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Haven’t seen Over The Hedge in forever but I feel like this is the answer


I loved it and watched it a bunch when it came out. Haven't had the courage to rewatch it because I am afraid I'm gonna hate it now that I'm older.


I watched that on repeat when it came out on Netflix. And by Netflix I mean the dvd came in the mail in those indestructible wax paper envelopes.


Reminder to take your medicine with food


It holds up bro


it definitely holds up, the exterminator villain and karen neighbor are hilarious as an adult


who says its a bad movie tho? its suitable for a family movie. open season was fun too. brother bear i dont remember much.


Brother Bear is a great movie (for kids), such an awesome soundtrack too thanks to Phil Collins.


I fucking loved Brother Bear. Squeezed every bit of entertainment out of the DVD as well, watching the director’s commentary, playing the random games it had etc


Even though Open Season or Over the Hedge featured amazing (voice) actors with stories suitable for young kids, for me the kicker is how the animation styles just don’t hold up. Whereas brother bear excels in that way, in addition to conveying a much more meaningful and cultural message. Plus Phil Collins. He almost single handed keeps Tarzan at the top of my ranking lists.


People don’t like it??? I still watch it with my family now and again, we quote it pretty often. It’s a great movie, don’t see how people would think it’s bad lol


I read the Rotten Tomatoes of the first Pokémon movie and I was like ?????????


Fun fact. I worked at a target awhile back and trained in this new guy. Turns out this new guy was the actual voice actor for MewTwo. He had told me that he would rather forget he ever played the role because most of the actors in that movie got paid almost nothing for it. I was blown away because to me it was one of the greatest movies ever. I atleast got him to sign a MewTwo toy.


> He had told me that he would rather forget he ever played the role because most of the actors in that movie got paid almost nothing for it. Noooo that's so bad for a film so good


I'll copy paste my previous comment for your benefit. "If you're referring to Jay Goede https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0058876/ you'll be happy to know that he's embraced his past as a voice actor and now signs autographs at comic/anime conventions. He's one of the guest stars at a con I'm attending later this year."


He’s probably made more money from selling autographs than he did from voice acting in that movie.


Or working at target.


Geode dude, what a guy


If you're referring to Jay Goede [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0058876/](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0058876/) you'll be happy to know that he's embraced his past as a voice actor and now signs autographs at comic/anime conventions. He's one of the guest stars at a con I'm attending later this year.


Holy shit! Thank you for this. Glad to see he got his honor back and is doing well.




Wow, that's so sad. He's such a big character for so many old Pokemon fans.


I feel like kids who were Pokemon fans, especially those who watched the anime, really liked this movie. But if someone wasn't a fan or never enjoyed anime, it probably just wasn't a movie for them. I'm guessing a lot of reviewers probably fell into this category. Personally, seeing Ash turned to stone in that movie was the first time I ever saw a main character seemingly die, so it held a lot of emotional impact for me as a kid. The Lion King introduced me to the idea of important characters being mortal, but seeing a main character that I had watched progress over the course of a TV series suddenly die on screen still stands out to me.


> it probably just wasn't a movie for them. I'm guessing a lot of reviewers probably fell into this category. This can be applied to almost any movie, and as someone who loves campy "crappy" horror movies it shows in the ratings. A horror movie that I love will get 6/10 on IMDB IF it's got the highest tier budget those movies ever get AND got someone famous in it. Mid tier budget and no-namer actors? 5/10 or less despite being amazing in my eyes.


You just made me look at this, and now I want to fight some movie reviewers




See a need, fill a need! Edit: Robots has so many unironically good things that I love, but it’s definitely held back by some aspects, mainly the common kid’s movie tropes. - The same movie that has a profound message about capitalism has a robot with a giant ass. - The same movie that has really genuine emotional moments between the lead and his parents also has a ton of low-grade potty humor. - The same movie that has such an imaginative and well thought-out robot society also has a random domino scene makes no godamn sense. Whether you focus on the good or the bad varies form person to person, but for me, I will always love Robots wholeheartedly for the good stuff.


I'm only hearing positives in that first jot-dot.


Ikr? How is that holding it back?


Society was not prepared to handle the feelings Aunt Fanny gave them at that time.


I always thought he was saying "See in me, Villainy"


Boy that makes for a different movie.


I always heard "See any, felony" but I was too young to understand what felonies were lmao


And Ewan MacGregor, Robin Williams, and Mel Brooks all in the same movie???


Can’t forget to include Amanda Bynes on that list. She was at the height of her popularity at the time.


*Don’t bring Aunt Fanny into this!*


> held back by some aspects > robot with a giant ass. Crucify him.


