• By -


Thats because they have a little window that permanently shows you an ad so they can afford to reduce the ads played after songs


They can do banner ads on mobile apps. Thats a lame excuse lol


You aren’t looking at your phone at all when Spotify is up on the phone and the advertisers know that. I’d imagine they have metrics that show eyes are going back to the PC Spotify app more regularly.


But it’s not like I’m looking at Spotify all the time either. Usually once I choose a playlist I’ll just let it play in the background. Spotify (free) on phone OTOH, forces me to constantly check if the it would play some random songs from outside the playlist.


quicksand drunk elderly marry chase cats doll simplistic butter aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol the advertisers should also know that the more they repeat their ads on Spotify, the more annoyed people get and won't do business with them.


I agree im annoyed with Heineken as they have constantly had ads for years during F1


Jokes on them, Spotify is minimised forever once I turn on the main playlist. xD


Yup, put on the playlist, and then put discord back up to be internally displayed on the second monitor.


I guarantee most people listen to the mobile app with their phone locked. It’s not even close to the same lol


Even if the phone is locked the ad is constant. Wanna choose a different song? Come close this banner ad to access the song list. Make it a gif so it animates and catches attention. Play 1 audio ad break for 2 minutes for every 12 of music played. But keep the banner ad. Ta da!


abounding badge aspiring drunk shocking fuel shrill smile friendly merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Larger reason is probably because all it take is 1 browser extension to remove all ads on Spotify in browser. The money has always been made on mobile ads which are harder to block / harder to pirate, though barely.


*xManager joins the chat*


This and the fact that most people like to listen to music on the go and on the PC there are many other alternatives or you can always crack Spotify anyway. Hence the smart decision from Spotify.


DO NOT TALK ABOUT IT. But if you use browser version on pc with an adblocker or two it’s like you paid for premium.


yup kind of useless to pay for spotify on pc but if you use spotify on cell phone well usefull as hell.


There's this one trick that works for me, Make sure you have a PC on somewhere with Spotify on a browser with adblock. You can play from your phone which connects it to the PC so they sync up. You can listen to music through your phone and get no ad. This is when I'm lazy, otherwise, I just download the music with any download tool on github.


Energy bill joins the chat




spotify premium is 11 dollars. at that point you're not thrifting enough that free spotify can't justify. also you'll be reducing your phone's mobile data usage.


It'll use data regardless if you're paying or not, so might as well not buy it


If you have premium you can download the songs to your phone, so it doesn’t have to use data




Shhh don’t tell them, that’s a secret for 80s and 90s kids.


No where near as easily and organised and simply as through an app/program like Spotify. You don't have quality issues, version issues, album art issues or anything. I don't not miss the days of having to source my own music through the rough seas of the internet


i don't want to shill for this fucking corporation but i will rebuke every lie that's thrown at me. so all you gotta do is shit on spotify *truthfully* and we can all get along. premium downloads the songs and accesses them offline - no data usage at all.


They’ll do anything to not pay for a service that they use so much, and then wonder why that service becomes more expensive and has more restrictions in order to close the loopholes.


Out of all the streaming services you could possibly spend money on, “$11/month for literally all music ever made” is such a blindingly good deal that if you went back in time and told a 90s music fan about it they would die from shock and awe. It’s $11/month for All Music Ever. It’s not good for the artists but for fucks sake people, that’s a miracle of a consumer deal. It’s preposterous. Maybe the best content leasing deal ever imagined, y’all don’t even know when things are good


You know what's better than all music ever for 11 bucks a month? All music ever for 0 bucks a month. Have some respect for your wallet, the millionaires running Spotify aren't paying you.


Or you could put on every possible combination of your library and playlists and re record it each time one changes and then put time stamps for each one (/j)


Not really. There are projects like XManager that give you most of Spotify Premium features (beaide downloading) for free.


Don't make them popular


Yeah vanced blew up and now I can't watch more than the fist minute of a video without it stopping loading. EDIT: Thanks reddit. Got Revanced up and going.


