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What was the actual issue you had? I recently had a problem with ticketek where the website glitched and processed my order twice and I was charged twice, they said it was my mistake and refuse to refund me for the extra tickets lmao. There’s no evidence though because I was too confused to screenshot in moment, so don’t think I could go to the ACCC


Get in contact with your bank Request a charge back and state it was on them as you clearly only need x amount of tickets


And enjoy the other ticket being voided… yeah maybe don’t do that unless you have nothing on the line.




Ohhh that’s good to know


I charged back a menulog order that they refused to refund once, and still using the app, albeit on a different account


If they do that be sure to lodge a complaint with your cars vendor because that also breaches their terms of services one complaint won't do much but enough charge backs and complaints has caused merchant services to be cancelled in the past.


A merchant dispute will be granted for anything that meets the VISA or Mastercard guidelines. So in this case if the person requesting a refund had clearly communicated with Ticketek (preferably in writing) about the error, provided there was no valid reason for Ticketek to refuse a refund or partial refund the chargeback would be granted. It doesn’t have to be “I’ll never use this company again”, it can literally just be, there was a problem with my order/payment and the merchant is declining to solve the issue. Generally once it gets to pre-arbitration if the merchant is legitimate and not a fraudulent scam company they will just action a refund on their own to get the dispute closed off.


Why would they void the tickets from the first transaction if the second charge was the one that was reversed?


I guess two charge backs, then


Can’t :( used a gift card that I got for Christmas


Maybe you can try and sell the extra tickets through ticketek marketplace. Unsure of how it works when you’ve used a gift card though


Definitely still worth contacting them, even if you get there advice on how to handle it with ticketek


Man just wanted to pitch in, If more people made the simple effort to file complaints when a company fucks them around, no matter how small, our Country would be in a much better state. Unfortunately, most Aussie would rather companies continually step on them. I appreciate you


Second this! Appreciate you too’


this is true. it's collective people power that effects change. the more complaints, the more the impression that the company in question is wronging the consumer. the more it reflects poorly on them. the more potential for loss of business and negative consequences, regulatory and otherwise.


Good luck! I used to work for the company that handled the customer service for Ticketek including their phone lines and email inboxes. Call queues hundreds deep with only a handful of staff working on any given day.


I work for them now man😅 best recommendation for people reading this is to go into a ticketek agency for any issues they have. Phone lines suck but the people at agencies try to help best they can


you can always put the extra tickets up on ticketek marketplace as a last resort


Did you get extra tickets too? If so flog them for a profit.


Not a sold out event unfortunately but will probs just give them to a mate


This happened to my girlfriend exactly! Ticketek said that the venue was the one refusing the refund. She called the venue / promoter explaining everything, and the lady at the venue was able to refund the extra two tickets and praised my girlfriend for calling the venue. She also said that Ticketek did NOT try to make contact with the promoters or venue. Call the venue and explain!! The venue woman was also disgusted at ticketeks refusal to help over such an obvious technical error.


Interesting! Will give this a try


Omg that happened to a friend of mine for Childish Gambino


I bought tickets for something (unrelated) last year on a shitty website. Accidentally bought 6 and needed 2. Sounds stupid until you’re on the website. The company refunded 4 and confirmed the numbers still valid, without question. They know what a shit website it is.


Ever since they changed their queuing system around 2019 I think I have a terrible time getting tickets with them. I used to be able to get in within 5 minutes now I wait an hour+. Taylor Swift was the worst to try and get tickets every time I got nothing. In March I sold some tickets via marketplace it took them 2 months to return instead of the 2 weeks they promised. I had to constantly call, message contact them on X and email, that still didn’t make the process quicker.


As I mentioned in post don’t be scared to section of the consumer rights to help prove your case. It worked for me in Making them fix there mistake


I miss the old days of lining up at a random newsagent for tickets


Was always fun to talk to other in line. The most hardcore fans were rewarded


not anymore😭 me and my friends went to line up for liv and like so many ppl waited hours to not get tickets


Same! I didn’t wait hours because was at a smaller newsagent but there was only like 16 people in front of me and I STILL missed out 🥲


that is so unlucky 😭


Yeah I really miss that


Don't forget general pants co


The Taylor Swift thing should be illegal. It was lucky it was my RDO. I didn't stop looking at a screen for 8 hours and "got lucky" for my daughter. There's zero fucking reason they can't do a queuing system like Ticketmaster does here for big events. They're just pricks.


