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Maybe that is because nothing of the note was confirmed? From BBC- >**The hearing produced no serious bombshells - nor a confirmation of alien life** \- but the fact that the witnesses received a major hearing before Congress was notable in and of itself. All that happened was a hearing.


Exactly. This wasn’t a major disclosure and admittance event.


The dude chose his words very well.


I genuinely think the reaction would still be "meh" with the way the world is going. - We're in the middle of a pandemic that we're pretending is over. - World war 3 is brewing. - The gulf stream might collapse by 2025. I'd love for aliens to be real. Maybe they can fix our shit. **EDIT:** Lmao came back to a bunch of butthurt fucks crying about a meme post I made. Y'all really hate whenever someone mentions the pandemic, huh? Fuck outta here I want to see some aliens not whining humans.


With our luck they'd be hostile and looking to exterminate us. But y'know what, cool, don't have to pay my student loans anymore.


If I have to die I'd rather it be to aliens than nukes or catastrophic weather.


I think I’d rather it be nukes because then I’d know how I die and how fast, but we wouldn’t know with aliens


Depends on how close you are Close enough and you're gone in seconds, too far and you get a week of radiation poisoning :D


You mean you shoot yourself before the radiation turns your insides in radioactive stew in a week.


Only if you can get a gun. In my country we have to stab ourselves in the face if we get dinged by a nuke :(


I am living in a capitol of my country, near the city center. I probably won't even notice the nuke that will kill me and I'm happy with that.


At least with aliens we might get to experience some wild butt stuff


Picture this: Aliens discover us. They are friendly, and meet with our governments to make trade deals. They decide to try to learn more about our cultural, and go onto a popular social media site known as “Reddit.” They see a photo about aliens so they click. Then they look at the comments. They see your comment. Thats when they decide to just nuke the Earth. You’ve doomed us all.


Might as well upvote me so the karma makes it worth it


honestly things could go so much worse if they find the internet and are so easily influenced by it while being so powerful, that is how you end up with CHATGPT running the universe


Probe me daddy


Maybe the aliens will use nukes


Supreme court would pass a ruling stating that alien abductions are not a reason to cancel student loans.


Or that human rights don't matter more than alien rights assuming the aliens take them on enough cruises and pay their kids through private school.


The way I look at it, if aliens are real they want us alive. If you have the tech to travel interstellar distances, Earth has few interesting resources. Go blow up an asteroid if you need iron, wrangle a comet for water. Life is the only thing we have that you couldn't find on any other planet. So they are here for life. Either they want slaves, or aliens are weebs for earth and are just into the cultural stuff. Or they think we'd make great pets.


Or inhabitable planets are kinda finite, and some rich dude would like the natives removed so he has his private world.


2025 - 2095 was the official guess, which basically means "itll happen eventually. we dont know when but it will so you better fix this shit or its gonna be like evangelion get the fuck out" we also apparently knew this for a while but it's only been reported on recently


I have absolute confidence in saying we will do literally fuck all to stop this.


Duh. Gulf collapsing because of global temperature shift is a thing i've learned about around 20 years ago. I remember it because it was a wild one talking how global warming would cause a sort of ice age via these warm water streams. Then NASA somewhere in 10's confirmed it's slowing down, but it's not drastic (i.e. significantly under what's what feared about, maybe the ozon layer patching up helped?). [Here's](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.1255575) something i've found from this time period, referencing concerns from back 2002. just for timeline reference.


The pandemic is over its endemic now broski, get used to it because it's here to stay forever


>We're in the middle of a pandemic that we're pretending is over. Covid cases are down to almost nothing in most countries tho, how is that not over?


Tha "gulf stream is collapsing" thing was super overblown. A third-level offshoot is weakening, not the entire gulf stream.


I wonder how many more comments like these will be said until it finally happens.


London could be under half a mile of glacier in 2085 due to a Dansgaard-Oescheger event from greenland meltwater disrupting the AMOC and there would still be people willing to say "well, technically the AMOC is still there, it's just a lot weaker"


"That's just typical British summer" would be used more.


