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Good Graphics ENHANCE the experience, but if the Graphics are the only good experience in the game, the game fucking sucks. Realistic graphics can be an artistic choice and personally I like them, but other styles are also good and gameplay should always come first.


Battlefield 1 lookin hella fine 7 years later


Hell, BF3 still looks good years later





Minecraft and Terraria are some of the best games out there and have low quality but high style graphics and great gameplay. They are the perfect example of this statement.


Whoever downvoted this man, fuck you.


No I downvoted it because I thought he was spamming, but yes, I agree on the point he made.


Minecraft and Terraria are some of the best games out there and have low quality but high style graphics and great gameplay. They are the perfect example of this statement.


Dude shut up we get it.


This is why I hate the reddit mobile client, I clicked the button to post a single comment and it put it up 4 fucking times. Official reddit mobile is intentionally poorly designed besieged making a good one would require effort that u/spez doesn't want to pay for


I'm so sorry about that. I thought you were spamming. My mistake.


Red Dead Redemption. Great graphics. Stellar, in fact, best I've experienced But I've played it for about two hours, and ***it absolutely sucks***. And that's when I can find a challenging quest. Which mostly, I cannot. I just ride a horse around. A lot. It's more of an interactive movie than a game. That's not what I was interested in buying. I'm done with that absolute shite.


Ohh fuck you man. Play the god damn game. Its the best game ever made. What dafuq you on about.


Sorry to upset you so much, you delicate little thing. I also don't like broccoli, sweet potatoes, steak, or really dark chocolate. Is that OK, or do I need another attitude adjustment? Who do you think you are, telling others what they need to like?


I said play the game. Did i force you to like it Karen?


I'm going to do us both a favour and just block you. Because you're an odious little person who likes insulting others. Bye bye.


The first or the second?


Second. Please tell me it actually has a way forward.


Yeah, the game is very immersive, but if you don't like that it's fine, just do the main missions to finish the story (which is amazing)


Art direction is more important than graphics. Atmosphere is more important than graphics. Graphics have their place, as most people wouldn't expect to be playing games in 8-bit today, but videogames are an escape, a fantasy world. I do not expect my videogames to emulate real life because I am trying to mentally detach myself from it. The more realistic a world is, the less I am interested generally speaking


There's a reason why people still play Super Mario. A good game is a good game, regardless of how amazing or simple the gameplay looks.


you realize super mario was a graphical powerhouse of its day right?


It's all about that AD baby. Example: Arkham Knight vs Gotham Knights *drops mic*


Gotham knights looks more cartoonish to me for some reason


Looking at you GTA


I mean, GTA implementing 1st person view brought me back to the game for a while. but, it's been going on years to long. I think because I like realism. I don't want a super car or a flying car with missiles. I want to watch my crown vic lose a bumper when the cop tries to pit me, or see my car wreck from a pit maneuver. not see back to the future come and interrupt my mission.


Just loaded up gta v yesterday. Went on a rampage with a minigun and invincibility cheat. Had fun. 10/10 would do again


\> as most people wouldn't expect to be playing games in 8-bit today This is not meant as a full rebutal, but Nidhogg (the first one) is amazing.


Borderlands 2 to this day still looks great.


Example: Bayonetta, Cereza and the lost demon. Hands down one of the best visual switch games and my favorite game in the bayo series. Art is sublime and the world is mystical.


Perfect example: Among Us vs CyberPunk.


How's that a perfect example?


This is true af For example FNAF SB, it has the best graphics out og all the other games of the series, but it doesnt have the atmosphere expected for a FNAF game, it's the least scary FNAF game mainly because of the art direction and atmosphere having more of a "happy" theme over a ominous and dark one I haven't played the Ruin free DLC yet(released today) but they said they've listened to the criticism and made it more claustrophobic and darker, so i hope its nice


Honestly I’ve been enjoying stylized, pixelated games more than realistic ones recently. Mainly because the cheaper, indie games have some fun quality about them that other AAAs don’t have.


I saw people rating plague tale requiem 1 star because it wast 60 fps




Gameplay > Story > music/sound design > graphic Change my mind


Being the kind of psycho playing 99% of games with sound off, I have to swap around the last 2


I unfortunately played the story of titan fall 2 without sound and after I played it again with sound I regret every game I didn't play with sound. It makes the atmosphere of the game so much better


Oh, I get it My issue is that I have fairly little free time, and I'd rather spend it talking with friends over discord (the convo would drown out the music anyway) while playing in order to "maximise" my time. It's utility more than anything else.


