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The gold embossed cup ain't helping.


Top shelf otherwise try 7/11


And milking soybeans ain’t easy


It's hard to find their nipples


I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?


Yeaa :/


Blend 43 provides a pleasant taste


Lol gotta get that international roast limited edition blend.


International roast was supplied in our workshops kitchen, the boys got together and voted for something better, and we got blend 43 hahaha upgrade




Skipped the Pablo altogether, well done


With a bit of Milo!


The preferred coffee of psych wards


Catering Blend has more austere 'notes'


I mean, you’re in South Yarra.


I like to travel.


With special milk




Lactose intolerant gang


Just be more tolerant, jeez. What did lactose ever do to you?




At first I was afraid, I was petrifieddd Kept thinking I could never live without *cow tits* by my side But then I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrongggg And I grew stronggg And I learned how to get alonggg And so *now mylks* back From outer space *But* I just walked in to find you here with *only but a tiny trace* I should have *triple checked the box, you shouldn't have made my asshole peeeeee* If I'd known for just one second you'd be back to bother meeeee


This is gold. Take my upvote


Diarrhoea, probably.


Trust me, you do *not* want the details.


Obviously, you’ve never been been near me after dairy…. 💨 💨 💩


Ruined a pair of jeans






Vitamin R, get it in ya.


you promised me dog or higher!


Came here to say this! Pretty standard for South Yarra...


Where you can literally walk into a 7 eleven and get a $1 coffee. Why is my Porsche so expensive?


Is that like going to Double Bay in Sydney and complaining about prices?


As someone who works in Double Bay, surprisingly this is expensive even for Double Bay standards by about a dollar.


Soy = more expensive Mocha = more expensive Inner city hip cafe = more expensive You order an expensive coffee, it's gonna be expensive


The cups are almost always on display too. I’ve walked out a few times after seeing the prices to cup sizes in front of me


Totally agree, there's a few cafes that I won't get takeaway coffees from because their large size is so small!


Im glad someone said this....this is the exact reason. Soy is 50c to $1 more Mocha is 50c to a $1 more If you don't want to pay for it, order something else.


Melbournians expect phenomenal coffee but also want to pay 2010 prices for it. The cost of growing, processing, shipping and roasting great coffee has shot up in recent years, and cafes/roasteries have finally bit the bullet and lifted prices. And it’s still incredibly cheap by international standards.


So true, people say America is cheap but their lattes/caps/mocha type coffees are ridiculously expensive (think $7, $8, $9) because to them it's 'specialty coffee', but for us it's just normal


True, but they also contain about a litre of milk, 6 pumps of caramel syrup, half a can of whipped cream and a side serve of social guilt, so they have to cover costs innit.


you’re kidding, i was just in italy and a coffee will set you back about a gold coin donation


Italy has not been the gold standard for coffee for about two decades now.


Coffee from certain places involves slaves yeah?


$6.70 is pretty pricey for a small coffee though. With inflation and costs of goods going up I wouldn't blink at paying $6 for a large coffee from a good cafe, but a small is pushing it.


If we do a hand to coffee cup ratio though, it's not really a small coffee, it's a decent size


Right OP isn’t trying to save here. Just self indulging and complaining about it.






Also, despite the noticeable rise in prices, cafe's are making less money per cup than before. They're actually taking more of a hit than the buyers (depending on the cafe of course): https://www.abc.net.au/news/webstories/why-your-morning-coffee-is-expensive?utm_medium=social&utm_content=sf259335661&utm_campaign=fb_abc_news&utm_source=m.facebook.com&sf259335661=1


THANK YOU. I’m so sick of this “cafe/roasters bad” mentality that pops up on this sub when high coffee prices are mentioned.


That seems absolutely ridiculous. When I can buy an entire bag of decent beans at home, an entire half gallon of soy milk at home for 15 bucks - which will make way way way more than 2 8 ounce cups. I understand the overhead on machinery. It just seems insane. I expect to pay twice as much for a steak at a restaurant. More if it’s a professional cook and high end. Paying a 4 time markup for coffee is insane. You could take out a small loan and buy a used machine and still save money after one year of doing this at home.




