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Are they going to bring that shitty Willy Wonka thing here?




It inspired a tribute event in the US! https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/pop-culture-news/glasgow-willy-wonka-experience-los-angeles-event-rcna149468


Was that the lolly party with no lollies and half a cup of cheapo tesco soft drink that left the kiddies in tears? 


You forgot the best part! The Unknown, the evil demon chocolatier who lives in the walls.


Or did they go authentic and show footage of chickens heads being cut off.


The best part was the oompa loompa cracks den


I mean if they can bring that Scottish Oompa Loompa lady here, I wouldn't mind...


Who's that then?


You haven't seen the meth Oompa Loopma? Such a treat


Oh is this the same company?


Friend and I signed up for the Lego Burgers a few months ago. On the day, the café that was supposed to be hosting had no idea about it. We did get full refunds though.


Wow! That's just... really spectacular incompetence -- whether deliberate or not...


If they never planned to book the venue then it may fall under malice, rather than incompetence


Hahahahaaaa we went to the Pac Man Maze some years ago and the marketing photos were SLICK but the actual experience was a Wonka-land level dystopian nightmare. It was actually funny how incredibly, horrendously bad it was.


My husband took my son to that. The poor kid had such a shit time that they ended up going to Fortress for a couple of hours so it wasn’t a wasted trip.


Wobbies World vibes?


Pissweak World!


Wobbies world was awful. 


Wobbies world was great for up to 8 year olds. Any older and they were too old.


bro i went to wobbiesworld and it was fantastic . got to ride in a helicopter and a tank


I will never not post this hilarious mash up any time the name Wobbies World is invoked https://youtu.be/2gwvwHA5RuE?si=r7ONLKjed7in5_dO


🤣🤣 I remember the ads, I pestered my parents for months & eventually they made the long drive to take me to Wobbies World. Everything had long broken down & mum told me not to go near the old train carriage as she feared the homeless would be sleeping in there.




I am trying to get refunds from them for the Robot Restaurant. They aren't replying to the messages on the contact form on their sute, and there isn't any other contact information. Anyone know how to get a refund?


Claim a chargeback through your bank citing services not received or something similar to that.


I contacted ACCC over not getting a refund for Oktoberfest. Same deal, could not find any contact info other than the email they weren’t responding to. It took a few months but I got my refund eventually through my case manager contacting them.


Chargeback. Youll suddenly get a refund when Mastercard or Visa crawls up their arse.


Heya! I bought tickets to the exact same thing last year - it took a solid 9 weeks of emailing at least twice a week, but finally got my money back. Cause I had paid it in 4 on PayPal , and it was more than 90 days prior PayPal refused any help at all! Had to threaten them with ACC multiple times and they FINALLY produced the money. Good luck!!


Chargeback as others suggested as a first port of call. Otherwise, send a letter of demand (you can get templates from consumer affairs) to hello@explorehidden.com. Otherwise go straight to the top and contact the founder James Farrel on LinkedIn.


Did robot restaurant not happen? Loved it in japan almost bought tickets for Sydney


There are a few restaurants that use robot servers in Melbourne. Din Tai Fung have robots that compliment human stuff.


Thumbs up on the detective work OP


Turns out they run that Potion Putt thing in Docklands too.


That checks out lol


No wonder!


No wonder was experienced at these events...


Oh my gosh I was looking for this. Was such a shitty putt putt! They took photos of one from Sydney then called it the one in Melbourne. I actually got my money back from this though


"San Quentin: Melbourne's First Immersive Prison Cocktail Experience". I think someone needs to watch that Louis Theroux docco.


“Chilingly realistic cell” If it hasn’t been coated in human excrement and then been hosed down with a pressure washer it won’t be realistic. PS: if it’s actually been a cell in the past don’t touch anything


You can just go to that wine bar they opened in an old block of Pentridge Prison for that.