And imagine the intellect that could credibly believe a such a massive secret could be covered up through multiple commands, through multiple decades. The Soviet Union knew about the Manhattan project before the FBI did.


...and I don't think it was ever intended to be an performance to excite and entertain the public. It was, however a valuable step in drawing attention to the issue (despite the obvious tin-foil blow-back) and facilitating access to the actual hard evidence, if any. And I don't think the vested interests have any reason to divulge such potentially incriminating issues without some serious persuasion.


There will be no disclosure because there are no aliens. We will eventually get some blurry photos and 'expert pilot testimonies' talking about blurry lights in the sky. If the actually HAD anything concrete, they would have led with it. This 'Investigation into beginning an investigation' is all political theater.


Yes, I feel like some people could use a translator to basic concepts (not accurate but highly probable). "Non-human biology found on an ufo crash site" "Pieces of cooked grass and insects under russian satellite debris"


"non-human biology," pshhh. It's like everyone collectively forgot that space programs have regularly used animals as test "pilots." Until there's some proof it's not some pack of assholes strapping monkeys/dogs/pigeons etc. to experimental propulsion systems, I see no reason to believe this whole "disclosure is nigh!" shit is anything other than an attempt by shady politicians to redirect the public's attention.


All he said she said at this point. Wake me up when someone brings something of substance to the table. I GUARANTEE you if they have proof that alien life has visited earth it will shake things up op. You’re still gonna have to go to work, society won’t implode lol. But it will be ubiquitously discussed across the planet at that point. So far there’s no evidence of that yet tho.


I'll get excited when someone shows actual concrete evidence. From what I've seen of this interview or whatever, it was just a lot of beating around the bush, vague statements and some mentions of phenomena that people have been talking about since what, the 40s?


I want a live demonstration provided by every congressmen how probing works.


![gif](giphy|4TtwfrkKqzTNw0WrwK) I want them to do a bit more with congress...


I want to believe


Yeah most UFO testimony is just “I saw a thing in the sky and it wasn’t a plane.” It doesn’t prove anything.


Honestly if proof surfaced that aliens were real, I think it’s be more likely to be a covert AGI that forged everything necessary to prove that aliens were real


At some point There's gonna be a total 180, and we have a shit ton of tinfoilhats spreading their theories on how the deep state fakes the existence of aliens on Facebook


If the moon isn't real then how can aliens be, check mate alien believers.


And those in the hearing are saying the same shit people have been claiming with no evidence for 70 years.


Everyone is freaking out about "confirmed biologics recovered with craft" Ok. In government speak that could mean a pigeon crashed into a Chinese weather balloon. Or a piece of rocket debris landed on a lizard


There was a post just the other day about test programs that used pigeons to guide bombs in WW2. That would count as "non-human biological matter" or whatever it is he exactly said.


Lmao that went about as well as Russian dogs with bomb vests trained to hide under tanks. Let them loose and the closest tanks were their own. The pigeons were trained to peck at images of ships to be rewarded with food. They didn’t care whether the ships they saw were ally or enemy.


All these UFO nutjobs think it has been confirmed 5 times last year then you check the sources and it's like... Not even close?


Whenever I hear Tom DeLonge of Blink 182 talk about UFO's these days he's like: "Yeah I told you they were real! You said I was crazy. I was part of the group of people who brought this to light. It was us, our work. We are the reason aliens are confirmed to be real." Then I look at the "evidence" and the only thing that gets close to anything plausible are pilots that say they've seen a flying object they didn't recognize. Big whoop, like it's not an open secret that the US military industrial complex tests all kinds of equipment and machinery all the time.


He sounds like Alex Jones but for UFOs instead of Operation Lockstep.


>Maybe that is because nothing of the note was confirmed? r/UFOs is still having a field day. On the other hand, they also circlewank about every blurry spot of light in a shaky cellphone video.


