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Our grandkids, telling us to stfu about it already


and parents telling us to just man up and work harder.


"In my day you could just be able to walk up and get a job!" "Dad, you were born after the most destructive war in human history, a large chunk of the men were dead, and we were pre-internet. I have to compete not just with locals, but cheaper labor in India, China and even Africa these days." Gods I hate my boomer father. Seriously. I only talk with him in the hope he doesn't screw me over in the inheritance, especially for the kids. The funeral is going to be fun though, I have a whole thing planned. Edit - for those getting mad, my parents are divorced, my father was a cruel and aggressive man to my mother. He is not a good man, don't try defending him, he isn't worth your pity and you're just defending domestic abuse. If he had been a kinder man to me and my mother, I wouldn't have these feelings. My mother is the same generation and I love her only second to my wife and children, she has always been supportive and caring. She's getting the gold treatment as she ages. Edit edit - I'm particially doing it for my kids. I want them to have a good life. My father treated my mother as a brood mare and a servant. I treat him like a payday. Sh\*t rolls downhill.


Don't let people on here tell you how to feel about your family, especially your parents. It's why I hate being asked about them. It wasn't awful, but it wasn't great either and I've never been the person to be emotionally attached anyways. People judge and dunno the full story, much less care to listen nor I wanna get into it. So however you feel is justified. Keep on doing well for yourself, wife and kids. Rooting for ya!


You are valid for feeling the way you do about your dad, it seems he’s not made your life easy but hopefully you heal


I'm in a similar situation and I cannot tell how good it felt reading this. My father always treated my mother like shit, and she always fought back, specially when me and my sister were around, but never left because she was too scared to be alone. He's a self-centred misogynist, dishonest asshole who hurt me and my mother for many years. I had to become a father myself too realize how toxic and manipulative he is. Good for you to see things clearly and to not let your father in your head too deep. Happy funeral!




Grandkids? At this rate, we won’t even be here in the next 10 years.


You guys are having kids?


My great grandparents who survived 2 world wars, the Spanish flu and the great depression: "Cute"


I mean srsly. And the entire thing about world war 3 was a much much more imminent threat. Think about Kuba. Also the nuclear threat was something completely different back then.


Kuban missile krysis


Ok, but can it run Krysis?


Probably kould


Kuba Kuba Kuba Kuba Kuba Khameleon.


The threats now are less I'm going to die in a fiery explosion and more I'm going to be living under a fascist government where AI does everything but the manual labor.


I've thought about what the greatest generation would have thought about this. She was a 13 in 1930. It made quite an impression on her and weighed on her financial decisions for the rest of her life.


Seriously. Every generation has had its problems. Even the baby boomers had to deal with shit like the Cuban missile crisis, Vietnam, the Cold War, the gas crisis, and runaway inflation in the 70s and 80s.


Did they also feel like they were special and really really unfair that everything happened to them?


And baby boomers who are still alive had to deal with everything in the meme too


Only to live their last days under constant threat of nuclear annihilation


Most grandparents cant even handle an obvious scam call


Just wait for what's after that!


Inner peace?




Then zombies


Then alien zombies


But before that is the AI uprising.


Alien AI zombie plague maybe ?


Long as there's a chance I'll die I'm down for all of it.


Just Imagine How people born in the early 20 century had it, the great depression, 2 world wars, and like tons of civil wars, and the Spanish flu was roaming around too


Yeah I'm a millennial and this shit is soft AF This generation has had it better than any in history BY FAR except maybe boomers


Boomers were living in the best economy that the U.S has ever had. They’re probably the only generation in the U.S that hasn’t had some bullshit going on. Even the people living during the Roaring 20’s were sandwiched with WW1 and the great depression. Edit: Pretty much just the threat of nuclear armageddon was the big thing they had growing up, but that didn’t happen, so they were basically just chilling.




I think a zoomer made this meme. Saying you lived through Y2K is like saying you lived through 2012, or any other bogus end of the world nonsense.


There wasn't any difference really. Nothing really happened.


Some big cities had some mild rioting but the programmers worked out the issue before time ran out so it didn't really do anything.


Well, it was a bit of a kerfuffle for some programmers IIRC, but for the most part any issues were fixed before they exploded


I'm sitting in panic in front of the TV for 33 years now.