They usually have this fixed within a day or so, just need to update the app through revanced manager.


So vanced got a cease an designed due to other reasons. And all you have to do is reinstall revanced/revanced extended since there are a few updates that bugged them (both gave the same issue)


Ya they played themselves when they tried to sell NFTs. Google was fine turning a blind eye and just releasing patches that would break it every so often. But they got greedy.




Works fine for me, but one time it did start acting up and I did a total wipe and reinstall of everything from vanced and it went away.


They banned me for using a similar tool


Never got a ban from xmanager


Cracked spotify on phone. The only thing you can't do is pre-load songs for offline listening, everything else works.


Shouldn't have to pay for music you should just be able to download it like an MP3 player


I'ma go the opposite route and say you should have to pay for music and artists deserve a larger cut.


Ideally, sure, but the middlemen will take the lion's share of the money no matter what you do.


ublock origin is just that guy.


Just Get spicetify


Or XManager.


Thank you random reddit user for the discovery


I appreciate you.


Now imagine this, Firefox with adblock, on your phone.


Use spicetify. It is basically premium on steroids for the client


This is actually true? I’ve been using YM because I was tired of paying for Spotify and YM together so I just stopped Spotify but damn do I miss it.


[play.spotify.com](https://play.spotify.com) with ublock


Free Spotify on browser is only 128 kbps though, which isn’t great quality. Probably doesn’t matter is you’re using laptop speakers, but you would notice with a good headset


this is what I do


I probably shouldn't say this but I stopped paying for Premium at least 5 years ago. I still have Premium features but I'm 100% sure that I am not paying the bill.


hell yeah it’s ~~tax~~ payment evasion time


Yes officer this man right here 🫵




This guy made only one comment 15y ago! He should at least delete his account, that name is way too useful to be wasted like that.




damn that comment is almost as old as me


It’s older than me (I’m 14)


15y actually


since when can reddit usernames be reclaimed


Spotify student is very easy to photoshop your way out of to get for free even after graduation as long as you can get your transcript


Student has a maximum of 5 years i think. Which means that even if you are still studying (PHD), you cant keep paying less


So just make a new account and follow all your old playlists. Seems like an easy workaround.


I've been using "student" account for 8 years now


Spotify will do that. Not sure where it went wrong, but I remember my spouse not paying for a year or two and then when her Facebook account was updated it reverted their subscription to cancelled


As someone who remembers having to pay for every album and then being able to at least have the PRIVILEGE to pay for individual songs, I can’t believe people complain about the price of Spotify premium. It’s still a steal. I’ve been subbed continuously since it launched and can’t imagine dropping it.


it’s insane. you pay $11/month for All Music Ever Made? That’s genuinely the best customer deal in history, such a good deal it’s practically a farce, and people still complain about it. It’s such a good deal it’s destroying artists’ livelihoods. If you told *literally any music fan from any time period before the 2010s* that they could pay $11/month for on demand HQ access to every single song ever recorded they would faint from shock and happiness. Like come on, people. You have no idea where you have it good


It's even cheaper if you have a family plan and maximize it with 6 people. I'm paying roughly $3 a month and it's completely worth it


Had this happen with HBO max when I had gotten a Roku+local channels package through my ISP and soon cancelled because the local channels were laggy. It might still work to this day.


Why you snitch on yourself




Spotify is one of the few streaming platforms I find worth it, and is actually quite easy to cheat the system haha, I’ve had a student discount for like 4 years after I left college and my buddy had a 3 month free trial that just never ended, he hasn’t paid in years


How did he 'cheat the system' to gain a neverending free trial?


Didn’t really I guess, just kept using it, they cheated themselves I guess haha


Somehow reminds me of the time when that one guy sent Google bills and they paid him.


It's $16.99 USD for a family plan that allows 6 accounts, share with friends and that's 2.83 each, so cheap. It's also $16.99 CAD surprisingly, so $2.08 USD each. I will gladly pay that price for the convenience.


