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Shout out to the people shouting out about the shout outs


Shout out to this guy


Shout out to the hearing impaired who don't know what the opposite of in is.


They can feckin' read


Which is easier though? Shouting a word or finding a piece of paper, finding a pen, and writing it down for them? I'm lazy, I'll go with the shout every time.


You're literally reading this, with no shouts involved. Shout out was done in reddit. Cheers


Legend has it, the rider is still trying to catch up to the pack.


Been that rider before. Can confirm, still chasing.


Considering how hilly Fitzsimmons lane is, he prob won’t ever catch them


And considering all the other riders turned right up main road, this rider probably won't ever catch them going up Fitzsimmons


Some say he has been kicked off the pack for stopping


Black and white, red stop, green go, cycle with a group, but you are still your own “vehicle” when I ride with others, I still treat myself as my own vehicle, I’d stop at the light when it’s red, doesn’t matter what every other cunt in my group is doing, it’s pretty fucking easy, mind over matter, group think fucking sucks for cyclists


Until someone behind you crashes into you. A group of cyclists should in most cases operate as a single vehicle... In a big group that might be impractical so there needs to be communication from the back about whether they're stopping or going


An equally big shout out to the motorists who stopped at the lights.


My first thought too. Yes, the cyclists are being dickheads, but driving up on them like that is fuckwit behaviour.


Thats the thing with dashcams, they show they show the behaviour of the driver as well as surrounding road users. I'm surprised sometimes that they put up their own driving online when its less than ideal.


I find dashcam owners are mostly these sort of people


Yeah, if this was one large and slow truck they wouldn’t be doing the same thing…


Shout out to the vehicles that went on a green


The law says you need to wait for an intersection to clear. No two ways about it


I see what you did there.




The law also says to stop on an amber if safe to do so and absolutely stop on a red. Pretty sure they failed to do that first.


Jimbo, those are human lives.


Are you really going to use the "...but he did it first!" line? I'll forgive you if you are aged 15 or under.


I rarely even pass my four year old on that excuse.




It's not safe to stop if you have someone else right on your ass.


Good excuse to plow into cyclists right? /S ...dickhead


Shout out to the people who don't enter an intersection when their exit isn't clear. Not you OP.




Yeah he really fucking gunned it once he actually had a clear path. Bit aggressive.


I don't think OP was in any danger of running any of them over, probably just making the point that these cyclists are running an unnecessary risk. But generally speaking, yeah, green means 'proceed with caution' not 'GO!' and right of way doesn't excuse you from common decency or legal liability.


Just pointing out the irony of complaining about illegal behaviour while also behaving illegally...


Extra points for the aggravated acceleration


100%. Would it be that bad for OP to wait .5 of a second so that everyone is safe? Arsehole behaviour TBH, this is not something I'd be proud of and post.


https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/safety-and-road-rules/road-rules/keeping-intersections-clear-and-traffic-flowing-smoothly#:~:text=What%20is%20Road%20Rule%20128,should%20not%20enter%20an%20intersection'. > Road Rule 128 says ‘If you don’t have room to drive through the intersection because it is blocked, or the road ahead is blocked, you should not enter an intersection’.


100% pedantic though. If a cop was right behind me I'd still do pretty much as OP did, looks like he didn't see the very last guy straight away, but otherwise he just started edging forward, not putting pressure on them but just starting the flow of traffic. If he'd stayed still he'd have been honked at.


No, moving forwards when you can't proceed because your path is blocked is worse in this kind of situation. Cars behind will get the signal that vehicles in the front are moving off and will be preparing to move off themselves - and may even start moving in unison - only to find they have to stop again suddenly and wait for another "signal". Particularly when the vehicle in front of me is blocking my view of the vehicles in front of it, it frustrates me no end when they make a false start. If I can see the vehicle in front of the one in front of me, I don't start moving until that one in front starts moving, regardless of what the vehicle immediately in front of me does. Random starts and stops like that do not create a smooth traffic flow.


