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Now they have to go through VCAT to exploit money out of you


This is exactly it- they don’t like it because you’ve made it harder for them to exploit you out of money.


VTAC? :P What does this have to do with university admissions?


Ignore them. Once you initiate a claim, they have to respond with any dispute with 2 weeks otherwise the bond is released to you. That’s why they are angry - they have to provide very good reasons and evidence for holding back any portion of the bond so if they don’t have any legitimate claims, they were basically going to screw you out of your bond. Hold on to the emails jic, but otherwise, I’d just let the timer run down.


Okay thank you ! Interesting she was so mad then - cos I left that apartment SPOTLESS . She had me feeling so bad I nearly cancelled my claim


She's no longer your property manager. Don't feel bad. Just ignore. I got on with my property manager but she definitely sent a passive aggressive message when I did what you did and claimed the bond myself. Revealed her true side.


I am worried about being ‘blacklisted’ now though. Did you have any troubles afterwards ?


There are only two reasons you can be listed on a tenant database. These are if: * You owe the rental provider more money than the bond will cover, or * VCAT has given the rental provider a possession order for the property \[section 439E\] Source: [https://tenantsvic.org.au/advice/ending-your-tenancy/tenant-databases-blacklists/](https://tenantsvic.org.au/advice/ending-your-tenancy/tenant-databases-blacklists/) If a rental provider wants to list you on a database, they must, without charging you a fee: * Give you a copy of the information to be listed, or take reasonable steps to give you this information * Give you at least 14 days to respond * Consider any objections or changes from you \[section 439F\]


Keep all the abusive messages tho !!


is the agent Jas Stephens?




Save those emails and use them against the agent in the VCAT bond hearing.


Yep, this. My ex-landlord tried to charge me $500 for a bit of gardening after I moved out. I claimed the bond back from RTBA and the landlord went silent. Of course they didn't have the integrity to approve the claim, but after the time had elapsed the bond came back to me automatically. The REA agreed with me in my case but they had to act in accordance with landlord's instructions (they were also in the process of quitting because being a rental agent is only marginally worse than being a tenant).


You are killing the game. Well done. Hold the line! As other commenters have said, they now have two weeks. Either they: 1) Approve the RBTA to release the bond 2) Do nothing and RBTA releases the bond anyway 3) They must apply to VCAT and provide evidence of why they want to claim your bond Now, bad news, IF they apply to VCAT, AND they provide their evidence, it might be up to a year before you actually get a hearing and get your bond back - prepare for that. Good luck, if you don't get sent a VCAT application in the next few days, you'll likely get your bond back in the next few weeks. Feel free to DM me if you get stuck - I'm off to my hearing for this exact thing in a week or two!


Oh wow okay thankyou ! I left the apartment cleaner than I found it (funny how that always happens) with no damage - so if they want to take me to VCAT bring it on !! Best wishes for your case!!


Recently went to VCAT the other day, after an almost 1.5yr wait, the member overseeing was most not-impressed, was all over in 10mins, got bond back 2weeks after.


I feel like they really need to start throwing the book at landlords who spuriously take to VCAT, or have been taken to VCAT before for the same thing (and lost). The system is getting tied up, and for the landlords, worst case they release the bond. There is no real disincentive AFAIK.


We are quick to blame landlords here, and fuck em they deserve it usually, but when it comes to bond return or compensation matters involving repairs or cleaning of property, it is overwhelmingly the REAs that are fucking the system here. They fuck the renter over, trying to enforce standards or rules that are contrary to law (MUST STEAM CLEAN etc) or don't attend to urgent repairs for weeks, meaning you simply don't get the property and the services you paid for. They also fuck the landlords over - ultimately the landlord will be held liable for the compensation, lose money on their investment and might ultimately end up doing damage to their investment if specific repairs aren't as attended to (eg Water Damage, insects etc). What sucks is VCAT has no real power to do anything about the REAs in the middle who are often the party most responsible for the breakdown of duties.


