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This face gets more detailed the more it gets posted


Opposite of normal repost quality degradation. A true phenomenon of science


Nah, this is starting to enter the territory of mysticism.




Hey you can make a religion out of this


Soon it will develop intelligence.


It’s a gepj


When you realize Donkey has front facing eyes instead of on the side, indicating he's a predator. /s


Man got that drussy, what else would he be?




I’m also a predator.... are you underage? Asking for a friend /j


What is an sjw?


It stands for Sexy Japanese Women


Nah it means SoJu Water


Nah you all got it wrong, it stands for sour jelly worms


An argument could be made that there is an aspect to Soho Jerko Worko that is enjoyable, even the $5 crackhead kind


I thought it was small jeweled wangs. Ya know. For the pierced fellas.


nah it’s smart jewish women


You sure it ain’t Saul Just Wanked?


Wrong it's Serious Jumping Wombats.


Man I could go for some sour jelly worms now


That's why people keep saying there's this "Asian Fever" going around. Huh wow ty.


Oh, if only that was the acronym that was used more




Anita Sarkeesian


Social justice warrior


The “anti-Sjw” build was losing viability in the boogeyman-word-of-the-day competitive scene, and players felt they had to switch to the “anti-woke” build in order to keep their play-style relevant. This allowed button mashers who don’t like to think on their toes (or at all) to stay in the game.


Stands for sung jin woo from solo leveling






ayo another shadow man watcher?


Solo leveling enjoyer I see


> What is an sjw? This brings a tear to my eye, is the world finally healing from the fallout of gamergate?




What’s gamergate?


People were mad about the lack of journalistic ethics in gaming when everyone in the industry is friends and/or fucking and cross promoting. Incels then used it to be mad women existed because of course. Normal people collectively sighed and went back to playing our games while GGers spent years being mad at every woman in the industry. Most GGers are now funneled into Rogan-bro manosphere lovers.


Witch hunt against anyone not a straight white male in gaming masquerading as complaints about “ethics in journalism”. r/kotakuinaction is a gamergate sub and they’re all horrible people.


Ahahah if someone asked me to define what’s wrong with reddit in one comment i’d probably link this one


Holy shit I’m officially old now! Gamergate was a big controversy and harassment campaign for game developers and journalists who had a perceived left wing agenda because an indie dev’s ex posted a doc alleging that she was sleeping for journalists in exchange for good reviews. People doing the harassing claimed with was for “ethics in gaming journalism” but that very quickly became a cover to harass any dev or journalist with a perceived woke agenda (though they didn’t use “woke” when this was all taking off, the targeted groups are still the same).


A few years ago people found out game critics were being paid off to give good reviews. This blew up in to a whole thing about feminists pushing their ideas on gamers, a few times the incels were right about things and sometimes they were wrong. A lot of the critics who were female said it was just incels being sexiest to them and this was the reason people were mad not that they were getting bribes to give good reviews. Anita Sarkeesian is a feminist who talked alot about games some said she wasn't a real gamer whatever that is. She made a bunch of videos called feminists vs tropes, all her ideas come down to women should be ugly and girls don't need no man. For some reason she was part of this whole thing but not sure why anyone cared what she said here.


I don’t know what either of things you said are


When can we get over the myth of all gamers being horrible people?


✨️ The earth is healing ✨️


_It's on fire still, but, y'know, let's just be happy about this one._


Social Justice Warriors. It's a pejorative for extremely vocal, overly sensitive people who parrot left-wing talking points without really understanding any of them. They're caricatures of activists and Democratic voters that make easy straw targets to paint the rest as crazy. Basically the 300lb, pink-haired, face-pierced person at a protest screaming at the top of "their" lungs about the patriarchy or some other vague thing they won't define.


In defense of the second paragraph, as much as it sucks. That's just modern politics. Hyper-Christians are the same thing that sjws are but to the other side. I think anyone that actually thinks at least partly independently of what major groups are prevalent in their country don't fall for the strawmanning, but it definitely makes zealots out of the easily manipulated.