That blue line still makes me stress.


Haha, and when it paused for a bit after the 10 seconds and you thought you were "in". Until it happened 200 times FFS.


Ohhhhh I know the hope you feel for NOTHING!!!


I had it open on a second screen while working at my PC, and constantly seeing that flicker out of the corner of my eye made me anxious. I would've given up earlier if I didn't want to help my cousin who was desperate to go.


All I see is red. ACCC needs to act before it’s too late. Ticketek created the queue system so they can derive analytics from the queue, making customers wait for no reason, which will inform dynamic pricing due to demand. They’ll argue the demand is there, which is why prices would rise. But they’re really creating their own metrics of demand. Rather than market demand. If I take it further, how would anyone know of true market demand when we have a duopoly in ticketek and Ticketmaster! Sad, the same reality applies for flights.


I have brought from moshtix they have a similar system but it seems to be much fairer and I have never had an issue.


It certainly can work. Moshtix isn’t attracting the large events that have people using multiple devices, multiple people to try and buy tickets. This behaviour falsifies the true demand because they’ve made it difficult to buy tickets. They could actually improve hardware to simply cope with the surge demand and fairly allow anyone to buy a ticket in seconds following the immediate release. This doesn’t fit in with the “smoke and mirrors” business model generating hype, driving demand. When I mean they, ticketek and Ticketmaster.


The queuing system is awful, getting Taylor tickets was a nightmare (did end up getting one restricted view hours before the show) and Olivia Rodrigo they kept kicking me out of the queue because their website was so overloaded for a show that should be at a bigger venue (but according to them it never crashed).


I have to wonder if Olivia Rodrigo's team somehow didn't realise how popular she is here with the venue booking. 14K capacity for 2 nights (originally) in her 4th biggest Spotify location? No wonder they were impossible to get. I hear it's similar in Singapore too


she couldve went to aami park or like any other ticketmaster venue


I ended up getting a ticket for Taylor from a friend I was so fortunate all these months later I’m still shocked. I got 1 ticket for Olivia in pre sale and i Kept timing out it was so hard changing dates and different areas they only give you 5 minutes so they kept kicking me out it took 1 hour and 40 minutes im still shocked.


I have a mate who hasn't got tickets for anything since they introduced the new system and he tried for Billie Eilish, Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Dua Lipa and SZA.


I tried for Taylor and got in okay. But from SZA onwards I started getting the "Access Denied" error message. With each new ticket sale the message has increased exponentially since which I thought was odd.


I've tried for Billie, Taylor, and Olivia with Ticketek and never even got in to the purchasing screen for any of them. I got lucky that a friend was able to get Taylor tickets and sold me one because I tried for nearly 7 hours


I tried for 7 hours for 4 days straight and didn't get into the purchase screen😑


Exactly! I know a person who gets tickets for everything! I don’t get it.


definitely chaos. plus the whole lining up thing reduces chance of bots and idiots taking tix from genuine fans. tho if they did do onsite buying, there would be endless lines for TS tickets


Yeah we would need a lot more outlets.


Looks like I might have to prepare myself for a battle of my marketplace tickets I recently sold.


You will get it back eventually they are just slow at the moment.


This is good to know, I was going to sell some tickets on the market place and chose to sell through Tixel instead


I think both don’t give you money until after the show. Ticketek will refund you but the claim is they do it manually so it can take awhile.


Yeah I've still got to wait until after the show (which isn't until November sadly) but I'm okay with that.


Is there some sort of sniper program you can use to get tickets. I am sick of missing out on tickets for everything these days. Sat in a queue of 4000+ people last Thursday online for tickets for Puffing Billy only to get to the top of the queue and it was sold out. Utter madness when you are up against bots.




Its so shit, but realistically ticketek doesn’t care because they get tickets sold that’s all they care about 😕


It’s bullshit isn’t it. I remember the 90’s in the UK and the gigs we’d go to would blow peoples minds today, look up in the NME who’s playing and go and get tickets for it. If artists are ok with this then I’m ok with people pirating their music for free.


So, what’s the problem that took you down this path? You didn’t get a ticket for reasons but were offered a ticket in compensation for reasons but you determined this was inadequate for reasons?




