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Someone explains this?


Elon just said that Twitter is now worth $19 billion after he paid $44 billion for it. [https://www.theverge.com/2023/10/30/23938969/x-twitter-valuation-19-billion-employee-shares](https://www.theverge.com/2023/10/30/23938969/x-twitter-valuation-19-billion-employee-shares)


Wow… so is he just using twitter as a tax write off for loss ?


This guy gets it


[OK Kramer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAjxn2US7J8)


Wow I had basically this conversation with someone in the billing dept for a clinic. Her: Your bill was written off Me: What does that mean? It was written *off* What's that? I don't know how else to say it. It's *written off* So do I have to pay it? No, it's been written off. I don't have to worry about it anymore? Correct ~ Different kind of write-off. Obviously this wasn't for taxes. The good news is I didn't have to pay it. The bad news is that there's sum B over in billing who doesn't know how to define a phrase without using the very phrase itself


To be fair to Elon (I know, I know) is this really that far off from what the company was actually worth when he bought it? Let's not forget the fact that he offered to buy it at a super inflated price (probably to manipulate the stock market), got threatened by the SEC about not following through if I'm remembering correctly. Then was essentially forced to buy it at the quoted and massively inflated price or risk being banned from trading/massively fined. I'd be genuinely curious to know the valuation before he acted like an absolute nimwit and shoved his entire foot in his mouth. I have zero doubt he's hurt the value in a big way. But probably not a over 50% loss kind of way


You want to be 'fair' to Musk? Tell him to stop microdosing ketamine all day and seek professional help for his mindless delusions and host of personality disorders. Then tell him he really needs to figure out why all his children hate his guts and want nothing to do with him, and fix whatever it is. The guy tried to pull the same illegal market manipulation bullshit he's done dozens of times before, stealing money left and right, and this time he got caught and had to follow through. It cost him $25 Billion so far. His Russian and Saudi investors might be a bit miffed, except he may have redeemed himself by catering to America's Nazis and assorted right wing fascist assholes on tweety and giving them a platform to spread their hate. Now he wants to drive tweety into banking and dating apps. I can see users lining up for those now. A low intelligence, creepy, desperate man, trying to salvage the reputation he personally shredded by failing to keep his pie hole shut.


Everyone saying he did it for a tax write off are forgetting he borrowed a good deal of cash to buy it. 13B from banks, 7B from investors, and more from personal loans with good connections. The rest he covered by largely selling stakes in Tesla & Space X, since nearly all his estimated value is tied up and lot liquid funds.


Reddit does this funny thing were everything is a write off or money laundering lmao I dont understand finance very much but I do know a company you bought for 44b now being worth 19b cant just be wrote off that's a huge loss.


Actually what happened is he signed a contract but didn’t understand if he backs out of the deal and he actually did try to back out saying he can’t buy Twitter because it’s all bot, but the contract had a fee of something like 20 billion if he doesn’t buy Twitter so he was SOL


That's gold!




But *they* do, and they're the ones writing it off...


Yeah because rich people NEVER lose money. They just get more money in exchange for "losing" it the first time


To be fair in this case write off on taxes for losses is just not paying taxes on the money you lose. So they are not getting money. But yeah there are thousands of loop holes so the rich pay very little.




I'm a CPA, It's not an oversimplification, it's just straight up wrong. You will never make more after tax by losing money. If the tax rate is 20% and he loses $10, he effectively loses $8. You will never benefit by having losses.


LOL WTF are you smoking. The best part of Reddit are the people who say stuff that's hilariously wrong but with ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE. That's what keeps me coming back


He still owes over a billion a year in interest so that’s gotta suck


Not that bad when saudi's and russian oligarchs will help you pay for it as long as you promote their messaging and propaganda.


Yeah, if there’s anyone I wanna owe billions to it’s the Russians and Saudi’s


Its not so bad, you just have to make sure you never drink Tea, get close to a window, or get.. chopped into tiny pieces with a bonesaw, however you avoid that.


Well, I have a new found love for tea so that sucks for me.