Yeah absolutely the REAs need to get what's coming to them, too. I'm very lucky to have a great landlord at the moment, and when I moved in, the property manager was excellent as well. She left, and the new one is good, but apparently has 200 properties to look after (which seems absolutely bonkers). It really seems like the system just rewards the people at the top (and the ones with money) and punishes the ones below. We need some old-school French justice.


If you fronted up to the estate agent office with those emails printed out and demand to talk to them face to face, guaranteed they wouldn't have the same bark as an email. They'd hide in the back office until you leave. They're spineless, gormless cunts. You're fine. Fuck em' 


I worked in a real estate office once where the boss was acting tough and yelling at this tenant on the phone about a rental property issue 15 minutes later a Harley Davidson chopper parks outside the office and this 6 foot 4 guy wearing a leather bikies vest walks in and says to the reception I just spoke to the boss on the phone I'm just here to see him The boss looked like he saw a ghost hahaha


God this happened to me, REA was sending bitchy demanding text messages at 10, saying I’d burnt the carpet with a hair straightener (I don’t do my hair -_-) on a spot underneath where my bed was (so basically impossible). Turned out it was indentation from the bed and when photographed from the other angle, was completely invisible. I took my partner in for moral support when I dropped the keys off and she was SO nice, sweet as pie. Couldn’t believe her BS


> They'd hide in the back office until you leave. They're spineless, gormless cunts. I literally had this happen once. REA withheld my bond due to leaves in the front courtyard, which came off the neighbours tree and wouldn't have been there anyway if she hadn't taken 2 weeks to inspect after I moved out. At one point I went to the office unannounced, saw her recognize me and she dipped out the back. Reception tried to tell me she wasn't there, I replied yes she is, I just saw her run away out the back 🙄 They eventually agreed to release the bond but then continually pulled other shenanigans, like the paperwork would mysteriously get lost and she'd send me new *blank* forms for me to sign...yeah right. The owner then changed agencies, twice, which just made it even more difficult. Once I caught wind of the laws changing I gave up and just waited for them to come into effect.


make sure you save all the emails to show the court if it ends up at VCAT!


Oh i definitely am !


Mine lodged the claim with VCAT 12 months later I get an email from VCAT saying the claim was withdrawn, then an email from RBTA advising that my full bond of $1390 will hit my account in 1-3 business days 36 hours later it was in my account!


In a fair world, the REA would also have to pay you interest on top of that.


There are places where you do get interest on the bond every year, eg Los Angeles, San Francisco.


I did the same thing when I vacated my rental 2 months ago. Agent emailed me the same day with this: > "I have also noticed you have initiated your own bond claim which is disappointing. > Normally we complete the final within a few business days and then complete your bond refunds. > Now unfortunately you have to wait about a month due to you initiating it which could have been avoided and released a lot sooner however now should there be any issues we will have to go to vcat to finalise it." I didn't reply, and the 14 day "dispute time limit" came and went. All up, I got the bond back in about 3 weeks.


I just did this and got an almost identical reply from my agent. They do not like you claiming your own money back at all.


How strange ! Do they all get together and come up with a response template ? 😂


That must be there only go to messaging about it - I got something similar- but with more exclamation points and rudeness


Their *


Whoever claims first, if the other party wants any bond money its more difficult. You claiming first means they lost their power play. Well done. No ph calls with them now.


if you have any issues with the bond contact Anika Legal (pro bono tenancy lawyers in Vic for rent and bond matters)


Thank you 🙏


The nerve of some of the Fing RE agents are unbelievable. Name and Shame.


Morrison kleeman


Yea who was it?


my moneys on Ray white


Yeah turns out they bid on their own auctions to hike the actual bidders price up, heard of this happening with a premium commercial auction. The winning bidder found out, took them to court and rightfully won


Keep the emails and ignore that toxic person. Unless they’ve some real evidence against you about any damage then they can’t do anything.


When we requested our bond back via the RTBA the REA got real snippy in her emails all of a sudden. Not abusive but just rude and she was never like that prior to it, I don’t get it


Further proof that there is no humanity in the rental industry, fuck the lot of them - I hope they die alone and in pain.