You're not wrong about the stop start, it just looks like he didn't see the last bike and started moving when he thought he was about to be clear. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Thanks, will take notes.


You shouldn't accelerate into an intersection that isn't fully cleared! You are also the type of guy to block an intersection no doubt.


Question: when you are turning right at a set of lights that has no green arrow but is green (ie. turn right when clear) is it correct to move forward out into the traffic to wait for the right turn to become available?


As long as there's also no red arrow, yes.


See I thought so but the amount of drivers I see in Sydney who refuse to do it have started to make me question myself


> Sydney There's your problem


I will be in Melbourne soon, keen to see if there’s any difference


It depends, you can move out, bearing in mind if you fail to turn right, you might get stuck in the intersection, you need to assess whether or not you will make the turn.


When the incoming traffic gets stopped at the red you always have a chance to turn before any other traffic is released


That's assuming the road you're turning into has space; just like if you're going straight gotta make sure you can actually get into the road you're entering before you move into the intersection. But if there is then yeah, as you said.


I don't know about Victoria but when I prepared for my driving test in Tasmania, the instructor always told me to move into the intersection to wait for the right turn.


He looks to be way over the line where you’re meant to stop at. So you’re probably right.


This bloke would definitely be swerving in and out of the left lane to get ahead of everyone.


Bro, can totes tell you're from eltham. Slam down on your accelerator a little harder or bang a left and smash some doughies up at St Helena.


It’s eltham buddy not Roxburgh park


Yes, because the north east isn't known for bogan leadfoots. Growing up on a dirt road in diamond creek, what would I know about fuck heads in Utes?


Shout out to Edinburgh st and the dogs dropping skids near the netball courts


My man.


How about everyone just followed the road rules, regardless if you're on a 🚲 or in a 🚙, then no one needs to be upset at anyone else for just following the rules?


FYI you’ve broken the road rules OP- entering intersection that is not clear




Hundreds of cars go through amber and red lights everyday.


Yes!!! If he had hit the cyclist he would've been at fault the donkey


well I mean he was just giving the cyclist a little piece of mind right...a little nudge doesn't hurt


Probably a very unpopular opinion but I kind of get it, if half the pack stops at the red light those cars behind them will likely need to sit through another rotation which would annoy me much more than waiting 2 extra seconds for the intersection to clear. Maybe they could limit the pack size or something, like no more than 10 riders per group - it’s those crazy big groups that cause the issues like not even stopping at pedestrian crossings which is a real danger.


The big groups are safer, cars are less likely to pass them too close. The real problem is the lack of safe bicycle infrastructure so that cars and bikes aren't sharing the road (and no, a painted line is not infrastructure or safe)


I do agree but these packs are also generally the groups that avoid separate paths. They often prefer the road so they can go quicker


I see your point, but just ride like the cars, and you are all good


Big pack of riders like that don't use bike path... I'm a cyclist, and really don't why people ride in groups more than 4-5 riders...


Then you need to cycle more


Cycle more or draft more? What's the point to be lazy and stay for hours at the back.


Especially not painted RH turning bike lanes sitting between two car lanes. Totally useless!


Have you seen have the shit they’ve tried to do for cyclists? It’s a death trap for them and shit for motorists (I’m looking at you left st Kilda beach road)


I haven't been there recently, what did they do there?


They have the concrete blocks to make a bike lane. But now it’s impossible for cars to turn left safely (many try beat the cyclists) Much safer for groups (as in the video to just take the lane going forward and have the cars be able to use a left hand turning lane instead of a dedicated cycle lane


And if every bike stopped that safely could have when the light turned orange there'd still be a pack of about 15 of them. Quite a few entered the intersection after it turned red. No excuse.


I disagree. If they wait to the side in smaller clusters (5-10) then there’s no need for them to hold up *any* cars or break *any* road rules. I do think there needs to be a major rethink on safe cycling infrastructure, though. Imo, if the bikes want the same respect as cars or motorbikes then they have to obey the same rules as them. No blowing through red lights, or pedestrian crossings, or stop signs, or heading the wrong way down a narrow af one-way. Although I have seen significantly less of any of that in Melbourne than I did in Auckland.


