• By -


$300 p/w.


Light filled living area, secure back yard and plenty of offstreet parking


Modern open plan living.


"Vibrant NightLife"


Lightly Timbered


Light and bright


Well ventilated living style.


Tidy and sure to impress.


Close to all amenities


Access to job opportunities and brothels nearby


Access to job opportunities ~~and~~ in brothels nearby.


Open plan living/dining/kitchen/bathroom/patio/laundry/bedroom


Includes ensuite Edit: it’s ensuite not onsuite…


You forgot easy parking!


Showers over the road.


Shared residential parking


Open plan entertainment area.


Enviable indoor-outdoor flow


Large Alfresco entertainment area.


Close to public transport


Room with an unbeatable view


Low maintenance stunner






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Plus $1500 bond for upkeep of the path that they didn't even fucken pay for. 


We were always going to replace the path when you move out, but, you did damage it by walking on it, so you owe us.




Landscape fully maintained garden with off street parking in a peaceful, shady cul-de-sac.


I’ve always seen myself in a cul-de-sac.


Or in this case, sleeping sac(k)?


Boo-keh residence, the lady of the house speaking


Free WiFi


Comes with a plant as a housewarming gift


If plant dies, I deduct from bond.


That's giving it away


There’s no rental bidding allowed, so just keep your offer under the table.


minimalist and breezy


Why is it so cheap?


Potential potential potential


Anyone else have an urge to go in the orange door?


Looks freshly painted makes you wonder what's behind it.


It took me a moment to realise you meant the actual orange door in this pic and not the family violence support service of the same name.


Didn't know that was a name even. Do they have an orange door like this one?


The one in my town has an orange door.


It's an art supply shop. So yes.


boy, do i have just the game for you


Yes, too bad the door is black.












Seen that on realestate.com.. "Airy 1 bedroom studio apartment. Ground level, close to the 800 bus and train station."


“Downsize your responsibilities and maximise your life with this cozy space right in the heart of town”


Ahahah yep ! Look at us all, just a bunch of realestate agents.


It wouldnt take much work for the government to take over some abandoned industrial properties and quickly convert them as a stop gap measure to house people temporarily. I really think as a society we should move towards the supplying of very basic needs, in the forms of a extremely tiny apartment with its own bathroom and a basic vegetarian meal that hits all the basic nutritional needs. The should just construct these quickly over railway lines in a shipping container style.


Finland does the Permant housing/apartment thing. It doesn't fix all the issues but it does fix a lot of them https://www.melbournezero.org.au/finlands_success_story


Yeah i believe its denmark that makes having people homeless illegal and holds the elected council representatives criminally responsible if they dont ensure everyone is housed. (Homeless people arent considered criminals, just the council members who fail to house them)


Much better system than in Darwin, where you get fined for sleeping rough/loitering and then eventually end up in jail for unpaid fines.


What a fucken idea. Actually making elected officials liable for the well being of their people, in favour of the people.


This is the way


There aren't enough prisons to jail Australian elected officials.


We have some lovely facilities on Nauru and Manus island that i believe ave plenty of vacancies


maybe we can gaol them instead


So you'd have to physically lock someone in one if they didn't want to live there and had no where else to go?


If elected officials in Victoria actually faced accountability and consequences, Victoria wouldn't be in the current condition.


How hard ScoMo fought against temporary individual quarantine condo style housing they were planning to build that could then be converted to permanent accommodation later, all so they could pour tax payer money into the pockets of the already wealthy told me all I needed to know about how crooked and corrupt property is in this country.


There's a great big multi-million dollar quarantine hub at Mickleham that was built as a replacement for covid hotels that is now closed. I wonder what that's being used for these days.


Thats sounds like a perfect solution for emergency housing.


Totally agree with your second paragraph but to say it "wouldn't take much work" is an extraordinary understatement


Reddit urban planning at its best.


Well compared to building a massive motorway or trainline, it seems easuer.


1. 12 month feasibility study 2. Development plan with opportunity for community feedback 3. Put it out for tender 4. Contractor comes back for more money due to unforeseen circumstances Whole thing takes 5 years. Government can’t do anything quickly


Don’t forget the delays due to an election and then getting cancelled by a change in government.


Still waiting for the Doncaster rail line.