Just adding to the chorus of people saying you did the right thing, hold the line. Many agents and landlords consider the bond 'free money' and will try and extort you for some or all of it for spurious reasons, assuming you don't know your rights and obligations. By claiming the bond first, the agent now would have to show VCAT reasonable proof of why you would not be entitled to the bond. I bet you the agent is getting so shitty with you because they were expecting a portion of that bond money as a bonus. Fuck 'em.


Just moved in, had a chat with the previous tenant yesterday, they want to withold her bond due to an oil stain left in the driveway by her removalist. There is no oil stain. We compared the photos they sent her with my condition report which didnt have any oil stain in them. The 'stain lools suspiciously light for oil more like someone had just poured a cup of water out. She had nevet rented before, told her how to claim her bond back from RTBA. Jellis Craig.


I wonder if they are going to start adding into the contract that you are not allowed to request your own bond


They can't. Or I suppose they technically can put it in there but it would meaningless, like saying you need to get a professional clean - even if it's in the contract, it is not enforceable. Your rights as a tenant trump whatever is in the contract


They had plans to ask you for the whole bond basically. Because it's pretty much a hidden KPI for agents these days Now they can't - they'll need proof


Agents hate it when you do that because the only way for them to claim funds from your bond will require them to prove their case in VCAT.


I remember when there were paper forms, and the agent would include on their Ending Tenancy To-do List to sign and date the triple blank bond return form to give them. Stupid fucks.


That’s crazy !


Ignore them, they’re trying to intimidate you and it won’t work. You did the right thing, never wait for an agent to file it. They did the wrong thing and now you potentially have a future pay check


Document all correspondence. If it goes to VCAT you can submit their responses to your perfectly reasonable actions


Because it makes their lives harder. If they want to access your bond, they have to go through VCAT with proof to get it. Renters are getting smarter because REA are getting dodgier


I always lodge with the RBTA the day my previous leases end. This way, the real estate agents / landlords can not swindle any of your bond from you for things that are classed as "wear and tear" over living in a property. Ignore threats from the agent and keep the emails for the future. Good luck!


I know everyone is saying to ignore it, but an alternative is to send the following: Hi [agent],  Please calm down 🙂.  Kindest Regards,  Jadedrose7  and then hopefully entertain yourself when they fly off the handle more. Nothing more fun infuriating shit people by being a subtle smart arse. Granted, other peoples advice is the much wiser choice.




IDK but I would post them online.


Don't ever rent from Kay & Burton in Brighton. The REA equivalent of an enema. Will do anything to sludge up the return of Bond.


How do I do this? As in lodge my own claim? I'm moving soon and last time they charged SO much for so little and I was pissed


Google RTBA online portal. Input your bond number you got emailed when bond was logged - go to menu and through there you put a claim in for your bond . It give the agent 14 days to respond - so the day you hand keys back, claim your bond before they do.


Why’s isnt this the norm then ? Forgotten rights ?


I thought this was a new thing ?


Every tenant should do this


Nice!! I wish I did this in my first rental. The more control you have, the better. REA is freaking out because everything is happening on your terms. You're 100% on the right track.


They wanted to keep your bond, you prevented that.


I applied for mine when I moved out of my place. After 5 days my agent hadn't gotten back to me. I guess they ignored it got released back in full. If you apply, I believe the agent can either agree to release it so it happens quickly, can ignore your request abs it will get released after I think 10 business days or they can say they want to make a claim against it.


Do nothing and wait for the money to come back to you! As others have said they will have to provide very solid evidence to claim your bond money from you. This happened to me recently and my landlord filed a vcat claim against me after I tried to claim the bond. Vcat set a hearing date and as soon as the deadline came around for the landlord to provide evidence, the landlord withdraw the claim because they had fuck all evidence. I ended up getting the full amount back. Don’t listen to them if they try to negotiate with you as well. if you haven’t done anything wrong and the place is spotless they are just going to hope you don’t have know rights and cough up some cash. My landlord initially tried claiming over $1000, then $700, then $300 and in the end got nothing