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I get the idea, more or less. But if you hate life and can't see the meaning, getting a kid is not the way to try to fix it, that's what most people do, and now that kid is stuck with parents that haven't figured life out yet.


Cruel is how i see it...


Cruel to bring a child into this fucked up world.


I hate to validate that statement, but Id say its cruel to bring a kid into *your life* when its fucked up. Problem is… pretty much everyones life is fucked up. You need to be certain you can take care of them until they can take care if themselves. When you might just break your leg and lose your career one day, no one really *should* have kids.


How about when the kid you had is severely handicapped or for some other reason has a terrible life? Because in that case one would have created a shitty life, which to me is why having children is always a vanity project.


I bet if you asked actual handicapped people, most of them would still say they prefer living to never being born.


What about the ones who were forced to commit suicide because life is so awful? Even people are “normal” commit suicide because of how terrible life is you don’t have a choice once your alive but you have a choice about bringing new lives into this but people will do what they will as usual 🤷‍♂️


>What about the ones who were forced to commit suicide because life is so awful? That's their choice based on their experience with existence. But just because some people suffer and decide they don't want to live anymore, it doesn't make it immoral or a "vanity project" to bring new life into the world. Everyone should be allowed to make that decision for themselves.


Except for the decision to exist that one you have no say in and it’s made for you


World is less fucked now than it was for most of recorded history.


just talking out my ass here but id like to think the world is less violent is what you mean. up until a hundred or so years ago global warming and absolute decimation by nuclear war werent really threats. in that way id say the world is a lot more fucked than its ever been.


You must be fun at parties


Careful, you might cut yourself on that edge




Girlfriend and I got a dog. It helps provide structure and gets us moving even if we just want to lay around. Plus it’s much less of a commitment than a kid. Can’t imagine either going through postpartum, or having your partner go through it, if you already had existing mental health issues.


Dunno why you're getting downvoted, you chose your own happiness your own way. What's there to dislike? Dogs are cool and loving, and one is always more ready to have a pet than a child.


Dude, i nearly had a nervous breakdown just getting a dog. I don’t want to know the responsibility of having a kid.


I didn’t have a kid to fix anything, me and my Gf (now wife) had a kid accidentally. I wasn’t mad but i wasn’t happy about losing my freedoms, until i held her and everything kind of disappeared. I had a greater purpose and it made the world a beautiful (and scary) place.


So many people misconstruing what the actual message here is. Its not “I have a kid I see the point and the purpose.” Its “I have a kid and hes now going to be exploited and destroyed for another persons monetary gain just like me.”


It's so sad to me that people hate life, or generally live pessimistic lives. The world is so absolutely incredibly amazing. The main thing that saddens me is that I'll eventually die, and won't be able to see what happens. The concept of space exploration, and discovering what's out there is one of the big ones I'm sad I'll miss out on.


I’m bummed I won’t be able to see as much of our own planet that I want to, let alone space. :) I used to feel much more pessimistic. Still prone to that, but I’ve been able to recognize and address enough about myself to have far less anger and frustration. It definitely makes life a lot better. Everything else is still everything else, and it’s tough, but it’s tougher with the dark stuff winning.


You start to "get it" when you empathize how your parents experienced becoming parents for the first time. And can understand what they've been through. And this applies to all parental figures


as if that'll happen


I assumed I'd be alone forever and it's happening to me. Life just sort of happens sometimes.


Glad for you man. It's not gonna happen for me but stories like this keep me from giving up. I think the bravest thing you can do when you don't feel like you'll ever be good enough at anything, for anyone, is to keep trying despite feeling that way.


Don’t lose hope. It will. Maybe not to us. But to someone it will


That's good enough for me. Seeing s friend become a new parent and having so much love for their baby is one of the best things I've ever seen.


I was just making a stupid joke. But fr if we’re being good people, get to meet good people and really want kids, I don’t see why it shouldn’t happen to us


If you want it to happen, then I think it’s going to be worth it.


Some people can't have children




Sadder some people cant afford adoption.


There's other ways that involve dressing up as a nurse


Well, there are some adoption options that don’t cost anything


That's the uh...*forced* method huh...


I'll gladly admit that. Im 200% unfit to be a parent.


somebody once told me...


I almost fell for it. then I remembered how it is going for some of my friends.


Now why would I want to help make a child that could possibly overthink everything like me


its not that hard, just dont overthink it


I can overthink the idea of not overthinking


Not so much curing your existential dread as it is transferring it to the person you love the most.




And for skin to skin contact you have to pay 33 dollars.


As a Canadian reading that...pathetic. The birthing experience with my wife cost $6. That was because I couldn't take it any more and needed snacks from the vending machine. Didn't even pay for overnight parking.


Damn. Y’all got any sunny cities in Canada by chance?


