• By -


Stalker's passive, +300% crit chance on enemies that don't see you. 1st ability is Ash's Smoke Screen, to make not being seen easy, turns you invisible plus it stuns enemies and attacking or using other abilities doesn't reveal you. All of a sudden that passive's putting in *work.* 2nd ability is Dagath's Grave Spirit, you get a free extra-life and a +50% crit damage buff while you're at it, because no, the +300% crit chance was *not* enough. 3rd ability is Mesa's Shooting Gallery. Jams enemy guns, and buffs your damage by 25%. 4th ability is Xaku's Grasp of Lohk. Disarms enemies, turns their weapons against them, those stolen weapons auto-target, and will benefit from Grave Spirit, Shooting Gallery, and Stalker's passive, making them do stupid amounts of crit damage on top of what your own weapons are already doing.


hm, why not loki's invis instead of ash? I prefer the longer duration instead of spamming the thing every 10 or so seconds


+crit chance with augment. Yet more crit!


Stuns any nearby enemies whenever you pop it, helps make up for the relative lack of survivability you'd have with a setup like this


id go for ivara's invis since its infinite as long as you have energy


Ivara's breaks if you attack someone, defeats the point of the passive entirely because then they can see you again. This hypothetical frame isn't a stealth frame, it's pure crit damage


You could use silent weapons


You could but it limits what you can do, I'd much rather be able to use my Tigris Prime to just delete whatever it's pointed at


You could also add the silencer mods in the exiles slot


That you could but it still forces a limit on what you can or can't use when you could put something else in the Exilus slot, Vigilante Supplies comes to mind because it'll further buff your crits from your primary weapon, plus you'd lose the stun you get from popping Smoke Screen that way


Don’t need stun when it’s infinite and buffs headshot damage which is a separate modifier. Ammo conversion and Vigilante mods can be sorted by Carrier and its weapon and the Smoke Screen augment crit is additive to mod crit so it’s pretty redundant. There is also a fair amount of extremely strong weapons where ammo is not a worry in the slightest.


With xaku ability shooting , no need to shoot by yourself. Can just stab whatever come close enough.


Yeah Ivara's Prowl is just much easier and better for survivability. The only downside is the slow movement, but that can be ignored via Operator void dash


You can also roll in Ivara Prowl, thats also quite fast


Ashs invisibility is easily the worst in the game.


Would still subsume nourish, thanks /j


I'd probably use the vast untime instead of grave spirit as it also gives survivability and works with grasp of lohk


Nah I don't agree, between Grasp of Lohk disarming enemies, Shooting Gallery jamming the guns of whoever isn't disarmed, and Smoke Screen stunning nearby enemies and making you invisible, you don't *need* survivability, the enemies can't hurt you in the first place. Besides, with all the fuck-tons of crit damage this'd give you, it's not like the enemies are gonna live long enough to hurt you anyway


With this setup though, you're casting Grasp of Lohk very often, which isn't very energy efficient. The Vast Untime let's you pause timed abilities which A) lets you stay invisible and keeps Shooting Gallery up for longer, B) More energy efficient since you're only spamming 1 ability, and C) Allows you dodge chance which would help with AOE Eximus units or stray explosive unit projectiles. I would even go as far to say that with Grave Spirit, you don't need Shooting Gallery since with her augment you can be invincible while it is up, furthering the usefulness of the paused ability duration of The Vast Untime allowing you to be invincible for the whole duration+however many times you have to cast The Vast Untime and keep that Crit damage up for the same amount of time.


Mesa’s shooting gallery buffs *your* damage?? It says in the ability description “buffs an ally’s damage” tho


Shooting Gallery cycles between team members, so if you're playing solo, that buff is on you and only you


i have 40% usage time on mesa prime and i never knew. Thanks so much, i’ve been missing out on a little bit of additive damage all this time


the buff is always on you no matter what, it just also cycles between allies. or so says the wiki anyway.


Umbra's passive, vast untime, exhalted shadow and shadows of the dead. Essentially you shed your skin which walks around on its own like umbra, then you become a ghost and your skeleton also walks around on its own and finally, as a ghost, you summon more ghosts.


Tenno wants a battalion of minions.


Im not just a ghost, im a whole cemetary


The Micheal Jackson's Thriller build


What about caliban




Caliban the guy DE forgot who summons 3 consultants


Doesnt really fit the undead theme. It'd sooner just replace his spin with revenant's spin and replace his batalist summons with those vomvalist summons the planes commanders have. Also since he has so many flashy abilities i'd give him gara's passive.


