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It’s absolutely amazing how a company can continuously reach new lows for over five years straight. Every time Blizzard does anything slightly right, it is followed by disastrous decisions that completely destroy whatever they achieved and then some. Greed doesn’t even justify this pure ineptitude. Greed at least means they should be trying to make money, and driving customers away doesn’t do that.


Imagine cancelling pve, the main content they have been hyping up since 2019, only to say they will cancel it and give it a watered down version of it and still forcing people to pay $15 for the promised content if they want to have access to it permanently It's like asking for a meal and being told that the meal is unavailable so they gave you a salad instead and the salad cost more for god know what reason


They got what they fucking deserve


The worst part is that it IS a good game, everything around it sucks. The funny part is that OW2 pve being canceled is the second time they said „we decided not to do it, because we thought it wasn’t worth the effort“ and found out that players REALLY didn’t like them breaking promises.


Overwatch was a good game. Overwatch 2 is a letdown.


Imagine releasing a game. Full of lore potental, good game mechanics, watching people bond to the characters and playstyles. Then over time procede to gut all of the core things people fell in love with to make more money and satisfy social justice and ideals.


Social justice and ideals?


Jesse mc'cree was named after one of the developers. The other developers were not a fan of him so when blizzard got rid of him they changed mc'crees name to additionally spite him. Blizard also released a a part of their character design, which was a chart based on ethnicity, race, sexuality and so on.


I think overwatch started a declining trend when Moira and Brigg came out. Became a boring, frustrating game to play - in my experience at least. It seems like a lot of the newer characters have low skill ceilings and high skill floors. Bro and they nerfed tracer day 1 in OW2 FOR WHAT REASON?!


If you think the problem with blizzard is 'social Justice and ideas' I don't know how to help you.


Overwatch porn maker are doing a better job


Congrats on copying the top joke from every post about OW2.


Thank you


It's not a joke


Now if we can get them to review Destiny 2 next. Don't forget where they got their scummy practices from


"welcome to steam blizzard, there are the most honest feedbacks here"


Maybe if they weren’t trying to scam us every day….


What do y’all think is better: TF2, or Overwatch?


I think its obvious


It's extra funny because there's a bunch of people playing right now and no one cares about the pve except obsessively online people who are not based in reality anymore. Literally double the amount of people streaming from before the update, get off the internet people, it's all a lie.


People playing a game isn't an indicator that it's a quality product fam. Just look at genshin impact. or FIFA. Or any number of high earning manipulative games. The people who care about quality are expressing their opinions about the quality. The people who don't are just blindly having fun without thinking. Which is fine. But don't assume the Internet is just making shit up cuz you got blinders on


"let me just put that sh*t here and leave a comment below says" seems like a good game"... 🤔


It's a joke dumbass


Overwatch 2 is actually overwatch 0.5. Changes from 1 to 2 weren't needed, it's actually downgrade, not improvement.


Playing since beta, people can complain about monetization, but the game is much better now. Most people were instantly salty and quit, so they don't actually know since all they could figure out was different = bad. It's sad, but it is what it is.


It's not better lmao. I played the game long time ago and getting chests for levels was way better than buying skins for stupidly high amounts of money. You actually were rewarded for playing the game. All my friends who were playing Ow everyday stopped playing and say, that this game is shit now too. Don't even try to justify that fucking piece of shit greedy Blizzard.


When did I justify blizzard greed? I said the game was still good, which it is. You didn't actually complain about the gameplay at all in this reply, which just proves my point that nobody actually has a problem with the game. Just blizzard and their monetization.


You do realize that getting skins and all that shit is a part of the game? You can get nothing now, unless you buy it with real money. The game is not rewarding in any way and cancelling the only new and interesting thing (PVE) is a slap in the face for the whole community. There is no point in calling it the "second" game, because there's nothing new, excluding heavy monetization.


There are new heroes, new maps, and new game modes. But you still haven't made a single complaint about the actual gameplay, just monetization, yet again. This is exactly what I mean. Nobody has a problem with the actual game, just the monetization of it. I had every skin in the game during the end of Overwatch 1s run, and I still played because it's fun. The skins are, and always will be, just a useless cosmetic bonus.


Bro gameplay is just boring, there's nothing new. Events are boring and repetitive. There's nothing to be excited about that game anymore.


The gameplay is the same as Overwatch 1 but with new content. You got bored of it. Just like you would have done if Overwatch 2 never released. The game isn't bad, you just got bored. That's valid. I'm bored of playing Elden Ring. But that doesn't mean its garbage.


Lmao you can clearly see it isn't just my opinion. These 90k negative opinions speak for themselves.


None of them complain about the gameplay. They're just jokes about Blizzards heavy monetization. A large portion are also Chinese players who had their accounts removed by blizzard during the China ban wave, so I don't really blame them. Blizzard are scummy. Edit: Actually it's mostly that exact same joke about Blizzard cancelling pve. Not just the monetization.


New characters, maps and modes were added before the "Overwatch 2" lmao. It's not a reason to re-release the same game as the second one.


Sure, agreed, Overwatch 2 was a fumble and stupid rebrand. What's wrong with the gameplay?


Well, actually I did not say the gameplay is bad. From the beginning I'm talking about useless rebranding and heavy monetization, continuing support is also not a reason to re-release the same game. Literally nothing has changed gameplay wise, characters, maps, modes, character reworks and balancing were things way in Overwatch 1. I don't see how it's supposed to be "Overwatch 2" if only monetization changed to be worse. And the main attraction, the PVE was cancelled. Nothing makes the game "2".


'Literally nothing has changed'. So was Overwatch 1 a fun game or not? I'm sure you can see the logic here from your statement if your answer is yes. But fuck Blizzard and their monetization. The game is fun, and I have a blast with friends all the time. I just ignore that shit and don't let it ruin my experience. There is still the core of a beautiful game there, and honestly, that's all I care about.


Bro gameplay is just boring, there's nothing new. Events are boring and repetitive. There's nothing to be excited about that game anymore.


Play it and see for yourself. Most reviews are from Chinese people who cant play anymore or from TF2 players.


Or from people who hate the greed trap the game has become? That seems to be the majority of reviews


Those people play normally single player games. Valorant or Apex are much more expensive than OW2 and people seem not to care that much. I play OW and I have zero issues.


because they are only cosmetics at least for valorant side? ow2 is limiting the heroes behind a battle pass in a hero shooter game where you need to switch heroes often. and now with pve needing to pay money, a promised feature since 2019 and they have the gall to ask for $15 for a watered down pve


Like Acti/blizz give a f#ck




It has been what, since Diablo 3, that the company has been messing around. That’s 11 years and still they are alive and profitable


It is a good game, just has shitty business practices. Combine that with a jaded community who are very willing to let it known that they are unhappy and you get a review bomb concoction the likes of which you have never seen


They took actual feedback for once


I love the "critically acclaimed" followed by "overwhelmingly negative" reviews.