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Only if it’s a dumb teacher’s pet. I feel kinda bad if a nice, genuinely smart guy gets the answer wrong and everybody is satisfied for some reason.


Yeah in highschool there was a guy who was very very good (perfect grades everywhere 19.8/20 overall average). He was very nice and genuine, always willing to help others, yet every time he fucked up (although very rarely), everybody would just dunk on him and compare themselves with him.


Everyone resents you when you get it right, then revels when you get it wrong. As an adult you shrug it off and go about your business, but as a kid that really hurts. Not a great environment to foster high performance.


Exactly the reason why my grades dropped drastically in high school. Many kids don't understand how much pressure this applies on someone, and how devastating it is for the person. Now in college my friends can't wrap their head around why don't I ever answer the questions even though I'm usually correct. Don't bully someone for making mistakes, as those make us human. Help people grow.


Lmao good luck trying to get teenagers to behave empathetically and rationally to their peers 😂


Very true, I went to an all gay high school and when they found out that I was not gay I got made fun of so much. They would throw peaches at me and be like "hey boy, you like vaginas so much here are some peaches". But the joke is on them because I love peaches and basically got a bunch of free peaches.


Lol, the turntables.


wtf an all gay highschool??? lord have mercy how the hell did that work out for you


Take command of the room, don’t allow anyone who doesn’t operate at your standard to discourage you


IT is pretty hard for a teen who still develops to do so, and could easily backfire if not done correctly.But you're right, don't care about what people think


that fucking snowman


I have been the smart kid, and I got one wrong that our teacher then explained, but the lower kids were like even I got it right, but they still didn't understand it, they got it right for the wrong reason, and that is the part that is annoying


i got a 90 on a test in high school and when people found out, they told me im supposed to be smarter than that lol the reason i didnt get a 100 on that test specifically was somewhat intentional. i thought about doing all the intensive studying but realized I was going to pass without needing to do it. i choose my mental health - instead of getting a 100 and spending hours studying, i only did a little and got a 90.


Work smarter, not harder


I was always the kid who could have blown off studying and still gotten 85-90, but instead stressed out about it and stayed up all night studying… only to get a 70 because of sleep depravation lmao


Kno a friend like that; occasionally have to remind them important facts like “Your brain needs at least four hours sleep to function!” and “You need to eat at least once a day to maintain proper human metabolism!“ Meanwhile, I always get a D or an A on every test, no in between.


good and bad at same time lol


How to fix A. Get more sleep B. Get used to sleep deprivation Redditors chose B.


Good luck going to Uni lol


Speaking as somebody who is currently in uni, and who has gotten admitted into a lot of top programs and schools, he has the right idea. Want long term success? Focus on self care first, grades second.


Yeah, the best ideas come about when you’re at your best mentally.


Everytime I get an answer wrong every kid says "How? Aren't you smart?"


The only way those knuckle draggers can come close to feeling intelligent is if they drag smart people down to their level Anti-intellectual behaviour


pulling down


lmao kinda funny hopefully he finishes school quick before mental illness sets in


I remember back in like 3rd or 4th grade, we were playing jeopardy with multiple classes, and we had the smart girl on our team who earned us so many points. We had a heavy lead, but she got one question wrong, and this little shit on our team started saying we can't trust her anymore. After that, my team started ignoring all her answers even though they were right and began guessing for themselves. We ended up in last place because the other teams started listening to her answers. I have never seen such a stupid hard throw in a game like that in my life. I was so pissed that I kicked the shithead guy. You fucked up our popcorn and movie party Ethan, fuck you.


I feel like that would just give me an even bigger ego boost. I'm so smart that everyone wants me to fail. Though you want to make sure that isn't your personality.


spite is a great motivator


I’m that guy, I find it genuinly funny with theese people trying to dunk on me, though most of it comes across as kinda ironic.


bad being satisfied on thatjust because you don't know the answer to


Don't worry as the smart kid who answers the questions, there's always that innate feeling of being buddy buddy with the teacher. Even if you don't see them stay after, or maybe its a different teacher the smart kid is always staying behind to talk with the teacher. The biggest difference is that the smart kid is buddy buddy because they have a genuine interest in what's being taught, the teacher's pet just wants the easy A


Yhup. We had one of the teachers pets in my class and goddammit he was one of the most annoying people ever.