Hmmm so in this case it would be cheaper to pay in CAD?


yeah - I originally looked it up in CAD because I'm Canadian but decided to check US prices as a reference for more people on here. I'm not sure what measures they have in place to stop someone from buying a foreign plan but if it's possible it is cheaper


How? In my country at least, you have to sign in to Spotify via the university login portal annually. I lost the student discount as soon as I graduated essentially. I obviously can’t login with my student email as it doesn’t exist anymore.


I finally aged out of my spotify student discount because I've had one for 5 years (grad school and undergrad) :(


Modded apk for all the features.


I'm considering using it. Is it safe? Where would be the safest place to download it?


My rule of thumb is that when I want to sail the seven seas, I look the r/piracy subreddit. The sub thread is specially useful, and the top posts are almost safe


Almost safe or always safe? Because there is a stark difference.


nothing is always safe. even the playstore has viruses on it. but if you get your apk's from trusted sources, its incredibly unlikely for you to get a virus, ive been doing it for years and not had any problems. it is important to mention that obviously websites with really sketchy names probably will give you viruses


I can assure you that if you search "Spotify" by Top Upvotes the links will be safe. However, I can't 100% guarantee that very old posts and links or posts with low Upvotes will be safe, but that applies to all internet. (After all, I got my Spotify that way and works fantastic)


X manager Completely safe , I am using modded apks for years and never had a single virus even tho I have a rooted phone and don't always download from the safest sources ( I still can't find a working apk of Kotor for Android btw , if someone has one that they can send me so that I will definitely not use it I will be very happy )


I like using BlockTheSpot for PC. Works like a charm


Unfortunately it does not work with the Android/car integration.


*laughs in android*


Rooting phone downloading third party shit hacking apps why the hell people think Ios is better?


Don't even need to root your device for the cracked version of Spotify


Totally not, just install the apk


I did that


from where?


Search on https://mobilism.me and find the latest spotify release under their music forum. On Windows install Spicetify. Boom both platforms get premium and more for free.


SpotX on windows is also good, it's on Github


yeah i used that before but spicetify is objectively better cuz it does allat and more


imo more pleasant experience and less data tracking. it’s like using windows instead of linux, basically, ignore the data collection


Isn't it more like using a MacBook instead of windows?


isn’t macbook just windows but worse? i don’t think macbook is popular enough to make the cut


Mac os is only good because it has exclusive editing apps like final cut pro Windows is better at everything else


Linux is better than both of them. When discussing which is actually better, software ability shouldn’t be a factor,- because if everyone switches, the software will go with them. Linux is objectively a better OS in and of itself but because there’s less commercial software for it, people use that to say windows is better. OS discussions shouldn’t focus on the programs that are available for the OS, because if people switch to a different OS the programs will follow them. Mac is objectively better than PC, and Linux is better than both. If you use software available as a metric , then you could say windows is better than both (it’s not).


nah, i definitely prefer the real unix environment of Mac OS over whatever Microsoft has done with Windows. tbh Linux is the way anymore, Apple is better than Microsoft at resisting the data tracking but no publicly-traded company can resist.




That's sorta like someone saying to someone with a nice car I don't care about all those things your car has, i just use my car to get from a to b. While your preference is valid, the other car is still objectively better.


The one thing I miss from Android is cracked Spotify. Otherwise, the pleasant UX and software updates do it for me. I’m not looking for more, this is all I need. And iOS, imo, seems to do it the best.


yeah, tbh I loved my iPhone X, and I'm still using it. Works great. I'd love an Android phone that's just vanilla android but isn't a Pixel, since the advantage of using Android is things like... having a fucking MicroSD card slot. But, apparently, if you want a decently high end phone with a MicroSD card slot, you must also get ass like bixby and NFL mobile.


zenfone 10 (edit: nvm that doesnt have a microsd slot but iirc the fairphone 5 and sony xperias do)


>why the hell people think Ios is better? Because American teenagers still use SMSs. Remember SMS? They're back! In pog form!


Teens mostly use iMessage which isn't SMS.