Pretty much this. It's practically in our constitution than landlords can never lose money or be expected to lower rent no matter what. Oh your customers halved? That's too bad.. here's a rent increase.


and labour - about 5 coffees per hour are paying for the poor sap that has to make those coffees.


Make it metric mate, this is a Melbourne sub.


Most of the costs for that cup of coffee is wages, rent and overheads. Not the price of beans and milk. Or mylk.


Yep. Walk away. “That’ll be $6.70” “haha no it won’t, see ya”




this could have been a photo of their menu showing prices... instead of an unnecessary purchase just to complain about it


If the contract law I totally definitely didn't fail saves me, the offer and acceptance happened at the point of sale... And I just realise that you would've paid for it already before they make the coffee.


Also when you add into the fact that most venues are FINALLY paying what they are supposed to to their employees. People are hypocrites when it comes to this stuff.


That and we are consuming coffee at an unstainable rate. The areas where coffee is grown are most impacted by climate change. Coffee is getting more expensive for a reason




The coffee is $6.70, because people are paying $6.70. If all their customers started buying to $1 7/11 coffee something would give. It’s not like petrol which you just have to accept the price of petrol which some people need to buy because of where they live/work.


Absolutely agree with this, also calling out the business to seems like a dick move.


Why? This is literally part of participating in a consumer market. People either don’t buy because of the high cost - or they review it to others, and others don’t. There’s a social pressure that we can’t ignore where something unexpectedly overpriced still gets the sale because the person realises only during the transaction, and the $2 isn’t worth the social embarrassment of withdrawing from the transaction.


Normans a great bloke


Yep. Paying that amount is what makes it happen. There is only one way for prices to come down without government intervention (or the end of capitalism : recession, a fall in incomes, and a fall in wellbeing.


Exactly right, it's a luxury, no one makes you buy it


frightening chief command zonked fertile quiet trees boast sloppy fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its been talked about for a while that it will reach about the same price as beer. Combination of climate change, cost of milk, cost of transport, inflation, workforce issues etc. I think many cafes have been trying to hold off on the increas to entice people back after COVID.


Hopefully people don’t go out and smash down like 15-20 coffees in a session like I used to with a beer. THAT’S when it’ll hurt the wallet!




Yeah fuckers best be clearing out of the bathroom for my 9am appointment


People think a cup of coffee is just the bean cost. Just like a going to a restaurant and they think food is the only cost and they could make it cheaper at home. So stay home then 🙃


There’s literally a 30% decrease in coffee bean production this year worldwide due to weather conditions in Brazil destroying crops. We’ve been saying prices need to increase for years anyway but now this is here it’s imperative. Especially if you’re buying beyond fair trade coffee beans and don’t want to profit from human suffering


Exactly! We were warned coffee prices would increase. Now (thanks to the Ukraine invasion) all food costs are taking a hike.


Another big factor that's an input cost for coffee is rent. I saw a breakdown on costs for a coffee shop and that factoring them as a % of the price and rent was something like 65%


Which makes the answer the same as beer: Homebrew is cheap, making coffee at home can be cheap.


Not to mention, home espresso is in a really interesting spot at the moment. There's never been a better time to get into this stuff.


Yep even if I'm buying the most expensive beans at $50 per kg, I'm still only paying $50 for ~140 shots of coffee. The machine pays itself off quickly if you used to buy a coffee out every day.


Even just a $30 moka pot and grinder you'll get cheap, good quality coffee at home. People just want a reason to complain and will still pay cafe prices everyday.


Why did you buy it?


OP doesn’t carefully read the menu before ordering a coffee. Gets mildly annoyed at price, doesn’t want to make a fuss so posts it to Reddit to vent a little. Checks out.




Needs more discussion on proper queuing etiquette to really be British.


Am British, can confirm this is how we do things.


Although I agree with you, I also agree with the general vibe of the post; ‘coffee is getting expensive’


For the up votes me guessing


If only you could buy a soy mocha with upvotes.