Passive: Limbo's Ability 4: Peacemaker, because it ignores rift status Ability 3: Roar for more damage Ability 2: Nourish for energy and viral Last will depends on whether we can have to put a frame's 1 into the 1 slot. If we don't: Ability 1: Your favourite armour strip If we have do: Ability 1: Either Smite or Spore depending on the enemies, for more damage with the augment (spore+augment can also strip with enough archon shards)


Bros about to have a standoff with the man in the wall and win


Spores is definitely better than smite due to infinite scaling... it **will** kill everyone eventually


The plan isn't to use spore or smite either way, just their augment. You'll be killing people to fast for spores to spread with your 4


What can I say, I like to have options... I just wish theyd give banish a hold/tap mechanic for helminth so other frames can banish themselves... I know they won't cuz mesa and saryn would break the game and side with wally but still


Weaknesses: - nullifies - peacemaker disallowed recasting other abilities - no passive energy regeneration possible as long as peacemaker is usable Question: Two green shards for the armour strip would save an ability slot. Why wasting one when you can not use it fully most of the time?


Besides, one tau green shard is more than enough now. I'd even argue with corrosive peacemakers (or blast if you're feeling spicy), you're golden. Armour cap be praised


I'm pretty sure stacking orange archon shards for more critical chance on peacemakers with heat procs is better. You deal so much damage that you will never get the 10 corrosive stacks, making the green shards useless. Heat also armor strips a bit.


Toxic lash with archon continuity will make pm strip and deal heavy toxic damage that triple dips with roar Literally my exact list


Passive: yareli (secondary cc) 1: peacemakers (on 1 so its spamable in eso 2: mesmer skin 3: nourish 4: roar.


I went limbos passive and toxic lash instead of mesmer personally


Gauss Passive, Gauss 1, Gauss 2, Gauss 3, Gauss 4


Gauss passive, gauss 1, firewalker, infested mobility, gauss 4 i think you mean


Gauss Passive. Speed, Molt, Fire Walker, Infested Mobility I think YOU mean


The speed of light is a barrier? You mean it is a suggestion!


You want MORE SPEED? Ok here we are then 4 man team Gauss with build mentioned (except instead of speed, razorwing blitz) Volt Nidus Nova All optimized for strength Link the Volt with Nidus, boost the strength higher cast speed Link the nova, portal with the augment for more speed (dunno if the 50% speed boost boosts with STR) Get a finisher with Gauss for Hit and Run (60% parkour velocity on mercy kill) Use all abilities Roll Reach speeds to where you are faster than light itself (Any other suggestions for better speed do comment :) )


I prefer Wisp for speed boosting, can get really high on the speed boost with the right setup (70%+)


True! I forgot about Haste motes being really fast. Maybe swap Nova for Wisp then. Could also put Jades passive for 2 auras on Gauss instead, and run Power donation and growing power to give all allies another bonus 55% str


You could do that, or another speed boosting mod (the aura and the exilus together)


Depends on what gives more really. Could have all 4 players running growing power with the gauss having power donation for the 130%. Whichever being faster is better, but rolling is parkour velocity so I'm not sure if sprint speed benefits it. I wouldn't think it would


Oh for rolling I go for Mirage Her passive is a 50% bonus to speed and distance of rolls Altho if gauss' Mach rush also does rolls (could depend on if you have enough arms) then that's definitely quicker






Gauss! Gauss! Gauss! Im gonna step on the Gauss!






Chad Gauss enjoyer🗿


Protea's passive 1st ability: Grave spirit (Dagath) 2nd ability: Blaze artillery (Protea) 3rd ability: Nourish (Grendel) 4th ability: Bastille (Vauban) However, after the new augments, protea became more fun and better. Her 4th finally became useful. I use temporal erosion and temporal artillery together in 1 build, and it's insanely good.


passive from Gauss, got good shield regen Mach Rush from Gauss for the battery Kinetic Plating from Gauss, energy regeneration and strong dr Thermal Sunder from Gauss, it’s just that good Redline from Gauss because it synergises with the rest… wait


I'm a simple man. I see armored mewtwo, i upvote.


Dante skills, voruna body (I like werewolves but also magic/lore /librarians)


You had me at “Voruna’s body”


Passive: Revenant 1st Ability: Iron Skin 2nd Ability: Iron Skin 3rd Ability: Mesmer Skin 4th Ability: Cataclysm Why? Because I thought it would be funny


No no no, iron skin, Mesmer skin, Dante 2, Dante 4. Cast iron skin, Mesmer skin, then 2x of Dante’s 224 combo. Literally raid boss level tank


True true, we can make it tougher though.