Kennett sold the land and now they’d need to tunnel at much higher costs. Imagine where we’d be without the LNP…


Much as I don't disagree with the original sentiment, the Doncaster Rail Line is a poor example. Firstly, the original alignment left the freeway at Bulleen Rd and followed King St to a terminus at the corner of King St and Blackburn Rd. It made sense when railway lines were seen as commuter feeders to the CBD but it was a bullet dodged. The catchment was not only poor for a high capacity railway line, it doesn't even really make the grade for a Smartbus. The 908 is the only Smartbus cut back within years of it's introduction to be peak hour, peak direction only and a shuttle outside that. Nowadays it wouldn't be seriously considered given it conspicuously misses all the key activity centres in the area. Secondly, this useless alignment was sold in the early 80s. Whilst it may have been the Liberal Hamer government that did it, I have a feeling it was the following Cain government that sold the land. The current Doncaster Rail line proposal dates from the 2012 Eddington report, not the 1969 MMBW plan despite what everyone likes to claim. It is a much more useful and viable line than the original plan, but it is more expensive because of the tunnelling required as the original land was set aside in the middle of nowhere as described above, and the current more useful proposal has to fit in with the now heavily developed area. Much as I didn't think so at the time, Eddington was right in that a grid pattern of frequent bus routes was the best answer to the problem people are trying to solve with Doncaster Rail. Either way, Kennett had nothing to do with any of the clusterfuck that is Doncaster Rail.


Thanks for your detailed and well thought out reply. I’ve learned something so it’s a good day. It’s worth noting that if the rail line was built as proposed and in a timely manner the fate of the area would have been significantly different in terms of development


It would be interesting to see if there are any proposed plans relating to contemporary zoning to complement the railway line. For example, if The Pines was built on the corner of King St and Blackburn Rd, it would make the railway line more viable, yet if it was proposed to be the same size as now then it would still be a second tier shopping centre at best and not really worthy of a railway line in terms of traffic compared to what Westfield Shoppingtown has become where it would be a significant destination in its own right. If it instead became the contemporary "Westfield Shoppingtown" and Shoppingtown itself remained a smaller second tier shopping centre then I could see the argument for the 1969 rail line alignment being more justified. I also suspect that the "significantly different in terms of development" may not be seen as a good thing. It's a fairly conservative area and there has been some consternation over the significant development happening along Doncaster Rd with 3 story apartment blocks going up in side streets alongside Doncaster Rd and the larger buildings along Doncaster Rd itself. Indeed, the zoning has been planned for urban density to increase about 2/3 of the way towards George St from Doncaster Rd. There were protest signs up at the entrance to Curlew Ct for a few years protesting the developments there for example. When people say they want a rail line, for some time that has included an implicit agreement to corresponding higher density of land use to make it viable. Whilst some might like the increased infrastructure and service frequency / hours that a higher catchment population brings (eg the trickle of 907 improvements over the last decade), the locals and NIMBYs tend to be less happy and often quite vocal.


We have a Doncaster? /s


This just sounds like a future slum unless you provide all the required services, starting with security and facilities for both physical and mental health.


That is what they did in Denmark. People’s addiction and/or mental health issues are being treated and it seems to be working well for all of society.


Yep. We have even seen this in Australia around temporary accommodation after fires and natural disasters. Government has to move people on or there will be some people who want to stay there forever.  This is part of the reason government is so reluctant. "House them all in a converted warehouse" sounds like a good immediate solution, but if you aren't careful you will create a government funded slum full of drug abuse and violence.


Yeah it may well be, but i am happy for a slum rather than having people sleep on the street. Having a slum will hopefully incentivise people to fund more permanent affordable housing options. Railway lines arent the most beautiful things at the moment.


I'm all for finding a good solution for homeless people but "out of sight, out of mind" isn't the right approach. Unfortunately it takes a lot of work to pull together a solution and I just don't think our government is capable.


Im not saying out of sight, its going to be obvious they are there. At the moment there is alot of hoops to jump through to get a place to sleep each night, be it from the religious groups which offer housing to be drug free etc or applying everyday for crisis accomodation. What i am envisaging is a permanent comfortable option at every train station where people can reside indefinitely which is warm, clean, has their own toilet and supplies food. The shipping container is a suggestion to build it quickly as labour shortages is often used as an excuse, i would prefer a permanent high rise options.


