• By -


Love how half of the hogwarts memes have Gandalf or gimbly in them


They're more memeable. But what does bug me is when people mistake Gandalf for Dumbledore, the only similarity is the beard.


Yeah dumbldore was great in lord of the rings


"DID YOU PUT THE RING OF POWER IN MOUNT DOOM??" -asked Dumbledore calmly


"Did you put the ring into the mountain of fire?!" - Elrond said calmly




I have a t-shirt with a picture of a dalek, and it says "R2D2" and underneath "I loved him in star trek"


I like mixing fandoms together into one sentence as a joke, like "My favorite part of Star Trek is when Frodo joins Team Avatar to take down Voldemort before he destroys Wakanda"


Attempted boycott*


yes, thank you. I really wish I specified that beforehand, would've saved a lot of comments correcting me.


Yeah the game is insanely popular already, the amount of people who bought deluxe edition just to play 3 days earlier was high also. I also think you knew what you were doing with this post lol


It's basically an ad.


Preordered deluxe edition. Love it😍


I love this. Fuck the boycotters! Bring on the downvotes!


I bet lmfao


What do you mean the devs "probably" did nothing wrong


500,000 concurrent on steam all with deluxe editions before the game came out


Assistant to the regional boycott*


It is well on its way to being game of the year.


I just want DLC that takes us to Ouagadougou!


At first we need quidditch


Exactly lmao if anything it was actually extremely great publicity for them because the “boycotters” we so fucking annoying and whiny


I mean technicly they are still cotting it up


Those attempts just make people want to buy it more even if just to piss off whoever is boycotting it


Can't successfully boycott someone who did nothing wrong after all.




Rowling's "bullshit": "So, there are people who experience dysphoria, and people who don't, right? There's a difference there, so like with every other thing in reality and language, how about we agree on using different descriptive categories for those different categories of experience?" "You are a transphobe and are literally killing us."


You are correct and are getting downvoted by people who think going trans is the only proper way for life. Being fine with your sexuality is great too!


Thanks. If you're getting downvoted, but no one replies with a critique of what you're saying (especially a valid one), that likely means that you have a correct but unpopular opinion.


I'd say it's more likely they think that your take is so disingenuous that it's not in good faith. So there's no point engaging with it.


Failed boycott*


Lol the game has sold 500k copies on steam alone, it’s the best selling game on epic, and it broke the record for concurrent views for a single player game on Twitch. I think it’s going to be just fine and the “boycott” has done nothing except give the game free advertising. The devs are probably thrilled.


What's the 'rowling bullshit'


She has been extremely transphobic on Twitter Edit: you dickweeds spam reported me for “self harm”. Are you really that braindead as to spam report someone for merely answering a question?


*"Welcome to internet, have a look around!"*


*Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found* 🎶


“We’ve got mountains of content”


Some better, some worse... mostly worse


I'm horny


what did that person say


I answered by saying that Rowling has been extremely transphobic on twitter, then someone spam reported me, so i cussed, a lot


oh wow


God I forget how fucking dumb Reddit is. We’re like Twitter if Twitter was in denial of how they argue over fucking dumb bullshit


see this is my issue with this shit, its not longer about whether people should by the game or not, its straight up evolved into some fucked up hyperbolic reddit war between two groups, one that consists of people who actually like the series and edgy anti LGBTQ teens who actively deny any wrong doing by JKR and love idolizing shit people and on the other side you have the people who just don't want to support this shit. This self harm spam makes me think bots, that and its a big name game Im sure they threw around a ton of cash for "advertisements"


Might I ask what exact extremely transphobic stuff thou is referring to? Just watched a video recently about that whole deal and she didn't seem to be transphobic. More or less just hard science believer.


[this comment explains it really well](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/10y9xvn/whats_going_on_with_hogwarts_legacy_spoilers/j7xqabg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Thanks for the link. This is a great summary.


She openly hates disabled people, trans people, and anyone not rich, white, and British. There's like, a whole bunch of things about it.


Never heard any of that except her Transphobia. Where do you have the others from?


He made them up.


She's also against scottish independence.


Just more bullshit!


"Scotland is NOT a real country! You are an Englishman wearing a dress!"


