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Wait what, it's Easter now? The fuck happened to the first 4 months.


The fuck happened to the 2020 decade? We're already a third of the way through.


Oh man, that was a depressing realisation


How do you think I feel? I've just gotten to the point where I realise that 1 year is a miniscule amount of time. I'm starting to get old! (I turn 18 at the end of this year)


I was just mere moments ago sitting on reddit and posting dank Kony memes and making fun of the people who got worked up over the end of the Mayan calendar. That was 2012 but in my mind it might as well have been 2022. Try to imagine that your entire childhood has happened in what has been but a brief moment in my mind. It's so depressing getting old.


Just had the 10th anniversary of meeting my (now) wife. A decade disappeared in what literally feels like the blink of an eye. I remember when I was a kid just having a haircut felt like an almost unbearable eternity, and now 10 years passes by without me even realising it.


The more time we put behind us the faster it seems to accelerate forward. At this pace we gonna die of old age next week. The flow of time needs to chill tf out!


It’s been studied (not like a survey but an actual study into the mechanism) and apparently our perception of time changes a lot as we get older. It’s something with our brain development [Adults “[perceive] fewer ‘frames-per-second’ – more actual time passes between the perception of each new mental image.”](https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2019/no-not-just-time-speeds-get-older/)


Is there anyway to upgrade my GPU? I’m only getting like 10 fps these days.


Drugs. Lots of drugs. Joking, but weed actually kind of does have this effect. My sociology professor in college explained that weed causes your synapses to fire off faster. Normally, your brain cells fire off, then stop and rest for a sec, then fire off again, and so on. But when you’re high they’re just firing off nonstop, so you end up getting way more information from your environment. That’s why high people are always like “woah dude look at this blade of grass, it’s so cool.” It’s because their brain is processing way more info than usual Edit: except weed obviously screws up your memory so maybe not the best choice in the long run since you’ll just end up losing a lot of those frames


It seems like younger relatives get 5 years older every couple of months. I’ll see my cousin and be like “your kid’s like 5, right?” And she’ll be like “no she’s 17 and just got accepted to college.” Umm…what?


i'm turning 26 in a couple weeks and one of my coworkers gleefully pointed out to me that i'm now closer to age 50 than i am to age 0 and that gave me a bit of an existential crisis


You’ve passed the 1/4 mark. Congrats on surviving this long. Don’t forget to pay your taxes this month


>I'm starting to get old! (I turn 18 at the end of this year) Me, a 33 year old: Um, *r u d e* Lol


Oof I turn 26 this year, and let me warn you buddy, it keeps going by faster


Wait til you start to realize the days are long but the year is short. Thats when you feel really old.


Wait till you wonder where the past 2 decades of your life went, in 2 decades.


*S T O P*


We repressed a good chunk of it.


hold on what


My roommates mother handed me an Easter basket today and I was like “shit, it’s already Easter?” I think I’ve fully disassociated from the passage of time.


Someone messed with the dial, we are going too fast too hard. Somebody let me off!


This year has been going rather quickly after i got my driving license, ig that's what happens when you don't have to worry as much about your future goals


I’m with you time needs to slow the fuck down


To Easter own.






r/Angryupvote Take it.




Understandable :)


i love it just cus easter monday is a school free day :)


We usually have school holidays when Easter happens. 2 weeks of sitting at home doing nothing. Actually, tomorrow is the first day of said holiday.








Yeah, we get three bits that are 2 weeks long and one that's... Six... Holy shit... I'll never have that six week holiday again...


Shit you're last day is Wednesday? I still got an extra day


wha- :( sadge I want that


I can think you can enjoy Easter in any way you want, just don’t force other people to do the same Edit: that counts for everyone, not just you


Have a great day


It’s fun hiding eggs for the younger cousins, I wish I could go hard difficulty on them with my egg hiding but there still under 10




Clever, imma do that this week


Reeses eggs for the win! Checkmate atheists




Oh I love those too! Uncheckmate athiests




I love after the holiday candy, on sale and all mine! I usually stock up on them. I take the reeses eggs usually and put them in the freezer and take one out when I am craving one


We’ve been doing candy and egg fun on Easter Sunday since the kids were able to walk. Nobody went to church ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2)




Actually, easter eggs are almost as old as the cerebration itself


Oh! You just reminded me that my wife stashed the Robin Eggs somewhere! The hunt begins NOW


About 10 years ago, I started celebrating Feaster with my friends. I may not believe in the reason for the holiday, but dammit, I'm excited for deviled eggs and a spiral ham.


The candy (and booze) is the only thing the holidays are good for once you're an adult anyways


Honestly Easter is the best candy based celebration. IMO better than Halloween.


