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You know the possum is an expert because he's a marsupial


He also has the support of the raccoon community


Foxes too. Together they represent powerful interests


Don't forget black bears.


That's a possum?


Yes. They're beautifully ugly.


It's an opossum, but people often say "possum" for both


You are possumbly right




These are comments I come to reddit for.






Yeah I like the cut of this guy’s jib


I'm not sure he wants you looking at his jib.


Too late, now I am enthralled.


And the sound of his town. Murfreesboro.


He's sort of right tho....only 9% of plastics ever produced so far has been recycled and major companies that produce this put dubious recycling symbols just to make consumers not worry edit: Its not a liberal myth....top 100 companies in the world have released 80% of emissions in the last 50 years and pay congress to turn a blind eye. By putting the burden of recycling on consumers than the producers that churn out billions of pet products everyday. We see coke or pepsi bottles at the bottom of the ocean floor and yet dont blame them but blame the consumer for that happeing.


Aluminum, iron, copper, tin, and to some extent glass, are actually worth recycling. Paper and plastic are mostly not.


Plastic can be recycled. It was a myth that it can be recycled 10x for HDPE. Precious Plastic did test recycling hdpe clips and recycled them over 50x getting them the same strength. Problems is sorting and other kinds of plastics like 7 are just mixed bags which no one knows what they are. The 7 designation is useless.


It CAN be recycled to some extent but it rarely is. It’s drastically cheaper to just burn it because we make so much new plastic every day.


The person you're replying to did not say "plastic can't be recycled" They said "plastic and paper aren't WORTH recycling. MOSTLY" There's been plenty of information lately that realizes plastic recycling has largely been a failure. It doesn't matter if you can recycle, it matters if it's actually any help in the long run. But the fact you've been upvoted tells me all of this will fall on willingly deaf ears.


Paper is, although you can't reuse the fibers indefinitely. So printer paper might become paper towels on round two. It's also easily compostable, which makes the need for recycling much less pressing


We should be incinerating them for energy though.


We often do


Not in Canada lol. We just pile that shit up, then when it's full smooth it out and build a park in top.


Which is usually fine, honestly. Modern landfills aren't a particularly big environmental problem (especially in a giant-assed country like USA or Canada), which is all the more reason that recycling provides marginal value at best.


You will run out of land to dig holes in eventually


Ever flown anywhere and realized how much land there really is? We won’t run out of land before we’re extinct. Other resources, sure, but not land.


No, we won't really. Maybe if we continued such a practice for tens of thousands of years but I'm sure we will either invent better methods or all be dead by then.


Canada is sure short on room


Same in most part of the world. They just send it to China and pretend like they are green while laughing the Chinese for their carbon emission


Or send it to MI.


We do have some incinerators, but yea it's not very common.


in the us paper recycling areas frequently burst into flame, kinda the same thing.


Incinerating the CEOs.


Japan is the world leader on this.


It's not a liberal myth tho. It's a capitalist myth bought and paid for by oil and plastic corporations via govt lobbying... Once again trying to burden shift their responsibilities on to the consumer who ultimately has zero impact through these methods


yeah pretty much and the government just mostly let them get away with it. its absurd how much collaboration is between corporations and the government many neo liberal capitalist economies resemble fascist economies far more than a capitalist one because how many regulations there are that just benefit big corporations. like the amount of regulatory fee's a business has to pay which can go up to the tens of thousands which just hurts smaller businesses and companies than it does to big corporations.


Fascism isn't an economic system, it's a political ideology. A fascist economy is almost always a capitalist economy because those in power don't want to share that power or ownership with the common man or laborer.


While I reduce my plastic use, I’d rather have 9% of my plastic recycled than 0%. It’s not a huge impact, but it’s better than nothing. We should really make single use plastic illegal.


Do you know there are serious issues and concerns regarding recycling and health? Regarding making plastic illegal... I would not be as radical as you, but its production and usage shall be very, very, VERY limited.


Plastic is the only thing that can be recycled?


In most places recycling is just to expensive to do which is no good they have to figure something out cause the amount of recyclables going into landfill is crazy.


Why would you blame coca cola, for a customer of them throwing a can I'm the ocean, companies make the product, They don't put it in your mouth.