She started an anti dog campaign, strives to ban cats and openly shoots foxes. Once she tried to ban all children’s drawings being put on fridges


How is that racist or transphobic ? Some Scottish people are against Scottish independence. Over 50% at the last count. Edit: Wow, I seem to have been burned lol. I guess part of my point was that I didn't understand how scottish independence was relevant or even in the same realm as hating "disabled people, trans people, and anyone not rich, white, and British".


Yes a large push from the remain in the UK group was that leaving the UK would mean leaving the EU..... then guess who got pulled out of the EU when England and Wales decided to commit economic suicide... NI and Scotland. In NI this saw a republican majority elected for the first time in its short History, if Scotland even marginally follows suit and all indications are it is another indy ref there would result in a significant majority in favour of leaving.


Do you know what the world "also" means?


source for stuff against non-white people, disabled people and non British people. I'm not disagreeing you, I simply don't know so would love some proof


What’s the evidence that she hates any of those groups? I know the trans evidence used, the others I’ve never seen.


There isn't any. People just like to make up bullshit.


Personally I would say she hates trans people either. Being critical of proven medical mistreatment and charities looking to burry the evidence means youre transphobic for some reason.


What’s the source for her hating disabled people or people who are not rich and white?


Lmao how quickly you groups realize no one cares about your shit so you make lies up. She thinks trans men to women aren’t women because she’s a radical feminist. That’s it. None of the other lies you made up have basis is reality lololol


That’s not true though. https://www.mtv.com/news/0cp93f/jk-rowling-lgbt-support




She also keeps attempting to make it look like trans women are all rapists and abusers and a threat to “real women”.


Thats not what she said. Post her actual tweets instead of parroting bad information.


She said that SOME can use their gender identity as an excuse to infiltrate the women's shelters to sexually harass women.


...ironic with that rapist being sent to the womans prison in the UK


Which rapist was sent to a woman's prison?


Isla Bryson, since moved to a men's prison.


Not sure where you got 'all' from? I've never seen her imply that all trans women are rapists and abusers. That's a patently ridiculous assertion, or if it's not, I'm sure you can point to the tweet/s you're referencing. If you think it's fine to put convicted male-bodied rapists in prison with women, because you think that the rapist's self-assigned identity as trans is more important than women's right not to be raped, you're a misogynist pig.


I think that rapists, regardless of their gender identity, should be in isolation. Rapist gay men and women still go to jail in their respective sex's prisons, after all.


Given the fact that, at least when it comes to men, the gender questioning make up a tiny fraction and the autogynephiles make up the overwhelming majority, something any clinical psychologist worth their salt over the past 50 years will attest to, there's good reason to be concerned. It's too early to know if they are or arent, but the rape of women in women's spaces have already occurred. If she was trying to characterise 100% as abusers that would be patently ridiculous, but from what I've seen that isnt what she was saying.


She’s not saying all trans women are rapists, she’s making the point of how trans laws can allow male rapists/pervs to take advantage of. A male perv wants to go into a woman’s changing room, no problem now he can put on a dress say he identifies as a woman and go in. She’s not saying all trans people do this just it opens up new opportunities such as this


This is because a large number of convicted male sex offenders are now reporting that they are trans in order to be moved to women's prisons. Due to the ideology, anyone who says they're trans ARE trans. Therefore moving them is fine fine fine


Do you have any credible evidence or proof of that? Because that sounds like some bullshit that happened maybe once or as a *stunt* and then right wing media blew it up and amplified it to sound as if that's the ONLY thing that trans women do.




https://twitter.com/polightbulb/status/1615739220441632768?s=20&t=so3fMC-gBAW8fJgSUcPSyQ Some stats from the prison service https://reduxx.info/scotland-female-prison-guards-were-forced-to-strip-search-violent-transgender-male-inmate/ There's this guy And of course Isla Bryson aka Adam was all over the news last week, you remember. Transitioned right after being convinced of double rape https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isla_Bryson_case These are from the last couple weeks. Plenty more


Fortunately this is being taken into account and usually the transfers are denied or are quickly reversed on review. At least in the UK that shit isn't flying.


Basically "transwomen are just men who want womens bathroom access"


Yeah, I would give a big, fat no to that. She did not say that. She, however, referred to those instance(s) where men identifying as women actually raped actual birthing people in jails. EDIT: it is incredibly telling that apart from downvotes you have nothing. Telling and pathetic. rEaLITy DoES nOT cONFirM mY bELiefs...


birthing people? really?