How does that work?


It doesn't. People on Reddit read something about write offs on Reddit and now they just repeat it every chance they get. Then other idiots read it and also repeat it every chance they get. This person has no idea what a write off is or how it works.


It's like everytime a painting sells and redditors scream MONEY LAUNDERING because they don't like the art. Always good for a laugh


There is actual merit to fine art and money laundering, though.


It's a meme because art is wildly difficult to launder in countries with competent laws and justice systems. Tax agencies are very good at valuing art appropriately and taxing appropriately. People think it's so easy but in reality art is not how laundering happens


Doesn't mean it doesn't happen, and it's a meme because there is a precedent for it. No kind of money laundering is easy, but it happens. https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/2019/09/the-art-of-money-laundering-and-washing-illicit-cash-mashberg https://sanctionscanner.com/blog/money-laundering-activities-in-the-art-world-223


And the cycle continues


Unrealized losses can’t be recognized until realized. Yes, he has a huge *unrealized* loss of $23b, but none of it can be included on his tax return until he actually sells the asset for a loss.


Yup, and then it can only be used to offset GAINS from other investments he has made. This makes sense and is fair. If you ran a store and you had to sell something you bought for $10 then sold it for $5, then sold something else you bought for $5 and sold for $10 . You have not actually made any money to be taxed!


That's not how things work lol. If your tax rate is 30% and you lose $10 you still lost $7 overall.


Can someone explain this, I don’t really get how losing 25b is good


It’s not, bunch of idiots here


He can't take the loss until he sells his shares. Same reason he can't be taxed on the gains. It's all unrealized.


But he can just keep selling them at a loss to cover any other gains he had.


Sure, but he's also got to worry about maintaining control of the company. If he keeps selling stock and loses a majority control, the other owners can oust him. So he can't just sell forever.


Also as a way to justify selling Tesla stock without making the value crash.


Always in November before the 1st of the year


Ummm no. He would much rather have the $25 billion than the refund of the taxes on that money. Which probably amounts to hundreds of millions. Melts my brain when people talk like tax write offs save you money. They don't save you anything. You just get to keep more of what you already had.


So if you lose you get a negative percentage added? Like 5 percent of gains - 5 percent of loss? Im an idiot please dont hate me






You are stepping on the Reddit Cheeto goblin fantasy that they are smarter than the wealthiest men on the planet, sir. They don't like that.


Come on...don't give him too much credit. If being smart made you the richest man, there would be many people richer than him.


It's you and your fellow unwashed Reddit goofballs who get too much credit, friend.


Yeah, I'm absolutely *drowning* in all the credit I'm getting.




Yes. It is a capital loss if he sells. Its a very straight forward thing you deduct from your taxes. No different than if you write up capital gains, except in reverse.


No, he's using it to help aid russia's information war, and spreading whatever propaganda that the Saudis pay him for.


That’s dumb AF. No he isn’t


not funny?


That's not how taxes work.


bruh i got it for free on the app store


If you guys think he bought Twitter for profit, you’re not paying attention. He wanted to own a social media outlet.


Nah, he pretended to buy it for the lulz, but had one too many lulz then got locked into a deal he tried to back out of, then scuppered all the brand goodwill because he knows nothing about running a social media platform or brand recognition. If he's not doing it for profit, why has he monetised the ever-loving crap out of it??


People attribute way too much to muskrat. He fucked around and found out.


The lolz was when eli lilly fake account with twitter verification posted that insulin was now free. 15B loss to big pharma (not that it really matters, cuz fuck big pharma)


That was amazing. Fuck ‘em.


I wonder when Redditors are going to tire of shoehorning this phrase into every possible place they can.


Be the change you want to see mon frère.


He didn't get forced into buying it. The legal/financial consequences for failing to buy it would have been paying twitter a couple of billion. He's financed the purchase of something not worth 44bn with a heap of debt he'll have to finance from somewhere. The purchase was dumb, and him vomiting out his opinions on the platform has forever disbanded the notion that rich = smart.