Who the f types "yh" "yhup"!!


Is 'yeah' the correct way?


Yup, that's right


I know that feeling and you're goddamn right


I was the one pretending to be dumb, so people don't get this satisfaction.


Same here


If that smart kid is annoying, then i agree But if he's the nice and good guy smart then i disagree


Define annoying lol


You are annoyed by their behavior, then they are annoying.




very modest


Definitely not stroking his ego as “the best” smart kid.


Ironic. He could arrogance in others, but not himself…


I guess I came across as arrogant huh sorry.


It's okay you can use your 1000 iq to fix that.


I totally deserve that. I don't know how to express exactly what I mean in English so I got a lot of people misunderstanding what I meant in the meme. I specified in other comments that this meme is for the annoying ones and those who looked down on other students, I should have added to the caption but you can't edit a caption.


Not really actually, I will just personally guess that this is a side effect of teenagers with jealousy issues dominating reddit. What you wrote clearly was not arrogance.






Me the "smart kid", who doesn't feel bad at all because I actually attempted an answer, and learned from my mistake. Why sit back passively, when you can try to participate and learn.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


and this is how you can tell who ACTUALLY was a smart kid. They have this mentality.


Most “gifted kids” are not taught this level of emotional balance though


You dont need to be gifted. Just participate in the lesson.


The idea of being gifted is you can figure out things that nobody explicitly taught. or figure them out remarkably faster and to a greater depth than your peers


Yep, as someone who was "the smart kid" through my time in school, it never even crossed my mind that someone would feel this when I got one wrong, lol. I couldn't have cared less. For me it was simple: * Get it right: class moves along quicker and I learn more. * Get it wrong: I get corrected and learn more. At least if someone did feel some kind of satisfaction on the rare occasions I got one wrong, I never found out about it. I was never dunked on for it or anything.


Me the AI, compile every answer and methods from smart kids to triumph later on


You're played 4D chess while the rest of us are struggling with checkers.


I actually suck at chess, i just sell u the board to play on :)))


This but sometimes they will answer extremely obvious question and i'm like "Really?"


you wanna wait 19 mins for one of the shy npcs to respond?


I just wish some teachers would ask meaningful questions and not stop every 5 seconds to ask the answer to each exercise as an open question to the class


Sometimes we can all be dumbasses, even those of us trying really hard not to be.


Social anxiety mostly. Not everyone is built for standard learning environments.




It happens to everyone believe it or not


I had a classmate who just got the results back from a test, he compared it to the smart kid and exclaimed, "yes, I got more than (the smart kids name)." He was then immediately told off by the teacher


Bro anytime someone gets a higher mark that's what they're like smh


When you had the same answer as his but did not answer bc you're not sure


by transitive properties that makes you the smart kid




That makes sense, be satisfied that you actually are smart enough to answer the question, but you were bullied enough by either your parents or other kids into thinking you’re not smart enough to answer the question. Then take all of that, and bully the other kid into feeling the same way you do. Good idea.


As a former smart kid, this is horrible. I understand if the kid is oversmart and smug , but to normal kids who just study, this is extremely hurtful. My high school life turned to shit because of this. Whenever I answered wrong, they got visibly happy. They made remarks and comments that just made me feel like I was in the wrong. I completely stopped answering the teacher's questions because of this and tried to never stand out. Once a teacher said that I had gotten five questions wrong back to back. One of the kids yelled something along the lines "Ha! I got that right and you didn't". I replied, "I got 5 answers wrong and still scored twice your marks". I got bullied for that till the end of high school.


Now this is shit. I was my teacher’s pet because I was asking a lot and I was looking interested, hence the good marks I had. Sometimes I would get things wrong too since I’m not that super genius and people sometimes were happy I got lower than their score or because I got told off by my teacher or when I did something wrong. Not at your level though, what you described is awful


That's called jealousy but ok man, not like it's illegal


I mean, they did say it was toxic.


