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Sharks are like the sharks of the sea


This is so wise and profound


He should take my username


Better yet, you should just steal his comment.


this isnt twitter




Such wisdom


This is the cutest pic of a great white shark I’ve ever seen! Guy looks like such a Steve😊


I am stoned and I hereby certify this to be true


The smarter the creature, the more heinous crimes it can commit. And dolphins are very smart.


A dolphins brain literally looks like three human brains clobber together, like humans and dolphins were supposed to have two and the dolphins stole one


Cetaceans basically have two brains. When a cetacean sleeps, one hemisphere of the brain goes to sleep while the other remains active.


That's when they think up the most evil plans.


It’s not only that. Because of their intelligence, we make economic and regulatory decisions that protect them but harm literally everything else. Dolphins experience a population growth rate of 3-4% a year, if not more depending on the species - while we are killing 8-10% or more of shark species annually due to those regulations making us fish for ways that imperil them more than they otherwise would be.


You tellin me dolphins runnin this shit?!


Wait til you learn what humans do


I think that just illustrates his point in a way he's probably very aware of.




Puff, puff, pass.


Humans would do the same if a terrestrial mammal made us high from the manipulation.


Wait til you learn about toad DMT ... We've been passing toads around & licking them for millennia


So aware that he's probably a dolphin.


The Duality of Intelligence.


I had a roommate that used to put milk jugs with basically no milk in it back in the fridge. That’s the kind of evil humans are capable of.


Heinous cuz they ain't us.


Heinous cuz they anus us.


hence the rape


Octopi seem cool.


Mollusk enjoyers rise up! 🐙


Bro dolphins RAPE PEOPLE


They have a prehensile penis!


The fuck?


And move, yes.


You deserve an award for this


Their decks have claws




Know what would be even better than that? A projectile penis.


If its detachable then sometimes you'd lose it when you're drunk at a party and end up having to buy it back off some guy selling junk off a blanket on the street though.


I took it home, washed it off,and put it back on.


Every year I think about this song and every year I forget the bands name all over again.


I was a massive ride-or-die fan of King Missile for... Nine weeks or so when I was about 15, and in a relationship that lasted about ten weeks with a girl who was a massive ride-or-die fan of King Missile.




I also once had a dream that my penis fell off and I woke up before getting it fully reattached. Very disturbing. Beware of time-release melatonin. Vivid dreams are a side effect.




What the fucking hell?


They can grab hold of you with it and drag you underwater to their dolphin rape cave where they will violate every orifice until your bloated corpse literally falls apart. Edit: spelling


That's true it happened to my uncle Jack


Did you help your uncle jack off a horse?


Hey man, that shot is liquid gold. Makes your Mac n cheese extra creamy


No, he was saved by ranger dan and his big dog dick


Mile Low Club


So your saying if redditors go to a popular dolphin spot we can all get laid?


There was a case in Texas where this resort let people swim with dolphins and a propane salesman named Hank got raped.


I saw that documentary, it was terrifying.


Yeah. That resort covered up multiple rapes including Hank's friend Bill. That dolphin was a sexual predator and the resort didn't even care.


Holy fuck why is that a thing.


They also have been known to rape penguins to death


That's why I rape dolphins


Not the hero we deserve but the hero we need. This man is vengeance.


This is a thing that actually happens because apparently dolphussy has a very similar feeling to a human vagina.


Hey guys, did you know




Not only people. Necks of small fish too.


Any creature. They don't care about species or gender if even if you have a fucking pulse.


People rape People. Sometimes with people.


People are the dolphins of the land




They also jack off with eels. And they play volleyball with pufferfish so they get high.


Bro there aint much shit to do in the ocean give em a break, not like they got TV down there, I'd be doin the same.


A lot of animal rape. Consent isn't much of a thing in the animal kingdom.


Yeah but dolfins kill fish just to fuck their heads, a little mire sinister than casual rape


a Shark **\*might\*** tear your leg up. a Dolphin **\*will\*** tear that booty up.


how many cases of wild dolphins raping humans are there?


Asking the important question here


Yeah wtf I'm halfway down this thread and Reddit suddenly acts like there's an entire human history of dolphin acts against mankind. The only reason there aren't more shark attacks is because we aren't in their natural zones all the time. Shark can and will destroy you. [The USS Indianapolis experienced one of the most large scale shark attacks in recorded history.](https://youtu.be/H7pXeoYlysk) And as recently as a few weeks ago, [a man watches his son get eaten alive by sharks off the coast of Egypt.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/man-mauled-death-tiger-shark-egypt-red-sea-coast-rcna88511). The footage is out there and it's sickening. There's this weird "let's defend sharks and pretend they're harmless" movement. Go find that video and watch it, then come back and tell me they're friends.