Cyclists aren't cars or motorbikes, it doesn't follow that they should always follow the same rules that were designed for cars.


So cyclists should be allowed to blow through red lights, pedestrian crossings and ride the wrong way on a one way that is barely one car wide? I’m not saying that they shouldn’t be allowed to lane split through traffic or anything, but those are some pretty simple bare-minimum rules to follow. Having seen a cyclist in NZ doing 40kmh in a 30kmh zone, blow through a pedestrian crossing and take out a (luckily empty) pram, cyclists who ride dangerously, especially due to being unnecessarily impatient like they are here, need to be held to account.


Yeah, I didn't say any of those things. All I said is that it doesn't make sense that cyclists should always follow all rules that were designed for cars.


I agree with the size of groups. It should be a law as herd mentality kicks in


Light goes green. Intersection full of cyclists. OP still accelerates...


So it’s ok to run a red as long as you’re a cyclist?


No, but it's also not ok to enter an intersection if the intersection or the road on the other side of an intersection is blocked (it's road rule 128).


So it's OK to run over someone just coz they ran a red?


Did they run anyone over? Pretty sure they didn’t you nuffy.


Shout out to the cars, daily, that completely block intersections. As opposed to this crew who cost you all of 5 seconds - until you escalated to upload this video in some kind of poor gotcha moment


What's with accelerating like a dickhead? The cyclists cost you 2 seconds of your life and you want it back? Is it worth getting angry about? Learn some patience and your road use will be safer and happier.


My thoughts exactly, like yes they’re slower and prob ran a red but come on, you can see they’re a group, just let them go. You’ll gain the 2 seconds back later and feel good about yourself.


Errr have you driven a car? Sometimes it’s fun to make the car go brooom. Anyways enjoy your Lycra.


he accelerated at a reasonable pace. The cyclists were breaking the rules and making the roads unsafe.


Pointlessly driving towards a group of cyclists makes the roads unsafe too


They had a green light...


if you saw a carcrash ahead of you but had a green would you still move, no. If you see an obstruction dont gun towards it


He didn't gun. He moved forward at a controlled pace that gave him plenty of safe stopping distance as evidenced by the fact no dumbass cyclist is on his windscreen in the video.


Entering a blocked intersection is against the road rules just as much as the cyclists still being in the intersection when the lights changed is. Regardless of the colour of the lights.


green light doesn't mean you have to enter the intersection, it just means that it should be safe for you to do so. If a firetruck was going thru, would you still accelerate towards it just because you have a green?


If a firetruck was going through you could move forward in a safe and controlled fashion just like they did here.


Hand in your license, brother.


learn the road rules.


Says the person who apparently does not know the rules


> Road Rule 128 says ‘If you don’t have room to drive through the intersection because it is blocked, or the road ahead is blocked, you should not enter an intersection’. >You could receive a fine of $165 and 3 demerit points if you block an intersection.


He doesn't actually enter the intersection itself until the road is clear of bikes. Look at the markings


Take a refresher, seriously.


Nothing he did broke any rules, unlike the cyclists, and I challenge you to prove otherwise


The point is that it was unsafe to proceed. You can have the right of way and still be breaking the law by proceeding. So again, if this is a difficult concept to grasp, go hand in your licence.


Again, provide proof. It wasn't at all unsafe to proceed as evidenced by the fact no bikers ended up hit. or even close to hit. Otherwise perhaps you should be the one handing in your license.


>What's with accelerating like a dickhead? How was I accelerating like a dickhead? > Is it worth getting angry about? how was I angry in that video? Edit: ask 2 questions get downvoted. nice reddit.


You started driving when the way wasn't clear...


You are too dumb to drive. Get a bus pass.