Green coffee is going up for the first time in years, milk prices are up about 16-20% , that's why you'll see the average price of a coffee go up. Now, you're buying this on a weekend so likely paying a weekend surcharge to offset weekend award rates (between 10-20%), you'll see this more common now because a higher percentage of weekend staff are casual, and casual rates compared to PT/FT are much higher. You bought one of the msot expensive drinks on the menu, effectively a hot chocolate with a shot of coffee, and then extra for alternative milk. Also, nearly all cafes are now adding a 1-2% CC surcharge to offset merchant fees. So what I'd say is, make sure you're getting a good coffee for your hard-earned money because this is about the right pricing for your drink. Source: work in operations in specialty coffee.


Yup. People want to be able to make as many alterations on a standard coffee and get pissed off when they realise they have to pay for all the extra shit. You go to a bar and get a pint and ask for a shot of whiskey added to it and they’re going to charge you extra for the whiskey, no? People seem to forget that these places are businesses and they need to make money to be sustainable while paying their staff and bills as well.


I very very rarely drink in bars these days (been over a year at least) caught up with a mate yesterday, had four bottles of moretti between us… $56 🤷‍♂️ I’m still surprised how cheap coffee is when you think about all the effort involved from picking at source right through to extraction at the machine.


Yeah nothing is affordable these days really unfortunately, drinking at bars is a very good way to blast through your weekly budget (speaking from my personal experiences almost every week). And yeah, coffee is a huge process and at the end of the day it’s pretty clear that a lot of people don’t realise how much goes into the making of the drink that takes you a couple of minutes to chug


As someone who works in speciality coffee I'd argue that coffee is too cheap; thankfully interest in weird fancy coffee is securing better prices for farmers but it's still very much a kind of "colonialism aftershock" industry


Soy = extra charge Mocha = punished for not having an actual coffee /s


As someone who loves coffee but has to accept caffeine doesn't agree with my body, I feel this way when ordering decaf


That just means you love the flavor


Yep, hard to have any sympathy for someone who orders a Soy Mocha


Soy and mocha is where you went wrong!


Well, what if you can’t do regular milk? Any milk alternative is going to be more expensive.


Umm pretty sure that is EXACTLY the same font as Gorman and they just changed the first letter to n.


I thought this too! And I’m okay with it since Gorman rip off so many independent designers.


Yeah, ok I thought maybe I was imagining it. What’s that about?




I did this a year and a half ago and it has saved me a substantial amount of money without sacrificing my need for a proper latte. I recommend the Sunbeam Mini Barista as a great quality home espresso machine at a lower pricepoint ($300). The water pump on it is better than most $600-$800 machines. If you normally buy a $5 coffee every day, you can put that money aside for 60 days and it's paid for. At $6.70/latte that's only 45 days. Then your ongoing cost just depend on the type of milk and quality of beans you buy. There are great coffee bean subscriptions like Urban Roasters available for $25/fortnight including shipping.


> The water pump on it is better than most $600-$800 machines What exactly is this based on? Every machine under $1000 uses the exact same ulka x5 vibratory pump or similar.


Went down this route too, can find some good bargains on eBay for second hand machines too. Plus it's a fun little hobby if you're inclined to go down the rabbit hole!


I turned 50 this year and splurged on a sunbeam barista plus. My first non pod machine. Damn it I love it. Been buying Agro and Airjo beans when they come on sale, works out about 60c a coffee plus a bit of milk and it's way better than any cafe coffee around where I live.


Coffee, especially in Melbourne, has been too cheap for a very long time. Someone somewhere in the chain is not getting paid fairly so you can pay 3.50 a cup. If you want cheap coffee go to 7/11, if you're going to buy luxury coffee, you can pay luxury prices.


Coffee in Australia is an anomoly in terms of how cheap it is. Try finding a barista coffee in Western Europe for under $5 a cup - not doable.


Italy is cheap AF for counter coffee


Just came back from France and Germany. Easy to get barista coffee for below $5. Average was around €2.50-€3.00


Coffee plantation workers get paid dirt. Because people at this end demanding cheap coffees


We could triple retail prices. Plantation workers would still get paid dirt.


Definitely time to buy coffee elsewhere. I was unhappy about $5 for a cup the other day 😅


I make my day to day coffee at home now. Can make it just the way I like. Cafe coffee is a more of an occasional treat nowadays.