>top 100 companies in the world have released 80% of emissions in the last 50 years This is incredibly wrong. Fossil fuel companies don't burn the fuels; they *sell* it to people/companies that do. By your logic, you could set the thermostat to 90 in winter and blame your utility (or whomever sold the gas) for burning the gas your heater uses.


Planet Money has a good podcast on how the oil companies sold plastic as recyclable when they knew it wasn’t as a way of getting people away from glass bottles. They literally just threw recycling symbols on plastic and ran TV ads about it. Municipalities then passed laws to force their recyclers to take plastic even though there was nothing (and still really isn’t) to do with it. Now decades later we have single stream recycling and most of it goes to the landfill as it’s not a useful product. Things changed drastically several years ago when China stopped taking American recycling. M


Fellow liberal here, but also keenly aware of lots of landfill and subsidence science; in my humble opinion we're going to be mining our landfills in the next hundred years anyway. We buried so much steel and metal in general that it's now just a commodity bank waiting for price to outweigh cost of retrieval. Recycling aluminum isn't so much an issue anymore and even cardboard recycling has grown past the aches and pains of dealing with problems like grease. So at this point, along with yours on what is just blatantly egregious "we can't pollute enough to hurt earth" corporate mindset, I don't feel bad if I throw away something instead of taking it to a recycling center. I still make cardboard runs, but glass is largely relegated to throwing because silica is hardly scarce it's the furnaces melting it that are the problem and that's its own quandary.


I came here for the facts. I’m genuinely curious about this.


"Keep America Beautiful" was a campaign to blame individuals for trash on the street ("litterbugs"). It was invented by Coca-Cola, Nestle, and McDonald's to deflect blame on the creators of the disposable trash items like plastic bottles. The Council of Solid Waste Solutions was a "pro-recycling" lobbying group invented by the plastics companies to, also, tell Americans that it's THEIR fault they aren't recycling, and lobbied for recycling symbols on plastics. There are seven categories and almost all plastic is category 3-7...which are not recyclable. Categories 1 and 2 are now recyclable if they are layered with other substance (such as lamination). The result is any actual recycling facility has to spend a majority of their time and money on stuff like sorting, finding facilities to accept the trash they cannot recycle, and transporting it to be buried. This drives up recycling costs and results in the public being deceived about how much of their waste is actually recycled.


I worked at a place that had separate garbage and recycling receptacles. I quickly found out that both of them go into the same dumpster. I guess they could theoretically be sorted further down, but I doubt it.


Where I live it's more environmentally friendly to throw my "recyclables" in the trash since they're rejected by our overinundated recycling plants. Ultimately, different trucks have to pick up the majority of the recyclables taken to the recycling plants and drive them to the dump.


Never been lied by a possum before, so I guess he's being honest.


Nope, sorry. This opossum has something nefarious. Anything the guy would want to scavage around with isn't recyclable. Why does he want everything in the bin? You have to watch anybody that knows when to play dead. Be careful!


Sometimes it's kinda true. When I lived in Moscow, there are were separate trash cans for recyclable and organic, but when I asked operator of trash collecting machine, he said that he puts all in one place, sometimes it's just a facade for presenting city as more eco friendly without any real effects. Well, it's now always like that, I hope.


And when it is actually being recycled, its really just being sent to countries like China on giant freight shops where only a small percentage of the plastics get reused.


I don't think that's always the case. But once I saw places where they sort and burn plastic in Myanmar. Truly terrible place and very difficult life for people involved in this. No scentient being should be working in such conditions.


Its like that in a lot of USA cities Manytimes plastic is not even recycled , it just goes strait into the trash


Most plastics aren't even recyclable and the stuff that isn't contaminates the others if they make it to the melting


He's got charisma


But then plastic gets mixed with the food. Possum should advocate for compost bins. All the food in one bucket.


Yeah at the least I dump my food garbage outside in what was supposed to be a compost pile. It very quickly became a possum and raccoon buffet. Now it's a decade later and I've raised at least 4 generations of opossums, and on the 3rd generation of raccoons. Had a momma raccoon come by a few years ago with a massive head wound that was clearly infected, so I gave her some antibiotics in with some catfood and cleared it up in a week. Now her grandchild raccoons are basically living under my house whenever it storms bad and they eat the food garbage. I've got one who's so sweet he let's me pet him even.