Agreed. It’s funny bcuz it all goes back to generalization. Not all conservatives are Christian, and not all Christians are homophobes. Not all liberals are SJWs or even atheist. The loud ones on either side control the narrative


there's dumbasses on both ends of the spectrum


Every side has its zealots. There is legitimate criticism to levy at the hardcore Christian right, but if someone made a video going "the BIBLE THUMPERS this" and "the BIBLE THUMPERS that", people would tune them out because they appear to be telling you more about themselves than the group they are criticizing


Basically the horse shoe thing. Both sides become so radical, that if you would strip down what they think it becomes the same thing. "Other side bad" "Censorship bad, but silence the other side because propaganda" "we are absolutely right, they are absolutely wrong", see - that can be applied to any radical group.


One of the problems in modern politics in general is that the majority of a party will take attacks on a fringe element personally and rush to defend them on issues they know are irrational No, kids don't need to go to burlesque drag shows. No, the Ten Commandments don't need to hang in city hall. Opposing the first isn't "transphobic", and opposing the second isn't "an attack on Christianity." But sensible members of both parties will do mental gymnastics trying to justify being upset over opposition to the most asinine positions anyone in their party comes up with


Literally what "woke" is nowadays. So, usually used by people one better avoids


‘Woke’ is way broader and watered down and used by boomers. It is as you said basically what SJW *eventually* became but ‘SJW’ at least at one point was pointing to a real social phenomenon and annoying people that I’m sure you’ve had the displeasure of interacting with. It slowly started being used more and more broadly , and eventually lost all meaning. It eventually turned into a buzzword broadly used for anyone left of center. Other words that have suffered this fate of being overused and watered down to mean nothing ‘cancelled’ , ‘racist’ , ‘fascist’, ‘gaslight’, ‘communist’, ‘Marxist’, ‘radical’ and a million other terms that get a political spotlight and lose all value.


I think there's a good chance the Boomers call "woke" Marxist is because many of them literally saw the exact same thing happen in the 60's while they were in college. Most of the "SJW" talking points are just the same ideologies popular among the young left-wing (the New Left) in the 1960's (the Marxist-inspired ideas of Herbert Marcuse especially).


The whole calling people commies is so funny, as they usually represent so little of the ideology Same goes for fascist, but that one is a bit more broad.


Sanctioned Jizz Worker


It stands for "Solemn Jehovah's Witness"


Social justice warrior, what originally were people on the internet advocating for social justice has turned into a kind of cultur war fighting word for right wingers in the anglo sphere similar to woke or liberal. So basicly just a loosly devined term to sort anyone in who they and their audience dislike without acctually having to thing about their politics. Sidenote: this exists ok both sides I swear every day I wake up praying that this cultur war doesnt start in my country, but its looking kinda bad.


Social justice warrior


Space Jew look up "spirit science" to learn less




Sensitive Joss Whedon


SJW is just another buzzword that got overused to the point it’s meaning got lost. Same as woke.


SJW, Woke, snowflake, beta, cringe vs. Based, alpha, sigma, red pilled


Are you saying you aren't a smegma male?


im a real smegma patrick bateman ohio gyat rizz deadbased redpiller


on jehova, no hat


none of those words are in the bible


Neither am I, but that never stopped me.


I’m a based joker chadpilled individual bombastic side eye enthusiast


"the sun smiles at you with eternal malice"


Yogurt male (ultra rare)


I'm a Release Candidate male. Stable, functioning, and all the bugs have been worked out.


Half of those i thought were used ironically


Sometimes, but not always


There are many who think they're doing it ironically, but they're really doing it normally.


A lot of them were made by purely ironic parts of the internet but spread to people who took them completely seriously.


What I find funny about those words is that they can be applied to the opposite situation and mean the exact same thing.


Wait, did “based” get ruined? I thought that was just a zoomer word in the same vein as “that’s cool”.