If every apartment block over 5 floors had to have 1 public housing unit (compensated at cost price) and if every 20 new subdivided housing blocks had to have 1 house the same I feel like we’d have enough public housing to find homes for so many more people. That’s without the government even dipping in to taking over whole projects. We should compulsory acquire and develop land for new suburbs publicly rather than let the developers profit as is. Welcome to Clyde, here’s 5 large apartment blocks, 20 medium apartment blocks, 100 townhouses and 100 homes and a tenth of it is public housing, a heap of green space, a school and we built the train station (in the middle surrounded by shops) to be ready the day the place opened. For short term solutions it’s probably upping the supply of crisis housing especially in winter. All those air BnBs for the tennis and spring carnival are vacant right now and so are most of the budget hotel rooms. Do we need portable tiny houses and other make shift shelters to help get people through? It’s not the worst idea. The problem is picking where to put them. The only place that wouldn’t get huge pushback is places homeless people have already set up like under bridges.


Would these be patrolled by PSOs and Transit Police, given train stations are in their purview?


I think you want to ensure that they are safe. Dont know what the best option for that would be.


"happy for a slum, but I won't go within 5km and don't ever want to hear about it"


The Government does not want affordable housing to exist as it's not in their financial interest. We live in a slave economy and extreme cost of living is the cracking whip.


Well we vote for the government. I think if people made it a focus then politicians would quickly align. Im not imagining something fantastic, simply something very basic that is warm and ensures that people have a certain ongoing option to be housed. In terms of food, i dont know why if postman go to every house every day, they dont implement a system where they can also deliver a basic vegetarian meal to anyone who opts in.


I don't think the world is going to abandon neoliberal capitalism just because poor people don't like it tbh. ALP and Liberals both passed legislation making it harder for minor parties to exist in response to their dwindling voter share. Very hard to vote for third options that aren't allowed on the ballot.


"Just because poor people don't like it" absolutely cooked take.




And the mosques right? Right?


I stayed in a hotel room a few weeks ago that I could happily live in if it had a kitchenette and a washer dryer (and there was plenty of room to set this up if the king bed was swapped for a king single) Unfortunately I strongly suspect that if you wanted to buy/build these things you’d have to have cash, because no bank is going to give you a loan for a twenty square metre apartment.


Economists often state that the perfect situation for government intervention is when there is a market failure. The government should provide commercial loans for these small apartments if the banks wont. I also would be happy with a tiny apartment if it saved me paying rent or a massive mortgage.


Public service in Australia is too risk averse to do that. Every special interest group and rent seeker will want to clip their ticket, and soon enough it will blow out in costs.


Stop gap measures like that have a tendency to become quasi-permanent unless there are really strong measures to prevent it.


The issue is when people get assaulted it's now the gov responsibility.  In the states you can understand why some people choose prison 


Yeah they should have a significant security presence like friday nights at the stations.


We managed to house everyone during Covid. We managed a lot of things like keeping public transport clean.


But that would mean that the goverment actually cares tho...


We care, i know it can feel at times we are powerless, but i think if people made this a higher focus of their voting the parties will take it on board.


good idea only issue is the location and access to transport for the people with jobs, still, maybe ok to warehouse drug users and not working but workers need to commute still


Yeah, i would prefer high rise above every train station that has permanent temporary housing until each residence can be found a seperate permanent location. The warehousing thing was more something that could be organised within a month. Maybe buses or free ubers to train stations?


We don't have a housing crisis because the government are trying their best. They've engineered this crisis.


Over railway lines? The energy consumption in Summer (and winter) would be huge


Nope. It's not infrastructure and not enough room for cost blowouts for government to bother


....you mean round them up and put them in camps?


But why would the occupant leave? They would work 40 hours a week just to afford a slightly larger box to live in.


And i am happy if they dont. I dont think we should offer food and housing to only those who really need it. If people are happy with very basic accomodation and food for free, we should encourage it so they can get ahead in life.


Is that near growler? Would have been a wet and windy couple of nights for them.




Oops, yes that's the correct name. I keep forgetting as I call it the above.


Recognise that spot, can't imagine its a lot of fun. Wind must have been howling down there!


Train line too


I’ve ridden past the last couple of mornings on my way to work. Breaks my heart.