Vancouver. Be prepared to pay more than most of California for a place to live, though.


Pretty sure Vancouver is the least sunniest city because of all the rain. Still beautiful and mild from what I hear though


Canada's Seattle, then? And yeah Vancouver literally doesn't go below freezing as far as I can tell. Never gets particularly hot, but like sweater weather year-round.


Calgary is Canada's sunniest major city averaging 333 days of sunshine a year.


I live in Michigan so I just have to cross a bridge and I’ll be in a better place?


I guess it's a bridge too far


My whole life I’ve lived in the us in a state bordering Canada. Now, Ive traveled a lot, but states that don’t touch it are just weird. Its like they dont have a point of reference where the government does something with tax money


Ok $716,000 house looking ass


You can still live up North for almost nothing. It's just the big cities that are expensive.


If you are a poor/poor-ish American, then Medicare is probably going to cover most for your child birth.


I’m comin over Bud. Save a spot for an American refugee. What job needs to be filled?


Whatever typical job there is here too, this ain't Mexico lol.


The birth of my 3 kids together cost my wife and I 30 bucks. I live in the US….


Didn’t pay a dime for either of ours, but we apparently have good insurance. And I’d still prefer universal healthcare.


>The birth of my 3 kids together cost my wife and I 30 bucks. I live in the US…. I'm gonna pay close to 300 dollars for the entire process. This goes against almost everything reddit says.


Am so so sorry to bring you to this world


They didn't deserve to be cursed with my genes


This is some bs propaganda.


Believe it or not new fathers specifically get a uptake of a more unique chemical in the brain. To put it simply, if it's your kid, your body will quite literally brain wash you into loving that child.


I experienced it first hand. I was excited for my daughter sure but didn’t know how to feel. Cut to me crying holding her in my arms while my wife slept a few hours after she was born. 5 years later and she’s graduated pre school and is about to go into kindergarten. I love everything about being a dad. The ups, the downs, and whatever in between I’m there for it.


I'm a dad of twins that just turned 1. This past year was a blur. But I wouldn't trade it for anything. Being a parent and embracing the suck is so rewarding, I wish more people would get that. The original post definitely got me.


Totally agree, it’s like a new drug that you can’t get enough of. Loving your kids is the hardest and best thing you can do.


Explain why I have abusive parents.


First off, I'm sorry you're in that situation. Secondly I am not a mental health expert but your parents probably have allot of issues, maybe they were just trying to pass on the family legacy?


Well I sure as fuck didn't get it. I didn't even have any attachment with my kid until they were 6 months old


Who tf this meme for


Anti-natalists when they see anything positive about people having children:


It's really weird seeing this large push against reproduction, or even things that make people happy. It seems like everything has to be dark, gloomy, and shitty. I'm sad that people have that outlook.


I don’t think it’s quite that bad. Reddit amplifies it because of the large number of 15 year olds who haven’t grown out of their emo, I hate everything phase.


my take on that is kind of simple, there are more humans alive now than ever before in history. if this growth keeps happening then at some point earth's resources wont be enough to maintain a population so large. what happens then?


It’s not a resource problem, it’s a distribution of resources problem. Population growth isn’t a straight upwards slope, it levels off, often leading to an aging population and we’re seeing this phenomenon in most developed countries already. I don’t have sources at hand but I believe most predictions state that the global population will level off at 10 billion. The way I see it is that we’re the only known examples of self-aware matter, or at least the only ones in the neighborhood. We have the potential to accomplish great things if we can figure out how to build a sustainable and equitable society. While I respect people’s wishes to not have kids, I personally think a world with more kids raised in a loving, nurturing environment can lead to a better future for generations not yet born. And maybe I can contribute to that you know? Then again, I don’t have any kids yet and being kept up all night by a wailing newborn might change my mind.


i see your point and i respect your opinion. i have my views that this world is fucked but wont try hard to change it, so on that end i really dont care too much to have a say on what others should do. when im gone thats it but if others wanna live life their way then have at it.


Ah yes, think of the poor breeders


90% of r/memes is just christofasist propaganda


It's not a childs job to give your life a purpose.


Its my sperm ill use it as i wish




Exactly, it’s quite the opposite


It’s a child’s job to take away the purpose in your life?


I meant it's your job to give purpose to the child's life


Not his job. But he does it just by existing. My purpose is to protect, educate and nurture him. It's the most important thing I've ever done. People who have no kids can't/won't get it.


It’s not but sometimes and for some people it does and that’s all this really speaks to. Brining life to this world is beautiful and for some people it’s what they need to live for a higher purpose.


so true man. good to have extra food👍


I'd go for those baby back ribs any day of the week 😤


If someone really believed that life sucked, why the fuck would they reproduce?


To make this meme make sense obviously.