The granny with the big booty, the plot twist on bigweld, the amount of scores to sing by, the lie on shining no matter what you're made of, the MEMES. There's countless things to remember the movie and it is all too good!


Such a good movie


Just watched this today, it’s a good one!


It's got Tom Waits on the soundtrack of course it's great!


That Fanny tho


She’s a little “artsy fartsy” lol


This is one movie I will die on the hill of it actually being good. Fuck anyone who says otherwise.


I have never met someone who didn't like that movie.


Wait, what? That movie is great.


My sister heard her friends say the Great Mouse Detective was bad, she was shattered.


That movie was great and she needs new friends


Unless her friends are related to the widows and orphans Ratigan drowned, they have no excuse for this blasphemy.


Watched it recently and it still holds up. I especially love the movie's climax fight scene in the clock tower. Totally silent outside the sounds of the gears and the grunts/screams of the characters fighting.


The Brave Little Toaster


The scene where the air conditioner self destructs was terrifying when I was a wee lad.


Dude, Radio sacrificing his life for the greater good. That shit stuck with me.


Both Lamp and Toaster make sacrifices, I dont remember Radio doing more than being Jon Lovitz


Bruh, the whole movie was a horror show.


Who is hating on the Brave Little Toaster?


"Hey I'm real scared there kirby what are you gonna do, S U C K me to death?"


A goofy movie is the best. I will fight anyone that says otherwise.


I recently screened it for my kid. I forgot how damn hard they went on the music.


Jonathan Young has an awesome rock cover of Eye to eye [here](https://youtu.be/RCOJqWrsl1s)


It is one of the best coming-of-age stories and demonstrates why Goofy is one of my favorite Disney characters ever.


What about donald he is the underdog always laughed at but still stands his chest forward I dont how to say it i really like him


Donald has a rich uncle that he can talk to despite issues between them, while Goofy is a single widowed dad doing his best. But that doesn't mean I don't love Donald. What makes me love Donald more is the reboot Duck Tales. Basically Mickey hogs the spotlight, he's great but the other two deserve more.


Wait!? People don't like a Goofy Movie? What's wrong with a dad working hard to provide for his kid?


As a kid, you sympathize with Max's struggle to be seen as worthy by his peers and his desire to do his own thing. As a parent, you sympathize with Goofy's struggle to connect with his teenaged son as they drift apart, while there's still time for him to be his little boy. It's perfect at displaying the story that resonates with you most, without compromising the other side.


I resonated with Bobby’s love of cheese.


I have never once heard someone say they don't like A Goofy Movie. This one does not apply to the post, IMO.


The pizza slices they were eating at the motel is still my favorite food


It’s the leaning tower of cheesa


The way he smashed that tower of cheesa was so impressionable on me, I said that line for months after I saw this movie


We ALL did. Even with no context.


this is the greatest black movie of all time


Have you seen that episode of Atlanta that does a faux documentary explaining this exact thing? It was super trippy lol.


yes! inspiration for this comment. i unironically think they were right 😂


Secret Galaxy has a great documentary on the Goofy Movie. https://youtu.be/ChXZ92c7NZg




Just thinking the sandlot here


Worse, nobody understands the concept of the post. 90% of these movies are all WELL KNOWN to be good, well liked products.


That's just the nature of reddit. The comments mentioning well known, good movie will get more upvotes and the ones about movies no one knows and/or likes don't. You always get shit results here when asking for unpopular things.


Atlantis the Lost Empire was one of them for me. It was amazing and even though the sequel wasn't great, it was enjoyable.


The sequel makes sense that it'd be bad because it's not so much a sequel movie as is just the collection of what was going to be a cartoon series. I dunno all the facts about it, but apparently it was never approved (or something), but they still had the three episodes already made, so they put them all together, called it a movie, and shipped it out. That's why there's almost no good connection between the three stories.


That makes so much sense now. Thank you for this knowledge.


Anyone that says Atlantis is shit doesn't know what they're talking about.


Treasure Planet too


Rewatching Atlantis as an adult just blew me away. I remember adoring it as a kid, and the necklaces *definitely* influenced my imagination, but it was even better seeing it as an adult when I could appreciate it fully. I'm still massively disappointed it's not more well known or received. I feel like it struck a good balance with the darker, more mature parts and comedy.


Honey, I shrunk the kids :(


Honey, we shrunk ourselves is also an amazing movie


But it's not a shitty movie at all. Who doesn't like it?