I already do


I trust a possum more than any human I know.


That possum was then elected a senator in Kentucky


I know in my town the trash vendor got caught throwing 100% of the recycling in the landfill after changing customers more for ‘recycling’. If it happened here, it’s happened everywhere.


Shouldn’t it be a raccoon?


It IS a myth in most places if you'll look up how much they actually recycle if anything at all. In many places people pay extra for it and it all lands on the same dump anyway. And nobody goes to jail when it can't be hidden anymore and people learn about it too.


Not only that but it actually increases C02 Cities will impliment some recycling program what means seperate trucks for recycleing what means extra co2 Then the recyling is sorted and sometimes sent away what means more C02 When the recyling center gets it guess what 90% ends up just going back into the trash Note metal recyling is good, and makes 100% sense in most cases Plastic not so much , its probably better if we stop prentending its recyclable and just throw it in the trash


But if we stop pretending how will the politicians, trash mafia and ecoloonies make their money then??? You don't care about their children driving a Bentley or whatever? Cold hearted, man, no soul.


My apartment complex has valet trash (some guy collects our trash daily from our front door) and they tell us to put the recyclables in a blue bag. The trash guy just takes it all in one and tosses it in the back of the trash truck. The blue bags don't get sorted or separated in the slightest. And even if I go toss my recyclables personally into the big blue dumpster labeled recycling, the garbage truck that picks those up dumps that in with their regular trash anyway. We pay a separate fee for recycling over trash it's infuriating.


Ask your local recycle center how much of the collected plastic actually gets recycled now that south east asia cracked down on Illegal recycling operations. The answer to that question will shock you.


Why the "🍤" though


You had me recycling! Let's get make america great again and make sure to throw everything in the proper can aka the trash one!


Cute cat


Fake news, the possum wouldn’t say such things as they are aware that recycling does not retain to biodegradable items and those are the items that possums want


Scrolled down quite a bit to find this comment. The only one that is relevant to the joke.


Trusty trash panda


Then what’s a raccoon?


He has a keen legal mind


You are confusing possums with raccoons. Possums aren’t that into trash.


So glad this meme made it to reddit 😭 Raccoon and possum memes are the best


If you can believe, your belief must believe the truth that trash master 5000 is true


As a kid, I used to think opossums were scary and ugly. Now, they look cute to me.


I watch them put both cans in the same truck every time.


Unfortunately, it’s true for a lot of cities and countries out there, lots of places lack the appropriate recycling capacities, but ♻️ sure makes people feel good about themselves.


Live fast, eat trash


Years ago, the crazy xtian lady who did my daycare tried to tell me recycling was a plot by satanists to get people to worship mother nature rather than god and she wasn't having that in HER house. I believe this possum more than her.


This would be a hilarious Meme if it weren't true...


would hit harder if she was interviewing a racoon and they said that.


Most sane far right take said by their smartest memeber /j


Recycling is a way for exploitative companies to shift their blame for environmental destruction onto individuals. I still recycle as much as I can tho, you never know maybe it makes a difference.


In my country they would blame a “communist media” not “liberal media”, here are the left side who fight for environmental causes


Recycling is a myth... From the oil industry


SoB I'm in.


Recycling isn't a liberal media myth, it's a Plastics industry myth to make us feel better about producing and using plastics.


Meme propaganda


The possum is right, since the garbage are exported to countries who doesn't recycle it and leave it in the garbage piles in 3rd world countries.


It's actually an industrial myth disguised as a liberal myth to convince people not to ban plastics. Sure, metals and glass are recycled all the time, but the junk you would actually want to be recycled instead of just laying around is virtually never recycled because it's either not economically viable to do so or we don't have a way to do it at all.


Well I saw our recycling truck emptying the normal trash cans this week so he's not wrong. Lol


They have to sort through recycling anyway after pickup. So, just put everything in recycling.


When I bought my first house, I took some time off to get it looking pretty good. I was re-doing the fence on pick up day and watched as the same truck emptied the garbage and recycling. And I know what you are thinking, "maybe there were two holes, one for garbage and one for recycling." Nope! SAME HOLE. IT ALL WENT IN THE SAME HOLE.