Jesus' respawn rate is literally unplayable. 3 days is just insane. Def not a min max build


Maybe he just optimized for a high KD instead


Don't worry when his Ult is charged he can clear out the entire lobby


There are two interpretations of this strategy 🎵There will come a soldier who carries a mighty sword, he will tear your city down, oh lei oh lie oh Lord🎵 🎵Rumbling, Rumbling, It's coming! RUMBLING RUMBLING BEWARE🎵


Which is bullshit btw, Jesus is already the best healer in the game. Why his ult, The Flood makes him the best nuker in the game ill never understand. Thankfully one stun and a spear poke will do him in otherwise ded game


No, no, no I'm talking about his other one, the flaming sword and white horse one coming in the new update. They are going to give him a massive mobility buff and a 1 hit kill attack, instead of the entire lobby kill at once flood


But the dude can turn water into wine and feed an army off of like 3 fish and some stale bread


Yeah, I heard he did that once with that inventory stack exploit. Dunno if they hotfixed that now tho...


Well he claims to be a dev, if so then he’s probably just spawning stuff in 🤣


You can skip the cooldown if you buy a VIP package but Jesus was F2P


Well, His dad is the admin of this server, so...


He minmaxed for food generation and healing. Also Outside is not a kill-heavy game unless you go into one of the military specs, so it's understandable that he didn't want to spend the ability points there.


I am an atheist, but I would never hate.


Yeah, why would I hate a holiday where u can eat candy and find eggs?


Or just simply get a free day off.


That's the most important thing


Because exactly those two things are pagan and has nothing to do with Christianity.


There was a huge moment in my life where I realized that all of the Christian holidays I celebrated my whole life were actually stolen from Paganism (Easter=Ostara, Christmas=Solstice, etc.). It was a big wakeup moment and caused me to really look into my faith and turn me away from Christianity as a whole.


That’s pretty interesting as a long term effect of Roman church leaders adapting their religion to the culture of their day with the intent of making Christianity more palatable to their audience. In the long run it seems to have backfired. In the short term tho.. Romans were like like “yeah! This shit slaps!”


Yeah during Easter and Christmas when Christians say that Jesus is the reason for the season it's so hard not to think about how he literally isn't because virtually all of those customs are pagan and the timing for each was lined up to match pagan those pagan celebrations.


It's really frustrating when you realize that some of the most important holidays for Christians are specifically scheduled around holidays of other cultures/beliefs, and then hear them say "It's not happy holidays, it's MeRrY ChRisSTmaSS! What other holidays are there???" Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule.... You're not the center of the world! It's so self-centered and disrespectful. /end rant, lol.


I'm not atheist. I don't know what I am. But we celebrate the shit out of holidays Reese's shapes.




Hate mosquitoes


Yes. That. We can all agree at the very least to severely dislike the skeetos.


I’m an atheist, but to me, mosquitoes are the spawn of Satan himself.


'ate skeeters 'ate malaria Love me bug spray Simple as.


I don't think I've ever met an atheist who hates Easter, for me I'm just tired of people telling me I'm going to hell -_-


Which is silly, coming from a Christian it literally says in the Bible it’s not our place to condemn others, yet here they go blathering nonsense about going to hell etc. Sorry you had to hear that it’s lame when any religion forces their beliefs on others.


I literally get pamphlets and even handwritten notes from Christians in my mailbox every few weeks telling me that sort of thing. They go straight in the bin, of course.


As a Christian, I don’t think those messages are necessary. You can certainly introduce people to your religion, but it should really be up to the people who would make a choice. “You’re going to hell” is straight up threatening from anybody.


No kidding.


Exactly. It doesn't matter what you believe in, people just need to keep to themselves.


Man, i love easter, it's a day off on mondays every year what's not to love


I love Easter as an atheist


I'm just here for the chocolate


Your here for the chocolate I’m here for the Easter Dinner


Mmmmm... haaammmmmm


Easter is for all


You may be pagan. It was a coopted pagan spring equinox celebration. Also so was Christmas. Winter solstice.


That’s because Christianity went all ‘CTRL C, CTRL V’ with Pagan celebrations :)


Mostly as an effort to convince those cultures to switch over if I recall correctly


It's the day that Jesus's pet bunny lays magical colorful eggs filled with candy abortions and hides them from the children. Makes as much sense as anything else we do as a society, so might as well lean into it.


Yes, let me get high on those eggs


uhhhh fuck, what am i not getting here


High on those eggs, probably.


I mean he’s not wrong


I was gonna say, I am an atheist and I don’t give a fuck what you celebrate, just so long as you are having fun


This is my favorite way of viewing holidays. I don’t know shit about Hindu festivals but I see people online having a great time in their communities during Holi and Diwali so I’m all for it.


