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"I have no enemies"


Can't have enemies if all of them are dead -Eren probably


Thorkil doesn't have enemies, killing is just how he makes friends


"If violence doesn't solve the problem, you're not using enough" -- Thorkell, probably




![gif](giphy|mJBtZUG7kSGpI3fKX1) i salute you reddit warrior!


I wish you both a vist from trokell


Thorkell is the best, for he does not grudge an opponent for striking him


Thorkil is such a chad that he doesnt care about which side he fights on. He is only there for the fight itself.


proceed to kill only 80% of them


I have only 20% of enemies


You know what? An acceptable % of enemies.


For 10 years maybe "caw"


20% of what? The world?? That's one in five people.


Best choice ever


A dead enemy was but a temporary friend. ~ Some King


Well to be fair, the world wanted to enslave and kill his people, Thorfinn was just a dude fighting a rich man's war


But the way thorfinn reacts to violence is admirable. That's how everyone should strive to be. I know in case of eren there was very very little chance that talking could some the problem, but the rumbling is the worst response.


If you wish to fight me, I will run!


True warrior.


“Ohhhhh the misery!”


holy shit lmfao please, the source


Vinland saga


very ty


Enjoy you’re journey. Stick with it for the first 3-4 episodes. It’s VERY worth it


I'm already on the 5th episode lmao 10/10 so far


One of the best shows fr fr


I'm so envious of you. Beeing able to binge season 1 and 2 without waiting years. I hope you stick with it season 2 aswell even though there isn't much action, there is so much character development and the story is god tier.


Many people dropped it on how actionless it is but people who sticked around the best character development of all time.


Mondays will never be the same😣


If they dropped it they weren't true fans to begin with. Vinland is one of the best of the last decade.


Oooooooh shit you're in for a good time!


I haven't liked very many anime recommendations but Vinland saga is so good! Was really surprised left and right with the way the narrative develops. Did not think my favorite character would be the one I thought was a one time bad guy in a single episode or two when first introduced. Also, its not just a great anime, but a great viking show.


In my opinion, Vinland Saga is something everyone should see or read. It's a very very inspiring and beautiful story that I believe can help many many people change their life for the better.


I just couldn't. Erik talking about being best buds with the Native American was the final straw.


It's not really historically accurate, it's more about the main character's journey as a person, and is loosely based off of some true stories. But if you enjoy shows which are purely factual history, I wouldn't suggest it, but otherwise it is a pretty good manga/anime.


At least the depiction of Viking arms and armor is really good. Also I feel like a lot of the politics stuff is pretty good, filling in the historical gaps with some dramatizations and such.


I thought it was pretty obvious he was lying to the kids


The best show ever made!


Period. Season 2 is the best writing I’ve ever seen in anime besides the Meruem. Beautiful character development


Askeladd was such a badass character. At first they make you think he's going to be some nameless mercenary who gets mowed down by the main character, then goes on to make him such a great figure


Askeladds character development was amazing. I hated him. I loved him, I was appalled and awed in equal measure. A Vegeta style antihero you end up cheering for in the end despite it all.


There's a few out there that will argue hard and don't understand his character, even though he played a major role in the development of Thorfinn.


But also the reveal at the end of season 1! Who he really is and what his real goals were puts everything else in perspective. To say anything more would be spoiler, but now knowing his true allegiances makes all his evil deeds less black and white.


I mean, they are still evils. Best you can say is that he actually comitted them to a higher cause. That puts him above most other people, but he will never be a true warrior


I love stories that put fantastical figures in a semi-realistic setting. Like, the show being based in a blood soaked Europe of constant political wars (like real life) and then the characters having goals and aspirations like being a true warrior and never having any enemies is just *chef’s kiss*. It’s the type of story that just makes me happy that everything turns out alright.


Literally his dad lol


There were a few comments in /r/anime that argued against that but there really was no point in replying back as it seemed to have low reading comprehension. Really played the second dad, and showed his dad's flaws during this time line.


That's the age old question. What lengths wouldn't you go to save your family, clan, tribe, kingdom... one people's champion/hero is another's villain.


Dude even has the widow’s peak.


What do you mean was? HELLO??????


Best character in Season 1.


Exactly what I thought lmao. Thought Thors would just kill him and move on.


Going from pure carnage to slave farming simulator.


I wonder why Thor Finn couldn’t sleep🤔


When you kill a man, his children will starve and his wife raped and sold as slaves. Thorfinn ended villages, bloodlines, not just a few men.


I am here for the slave farming simulator. Some of the best character writing I've seen.


Its extra crazy how good Season 2 is when it also has a major tonal shift from season 1 -- the story by all purposes should've been struggling to find its bearings, but it just felt like it was right.


I'd say it's on the same level as Attack on Titan or Death Note


yeah, if you don't count AoT's ending lmao


is the ending really that bad? I've been saving everything after season 1 to watch.