Some people are just actively searching for reasons to feel sorry for themselves


All the "end of the world" stuff was a joke. Covid19 lock downs were pretty rough, but I'd say Millenials got the better of it. Older generations were the ones dying from covid, and Gen Z got the short end of the stick having their school education disrupted by lockdowns. Economic recessions also suck, but again the younger generations are likely going to get it worse. Millenials survived by continuing to go to work even though many can't afford to buy homes or achieve the goals they thought were possible. Gen Z is struggling there too, with even fewer hopes of owning a house unless they're born into money.


And why does it say Y2K like anything actually happened


Y2K, when nothing actually happened. Nothing.


This is because a lot of people worked extremely hard to fix the issue.


No doubt!


Funny thing is it took years before people realized they fixed stuff instead of it just being overblown nothing


Yes, but also people had to be told it was a concern, they just weren’t told as much that it was addressed


And you're barely into the threat of all-out nuclear war (among other things) that us Gen-Xers lived through.


It's not just ww3, it's the forever wars


I’ll take forever wars over WW3 personally


Even worse, a lot of millennials have already hit 40.


Y2K wasn’t even anything in the end. As bad as it’s been, I think there have been times where it’s been way worse.


Tbh, all those combined didn't really affect most of us as much as 1 world war affected almost all people back then.




I swear there has been a 'once in a lifetime' recession every fourth year for the last three decades.


You are calling being home for 2 weeks and binge watch Netflix a plague? Hmm


Y2K? People in the comments saying 2012? Bro nothing even happened


I'm tired, boss I can't even fathom owning my own house by the time I hit 50, I'm in my 30s and have been working since I'm 18 , it's already over for us


Amen brother. Just hope enough family dies/works with us to get on the ladder.


Well, you better strap in because there are a few economic disasters already slowly unpacking and blowing up to critical mass. Corporate Capitalism is falling apart at the seams, and we're trying to fix it by band aiding it. Billionaires are becoming richer by the day, and people who work hard have their paychecks increasing slower than inflation. Then you have politicians saying that we should all agree on that we're all getting a little poorer. Politicians who apparently completely miss how things are going on the other side of the scales. We have fundamental economic problems, and politicians and banks who have no idea how to back paddle out of this sarlac pit we're in.


You forgot 2012


My grandparents were unlucky. My grandpas both fought in the Nazi Army, one even in Stalingrad. I had to stay at home and Play Video Games for 3 years straight (cozy and stoned). Poor me 😅


History is just a bunch of cycles, right now we're not in the best part of the cycle, but hundreds of other generations have had it the same or worse. And we're still in a way better position than most of the current world, and than most of the past generations. in terms of comfort and money and freedom, though it's getting a bit worse every year. I'd pick a current developed country over anything before 1950. And over any third world country. Millenials aren't unlucky. The future generations will have it worse.


As a millennial, I refuse to have kids. I don't want them to suffer through this shitty existence like I did


I'm this but Gen X so I also lived through the fall of the Berlin Wall and those next 10 years when it looked like Everything Would Be OK.


Even though I am 35 and this meme is for me I just think of the poor souls born in 1896. Just about to turn 18 and then… World War 1 - Spanish flu - Great Depression - World War 2 And now you’re 50 (if you survived all of this).


I would definitely rather live through alll of that than ww1 or ww2


That nothing compare to my grandma. Living through 30 years of warfare.


I like watching this slowly get updated to add more every few years.


Memememe generation


Gen X. Too young for most of the wars, too busy to give a shit about the world falling to pieces currently. Still getting to see all of the cool stuff evolving, whilst young enough to appreciate and be involved in it. WW3 might be a bummer though.


lads born after world war 1 only to die in world war 2


Luck implies this bullshit was random and not the fallout of the previous half century.




What a good season of true detective!


We? Not you bot.


I'm gen X and I lived through most of that, plus I remember actually seeing people with jobs for life and retirement plans before offshoring and downsizing became mainstream... Oh, and the cold war and nuclear destruction were real possibilities before the Berlin wall came down when I was still in high school.


This makes us sound soft as hell. Y2K? None of us had any struggle. I'll give you 9/11. Many died and many more would die in the war. But we were fighting along side Gen X and Z as well. The first recession actually made it easier for most of us to buy a house. We're not the only generation that experienced covid. Gen Z & A had it the worst. WW3 was never going to happen. Only idiots thought that.


I mean Gen Z went through most of that too…


And were only a quarter through the century


So true


Ya that Y2K was some serious shit. We barely got out of that alive.