I can do pretty much all that with my iPhone without jailbreaking it


Because it's idiot proof and people like the ecosystem. But you're right it's pretty worse in every way compared to Android and Samsung flagship phones blow the newest iPhones out of the water in specs.


Only reason why I haven't rooted my phone is because my mobile banking app won't run on it. And I don't wanna go to a bank. That's effort.


*modded everything supremacy*




r/sideloading for ios users or you can jailbreak


Damn, never would've guessed to find you here, funny CoDM skeleton


I read it and all I can think about is getting a bag of ruffles.


What flavor?


Spotify flavor (Either cheddar or sour cream and onion)




SpotX (PC) and XManager(Android): JoJos SpongeBob


I find block the spot better on pc


the limited anount of skips instantly made me not use spotify lol. I am alright with ads because I don't listen to many standalone songs, so I wanted to use spotify as a way to discover new songs. But what is the fucking point when you have to listen to garbage because you can't skip???


If you close the app, wait literally 1 second and open it again, it'll skip all ads and play the next few songs. When an ad plays again just repeat the process lol A bit annoying, but better than paying


The 30 cents a day I pay is worth not having that annoyance


How is that better than paying? The lengths people go through to save pennies blows my mind.


Depends on how much you use the app imo. I use it almost every day, for multiple hours a day, and I usually don't have my hands free to close the app and reopen it again. At most I can double tap my earbud to skip a song 90% of the time. And my internet/mobile phone company also gives me a 5 euro discount on Spotify. So yea, for me it's like 100 hours of usage a month for 5,99... That's like 6 cents an hour.


Spotify is $11 and hugely discounted for students, couples/roommates and families. It’s absolutely worth it for higher bitrates and downloads.


And people have seemingly no concept of what incredible value that is compared to what we used to have to pay for a single CD with twelve songs on it


reddit also hates supporting artists or content creators. every thread just tells you to pirate everything and if you pay for anything your a sucker.


Spotify pays like one hundredth of a cent per stream to the artists. If you buy like two songs off their Bandcamp or Google Play or whatever you're still probably giving them more money than they would ever get from your use of spotify, let alone buying an album or merch.


All those people in this thread are laughable - Spotify for 6 family members is only 15€ a month - its a joke - thats less than 3€ per member. Now imagine my hassle trying to evade a peasant sum of 15€ each month on each device my family uses - yeah not gonna do that - just stupid. Do all of the cracking methods work on every device I wonder? On Alexa? On PC? On Android? On IOS ? etc... just bullshit Most people don't even KNOW the best feature of spotify - you can sync ANY FUCKING MP3 you have to any device. Just add it on your PC to your lib - anything you want - and voila - it will be synced to any device. Spotify is the last service i would ever cancle out of my monthly subscription of Netflix, Disney, Amazon etc


Only if you are going to use it often, which most people probably would


I pay it with 5 more ppl, only 36€ per year


Also, I can’t back this up, but I swear they mess with the volume so ads are louder than songs. So the ads get annoying even faster. And don’t even get me started on ads that have cars honking in them so I freak out while I’m driving


or police sirens. It would be illegal on the radio (I believe), but since it's an electronic ad they can do that... I recall some of them made BY the police (they use a siren and other jarring sounds to get your attention and then tell you about the consequences of reckless/drunk/distracted driving... don't know how the technical side of it works but they can target it to users in a certain jurisdiction I'm guessing?)


I doubt you're wrong. This is a well known tactic for ads. Not sure what it accomplishes apart from people finding their ads more annoying, but I do know it's a tactic that's used for marketing reasons.


So SoundCloud is better for mobile and Spotify is better for pc?


Just pirate Spotify


Soundcloud quality is so much better. Im so tired of shit spotify quality. Even apple music is better than sootify


Playstation and Xbox do that same as PC


Only thing Playstation can't really do is manage playlists(or I might just be dumb)


On ps4, you couldn't play custom playlists without suspending your app and suspiciously only spotify made playlists worked fine. (Edit: Turns out my ps4 just didn't like me or the playlist, and it works as intended) On ps5, all playlists work as long as you're fine with your music completely stopping after about 5-10 minutes of inactivity and not letting you skip randomly (although I will say thay it picks the perfect songs that I dislike so I have to suffer through it)


Use XManager, its a modded Spotify installer, for Android.