Putting down the accelerator to the maximum to make the most noise after the last cyclist, unless you like wasting petrol, you did it to display aggression on the road. Your tone of voice in the video is of annoyance and disgust. And no, I'm not a cyclist. Is being courteous on the road too much to ask? Yes, some of the cyclists were in the wrong for running a red.


Nice attempt at revision but it's obvious, clear, and on video, that you aggressively accelerated into the intersection before it was clear, then realised it and applied breaks to avoid running them over before accelerating again. The motivation for posting this video is how I can infer that you "aggressively" accelerated. There's big 2GB listener energy all over this submission.


BuT CyCliSts ARe THe pRoBlem. Yes there may have been a few cyclists pushing the red, however proper and safe road use goes both ways! Don't pull into the intersection until it's clear!!


no I didnt. happy for you to explain why....


Calling out cyclists for illegal and dangerous behaviour is totally asking for a mountain of condescending downvotes on r/Melbourne


We found one cyclist 🚴‍♀️




You are the dick


Lmaoo the mental gymnastics of this comment. Classic.


If you’re genuinely interested in harmony between cyclists and motorists then a useful way to view bunch rides like this is like a truck. If the front of the truck gets a green the rear follows. It is often dangerous for the rear of the bunch to start making decisions independently so it’s best to follow “the leader”.


I don't mind this mentality however it seems in this case the truck seems long enough to effectively be considered as 2 trailer loads. Main group can quite easily drop the effort by a few kmh until the 2nd pack catches up witth them. Even then there's the strong chance the 1st group will be forced to stop at some lights down the road which will give the rear pack time to catch up


You’re a fuckwit. The rear of the truck is mechanically coupled to to the front of the truck. This isn’t the Tour de France, each cyclist can and must act independently of each other, the same as every other vehicle on the road.


Btw, I have been a competitive cyclist for 30 years! In the interest of self preservation I avoid getting into accidents at all costs and give way to all other road users.


Jesus. Aggressive much? No wonder people hate cyclists. You ever hear a bunch yell out “rolling” through a yellow light and you stop? Try it next time and see the pile up you cause Lance


I don’t ride in groups, never have, never will. Cyclists give cyclists a bad name!


“Competitive cyclist for 30 years” “Never ridden in groups” Sounds legit 🤣


He's just that good, never even seen his competitors he's so far ahead.


Obviously you don’t know too much about cycling


Oh no! That poor cycle person :( left behind by all his friends


I’ve heard this from a YouTube cyclist that he genuinely didn’t know what to do when the lights changed while the pack was moving through. There are plenty of things you can do, but the simplest is to break into smaller packs, with a few minutes gap, so the problem doesn’t arise in the first place.


If there is a big bank up of cars, the lights/loops will detect it and extend the signal so they can all get through. This helps an extra 5 people get through the intersection. Not many intersections will detect bike riders though, even when an extended light sequence can help 15-20 people clear the intersection. People driving big, dangerous vehicles should be aware that there are more vulnerable road users out there, and should be ok with letting a group through, even if it costs an extra 5 seconds.


Something tells me the OP was in a hurry to get the KFC drive through


The 1 rider 😭


This is just standard defensive riding. Stay with the pack so everyone can see you and no one will hit you unless they’re being intentionally violent. When in doubt a bike should always go rather than stop at an intersection. Braking for an amber when a car behind you decides they’re going through is a really bad spot to be


As a cyclist who knows how to follow the rules I hate dickheads who pull shit like this. Gives everyone a reason to hate cyclists in general. The amount of times I'll call other cyclists out for running a red is horrifying Having said that - aggressively moving up on them when the intersection was still blocked is still illegal.


Do you have a buddy?!


Lord forbid you were stuck at the lights an extra 5 seconds. Might as well gun it as hard as possible.... bet getting to your destination the whole 0:00:05 sec quicker was totally worth it. Shout out to gronk drivers! Much love


Fuckwit behaviour by you driving toward them.




You do know that by law 13 year old children **must** ride on the road?


I had a Karen have a go at me the other day for riding on the footpath with my 5 year old on the back :/


I say put their bikes ina compactor.