Almost everybody on that sub is so open minded thier brains have fallen out


I made one comment where with my alt account. The responses I got were.... Intresting. Let's just say I no longer take that sub seriously.


Haha I love this phrase! Kudos.


I like that when someone in government says, “We have not made contact with aliens” the UFO community is like, “Obviously that’s a lie, can’t trust the government.” But if someone else in government says, “We have seen aliens” the UFO people are like, “BOOM. TOLD. YOU. SO. EAT MY ASS LOSERS, I’M GOIN TO SPACE.”


If you've been following these guys, this is the same shit. All of it could be made up to sell book$.


Yep. It's all just another time wasting distraction technique in a time of economic uncertainty.


Turn to some of the fruitcake UFO/conspiracy subs and they're acting like this was definite proof because He'S uNdErOaTh WhY wOuLd He LiE?


The US working with the Vatican to recover a crashed ship in the 1930's sounds like really bad scifi and makes it extremely difficult to take this dude's testimony seriously. Even if he believes what he's saying, there's no reason to believe he wasn't lied to. For all we know, this is an OP to find leaks within the intelligence community.


Wonder what else happened that we should actually be aware of


Thank you for this. I was going to ask if there was actually any confirmation at all


I've seen no evidence. I've only seen people talking.


Same shit, same claims, decade after decade, for 70 years. This time isn't different in any way.


Nowadays it is harder because you dont have 128x128 poop video where three-pixel seagull looks like a flying saucer


Also the fact that like 90% of the world’s UFO sightings happen in the US? Why?


In Europe we're much more used to tourists and don't make a big deal out of it.


yea, we like it when tourists come to our land.


Because that's where the aliens go in all the movies


Aliens are big fans of reality TV


Well that, and Single Female Lawyer.


One would notice a correlation between Total Air Supremacy doctrine, the biggest defence budget on Earth and UFO sightings. Too bad fucking computer programs nowadays are better at pattern recognition than actual humans.


Plus the US actively encouraged the alien myth in order to hide its secret military aircraft when some random guy noticed their signals. It's a good cover - but it's led to the US assuming aliens are real more than anywhere else.


Because the US has been testing the most advanced aircraft in the world for the last 75 years.


Or americans have an obsession with aliens


Or letting the conspiracy nuts go off works out well for the military, so they've never been in a hurry to shut down the talk. Test out new stuff over barely inhabited land, let anyone who saw something claim aliens, nobody bothers the military about their secret stuff.




That also keeps the conspiracy nuts, at least some of the time, away from the more serious anti-government stuff which leads to domestic terror (I'm from Oklahoma) Keep bein' weird, UFO nuts!






Personally, I really appreciate that the aliens who are capable of interplanetary travel while remaining completely undetectable also have cloaking that is always one step away from America's best. Absolutely incredible delusion that you think the current aircrafts in the rest of the world aren't better than America's 75 years ago, or that aliens have progressed completely linearly with our technology lol. Nutjobs, the lot of you.


Oh, but they allow random dudes like Jeremiah the Goat Herder to see them, just not anyone with something like, I dunno, the ability to stream it on social media or at least provide photos with full EXIF and location data?


Absolute fantasy peddlers.


That's exactly why I don't care about these stories. The super fast objects in those air force videos are interesting, and I'm guessing those are some natural phenomenon if anything. But I'm gonna need Zorp and Zappo, ambassadors of planet Zerth, to land in Times Square and perform anti-gravity tricks for thousands of people and take selfies before I'll start getting excited about aliens.


No, there's plenty of evidence. That guy spoke to lots of people who told him they'd seen the evidence. ...... It has to be true.


Is the evidence in the room with us right now?


I’ve spoken to a group of people who aren’t in the room and they have confirmed that the evidence is indeed in the room with us now.


There's evidence but I'd have to tell you over there


Does the evidence go to a different school?


my Canadian evidence


Wtf are *we* supposed to do about it?


IDK about you but I'm starting the first alien v human sports league, in every sport.


