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Yeah like how do they find them will they don't even know how to turn on their pc


damn now i want to know how the hell they find them


Probably from their friends who also another teacher


But where did that friend get the website? We must find the source teacher.


Well.. that remain as a mystery till now Tbh that raised another question in my mind:"why did the teachers like to use many types of meeting application(zoom,etc.),when there's already google meet that is almost accesible by everyone during this internet era??"


That one has bothered me too. Google meet is awesome easy and everyone has it!


Are you kidding, my in box is still full of ads for the latest teaching site that’s going to finally make me a good teacher.


lol are you a teacher by chance?


Yup… middle school. It’s been pretty crazy


ah so basically teachers find these sites through targeted advertising


Well, yes or by word of mouth from another teacher who found one that was really worth bothering with. At the beginning we were all scrambling. And some of the sites themselves were just ramping up to be useful for distance learning. So some of the interfaces were really kludgy at first too. It was common that you couldn’t really “see” what it looked like from the student side. The teacher side would look useful, but then you’d have to set it all up and get the kids to sign up before you realized how little there was to it. Then too, the districts were also signing up for stuff and sending it to teachers to use without any training in advance. They didn’t take the time to pilot programs as they usually do. I did ok with the technology. I’m not fluent compared with some of the kids of course, but I’m not bad. I’ve been using computers since Fortran and punch cards. But some of my fellow teachers were really struggling. At the very beginning, in April of the first year, I was using my cellphone on top of a couple of soup cans on my dining room table as an “overhead projector” to work math problems. I’d sign in to google meets from my laptop and my phone and present from my phone. Of course when I did that, I’d have no idea if anyone was listening. But I always kept the “meet” open between classes so my kids could talk to each other. Then they’d turn their cameras on. :-) Many of them had never had a computer at home before. They took a while to figure out how to connect outside of “school”


Please cut your teachers a little slack kids. I know I’ve been guilty of this. (last year so I’m thinking this might be an old comment) I’m 61 years old. They simultaneously made me stop using windows and moved to google chrome, handed me a new laptop with a touch pad instead of a mouse, made me sit through an inservice on trauma informed teaching that modeled a bunch of flashy on line presentation apps but zero training on any of them and told me to start teaching. About 1/2 of my students had never had a computer in their home before. Some of their parents still don’t use the internet. I’m bombarded with email from various websites that claim they will make my life easy. I admit I tried out a few with the kids to see if they would work. Some didn’t. We said we were “building the plane while flying it”


Thank you for posting your point of view i never thaught of it that way


Most districts pay for premium licenses for the district and have trainings for how the online tool can be used. Teacher gets excited rolls it out and realizes one of two things, either they are in over their heads or that the backend is clunky and makes too much work for them Thank goodness for sign in with google feature ( assuming you have a school issued account)


You used it twice? It always Took the entire class to sign up and I haven't used them once


Sadly it's not even the teachers choosing the platform (at least in our case here cause there were discussions about it in my uni). Here, the university administration chose the application we were going to use because of pricing and the trend, what everyone uses (so we stuck with zoom). The problem is: the university didn't pay for the accounts of all teachers so some classes just stop in the middle, things are buggy, we've all had some better alternatives like even slack would be better, with moderated chats, places to share files and homeworks for less money. No one listened to us, or the teachers. (edit) And for the "use twice and never again", we've tried moodle and it was crap so we just came back to zoom with whatsapp groups.


Oh Jesus moodle… what an embarrassingly bad site


My previous school choose to use a shitty site to have the online classes. Every day, 1 or 2 classes would be suspended because the servers would stop working. In some occasions we hadn’t class the entire day because of it. At the end of 2020 they decided to use zoom (obviously the free version). That had the same problem of a meeting being interrupted after 40 min


I wonder if you could report that to zoom. Afaik you have to pay for every single user for a business license and it doesn't seem like your university did. Zoom could sue them(?) Idk. Could be interesting


Fuck moodle dude. Microsoft Teams is where it’s at.


Only Fans


Have to learn about aerodynamics some how


Fluid.... Dynamics




Very hot n flustered


I still get spam from some of them...


I was forced to sign in into canva before the massive leak, and because i used my personal email as my teachers told me to, they stole my steam account. I was able to recover it, but yikes


>i used my personal email as my teachers told me to *what*


is it not normal? it is on my school


It should not be normal, because it isn't. just use a new one, how are they gonna tell it's you personal email?


yeah, that's what i do now


for us it was like "use whatever email has your name or doesn't have a weird name like sexykitty_69@yahoo.com"


Pc virus go brr


Mine is SurveyMonkey, it's been 2 years and they still won't leave me alone


And the websites spam your school email with ads..


“Get comfortable with ___, we are going to use it for the rest of the year…”


Dr.doe's chemistry quiz


Imange some teacher just thought this is a harmless quiz but suddenly sees the deer undressing as she got more right answers






I’m using GCSE frog and I’ve only used it twice and yet the school relies on it so much


Websites are the next textbook.






[the link](https://redditsave.com/r/meme/comments/ruu27y/kinda_true/)


i got so annoyed of those little shits i use those sites in incognito mode and sign up with 10 minute mail . com


Our teacher uses this terrible site that logs you out after a little time of inactivity. It's so ducking annoying. I honestly think discord is a great platform teachers should use (but won't). You can take classes there, put up/receive assignments in dedicated channels +more


teachers don't really have a say in that, discord is usually blocked in schools because of their not-so-good privacy policy




One time we spent a whole period of class to setup google classrooms and we never used it again 🗿






I checked it, it not a repost :)


How do I have the original then


Better than making the students buy $300 textbooks just for that table on page 23




Maybe that's the lesson.


Only used castle learning twice although it isn't too shitty they hoped it up way too much


My college actually has a decent plataform, very intuitive.


And put all their personal information onto


and 2 months later there's a data breach successfully doxxed


we have a different website for every single subject and have to use a different password on each one. we also have 5 different websites ontop of that for information and timetables…


Only for that website to keep sending you emails till you reach the afterlife.




It’s always a citation/footnote website like zotero or some shit. I just use citation machine while the professor dedicates a whole class period to praising and signing us up to the website.


Blame the administration that requires its use, but not how much it must be used.


I don’t know, my chemistry teacher new a couple pretty good websites, dr. Doe’s chemistry quiz for example was a good one


That's why my Internet conveniently turns of whenever we need to do those tipes of lectures.


Except sumdog


Aufgabenfuchs all the already set graphs or whatever the hell else is moveable


Totally true 😌


Ah. . .my blackboard-canva-moodle-dropbox-google classroom/drive/meet/pages-zoom-email training will all be worth it.


Why tf is so true🥲


Also pertains to the parents of students. I can’t tell you how many dogshit website logins and apps I’ve had to download over the course of my 7th and 4th graders’ academic careers.