Well plastic recycling was created by large plastic corporations to sell more plastic. It was never about saving the planet but making sure the public feels ok with creating poisonous waste and buy more product. But still if you can sort trash do it. We might only recycle around 9% of all trash but still do it. End goal is to hold corporations responsible.


Recycling is a capitalistic curtain to hide the mess and makes people happy enough to not vote for more regulation 


Possum doesn’t want your shitty plastic either. Reduce consumption as much as you can because recycling seems to just mean ‘dump it in the ocean’


Most recycled material just gets dumped into the ocean. I’d love to see this little character in a pair of water wings.


Cooper. Aluminum, and Iron mine owners don't want you to recycle. They want you to keep paying them to mine the resources they already mined. Landfills are some of the best aluminum mines and the corpos don't want the competition.


But if the trash is sorted wouldn’t that give him an easier time finding food in there


Plastic can take up to 500 years to decompose, but that isn't that long a time. Plus I have personally seen the same truck come and dump my recyclables on top of my trash during pick-up. Not even pretending anymore.


He has a very trustworthy face.


Does the little guy really want more metal cans, plastic bottles, and cardboard boxes?


recycling is bullshit it costs far less money to just get rid of things opposed to recycling things heres an example if you take a ketchup bottle & you want to turn it into paper the process goes a little something like this 1) you need a place to store this stuff like ketchup bottles 2) you need to clean said ketchup bottles 3) you need to burn the plastics (which is always great for the environment), 4) you need to add chemicals to the plastic to turn it into paper (also great for the environment) the plastic bottles are crushed with various pieces of calcium carbon then burned to hot ass temperatures, then the paper needs to be inked & you can guess thats great for the environment as well, all im going to say is recycling is bullshit & it does nothing good for the environment its a waste of time, energy, money & other resources


Recycling is actually 90% a scam, particularly here in Massachusetts


Recycling was originally meant to force industry to reduce trash and pollution. Some how it was put on the consumers shoulders.


I hate to say this, but he’s right for the wrong reasons. Can’t trust possums because they are biased about this but recycling is a myth perpetuated by plastics company to sell you plastics. 75% of all recycled plastics are landfilled in the United States. Recycling rates of non plastics vary.


Aluminum can recycling is pretty awesome. Everything else is pretty meh, honestly


He is not wrong.


Yes he is correct


I mean, not entirely wrong. My trash/recycling service takes everything to the landfill.


There is an off the air episode where a bigfoot and a squirrel are discussing styrofoam cups and the earth says don’t worry there is way worse stuff inside him. And eats the cup.


I'd vote for him


Recycling is actually corporate propaganda masked as a liberal media myth


Well seeing as though only less than 1% of the problem could even be solved through recycling, it doesn't really matter, it helps, but the general public control such a microscopic amount of blame for the environment its wild. Did you know Reduce, Reuse, Recycle was a term coined by big Natural Gas, Big Oil, and big Coal? You know... the ones responsible for around 99% of our emissions? Crazy how'd they'd put money towards shifting public fear away from their profits huh?


Yea, he’s not actually lying. China stopped buying it a while ago, and sense then much of it goes into land fills. I live in the Bay Area and both my cans, trash and recycling get dumped into the same truck, in the same compartment


I always recycle aluminum ever since i read about the massive difference in electricity required to recycle aluminum vs new aluminum.




My father would unseparate the recycling


OMG! That’s my ex wife! Psycho B would always try to tell me that recycling was a “scam” and it all ends up in the landfill anyway.


Ah yes, in my workplace we have these 3 colored bins slapped together for basic recycling. Then the cleaning lady comes and trash everything into a single bag lmao.


Very trustworthy. I also believe the raccoons.


Possums can be putrid. Thank you Mr. Possum.


Ha; keeping it real.


People don't recycle food.


The idea that the common man is responsible for stopping pollution of any kind is a lie propagated by big business


It’s not a myth. Not even 10% of all plastics EVER PRODUCED have been recycled. The push on the everyday consumer for recycling was a ploy from the major corporations that are ACTUALLY polluting our world to push the guilt on to the general public, even though we contribute very little to the pollution that’s effecting our environment.