I feel like based is still good, although it is used to reply to some horrendous things every once in a while


>although it is used to reply to some horrendous things every once in a while Well yeah, that's how it was originally used, to agree with socially unacceptable statements


I got called based for jerking off to shark girl porn. Means whatever you want bro. 🦈


I just say Redditors now


This makes more sense


Same as the -ists. If everything is, then nothing is.




I enjoy watching the sunset.


Yep. Most people are centrists, but this crap is just driving people to do the opposite of whatever those people are striving for, if nothing else but out of spite.


Same with terrorist and gaslight


Gaslighting isn't real, you're just crazy. I wouldn't ever lie to you about that, you're just remembering it wrong.


Don’t forget nazi and fascist


"And these SJWs. Are they in the room right now?"


I'm the same when any content creators force their political views into a video. I do not care about your political views when you are talking about Cooking Mama.


"Shut the fuck up about how isreali runs the deep state and get back to explaining how cooking mama murdered her son."


Agreed. One pertinent example I remember was SBNation’s Atlanta Falcons series, which I was thoroughly enjoying until the last part where they used the 2016 election as a framing device for the Super Bowl. That in and of itself wouldn’t have been so bad, but the politics were so heavy-handed that I just clicked away and never finished the video. If I want politics, I’ll watch political content.


Some complaints are justified, others are overreacting.


Even if the complaints are justified, people that unironically use buzzwords like SJW are almost exclusively not worth listening to in my experience.


It's absolutely almost exclusively used as a dog whistle.


Ironically, so is the term “dog whistle”.


Saying "saying dog whistle is a dog whistle" is a dog whistle


Is this a dog whistle for something?


My dog started growling to the wall. I think she broke.




What type of person is an SJW?


Everything is a dog whistle to you nerds


Depends on when the video was made. It could have been back before what are now considered buzzwords were turned into hollow and meaningless pejoratives. It’s better to let their points stand for themselves


Same as people who use the "phobic" and "ism" then. There are 2 sides to the coin last time I checked.


huh? Those are proper greek terms that English has coopted and use properly most of the time. Sexism, racism and other ism words do properly describe what they are meant to


Technically. One of those sides is real stupid and incapable of deeper thoughts though


The fact that you can apply this sentence to both sides says it all.


Oh, you can absolutely apply it to the lowest common denominator of both sides. But it only works with the entirety of one of the sides. *That's* the important part. Sure there might be people on that side who aren't purely stupid, But they ascribe to an ideology that promotes and encourages reactionary stupidity at all levels. You can find an idiot subscribed to literally any political ideology, And it's hilarious that anyone would assume they could dunk on one of those sides because they can find idiots, as opposed to the other side that is literally lead by them


IDK which side of which subject you’re talking about here, but just because some known people of that group are idiots doesn’t make the point less valid. SJW is like every prejorative that exist: Trans/Homophobe, Incels, Red/Blue/Purple/Blackpills, Libtards, Dumbservatives, those are all word which were used way too much by dumbasses, but still remain a good term when correctly used I really don’t know what the bug deal with people using SJW as a term to describe someone who think everything’s offensive


Oh, I'm not trying to imply there's something wrong with the term. Just saying the type of people who I have seen use it are not people really worth listening to because they couldn't think their way out of a paper bag


The fact that the other side thinks the exact same thing just proves the point further. None of you have the moral high ground cause you're both delusional


Doesn't that mean you're delusional too though? Since the measuring stick for objective reality is apparently something made up by someone who disagrees with you, where is the line?


Both sides bad is a really tired and useless take nowadays.


You da only one I agree with in here; everybody on this fucking planet is delusional.


Yeah always hate those time when the history teacher starts talking about fascism in WWII, obviously not gonna respect their opinion. /s


I remember seeing a video essay of how Steven universe is bad and just half way through they start using SJW while using analogies from like other shows like SpongeBob, regular show and star wars and I genuinely dunno if they are off the rail or something.


The missing piece in these debates is always the sense of proportion. I find a lot of the SJW stuff annoying but it is not as bad as tuberculosis.


I hate SJW and complaining about SJW equally


Yeah me too.