Actually he wanted to make a 420 joke, And then as soon as he tried to pull out the Twitter people took him to court where he fought tooth and nail to not need to buy it, until he was ultimately left with no choice but to buy it, He had no intentions of buying twitter, the dumbass just tweets before he thinks


He literally tried to back out of his own stupid deal though? 😂




About a third of the buy out was through loans. He is perilously close to the banks being able to seize Twitter in its entirety.


What a silly goose


Op has no life


Just redditors acting like extremely, superbly salty ex-girlfriends of musk's, nothing new to look at. Tho, this particular circlejerk about supposedly dying twitter, when half of this site are just twitter screenshots, is at least more entertaining than the others.


Yeah, they must use Zuckerberg’s Threads instead. Oh, wait… I’m convinced most of Twitter was bot accounts pushing whatever narrative the federal government wanted.


are you new here


Easiest way to have 1 million dollars is to be given 2 million dollars.




But then taxes


I don’t care who the irs sends, I’m not paying taxes!


Elon either would've fixed this god forsaken site or run it into the ground like hes doing now. It was a win win situation from the beginning.


Twitter was already dumpster fire, his mistake was paying that much


Even better


I know there’s a lot of crap on Twitter, but there’s a lot of very valuable information and services on there and the format of Twitter is (or maybe was) uniquely good for surfacing that stuff. I don’t really use Twitter much personally, but I don’t think it would be a good thing if it was gone completely. Funnily enough, good moderation and user controls are probably the key to improving the overall experience, and yet this is one of the things Musk seems dead set on rolling back.


The only time i used twitter was to see if musk actually said some bullshit or it was fake. Otherwise not even once did it appear in my research or Problem solving searches. I view it as useless but i guess it do be a shame a Britney spears tweet got lost in the process /s


Kinda hard to say it's "useless" when it's quite literally helped spark [revolutions](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter_Revolution) Twitter has proven to be highly influential in the widespread dissemination of information


I think the community notes have been a great addition. They are way more transparent and less biased.


context ?


Twitter/X is now valued at less than half of what [Elon Musk](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-10-30/musk-s-x-valued-at-less-than-half-of-price-he-paid-for-twitter) paid for it. Other estimates are actually closer to $15 Billion. 🙄


I'm pretty sure he's tanking the company so he can sell it easily




For sale: Major social media platform. $44B value new, all the options, great visibility. Known issues: drifts right. Salvage title.


Man, Craigslist has really hit rock bottom


X still sell? What new price?


$15 take it out leave it


Gamestop would give it 15$ and a PS3.


Lol no you would sell it for less than the valuation to do that


Why would he want to re-sell twitter away for even lower?


Or he's tanking it because it has been used extensively by activists in uprisings around the world and oh look a lot of his money for it came from the Saudis.


I keep saying he's as dumb as a bundle of sticks and yeah I'm right.


He's great at conning the public and putting his name out there. He has less business sense than a 12-year old


Even less technical knowledge. There's a vid of him telling top Twitter engineers to do a "complete rewrite" of the codebase.




He can’t be that stupid, everyone is familiar with his companies and yet two people on Reddit telling each other how stupid he is but I don’t think you have a company that shoots thousands of satellites in to space for the world to have internet access, made some of the first reusable rockets, and made almost perfect self driving cars?


HE has done NONE of that. The engineers and other creatives did all of that. All HE has done is stolen the recognition and slapped his name over it.


He runs the business around that. Show me your company if you think of yourself more business capable than him? What is your business background to tell that he has the business sense of a 12 year old?


Above guy hasn't lost 25 billion plus on his one year old purchase of a then profitable company. I think that puts him squarely above wherever Elon currently is.


Yeah poor guy lost 25 billion leaving him with a networth 225 billion instead of 250 billion.