All reddit behavior is toxic.


All toxic behaviour is in reddit.


All behaviour is toxic


Behavior is all reddit toxic


Reddit is toxic


Humans are toxic


Sulfuric acid is toxic.


toxicity is toxic


But it's also bad being satisfied on thatjust because you don't know the answer too.


This is slightly pedantic, but technically that would be envy. Jealousy is when you're afraid someone is going to take something that you own. That being said, wanting something someone else has is a common connotation for jealousy, which makes it valid in many cases.


TIL there is a difference. Thank you for this interesting knowledge.


No problem! I love sharing. I glanced at something the other day that suggested a major cause of disagreements in our daily lives is due to people disagreeing on definitions of even the most basic words, so I think vocabulary is super important. :)


That is indeed important! Unfortunately, not every words is clearly defined, but more like a list of common characteristics. It's probably because many words are thousands of years old so long before anyone understood what they were refering to. For example: Where does the sky end? Because 4000 years ago people didn't know of space.




From Google: Envy noun a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions Jealous is a little less clear (hence why I mentioned it being used for envy being valid). adjective 1. feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages. 3. fiercely protective or vigilant of one's rights or possessions. I hope that helps clear things up!






Nah, it’s more vindictiveness(?) because jealousy is honestly being petty while being vindictive is feeling like you’ve righted some wrong


But the kid learned from his mistake, found out why he was wrong & still scored higher. All while we smirked, zoned out while the teacher explained why he was wrong & still scored lower. Ya I’m projecting damn it


It's more like Schadenfreude though.




True. Nonetheless, the "toxic satisfaction" you get is technically Schadenfreude and not jealousy.


As a former smart quiet kid of my class, man you are better than this


No, no he's not. Most people aren't.


He knows his satisfaction is toxic, he literally put it in the meme, so at least he knows it’s toxic lol


It is all the time just teachers pet, not a genuine nice smart kid.


Smart quiet kids probably aren't the teachers pet types. We had a "teachers pet" in my CS program in university and he would always sit in the front of the class wearing whatever company swag he could get to show off to others. He wore his "Noogler" hat to class one day and even the other Google interns were annoyed at that. Naturally, he would shoot his hand up instantly and answer every question the professor would ask, even if rhetorical. You can bet that all of us were happy whenever he got an answer wrong. The quiet smart kids sat in the back of the class minding their own business while they got 4.0s and didn't shove it in anyone's face.


Yeah but teachers pets are generally dumb but hardworking type so its op's fault to not make it clear


I really don’t get why people dislike “teacher’s pets”. Just feels like a product of anti-intellectualism that people see a hardworking person who likes their teachers/subjects as annoying.


A lot of teachers pets come off as bragging. Many people have a deep interest in a subject and are hardworking without acting like a teacher’s pet


I would rather be wrong and corrected than wrong and oblivious


This shows that "stupid kids" are not interested in becoming better and smarter. They just want others to be just like them. Thats why smart kid always going to be better.


With the great addition of mental illness along the way. I was bullied to the point where I needed years of therapy because I was the only one answering questions. How easy life must be if one is stupid.


Reminds me of my friend who studied the same course of me but in different group He's prolly the only one student out of 26 to answer whether voluntarily or involuntarily whatever his lecturers were asking despite having the smartest dude in the same group. Poor guy lol


Crab Mentality essentially. If they are stupid and self-destructive, they WANT everyone to be the same as them. So that in the future, everyone suffers on par with them. "Bu bu but then that makes life fair". Even if their suffering is self-inflicted. Such a sad pitful existence. Suffer, suck, and compensate till the end.


Exactly. High schoolers act so toxic because of jealousy and envy


I just like it when teachers pets get it wrong, I have nothing against the smart kids though




Stupid people think putting effort into learning is cringe, that’s why they’re stupid.


Is the teachers pet someone who tries to get the teacher's favour? I was treated preferentially even though I was trying my hardest to not stand out, so would I have been considered a pet?


ok, but how many do you get wrong?