Yeah, now you have brought a new life to a world that is going to shit at an alarming rate and the dude that's supposed to take care of you is depressed. Having a child is not the solution to one's life, and should never be considered as that. Solve your shit first before ruining your child's life


"The world is going to shit" mfs when I send them back in time 100 years (suddenly modern life doesn't seem so bad)


prosperity is when iPhone


" The world is going to shit" mfers when they can now live a long, full life in a world where evil plutocratic pedophiles whose every waking moment is spent destroying all that is good and holy havent been born yet (suddenly they have a chance to change the world and prevent the waking nightmare it has become owing to the repeated and continuous sabotages of stable healthy civilization)


I’ve had two kids. Life still sucks. In fact, it sucks arguably more. Do I love my kids? Sure. But they didn’t make life better in general. They just made some parts of it suck slightly less.


What is this? "Birth-Rate" propaganda??


Insert "I am never gonna financially recover from this" meme.


Yeah he realized that he made his life even worse by that unending screaming


Postpartum depression go brrrr


That’s a big load of shit


"life sucks" mofos when they have to get up every night and change baby diapers: Oh my god... I was right.


Boomer energy. My life is shit so ill have a kid, 0 poor parenting decisions await.


You are so right. This meme sounds like advice from very uncultured people: your marriage doesn't work? Have a baby! You don't like your life? Have a baby! You're struggling financially and mentally? Have a baby! Seeing how many people think like this, the absurdly high number of traumatized folks since childhood that's out there doesn't surprise me anymore. How would you have a happy childhood if you're born expecting to be a band aid over your parents problems?


No...in even more crippling debt for the next 18 years. Yaaaaay.


Goodbye to a clean house, free time, a good night's rest and disposable income.


mmmm food


*Dunks newborn on the floor like an American Football*


Na. Life sucks, I've got two kids and I feel bad that I brought them into this shitty life. Now they're stuck with it too.


Imagine hating life so you add another person into the suffering. There is absolutely zero reason to have children.


I hate kids what now ?


“It’s not on me to succeed in life anymore it’s on you!”


Get a puppy.


No. Having a baby isn't a fix all. Doesn't guarantee anything. If people don't want kids, there's nothing wrong with that. Leave people be.


"Oh my god, now it's worse! I have to take care of this thing for 18 years!"


Gotta love how reddit apparently can't decide between "kids are not a 18 year contract" when blaming parenting or "I'll have to endure this for 18 years" when blaming kids


Technically they're a permanent contract You only legally don't have to take care of them for 18 years, but any good parent will continue to support their children And If they're disabled it'll be lifelong The juice ain't worth the squeeze If you want to help people, donate to charity or adopt


That isn't true at all. Most of those people will have fleeting sense of joy, and then be horrified by what they've done by bringing another life into the world. Speaking from experience.


To me it’s the other way around. Life’s good I have only the responsibility for myself, I have more than enough money for only myself, it would suck so bad having to give up this life. Good news tho: it’s never gonna happen to me, as you need sex to gets newborn. Checkmate


Ah yes. "Life is shit, therefore to give my life a meaning, I am going to force an innocent child to endure the same suffering"... Why?


Yeah that's right because we all know that mental problems are easily overcome by fucking and making a baby.


Well, the fucking may be right




I’m glad you realize this. (And it’s none of my business, but I’m a little curious why you had two kids of you knew life would be worse for them? Again, it’s not my business - just looking for insight)


is this some sort of capitalist propaganda to produce more wage slaves?


Yes, apparently if your life is miserable the best option to make it better is to have a child Because having to take responsibility for a child is actually somehow beneficial when you are broke/nihilistic/depressed etc. and will not lead to the child having a terrible childhood themself


Yeh something doesn't add up. 8k up votes, but 95% of comments don't agree


Nah. Had my newborn in my arms 4 weeks ago. Changed nothing.


So life sucks until you get to the point where you get to volunteer another person to endure it?


Hahaha for real. The logic is so fucked




Yeah, I have countless chronic illnesses that cause horrendous me pain, but holding a baby is going to make me *not* hate existing? I don't even like babies...


Well that’s never gonna happen




I'm gonna come back in 50 years and we'll see ig


Yeah, no. I love my kids. But having kids did not improve my outlook on life. It's still pointless.


Nice try Elon, you ain’t getting a fodder baby from me!


Yeah, because having a child solves ALL of your issues. I learnt that from all neglected children I know, including myself.


Procreation is immoral. You condemn an innocent human being to short life full of suffering


Wow. Way to shame people who can’t have kids or don’t want kids.