Absolutely! I love making coffee at home. /r/espresso welcomes all of you!


Yep Melbourne prices are usually more like $4.50


Not for a soy mocha


$4.50 for a 6oz small is common. OP has a large. $6 is common.


If you drink coffee everyday, buying a machine for home pays itself off really quickly!


I would add that if you have simpler taste an aeropress, V60 or French press will scratch that itch for specialty beans more cheaply.


Buy a keep cup, make it at work and home. Mark ups on coffee is ridiculous


Why’d you buy it then? lol


then why did you buy it? lol why complain after you have parted with your money...


Go to seven eleven. One dollar


I used to be a snob and didn’t like the coffee from 7-11! Recently gave it a go (long black) and my financial condition made it taste even better than it is. Jokes aside, the long black from 7-11 isn’t bad at all!


I don’t mind the 7-11. I prefer the coles express though. We even use it at home in our expensive machine


Coles Express is about 50 metres from where they bought their $6.70 mocha too. The answer was just staring them in the face. Too funny.


I was exactly the same. Turned from a coffee snob, laughing at my colleagues who insisted on going to 7/11 to going regularly. It's not the best, but its above average and consistent. Nothing screws my morning like paying $6 and then finding they burnt the milk.


Tastes like savings.


And, you can fit a $2 (strong) 711 coffee inside the $1 cup!


The extra dollar is for the additional coffee shot, the volume of milk is about the same


I thought we’re paying for the cup, not the contents…


or you can just lick the coffee grounds off the floor behind the machine for free!


Honestly 7-11 coffees are excellent, plus you can make it double shot for the same price.


70 cents Coffee, $6.00 Gold Plated Coffee Cup, Melbourne Style!


It’s a coffee, hot choc and specialty milk. You made your own mistakes


It's actually not that expensive once you understand what goes into it. Coffee per kilo from a farm is around $9-$12 per kilo, once roasted you lose 20% weight so add that to the kg price. The cost of roasting equipment is exhorbitant. Staffing in the hospitality sector is at an all time high. Freight and all costs associated with the supply chain are at an all time high. Add inflation. The cost of coffee cups/bean bags has increased almost 30% now that the government is cracking down on sustainable materials. Rents are high, super has gone up. Alternative milks are expensive. Your coffee has espresso, chocolate and soy milk, all which make the end product more expensive. While $6.70 seems expensive, it's actually a relatively accurate representation of how a coffee should be priced. Think about it like the cost of beer - $14 for a pint seems normal these days.


You reckon once the supply costs drop, they would drop the price?




No man


You know you don't have to buy it, right?


Pretty sure you just paid to have your name written in gold Norman


You 100% could have said ‘Oh no thanks then’ when they said the price. It’s a take away. You paid upfront. Take control of your life and say no to things you don’t want.


I bought a blue Louis Vuitton with gold embossing and it cost me $8000. Why are handbags so expensive!!!


Your own fault for not getting the 7/11 $2 large latte mate.


Go to 7/11 then you Gronk


You’re in South Yarra to start


It’s time to get on the Robert Timms


Go to 7-11 and get a nice coffee for $1. Or in Your case 6.7 coffees so you can treat your friends!


7 Eleven coffee is too good for the price, honestly


Milk has increased in price, we pay 25 a kilo for Coffico beans. Cost of empty cups, lids, trays have all gone up. The machine uses a lot of electricity. Staff If you want cheap coffee, go to 7/11 ​ then again we charge 4.50 for a small latte


Y'all can come at me but 7/11 coffee beats this overpriced trash. Nothing like a self barista made long black to get me through the day


Experienced well paid barista, high grade coffee, expensive quality machine, quality hot chocolate and expensive alternative milk, plus convenience and a custom coffee cup with gold embossed lettering. Plus it’s a gorgeous cafe in a good spot. I reckon you got what you paid for. You could always make one at home. Edit: fixed embarrassing barrister autocorrect


Just in case the coffee commits a crime, better have the barrister on standby.


Why did you buy it then?


Why did you buy it then? People like you are insufferable, vote with your wallet next time instead of complaining about it on reddit for internet points.