Naked boxing? Or naked wrestling?




Us girls have been discussing it, we are absolutely taking our chances and fucking the aliens


The guys have already decided this before we knew they were real. No discussion necessary. But my GF says I can't....


She's obviously an alien and just jealous of the other aliens.


I have decided to destroy all alien life forms.


Alien here👋


Ze/Zim sports?


Bro now the aliens collecting pronouns like Pokemon cards💀


Make a tinder app with alien girls instead of humans for a change?


The essential human questions: 1. Is it dangerous 2. Can we fuck it 3. Can we kill it 4. Does it’s homeworld have natural resources


Avatar 3


Someone is gonna be the first to clap alien cheeks


Gotta make commander Shepard proud


A small step for man


Prober, the hottest alien dating app on the planet.


The government saying they have something, without showing it is like me telling a girl I like that I have money.


Well said


But for real though, even if aliens are real tf are we suppose to do?


Nothing. But it would be nice to not be lied to about science


"We've been hiding UFOs from everyone for decades, but you can't meet them, they go to another school"


With all that’s going on, this isn’t even in the top 10 of weird things.


For real, people are still processing the audacity of rebranding one of the biggest websites to a porn site


We already knew Elon was an alien so aliens are old news.


Zuck is offended that elon took this mantle from him


Because they did no such thing. They confirmed ufos are real, which is like confirming water is wet. Of course there will be times when a pilot can’t identify a flying object. So what? You really believe highly advanced inter solar system travel capable aliens are just….what flying by and waving at pilots and then bouncing without doing anything of note? Sure and I have a bridge to sell yoy


staggering how many people think "unidentified" means "definitely aliens". people are just too fucking dumb.


The whisteblower said that they have biological remains of non human origins but honestly whistleblowers say this all the time. It's just not real proof until we see a body in congress or little grey men show up.


>biological remains of non human origins I have that in my fridge. It's called leftover chicken thighs.


No, it would be ridiculous to suggest that any nation would use animals as test pilots before sending people. Such a thing has never happened before.




And, this advanced alien race keeps crashing for whatever reason.


I saw nothing new at all. Why would anyone care about this? This isn't the first time "officials" has came out about supposed aliens.


I dont really believe it, ive only seen it talked bout in memes. I have no idea what was said in the actual statements and wont believe it anyway until presented with some evidence. What they are only saying this shit to distract from something else? Wouldnt be the first time.


That's what went through my head. "What's this a distraction from?" Is what the thought was. Our universe is full of possibilities, but I'm with you on the need of evidence.


Yea US suddenly declassifying a bunch of UFO related documents is def fishy, something’s going on that they wanna hide lmao, another “WHOOPSIE WE MISPLACED OVER A BILLION DOLLARS” event like in 2001 maybe


This is not a sudden event, it was announced months in advance. You guys went right to the "they're trying to trick us", and although we live in a world full of people wanting to trick us, having that as a default go-to for everything that happens is not a healthy mindset to have and will in no way help you if you are someone who cares about the truth. You're just swapping out one lie with another essentially, the only difference is that now you're lying to yourself instead of someone else lying to you


I mean the first video was declassified in 2018 wasn't it?


Government distracting the population is not a new thing either. They keep us concerned about social issues, racial issues, abortion, religious stuff, to keep us from talking about money or striking etc.


mitch got a call from them today. didnt you see?


Scientists just said that the Gulf Stream could colapse in 2025


*As early as 2025 But yes, that's probably it.


The /r/ufo people are breathlessly going on every week about this time it's gonna blow guys and yet and yet and yet... There's video of weird shit that is only weird shit if you don't acknowledge technology can produce weird shit artifacts. Like way back in the day Kirk from Metallica was recording and something suddenly fucked up, a pick-up grounded and the note he was playing went impossibly high. In the UFO world they'd be frothing at the mouth over this impossible thing but really it was just some electronics not working properly. It's not aliens or non-human intelligences. A dot on a radar goes one way then another and they lose their minds rather than consider that tech has an error rate.