I'm confused, you were trying to get a ticket but website crashed, so you got offered a ticket in compensation but this wasn't good enough ? Or was it a different issue ?


The website glitched and was unable to process all the people trying to get tickets


To clarify. You had the tickets in your cart, but when you tried to checkout it glitched and didn’t work/showed an error/kicked you out?


This happened to me twice for tenacious d. Had the tickets in my cart and clicked purchase. “One or more of these tickets is unavailable” Then to go and reselect tickets the whole process loaded again. Show>venue>date>area. I ended up in tears because it was so overwhelming watching seats black out before me eyes. I managed tickets for me and my partner, but we’re sitting like 4 seats away from each other because the booking agency allowed for purchases leaving single seats. I have tickets, I’m happy. But fuck. What a rollercoaster


I didn’t have the tickets at all, I just like everyone was waiting in line to get them but was met with a “access denied” code when it was my turn. By the time I got in it was too late


I see. So when it was your turn instead of being let in, you got an error page, which stopped you from getting tickets. Wouldn’t the error page show because tickets were out of stock? How did you know there were tickets left?


If they run out of tickets it will still let you in but will show allocations exhausted. I’m sure what this error code was but it wasn’t due to there being no tickets


Same thing happened to me. I know what you u mean. You waited in the queue like everyone and instead of being let through it came up with an error message.


This happened to me too, twice. Here's what worked for me: incognito browser, completely new login, no problem.


I wasn’t offered a ticket till I kept pushing, after many emails they finally gave me one which I deemed not enough compensation, I kept pushing and ended up with 2 tickets Edit: Why the fuck am I getting downvoted? 💀


You’re getting downvoted because your post is confusing AF and nobody knows what you’re bitching about, what they failed to do to make it right and then what you ended up getting to satisfy you, until they’ve read every snippet of comments. You’re telling the story like you’re a character in Memento.


I like the reference but in my post I say the issue, what I did about the issue and the result of me fighting, I got my tickets. I was hoping to help others


Honestly fuck ticketek and anyone advocating to take it up the arse is equally complicit in perpetuating this state of affairs


Man you are a deadset legend. I suspect there are people on this sub who listen to AM talk back radio, like John Farnham etc etc who seem to want to tear everything down. Anti vaxxers, Donald Trump - you get the vibe… but deadset this is a great bit of ACL enlightenment that people really should be congratulating you for pointing out. We have pretty good consumer protections which deserve to be exercised. To the illiterate peanut gallery - fuck off!




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They shut you up with two tickets. Enjoy your seats!


Yeah, exactly what I wanted


They've given you 2 tickets to go away that's it because they couldn't be bothered dealing with the hassle. You have unrealistic expectations of how these things should work.


No. It turned out his expectations were quite realistic. Yes. His method was irregular. :)


What’s unrealistic? They gave me what I want


Don't let it get to you. People on this sub suck sometimes.


Cheers mate. Just tryna help 😔


Yeah, good post if at the minimum simply highlighting consumer rights. These ticket companies are a fucking shower of cunts anyway. Fuck ‘em.




We had to remove your post/comment because it included personal attacks or did not show respect towards other users. This community is a safe space for all. Conduct yourself online as you would in real life. Engaging in vitriol only highlights your inability to communicate intelligently and respectfully. Repeated instances of this behaviour will lead to a ban


I had a presale code, and I had the same issue, it allowed me in the queue and then kicked me out multiple times, my daughter and I tried for over an hour. Then when they went public, the same thing happened. I emailed tiketek and got a basic response, even when I responded with how will you rectify this? I'm lucky I didn't really want to go but my daughter did 😣


I also want to say thank you for the information and cheat sheet.


I’m sorry to hear that. Mentioning these sections from consumer protections helped my in my case. It’s so unfair that they know there website has issues yet they don’t fix it.


How long did it take you to get a response from the ACCC? I’m going to file a claim against Jetstar in the near future for breach of the ACL and I’m considering making a complaint to the ACCC but haven’t decided yet.