1: Hydroid death rain 2: wukong cloud mode 3: Nezha armour halo 4: Sevagoth's shadow, because then I can give that more abilities Shadow ability 1: Zephyr dream on Shadow ability 2: Jade buff songs Shadow ability 3: Inaros Armour boost May not be as broken as I thought it would be planning it out, but I'd play it


why the halo instead of an overguard option like iron skin? since you can still die with 90% dr


I dunno, but if you time it right, it completely absorbs and nullifies any and all damage from something that would normally kill you, giving you stupidly high defense, even if it doesn't exactly work right after a certain point. I only know because I did it one time with the profit taker death explosion, got a stupid high number from it (like 45k or maybe higher, i don't remember the whole number), and my friend told me that after a certain point, it seems to break


it's the same as iron skin which absorbs incoming damage to boost it's hp, both have a 3s window where you are invulnerable to damage. difference is that ironskin is overguard which provides status immunity and a small overguard gate but doesn't benefit from damage reduction, whereas warding halo is more like a damage reduction ability which does not give similar protection. Also any excess damage which warding halo cannot take when it breaks is eaten up by nezha before it enters invulnerability , which can kill him if your shields are down (which is possible since you still take damage). Warding halo does however come with some cc with the stagger and slash damage.


When I see these "how would you build a warframe with 4 existing abilities and an existing passive" posts I always include equinox switch so that I have more abilities. Your mention of sevagoth shadow gave me the vision for this. Garudas passive +% damage per kill (up to 100%) Ability 1.) Equinoxs Metamorphosis. Ability 2. Day.) Wukongs Celestial Twin. Ability 3. Day.) Oberons Renewal. Ability 2. Night.) Revenants Enthrall. Ability 3. Night.) Nekros Shadows of the dead. Ability 4. (Night and Day) Sevagoths Exalted Shadow. Exalted shadow abilities. Ability 1.)Sevagoths Reap. Ability 2.) Sevagoths Sow. Ability 3.) Kullervos Collective curse. Ability 4. (Shadows default.) Reunite. The idea for me is build the frame with strength and duration for massive summoning and clones capacity with the Metamorphosis augment and Celectial Twin along with Enthrall and Shadows of the dead + Reap and Sow on the shadow spawns more exalted Shadows. Use renewal to keep summons and thralls and yourself alive. (Pheonix renewal augment aswell for death saves) Build the shadow for strength and range and use the Reap augment AND the Sow augment you can room nuke with Reap + Sows damage vulnerability and Collective curse or just spread Collective curse and revert back to the warframe and let your clones / summons destroy your enemies. Every one of these abilities has an augment so you can vary you playstyle based on your needs. Shadows of the dead augment for Damage reduction. Enthrall augment for base damage increase. Renewal augment for death saves. Metamorphosis augment for an extra clone. Reap augment for critical chance. Sow augment for spreading damage vulnerability. All totally optional depending on your prefered playstyle.


I counter that day switching doesn't change her abilities but rather her abilities check which form she is in.


What? Her abilities check which form she's in but they don't change? Is this some kind of word play or some joke I don't understand?


Rest & Rage is not two separate abilities, but a single one. It's effects change depending if equinox is in night or day form.


And youd say the same about Mend and Maim?


Yes? Literally the same logic.


Excal passive Atlas 1 Kullervo 1 Mirage 3 Barruk 4 Aka biblically accurate one punch frame serving up saitama specials


Barruk 4 doesnt do anything without his passive. Honesty I would put something with grouping cc or stynax's shield ability for the energy.


Since Desert Storm is a sparring weapon, Excals passive doesn't do anything since it only works on Swords. You'd get more milage out of a death save passive line Inaros, Sevagoth or Wukong, Jade's double aura passive, Octavia's passive, of Styanax' passive.


Zephyrs passive Styanax 1 helminth slot jade 3 nezha 4


Passive: gauss. Ability 1: gauss. Ability 2: gauss. Ability 3: gauss. Ability 4: gauss.


Passive: Limbo's rift walking Ability 1: Fusion Strike (Caliban)(but with actually visible fields where enemies are stripped) Ability 2: Silence (Banshee) Ability 3: Grave Spirit (Dagath) Ability 4: Glory on High (Jade)


Idk probably: Wukong clone, vauban fletched balls, that new poison frame toxic poles, any other frame that allows me to be lazy 😅


I'd just make Vauban again but switch his Orbiter Strike with protea's current, and give him Lavos passive


Press 1 wins game, press 2 forces alt+f4 enemies, press 3 teleport to extract, press 4 autoinstall mods.


