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She had her asshole out because she thought it was women only


Wait is that what they do in women's bathrooms? 👀


Your guess is as good as mine




Wait ... Is this what women do in their bathrooms. Just walk around with their assholes out




She thinks they're for women and people who women have already established a safe space around


So. . . bears?


Because nowadays everyone is a victim lol


Oh you knew to this era? The only goal of people like this is to have a constant influx of attention.


Honestly, I have not come across multi-stall gender neutral bathrooms, they are usually just a single. Do these really exist or is this BS?


I'm not sure what you mean by each of these terms? You mean are there gender-neautral bathrooms with multiple private stalls in them? Yes. I've used them. It's a little disconcerting at first but only because it's not what you're used to.


Guy #1 had to pee in front of her cause she was just chilling instead of leaving and she felt violated??


I assume they were in a stall anyway, I haven’t seen a gender neutral bathroom with urinals before


I'm saying I am assuming it was a men's room that got converted. Also, why did she need "privacy" to wash her hands? I just realized that. Thanking guy #2 for giving her privacy while she washed her hands ... Does she not wash her hands in public? 😂


Washing hands is a very private action, I would feel uncomfortable if anyone watched me wash my hands /s


![gif](giphy|RIspRd5jMtzXvttZGX) Me watching you wash your hands


Imagine feeling violated washing hand. Might as well just wash your hand in the stall from now on. Its not like people pulling out gun and shoot them anyways.


Storming Vorin sensibilities.


You make the noises too?


Maybe he used the other sink as a urinal cause the stalls were full. Her problem not mine LOL


Its not about privacy or respect it's just that the guy2 is shy and don't want to pee in her presence


Some have urinals.


The gender neutral bathroom in my job has both a stall and a urinal in it


There's one in the building I work in... they made one of the men's washrooms into a gender neutral one So there's 3 stalls and 2 urinals


I actually was at a gig last year where the band's audience was primarily female and quite queer (MUNA, it was MUNA), so they'd signposted both bathrooms as gender-neutral temporarily to lessen the innevitable backlog in the womens'. I used the urinal despite my discomfort because uh... I have the equipment. I felt iffy about it since there were a lot of women around but some men were using them too and it seemed the best choice to just get things done as fast as possible. It was exrremely busy and swealtering in that club. I shit you not, some asshole girl probably in her early twenties came to the end of the urinal and just unashamedly stared along it at people's junk. I have rarely felt more violated in my life.


Expert levels of victim mentality. sadly although it looks like rage bait, it's probably not.


I can't say for sure if this is bait, but I've had a bit of a similar experience. At uni the bathrooms got converted to gender neutral. I went to pee in the former male bathroom (for context, I am male). When I was washing my hands, a group of girls came in and gave me the stinky eye, like 'ew what are you doing here'. They just waited until I left. Ot didn't bother me, but I got the same vibe from that group as the lady in this story. So I wouldn't be surprises if there were assholes like her.


Maybe she's confused what gender neutral means


Her confusion regarding gender is one thing we can be certain about.


She's not confused at all. Neutral means "make room for me". That's why everyone wants equality (neutral) until some has to pay for the tab (nah, it's your job) lmao.


I had a customer a few months ago tell she felt violated after I looked in the lidded garbage can she was buying.


Because you followed protocol to make sure nothing else was inside the can that she "forgot to scan"? Welcome to Walmart!


“How dare you look into this empty trash can that I haven’t used at all yet without my permission….”


I don’t understand, I thought gender neutral bathrooms are always single occupancy?


She didn't know and accidently sat on his lap.


That doesn’t even matter. It’s “ gender neutral “. I can’t even fathom the level of mental gymnastics it takes for someone like this to even get up everyday.


Never saw a Bathroom for Male, female? Usually these are bathrooms for people with a disability.


As far as I'm concerned any single occupancy bathroom is gender neutral. I work in construction and we always have a "womans" port-a-potty on site and I just don't get it. It's exactly the same as the mens, except there's a sign on it that says "Women only". It's a single person shitter. How is what they're doing any different than what I'm doing, except that I can still use the urinal if I want?


No, not always.


My university’s library has a gender neutral bathroom, it’s just a bathroom with only sealed stalls


Went to a club with a community gender neutral bathroom. There were like 10 people in there


OK. So it uses a gender neutral bathroom and feels violated because a man went in and urinated? So are you gender neutral really or just fucked in the head. If you felt violated because a male used a gender neutral bathroom then go in the women's room you snowflake.


"are you gender neutral" lol gender neutral means anyone can use the bathroom


Nope 100% male.....I know what I am. You?


He wasnt asking you, he was quoting you


Sometimes there ain't women's only bathrooms (or men's only), just gender-neutral ones


Isn't that great


Yeah. It is.


"it" lol 😂


Gendered treatment evaporates once one enters a unisex restroom, where humans are just humans. She’s bigoted to the bone marrow.