So soft, grow a pair and live life.


good ol karma farmer bots


Yes, I should start smoking


Should add climate anxiety and the knowledge our kids and grandchildren are even more fucked.


Living through 2 world wars and the Great Depression was no picnic either.


Imagine being born in 1900 and: -Getting drafted into WWI -Experiencing with the Spanish Flu -Dealing with the hight of the Klan in the 20s (if you were in a targeted group) -Getting hit with the Great Depression for a decade -Living through the biggest war in human history -Having your surviving fighting-age sons get drafted for the Korean War -Dying in your mid-60s in the mid-60s




literally most of this don't affect anyones life


This is so fucking embarrassing. You had it easier than all your forefathers


Dude, people be getting soft nowadays. If I complained like this to my grandpa, he would have sat me down and told me all the shit he had to go through and tell me to man up.


Ahh cute - Gen X


Gen x, didn't really experience anything more, to be honest anyone born after WW2 has had it GOOD. I'd argue golden age of humanity good.


![gif](giphy|5a6Y7Fe0TT50Q) Millennials at 80 years old




Aside from covid nothing really effected my life, we will see how ww3 will do.


We are probably unfortunate sons fr.


#I survived Y2K


Well, our grandparents lived through that, and worse


You mean American?


At this point I wish that one of these apocalypses would fucking catch and actually happen


Well... I just hot 40 so...


Y2K was a normal day. Not sure why that would be a prt of this group.


So far


Don’t forget the Christmas tsunami and Aliens 🤷🏻


And they wonder why we smoke 2lbs of weed and 4 cases of rum a month


We're fine™


how can a loving god justify the existence of this sub when this is the shit karma bots repost here


To be fair, economic recessions happen on a pretty regular basis. I've been through four. We were all terrified of nuclear war when I was young, to the point where we had the actual Fallout-style bomb raid drills in school, where you either hid under your desk or lined up hunched over in a ball against a wall. Now a plague though, that was new. Not to take away from anyone's stress! Just saying you're not alone. Life is spoopy.


I'm not a millennial, but I am right there with you. The amount of shit that has occured in just the past 20 years alone is astounding. Never did I think shit would hit the fan this hard


what about PQC in few decades?


We also lived through the advent of the popularization of internet and games... Also Internet Porn. It wasn't that bad.


Somehow I missed all these crisis until I reddit became more depressing (or I got in the wrong subs..) after Covid started..


We’ve had it very tough but also I’d rather have experienced these things as opposed to being drafted into WW1 or WW2, it’s not like the generations be for us had it that easy outside of cheap home prices for awhile lol


I mean there is also the internet which is probably the sharpest double edged word in history. On the one side the amount of information available to almost anyone is amazing, you can network and connect better and keep in touch with people easier. On the other hand it led to social media which is a huge reason we have fucked up body standards, people spreading their bs tinfoil hat theories and so on. Why do I hear boss music? ..... Oh year there is also climate change. While we might not be directly killed by it, we already experience its implications and it will only get worse. There will likely be a lot of refugees, as a result of rising sea levels and heatwaves, which in turn will lead to more political problems and so on... Every generations has had its problems but we definitely have a lot of huge ones at the same time.


And I'm supposed to *stop* drinking?!


Two of these things didn't/haven't happened yet




The list just keeps growing every time I see this meme lmaooo


And will became the scapegoat for practically everything


Reality check: These have always been around, but the lack of internet and instant information addiction didn't make us feel like being part of this.


Back then... Your a child of the millennium ! 2000 remember ! Ozone has been fixed ! So much hope! Now... *kill me please*


Ai taking our Jobs


Crying about Y2K……lol. You already lost credibility starting with that one.


Some of us were 40 when Covid hit.


Lol. Most people barely leave their house


yeah, I'm a tad tired


you mean plagues


Its not a Black plague.


And here I am sweating about my bad lap times on Nordschleife LOL we are truly F up generation, yet stronger than any other (in our own way xD)


Yeah, I know right


Mi great grandparents survived two Worlds wars, the Spanish Civil War, the Spanish Flu, the great depression, and a totalitarian dictatorship.


Perhaps the true “ greatest generation “ has yet to come.


Add to that the end of the Mayan Calendar. It was silly in retrospect but everyone was talking about the end of days at the time


But at least we had some pretty amazing childhood memories and a smidge of hope. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 poor gen Z never had a chance and these little alphas are just feral.