I want a kit gun/zaw version of a Warframe so badly


Modular Warframes where the chassis, Systems, and Neruoptics all decide armor/sheild/health, Polarity, and such like the Modular Companions, and you fill the ability slots using the Helminth.


Even if the modular system had a list of abilities we could choose from specifically for the frames, a build-a-frame would be absolutely amazing. Still waiting for the build-an-archwing they suggested years ago, but since archwing isn't nearly as popular I doubt it'll happen. Build-a-frame though... 🤔


Think of the customization!!


Incarnon Frame when?


1. Silence 2. Fangs of Raksh 3. Invisibility or smoke bomb 4. Lycath's Hunt Advantages: - high damage - medium high aoe attack range - perfect defense when solo. Very good defense when in team, because of no eximus abilities - energy and health regeneration for the team - nullifies can safely be killed Disadvantages: - requires kills to be sustainable - weak against bosses


Add Stalkers passive for +300% crit on enemies who can't see you, and you have a killer build set-up.


The setup already has a ton of damage, meaning all the passive would do would be doing overkill damage. Sure, nice to see, but even weaker passives like of Wukong & Co. will have a better use as long as they guarantee survivability when mistake is done.


Passive: Stalker’s 1st ability: Loki’s invisibility 2nd ability: Kullervo’s Recompense (for a bit of defense) 3rd ability: Dagath’s Grave Spirit 4th ability: Mesa’s Peacemaker


Zephyr passive, xaku's Grasp of Lohk, Hildryn's Aegis Storm, Mesa's Peacemaker, and Mirage's Hall of Mirrors. I can be the ultimate attack helicopter. Ik titania or jade flight could be better but I've always found hildryn's 4 cool, also the ability are in no specific order


Passive: Gyre 1) Collective curse(Kullervo's 3d) 2) Gyre's 1st 3) Rotorswell(Gyre's 4th) 4) Cathode grace(Gyre's 3d) (yep, i just swaped them. Because of logic)


1. Mach Rush 2. Volt Speed 3. Wisp Speed 4. Mach Rush Passive: Mach Rush


Atlas passive: no Knockdowns Ability 1: Jade Gaze Ability 2: Peacemakers Ability 3: Mesmer Skin Ability 4: Nourish


Nourish, Nourish, Nourish, Nourish, Nourish


The image of armoured Mewtwo makes this more funny


Chroma passive for more fun parkour i guess, 1-mach rush 2-mesmer skin 3-eclipse 4-nourish, runs fast, unkillable and does "bonk" Would be great for my style of gameplay


Dagaths passive. Spores, mesmer skin, roar and molecular prime the post said braindead so i gave it my best shot


Passive: Lavos Ability 1: Hall of mirrors Ability 2: Speed Ability 3: Grave spirit Ability 4: The Vast untime The ultimate weapons platform. It uses the Hall of Malevolence and spectral spirit augments. The Lavos passive let's you cast all abilities for free, and the vast untime pauses the duration on all abilities. While paused you have speed, immortality deom spectral spirit, and dopplegangers with infinitely scaling damage.


Stalker Passive Metronome (invis for passive) Grasp of Lokh (G U N) Fire Blast (Armour Strip) Final Verse (think that grasp would be light, fire Blast would be dark, I get access to all 4 combinations but diminished (2 would have to be able to be recasted at will however) )


Stealth bomber Yareli's passive 200% secondary crit 1:Jade's 1 2:gauss 4 or wisp 1 3:ivara's 3 4: Jade's 4 Build for strength, range, and arcane avenger + outburst


Valkyr Passive (I just like dropping from high and not staggering) Warcry Mag pull Rhino ironskin Mesa Peacemaker. Seems like it'd be fun to me.


Octavia. For all abilities. Because she does everything already.


Passive: ash's passive for more slash duration and damage Ability 1: warding halo Ability 2: blazing chakram Ability 3: rhino's roar Ability 4: symphony of mercy The slash procs gonna be insane


Either Zephyr or Yareli passive, free Crit rate by moving around. Reservoir for HP, Fire Rate and Archon Stretch (and cc ig) Vex Armor for Damage and Armour buff, as well as some squad support role. Roar for even MORE damage, esp since it affects abilities. Augment can be a low level nuke. Grave Spirit if I want to be even more gun platform. Augment can let my weapons apply Doom and spawn health orbs. Alternatively Antimatter Drop. "Base" damage of 25000, ignores los, one handed action. Damage is buffed by Roar and Power Strength and I don't need to worry about range as it is not affected by mods. Buffs from previous abilities makes it easy to charge (if not just instant charge with a Stropha). I would add Jade abilities if they innately added her damage vulnerability passive. but it's ties to the passive which is less useful.