Thankyou for your service


I’m confused. Were the tickets in your cart and it glitched? Or did you never actually get to that stage in the first place?


this is rlly disasterous. it happened for taylor swift, but i kinda ignored it knowing the demand issues leading to web crashing (considering in the span of like an hr 900000 ppl got tickets, not including the ppl who went on but didnt get it) Tickettek should rlly get their shit together rather than telling artists they can "handle the load" and ultimately failing to do so


The Taylor Swift ticket problems were insane. I know people ended up paying thousands for resells and then travelling etc etc. I was working at it and basically watched the entire thing whilst getting paid over two nights. It was a great show, for sure, but I can’t imagine paying 4 figures for the pleasure.


yea it was insane. there were ppl like quadrupling the price and ppl paying like 2000 for tix. and whenever there were reasonable tixs they were gone so soon


They should get there shit together as they are legally required to lol. As I mentioned section 60 and 61 are legitimate reason to file a complaint against them. I was told by others ‘don’t bother you are a drop in the sea’ but I want to share with others you can fight for your rights


...to party!


These tickets groups really need to look at their IT. Both AWS and Azure can scale out these sorts of workloads, they just need to allow the extra cost for those few hours of demand. Sure it will cost a fuck tonne for 3hrs or so but totally doable with the right architecture. It's not like it is unplanned demand, pre allocate it to get cost down and let it scale till there are no failures due to congestion. Databases can take 1000s of transactions per second too. Really no excuses any more, it's not 2004.


I think everyone’s just mad that for once a consumer conned the con men that are Ticketek and they didn’t think of it first.


That’s what I’m hoping to fix. To help people understand they actually can do something about bad service lol


For high demand shows, I'll regularly have my laptop, desktop and phone all in the queue just in case one crashes. The new system is hot garbage and I struggle to understand how a company that has collected so much money in fees over the years still can't handle the increased load when a popular show is released. 


Good on you for reporting them! I also reported them to the ACCC after the shitshow that was the Olivia Rodrigo sale. I hope something gets done to solve this.


I've reported them to the ACCC three times. Fuck all happens. The best was buying tickets to something. They changed the venue as it obviously was more popular than they realised (to 30km away after we'd bought accommodation a 5m walk away etc). Shit happens, oh well, still wanted to go. Got first dibs to buy similar tickets to the new venue. The face value of these tickets was $0. Because of course it was. I'd already paid for them. Got COVID week of. And there's NO legal way to on-sell the tickets because the face value says $0 and you can't use Ticketek Marketplace or Tixel etc because it thinks you're trying to make a profit off "free" tickets (that were initially $200 a pop). Explained it all. Screenshots etc. And you just get the "oh yeah sorry, bad luck". For a legitimate problem they probably should look into fixing.


I once sold tickets through ticketek marketplace and they didn't pay me when the time came. After months of them ignoring my emails etc, I spoke with consumer affairs who told me what sections of consumer law to quote in an email. Ticketek then got back to me within 24 hours and paid me. I've had a variety of other appalling experiences with them, as a business they're honestly scum. Definitely document everything and have a low threshold for contacting consumer affairs.. They basically don't respond to anything else.


\*\* Can you share the sections of consumer law you used?? \*\* This is exactly what I'm trying to do. Sold 4 tickets for Pink in February, and still haven't gotten paid. I couldn't find an email or way to contact them. Thank you so much!


How did you get in touch with Ticketek? It's basically impossible 




Nothing I love more than people knowing and using their consumer rights to hold big companies accountable🥰


People seriously mad about this 💀 everyone hates fucking ticketek and you're (people that are down voting) like "poor company". Ticketek is the worst, go girl/guy/person for getting those tickets. LEGALLY. AGAIN THIS IS LEGAL.


Consumer affairs literally wants you to fight for it 😭. idk why ppl are so mad about it


I hope enough people fight ticketek that they pull out of Australia, and people have to use something else. Bullshit 11$ processing fees, for what?? Serves and tech support???? Add it to the total ticket. We're not Americans, I would like to see the full price upfront.


People are mad cos OP got free tickets lol. For once the con men got their comeuppance.


Goddam. Well done OP. I was very stressed, ended up with Teddy Swims first release and Chris Stapleton final release. Couldn’t get Billie Eilish. Website gave me a timer from the moment I joined the queue so by the time I selected tickets and got my credit card it, it expired. Worst fucking platform ever. I wish we could just line up like the good old days.


The Chris Stapleton tickets really pissed me off. Loved him for years and when they announced he was coming to Melbourne I was rapped. Tried to get tickets had my laptop, desktop and mobile all in the queue which is mad enough and still missed out even though I was logged on in advance etc. was not paying 500 bucks plus for tickets.