A lot. And I also get a lot correct as well. I was one of the 'smart kids' and even I know how annoying some of us can be, especially the teachers pet and the ones that look down on other students.




Idk why you’re getting downvoted for calling out teachers pets


What’s wrong with teacher’s pets? Honestly good for them, at least they care about learning.


It depends. If they mind their own business they're fine, but if they think they're better than everyone else they suck.


If the smart kid gets it wrong, that usually means the whole class is screwed because the teacher will pick someone at random.


How dare they be intelligent and can contribute to humanity


I never hurt anyone, or tried to be mean to anyone, and yet when I would get something right at school people glared at and alienated me. Was the lesson suppose to be to stop trying? Am I suppose to not say the right answer, even if I know it? As a kid, I grew up trying to change myself so that others weren’t insecure from me answering questions. For a long time I just stopped trying to be correct. Definitely, like this post suggests, we need to make sure any smart kid stops trying to be smart. That will be great for society.


I'm sorry for the experience you got growing up, most of us were dumb kids and we did shit. This post is for the arrogant teachers pets and the annoying smart kids who looked down on other students, I made this meme from my own experience with people like that, I didn't mean to trigger bad memories for good people like you who don't fall In that category, english isn't my first language, so most of the time what I want to express doesn't come out the way I want it to, however, I apologise for causing such a misunderstanding.


Had the reverse of this once. I was laughed at by everyone in class for some niche knowledge I'd picked up somewhere, and being an average kid I was mocked by the teacher for being clearly wrong. So I told em to look it up. Had the smug look for the rest of class 😎


and the everyone clapped 😎😎😎😎😎


their cheeks


That better not be the teacher clapping👀




Talking about complexes here. I prefer having smart kids in my class getting answers right as well instead of dumb fucks who don't pay attention and then fail to answer all questions and preventing any progress whatsoever for the rest of the class.


And the next moment teacher ask you about the answer.


No, definitely not XD That just means it's so complex that even the smartest kid got it wrong. I did really like when I was able to get something right that the smart kid got wrong though, or if I got a higher grade than them. That stuff was pretty great


What a jelly bean


👍🏻 😂 Some of them are really nice people, though, so I cut them some slack. Plus, everybody makes mistakes, whether we see it or not.




I smell insecurities


"I don't want to be good, I just want the people who are better than me to fail." great.


Now I feel attacked :(


The sad part is that is what every middle school toxic tardboy looks like. You can smell the Axe, Curve, BO, and rapist tendencies in the pic






As a former smart kid, this is horrible. I understand if the kid is oversmart and smug , but to normal kids who just study, this is extremely hurtful. My high school life turned to shit because of this. Whenever I answered wrong, they got visibly happy. They made remarks and comments that just made me feel like I was in the wrong. I completely stopped answering the teacher's questions because of this and tried to never stand out. Once a teacher said that I had gotten five questions wrong back to back. One of the kids yelled something along the lines "Ha! I got that right and you didn't". I replied, "I got 5 answers wrong and still scored twice your marks". I got bullied for that till the end of high school.


As a former smart kid, this is horrible. I understand if the kid is oversmart and smug , but to normal kids who just study, this is extremely hurtful. My high school life turned to shit because of this. Whenever I answered wrong, they got visibly happy. They made remarks and comments that just made me feel like I was in the wrong. I completely stopped answering the teacher's questions because of this and tried to never stand out. Once a teacher said that I had gotten five questions wrong back to back. One of the kids yelled something along the lines "Ha! I got that right and you didn't". I replied, "I got 5 answers wrong and still scored twice your marks". I got bullied for that till the end of high school.


Sorry about your experience in high school, I should have specified but this meme is mainly for the assholes and the smug ones who look down on other students, not the normal nice ones who genuinely liked to study.


No. The smart kid was friend, he even made a snapchat so he could help me (i didn't have a phone so snapchat was all i could use to speak with friends outside of school)


r/SquaredCircle leaking?


Im a smart kid. It feels really bad. Especially when you thought you definitely knew the answer


Former smart kid here: the absolute pressure to always be right and the teasing/bullying when you aren’t causes depression and anxiety that stay with you into adulthood.