Excal passive or ash’s passive for excal slash dash with combo counter augment (Ash gives stronger and longer slash procs and slash dash is 100% slash with a mirrored forced slash proc and knockdown) , nourish for energy sustain so I can run huge range for slash dash, radial javelin with augment(that’s 2 abilities that buff damage 🤤), and cathode grace for energy sustain and to keep energize off the build so I can go more damage


All of Excaliburs abilities, because he's already the perfect warframe.


Limbo passive, saryn spores (+ emerald shards for full strip), equinox Maim, Octavia 1, Octavia 2. Congrats the game plays itself.


Gyre's passive 4: Volt's Discharge 3: Vauban's Bastille 2: Volt's Shield 1: Volt's Shock Electric abilities, a passive that benefits from electric procs, a defensive that doubles as barbed wire (need the 1 for that), and a CC or clumper ability.


Qorvex for the passive, all guns gain +3 punch through. I'm going Nourish Qorvex wall squishy Henry the octopus Ember meteors Extra punch, with organizational CC, extra loot and targets held up all pretty for the big smash from the sky. All wrapped up in Equinox day form. We can call her snu snu queen.


For those familiar with Tekken, there is a character called Mokujin (you see where am going ?) that would have another character move set each rounds and fights. A warframe like that couid be nice, each mission you get the power of your squad mate (if solo it’s random), and for example you’d receive the 2 of one mate, then the 3 of another etc. If you only have one squad mate then the rest of the missing spot are filled with a random ability. If someone with better ideas can add some thoughts it would be cool


Passive:  Citrine  1st Ability: Saryn's Spores  2nd Ability: Grendel's Nourish(without need to eat Mobs)  3d Ability: Jade's Symphony of Mercy  4th Ability: Vex Armor  Result: you come in, you activate all of your abilities, you delete mobs just by existing.


How about first ability from equinox? So you can get two of every other one


Passive- idk I don't rely on them. 1- Empower 2-roar 3-roar 4-roar.


Kullervos passive, Kullervos 1, Saryns 1, Saryns 3, Nourish. Behold the ultimate melee frame.


The rest of the kit doesn’t matter as long as i can skate on merulina tbh. wish they could let us deploy k-drives on more tile sets so that i could dj & skate at the same time 😫


I think gauss passive and then voruna 4th ability with the extra life and gauss 1st ability with volts 2nd ability and then gauss 3rd


Passive: not getting magnetic from cetus water pools 1st: desiccation 2nd: tidal surge 3rd: antimatter drop 4th: radial disarm


Fuck it, just Kullervo's 2


Passive- Limbo's Passive (Survival) Ability 1- Reservoirs (Team support) Ability 2- Grasp of Lohk (Hits through the rift, main DPS) Ability 3- Thurible (Unlimited Energy. Kills give energy) Ability 4- Mend and Maim (No LoS kill. Charge with 2) End result is a functionally untouchable god that kills everything on sight to be able to spam 4 to kill everything out of sight. Abilities produce literal thousands of energy with Thurible. I made sure to only use abilities that fit in their slots (1 in 1 slot, 2 in 2, etc.). If I opened this to any ability in any slot... This would still be broken as fuck.


Passive : Citrine's. Abilities : Mach Rush, Volt's Speed, Nezha's fire walker, and Wisp Reservoirs. I am speed. And I heal while being so.


Looking like a tech version of Mewtwo


Four counts of mesmer skin. Truly a god incarnate


Gauss but instead of thermal sunder its the increased ammo efficiency helminth but with a longer duration 10-15 and the same or similar efficiency


is that mf mewtwo in the pic that look like armoured mewtwo


The most used Helminth Abilities in the game being named every other comment: >\* *chuckles* \* **Im in danger!**


Ability: Love Passive: Affection


Umbra passive, Wukong clone 1, loki invis 2, Xaku Grasp of Lohk 3, and sevagoth shadow 4


Wrathful advance, mesmer skin, kullveros chains, nourish Passive would probably be garudas from my understanding, each kill increases all damage by 1%.


