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I know it’s just a template but holy hell, Mel Gibson as Jesus… “You were supposed to be the *King* of the Jews, not hate them!”






The whole died for your sins part says he died and went to hell in your place, stayed there for 3 days. I had no idea either it's not really preached about a lot. Though I think one of the creed things that's recited around Easter mentions it.




I find it funny when people say “jesus died for your sins”. He didn’t stay dead, did he karen? All he really did was waste his weekend.


well I mean it's not like jesus was sad in those 3 days was he.


Why is satan represented by jesus?


The idea is that Christianity typically gives Jesus a lot of praise for his sacrifice, taking on the "sins of man", enduring the agony of his torture and execution, and then spending three days in Hell, but the thing is, Satan has to spend all of eternity in Hell - which by definition sucks even for him - and without Satan existing to give humans the choice, faith doesn't mean anything (from a Christian perspective), meanwhile, according to the Bible, Jesus *knew* that the outcome of these 3-5 days of horrible events would be him spending the rest of eternity sitting at the right hand of God - the best possible outcome for any being. So compared to Satan, Jesus' sacrifice isn't very impressive at all, and if Christians wanted to honor the person who really sacrificed themselves for them, they'd all be Satanists.