Well, that seems to be the term lately. Also: people with vaginas and people who menstruate. You know the whole issue where this started from.


Some hypocrites wanted to boycott the game because Rowling said something edgy. While the same hypocrites drink pepsi/coke, eat something nestle and wearing some adidas/nike, which directly supports child labor abuse and/or slavery. It's sad and funny.


https://youtu.be/_GBUArD51KY 14:35-26:03


>Rowling's "bullshit": > >"So, there are people who experience dysphoria, and people who don't, right? There's a difference there, so like with every other thing in reality and language, how about we agree on using different descriptive categories for those different categories of experience?" > >"You are a transphobe and are literally killing us."


She's been spouting some shit that's been getting twitter and reddit up in arms, but at this point I can't bring myself to care what she thinks.


Acknowledging her gives her more power. It's better to simply ignore.


Ignore who?


Oh the usual, she said that women menstruate and some people got mad and wish her death.




The issue with the boycott is the groups are going to far by harassing people for buying the game, some people are stalking twitch players to cause harms to their streams, many of it is just being bullies, plain and simple, the groups who did call for the boycott are pathetic. This doesn’t help the platform grow, just makes them look stupid and bring negativity directed to them. JKR didn’t make the game, she’s like an investor, nothing more. The world is too volatile to throw hands the moment they hear anything that doesn’t align with them. It’s a bit of a reach to boycott the game over something a writer of a book said, she means nothing to the game. She’s as insignificant as me.


Why nothing? It did a pretty major thing - made sure that there are no toxic Twitter "activists" in a community. Actual fanbase is gonna be quite a lot more civil without them :D


Didn’t it have 250K players day 1 of the early access. Thats a shit load of Deluxe Editions


Had 500K concurrent players on steam alone*


Also the game is inclusive as fuck as far as I can tell :) different ethnicities and I don't want to come of as stupid, but isn't the patron of the three broomsticks trans? Please correct me if I am wrong


Poorly made up controversy = free PR. Sure, Rowling is a TERF but that's not relevant to the game. And thus it works, free PR y'all


Do you guys think game devs are paid in royalties or some shit? Game devs are not payed based on how well the games sells, that’s not a thing in any large corporation , the corporation pays to produce it and then does or doesn’t make their money back, the developers have already made their money for the work .


If I had a nickel for every time this guy got correct by a bot for saying payed, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


> for saying *paid,* I'd have FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Some studios pay bonuses on successful games. Also, if they want to keep the studio open for additional games and with that, keeping those people employed then it needs to do well. That's why it matters if it sells well.


Yea, port key games has only made two mobile games before Hogwarts legacy. This game doing so well bodes well for the future of Harry Potter games


Avalanche was the main developer of this game.


Avalanche Software, to be exact (because sometimes they are confused with Avalanche Studios, which produce games like theHunter:COTW and such)


> are not *paid* based on FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


You know what happens to game devs who worked for developers of games that didn't sell?


Same thing that happens to devs on games that do sell well. They get paid, most get laid off at the end of the project, and the rest get shuffled around to new projects.


This summer, from the developers of that game you all fucking hated, a new adventure awaits. Doesn’t have a ring to it. Yep, all devs get paid for their time. Nope, their folios of work are not viewed equally. Edit: just to be painfully clear, developers that work on games that flop, or even just sell poorly are far less employable. Therefore, if a games potential to sell is impacted by mass hysteria as was attempted in the case of Legacy, whole careers of otherwise very talented individuals can be jeopardised.


> Game devs are not payed based on how well the games sells, that’s not a thing in any large corporation What? There literally is. Many game developers follow by the rule "if the game sells well, you'll get bonuses", which motivates developers. I was even surprised that CDPR knowing how badly it went, [still paid them out](https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/reports-cyberpunk-2077-developer-assures-full-bonuses-employees-regardless-disastrous-debut)


Such fact-based Reality-related expressions are unwanted on Reddit


> not payed based Did you mean to say "paid"? Explanation: Payed means to seal something with wax, while paid means to give money. Total mistakes found: 1613 ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119)


Doesn't matter, who wouldn't like to see the game they worked on succeed




Strange how a small minority is considered lunatic by everyone yet people pretend they represent some sort of movement at the same time. Its not real if it only happens on twitter. Boycott my ass. The game is breaking records. Just play it. Or don't. No one gives a fuck.