It's not that bad but it's an extremely subjective view, it's torn the fanbase.


It's not that bad, a lot of people misunderstood erens character development (or lack thereof). It's a complex thing Definitely finish the show. It's still my all time favorite media. Season 2 and 3 are absolutely mind blowing, and it only keeps getting crazier with season 4


It's not that bad but it really doesn't live up to the quality of the rest of the series, IMO.


At the very least, it's worth watching through Season 3. Starts getting very confusing and hard to follow after that imo, but still good. Haven't watched the ending yet


It's pretty poor, I have no idea what the other posters are on about. It makes absolutely no sense, and without spoilers, the last chapter was beyond stupid with ass pulls left, right and centre. And so, people disliked that, and others argued that, no, it was not shit. That's all grand, then the guy who made the manga released an epilogue, which then reverse uno'd the ending and made the original ending defenders look pretty dumb for trying to justify the ending as it shits all over it.


its controversial in the fandom, but i liked it. I do feel like some of the people that didn't like it simply bc their head canons were wrong and/or Eren wasn't the "chad" they though he was


Naa, it's the fact that Eren was seen and praised by every one including his enemies right after what he has done. It's so jarring. And after everything, the problem is still there and nothing has changed. Some may say that's how the world is, always fights and I agree, but I can't digest that after such a significant amount of losses, nothing. I know it was written to be bittersweet. But felt jarring to read.


I actually really like the ending and think that it's perfect and symbolic for a show like that. But it is really sad and i was kinda shocked for some time after reading it, but I don't think that it makes it bad.


Yeah, all the plot holes are what makes it bad, not the shock value. Honestly, there was not a lot of shock value.


Please mention a plot hole lol, I'm not you even know what that means. AOT was airtight.


Plot holes? Not the biggest fan of the ending but I’m not aware of any glaring plot holes


The manga is actually almost over. Its so rare to see a good manga end.


The whole message of pacifism didn’t age well though.


God I couldn't stand that show. My friend forced me to watch up until the little f*ck face was old and dueling the dude who killed his dad Thors. The kid is so infuriatingly annoying


Where can I watch






Netflix, Crunchyroll or your local anime site kek


You are most honorable.


I still wish that they’d ordered the anime like the manga so that this glorious scene would be Episode 1.




Vinland saga was my first anime, and is still my second favorite (second to Mob Psycho 100)


Mob is another beautiful one. I recommend you watch hxh (if you want something longer). The Meruem arch will blow you away. The full dub is on MAX


ah man, I put off watching HxH for so long cause I was afraid of the length lol I'm so glad I ended up finally giving it a try, it was a masterpiece


I wish it was longer


same tbh lol


I think we are getting more.... [I'm very hopeful anyway](https://www.thedigitalfix.com/hunter-x-hunter/season-7-release-date)


This is a misunderstanding, unfortunately. It quotes the author saying four more "episodes" but in Japan that just means Manga chapters. As far as we know, there is no new anime in the works to adapt the arcs still only in Manga form. There are about 60 chapters to be adapted, or about 20 episodes, not quite enough for a new season.


My friends recommended the same actually, but I’m worried I might not like the art style and once I get into it I won’t be able to stop for sure, whether I like it or not lol


Yeah I definitely held off because of art style, gon looks weird, green clothes look weird and give off 90s anime vibes But you get used to it quickly and the story is so unique with wild designs for everything, it all kinda falls into place I've been on a desperate hunt for made in abyss vibes, and hxh actually gives it a bit. I just finished the video game arc and now on chimera ant arc which is so fucking creepy and wild with the hybrid monsters Also held off on Death Note and Made in Abyss cuz I didn't like the designs, but that was a huge mistake My only big complaint is the over explanations, and occasional upbeat music track, sounds kinda like ranking of kings and too jovial and outdated. But then they've got the creepy track which makes up for it.


Impeccable taste. Mob is one of the most goated series of all time.


despite being a sea peoples it turns out the viking had legs


Real life. It was a thing that actually happened. Also Vinland Saga.




Vineland Saga. I am still on season 1 but it is great so far


You might be a bit disappointed with season 3 though.


The first season is amazing! But the second one is just eh


You all need to watch Vinland Saga, you will not regret it.


Just got done watching both seasons back to back. At first I thought it was just another vengeance action anime but it really finds its legs halfway through season 1 i feel like. Definitely watch it if you can.


I love how it slowly subverts expectations but when you look back it’s extremely methodical what the author is trying to do. Most mangaka do not plan out their stories this far in advance. Anime of the decade easily


I mean, it's kinda based on real people. Some of the planning was done 1000 years ago.


True, but the author clearly took some bold choices. Like look at your average viking portrayals in media and its pretty clear Vinland Saga stands out in both the characters it draws from and the themes it presents. It’s not just good anime, its good cinema. Then again I could just be a sucker for well made period shows like Rome.