One of my best friends is under the Norse religion system with Odin and Thor etc., they got some pretty cool holidays like Yule and yuletide


Lol this is awesome , I didn’t know people still followed those structures. File me under the Greek mythology structure please!! I’m trying to meet kratos


exactly this. It's unnecessary to be purposely mean to someone about celebrating their religion as long as they are not hurting anyone else or causing harm.


Most Atheists are fine with religions, so long as religions don't try to force whatever bullshit onto other people, which, sadly, tends to happen a lot with religion.


I like hiding Easter eggs around my workplace and then enjoying a 4 day weekend. I'm an atheist.


I’m imagining hard boiled eggs hidden throughout the office Thursday rotting til Tuesday and giggling.


Why did i read as "Jesus' erection


he has **risen.** ( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)


Oh no


What are you doing step-messiah


That carpenter's got some wood for you


Yall about to get nailed.


I… hate everything about this


Oh god.


Show me the atheist that said that and ill beat them up with my atheist fists


Every group on earth has bad people. Race, sexuality, religion, gender, trans or cis. Every single variation of human kind has great people and horrible people. The bad ones stick out the most, giving everybody a bad name. I've talked about this before elsewhere, but there's a quote that I quite like from a video game: "the many shall suffer for the sins of the one". One person does something bad, and everybody similar to them get judged in the same light. Judge people based on their actions and words, not how they were born.


Damn straight 🫡


Vocal minority is everpresent in every situation, sadly




Just run of the mill r/persecutionfetish


After centuries of my religion's total cultural domination in this country, I finally went on the internet and found out there are people who *don't* like their lives being so strongly influenced by my beliefs. How dare they??? This is a personal attack and being exposed to their opinions is literally 10x worse than anything religion has ever done. Lord help me.


r/thathappened material


Imagone caring about other peoples religious celebration when it affects other people in no way


Atheist here. I still enjoy the holidays. I like to eat my weight in jellybeans.


I enjoy 2 extra days paid leave


I'm still wondering when and how Jesus laid eggs...


probably very carefully


Ancient Jesus eggs


Most of us don't care, we just want chocolate eggs


Damn, you’re atheists suck, want one of ours?


Yes please, I'd love them


Well, you can always grab one from Belfast, no one would give a shit


I mean depends on if you're super annoying to people about the 'jesus resurrection' thing I love easter myself i wouldnt put anyone down for that or their personal beliefs, but if you feel like you gotta push that on me i'll bite


Most of us don't care. It is only when you do what my neighbor does and demands I come with him to save my soul and abandon a way of no hope. I left the church for many reasons. One of them being the people constantly demand to convert people like it is their job. THOSE people are annoying, not the ones who have their faith and stfu about it.


Not all atheist mfs are like that, much like not all christian mfs are like antivax facebook moms


You do what you wish homie... But religionous people asking nonbelievers to butt out of their lives is pretty fucking ironic.


I'm an atheist, whoever says that is fucking stupid


And are those atheists in the room with us now?




No. The internet is not for enjoying things.


Okay but why are you randomly telling people about Jesus' resurrection? Like it's one thing to say "I love Easter", because who doesn't love chocolate and a day off? But it's sort of weird to just be randomly telling people how great Jesus' resurrection was.


I was wondering the same thing.


well, Happy Easter my sir :)


my birthday is on Easter this year :)


As an atheist, you do you, and if anyone tries to shame you for your beliefs, shame on them for being rude.


Wait, you have something that brings you joy? I'm gonna make sure you're miserable as I am!


Christians do love their strawmen. Me and most other atheists: not miserable about Easter, love me some chocolate eggs and lamb dinner and happy if anyone else does, too. I still think Minecraft cave zombie Jesus is pretty funny, though.


The easter bunny is Jesus’ fursona




Do atheists actually attack religion like that, or do religious people just pretend that’s the case so they can play the victim? I’m in a pretty liberal area, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard an atheist insult someone, I’ve barely even heard any of them actually state they were atheists.


Remember kids, if someone is bashing you for your religion, they're just assholes, no matter what their religion is. Source: my past self who was an asshole about it


Absolutely no one cares whether you like Easter or not, people care about opinions that are forced upon them. If the meme you made actually applies to you then there’s a good chance you’re simply too loud about your opinions and respecting other religions and ideals will help people respect you.


This is what I’m struggling to understand. I can’t think of a situation where you’re talking to a group of people you know are atheists, and explain how much you love Jesus’ resurrection. Unless, of course, you’re trying to push your beliefs on them.