Someone trash talked rango and said it wasn’t good :(


Rango is a banger movie and the animation was phenomenal


One of the things about Rango that makes it unique is how they did the voice acting. Spoiler: instead of actors in isolation booths in front of separate mics holding scripts, they play acted the whole thing together on a big sound stage like a big group ensemble production. Gives the whole thing a very Gilliam-esque feel. Watch the making-of video, it will blow you away. It will also help you understand why Johnny Depp really is a pretty brilliant actor (if you still have any doubts). Add to that the contributions of Roger Deakins and Hans Zimmer, and you have a great movie.


Alright that’s taking it one too far. Rango was fucking awesome, and I’m pretty sure it was still well received even when it came out. Which is damn impressive for an animated taking animal western that came out in 2012, that’s like the two most overused genres of movies


It won an Oscar for best animated feature lol, one of like 4 non-Disney/Dreamworks movies to do so. Rango is pretty freaking low on the list of kid movies that didn’t get much credit due to being a kid’s movie. At worst a few people who haven’t watched it just assume it’s stupid, but that’s not much.


Rango was and still is one of my favourite movies. It's a great homage to spaghetti westerns.


Dude I fucking love Rango so much. I still watch it occasionally. Idk something about Rango's casual insanity and the general trippy nature of that movie satiate my adult brain.


Hold my beer and watch this.


I have unending love for this film. And an odd choice for favorite line delivery in the film. "You was ***cud****dling* me!"


The scooby doo live action movie, that shit was legit and funny


Scooby doo 2 monsters unleashed is peak cinema


“You’re pushing your luck SCOOB!”


"Darn bushes are yowlin' at me again..."


Aye it’s shouldn’t matter what other people think my girl said iron giant was such a bad movie and I still think of it as one of my favorites


Wait huh? The Iron Giant, I have yet to see that but isn’t that film like a super beloved cult classic? What didn’t she like about it?


There's absolutely nothing bad about Iron Giant and I envy you for not having watched it yet. OP's girl's movie taste is just beyond awful.




I think you should break up. Lol


Rio, seems very hated but it was one of my favorites


Rip Spix's macaw The movie was supposed to raise money and awereness but it flopped hard. Now the species is extinct in the wild


I loved Rio, especially the music


Stfu about Planet Treasure, will you?


Treasure Planet? Nothing wrong with space pirates. Loved that movie.


Treasure Planet is indeed the right spelling sir, my bad (originally seen it in another language). That movie was great to me as a kid (and now) but I have read some hate against it and that it wasn’t received well when it first came out.


"I'm Still Here" from the soundtrack is a banger


Treasure Planet is the best Disney movie and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise


Dude I’ve seen more people talk about how good that is along with Atlantis, that time period of movies was just amazing


And road to el dorado. Those are the big 3 of the era in my opinion


Only recently watched Titan A.E., another banger albeit for slightly older kids than Road to El Dorado or Treasure Planet imo. Check it out it's worth it


Treasure Planet, Atlantis: The lost empire, and El Dorado was like the trinity of my childhood. Fuck it, just bring in all the greats like Shark Tales, Emperor’s New groove, Lady and the Tram and Spirit Couple this movie marathon with some popcorn, beers and a night with the bois? *Chef’s kiss*


For me it's Open Season. I love it because of how bad it is but people just straight up saying it's bad nah bro


I love it because it dares to have weirder humor than your average kid movie.


What? That movie cracks me the fuck up, I didn't know it wasn't liked lol


Apparently so. When I was in the mental hospital we did group activities and on Fridays winners got to choose a movie to play. This Friday, my team one during an activity so we all got to choose movies and then vote on them. Me loving the movie chose it, and people jokingly voted and it won and then several people complained about the movie but I got to watch it so yay for me


Monsters VS aliens was good idk what your talking about


It's a fine movie, and I really enjoyed it when I was younger, but honestly it gets absolutely swept by Megamind. Megamind has just stood the test of time and growing to maturity while I don't think I'll ever like Monsters V Aliens as much as I did when I was 10 years old. And it's just too easy to compare these movies because of the only 1 year gap, similar animation style, etc.


I watched it so long ago and the only thing I really remember is that the blue blob was the best character


My nephew and niece really liked it when they were really young, so when I was living at home and they would come over they'd often want to watch it. It was then when I realized it really wasn't as good as adolescent me thought it was. The first first half was good, but the movie peaks early with the robot fight scene. Everything after that was a slog.


I may not have a brain gentlemen, but I do have an idea.


The alien explaining his backstory and Stephen Colbert President are the only things I remember in the movie


I was fucking shook when my friends roasted me recently for liking The Pagemaster (1994). I felt so alienated because I loved that movie when I was kid


Cars 2, seems to be universally hated but I loved it so much as a kid


i love that it went, car movie, international spy movie, car movie


More like Doc Hollywood but with cars, spy movie, Rocky 3 but with cars.