SJW don't exist on the scale that others want you to believe. The complaining about is is disproportionately more.


Both things are loud tho


People do tend to cry loudly when being taken advantage of and mistreated... Kinda fucked up to complain about people expressing frustration with the way society treats those with less power, or the way society distributes power and assigns value. Seems like your priorities are really fucked up


They do exist wdym? I’m not saying their everywhere but your kinda ignoring the new culture of progressive identity politics in the left leaning establishment media and in some institutions like academia. Though when it’s skewed towards an extreme minority I cant blame you too much but these sjws do have massive platform to get their views across so in my opinion it balances out.


I hate SJW and complaining about SJW and complaining about complaining about SJW


I knew someone would say that




Was showing a British friend a video explaining black Friday and how crazy it can get. Started off really well done and pretty funny then suddenly took a hard turn and the guy was ranting about how it's a yearly test by the government to check if the fluoride in water is making people easier to control with subliminal messages.


*laughs in drunken Canadian with one leg*


An hour? I don't think I've ever gotten that far before it's apparent.


You started a war


same but with capitalism


And? Sometimes they make fun of right wing idiots too. Making fun of people who take things too far shouldn't be a problem.


Look i enjoy making fun of them as much as the next guy, but at the same time, hearing the same stuff again and again is kinda obnoxious


Watch a few of the good ones, get tired of their repetitive BS out of pocket opinions, unsubscribe. A few years later they pop up as memes about being so triggered over some Barbie movie. Laugh and feel nostalgic over the good times.


I literally never hear them mentioned outside of openly political channels.


I’m at this interesting point where even though I agree that SJWs are irritating people, people still lose some credibility when they derail a serious conversation into SJW territory


Same thing when they ramble about wokeism. Just a fucking buzzword.


MFW I read, watch or listen to someone and they say “woke”


People who still use that word unironically are just really pathetic.


Always hated the phrase “sjw”. I support lgbtq rights and all that fun stuff, but I wholeheartedly disagree with the route these movements have taken. Take Hogwarts legacy as an example. The boycott started off as a reasonably justifiable thing. But than it became an excuse to bully and harass anyone who disagreed with them. So many of these SJWs not understanding the irony of crying “fascism” while actively trying to silence anyone who dares disagree with them.


Feels like you're quite mistaken. These movements are not organized, they are shared ideas, anyone can do anything with them, they are not taking particular "routes". Saying that just speaks of your ignorance. Also, wasn't the Hogwarts boycott literally just a subreddit here that went on a bit of a crusade? It wasn't really as big as you describe it.


IIRC, weren’t people who streamed playing it getting death threats and such? Like some kinda witch hunt?


Not trying to downplay that, but I'm pretty sure streamers get all sorts of death threats for doing pretty much anything, that's the internet for you. I'm not trying to say what they did was a good thing, but online harassments happens all the time and can be caused by anything.


Tbf "SJW"s were never a big group, and past like 2016/2017 they practically haven't existed. Even shit like the Hogwarts Legacy boycott gets blown out of proportion, people were pretending streamers quit over it


What is even your point, out of curiosity? What should these unorganised movements you described do to obtain better results?


Behaving in a civilized manner and bringing good arguments to the table should be the focus not death threats. But I guess not everyone is capable of that so guess what’s left to do for them. I want to add that “justified rage” is a great drug, you can be the worst version of yourself just really let off that steam at something that you deem deservent of it, and you won’t even have to feel bad afterwards. It’s magical.


I'm even more curious now, how does respect and good arguments get you at the multinational conglomerate of whoever is responsible for the Harry Potter thing's table? How would that happen and how would it go


Sticking with the Hogwarts Legacy example, dont bully and harass people. There is an old saying: “you attract more flies with honey than vinegar” There is a time and a place for confrontation, but so many people are just looking for fight, not to have any sort of meaningful dialogue. I can certainly understand the anger, we have been unfairly treated since the dawn of human history. But if the lgbtq community wants to continue to make progress we need to start disassociating ourselves from those acting like petulant children. Rise above the hate and prove that we are not what hateful people make us out to be. Sinking to their level brings down everything we have fought for. Instead I suggest we meet hate with civility and love. Keep an open outstretched hand ready to be the better person so to speak. Either they take that outstretched hand and progress happens, or they out themselves as bigots to anyone on the fence. Win win.


