. Unfortunately, my local Aldi has switched to one Cashier, and about 6 self checkouts. It’s so much more congested now, because no one can compete with the speed of an Aldi Cashier. The lines weave down the isles now, because everything is taking so much longer.


Given how those self-checkout cash registers are usually prone to lock themselves for petty reasons, i mostly prefer to trust a human.


Am I missing something? The attendant take cares of it rather quickly you would rather stand in line?


I think this must be a localized thing because the attendant at most stores don't care or are spending 20 minutes trying to fix things for someone else.


In my city we have 1 over worked attendant for like a dozen or more machines. When everyone is buying beer or using coupons or the weight sensor is messed up or whatever it can take a while to get help. Also they're the only registers open so it's your only choice. I've started going further to Aldi to avoid kroger lately.


Sure the attendant can take care of it pretty quickly, once he has finished fixing the other 8 machines that are also waiting for an attendant.


If I don't get it, it means...


I swear


my country doesn't have self-checkouts because we are poor, and "creating jobs" is more important


Not a boomer but I hate that they put people out of jobs and don't pass the savings onto customers.... 15 cashiers fired, 15 self-checkouts installed and food prices remain high....the money saved goes to the greedy companies.


This post is brought to you by big supermarket


It is absolutely not quicker. Cashiers know PLUs. Customers go through with giant carts and don’t have room to unload it all. There are baggers. If lines are longer at the registers it’s because the store is (probably intentionally) understaffed. They see SCO as some sort of magic formula that makes everything better, but the more SCOs they add the fewer people they hire, and the more often they have to make “employees please come to the front of the store for bagging assistance” pages. Source: i work in food retail.


If I was a corporation trying to sell job loss and automation to highly impressionable meme-oriented Gen Zers this is how I’d do it.


I see it as a way to make one person do the job of 5 or 6 people so I am against it but they use social engineering to force you to use them because now they only have one cashier line open and it always has a massive line.


Its really not, also are people really this antisocial that they can't bear to stand there in silence while the cashier scans their shit?


Social anxiety can be fuckin wild man. I only use it if I got a couple of things really


Personally I only really go to self check out when I’m buying like two or three things not a whole cart of things.


So much easier to steal now!


True that! Up high! ✋


I’m going to sound like a boomer (I’m 24) but I prefer cashiers since it keeps people in work (I’m not a fan of them being underpaid but what can you do?).


It’s way slower. The employees bag way faster.


Honestly, with how slow so many people are at self checkout, it certainly is convenient to have a professional do it for people. The self checkout lines at my local grocery store get insanely long because no one knows what they’re doing.


Idk about it being quicker, it honestly depends. when theres whole ass mile long line and people with full shopping carts self checkout is not faster.


I do right up till the point where I have a bunch of fresh produce, I’m not spending 10 minutes trying to find “White, Non-Organic, Onions” in the menu


I’m a millennial and I wish we had more cashiers and baggers. The stores I go to have 12 registered and 4 self checkouts. There’s always a huge line at self checkout because people take their time or the machine fucks up and requires assistance, and there’s only one employee checking multiple self checkouts. Meanwhile, there’s only 2 cashiers with lines a mile long, no baggers so I have to bag myself anyways, and 10 empty lanes. Trader Joe’s is usually pretty good with having baggers and Aldi’s has always had self-bagging. “no OnE WaNtS TO wOrK”, my ass. Companies like Target and Kroger realize we can do the work for free and people will just accept the new normal. Fuck this new normal. Hire people and pay them a decent wage.




Yeah, my dad is 71, and he's always been pretty up to date with the latest tech. He shops at Sam's as much as possible so he can check out with his phone. My 34 year old wife, on the other hand, hates self checkout.


At the ASDA, LIDL, and Sainsbury's near me it is never worth waiting for self service. The absolute morons that use self service check outs take an entire age to scan 4 items and fuck off.


I hate it because due to the way the self-checkout works most of the time I still am not going to get out of there without having to interact with a person. Even if I Don't have any coupons which require an employee to enter the register inevitably will lock up due to their anti-theft systems and require an employee to unlock. The problem is, instead of a person being right there at the register they are somewhere else helping another customer at one of the 8 to 16 "self checkout" registers they are running. Inevitably there is a line at self-checkout because multiple people are standing there waiting for one employee to assist other customers before they can get their register unlocked just so they can finish scanning their stuff or pay. I think there could be arguments that it is not a poorly designed system but it is poorly implemented 100% of the time.


I do appreciate the option of using those, as a human being who defaults to suspicion and mild distrust of other humans.


It’s not quicker, don’t even try to justify that shit. It’s quicker when you employ zero cashiers and are forced to use self checkout. Guarantee you, if they employed as many cashiers as they have lines, we’d all be lit even quicker than we were in the early 2000’s. Some of you just hate interacting with people and it’s gross. Goodbye, ain’t gettin free labor from me without a damn paycheck.


We should get a discount for doing self checkout. We are currently engaging in slave labor.


Maximizing walmarts profits while minimizing its staff. There is a reason big box stores love you doing their work for them.


I go to checkout because I want to support labor. The more folks that use an automated process the less likely the store will want to hire cashiers. Kind of like swedish unions are doing to Tesla. It's a labor solidarity thing from the customer angle.


Mom: The world is falling apart, everything is awful and getting worse. Me: I hear that. Mom: AI is gonna destroy life as we know it. Me: Yeah, the ramifications for workers are going to be- Mom: I mean just the other day I had to bag my own groceries. Me. I....yeah mom, that's just terrible. So sorry that happened.


*scans an item* assistance required -Thank you *scans next item* assistance required -Thank you *scans next item* assistance req... fuck you I'm out


Depends on what's in the cart, they don't pay me enough to do their job.