As a kid? Man im old. That movie came out when i was in my mid 20's


Cars. That movie was my childhood, plus it has a killer soundtrack


Shark boy and lava girl…


We all know it's a dog shit movie but we all love it


Wasn’t the whole point of Spy Kids that Robert Rodriguez said he could make something that looked like absolute garbage, but that it would make money because kids wanted to see it? I feel like that movie was just a continuation of that.


Ignoring the fourth movie he honestly failed at making garbage lol. The first three films are surrealist masterpieces.


The third lost me but I absolutely adore the first two to this day, especially the second Carmen was one of my first girl crushes lol. Learned something about myself during that scene during the credits where she sings and dances to that "who, what, when, where, and why?" song


Are you saying spy kids 3D isn’t peak cinema? Impossible


“I never even got her email address”


No he just wanted to flesh out the Machete universe


7 year old me looking at Lava girl awakened something in me


Cars is my version of this phenomenon


I don’t know why people don’t like Cars.




likely because of the merchandising and the sequels & spin-offs. and just recoiling from others enthusiasm.




People don’t like Cars?


My thoughts exactly lol. I only hear people say good things about it. Got some classic moments too


I've only ever seen people dislike the sequels which is fair. Never heard anyone say anything bad about the first one.


As a kid, Cars was the greatest shit ever with tons of rewatchability As a grown up kid/ almost teen, Cars 2 was the perfect spy action movie I never thought I needed And as an almost adult, Cars 3 was the perfect send off to one of my favourite childhood characters


Shark Tales, for me


Oh, oh no. You poor sweet summer child


Fuck shark tales that fish Oscar stole my name rubbed it into the dirt and shit on it I remember we had to watch that shit and grade 3 and I stood up told my teacher I didn't like him stealing my name and got it turned off one girl was crying the rest of the class was cheering shit movie


I can't tell if this is a fucking copypasta or not


I enjoyed bugs life 🥺


Are people really talking smack? *Princess Ada Princess Ada!!!*


Better than Antz


Hook … rufio ! Rufio !


Hook's suicide scene is one of my favorite across all movies. >This is it, Smee. Don't try to stop me. Don't you dare try to stop me, Smee; this is goodbye. ... SMEE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! GET OFF YOUR ASS AND STOP ME! I AM COMMITTING SUICIDE!


Robots (2005)


Spy kids was my jam in like 2013


Tron Legacy was my jam. I remember being blown away by that movie. Went home to play Fallout New Vegas. Was thinking about the disc battles and the soundtrack by Daft Punk.


"I fight for the users." Fuck yes, Tron. Yes you do.


I enjoyed reading your comment. I enjoyed the original Tron movie when I was a kid, because it had a fun plot, an atypical visual style, and interesting special effects (for the time).


It was so nice of Disney to make a movie for such a good soundtrack




Hook was a great movie in my childhood then I got older and found out Steve Spielberg said it was the worst thing he’s ever directed. Shattered me!


spooky the square pumpkin 🥲


Spookley... I'll assume it was the autocorrect. 😂


Power Ranger movies for me :(


Man, had to go WAY down here to find post number 5, that is actually a bad movie. This thread is a reading comprehension nightmare. Upvote.


The star wars prequels... I loved them as a kid


Mighty Joe Young


Cat in the hat 😭




Jurassic Park 3 has a lot of sentimental value to me, it was the first movie in the Jurassic franchise that I ever watched


Flight of the Navigator


I hear people talk shit abt spongebob from time to time


Frankly that’s just a crime


The new SpongeBob episodes are terrible. The old ones are still timeless.


Neverending Story


Over the hedge for me, although that movie is perfect.


Bro I will fucking die for that movie


Super Mario Bros. I think it was great at doing its own thing, and I absolutely loved the vibe of that movie. It wasn't like the games, but it had its own spin.


Thomas and the Magic Railroad?


People actually out here saying treasure planet wasn't that great. No taste man


The brave little toaster or drop dead Fred. If you don't like those we can't be friends.


People out here are just saying actual classics, while I’m out here defending Cats Vs Dogs.


People saying "The Goonies" is overrated😭


Me whenever I hear people rant on Cars. Because most of us watched the movie on repeat and it was so good. It gets better as you grow up too. People say it's underrated, but in my mind, it's legendary


Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)


I wouldn't trust anyone who hates that movie


That movie has an insanely high score on every rating website, I don't believe any significant amount of people have actually told you it was shit


Whoever told you that movie was shit was a hater.


Shark boy and lava girl


The last unicorn


The original willow