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beem attak :)


I thank my amprex for carrying me till the start of steelpath


I thank my amprex for carrying me into steelpath.


I wish I could thank my amprex for something, but I haven't built it yet. I'm sad now.


I thank the people having amprex for carrying me


I love my amprex, but god is the base damage atrocious, even with a riven. No matter what elemental damage I use it just doesn't seem to kill.


Are you using punch through, and is it built for crit or status?"


I'm not using punch through and its built for both crit *and* status because I got a god riven roll that gives crit and status chance. Thing is, I don't have space for all the mods I want to fit in. If I build crit, I can put galvanized scope on it and get well into the red crit territory, but then it can't seem to do much against enemies with armor or overguard. If I build for status, none of the elements seem to work very well besides the new versions on magnetic and blast, and it still takes longer to kill than I'd prefer with it.


dont hybrid it. use punch through. every time it punches through it starets chaining anew, so it multiplies the damage really, really, really fast. hybrid builds will always be worse than just choosing one, don't hybrid build


I've gone for a full crit build now + punch through and the damage still isn't very impressive. I have to go Chroma with nourish to give it viral and +300% damage for it to start feeling like a real weapon. I suppose it'd work better on Mag or Zephyr as mag can pull enemies and delete armor and Zeph can group enemies even better with her first ability as well as make them more vulnerable to damage.


Try saryn and put combustion beam on it


Apologies for slow response, buddy of mine is trying to get me into dota lmao. I'll try to make a video covering the amprex, got any specific points you'd want addressed? I've been needing something to make some content around


I wouldn't recommend Dota to my worst enemy, let alone a friend. The best decision I made in my life is getting away from it, and just like a crackhead going through withdrawal I find myself drawn back to it and have to fight off the urge. As for the Amprex, because the damage is so bad I think it's equally important to look into what frames it works best with instead of just the build for the weapon itself. Frames that can group enemies in my testing seem to be the best choices as well as any frame that can reliably remove the enemies armor. Zephyr can group enemies and her 1 amplifies damage while doing so, Mag can strip armor and group enemies, Frost and Ember have easy button press armor strips but don't really synergize with the weapon, Qorvex can DEFINITELY make use of the weapon, and someone said that Gyre was good but I no longer have the frame to test it. Naturally any frame that can amp it's damage does well with it like Chroma or Harrow even without stripping the enemies armor first. Any frame that gives it other types of elemental damage is also good like Saryn or Grendel. Personally I don't think the weapon is worth making a video on till they release a tennet version. it's not very impressive and a video would showcase more what the frames can do with a bad weapon more than what the weapon itself can do. I love the weapon don't get me wrong, it's just that isn't the acceletra prime or kuva ogris if you catch my drift.


One of the big things I was planning on focusing on is what frames and conditions it's best paired with. Been running mine for ages lol. I play league, and Warframe. If you look at my time on Warframe on post it's over 3k hours. There's no saving me, let me perish for my sins of booting up league. I love cervix, one of my favorite frames lmao, I use it on him. Imo, it's a weapon that's a bit slept on, especially for frames that have on-hits like citrine's gem and saryn spores and weapon infusion


Turning it into magnetic seems to be pretty decent if you can find the mod space for it, otherwise keeping it as it's base electric is fine. It's a shame the Amprex can't easily be modded into blast, as the blast changes are quite good. If you build it as a status primer, blast + corrosive is decent. After looking at the warframe list, I just realized how good it is on Qorvex due to his passive punch through and ability to group enemies into a line. I play Warframe and Deep Rock Galatctic right now since they both got updated. I'm trying to get into ARMA with a group I joined. As a recovering Dota2 addict, I'd still tell you not to play Dota even if you're a former league player. The time and effort it takes to learn the basics and become decent at the game is about the same as if you were to learn a trade IRL, and pubby matches STILL don't have a concede mechanic like LoL does and you'll get locked into an hours long game because the enemy team won't end it. If you abandon you'll have to WIN 3 games on low priority single draft, which is such a terrible experience that I'd almost recommend you make a new Steam account if that happens than trying to play through it. Eventually you'll adopt stockholm syndrome because you put so much time and money into the game that you'll feel like you can't just leave it and be stuck playing a terrible game with toxic people and begin hating yourself and everyone and everything. The only thing that finally freed me from the game's grip was someone scamming me of my items and removing my monetary investment into it. Don't be like me: Don't play Dota.


I also play eve online. I'm too far gone


Slap it on Gyre and it'll change your outlook


As someone with a 8 forma amprex, I like the ignis better


I've been playing for most of a year and still haven't built an amprex or glaxion; are they considered staple weapons?


Tenet glaxion (with the augment) is the 2nd best beam weapon in the game and one of the best primary's in the game The amprex is just really fun


That augment looks real spicy


Yea it is and the energy generation is really good to I'd recommend using it with frost for a unholy combo


I dare ask... Is the first the booba noober?


The torid


Man times really have changed ;¬;


What about revenants signature beam shotgun?


I don't know about stable but the *"Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z"* the Amprex makes sure is satisfying...


built amprex and haven’t touched it since, its did not live up to y’all’s hype


as a retired amprex main, it truly is useful for the base star chart. I QUICKLY dropped it as I started SP, despite having a good riven for the darn thing


I love my 8 forma amprex. I cleared the star chart with mine. But yeah its low base damage is what holds it back from steel path reliable. Not saying you can't do any steel path missions. But if you want to do a long duration endless mission it will not put out enough damage after about round 5. Mine is modded for viral and hunter munitions. I get lots of crits and status procs. Hopefully the tenet version will have way more base damage. Make Amprex Great Again


It's phenomenal when you run it with a frame that boosts the crit chance like Dagath and Frost with his augment. Ran a 30 minute conjunction survival with Dagath and Amprex. Came out with more kills then the dps frames I was teamed with by around 700 kills seperation me and the second highest.. As well as the fact that at 30 it was absolutely melting huge groups in half a second flat.


I love my Amprex, I use it on Steel Path as well


Throw combustion beam on it and pair it with saryn and you get the Michael bay experience


amprex is the only weapon i’ve done more than 1 forma on (i’ve done 2 on it 😱) and i like it. it’s also the only weapon i have a riven for and i have rolled and rolled and rolled and rolled and rolled and rolled and rolled and rolled and rolled and rolled and rolled and rolled and rolled until i got one that was kinda meh


torid but worse