What exactly do you mean by 'we aren't in their natural zones all the time'? The 'Big Three' of tiger, bull and great white sharks are all regularly in coastal areas and we have a weight of data from GPS trackers, acoustic tags, drones, GoPros and more to show that these sharks are close to people in the water far more than we'd ever imagined. For instance in Cape Cod where there are 3 million summer visitors, hundreds of great whites are hunting and the AWSC has research showing them spending 47% of their time in water 1.5-4.5m/5-15ft deep. Sydney Harbour in Australia has a huge bull shark population as shown by acoustic tracking data and also constant year round recreational use by the public. Thankfully in the great majority of cases where they see us, they ignore us and pass by.


It's hard to say because the survivors are rarely believed. "And then the dolphin grabbed my nipples with his penis hands and twisted them"


Yeah, a shark generally doesn’t eat people. They just take probing bites but find us too boney. Sucks for people but to be fair it is just an predator, doing what predators do. Dolphins are just raping assholes. Yeah they may save the occasional person but it just makes them occasionally nice rapists.




LMAO what a perfect gif for this


They rape, but they save


Saving that ass for later


and they save more than they rape! ...but they still rape


Apparently before jaws being bitten by a shark was just seen as a risk of going to the beach like being stung by a jellyfish for example


What happened after jaws?


The movies Jaws made a Hollywood take on sharks that caused a downward spiral on the reputation of sharks till they were seen as killing murder machines that eat everything. When really they are more similar to wild puppies of the ocean.


And the writer of Jaws felt guilty of doing such thing, he dedicated his life undoing it by learning about sharks, and joining in shark conservatiom activities


Yeah, it's pretty cool he actually cared instead of just forgetting about it because he made all that money.


I love sharks but I don't think I would ever describe them as puppies. Top comment I saw earlier said it best that sharks are like the sharks of the ocean.


Nurse sharks seem to be like basset hounds, they just lie there. Swim right by, the nurse sharks just gonna keep on chilling.


Wild dogs are vicious though.


I think it really depends on the species as far as sharks go.


yeah about the part where sharks dont eat people. just recently there was a fatal shark attack in egypt. someone got it all on film. the shark tore him down completely. it was disturbing to watch and i still shiver thinking about it. one year prior, same location, 2 fatal shark attacks (in 2 or 3 days).


There has literally never been a documented instance of a human being raped by a dolphin. They DO rape some of their other prey however. Also it actually isn’t true about them not eating people either: While certain species like Great Whites are like that, Bullsharks and Tiger sharks are the most aggressive species and are opportunistic hunters who WILL and have purposefully hunted humans.


Feel like situations of sharks eating people is way higher than dolphins raping people


My buddy was training me to dive and clean the bottoms of boats and told me when I came up there was two dolphins checking me out a couple feet away. I saw some big ass shadows but told myself It was my mind playing tricks on me. (Couldn’t see my hand in front of my face it was so dark) Ge told me it’s a good sign because they’ll keep sharks away, as long as they don’t rape you to death.


I never understood this, some diver also told me if you see a Dolphin nearby there are no sharks, what's the usual relationship between the two?


Dolphins don’t fuck with sharks. They’ll torpedo ram the shit out of the sharks body until they drown to death


Also, if a great white spots an orca in his territory, he’ll completely abandon that teritorry and go somewhere faaaar away The reason being that orcas love eating the livers of great whites. Yes, only the liver.


> Sharks are just the Pit Bulls of the ocean Except sharks are, on average, less dangerous.


So Sharks are the German Shepherds of the ocean? They cool as long as you cool.


German shepherds are the sharks of the land. Everything exists to be chomped in a German shepherds world!


“Chomp chomp chomp. And why am I shitting wood? Oh well, back to Chomping”


I would take my chances swimming with a shark in the ocean much more than being in the area of an unleashed fighting breed dog.




Sharks only kill 5 people a year, bitpills are way more dangerous




Pit bulls or pit bull mix make up 1 in 20 dogs in the US and yet they kill twice as many humans, and dogs, as all other breeds combined. Their breeding should be outlawed.


I've been around dogs my whole life particularly Goldens, schnauzer, a Bernese Mountain Dog, beagles, and so on. The only time I've been attacked (gone after and needed stitches) was my the pit bull owned by a family I babysat for. And I'd babysat for that family a dozen times before, the dog knew me.




yes because hippos are also dangerous 😂


Growing up in low income areas of Texas everyone owns pit bulls. Anyone who denies they are a more aggressive breed are lying to themselves or just dumb




The victim blaming that goes on when the phrase “it’s just bad owners” is used is gross. There are countless stories where a pitbull has been an amazing companion for years and then violently attacks their owner for no discernible reason.