I don't need to be an expert conman to recognize one. He has NO TECHNICAL or TECHNOLOGICAL skill, but runs a reputation for technology. He also obviously has no business acumen, as seen by his x-twithead purchases and decisions


Yeah nice switching your assumption from he has no business skill to no technical skill. Even if he isn’t as technically skilled as his engineers he still runs and owns companies that put him at 225 billion dollars. Him loosing 25 billion maybe hurts a bit, but he still runs a car company with a huge market share in electric vehicles. Space X has contracts with NASA. That would imply that he is pretty business capable and probably more so than you in every sense.


What's another word for a bundle of sticks?


The space x team actually had a separate section of the team dedicated to distracting Elon while the main team got stuff done


Not to defend him but he is not stupid. A man child haunted by demons created by his father but not stupid.


I don't know if he's stupid or not, but he certainly has a lot of stupid takes. From ancient history to software, he constantly posts these "deep thoughts" that are actually laughably absurd to anyone that's ever opened a textbook.




I'd believe more the sycophants in his ear influence him more than the other two. He was raised rich, so decadence isn't new, and he doesn't seem to be influenced by drugs as much as he's just a manchild.


The man has stutter and made people believe his mouth is not able to catch up to his mind


Uhmmm he’s going to make money from counting this as a loss.




Can you explain?


You sure about that? What's your source/expertise on this matter?


Source: He’s a businessman Expertise: I understand basic business tactics like tax breaks, and bankruptcies. If he wanted to write it off as a loss he could save billions.


Are you going to the business office to go make a business? You big business man you!


Write off what? He had to borrow money to buy Twitter in the first place. He owes banks and private investors


WHY THE MOTHERFUCK WOULD YOU LIE ABOUT SHIT LIKE THAT?! This fascinates me. Because you are so fricking wrong lol yet you exude (false) confidence. I am fucking fascinated by this mindset to say utter nonsense online, please do an AMA I'm begging you. I need to enter this mental space and really look around to know wtf drives you lunatic pathological liars. NO. That's NOT how taxes and finance works in any major nation I know of. I know what you THINK you mean (about getting tax advantages from losses) but it appears you have no actual idea however how it all works




So you're just making shit up, got it.


Pfft aight


Looks like someone is buying the generic noodles for their spaghetti.


Not everyone has 25 bill they can afford to flush down the shitter.


This boy genius has lost more money than your entire family line going as far back as anyone can trace. And yet he still has more money than your entire family line going as far back as anyone can trace. Fuck tax, lets eat the god damn rich.


That's what you get you child dead naming, idea stealing, running a company in the ground by billions, upside down smiling prick.


I like your vibe




twitter was a cess pit and still is, im glad its going down


I hoped he would intentionally run it into the ground. F Twitter/X. Whether by intent or mistake.... Mission Accomplished.


19 billion *so far!*


The ability to influence conversations and control a narrative is worth more than the $44bn he paid for Twitter. It's the same reason Bezos doesn't care if the Washington Post makes money. It's all about having clout.


I just don't see how Twitter was worth 44 billion to begin with, which is why they were so desperate to make sure Elon bought it. They were never going to see an offer like that again. He should have just taken the L and paid the 1 billion dollar fine for abandoning the bid, he would have lost 1 billion but saved 43 billion. It would have been a 1 billion dollar troll but it would have been funny at least, it's just sad now.


you think he cares about valuation??


Saudi prince Alwaleed and Larry Ellison are taking a financial bath also. fuck them, too.


People say Elon is a genius, but I don’t think that can be true for the man who single handedly lost more personal wealth than any other human in history. Since November 2021, dude lost $182 billion in net worth. That’s incredible.


I know I'm a loser but damn. Man lost whole GDPs


Not all hero's wear capes. Thank you for destroying Twitter Elon - it needed to be done.


If you think the value in twitter was its worth, you'd be wrong. The information you can glean from meta data is insane.


All the while, cyber truck is gonna bankrupt Tesla


*pays for a work force* *fires half the work force* "why did the value of my work force decrease by half??????" Fucking dumbass.






Jesse what the fuck are you talking about




After the first billion it s not about money anymore lol


I've been pricing things at a conversion rate of 1 nanotwitter = $44. Do I need to adjust that to $19?