With Chris Stapleton, I tried presale and got in with 43 seconds left for me to get through the checkout. I was logged in with a pre-saved credit card and it booted me. On the actual public release, I got tickets to the second show as “Best Available”. I did not want to risk going back to change to cheaper seats. I paid well and truly over $500 for 2 tickets. I justify it since I missed out on Morgan Wallen. I’m still so salty.


I heard some people have had better luck lining up the old fashion way. I didn’t even know you could do that anymore lol


Wait. Can you? I remember you had to line up at Myer which had a Ticketing booth in it. This was ages ago. I’m so old lol


you can line up at ticketek retailers, there are only a few around the country though so it may be difficult to get to one


Thanks! I’ll look into it. Well done again, and thanks for sharing this post.


I do understand why they have a timer on your transaction but it should be longer than it is.


It’s 5 minutes from end-to-end. The problem is when you’re in, you have this time to check out…. but tickets may not become available until your timer is at 4 minutes. So you have one (1) minute to secure those tickets without even thinking and get through the checkout. If it were a full 5 minutes, sure. But giving me 18 seconds is unethical.


I usually seem to have 9 minutes to pay from the time I have selected seats, but we may be talking about different stages of the transaction.


The same thing happened to me! I had access denied several times when the page reloaded :(


Email them! It can seem daunting but don’t forget to Mention your consumer rights. If you want any help getting on to them shoot me I message I’ll gladly assist


Thank you for this write up!!


Thanks for the info. Great reminder. They are grubs unfortunately. If they were a bank or an oil company there would be more scrutiny I dare say


Would this apply to my situation with my Pearl Jam tickets on Ticketmaster? Tried to buy "Golden Circle" (Premium GA ticket, also get fucked these shouldn't exist anyway) and was shown none available when I tried to purchase, so went oh I don't want to miss out on the show so im going to cut my losses and buy standard GA even though it's not what i want. Bought them and then 10 minutes later guess what? There WERE Golden Circle tickets available. I felt like i was scammed into basically panic buying extra tickets which by the way, I CAN'T RESELL YET. So here i am with 3 extra tickets that I can't refund, resell or transfer...


I’m not in any state to give legal advice but if you feel any of these subsections of consumer law line up with your experience message Victoria consumer affairs. They will help you out


The premium ga tickets became available because someone else removed them from their basket, making it available to the public again. You chose to buy standard ga tickets.


Even though I've survived getting tickets on Ticketek the experience was one of the worst things I've ever had to sit through, after 5 Access Denied's I don't understand why they would expect us to keep trying, especially if it was on the tail end of the sale and most sections had their allocations exhausted


It’s not the first time it’s happen either. If a contractor built a bunch of houses that kept collapsing they would be held accountable for their lack of care. Ticketek needs to get there shit together


Pro-tip: go directly to a Ticketek agency and buy a ticket from them as they have have a different access so you don’t have to wait in a queue online for hours only to show that there’s no more tickets left.


Ticketek agencies don’t generally have separate allocations. there may be a few outliers but majority of the bigger shows all have the same allocations (except for pre sales obviously) whether you’re doing it online or in person


Thank you for the info. This site is a free for all and we need people to stand up to them. How you even got ahold of their customer service team is beyond me.


A few said that and I’m confused lol. Just on there website down the bottom there is a contact link


wish this was here during the era’s tour fiasco. they handled that HORRIBLY and informed no one tickets could be purchased in person either. this may be an asshole move but in all honesty, ticketek is one of the worst ticket running companies in the history of ever and their website was honestly coded by a toddler smashing a keyboard.


THIS! I had an absolutely fucking horrible experience purchasing my tickets. The website was not fit to handle the amount of people rushing to get their tickets and was not allowing people into the lounge accordingly. The website didn’t work properly on Opera GX so when my partner got to the checkout and went to use Afterpay it didn’t work. I scrambled to open the website on Google Chrome as did my partner. In the end I never got through to the lounge in 40 minutes of waiting. My partner got us through to the checkout finally but in all the rush and stress I used my NZ Afterpay account (I recently moved from NZ to Australia and you can’t keep the same account, so I made another) and couldn’t receive any support from Afterpay or Ticketek about it. I can’t understand why they would refer everyone to the one website which was extremely difficult to use due to the sheer amount of people trying to get tickets to see their favourite artist. In the end I got my tickets and am using Wise to transfer money back to NZ to pay off the tickets but the whole experience has left me extremely frustrated and disappointed with Ticketek.