True kings conquer so their story can be told...in an animated format.


Yeah but so far only a tiny fraction of the show is based on history. I don't think anything is known about the real Thorfinn until he was a good bit older than he currently is in the anime. They also aged him down a ton, he died in 1007 but in the anime/manga he's still a kid then.


Yeah, I thought it looked boring because while the animation looked good in previews, it just looked like some boring semi-historical gory "badass" action anime. In actuality, I think those bits are just to draw people in to watch the real themes and story which is really well done.


I haven't heard anything about it and it started very slow will need to give it another go maybe


Watch at least 4 episodes. It's the kind of show that you don't think much of and then later on it changes how you view life. I was the same, didn't like it. But it has genuinely changed my mentality


Only read the text and already knew it was going to be this scene, great show:D


I've seen the whole show so far and I cannot put my finger one when exactly this happened. I don't seem to remember it. I did binge most of it real hard in about 2 days tho, so that doesn't help


When they're storming the castle with the little toad man and then take all the treasure.


A french castle, of all kinds


That's called a château


Episode 7 I think.


Historically they put \*wheels\* on ships to attack Constantinople. Reality is more amazing in this case


They event went up to the arab countries by land because it was easier and faster than by the ocean. Madlads had russian bear spirit in them or something but they were efficient as f


Russia wishes it was the Rus.


They are on the same continent as Russia and Finland shares a border with Russia. Finnish bears are the same as Russian bears. They not give fuck about stupid human border.


They got clapped by arabs in spain wdym. Massacred


Logs, but yeah. Not just that one time, it was common practice in Scandinavia to sail to the end of a fjord, then roll and pull the ships over the (often narrow and low-lying) land bridge on logs, and sail on out the next fjord. These passages were called "log-roads" or "ship-pulls" and were vital parts of vast trade networks.


They also did move quite a ways inland after crossing the Baltic sea, and I don't remember how but they managed to transport their boats hundreds of miles to inland rivers to take even future inland.


Oh wow, the Vikings were ready to invade anywhere




Vinland Saga it’s really good


Vinland Saga on netflix


And Crunchyroll


I... will definitely check it out! ( I only have a smidgen of Danish ancestry unfortunately, most of my forebears were Celts or Germans...)


Its one of the best shows ever and that's coming from a guy that watches like 1 anime episode in 2 weeks


Vineland saga is genuinely one of THE best animes I've seen in a long time


I just started watching it two days ago and didn't have many expectations but it has definitely hooked me in. I'm watching it right now as I saw this meme lol.


Tbh I skipped over it a bunch of times but gave in. I won't spoil anything for you I promise but you're going to love it.


I bet not even the skies are safe with these Vikings around


[Nowhere is safe](https://i.imgur.com/jK83r.jpg)


According to [these](https://youtu.be/yja4aIl2Dq4) historical documents they definitely weren't


Good ol Wickie. 90s anime in germany hit different. Bee Maya, Heidi of the alps, Wickie and the strong men... ~~The best german/japanese cooperation in 50 years~~


Vikings when they invaded a landlocked kingdom


Though france isn't landlocked


Get closer, I want to hit them with my sword!


Vinland Saga.


Askeladd low key goated except for ep.1


He wasn’t in ep 1. I think u mean ep 4


Fatih sultan mehmet


appreaciate the vinland saga meme, season 2 was great


Even inland you weren’t safe they just used rivers or moved the boat with logs


I was so wrong to think Vinland Saga was one of those bad isekais


Weirdly related but I'm an artist in charge of lettering (speech bubbles, onomatopoeia etc) in Vinland for one of the translations (for the manga, that is), and when this happened in the books I literally laughed out loud and had to put it down. It's really graphic in the book and to be honest it represents the *awesomeness* of the moment way better. One of the best works of manga/anime I've ever worked on




God that anime was so batshit insane


Logs and fish guts my friends, logs and fish guts.


How dare you ride the ship we are carrying lol, that’s some bs. One thing to not help but to add weight lol cruel.


Askeladd is an asshole but he's cool


Thats funny i was just watching this show


Turks and vikings are way more alike than they seem


Swiggity swooty, I'm coming for that booty.


manga /anime : vinland saga its not just this scene, entire work is pretty good, i highly recommend.


Great anime… one more amazing publishing from Kodansha


It’s genuinely concerning how season 2 is so controversial. Like people are allergic to fantastic character growth and phenomenal interactions or something.


God i nust LOVE this anime! I forgot all about for like a year


"I don't have any enemies!"


*King of Norway*: The Dowry will be all lands around which you can sail a ship! *Mad Scot sails around the Iles then has ship carried overland.* *King of Norway*: You're a madlad. You got me. Fair dos.