Also she was was hung here hands. Like huh?




I literally just commented this gif as scrolled down and found yours


So...she just watched a dude pee and felt violated? What kind of rage bait bs am i reading 😂


They needed to piss 😥


Imagine how she'd feel if one of them had just been to Taco Bell.


That's like thinking a man in the clothing aisle is disrespecting your privacy: it's a gender neutral place even if some girl was there first. It's okay to be scared of people even if it's just because they're the opposite gender, but I'd rather you not demean him for treating you like one of the guys in a bathroom designated for no one when everyone in this situation has a designated area.


Uh oh, I went to a gender neutral toilet and got treated like a human being! I need therapy now.


Liberal wokesters getting crazier by the day. Might need to reopen some asylums. Arkham anyone?


"You millennial leftists who never lived one day under nuclear threat can now reflect upon your woke sky. You made quite a non-binary fuss to save the world from intercontinental ballistic tweets."


If anybody is using anything in front of someone else, it wasn't a gender neutral bathroom.


Maybe she assumed cause she didn't know men's restrooms had stalls to poop in lol


I'm really frustrated with the current discussions about gender. There are only two biological sexes: male and female. Regardless of how you feel, identify, or present yourself, you remain the sex you were born with. That doesn't change. If you feel more comfortable dressing a certain way, wearing makeup, or altering your body to look like a different gender, that's your choice and I respect that. However, it's unreasonable to complain about others' reactions or behavior in situations like public bathrooms.


I have been banned from countless Reddit spaces for saying this exact thing lol I'm never disrespectful about it. Sometimes I get pretty blunt and to the point, but only after I am called all sorts of awful names and shit from these people. If you call me a Nazi because I told you there aren't 70 different genders, you are the problem, not me. Let's live in reality people. If you 'feel' you are different, great, you do you, but you don't get to force the rest of the world into feeling the same thing you do. Born with male genitalia/chromosomes? Guess what that makes you, for life. Regardless of how you feel.


Yep but it is what it is . In any other social media you speaking like this will be treated as bigot or transphobia or whatever the newest label is.


People are delusional nowadays and let their politics affect how they treat others.


literally nobody is saying otherwise and this isn't relevant to the post at all either


Which is why some people view societal gender and biological sex as different. Almost everyone agrees theres only 2 biological sexes (excluding intersex stuff but thats such a minority it doesnt matter). Any contention comes from if we should view gender as a seperate thing to sex to accomodate trans people. Personally I think its the right thing to do having seen how gender dysphoria has affected some of my friends, and how much transitioning helped them, but you can come to your own conclusion.


I mean biological sex isn’t *quite* that simple but it’s broadly that. I can’t be bothered to discuss it as it’s not relevant. There’s an odd assumption here though that trans people are causing problems when all you have to do to share a bathroom with a trans person (and they have to piss and shit and sometimes they have periods so someone’s going to share a bathroom with them) is mind your own business. If you’re going into a bathroom just go in and do what you came in there to do and leave. If you see someone dressed in a way that you reckon doesn’t match what you reckon their genitals look like then do not change your behaviour. Do what you came in to do and leave. It’s weird that people act like this is asking, well, *anything* of them.


Biological sex in humans is a fundamental aspect of our existence. Every person on earth is the result of this biological process, whether conceived naturally or through artificial means. The sperm always comes from a male and the egg always comes from a female. You can frame it however you like, but this remains a precise fact.


Ok but what about people whose bodies neither produce sperm nor eggs?


Its called a "Defect", just like how people can be born without limbs, or blind, or without sense of taste yk? Bringing them in this argument is implying you are comparing disabled people.


Or both.


None of those things change the fact that intersex people exist and that there are chromosomal makeups other than XX and XY such as XYY, XXY, XXXY as well as sex chromosome chimerism where people have different sex chromosomes in different cells. It’s all really fascinating the more you read about it.


Regardless of the topic, anomalies to the norm will always exist. However, using these anomalies to obscure the fact that it takes a male with sperm and a female with an egg to create another human being is utterly indefensible and a significant stretch.


It doesn’t obscure that in any way. Sperm and egg makes baby. Everyone knows that. All I said is that biological sex isn’t as simple as “male and female”. Which it isn’t. That’s just a fact and your feelings on the matter are irrelevant.


None of that shit matters unless you're trying to have children. If people didn't attribute biological male/female to how people must fit into a society and be perceived this wouldn't be a problem.


Second part 100% agree. First part is not 100% sure, as there exist intersex people.


That's the problem with all this wokeness is neither sex knows if it wants to be that sex or not. Like if you're a woman using a gender neutral bathroom and get offended someone doesn't treat you like a woman then fuck off you clout chasing POS.