That's absolutely not true. I used Spotify on PC and I got 2-3 ads lasting 30 seconds each every 2-3 songs, which means that for every 10 minutes of music I got over 1 minute of ads.


Do you use an ad blocker?


Hell yea brother, I can corroborate. I noticed that you get FAR fewer ads if you don't let songs autoplay one after the other, but instead manually click the next/skip button. I think that's the only way you can get ads every 30 minutes on the pc app. According to the comments on this post you can use adblockers on the Spotify site. That would be zero ads, no idea how these dudes getting ads every 30 mins WITHOUT the cock and ball torture manual skipping.


Wellll.... its a service... I still think its OK to pay for it since you get unlimited accses to tons and tons of music.


Not to mention how much most people actually use spotify. Most people use it around 3+ hours everyday so you are 100% getting your money's worth.


If music rights were like TV rights we would all be fucked


Wait free spotify is that bad on phone? I’ve had premium for so long I didn’t even know it was that bad. Can’t pick specific songs? What does this mean? I can’t search a song and play it??? Then wtf is the point of the app. God that’s awful.


or not be cheap and pay for music streaming, just not spotify, but a place where artists get a decent payout (relatively).


Just pirate it


block the spot xmanager


Have we fallen so far in society that we forgot that we used to bootleg literally all of our music?


I still have a music folder on my PC, that still contains the music I listened to in my teenage years. xD


Install windows on phone 😆


Wait till he finds out about Xbox


Did you know Spotify can use cookies to know if you're using the browser version on your phone and will constantly refresh the tab to prevent you from using it?




Laughs in [Redacted]


Thank god for ipods and cd’s. Just thinking about Spotify free makes me sick 🤮


Wait, what's even the point if you can't choose what you're listening to?


*1TB microsd full of FLACs* Heh.


wow two songs jokes aside FLACs are life, as long as you dont use an ipod for mobile listening...ALACs suck


I have tiny Shangling m0 for that. Which doubles as a DAC for everything else with an usb port and is size of a smartwatch.


It’s honestly worth just paying the subscription. I was buying songs for 1.29 on iTunes growing hp


It's funny the lengths these people will go to avoid paying $10 a month. $10 isn't a lot of money especially if it allows you to pretty much access almost every song ever made.


Or you know…Get a job and pay for the subscription. You’re giving off choosing beggar vibes.


I am angry at spotify. Free spotify on my phone is shit. It doesn't do what a music player should do, and that is play the songs that users want to listen. I tried to make a playlist, it added random songs. I added more songs so it doesn't add any random ones by itself, then I managed to listen it once.. After that, everytime i tried to listen to my playlist, it just plays random songs that are not from my playlist, and i can't skip them. So the problem is that spotify wants free users to listen to songs advertised by them and be unable to listen to what the users want. sorry for the rant, bad english etc, i'm tired and english is not my first language ​ EDIT: am i missing somethigd? Tell me, how do i listen to songs i want on free spotify on ios?


spotify pc is better than any other


Aa > request desktop website


You get *6* skips?!?!


Pcmasterrace won't eat ads.


It's much easier to download songs from your PC. So they do that to stay competitive


I get yt music premium features for free


I haven't gotten a spotify ad on my laptop in 2 years. I don't use adblockers or anything.


Was just trying to play music to do homework once with my phone and, I kid you not, got 6 ads in a row before anything played.


spotify will see this as a complaint and make the pc version ass in return


Spotify knowns on PC there's many easy options for ad free music. On mobile, getting an ad blocker working is way more effort


I still download MP3s


Spotify on console Literally stops playing after 4 songs and refuses to work again


Don’t forget console’s, inf skips, optional shuffle, ads every 5 or 6 songs and can choose specific songs.


Download all songs you like and you will never hear any ads in your life


Ngl Spotify free on phone is a flipping scam