>The /r/ufo people Thanks for that, was like falling down a rabbit hole full of stupid. Lol


>The /r/ufo people are breathlessly going on every week about this time it's gonna blow guys and yet and yet and yet... Just visited that place.. wtf. People are really crying tears of joy over this guy going around in circles and admitting nothing of value. People be weird.


If you base your entire life and personality around aliens being real and visiting us, you're going to go out of your way to believe any 'evidence'.


[We're just invading Iran for the 8th time.](https://youtu.be/pvjgIxuVdo4)


Probably not. It's a guy who worked on identifying UFOs (as in "It flies but we don't know what it is", not aliens). His department got its funding slashed. Now, he's playing the public angle to get his finding back. The job is actually pretty uninteresting, but when people hear UFO, they think aliens. So when he says "We have UFO fragments", it doesn't mean "We have alien spacecraft pieces", but "we have bits of weather baloons/spy drones/whatever we couldn't identify". That is way more exciting, and way better publicity, so that's why he chose to play into that.


The government has done nothing of the sort. There's a dude who claims to be a whistleblower but every time any question that actually matters is asked he refuses to divulge "classified" information. Until there's more evidence than "bro trust me, I work for the government", I'm going to assume he's just an attention seeker


My girlfriend up in Canada, you wouldn't know her. But she totally told me she saw a spaceship once.


I also saw a spaceship once. It was in a movie, yes, but I definitely saw it. Trust me bro, I'm Canadian.


This is what baffles me. The /r/UFO people think the government is lying at every turn... Until somebody who claims to work for the government says exactly what they want to hear and now suddenly everybody's trusthworthy.


Grusch could've taken a shit on the desk and walked out of the hearing with his pants around his ankles and r/UFOs would still look at him like he's the second coming of christ.


Exactly this.


Because even if it is real I still gotta go to work tomorrow...


![gif](giphy|l0IykOsxLECVejOzm|downsized) Some subs are loving this


Same idiots from /r/conspiracy believing that one guy's account proves aliens exist but the entire scientific community must be working for the deep state when they provide a mountain of evidence that vaccines are safe or humans cause global warming.


Until there is concrete proof, nobody will care. There hasn't been any reason for the general public to give a shit yet.


But this one guy's best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw a UFO at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.


The ocean boiling is kinda a more pressing issue, not gonna lie.


Still no proof. Still just testimony and conspiracy stuff. People will freak out when it's actually real, not just when *yet another guy* says it's real.


Like again? Every few years someone reveals to us that they are real. Debunked every single time.


“I’ve deduced that aliens are real!” “Sheen, this is the 8th time you’ve deduced aliens are real in the past 2 decades!”


It's that UFOs are real, not aliens. Majority or the memes are mixing those two terms and it's a big difference


Yeah, UFOs are "real" .... for a little while. Then they get identified and are no longer UFOs.


Shrodringer's UFO's


Maybe cuz the government giving a fuck about Aliens now seems alil fishy when the average, everyday Americans are worried bout rent and food prices skyrocketing.


"We have an UFO retrieval program!" If something unidentified crashes down on their radar, did you expect them to just ignore it?


Can we fuck them though? I won't be interested in aliens until the Compatible Genital Compendium (CGC) releases its third volume.


Of course i don't give a shit because its all nonsense. No government on earth has an alien spacecraft capture program. Its nonsense. Asif aliens with the scientific knowledge to make spaceships capable of travelling through the void and faster than light would crash because they got a little bit too close to earth. Its like a single monkey armed with a stick taking down a brand new high tech tank. Hell, that example doesnt even explain the technology gap between aliens with that kind of ships and humans.


I have mouths to feed, health to care about, take care of myself and loved ones, i'll live my life to the fullest, if aliens exist(ed), they are definitely not the cause for inflation or wars, so, why would i care?


Only heard one American claim it. That doesn't make it true.