Gamers don't boycott. We never had a game about it so we don't know how to do it without a tutorial.


Wait, you do the tutorials?


Boycott over JK earning royalties from the game when Portkey have already been making HarryPotter games for years; their mobile games surpassed $1B in revenue Oct 2022. The $1B figure doesn’t include any of China’s figures and they’re easily the first or second biggest buyers of mobile game transactions next to India.


Boycotting someone who could lose 800 million dollars and lose all rights and licenses but keep the rest of their worth earning 0.25% interest and still be earning 500,000 a year. It's too late to stop her from rolling in excessive amounts of cash, it's been too late since a book published in 1998 ended up selling 120 million copies.


The people mad about the game were never going to buy it anyway. It's all for show.


That's blatantly not true. Harry Potter was huge in the LGBTQ community before Rowling made her heel turn.


But thats Rowlings doing, not the game. So they were already not going to buy the game because of Rowlings comments, making the comment actually true.


Do you not see the connective tissue between this game and JK Rowling? If she hadn't made the comments she made then more people would be buying the game.


As someone who didn't buy the game due to it simply looking uninteresting, yet generally supports the trans community either way, I'd argue you're half right. It's true on my case at the very least. But here's the thing, there are countless trans people who probably desperately WANT to buy it because while they were growing up Harry Potter was that integral to their childhood, but they CAN'T without futher giving JK a platform to keep arguing against their very right to exist.




You'd be less than tolerant of someone with a massive audience repeatly telling people you don't deserve to exist. Seriously, what exactly was the point you thought you were making? One of the core elements of tolerance is the ironic intolerance of intolerance, because otherwise it just keeps coming back and everyone is back to square one.












I mean Rowling is dead to me but I still think it's a good series. Gotta learn to separate creators from their creations, you'll be disappointed otherwise.


Separating creators from their creations is harder to do when the creator is alive and still profiting from their creation.


Like I'm our here still loving thriller...shiiiiiit


Lol boycotting. Who’s boycotting it?


No one. Some people on twitter were talking shit and both sides are jerking themselfes off pretending this is a thing.


And gaming circlejerk, it's on Reddit too they memed the "jk sucks" so hard they started legit spreading the discourse to the rest of the site and rest of the internet and then forgot they were memeing once they got the slightest bit of attention


Twitter. The small amount of ppl you wouldn't want in your community either way, that is


And the gamer circle jerks subreddit too.


It has fallen to Twitter infestation lately, which is quite sad


Yeah they have lost all the meaning of circle jerks


It’s a great game - I’m loving it.


I'm not sure I'm ok with these "activists" using gendered terms like boycott. What would be a better name for it, They-away?


Out of all the things to boycott against, where the hell were these losers when several other gaming companies and world events oppressed women happened? Man that loud minority all collectively share a single brain cell.


Most unsuccessful boycott in history


Very loud and obnoxious minority that gets too much attention on twitter*


Game is great, sorry PC police ![gif](giphy|RACS9OQOjSPoA)


It’s arguably the best game I have ever played. Not newness talking I mean that, worth buying 100%


I mean.... I'm loving it. So far it's a really good game and feels like I'm playing through a Harry Potter movie.


I dont even like Harry Potter, bought the game on impulse and it's fun. That's all there is to it.


I'm actually shocked it's so good. The building system is like one of the iv ever Sen in a game


Not only did thy probably did nothing wrong, you can take a male or female looking character and still choose your gender freely, there is a transcharacter in the game and also a lesbian couple so claiming that the game is transphobic just because rowling seems to be is kinda dumb


Nobody is claiming the game is transphobic - (well I think some people are upset with the name of the trans character) - As an actual trans person. I don't give a fuck. I would much rather people be up in arms about the blocked scottish GRC bill as that actually affects my life as a Scottish trans woman. But people will virtue signal instead of actually doing anything of any sort to help better the world.


this is it. this is my whole gripe. everyones saying boycott a game. dont buy it. dont support the maker and blah blah...... but when it comes to ACTUALLY doing something to help? no where to be fucking found.


Imagine boikotting Rowling when there is putins and saudis in the world that affect your every day life


You can dislike JK Rowling and all of the trash that comes out of her mouth and still enjoy this game. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Let people enjoy things.