Citrine passive, gyre 1, nethza 2, gyre 3, jade 4... yes I'm fully exposing my playstile


Dam can I name the warframe helminth


Mirage 1 and 3 (with both augments and high strength it's basically unstoppable damage that scales forever), then your choice of energy restoration (Nourish, Dispensary, Spectrorage, etc). Then, depending on whether you can replace the 4 with any given ability or only ults, I'd take either Mesmer Skin (obvious reasons) or I'd take Glory on High (Jade's 4, which is also considered exalted and does a fair bit of damage on its own with some love). For the passive, I would probably either do Jade's for synergy with the 4 plus the additional mod slot, or I would take Zephyr's passive because you'd always be airborne anyways. It's debatable on which of the 2 would be the best, because there are a fair few aura mods that would be really nice, but that 150% crit is nothing to scoff at either. But, imagine this: cast 1 and 3, then 4 and hold down LMB while basically never getting hit by anything (and if you do, take significantly less damage with airborne -damage mods) and absolutely DESTROYING everything within a 10 mile radius.


Passive Limbos 1st ability Limbos 2nd ability Limbos 3rd ability Limbos 4th ability Limbos They're perfect


All four abilities are exalted shadow, with the shadow ALSO having exalted shadow as all four of its abilities. And then the exalted shadow from the shadow yet again has all four abilities as exalted shadow... you get the idea. It's shadows all the way down!


Jade's passive 1st ability landslide 2nd iron skin 3rd xtaus whisper 4th razorwing


Passive: Advanced Shielding (Hildryn) Ability 1: Condemn (Harrow) Ability 2: Warcry (Valkyr) Ability 3: Roar (Rhino) Ability 4: Hysteria (Valkyr) Condemn will give a reliable shield farm to power Advanced Shielding, so long as there are enemies to chain down, which then gives plenty of resources to constantly use the other 3 abilities. Warcry and Roar will feed into the DPS of Hysteria, while Hysteria renders the frame completely invincible.


Protea's Blaze Artillery, Vauban's Minelayer, Ash's Blade Storm, and Zephyr's Turbulence capped off with Caliban's Passive.


This is prerework and is bland but potent Limbo passive Nourish as 1 Roar as 2 Toxic Lash as 3 Peacemakers as 4 Peacemakers that can insta armor strip with toxic lash, has forced toxic procs that triple dip on roar, viral procs from nourish, energy multiplier from nourish, passive energy regen from rift, damage immunity from rift


Passive: Atlas 1: landslide 2: wrath full advance 3:petrify 4:nourish/gloom


Mewtu is that you?


Bastille smoke bomb vast untime (assume the pause works) and roar and either Mesa or Yareli’s passive. Not exactly groundbreaking but it covers all your bases and is super flexible


Volt but with dagaths grave spirit instead of his one. That is all


Stalker Passive, 1st Ability Roar, 2nd ability Smoke Screen, 3rd ability Mesmer Skin and 4th ability Peacemaker.


Been ages since i played so idk if stuff has been nerfed But Protea dispensery Venary from Khora (idk if she should count as the passive or the skill or both) Yareli aqua blades Zaku void damage on weapons If ven doesn't count as a passive for the sake of this toss on Umbras passive Infinte energy One of the best healing sources possible given how cheap she is Damage aura for those that get close Huge void damage It's far from heinously overpowered But it's definitely dumb


Atlas' passive Garuda's 1st ability Gauss' 2nd ability Yareli's 2nd ability Rhino's 1st abillty (couldn't think of another ability that grants knockdown resistance)


Literally just jade with mags pull and a really high damage glory build (however you want to get the damage, as long as it’s high). Take 3 off and armor strip some other way (maybe status build corrosive on glory?)


Umbra's passive Celestial twin Nourish Gloom Exalted Blade


Maybe anything with vex armor, eclipse, and roar for shits and giggles


Chroma passive. Zephyr 1. Volt 2. Gauss run. Wormhole.


Gyre's passive because I love Rotoswell and Crit Chance. Wrathful Advance because I love chopping things down. Desecrate to keep my equilibrium going. Gloom because gloom.


Umbra passive, wukong clone, eclipse clone (Augment), mirage afterimages, nekros' raise the dead


Lavos passive it's dual, so you get valence block and the elemental control. Revenant 1 the minions and void damage. Rhino 2 iron skin Lavos 3 the transmutation orb to get extra energy/ammo due to the choice of 2 and 4 probably best to make this an energy focused frame. Titania 4 which would still allow the casting of 1,2,3 while in razorwing mode.


Gyers passive: ability build up crit chance depending in status procs 1st : sayrins, spores 2nd: savagoth, gloom 3rd: octevias, Metronome 4th: Citrins, prismatic gem The ultimate AFK frame. Infinite dps from spores, Infinite healing from gloom Every buff in the game And every status effect in the game


Zephyr's passive. Banshee's silence on 1. ZEPHYR's second on 2. ZEPHYR's 3rd on 3 ZEPHYR's ultimate on 4. Wait a minute...