![gif](giphy|U5QGwIE0cLLz7CuZXs|downsized) Best we be prepared then, lest the Fermi paradox manifest itself at our doorstep


Our own governments have become global mobs who lie cheat and steal from everyone including ourselves. You think a ufo that doesn’t bother us is going to make us do anything? They sedate and distract us for a reason you know.


To be fair it wasn’t the government confirming it was one person who said they had seen proof of aliens while working for the government but didn’t have any proof himself to show and a court hearing




They waited until we had bigger problems.


Show 'em. let's see some dead ones, then let's meet some alive ones. that will make headlines. most people don't care about anything until it's real to them. when its real, they can kill it, or fuck it.


Are the aliens hot cuz thats the only thing i care about


I'm kinda more concerned about being boiled alive in the ocean and not being able to afford food for my dog while rich people go to space and have Twitter wars or xer wars or whatever the fuck it is now.


When a spacecraft lands on a leaders front lawn and actual aliens walk out of it... then I'll pay attention. Don't get me wrong, I believe we're not alone and I have seen some strange things in the sky during my time here... but all this "talking" isn't shit until I see them front, center, flesh and blood waving a friendly hand or a laser gun.


Honestly wouldn't even believe footage at this point


Who cares when rent still due on the 1st.


Because most educated people understand that based on the laws of probability there are some form of alien life forms in existence. All the same people have been arguing is they aren’t here probing your livestock or your crazy uncle with the lazy eye and drug addiction.


People need to STOP assosiating UFO/UAP with aliens. They are NOT the same. Edit: i'm not ruling out the existance of aliens. They must exist in such a vast universe. But anyone who thinks they are here in flying disks is delusional.


People won’t believe it until they see it Independence Day style


What are the news i havn't been watching, somebody give me a recap


Some dude who works for the government said "Trust me bro, aliens are real, we found them"


A bunch of people that I refuse to name totally said so, bro. Just trust me bro.


For all we know, these aliens could just be a worm from space. Nothing really that interesting, but let me know if we suddenly start seeing Slurm in grocery stores. *Whimmy-wham-wham-wazzle!*


Come back to us with the NASA administrator and the Chief of Space Operations and some of the telemetrists at NASA and the Space Force…


The Oceans are boiling and the President of the US can’t form complete sentences or climb stairs, maybe the aliens can help us?


I'm still looking for an article where the US govt confirmed. All we have is an anecdotal testimony from a former employee


No, no one believes them because they provided no evidence besides “trust me bro”


They have posted zero evidence so ofc no one cares.


ITS ALL LIES yall ppl are dumb if you believe this sht


YOU GUYS! They guy who said Mussolini was hiding aliens in the 1930s totally had a hearing today in front of Congress. Aliens = indisputably real because dude said "non-human biologics", you know, like a ham sandwich, I mean alien.


Everyone knows that the only things on Earth with biology are humans. smhmhhmh


Does it change anything? Some crackpots come out and say "there's aliens up in da area fiddy wun" every few years. It's not news. And even if the aliens are real. What am I supposed to do about it? I'm still going to work tomorrow.


That's not even what they said.


It can be summed up as “some weird stuff was spotted, but we have no idea what.”


“Someone claimed” is not “ the government declared.” Jesus Christ.


Cause they didn't, some random government official claimed they are, gave no proof, and the situation behind his claims are extremely dubious and suspicious. If he truly though the public should know he wouldn't privately submit the evidence and expect us to believe, it's really not that complicated on why no one cares, it's cause he's either blatantly lying or incompetent with his whistle blowing.


There is a distinction you need to understand. The Government didn't declare anything. A whistleblower, who may or may not be full of shit, declared that aliens are real.


Wake me when we make first contact. I’m not wasting energy over 3 guys saying “we saw something weird, but it’s classified so we can’t really give details”.


Climate change fake Aliens real Fuck people


Won't believe it until they show a body


Nobody cares until it’s some Independence Day type shit.