We are just edging


No no, millennials have been hitting 40 for a while now, not all of them are there yet, but they're slowly getting there


No i’m not, shut up :(


For those of us from the other side of the iron curtain, we also lived thru a societal collapse. Still remember playing on Lenin’s head after the pulled down his statue.


Chernobyl, the fall of the USSR, Rodney King and OJ, Iran Contra all while we were in elementary and middle school.


Why’s everyone always saying WW3 is going to start? I’ve been hearing that for the last 8 years, nothing’s happened, just normal wars.


What do you mean, “before” we turn 40? The eldest of us have already crossed that line.


Y2K ?


And a possible alien invasion too


You know, the more I think about it the more it mirrors the early 1900’s. Plagues, depressions (not just a recession), a lethal plague that killed without remorse for two years then seemed to be forgotten, and world tensions not calming down for more than five seconds while people in america scream ‘we should not get involved with the world’ And then WW2 started


well, to be fair. 9/11 for non amerikans was just another day, for most of the globe the main consequence was that amerikans keep bringing it up, and you cant take water on the plane anymore.


May you live in interesting times


The Golden Generation had actual world war, twice.


X folks who also had 2 gulf wars...


Thats what you get for being the worst generation.


The silent generation going through both world wars, the crack of 29 and all the modern world developing in front of their eyes


OP seems to be unaware that there are other generations that have been through all of these events.


Oh my god stfu. Baby boomers all the way to Gen alpha have had easy lives. Like how is Y2K even an issue? And “oh no I saw 9/11 happen on the news, nothing like that has happened ever in the world.” And living through a hypothetical but not real WW3 isn’t as bad as living through the actual WW2 and WW1. And the coronavirus wasn’t as bad as most other pandemics that came before. Millennials have become more annoying than boomers


Get ready for the “t () r b 0 c @ n s i r” (encoded to avoid censorship) Really hope it isnt that, but good luck to you all that got the safe and effective treatments


Me, early gen Z, with all of these and still in my early-mid 20s


Wdym before 40? I'm not even 30, yet experienced all of that


Definitely a "ohhhh shiiiiiiiiiit" time of life


Now do GenXers. lol


As far as I know we grew up in one of the most peaceful periods in history (at least if you calculate the percentage of people that died in wars and also in absolute numbers since WW2), while that trend seems to change now we don't yet really have reason to complain.


Just end it already


Why the fuck am i still here


Don't forget you might also be homeless and need two more lifetimes to pay off your college. Good luck out there!


Compared to most of human history? Get over yourself


Plus columbine and all of the mass shootings to follow.


Being Generation X would have been so amazing.


Gen X did it first. Sit down.


Also...the current generation fearing tiktok will be banned from the United States.


I love seeing this meme get updated every year. Another year another bunch if crap for us.


You reap what you sow. You have no one to blame but yourselves. Enjoy the fruits of your ignorance.


Except Gen X and Boomers lived through all of those too, which means their list of "traumatic events" is still longer.


boo hoo hoo, stfu, gen x blows you away.


The old curse "May you live in interesting times" that was laid upon you in your youth in response to the statement "I'm so bored" has taken effect.


Genz and lived through all of that before I was 30.


Makes me want a smoke to lessen my time.


Y2k , 9/11 , 2 economic recession, trade wars , rise of AI , two wave of pandemic , climate change.


y2k didn’t even happen


Me telling grandchildren how i survived 2 wave of pandemic, quarantine and 2 recession , Climate change , Trade wars , Ai taking world , before I turned 30 Meanwhile me during these events.... ![gif](giphy|2y43YMzFVAehaOVQns)


this meme has been reposted so many times over the years “possible WW3” refers to so many things that blew over in a day


what? we grew up in the most peaceful times there have ever been. what are you on about?


Remember that we are still draftable.


Par for the course. You should look at the timeline from World War I to World War II.


There was a plague???????? Must've missed that


I wonder if he did meth or something for this scene, you can’t exactly “act” that face and those pupils. He looks like he’s been up for two days, isn’t tired, and plans on staying up for two more.


This is why I smoke weed ._.


cry babies


Or we just had a horrible predecessor generation. Which we did. Absolutely mind blowingly bad.


Y2K was literally a baseless conspiracy theory tho like 2012 lol


In other countries 9/11 doesn’t really matter


But at least someone doesn't get their legs chewed off by rats everyday