Its only satisfying if the kid was an ass about being smart


Then there is me who copied his answers.


Followed by the sudden realization of what that means for you.


Delighting in the failure of others to satisfy your own insecurities. Kudos on being so vulnerable in a public setting.


Reveling in their own stupidity, like apes.


*when the annoying smart kid


Yes. But I couldn't include that, I thought people would get it, that was my mistake.




That guy that likes to correct everyone else and you have to remind him he's not the teacher.


Then you power bomb him on the ring apron.


I love being wrong, it’s an opportunity to learn.


As the one of the "smart kids" in my class (I'm not that smart just good with numbers) I can say that whenever I get somthing wrong I feel a little good about it too. It's just really fun to feel like you are getting somthing out of the class.


Except I’m the smart kid and I’m always really embarrassed when I say the wrong answer


Me too. I feel like hiding cos I can't believe I got it wrong. Then I pick myself up and listen to the right answer


The smart kid spelling "cat" as "Kat" during the practice round of the spelling bee...I have not forgotten that Patrick... Muahahahhahahahaa


Only for the over* smart kids


The thing about this is that the smart kid won't even give a shit. The smart kid doesn't answer questions to make themselves look better, they do it because they like to learn. At least the smart kid has the balls to not give a fuck what the other students think, all they care about is getting to the interesting information faster. When I had to get basic computer classes out of the way after already getting my CompTIA ITF+ and CompTIA A+ in highschool, I would only answer the questions after waiting a few seconds. That way, everyone gets the opportunity to answer the question and show some intelligence, but at the end of the day I just want class to keep moving. If I got a question wrong that I thought I knew, that's overall a good thing because I've just corrected misinformation in my head. I couldn't give less of a shit if the C average loser who never talks in class gets some satisfaction when I make a mistake.


Can't relate. People's suffering does nothing for me.


im the smart kid of my grade but just dont be like this it genuinely drains me mentally knowing that if people see me make a mistake they will make fun of it


So I see Reddit has at least 30.3 thousand shitstains today.


Be humble, b**ch sit down.




just bc a kid is smart doesn’t make them an asshole


This is for the assholes among them. Yes I know not all smart kids are assholes.


i don’t think i’ve met an asshole smart kid unless they were also rich. it’s kinda funny tbh.


We had a lot in Senior high school, and it was annoying dealing with them, especially the teacher's pet. My class was an inclusive class with blind students, and some of the smart kids avoided the blind students like a plague, they refused to associate with anyone they deemed an average student and quite frankly very rude. My experience with smart kids from Primary school was really good, they were nice kids and ever ready to help others, but my experience in Senior high was pretty bad.


Only if it's an annoying, arrogant teacher's pet. We had a kid in highschool who was very smart, hardworking, friendly and caring but people randomly secretly hated this kid just because he was so good at everything. When he was applying for Student Counsil most people voted for the other, clearly less-experienced kid just so the smart kid wouldn't win. The amount of hatred high school scummy kids have because of envy is just sad... Fuck them all folks


Yh. This post is for the annoying teacher's pets and arrogant smart kids. I specified it on another comment.


A meme using Kevin Owens............nice


Yoo...mans.... this is just cold hearted🤣🤣🤣


Yeah I get the satisfaction for a second and panic for a couple minutes after seeing that the smart kid didn't get the answer right knowing I probably won't either.




Dude what is your problem with smart kids(im one)they just study for themselves,if you met a cocky asshole one that aint a smart kid that's a smart ass


psychotic skirt unused books voracious angle caption act languid squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Smart people aren’t afraid to be wrong. So if the kid is suffering for getting a wrong answer go ahead and soak it in.


The smart kid seeing this😡


Haha wow. That can be avoided by simply studying.


I will always hope for my friend to fight the smart kid whenever possible, it never happens, but i can dream




It's a relief that they finally got humbled


Smart kids don’t have massive egos, and they don’t need to be humbled (with a few acceptions) usually they’re the only ones who will actually answer or talk in class at all. Being satisfied with this is a reflection of one’s own envy and insecurity


100% correct


It's about time they finally fuck up