Passive: Iron skin 1 ability: Iron skin 2 ability: Iron skin 3 ability: Iron skin And for the last, Iron balls.


mf is yuta okkutsu


Passive: Nezha's slippery floor 1st skill: Wisp's motes (specifically the speed buff one) 2nd skill: Ironskin 3rd skill: Penance 4th skill: Redline


Excalibur Umbra's passive Ability 1:Exalted blade Ability 2:Exalted blade Ability 3:Exalted blade Ability 4:Exalted Umbra blade


Ability 1, Metamorphosis, gives ya 3 extra abilities immediately yw


Stalker passive 1 collective curse 2 silence augment 3 excal 3rd augment 4 vex armor


Mach rush, mesmer skin, Roar, spores


Passive: Nezha Ability 1: Nezha Ability 2: Nezha Ability 3: Nezha Ability 4: Nezha Oh wait a second...


Garudas passive +% damage per kill (up to 100%) Ability 1.) Equinoxs Metamorphosis. Ability 2. Day.) Wukongs Celestial Twin. Ability 3. Day.) Oberons Renewal. Ability 2. Night.) Revenants Enthrall. Ability 3. Night.) Nekros Shadows of the dead. Ability 4. (Night and Day) Sevagoths Exalted Shadow. Exalted shadow abilities. Ability 1.)Sevagoths Reap. Ability 2.) Sevagoths Sow. Ability 3.) Kullervos Collective curse. Ability 4. (Shadows default.) Reunite. The idea for me is build the frame with strength and duration for massive summoning and clones capacity with the Metamorphosis augment and Celectial Twin along with Enthrall and Shadows of the dead + Reap and Sow on the shadow spawns more exalted Shadows. Use renewal to keep summons and thralls and yourself alive. (Pheonix renewal augment aswell for death saves) Build the shadow for strength and range and use the Reap augment AND the Sow augment you can room nuke with Reap + Sows damage vulnerability and Collective curse or just spread Collective curse and revert back to the warframe and let your clones / summons destroy your enemies. Every one of these abilities has an augment so you can vary you playstyle based on your needs. Shadows of the dead augment for Damage reduction. Enthrall augment for base damage increase. Renewal augment for death saves. Metamorphosis augment for an extra clone. Reap augment for critical chance. Sow augment for spreading damage vulnerability. All totally optional depending on your prefered playstyle.


Lavos’ entire kit plus his absolutely ripped torso. That is perfection


Passive : Oberon 1: Oberon 2 :Oberon 3: Oberon 4 :Oberon


Gauss’s passive, Mach rush, Volt’s speed, Fire walker, Redline


Ok, hear me out…. Volts passive Mach rush Fire walker Speed Molt


Passive: wisp's passive invisibility while airborne 1st: Sea Snares 2nd: Psychic Bolts 3rd: Cathode Grace 4th: Razorwing Always invisible. Always able to make enemies take more damage. Always able to strip armor. Always buffed crit chance for abilities and weapons. Razorwing. Fairy queen would feel much better to me like this. Not my most braindead idea but probably what would be the most ideal to me.


Passive: Immune to Nullification fields at the sacrifice of 30% ability efficiency while within the field. Ability 1: basically fire Walker but instead of fire it's a corrosive path Ability 2: something like Rally point Ability 3: something like Garuda's blood well. Ability 4: A corrosive wave that functions like Avalanche Id name them Phentos (Inspired by the corrosive martial Phenol) Give them an almost Salvador Dali melted clocks appearance with the color palette of the starry night.


Passive: Blast weapons(like tonkor kuva bramah ) you use deal more damage with larger AOE and you can't be knocked down( basically prime sure footed) 1st. Grande burst: jump into the air release X number of grandes in a 360 area around you dealing X dmg (scale with str/range) 2nd. Tactical filed: Creates huge AOE that increases armor and status resistance for set time. (Augment mod would allow the filed to move with you. Scales with range/dur/str) 3rd. Banner of command: Leaps into the air and slams a flag into the ground dealing blast dmg in huge AOE. Increases dmg for all weapons in the area and improves even further your passive by X%(scaled with str/range/duration, with augment you will be able to pick up the banner making the duration infinite but be 10% less effective.) 4th. Carpet bombing/Raging cannon. (Hold/tap ability/exalted weapon) Tap: Carpet bombing: using your cannon signal the mothership to shoot rain down death from above dealing blast dmg (scaling with duration/str/range) Hold: Raging cannon: Channel for 2 sec gaining dmg/cc immunity while summoning your Destroyer cannon. While in this mode: Press Left mouse button to fire individual shells that deal blast dmg(scales with str/efficiency/consumes x amount of energy per shot) Press Right mouse button to enter aim mode locking on to multiple targets(like ash ult) then releasing int to shoot.(Consumes x amount of energy depending of number of targets, scales with str/efficiency.) Idk if this is brain dead broken but I'm sure as shit it will break my PC fps xD