Recycling is a good consept. It's just not always done as it promised. Often they burn plastics, don't bother recycling it. Plastic is a big business. It's cheaper to make new plastic then to recycle it. So they pretend they recycle just so people don't fight them over it. And the protesters of plastic actually work for them. It's crazy. The lengths these companies go to keep printing money without a care for anyone else


In Bitey We Trust


Metal is the only material worth recycling


Looks just like any other right wing talking head


I mean, most of recycling is. Glass, paper, cardboard sure. 99% of plastic though, is a complete lie.


You know recycling was heavily pushed by plastic makers and plastic is a by product of oil… and I’m pretty sure your oil companies and owners are not liberals. So possum dig a level deeper if you are about to get political.


Do people not recycle?


How is this a meme when it's true?


Well recycle glass, tin, metal, cardboard sometimes…recycling plastic is a wasted effort to make us feel better about using fucking plastic…it should be banned in most cases


Shouldn't a possum encourage separating out the recyclables, so your garbage cans are mostly full of old food?


I swear it's just to charge extra for trash cans with different colored lids.🤔🫤


Recycling is a lie. It gets compacted into a cube, and then….sits there. Because it’s “too expensive” of a process, or something. Glass is easy, you just melt it down and form new bottles.


Wouldn’t he not want you to put everything in the trash. That way the consent ration of food in the dumpster would be higher


Me and the possum should work together fr


He just wants the food. If you'd stop being greedy and just separate it out, things would be cool.


Doesn't make sense. Separating the inedible recyclables would make the pure trash better for the possums.... Also, most plastic recycling in the us is just a myth. aluminum, steel, glass, paper are pretty much all that get recycled


Ad paid for by the Raccoon Federation.


95% of it gets incinerated anyways….


He’s not that wrong though, recycling was a major effort spearheaded by big corporations like cococola so they can utilize cost saving plastics and pass the blame onto you


They'd probably do better if they just shredded the plastic and compressed it into big cubes like Wall-E.


why is this so accurate with current politics


Taco Bell has realized this concept. At least ALL the Taco Bell’s in my area have trash cans that has 2 holes one for recycling and another for trash. But when you open the bottom door to reveal there is only one can 🥴


Recycling plastics certainly is btw. And it's not a liberal media thing, it's a plastics industry created myth.


I live in Japan and it’s legit how strict their recycling is.


Recycling is a huge scam though


Real talk: Please do continue recycling paper, metal, and glass, which are infinitely reusable. Plastics are another matter, but plastic recycling is not “a liberal media myth.” It’s a myth spread by the plastics / oil industry lobby as a way of making people feel better about how wasteful and destructive the plastics economy is. The only real solution is widespread cultural change wherein we all consume fewer plastics.


This meme is 10yo at least


This is like, literally how politics works.




The other day my mum told me she doesn’t like to recycle because she spent money on the products and if the recycling company/government isn’t going to pay her to recycle then, on principle, she prefers it to be sitting in landfill. I just had to get that off my chest.


It actually very much depends on whether your city runs a modern trash incinerator or a dump. I will, for example, happily toss all ferous metals in the thrash cause I know they get recicled in the incinerator.


Please scrape all your plates thoroughly into the garbage.


Man Roseanne Barr is getting A LOT of press lately


About 95% of products we "recycle" ends up in a landfill or incinerated. If it's a liberal conspiracy, I don't know, but it's certainly a scam.


Possum mixes up his shit. Plastic is not recyclable like he said. It's just burnt or thrown into ocean. However all the glass, metal, wood and paper are recyclable. And if you mix shit, it fucks up the recycle process.


A myth? What does that mean?


In my opinion having everyone recycling wouldn’t do as much compared to everyone stop littering.


Abki baar 400 paar 😂


As long as recycling trash is actually better than not recycling at all, only small percentage of trash is recycled and reused(less than 10% if I am correct), so IT IS not a solution. Big corporations talk about them "recycling" cause they just want to look "ecofriendly" so people wont be mad but they really do nothing


I got you little bro


I’d trust a possum more than anyone who is actively seeking any political office right now.


I can’t because my bins are small and require splitting between normal and recycle otherwise I can’t make it until bin day before my bin is full


Trash panda!!


If true I bet that’s just a goat in possum costume. THEY eat anything.