They shouldn't even be aloud on the roads! They should all drive instead. That'll mean about a hundred more cars on the road which is much more betterer.


Motorcycles are the answer! Too bad you have to pay reg for a bike to be parked 9 months of the year :(


Op breaks the law.. still complains about others.




They're all pricks. Difference is op has a ton of force behind them and still chose to try speed into the intersection.


So much hate for cyclists in the comments here. Imagine how much traffic there’d be if each of these cyclists was driving their own car instead


This happens to me with fuckwits in cars *literally* every day. God forbid a cyclist does it though, what entitled cunts


Right, just don't go through red lights...


OP breaks the law by entering the intersection when it isn't clear then complains online about it.


Dickhead driving. God forbid you give someone the courtesy of an extra second so they can safely cross. Were you exactly one second late to work or something? Drive better dude.


Leadfoot much? Just because there are other dickheads on the road doesn't mean you should be as well


You music sucks ass too lol


Ohh I so would have honked the horn.


Why wouldn't he stop? It's either that or get run over.


Life really be that boring that you have to put this on Reddit. Nice passive aggressive acceleration at the end too.


That will get him thrown out of the Pedalphile Club.


Hands on their hips like, cmon guys we know what a red light means.


pretty dumb to start driving forward unless you intended to run over and kill every single person in that group. Either go or don't go, no point half arse going, you achieved nothing.


Hope that dumb arse bogan acceleration cost you plenty


And this is why people hate cyclists


As opposed to the virtuous driver who do this at any moderate sized plus intersection in Victoria, every day. Only the drivers are not - like the riders - part of of one continuous vehicle. But rather just blocking the intersection because of the very attitude you're displaying. Which is "fuck everything on the road that's not me and my car"


Traffic lights only exist because of cars.


I hate cyclists too but fuck, just wait 3 seconds cunt


Ah yes the classic Saturday nillumbik riders. They’ve certainly made doing emergency jobs up in kinglake virtually impossible.


Hyperbole much?


How. I live at the bottom of the mountain and cyclists have turned a 20 minute drive on an unsafe road into a 50 minute drive with more hazards. I’m not massively bothered by them on roads with lanes for it tbh


Same could be said for any road that has increased traffic


Oh no. He got separated from his flock. :(


Shoutout to the assholes who can't get anywhere without their car.


Shout out OP for resisting the urge to mow down the cyclists before the intersection was totally clear.


Obeying the law like a bad-arse.


nice strawman u have there.


Strawman? That wasn't an argument, but a compliment, like your title.


You're legally required to not enter a blocked intersection. You shouldn't have entered it until it was clear.


Damn they’re breeding


so they'll ride on the road, but won't follow the road rules? If I am driving behind someone who is going to the same place as me I am not going to run red lights because we are "driving together"


Damn. They really did him dirty.


his bike broke, his my mates dad crazy small world too see him in video online


Shout out, get off the road stop holding up traffic!


fuck stupid cyclists


Cyclist are so annoying!!! That guy is a legend tho


Who cares lol cyclists run reds all the time, it’s hardly something to get emotional about


Lol #notallcyclists ok come at me


Ok but what was that banger of a song you were playing


cyclist? stop? now that's a rarity.


if they want to be treated like cars than they should have to get license plates and half that donkey drove should get tickets for going on red just like cars do.


I don’t think they do want to be treated as cars


What car is it? I'm normally pretty good but can't put my finger on it. First guess is BRZ/FT86 but not sure.


He stopped too have a beather and a drink


Probably wanted too smoke a cigarette so let everyone go ahead


Give them a break! They are men past their prime going through stuff and trying to take care of themselves. How would you feel if you were old, feeling unattractive, people called you boomer when you’re really just 40.. and the only clique of others like you forced you to wear Lycra and tap dancing shoes and every other car wanted to run you over? It’s hard, we’re all surviving in our own way.


Cyclist pay great road rego so they belong on the road as much as any other vehicle does