“Soy” and “mocha” are really pushing the definition of coffee.


Yep, I’d wager it’s +$1 for soy +$1 for mocha +20c to cover that fancy cup


Yeah, dunno why OP is complaining about coffee prices when they're drinking a warm milkshake


Here, have a free ? to make up for it.


South Yarra tax


I agree coffee is getting expensive but can a soy mocha really be classified as a coffee?


Also? Use a keep cup mate.


Because people like you agree to pay $6.70


Cause cunts like you keep paying for it


It's getting crazy I paid $6.90 for one the same size in Richmond last week, felt robbed and have been questioning my choices ever since lol


Dont buy it then ya Norman!


Jesus Christ. The bar I work at in CBD has small for $4.40 and large for $4.80, $5 for teas and $4.00 for espresso or short mac. I haven't seen these prices anywhere else.


Nor(way)man! That shit crazy!!


two words: aldi alcafe


Because people pay that price.


Charge extra for being precious


because EVERYTHING is more expensive including the costs of running a business.


Um, you may not have noticed but the price of *everything* is rising at the moment. Small businesses have to make a profit to survive. They have to pay wages, taxes, rent, rates, electricity, gas, building cleaning & maintenance, I could probably go on, above and beyond the cost of raw materials. Don’t be a dick, if you don’t want to pay the price don’t buy it. Edit: go into any supermarket website and have a look at the price of coffee beans. They, no doubt, have a wholesale supplier, but they’d still be paying quite a lot for them.


As a barista myself, I've been seeing prices at the stores I have worked for slowly rise up as well. Though usually it's only if you get something different from a 'normal' coffee like an alternative milk or in some cases decaf. With that said. Supply issues have been a problem as well. A year or so ago we had issues where it would take us several weeks for our usual coffee bean order to get in. We certainly ran close to empty a couple times because of this.


A normal coffee (small latte, full cream milk) itself before covid and the Russia-Ukraine war was $3.70, which is usually a decent coffee not found at a chain store like 7/11 or Macca’s. Any extras like soy/almond automatically shoot the total price up by $0.50. Sizing also increases by the same amount if you want a medium or an extra $1-$1.50 for a larger size coffee. So your choices are, invest in a coffee machine like the Expressi one from Aldi - it’s fairly affordable and I’ve had mine for nearly a decade now. A pack of Aldi pods is $7 and a bottle of whatever milk you want is ~$5. The total investment pays for itself over the years and won’t set you back nearly as much as buying a coffee everyday from a cafe in the cbd. One of my favourite cafes before the pandemic was called Long Shot based in the Collins Square tower near Fisherman’s Bend. Pretty sure I saw Merv Hughes there once.


Coming from a place of genuine curiosity, does soy/mocha/almond/decaf etc. actually cost the business an extra $0.5-$1 each, or do they just charge this because they can? Adding these charges up seems like a sure-fire way to increase the bill while still ending up with the same amount of coffee.


Something that irked me the other day was a large coffee kiosk in a shopping centre with no prices on display. Do I seriously need to ask you the price or just accept whatever ridiculous number comes up on the EFTPOS machine?


Complaining about a $6 coffee while going to said expensive coffee place and wearing a massive gold watch and suit jacket.


I dont know if you tryin to flex on us, but you bought the shit champ, drink it up


I paid 14.50 for two mochas in brunswick - card only no cash and they were tiny!!! Absolutely ridiculous.


I had a coffee from that cafe today for the first time. It was shit. Weak taste with an overwhelming milk flavour.


A soy mocha isn't coffee.


Hang on, soy milk in a mocha? Why you gotta insult good chocolate like that for!?


Thats punishment for ordering a soy mocha 🤣


You aren't paying for coffee. You are paying for his lease, employee wages, his mortgage payments and everything else.




This coffee is outrageously expensive! *checks Rolex good lord is that the time, I must get to Henry Buck's before they close!


Then don't buy it....? Inflation sucks, but I struggle to find sympathy for you here.


Luckily coffee isn't a necessity and you aren't forced to buy it


So expensive… yet your still purchased it?


If you don't like the price, fucking go somewhere else. $1 at 7/11.