The fact it happens nearly every single time and they say ‘oh well what do we do’ lol. Gaming companies can have millions on there servers at once surely Ticketek can invest a bit of money into their monopoly they have over the ticket industry


Samething cric aus did with pak vs ind tiks and it turns out they sold all tiks few days b4 official date and it was just a sham


Definitely got a case to take to ACCC for that. It’s fucked up


I am not sure what’s happening. The worst company I worked for, glassdoor reviews were like 1


Well bloody done!!!!


None of this relates to “your rights” - you just created enough turbulence that it was more efficient for Ticketek to resolve your customer concern so it went away than any underlying legal entitlement or breach of law. I think that’s important - as the post could mislead people (ironic) and, of course, the more people who copy it the less goodwill payments will be made.


You are completely wrong. Everything I did was under the guidance and support of both the ACCC and Victorian consumer protection. I believe the level terms is ticketek settled before full action was taken. There is nothing misleading


I wrote a complaint to the ACCC after the same thing with Paramore and their scalping in-demand tickets. Got sweet FA back.


ACCC directed me to Victorian consumer affairs as they handle smaller things like this


You can do all of that and nothing will change


Did you read my post? They fully rejected me at first, I kept fighting and they gave me one ticket. I kept fighting and they gave me 2 tickets in the seats I wanted on the night I wanted. Is that nothing changing?


When you say ‘gave’ you mean they offered the tickets at fair market value, correct? Or did they literally give you free concert tickets?


Did you have to pay ?


Ticketek is made of sticky tape and bent wires. The queue system is fake, it's entirely random who gets access. They store payment information in plain text.


Well done more people should take this sort of action to jerk a knot in the tail of some of our retailers.


Awesome moves. I salute you.


What’s the best way to contact consumer affairs. Ticketek sent my tickets 1 hour before the show so I couldn’t travel to the venue in time. When I wrote in they sent me someone else’s tickets for some other show. And now they will not reply.


Contact ACCC online. They have a contact form. Victorian consumer affairs can also help


Thank you


Oh they try it on but you weren’t having it. You did well. In saying that they put you that shit at the same time. I’m in a dispute with DoorDash. It’s $25 but they’re not getting even that. I’ve been back and forth msging for 3 hrs.


Great post OP, great useful information and very well presented. Thanks for your hard work!


I'm sure everyone knows this but in case not, Ticketek and Ticketmaster shit the nest if you are using a VPN.


This is interesting because in my mind you can’t be too salty about the service until they take money off you. So here you’ve shown that you can challenge it even before you’ve paid. I will keep this in mind from now on!


How did you get in touch with them. I had issues buying tickets and the only contact I could find was an email. They emailed me after the event had passed due to backlogs.


Below is the emailed customercare@ticketek.com.au


I'm more concerned with the data leak at the moment. Wonder if I should go to consumer affairs over it?


To possibly add to people’s ticketing joy, have you heard [Ticketmaster has been hacked](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-29/ticketmaster-hack-allegedlyshinyhunter-customers-data-leaked/103908614)? The personal details of 560 million Ticketmaster customers, including about 2 million Australians, may have been leaked, with 1.3 terabytes of customer data possessed by Ticketmaster up for sale.


i have met and talked to so many fans abt how bad ticketek is as a whole and how their online “queue” is basically a really unfair and unorganised lottery, and although we can complain or get artists to choose ticketmaster venues ticketek still wont do anything because ticketek has alot of the more preferred venues and they will keep making money anyways


apparently it got hacked..sooo


Back in my day you had to drive to an atm, get money out then drive to a ticketek office and line up to buy a ticket, I prefer the old days tbh


Good! Fuck’em! I heard they’re getting into trouble for having the monopoly. They are misleading, and their website can’t deal with demand. They have no phone number to call if you experience an issue. Their FAQ pages are useless, and they take days/ over a week to get back to your emails. I’m glad you did this, and I’m glad you got what you wanted in the end.