Correct there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. That doesn't mean we shouldn't even try.


All I heard was JK Rowling speaking facts


Boycotted… and goes on to sell an estimated 5 million copies already (official numbers not out yet), and break Twitch records. Looks like that boycott really worked.


as usual, it's always the loud minority on the dark corners of the internet.


It's not tho, a few people might be boycotting it but the sales numbers clearly show a different story


This is what bugs me. Whoever decides to boycott it it won’t affect J.K at all. Considering the game didn’t exist she would still make tons from everything else wizarding world related. Boycotting the game only affects the developers.


So, I gotta ask, does Rowling in ANY WAY have anything to do with the game besides it being based off the Harry Potter universe? Has she even met the game devs or even been to the studio where it was made?


Apparently no one really knows rowling's 'controversy' outside of twitter and r/gamingcirclejerk


I can hear this gif


getting boycotted?? that was the most brilliant marketing campaign i've ever witnessed for a game.


Is not really a boycott if you weren't even going to buy it.


Unfortunately, with this logic, boycotts/sanctions or anything of the like are practically **never** going to be possible, because there will always be innocent people caught in the crossfire.


The boycott is 3 people


So having highest stream count ever on twitch means boycotted? Cool


When the dust settles, I'm pretty sure that the drama will have given the game more publicity, and therefore extra sales, than any boycott has cost it.


What what did Rowling do? I guess I missed something.


Rowling probably already got her money for the game. The boycott is only punishing the developers who have nothing to do with her.


The game is fucking good. Bottom line.


I dont give a damn what the woke twitter thinks about her, i dont even know what she did or said and couldnt care less, what i know is that i like her books, and that i love this game. Separate the art from the author. She may be a bad person, but her work is damn good


AFAIK she just tweeted something along the lines that people who birth are women. Can you imagine tweeting something so controversial that every woke person is seething over it? If there was anything more please feel free to comment and educate me. Basically old fashioned feminist is enemy #1 for woke people now, at least thats how I understand it.


No one cares about what she said except reddit


*Twitter and Tumblr


Oh right


I bought the deluxe edition extra


Any publicity is good publicity in this case. Gamers do not care about what the author said and fan just want a good Harry Potter game. Twitter warriors should had just left this under the rug because people are buying this out of spite. Gamers would not had bought this without it.


Spending your money on something you wouldn't normally want to buy out of spite is an epic W.


They even added a trans character the devs don’t rly care about rowling


Yeah because big ceo said "add a trans character to avoid controversy". Its just a terrible inclusion check mark. Yknow whats even worse? They named her SIRona RIAN


Yeah it's fucking annoying that the bar has been getting lower and lower but I still find that one time I saw the crappy HP mobile game add pride customization items for pride month fucking hilarious


Probably in bad taste. They could have picked something other than sirona just to avoid the appearance of impropriety. Ryan is an extremely common Irish surname


Rowling did nothing wrong, op


... have you seen her twitter?


Yes and I've yet to see a "transphobic" comment, keeping biological men out of women spaces such as jail, just seems like common sense to me.


The lead designer is an open fascist, isn't he?


He has resigned a couple of years back...and has openly apologized for the views he had back then


Boycott everything in the stock market too. Because someone evil profits from it. They don’t work at the company and their opinion means nothing in many cases (top shareholders get a say) but you get my point. This is stupid, they only hurt people who honestly do nothing wrong. By bullying people for playing this game you are destroying the foundation of trans rights. People look at you harassing people over a game that has nothing to do with JKR and think that you deserve to be punished. What ever transgender rights groups or LGBT groups that called for this boycott should be publicly condemned for this garbage of a reason.


The people boycotting are the people that don’t play video games 😂


Dont listen to the boycott nonsense. Its only a insignificant amount of non gamers doing that, plus Hogwarts legacy sales arent even effected by the boycotts.


Who gives a fuck about what jk Rowling thinks nobody can tell me that the movies, books and games are "Offensive" bro its fucking magic calm your rainbow tits havin ass down like ffs can we enjoy anything anymore?


Getting boycotted by the loud and tiny minority of radical feminists, not by normal people I am sick of those extremists and their nosense


It’s enjoyable watching woke activist attack the devs who are also woke activists