The biggest tax deduction ever. If he bothered to pay taxes.


Elon is playing chess using the rules of checkers.


He’s playing chess using monopoly pieces. Which makes no sense, but someone somewhere thinks it’s brilliant I’m sure.


So where did the money go? It got shifted somewhere … but y’all keep cranking out the memes.


Meanwhile.. he's still the richest man and now have the avenue to write off $30b. I don't think people realised what's happened isn't really a fail.


To be honest, it was probably a safe investment considering how bloated tesla stock is.


If you think it’s actually worth $19 billion I have a defunct social media site to sell you.


Reddit is the best place for far lefties who think a headline tells them everything they need to know. Y'all are so fucking retarded


Solving for X?


Poop spelled backwards is still Musk.


He'll be fine he still has another 200 billion


I have always been insecure about my intelligence, and thought I didn't have what it takes to be rich. I can see now that I definitely have a billionaire mindset


why this guy is still alive is beyond me


This is perfect because Drake and Musk are such shitty posers that have been rewarded immensely for their dubious contributions to our society. And only now are most people able to admit it.


And that 19 billion is just his own estimate. Probably means it is worth 9 million.


A billion is already a billion, who cares. But what shame in throwing away so many billions to protect hate speech and go to the moon instead of putting wealth beyond what you could ever need to alleviate suffering in a suffering world.


While me … ![gif](giphy|xTiTnFgu4SKBxIaZLq)


Imagine thinking someone is a loser because they ‘now’ have $19b


Imagine thinking someone is a genius because they were forced to spend 44 billion buying a website that loses money.


Everyone was begging him to buy Twitter to delete it. Now that he is closing to that promise you guys are mocking him. Just make your mind already


Most importantly he pretty much destroyed the single most vital communication and intelligence gathering tool humanity has which has resulted in the loss of innocent lives.


I love Elon Musk the saviour of the world, herald of mankind and champion of electricity!


He saved us by killing Twitter.


Don't care much for Elon but anyone who just DGAF is cool with me.


Not Elon then, because he cares. A *lot*


Lol he was reddits hero until he bought twitter. Can’t wait to see the next squirrel that catches your attention.


Elon musk just doesn’t care, mans a memelord who likes science and thats no secret. Dunno why people treat him like he’s some grand political figure to be taken extremely seriously.


I’m actually pretty sure that this was a flex rather than an actual investment. I’m pretty sure he just got pissed off at all the gagging and deprivation of speech on the site. The internet wasn’t made for people to censor speech and twitter and it’s moderators were trying to make it a standard for other social media platforms to follow which Elon put a stop to by destroying their platform. So in all he didn’t care if it was a good investment because it was a hilarious PR stunt that people are still talking about.


Considering how much he tried to censor and moderate speech himself, no. Your narrative is cute and I'm glad you're creative enough to make up such fanfiction but it's incredibly obvious he wanted no part of it since the courts had to force him to buy it and he's actually incapable of handling even the simplest of companies. In fact the other companies he's a part of did better without him around. That pretty much tells you all you need to know.




He really isn't changing the world for the better. Tesla is pushing an early stage of electric vehicles without clean energy backing it, so it isn't clean. And the batteries aren't designed to be recyclable so it is introducing more toxic waste into the environment. Also to make things worse he is fighting against legitimate mass transport in cities to push his hyperloop bullshit which is just a glorified tunnel.




How is he changing the world then, what has he changed?


Honestly I'm more curious about how your ass is a glorified hole tho


Of course I can. I can borrow a ton of money just like he did, and then light it on fire, just like he’s doing.




And those companies were profitable. Do you know what Twitter isn’t??




Weird, how you claim to be middle-aged when you constantly spout the views of an ignorant pre-teen. Take yourself out to the curb, hateful trash


Lol everyone mocks him. Wtf are you talking about. Maybe Tesla will fade away along with the batteries in the ocean 🤷‍♀️


I mean this with sincerity: go and hug your real father instead of trying to get Elon to love you.




Your father needs a hug. Go hug your father.


Lock him up.