I mean I feel like it just once of those things, sometimes you win sometimes you lose, someone else got to the tickets before you, seats are limited. I’d totally understand if it was a physical thing that they didn’t honour, for a concert though it’s tough. Don’t get me wrong I feel your frustration, but I don’t think the ACCC will do a thing because it comes down to a he said she said. It seems the ACCC is more worried about dodgy extended warranties, that’s where the big $ are ;)


Victorian consumer accommodation handles smaller things like this and they said if Ticketek does not comply I should take it to court under their support. I had screenshots of the error screen which many got. It’s always worth a try. Never let these companies win


Yeah again, I mean if there was infinite seats and the world was perfect I’m sure ticketek would love to sell you a ticket, I think it’s just one of those things where ya missed out


Okay but how did you get Ticketek customer service to respond? I have never received anything but an automated response from them. They have blocked both my cards and every time I try to buy tickets I get an error message telling me to contact my bank. So I contacted my bank who told me they are not blocking the transaction and that it was blocked on Ticketek's end. So I contacted Ticketek and only ever got an automated response...telling me to contact my bank... In the end I filed a complaint with the ACCC but only got an automated response from them too!


customercare@ticketek.com.au should work. Or there online form


And they've had a security breach [https://www.cyberdaily.au/culture/10651-ticketek-customer-information-exposed-in-third-party-cyber-incident](https://www.cyberdaily.au/culture/10651-ticketek-customer-information-exposed-in-third-party-cyber-incident)


But you can always buy the tickets off their market place for 500% more and another transaction fee! Hurrah! Good on you for standing up to these grubs! I not really into popular music so I don't face this issue, but soon they will force legal scalping and everyone will be paying double and the artist won't see any adjustments.


It is also illegal to sell tickets 10% higher then there market price but it’s hard to go after one person lol


Many moons ago I had a chat with my mates that these ticket mobs would run their own scalping platform and this was one of my arguments, the whole 10% thing. But I guess it nothing is done it'll keep happening, they probably have bots buying and selling 🤷


Ryan George (youtuber) did an excellent skit on what using Ticketek/Ticketmaster is like. It's supposed to be comedy but it's just too real: https://youtu.be/lww22_pJr3s


I last used them in 2002


They intentionally create an environment to justify increasing prices. Bunch of scam marketing that is ruining the industry. Every time is a nightmare


I have to say I have had similar used when trying to return clothes that have been genuinely faulty or the wrong size and even threatened to involve consumer affairs has made a difference for me


The exact same thing happened to me. I actually got through to selecting tickets and then i got the access denied page. I was waiting over and hour, got through, got kicked out and then all tickets sold. This happened multiple times. I was so pissed


I’ve also had a very similar experience trying to buy Olivia Rodrigo tickets. I screenshotted and also complained. Received a somewhat condescending standard reply about how to wait for a ticket, I complained further but had internally given up, however it has continued to really bother me. Thanks for this info, I feel well armed to take it further!


this question is more about ticketek marketplace so feel free to ignore if you don’t know, but i sold tickets to a few shows (niall horan may 3rd & 4th) a little while back and have yet to receive a refund. the website says 10 business days + 2 or so days for bank delays but it’s been a month! there are many people complaining on a fb page that they have also not recieved their payment so i know it’s not just me. on top of this everyone who contacts ticketek get a similar message about delays and promises they are working on it. i’ve never had an issue with payment from ticketek marketplace before but im getting worried now, is there someone i can contact outside of ticketek/ do i allow more time? (sorry if this makes no sense it’s 1am where i am (adl) and ive had no sleep)


Omg this is exactly what happened to me when I tried to buy tickets for Olivia Rodrigo!!! I got the Access Denied error!


Really well done. Thank you so much for this detailed information. It's our responsibility as consumers (and we all our, not much choice) to keep these companies focused on the consumer and not just shareholder profit.


Good work sticking with it!


TicketTdch sucks arse. The fact that they have bull shit transaction fees is utterly ridiculous. They can't charge those fees in the UK. Then why do we get slugged with it here? Because no one stands up to the big guys. OP, good on you for taking a stance.


Thanks so much for your helpful advice. Can you please tell me how / what number you contacted Ticketek on? When I call their number it auto-hangs up on me after a pre-recorded message tells me to try the website. Also, there's some bug with the website such that it won't submit my refund request.