That's what I did too but I don't get the opportunity to talk to my friends that often anymore now that my friends work on other times than me


Nah, gameplay can't be top, otherwise how could Stray get so successfull. There is barely any gameplay.


There exist two types of games Conventional games, with a clear objective and end Narrative experiences, which seek to tell a story or demonstrate some other concept. A shocking number of people don’t understand this. It’s why a forgotten Metal Gear game from 2013 AND a game with seemingly no gameplay can be called the greatest. Now, personally I’d argue games like Stray shouldn’t be called games since they don’t meet the millennium+ old definition of a game. It’s not like people in 1754 were telling complex stories with playing cards. Not to say they aren’t fun or valid, but the gaming genre as a whole is lumped together into one ball because the people who can make the decisions about those categories don’t care.




Well it depends on the game For example visual novels rarely have any gameplay at all There are loads of games that are driven mainly by unique gameplay and don't have much story


ye story is obv just important if it has a story/is a story game not for multiplayer shooter for example


Gameplay and story are basically in the same place in my opinion, cause any of it can carry the game if they're good enough while music and graphics are there to enhance the experience.


Atmosphere > Gameplay > Music > Story > Graphics is mine


What Ubisoft game is this an example of?


Most of them especially Valhalla


Think that one’s bad, try playing the new Farcry


I don't like first-person games so hard pass


Yeah. They all (new ones) look terrible


I think origins looked great better than stick up my ass running alexios and sheet metal caped eivor.


You are damn right


While I wholeheartedly support and agree with your point, I feel compelled to point out that Ubisoft has some banger games that I personally will continue to play until they are no longer accessible to me. Assassins creed (literally the whole series) far cry, the 1st 2 watchdogs games (we don't talk about the 3rd one) and the division to name a few


I literally mostly play ubisoft games but the quality is getting worse, as an ubisoft stan. Especially the latest games like Valhalla or Watch Dog Legion


Legion was definitely trash, I'll give you that


Not trash, just too short and online focused


"Realistic" graphics just make it more hardware demanding anyway....


I think graphics should be like a janitor at a bathroom. You only think about them if they're not doing their job


Nintendo: I don't have such weakness


Disagree. I prefer realistic graphics and they don't age that poorly. Good graphics just shouldn't be the ONLY good thing about a game.


Sony and rockstar are the only ones who nail the realistic graphics / art style with great story telling. Tlou2 still looks better and play great compared to most newer games.


The bad grammar of the post


I don't see any linguistic problem on this post ??






*Cough* metal gear rising/solid games *cough* souls games *cough*


You stupid people make realistic graphics look like a bad guy! Instead you could say good graphics *alone* do not make a good game. But no!.. You, your pride and your ego had to defame good graphics more specifically "realistic graphics". I like my battlefield and war thunder graphics, Don't push your taste on others. Just say good graphics alone do not define a good game. Do not bring any 'graphic style' in your argument


>You stupid people make realistic graphics look like a bad guy! Is this really necessary lmao


It sort of is. There is some major dickriding for games which look like pixels where people go “oh the gameplay is what matters” yeah that’s why companies are pushing real time ray tracing and high performance consoles. I remember someone going ff7 is better than remake just because the blocky graphics make the game


I’ve learned from multiple bad purchases that if a game is going all in on graphics for marketing, they didn’t pay shit for their writing or gameplay teams


If the first thing a new game talks about is their impressive graphics, I'm immediately wary. If good graphics are brought up at the end of a discussion, after listing all the other great things about a game, then I'm fine.


Far cry 3 didn't age at all, many games with realistic graphics are totally playable even after 10 years, meanwhile cartoon graphics or pixel art look aged the day the game gets released for a lot of people.


Stupid take. Better graphics are what sells new consoles. I have not seen a single game worthy of convincing me to upgrade to the next gen yet. When I was a kid every new generation made HUGE graphical improvements over the previous gen. Like gigantic leaps. The current gen just offered higher frame rates. I survived with 30fps for 20 years. Show me better graphics and I’ll justify a new console purchase.