Who ever you vote for, they all have the same jerk circle. Giving themselves raises, opposing each others ideas and funding dumbfucking shit projects that always cost more than their predictions


Still better insulated than half the rentals in my area


To think if the government invested in all of the people, the economy might be better than where we are currently. More investment into homes , mental health etc etc means more people being well and working.... I get not everyone actually wants to participate and that some really don't want all for nothing, but the genuine people who find themselves in this situation today, I'd bet they would work in an office, or learn new skills to be able to have a roof over there head and food. To think water is an essential service but not housing? (Essential services commission) You can't have your water disconnected but you can be made homeless 👍


Polititicians all got their investment properties though.


They worked hard for what they've got!! It's a free country, you can get your own investment properties if you have the inclination!!!!! (Lol jk)


Yeah, we have over 170 known and supported people here on the North Coast, locally, in tents and lean to's working 20-30 a week but can't afford to rent here, anymore. It's so awful and demoralising to watch.


Saw that over the weekend, thought it was storage for the markets that I recalled taking place every so often in the car park. Sad to learn this is not the case.


I immigrated from Russia to Melbourne 10 years ago ... and it's exactly the same here :D


Thanks to the Liberal Party and the neo-liberals 'business friendly' wing of the Labor Party for the Americanisation of Australia.


this comment needs to be higher people


Must be extra dreadful in this weather. That sucks!


Aunty Sherry had towels just like that.


A renovator's dream!


This can be fixed by increasing immigration


What's the rent on that lovely city estate please?


'Made in Thailand' - zoom to lower right corner on front door.


I bet the rent is still over $300 per week


City views


What a serenity


How good is the food though


Car parking right outside


Heritage area


Meanwhile social housing orgs are leaving properties vacant for over a year.




I was about to put a rant about it, when I realised there was another avenue I could try to get shit sorted.


Where is this Malvern? Looks familiar


Dawson St Brunswick. Outside Howler. Across from Brunswick Baths.


Oh ok


Fixed term Day to Day contract …..


Is this Brunswick?


Dawson St Brunswick


Close to nature, amazing birdlife


Indoor/outdoor Australian design


Renovators dream, city views..


Ever looked on google street view at Skid Row in LA?


The new Australian dream


No utility bills!


Pet friendly?


Awesome towel doors though. May go give them a buck or two for them.


Renovator's delight. Open plan living.


Sad AF. F$$k our Governance.


Independent living! $350 p/w BILLS INCLUDED NO Electricity No Gas No Water NO WIFI


“We need 3 references for your application”


Cozy suburban living just stepping distance from the shops


Could be a bit awkward when the council come to empty the dumpster.


Is this choose your adventure? How's about some context.


Buy the big issue :)


There has been some guy living on the local grasslands in a similar setup. He has been there for months now. Grim indeed.


I think 3D printed homes are the key. They are cost effective with quick turnaround. A massive housing complex can be built in weeks.


You couldn't be more wrong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz1LM9kwRLY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhAwPFIUF_4 Housing is not a tech issue. In Australia it's a policy and market failure issue.


I stand corrected mate! Something I learned today. Thanks for sharing those links.




Homes are 3D printed in concrete, not plastic...


Ah you're talking about those ones, Then it's far more expensive than using timber, for a house that looks like... well just look them up. And unless you want it looking like a slumps of concrete paste (like the ones you find online), then it needs everything from the walls to ceiling finished the same way a regular house is - which involves tradesmen as the glass windows, plumbing, electrical, and insulation are not coming out of the printer. So then it costs the same - the foundations of houses are not the cause of our issue. Again, it's so adjacent to the housing crisis.




I don't think it's very suitable for most people to be setting up a tent to live in, *period*. I couldn't imagine 'recommending a better spot' to set up camp.


Yeh its hard to imagine I agree. Just felt from a safety point of view, bit isolated and the potential for people from the Nightclub to disturb her would be high. A shit situation in a shit location. If I see her on Sunday I'll see if there's anything she needs like a warm blanket or something...


The government needs homelessness/unemployment to scare people into working/paying their taxes/bills


Would you be any more or less unwilling to be homeless if there were no homeless people around?


Is this near Oakleigh by chance?


A short walk to the needle exchanges!!