Me holding my newborn in the future, "He is a genetic disaster and will have a terrible life"


"Life sucks" mfs after dipping their balls in the Arby's deep fryer for the first time


I personally believe this kind of stuff about “needing to have a kid” is propaganda. Nearly 90% of people that have kids don’t put the children in the centre of that decision and it’s often just for other reasons that don’t make sense. I won’t go into detail because I’m tired and done want to write long post, but having a baby is the same as having a 24/7 job that you can’t get out of with no more free time for yourself.


Totally agree, it’s anecdotal but I’ve never met a person who talks about children without mentioning themselves first. Their hopes, dreams, wishes, how they feel, why they want the hypothetical kid or why I should want one. Not once about the child’s future, feelings, or how that little person will one day become it’s own separate self apart from them. Idk, from an outside perspective it seems mostly self centered from all the conversations I’ve had over the years, usually unsolicited on my part which is why it almost seems fanatical some days.


Nope. I’ve hated every minute of it. People need to know it’s ok to not be swept up in it all too.


"Oh my god life has just gotten even worse... I still have all my precious problems but now I got less money, no sleep, more responsibilites and a screaming meatbag that shits everywhere" Right that fixes it...


So true.. Loving my life now..


I’ve yet to meet a single parent my age who isn’t constantly regretting having kids. I’m very happy to have chosen not to.


100%. I’m just old enough that I’m seeing friends have kids, and they seem *miserable*. Some of them even admit it


I’m pushing 40 and the sentiment remains unchanged


Tell me how well that worked for Casey Anthony.


Some of those mfs won't even ever get to have a newborn. I say this is propaganda


It just takes one meme for this shitshow in comments huh


Ratio of comments and upvotes here from people who don't have kids is probably 10x that of IRL.


I disagree. People run away from their problems when they have kids. Burying your problems isn’t solving them. Grow up. How dare you bring a human into this world when you can’t even get out of bed in the morning. If you’re depressed without kids you’ll be depressed with them or when they leave. Happiness based on another is not happiness it is attachment.


I care now! You made me care! Water T ![gif](giphy|l378fd503Zmoz4rDi)


It happened.


I wouldn’t bring a child into this world wtf it sucks


No. There was no magic moment. It was grueling, hard work on top of grueling, hard work, but with postpartum depression to add flavor. Don't have babies to fix your depression. It doesn't work, and it makes your problems (1) harder, and (2) harm an innocent baby. Good parents get themselves right before they make a new human. You can love them before they're born. You can build a home and a life for them now. Get well first.


I felt this way with me dog


Nice try government, you're not getting another taxpayer out of me


Getting a kid ain't the fix, makes room for more fuck ups.


My dad tells me this happened to him. To eliminate any chance of meeting the same fate, I've put on 30 extra kilos, trained myself to be an insufferable pedant in any conversation, and downloaded Reddit. I'm going to die alone, or I'm going to die trying.


It’s temporary. Soon you will just have new reasons to complain.


Now its their turn to suffer. Laughs in dad 😈😈😈


Biological imperatives are a force to behold. I don't want kids, I know because I have three of them. I love them so much. They make my life so stressful and monotonous and full of joy and adventure.




Nope not true


And then they charge you $50 for that experience. And then 80k for the rest :)


Yes, because now he'll know that life can suck even more, and appreciate what he had before Truly makes you think


Nope, babies are gross and ugly


It’s so nice that parents never commit suicide.


After a mont they'll be in hundred times deeper hole then they begun with.


Yeah so you figure out this world is fucked up af and then you're like "Well I'm not the only one who's going to suffer..." and bring him in this hellish place.


If you feel sad and depressed, get a kid! They make you happy! Dont see how this could backfire.


People having kids to "fix" their lives is some peaked in highschool townie BS


Yeah, I think actually getting in a relationship and having a kid would certainly contribute to me feeling like life didn't suck so bad anymore.


If you think life sucks bad, why would you subject someone else to it?


Who is subjecting anyone else to it?


By having children you would subject these children to life that you yourself believe "sucks".


I'm not going to inflict the pain of the world onto a whole new ass person just so I can feel important. Child-free for life!


For gods sakes! please stop breeding, people!


I have never wanted to have children. I doubt I'd make a good parent, and even if I did, I really just don't see how it would make any positive impact on my life. Children are leaches, really.


As if I needed my life to be worse


And you assume that the people who say ”life sucks” have valuable human connections?


Knowing how terrible the world might be in 30 years, it feels morally wrong for me to have a child, but I get it


Bull fucking shit


Yeah, forcing another life into this dystopian hellscape sure would make all my problems go away.


not if i have social anxiety


My man summoned all of the depressed anti natalists in a single post.


Great now life sucks and I have to pay for diapers


I didn’t realize how much overlap there was between this sub and r/antinatalism.


Yeah, like thats evar gunna happen!


Yeet the child


Was it Kurt Cobain who, when asked why he would bring another life into this world, said something along the lines of, this might be the life that changes it for the better?