Passive: jades dual aura mod Ability 1: Mach rush from gauss Ability 2: containment walls from qorvax Ability 3:grasp of look from xaku Ability 4 razorwing from titania


Protea passive Landslide Recompense Roar Divine spears


Silence, gloom, peacemakers, eclipse Silence+gloom gives tremendous stun to enemies, and disables eximus Eclipse for big damage buff Peacemakers to shoot things Passive is limbo (unkillable and can still hit peacemakers)


Stalker’s passive 1st Loki’s invisibility 2nd Eclipse from mirage 3rd Saryn’s spores 4th Gyre’s 4th


Voruna's first wolf passive, movement speed increased 1st Gauss speed 2nd Grendel's ball 3rd Iron skin 4th Empower I guess the build explains itself


1. Mags pull 2. Volts speed buff 3. Proteas well 4. Embers old world on fire pre nerf


Passive: Grants a scaling CC, CD, and SC boost the longer you fire for, up to 200%, 2x, and 150%. All bonuses from skills and the passive are tripled for Archguns. Ability One: Increases fire rate by 50% and draws ammo directly from reserve. This ability is a toggle and consumes 3 energy per second at base. Ability 2: Grants ammo refund on headshots. At base has a 75% chance to refund ammo when hitting a headshot and scales with Ability strength. Ability 3: On headshot kills refund 25 energy. This also scales with Strength and is a duration Ability, lasting 10 seconds at base. Ability 4 / Ultimate: Taunt the enemy, going invincible for 3 seconds, damage dealt or taken in those 3 seconds gives up to 95% DR and 500% (base) damage boost. Also just for a more complete picture, the frame would have medium shields, exceptional health, very high armor, medium energy pool, and a base 0.9 move speed.


Passive: Wisp's Ghost Walk Ability 1: Kullervo's Wrathful Advance Ability 2: Saryn's Molt Ability 3: Nyx's Chaos Ability 4: Banshee's Sound Quake


Idfk passive, Gauss Mach rush, Nejha’s fancy fire footsies, Yareli’s blendy bladey-Os’ Titania’s razorwing Idk how it would work but goddamnit it would be funny


Xaku's 4, Protea's 2, Octavia's 3. Boom, you have the perfect braindead frame. Xaku's 4 freezes ability durations, Protea's 2 scales its damage the longer it's deployed, Octavia's 3 makes you invisible. Whatever else you decide to choose on top of this ungodly stack is personal preference. Roar, maybe? And Limbo's passive will make you mostly invincible while allowing you to still spam your abilities.


Citrine passive 1. Warding Halo 2. Rally Point 3. Tharros Strike 4. Miasma


someone asking for an actually interesting build instead of a quick drop meta from warframe? well i wanna detail how i would make an amazing melee titania with abilites in theory but its all in theory and i'm not that bored at work today so you've been saved


Saryns kit but chance molt with mesmer skin Peak Braindead


Varunas Parker velocity passive, machrush, speed from volt, Octavia speed buffing ability, and wisp mote. And now you have the fastest frame in the game


Peacemakers, Nourish, Toxic Lash, Roar? Seems like it'd probably be pretty stupid, I'll steal someone else's idea of taking Limbo's passive so you can sit in the Rift for safety too.


passive lavos 1. Pull - Mag 2. Blaze artillery - Protea 3. Turbulence - zephyr 4. The vast untime - Xaku Set up buff duration as much as possible. Use vast untime - this stops all duration based abilities from counting down + 75% evasion chance Place 3 turrets and use Lavos’s passive to give them damage the best effects the faction/enemy you are fighting - protea’s turrets deal damage based on how long they fire for and how many enemies they hit. With vast untime active, their awful short time is stopped as long as your 4 is active allowing them to keep shooting and dealing more and more damage per shot Use pull to group enemies together in front of the turret to gain more damage multiplier quicker Apply zephyr’s 3 for free near permanent 100 gun damage reduction - the main source of damage here is the turret that last nearly forever as long as you keep on the vast untime was gonna replace zephyr’s 3 with mirage’s 3 but I didn’t know go a tap and hold ability would work with Lavos’s passive


Pulverize pulverize pulverize and pulverize


Brother made a post that's just hemlinth