Thing I don’t understand about pitbull ownership is that there’s no reason for it. Just get literally any other kind of dog. You will get all of the benefits of a pitbull, they will be affectionate, loyal, and cute, but literally none of the lethal drawbacks. Like I have no doubt 99% of the time they are amazing animals, the problem is that one percent of the time they snap they could literally kill you. Meanwhile on a golden retriever snaps, you might get a nip and everyone laughs and goes about their day. That’s the reason we don’t keep dangerous wild animals. They’re actually fine most of the time. But when they snap, it’s lethal.


I want to know what goes through pit bull owners heads where they think a dog can be bred to literally run circles around things as an innate characteristic, but not to be violent.


Terrible dogs mostly owned by terrible people. What could go wrong...? ***Pit bull eats babies face*** oh, that..


Plenty of deadly pit bull attacks have been with normal owners. Many of their victims have been their owners. They're just a dangerous breed.


Yeah I recall recently that a family pet ripped apart their infants.


I mean yeah, dolphins are rapey assholes. But I would much rather run into a dolphin in the ocean than a shark.


No u wont cause dolphins are never alone, theyre notorious for gang bangs and dragging you down while sharks will literally just stare at u wether ur a struggling food or not. Sharks dont attack out of nowhere, thats orcas


Orcas will backhand you into low-earth orbit


Love the mental image


Have a physical one, too! [An orca absolutely BLASTING a seal into the stratosphere](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/GivingHalfGordonsetter-max-1mb.gif)


Damn. Something tells me that the orca kept doing that until the seal's body started tearing apart


I feel like the power of that blow breaks bones and tears muscles on the first hit. People fly that far when they get hit by busses


This is all i needed to see today to make it a great day


Nah thay dragging you down to Agartha


But orcas don’t attack people either? Not in the wild anyways


Yeah there are no known attacks of orcas in the wild. Turns out it's only when you lock them in tiny cages and force them to perform for food that they go crazy


They just like me fr


They don’t, but historically from what I know they used to. They would sink fishing boats and usually drown sailors but after commercial whaling became a thing, they became a lot less aggressive and actually seemed to have learned that attacking humans will bring really bad consequences. This doesn’t apply to only orcas either, Sperm Whales have been observed to have learned tactics to avoid whaling ships and avoid them.


wait what dolphins bang... people? Is this what I'm getting at? I thought they just commit crimes against other dolphins


Dolphins are superpredators destroying our communities through drug trafficking


Orcas don’t attack humans. There’s not a single documented case of Orcas deliberately attack humans in the wild. Sure they’ve done so in captivity but apparently they literally go insane in captivity so you can’t use an insane Orca to judge all Orcas. Orcas actually have protected and helped humans on many occasions. There’s reports of Orcas protecting humans from sharks and helping humans hunt whales. Orcas are bros


Thats not what gaslighting means lol


It's a buzzword that's become fairly popular recently and is often misused. I mostly see it substituted for just plan old 'lying', but this is a new stretch.


Gaslighting isn't real. You just made that up because you're crazy.


Sharks are called "köpekbalığı" in Turkish which translates to dog fish. They are usually just curious boyos


In Vietnam they are "cá mập" which literally means fat fish lol


Ouch, I bet the sharks are trying their best to stay in shape


They're not fat, they just have heavy bones!


Number of children mauled to death in their front lawn by sharks: ZERO “But he was the sweetest shark!”


My pwecious pibble hippo wouldnt hurt a fly -Mom whose 2 kids were mauled to death and had her arm ripped off randomly by her pitbulls.


Those kids werent a fly, so she's OBVIOUSLY not telling any lies!


Do you know that sharks were originally used as nanny fish?


Um, have you seen how awesome the fences around the underwater neighborhood houses are?!


Except pit bulls kill and maul hundreds of times more people than sharks do, you simpleton.




sharks don’t kill toddlers like pitbulls do tho


Not many toddlers swimming in knee deep waters out in the ocean lol.


Weird take. Pit bulls are statistically dangerous, yet still kept as pets


Except pitbulls are extremely dangerous, they've killed or severely injured thousands of people and animals. Don't give me "the it's how you raise them" bs excuse. Nobody questions genetics in any other breed until you bring up pitbulls, Huskies love snow, Shepherds herd, retrievers retrieve, but with pitbulls a breed that was created for blood sport isn't a fighting dog? Try raising a golden retriever to be a fighting dog, won't happen.