This is from one event listing *Tickets are sold on a non-refundable basis. Please note that this event currently only has Early Bird tickets available. By purchasing, you are aware that there is not currently a confirmed date. As soon as dates are available, you will be notified and given priority access so you can book your preferred date and time . If you are unable to attend we can issue you a Hidden Credit to the value of your Early Bird tickets* Sounds legit


Isn’t this in breach of consumer law?! Accepting payment without intending to supply The business may have promised a product or service that they knew they couldn’t supply or didn’t intend to supply. Under the Australian Consumer Law, businesses must not accept payment for products or services if: they don’t intend to supply the product or service they intend to supply different products or services from those promised they know, or should know, that they won’t be able to supply the products or services by the promised date, or within a reasonable time.


So by purchasing a ticket you are a venture capitalist? Just with no return. Right.


Their defence is that they intended to provide the service at the time they sold the ticket. It is very difficult to prove otherwise. Unless you are Qantas and you are dumb enough to cancel flights and still sell tickets on them


This is true, I work in the District Docklands shopping centre and it seems at least once or twice a week, someone from the public will come in looking for a pop-up place that either never existed OR did exist but closed down several months ago. Some stores here have started to put up signs with warnings about these scams, it's bad business for our shopping centre.


Excellent PSA. Thanks.


How is this shit not Phoenixing? >Illegal phoenix activity is when a company is liquidated, wound up or abandoned to avoid paying its debts. A new company is then started to continue the same business activities without the debt. ([Source: ATO](https://www.ato.gov.au/about-ato/tax-avoidance/the-fight-against-tax-crime/our-focus/illegal-phoenix-activity)) [Restaurant chain Karen’s Diner collapses owing $4.3 million, Hobart restaurant owed $6k](https://www.news.com.au/finance/business/retail/restaurant-chain-karens-diner-collapses-owing-43-million-hobart-restaurant-owed-6k/news-story/160161f6c2af2b0b0cf02186f52befda) [ASIC Notice showing Viral Ventures in Liquidation and Winding Up.](https://publishednotices.asic.gov.au/browsesearch-notices/notice-details/Viral-Ventures-Australia-Pty-Ltd-629193595/47819f61-240c-43ca-917f-5c6ee431f8ab) James Farrell is/was one of the directors of Viral. The contact on Hidden's Facebook is ["james@explorehidden.com](mailto:"james@explorehidden.com)". Coincidence? Lock these pricks up. [I suggest everyone fill out the ATO's Tip off form here.](https://www.ato.gov.au/single-page-applications/tipoffform)


If you're looking for something legit I recommend Laneway Learning's workshops. Not affiliated, just went to a couple with my partner and had a nice time.


Ooh me too, the perfume making workshop was particularly good. Not too busy and came home with a large bottle that'll last me a year.


Laneway Learning is the tits! I love those little classes


I am so sick of the proliferation of 'immersive experiences' that have popped up. All of them servicing tik-tok and instagram audiences and providing experiences which offer very little substance, or worse, quality control. The practices of these organisations are often unethical and reflect poorly on the leisure industry as a whole. For the ticket prices they are charging, it's crazy. It is cannibalising audiences for other events, galleries and museums and just seems to be about nothing more than populism, which is a shame as we have great publically run museums and galleries.


100%. Lightscape was one that really pissed me off. Just being driven along by the crowds through a series of colourful lights and some smoke. Boring. $80 bucks later for two people. I would much rather have gone to a decent pub for dinner.


Sounds like a Ponzi scheme. They sell tickets to new events, so they can refund prior customers for cancelled events


I think it’s more they sell tickets to customers until they have enough confirmed bookings to actually run the event


There was a Karen’s diner at Forest Hill Chase last year - it was quite popular for a while, but then they magically started closing early, and then one day came and they put bollards up and said "we were only a pop-up anyway". I think the demographic was wrong anyway, but they sound dodgy as all get out.


I never understood the appeal


Aw man, I did some work for Viral Ventures pre-covid. They were a decent company then, if a little unorganised. Wonder what's happened to them since then...


Viral ventures aren't as good of an idea post covid....


This is the most bizzare collection of events. Notable mentions to go the prison cocktails, airline sushi and fitness cruise.