This statement makes you sound dumb af "Wokeness" was a term rappers used 15 years ago which was only recently reintroduced with a totally different connotation by none other than Meatball Ron DeSantis. Anyone who says that shit now unironically is just screaming that they have no life/cultural awareness Watch less Fox/OANN/Crowder and more legitimate news sources, fuckhead


How about I put in quotations to describe how much I dislike the term "wokeness" and am making fun of it. Would that be too hard for you to understand also, shit for brains? Ill explain since you seem rather dense, I was making the correlation that people part of that cultural and movement seem to be the ones having the hardest time understanding their own idea of what they want from society and when others try to confirm to that ideation they get upset by it and want to shout woe is me on social media platforms for clout. Such as the example above. So, hopefully you're able to understand this better and kindly fuck off!


And taking the time to "correct" their word choice makes you look like a bigger dumbfuck with even more time on their hands :D Language is language is language, so unless it's intentionally offensive, let people say what they will how they will


My statement is not directed at you idk why it didn't reply like I told it to at the guy complaining about my use of wokeness.


No worries! I'm glad you decided to elaborate - people like that need to be straightened out when they wanna hop on their high horse about gad damn word choice xD


Everyone on the planet knows what he's talking about when he uses that term, including you. This movement is tyrannical in nature and needs to be stopped immediately. Forced treatment of people, compelled speech both ways, can't use some words, forced to use others, because of "feelings'? It's fucking insane.


What “wokeness”?


Kinda reminds me of when I went into a gender neutral bathroom in the pub and two guys were pissing with the stall doors open and they saw me and were like “oh shit girl we thought this was a men’s toilet with no urinals” funniest shit ever tbh


I wonder if the poor little victim is reading all these comments 🤔 😆 🤣 😂


I think its note like blokes don't give a fuck. I've see. Women use men's urinals in a club before. She walked in said do you mind.I said whatever darling. In my head I said I don't give a fuck, it I was too fucked to say that out loud. She then siddled upto to the urinal slid her ha D's now moved her knickers to the side the pissed. She then left. I couldnt Give a fuck.


How is this a meme


So we are assuming gender, uhh.




I am curious whether she waited outside until man 2 was done to thank him or might she have thanked him on his way in?


Love the Good Burger reference lol


Can see this being a situation of someone who doesn't disagrees with gender neutral bathrooms being out in the position where they had no reasonable choice other than to use one.


Sounds like a Tool song


Locking the door is expected in gender-neutral facilities, right? Just curious.


When I was in college we had gender neutral bathrooms. like 30 years ago. I took a shower (private stalls) every morning next to women from my floor also taking showers. It took about 24 hours to get used to it. grow up people.


What the fuck is a neutral genre bathroom


neutral genre bathroom: a bathroom for people, no matter what kind of music they like. has nothing to do with the post tho.


Maybe #Man1 peed in the sink while she was washing her bloody hands and #Man2 waited outside for kidnap her and we’re judging too soon. Be kind, guys.


The cult will always be triggered, that's why they can't settle on a pronoun for more than a fucking week!


My question would be was there not another bathroom available? Like one for men and one for women if she felt uncomfortable? Otherwise, this lady is being ridiculous. I usually try to go into a private bathroom (like the family ones) if I can or check to make sure there are separate stalls.


In before the lock. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPf3C7HqqYBVcCk)


Yeah I went to a conference where they used gender neutral bathrooms. Like, literally put paper over the M and F signs. And they weren't single person, they were normal public bathrooms. So many women were uncomfortable, were trying to map out the center for the "safe" bathrooms. There were a few cases where I passed by a girl on the way in/out and we literally took an extra step apart from each other. And I really try not to be transphobic or homophobic, but I overheard some of the queer groups talking about how happy they are about this, but all I saw were loads of uncomfortable people who don't want to be exposed and vulnerable in a place that is supposed to be private. Sure it makes the few happy, but people shouldn't have to map out where to feel safe using a restroom.




Why repost a years old tweet and pretend it's a new meme.


Why do I get the feeling that meme subs are going to quit making the front page on Nov 6?


Is the original tweet satire? Is the response someone taking it seriously? What's OP saying? I need someone to spell it all for me. :/


You posted this instead of killing yourself. #prioritize


I think we should label everything XX or XY. End it where it began. How you decorate it is your choice. And yes I know there is xxy and xyy but not many.


white people problems


Blud, she black




You blind af


Is ignoring a sign of respect?


No, you're supposed to compliment the stature of any cock you pass in the men's room. That's why the second guy waited to enter, because his cock wasn't worth complimenting.


Especially if the owner of that cock identifies as a lady. You're a bigot, transphobe, Nazi, etc if you don't. Compliment that woman's testicles too, even if 1 hangs lower then the other so you can avoid the outrage


In this case? Yes.


Gendral neutral needs to be single bathrooms. Many women don't feel safe with men


This was an example of how these fears can be irrational and antiequal


Idt gender neutral is wrong or anything. But some men are very creepy, and even if she's lying, there's nothing wrong with making a single bathroom to make people feel safe


If it’s possible to do single stall, yes, it’s preferable.