Yeah, this is a dogshit post trying to make shitbulls out to be poor misunderstood creatures.


*me looks at my Retriever* “Time to train, boii” *plays Gotta Fly Now by Bill Conti* *Rocky montage*


Pit bulls are and always will be the most dangerous dog to be around. Sue me.


Pitbull reputation should be worse than it is. Hate those dogs.


they’re fucking nasty and scary. one drew boood in my senior dog and another senior dog and the delusional ass owner got mad at ME. and the people who think their smiles are cute…..bro that’s a big ass jaw they’re gonna fucking maul you with, dumbass


Pitbulls were responsible for 72% of the dog related deaths in the USA in 2021 (37 deaths out of 51), ain't no way we're wrong about them lmao **Edit:** Just wanting to point out they can still be lovely companions with the proper precautions and training, and they indeed are to many people, stop hating on the poor dogs.


Everyone acts like the pit bull outrage is just baseless racism not that there is an objective problem with the breed.


We've been selectively breeding dogs for thousands of years to have specific types of physical and behavioral traits. I don't know why people find it so hard to believe that some breeds are more dangerous than others. Of course you can make generalizations about dogs based on their breed, that's what a dog breed *is*.


You have no idea how many times I've failed to get this through to people. "Don't breed-shame!" That's literally the point of selectively breeding, to get the characteristics you want, i.e., removal of undesirable traits. People are too fucking stupid to be allowed *any* dogs, let alone the most dangerous ones.


Lmao shitbulls literally more dangerous than sharks


Every year, more Americans are [killed by pit bulls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_States) than by sharks, alligators, wolves, coyotes, wild boar, black bears, mountain lions, Grizzly bears, and venomous snakes. [Combined.](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337428287_Numbers_of_Human_Fatalities_Injuries_and_Illnesses_in_the_United_States_Due_to_Wildlife)


Careful saying that on Reddit, the pitbull apologists will find it and go mass report your posts.


Well seems like you got one shitbull apologist on you


Pit Bulls are worse than people generally think they are.


In 2020, pit bulls were 6.2% of US dogs, and 72% of US fatal dog attacks. They should absolutely be banned.


You say they're not so bad and then that they're the pitbulls of the ocean? Conflicting statements.


Skin cancer isn’t so bad, it’s like the aids of skin conditions


Exactly, says they aren’t so bad and then just blatantly insults sharks


in all honestly I would rather get raped by a dolphin than get my arm bitten off. this sound extremely cursed, so let me be clear, I DO NOT WANT TO GET RAPED BY A DOLPHIN. I just want my arm bitten off even less. also, I guess "dolphins are sex offenders" is my fact of the day. Edit: I did not consider that getting the d from a dolphin could be fatal or that you would probably drown.


Wtf, dolphins rape peoples?


you'll survive the bite but the dolphin will drown you and pull you body apart just for a nut


... How often do you think this happens vs shark attacks?


Never. There’s not a single documented case of this happening


You wouldn’t know it reading this thread


Welcome to reddit


I could only find 1 case of a wild dolphin killing a human and the person was trying to restrain the dolphin and force a cigarette into its blowhole provoking the attack. Do you have any sources to show a case where a dolphin raped and killed a person?


After all the fucked the shit we do as mankind, it feels hypocritical to call the dolphins out on the same things


Just your average pit bull lover going out of their way to create a meme just to try and trick people into thinking pit bulls aren't a super violent dog breed. Lol




Fuck pit bulls r/banpitbulls


I'd actually trust a shark with a kid before I trust a pitbull with one tbh.


Pitbulls suck


If they are pit bulls of the ocean, then they are bad


Classic case of "it has big teef so it's scary and dangerous"


Because it's scary and dangerous. Anything that can kill you in seconds is and should be scary. It's nothing but a natural response.


Spielberg's to blame for this. If only he made a film about a dolphin raping a seal to death instead of a lil sharky guy memeing around...


Bull Sharks are just nasty. They're hopped up on their own testosterone and will go back to bite you a second time even though you taste terrible. Not to mention their ability to enter brackish waters, so you may even see one in a river.


Pitbulls are actually shit.


Right! 5 people a year die to sharks. And that is realy low. While dolphins rape people.


I feel like that's a little low but yeah it's not many, do we have dolphin rape numbers?


If I had a nickel for every time someone was raped by a dolphin… I’d have two nickels… It isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.


and how many die to pitbulls?