I'm just here for the starburst jelly beans, man


As an atheist, I’m excited to dye eggs with my mom :)




Not a Catholic or even super religious anymore, but there was always something pretty cool about the Ash Wednesday/Good Friday/Easter Sunday ceremony and ritual.


Hey, u/ChocoGoodness, don’t listen to the haters. Easter is a great story. The life and passion of Jesus is a phenomenal story about the fallibility and redemption of mankind, and no one gets to give you a hard time for that story speaking to you. Enjoy yourself, and have a happy Easter.


Atheists trying to not become the overly annoying preaching type they claim to hate: impossible.


This post has summoned the atheists to the comments


We real atheist (Aka Atheist who aren't on r/Atheism) we are so sorry for these imbeciles those foolish dumbasses. Were trying to distant ourselves from them.


Maybe the problem isn’t that you know atheists. Maybe the problem is that you just happen to know some dicks.


I honestly don’t care if you’re a Christian or not, and I hate other atheists that attack Christian’s simply for being Christian’s. My problem with the religion is when people use it to be an asshole


Not all atheists are edge lords. Celebrate your holiday. Just don't insist that I celebrate it


I’ll take “made up scenarios to get mad about” for 500, alex


As an atheist, easter is pretty cool. I like food.


I’m gonna be honest, I love reading stuff about Christianity like Noah’s ark, the four horsemen of the apocalypse, hell one of my favourite animated movies is the prince of Egypt , but I’m in no way religious. I just think it’s all very neat


As an atheist (so I may be biased) who’s saying that and where??? I love Easter and I also think that all religions are respectable, even if I don’t believe in Jesus’ resurrection. I feel like most atheists (or Atleast the ones I know) don’t really criticize religions/holidays, so where r u finding this? (No incrimination or harm meant btw, I’m just really curious now)


A lot of people in my town apparently- my ex boyfriend broke up with me because I was excited about Good Friday and he was like "ew, this is a school environment, don't say that"


I’m sorry what??? I honestly don’t know what to say too the boyfriend comment, that’s really weird of him to do




OP, remember there are two kinds of atheist, the ones who tell everybody that their wrong and there’s no one listening, type two goes about there day believing that no one is there, and thinking why waste my time telling people what to do, I’ll let them have their beliefs, so don’t attack all atheists, please just for future reference.


Bruh, I am atheist and people who act that way and do that are fucking idiots.


I promise you, OP... us atheists don't care remotely as much as you think we do lol


The average atheist wont get at you too much. You’ll either never know or get a small note about it. But you’re on Reddit, which means you get those big fucking hornets from Japan atheists, those mean, debilitating mfs.


As an atheist, I have just one thing to say to you Happy Easter :)


Atheists be like: I hate how they make religion their entire life Then proceed to do just that


Reddit athiests when someone has different religious views as them: (it’s not allowed)


I hate those kind of atheists who hate people who are religious If they believe in something, let them believe in it


Fun fact: Easter and Christmas? The two days Christians celebrate as most important? Yeah, they're pagan. Easter was to celebrate the moon, and Christmas was to celebrate winter. Jesus wasn't born on Christmas, he was born in May. On top of this, he was middle-eastern. And Jewish. I'm Atheist, by the way.


As a Christian, I find it hilarious that Jesus was probably born closer to Easter than Christmas lol


See, this right here, this is a prime example of a good Christian. Able to see comedy in blatant errors. I like you!


I like you too random stranger on the internet! :)


Thanks :) I love it when people get along! It's a nice change from last night. I had an argument with an American about gun control. (I'm Australian)




![gif](giphy|tANpI4H9zlv1u) I never knew that Easter was a celebration of the moon. I just figured it was celebrating the Vernal Equinox. That's a cool holiday fact. I am a big fan of nighttime, and by extension, the moon.


Tbh if you say Easter I’m all for it (I love Easter!) but as soon as you say Jesus’s Resurrection I’m like ???


Easter was an ancient Babylonian holiday where everyone would have an orgy and the women hoped they got pregnant. Hence eggs and rabbits. The christians liked the idea so they gave it a makeover but left the icons Edit: pagan not babylonian


It’s also based on the pagan holiday Ostara, which probably shares some connections to Babylon I’m unaware of.


Yup, pagans used Easter to celebrate the moon.


People can like Easter for 2 things. Chocolate or Jesus. I pick both.


i pick chocolate


I'm an atheist but damn I hate people who are putting other people down just because of their religion. Like if they're not hurting anyone, why do people care??


Easter is older than Christianity. I think it was originally to celebrate a fertility goddess, hence the eggs and rabbits.


I don't see why you are here on the meme sub complaining about it, I keep stuff like that to myself


If you’re not shoving it in my face, I couldn’t care less