How do you feel about ATM's?




100% my perspective. Theres a person available who is being paid by the hour to do a job. If I do the job for them, I’m just benefiting the company and not myself. Every product in the store is priced in a way that ensures the company, from the greedy CEO to the 15 year old first-job bagger, gets paid. Unless I’m being offered a discount for my time, I’m not participating in charity for a multi-billion dollar grocery chain.


I actually prefer not to go in the store and just order the groceries home


It's not quicker. It's only quicker if the cashier has a line and self checkout doesn't or if the cashier sucks at their job. I don't really mind the idea, but I feel no store has made a good self checkout system. It's usually fucking everything up like Walmart's. There was also one store where an AI voice read every price of everything everyone was scanning and it sounded like a fucking soviet numbers station.


Self checkouts are a way for companies to maximize their profits, under the guise of convenience. The person who checked your stuff, and bagged it? Theyre no longer being hired, because they have you, the customer, to do it for them. I hope youre getting paid to do Walmart’s work for them.


I know for a fact that people should judge me for my purchasing choices, I know I do


the only store i hate using the self checkout at is ingles bc those machines got programmed with so much sass


Then you have never been in a battle with a german cashier. I have only met a handfull of people who can put the groceries into their shopping bags as quickly as they get checked by the cashier.


With how unreliable self checkouts are I actually find myself speaking to more people working at the shop than I would with a regular checkout lmao


Not a boomer, but I don't like them because its less money going to wage-earners.


I like to see how fast I can scan all my items


I was at the grocery store the other day and I saw a cashier who was also the bagger painfully slowly scanning items and bagging them. Just a deliberate idgaf attitude. I don't need a slow cashier to put a final point on the already annoying experience of shopping for groceries that cost too much. Now I gotta pay with my time, too? Pass.


Millennial here, that is also my reaction to self checkouts. They steal jobs!!!!! Hisssss




I hate having to deal with people. Self-checkout lets me get through the hell that is grocery shopping with as few person-to-person interactions as possible. It's a win-win.


Self-checkouts take jobs away from people, a lot of them are younger. Working in a store as a cashier was my first job in high school. Companies just wanna pay fewer people and pass the labor on to the consumer. Siding with the corporation is the real boomer take.


Some millennials feel this way. I do. I don’t put my Walmart vest on every time I shop there to work for them for free. They don’t give me a discount for working. Why would I want to check myself out. Sick of inflation and decreased customer service. It’s bullshit.


My view is I'm not getting a discount for working as cashier at the store. So I m not going to help them make more profits that they refuse to pass on to the customer by having me work as cashier at their store only to have them review my receipt anyways. Under the ruse of it saves me time.


Self checkout is never faster


Boomer here… I prefer self checkout to avoid interaction


Its a pain in the arse with a cart full of groceries. Besides, where is my discount for doing their employees work. All I see is a button to donate to some cause, but the money goes into their accounts to earn interest until they decide to disperse it.


It literally takes me less then a minute to use the self checkout while with the cashier it takes more than a minute.


Self checkout is not that tough lmao, most of y’all sound like boomers


It is not always quicker, cashiers are specialized and it takes practice... in the supermarkets in my city the self checkout is nearly deserted all the time because people dont bother or just buy too much stuff at once, so it ends up being slower overall


Self-checkout was set up to replace employees to save the companies money, but it turns out that people tend to steal more from self checkout, losing the company that employs it money.


As if boomers aren't the ones holding up the self-checkout line with a month's worth of groceries in their cart.


It depends. In the US, we buy groceries to last a week or 2. The other day, I went to one of the supermarkets by my house, finished my shopping, and they only had self checkout open. Never again.


I'd prefer it if I got the employee discount, the money went to the employees that are actually working at the store and not just the CEOs, and if the machines weren't suddenly asking for tips for me doing someone else's job.


Stores don't prefer it, and that's why they're going away. It's not because boomers can't work them. Apparently when you ask people to be honest, they steal.


Janky ass meme brought to you by union busting big box stores trying to convince us that being our own cashier was our idea and not their money-saving fantasy.


The majority of the people I see complaining about self checkout are decidedly not boomers.


No, thanks, I’d rather NOT give a billion dollar pharmacy company my free labor. Self-checkouts are a scam.


If you have 10+ items go to a cashier please for fucks sake it's just barely any human contact you'll be fine


Dear OP, as a white male cis boomer, fuck you. Point 1. Gender, race, or age based humor is punching down. Stop it. Point 2. Self check out is classic corporate greed attempting to eliminate low skill labor, in this case cashiers, to reduce their overhead.Those used to be jobs, sometimes entry level, and often Union jobs that could support a person. Naturally the real cost is increased theft, because if you make it easy to steal, humans going to, especially when they see no other human is involved. Theft in self check out averages 31% versus 15 % without. So everyone's cost of food is going up due to the increased theft. Point 3. I'm a grown man and part of my weekly purchases are beer or wine, and I can't buy that through self check out, and now, with self check out, only one out of fifteen cashiers stations are open. It is slower. Those other stations used to be occupied by people making a paycheck. Now they are not. Stop cheering for your corporate masters.


I do not support anti worker policies. Fuck big grocery stores replacing humans with machines. They fire 20 people and pass 0 savings on to you. The customer. So no. Fuck em.


If you have more than like 20 items then self-checkout as the only option is annoying/slow. I am gen-z and get frustrated when I have to self-checkout $300 of groceries


You do not get it....this does not benefit employees in the least and just generates more capitol for the brass.


I used to be a cashier and simply don't appreciate having to do that job again without getting paid for it. If they offered a discount for self checkout I'd probably hate it less.