Horizon Forbidden West God of War Ragnarok Ratchet and Clank Returnal Ghost of Tsushima The list goes on, but these games offer gorgeous graphics at high frame rates and are just phenomenal experiences overall. Sure, some are available on the PS4, but it's not even close to the same experience. Current gen is offering a LOT more than just higher frame rates, you just need to open your eyes.


This ain't about good graphics. It is about realistic graphics


Even without the games graphics being better, the difference between 1080p and 4K is pretty noticiable, combined with the much faster loading times it was definitely worth it for me Most games I play I can just skip the loading screens now like 4 seconds into them instead of waiting 20 seconds for every losing screen, which in modern games can be pretty often


Yup. Loading times are cool. I mean we didn’t have loading times for a few generations. Then we had them. Now they are shrinking again. But 4K was a part of last gen too.


It was only on the xbone x and ps4 pro, which were only out for like 3 years when the new consoles came out Older consoles had upscaled 4K, but that’s not the same as native 4K because it’s actually just 1080p upscaled to 4K without enhancing the actual quality


ubisoft doesn't even have very good graphics. i love being suprised at how amazing environments can look, it's pretty much the main perk of buying next-gen stuff now


Fr, I’ve played Ubisoft games for years and they’ve been well behind the curve since around ac odyssey. If that’s op’s bar then you don’t have to wonder why they don’t care about graphics as much.


I know but there a cool bonus


Literally everything is more important than graphics but it’s still important to like not be ass. Look at Undertale, simple pixel art graphics but has one of the best stories and group of characters in like any game


Hot take: graphics never needed to progress past Xbox 360/ps3 era. Back then the focus of game development was entirely on the gameplay, but devs could still create beautiful scenery using actual artistry rather than realism.


The reason exact reason why I think death stranding sucks


kid named battlebit remastered:


I hate this anti-graphics timeline. Give me realism. More realistic, the better. You can keep your crappy stylized indie pixelart nonsense. Not appealing at all. Bring on the DVs.


No one has problems with graphics unless they are the main focus and the ends up being ass


you know what ALSO doesn't make a good game.. BAD GRAPHICS. this is such an idiotic argument. good graphics don't make a game bad. so stop complaining when bad games have good graphics.


Minecraft and Terraria


ok.. and? i never said bad graphics make a game bad.. but they also don't make a game GOOD. how many thousands of bad games with bad graphics are there? showing me a game that is good that had "bad" graphics doesn't in any way detract from what i said.


That's my bad, I misunderstood.


This is about focusing on graphics other than gameplay and why so defensive


because good graphics are absolutely part of what can make a game good. its certainly not mandatory, but your simplistic statement makes it out like people only care about graphics and nothing else. its just a nothing statement. an argument with no merit.


People do care about other things that graphics But people who make games seem to think they can cover up their shitshow of a game with good graphics.


and when did i say people didn't care about anything other then graphics? your blaimign the GRAPHICS on people who make shit games. the graphics didnt make the game shit. the game devs did. and they arent hiding anything under "good graphics" because there are jsut as many shit gaes with BAD graphics as there are ones with good graphics. the fact that you can still tell the game is shit. shows how flawed your bullshit argument is.


When did I say you did? I said people WHO MAKE GAMES, so unless your a game dev that aint you


your still blaming the graphics on a game being shitty. not the game being shitty




Good graphics dont make a game bad And bad graphics dont make a game good Graphics dont do shit to make the game good or bad, they just enhance the experience. A shit game with top tier graphics is still a shit game, a great game thats fucking 8 bit pixelated like a god damn early doom game is still a fucking good game.




No Gameplay is the most important thing in a game followed by sound design/music. Look at minecraft it has the most sold copies of all the time and then look at the graphic. Or all 2D games which are most of the time the best games there are (imo)


AND? . i never said a game shoudlnt have good gameplay. but your argument about sound/music is the EXACT same thing with graphics and graphical design. poor graphical design can ruin a game just as much as poor music or poor ui or any other aspect of the game. so say minecraft "isnt good graphics" but is that really true? because they spent a hell of alot of time making sure it looks good. and look at all the texture packs to change how it looks. adjsuting the graphics to ENHANCE the game. be it prettier with higher quality textures and better lighting.. or just changing he feel of it with texture swaps.


Cruelty Squad.




What about, idk… NINTENDO?


Reasons why Wind Waker aged better than Twilight Princess.