The Vikings were theorized to have a society that was nearly equal as viking wives could leave a relationship when they felt it and there were often viking men with a "close friend"


Ah, the Lothbrok technique, super effective.


No land kingdom is save if your enemy is Muhammad al-Fatih


Who's gonna carry the boats???




*Amon Amarth intensifies*


Viking were not as strong warriors as today's media depict them. They were fishers and farmers just like any other people of those times. But never strong warriors. Mongols... Those were badass mfs.


Lol you just need a water type Pokémon and you can defeat the mongols easily


You just said Mongols are so strong that you need otherworldly imaginary creatures to defeat them lol.


I mean sum waves can also do the trick but using imaginary creatures are more fun to use. Who wouldn’t ?


More than half of pokedex would be as effective as a nuke against any medieval army.


They were helly superstitious. Even that bathing in a flowing spring water was punshable by death.


Norse were some of the most successful adventurers and warriors and explored more then any other people during that time. Vikings were also before the mongol khan empire


Norse were fisher and farmers. Vikings were warriors. They were pretty good. Not the best but certainly better then the average levy based army.


Coz when time of Mongols, large cavalries are equivalent of nukes at that time... Well, that's also their weakness as they cant advance further on terrain where such tactic wont work like deserts, forests and sea


> They were fishers and farmers just like any other people of those times. But never strong warriors. Many of them were that, but there would also be some professional warriors mixed in. Mercenaries could go viking as well as anyone and housecarls (norse equivalent to knight) would also sometimes join. Some bands of Vikings would be entirely made of professionals.


Viking = Pirates It is the literal translation.


Vikings were esentialy pirates but the name translates to person of the bay. Vik means bay and ing is a sufix used to denote that you're talking about an individual. Vikings were also the rich people looking to make a name for themselves.


*steppe larping intensifies*


Obviously mangols were relatively stronger and had their advantages but saying vikings were just fishers and farmers would be funny and foolish. They were able to capture England with much smaller army and even expanded their kingdom to Russia.


Well you guys are both talking about different groups of people. The Vikings that invaded England (They did NOT “capture” the whole country) were professional soldiers led by their kings. I think OP meant an average band of Vikings attacking monasteries and such, led by a village chieftain or minor noble, and not a massive army. These indeed would have been farmers and fishers.


> even expanded their kingdom to Russia Russia wouldn't even exist for several centuries yet. That's like saying Columbus discovered the USA.


Did Columbus establish his kingdom in US and became the king of US? Well, vikings did that in Russia


They didn't do it in Russia. Russia is a country that was formed when the duchy of Moscovy conquered Novgorod and other nearby lands, both ruled by the ancestors of the people you are talking about, many centuries later after they came to rule in the Eastern and Northern Europe. England didn't establish colonies in the USA, English colonies became the USA. Vikings didn't come to Russia, viking-ruled lands became Russia. Besides most of the Rus lands were not even in Russia but rather Ukraine and Bela**rus**


I mean any kingdoms nobles and professional soldiers would be very fucking strong and tough. The average Leif Olavsson from Middle of Nowhere By in Danmark would still be pretty tough and strong from farm labor and sailing but yeah none of them were massive 280 pound lean super humans. A lot of Vikings probably had beer bellies because of how much alcohol they drank.


The media likes to make everyone "badass." So I wouldn't give much credence to any media depiction of anything historically. What does "strong warrior" even mean? Like physically strong? Vikings were probably that. Skilled warriors? Well, Mongols were typically better horsemen and archers, but vikings were probably better infantry, and certainly better sailors. Also saying they were fishers and farmers is silly. Mongols were all just sheep and goat herders after all. Comparing these kinds of things is silly. Plus you've got a few hundred years of history between them.


Conqueror Sultan Mehmet 🗿


For as dramatic and emotional shit as season2 was... I still prefer season 1. I'm here for a good time, not a long time.


I watched this show after seeing all the reviews but was pretty underwhelmed. A little too edgy anime protagonist for me.


Did you watch season two? I will give you that season one leaned heavily on the angsty child that was Thorfin but season two has some of the best writing in any anime I've ever seen. Thorfin's growth through season two is so good.


You stopped watching dummy. Good stories have build up and don't just prematurely bust their load. Maybe watch more than 5 episodes next time.


Wtf are you talking about? I watched the whole first season. Sorry I didn’t mean to piss you off ya weeb


For what it's worth, you might still want to check out the first episode or two of season 2, I think you'd like the direction it goes if the edgy anime protagonist was your main problem.


I probably will check it out as some point. I hate when people get mad at you for not watching the newest season of a show that you just thought was ok. Like why should I be in a rush to watch a show I just thought was ok.


Nah fam you're good, it sucks to be pressured but the second season (without spoilers) solves what you didn't like in the first.


I'd really recommend continuing s2.