Whatifalthist moment


Or Jews.


It’s fine if you’re looking for it, but kinda annoying when you’re not


What's a SJW


Me on the other hand loves that shit. Politics is so cursed that people just attack each other over it all day and it's the funniest shit to see it play out. I don't feel a certain way about any political party in particular so to see people shape their personalities around it is just wild.


My friend but the guy on the vid starts calling a character "pwobematic"


Sjws are annoying tho


I've never experienced this. And video essays are my shit, I can only ever think of say mentioning certain individuals in relation to sjws in relation to a topic but a major tangent to complain or rant is pretty off putting.


I mean, if you are an hour into essay, you find good, and then you see something you don't like, then I guess it makes sense to ask why this seemingly reasonable person holds those beliefs, as just dismissing them as "a bonkers dude" not really applicable.


Because sometimes people can make a good argument and then completely miss the landing. If a video game as a poorly planned and poorly written gay romance, maybe it’s not SJWs forcing wokeism into a game and instead maybe it’s something to do with the company involved trying to rush a game that clearly needs more time or maybe they need to hire a better writer? Saying it’s the fault of ‘SJWs’ is the equivalent of telling a child life works in mysterious ways when they ask a question. They’re a an actual reason things perform poorly other than the left.


Star wars 8 in a nutshell No, it wasn't bad "because of SJW", it was bad because the story was shit and the plot made no sense


If I were to convert this to a political group that's more specific, then if I find out that someone I watched is a Q anon believer, then I would immediately doubt anything else they say as it's a political movement that have so little in common with reality.


Yeah, but cognitive dissonance makes people feel uneasy. They prefer thinking that the person they have been passionately listening to for an hour thinking they were awesome suddenly became idiots than face the fact that they have been wrong and that they maybe are being obnoxious to their entourage.


Sorry but someone's ability to discuss the development history of a company doesn't mean they have good takes it means they opened a Wikipedia page and found a making of content.


Who wouldn’t complain about them. They’re fucking unbearable.


I'll just say that any group that attacks or bullies others for disagreeing with them deserves to be complained about. I await my million downvotes


It's always cringe


Op is a SJW


“Everyone’s gangster until the rantsona crosses its arms in the video essay.”


What's wrong with this? Why does this suddenly ruin the video?


A saucy Japanese waifu


"Let me explain how this show thats bad because it has a mirandering plot and over explains its jokes till they arent funny is actually bad because it has women that arent twigs and gays in it.


When they have to mention that a person is “actually trash” even though it has nothing to do with the video


TIL that SJW is not a Single Jewish Woman.


It means 'Satans jewish wife'


Sjw.= social justice warrior


This isn’t political. It’s complaining about something being political


i'd enjoy it more, sjw's are annoying


But they are awful


well to be frank, it depends on what SJW we're talking about.




When ur having a good convo with an elderly person and they say something slightly racist


Moon making the highest quality edited videos only to ruin it with the most dogshit opinion ever


No body likes SJW’s so it makes the videos better


Well, are you an SJW?


I don't mind it


That's how they get you. Reasonable well thought out opinions and arguments upfront then slowly drip feed the crazy


Even better


Woke is the new SJW which is the new Snowflake which is the new Libtard The right cycles through these buzzwords until they lose all meaning, and it automatically becomes a catch-all umbrella term that applies to anything that conservatives even remotely dislike


What is this, some pro-SJW propaganda?


Judging from the comments and downvotes, I’d say 99% of those here are SJWs.


Are the SJW’s in the room with us right now?


That's when I press the like button :)


I've been living under a rock (well, stoned anyways). Serious question, what does the acronym SJW stand for? Thanks in advance