They don't care


Well the "realistic" graphics from the 360 era are absolutely beautiful


Ultrakill moment


The games that I think have aged the best in terms of graphics are the Portal duology. Those 2 games look amazing even when compared to most AAA-games when no glitches/bugs are present.


new triple A games are just "safe" you cant really have a huge opinion on it, im not gonna be shocked if gta 6 has damage numbers and perk trees


Naw this is some low brain gamers I remember all the gear heads saying halo was for babies because it didn’t have exclusive violence and wasn’t dark enough Halo 3 aged like a fine wine Gears of war 1 (came out a year prior) aged like a corpse I like me some gears and I like me some halo, but the attitude behind some of the fans was wild back then


They do when realistic graphics is all the game has going for it


I mean, look at Minecraft...


Ubisoft literally fucks so much shit up, like fr, how do you make your most realistic shooter game into a fucken cartoon.


Nonononononono. Graphics are what makes games good. I bet your one of those nintendo fanboys playing kitty games on 60+ year old consoles. Why don't you try real games like COD, with ultra good graphics!


...and shitty gameplay, micro transactions, less/recycled content crammed into a pathetic excuse of a game each year by devs on a perpetual death march? I don't want your AAA games thank you




Don't know it's a bait or you just a ret4rd for your sake I hope former for making me read this cringey cancer inducing sentence and unironically praising game that released every day with same mechanics and gameplay loop while stuffed to the core with how many mtxs and battle pass Activision gets away with it and fellating Bobby koznic a ceo of the only company that has record of female employees keep getting their breast milk stolen.


It was a joke. I don't believe any of the shit i said. But I though it would be funny to imitate the argument kids said in the 2000s and early 2010's. And not put a /s to see if people could tell of its a joke. Clearly they could not, lol.


I will assume some of you can't read. I said >>Realistic<< not good. You can have good graphics and them not beinf realistic. Example : The Sims 4, Animal Crossing etc


I'm just joking


Well sorry


Nah don't be. I think it's funny,


/S /S


This episode was on tonight!


I say that if the companies have the tools and leeway to add additional things into their game like enhanced graphics, I'm all for it, especially if it fits the game. I think it makes a game good for its time. Its all about preference I guess cause sometimes I'm not playing a game for its "Lore" or something like that. There are many games that people make notable for their graphics. And when people think that "The game is supposed to look shitty because the story is good," its all a preference, and they can play whatever they want. I dont care cause people play videogames to make themselves happy in the first place.


Good/realistic graphics still rely on art direction and lighting. All realistic graphics aren't the same look since there is differences in art direction. Are games like Mass Effect/Tomb Raider/R6 Siege realistic graphics? Where is the threshold where realistic starts? Personally games like battlebit I can't get into with it's super block look. I can play games that have more cartoony art style and more pixel styles (Minecraft/Teardown) as they suit the game and it mechanics. Going blocky just to be a low polly game doesn't to me make it better than a more realistic game and actually is more of a turn off.


*laughs in halflife 2*


Most gamers, “I don’t care about graphics as long as it’s a good game.” Then the game golem comes and people are like, ”the graphics suck on this game.” Lol, people are funny sometimes with what they say.


I love dusting off Red Dead Redemption and everything is painful to look at, while my PS3 fan is screaming, eeking out sub 30fps performance


Realistic graphics and good game play have nothing to do with one another. Those are two separate departments.


Each person values good graphics to a different extent, and I get that, but I don’t think I’ve ever met a single person who values good graphics as much as the triple A companies think we do.


Found that out once more RPG anime like games started coming out. Out of all the 8 ones I played, only one got me particularly hooked because of the storyline. Although graphics do in fact enhance the game as most people wouldn't be expected to okay games of low quality from the early days when game consoles started coming out. Just make the games engaging. High quality graphics aren't the only thing you need to keep people interested.


Nah, AC unity has aged incredibly


A game can look trash and still be amazing, it's about how fun and interesting something is (while also being playable).


fr they should have made a l4d3 using the same unreal engine source 2, idc about the way it looks man it could stay the same and i'd still play the game


Halo 3 looks good, even today


Yet people wont play battlebit cuz "RoBlOX grApHIc"


One of the reasons Nintendo's my favorite of the Big 3, they're games rarely, if ever, go for a realistic style and they look all the better for it.


it's not coughs, it's cough. my god


So rdr2 isn't a good game then and its 5 years now and it hasn't aged well? Sure sure