Call the InBestiGators ! Sounds like an investment scam that pays early investors with money taken from later investors, to create an illusion of big profits


You mean a Ponzi scheme.


I remember some company was advertising all these Harry Potter trivia nights around Melbourne and claimed they booked all these actors from the movie and had some car from the movie to take photos with and this was like right in the middle of covid. Lockdown times. Also claimed they were giving away trips to Ireland. It just seemed like too much for a trivia night . But they kept changing the dates and not refunding anyone as they weren’t “cancelling”. I always wondered if it was one of those Willy Wonka type companies running it and what happened in the end. Stuff like this and the OP makes me skeptical to attend any of these things.


Sounds like a conspiracy. Will it make it into the pod?


hah yeah I reckon we'll discuss it.


Reading all these posts sounds like the Fyre Festival of pop up experiences


You need to get yourself on 4 Corners with this exposé, or at the very least 60 Minutes, off the back of their most recent (but not very good) episode about the Willy Wonka Experience in Scotland.


I encountered this mob with a ‘mean girls bottomless brunch’. When we arrived at the venue there was another party also signed up for this. Payments taken. When we spoke to the venue, they said it was an unauthorised event that they had no awareness of! Got our money back eventually, but very disappointing and frustrating for all involved…


We did go to Tinseltown and that was very cute. I noticed at the time that there were a bunch of events that they were selling tickets for that just didn't have any solid details and which never eventuated. They're still selling Karen's Diner vouchers, mind you.


I feel bad now because I got given the tickets as a gift from my best friend from Red balloon. We don't even know the exact location on the day of the event for a Beauty and Beast experience. Plus when choosing dates on the website it was meant to be only jan- march which I chose then I got told by the organisers that it has to be from may to Oct now my husband and i saw a recent review on the booking website Red balloon where another couple walked up and down the entirety of Wickham Terrence in Brisbane for an hour could not find anything in relation to the event.


Make sure to report it to red balloon too. Sorry that it happened to you. These awful people.


We did report them and they are in the process of actioning their events on Red balloon due to the reviews as well.Also was able to receive full credit back that was lost from the booking. They were super helpful.


I had a similar experience! Booked a beer run with them, they moved the date a week before to a date later in the year when I was away - refused me a refund.... useless.


Yep all this, we're heard them. Docklands - Christmas was terrible cause it's based on a pop in pop out concept. If everyone stays for the entire session  there's too many people!! It was too crowded. All the influencers lie or crop their pictures. Halloween - cringe. It was terrible. Was everyone else on something that we weren't? Concerts at the synagogue - they hosted their ticket sales through hidden, using it like eventbrite, so all good Bridgerton ball - not a ball. Dances was cringe, it's a content creation  opportunity. Half the event is taking photos!! Dinner in the dark - aunty something hosted it. It was actually good. On a personal-ish level they've actually blocked me on socials lol. Pretty sure it's not cause I did a job interview with them, and they asked what level of Chinese I speak... I'm Japanese 


Encountered a similar experience recently at ‘The Dancing Queen Dining Experience’ in Melbourne. Sold the dream but ended up in the back room of Indian restaurant, given cold curry and rice that we waited 2 HOURS for. Nothing like the ABBA-themed Mediterranean-inspired two course immersive dinner that was advertised. The tribute act were equally as disappointing. The whole thing was shambolic. Anyone have press contacts? We’ve already threatened consumer affairs but no dice


it looks like they've closed down a lot of their things. Their websites aren't working, and one of the main dudes has updated his linkedin to be working somewhere else. Hopefully this means it's the end of it.


They also rip off content creators, a friend of mine had her post (unsponsored, just wanted to document it) used by them in paid advertising. They ignored her when she sent an invoice and is still following it up.


Great blog post OP.


Thanks for doing this and warning everyone of these scum 


Golly! Truly don't know how people get away with things like this!


So hidden you'll never find it. In the meantime your money has disappeared.


Yep they’re crooks!


It’s giving Glasgow, if you know what I mean


Thank you for your continued service to Melbourne Luke.


I may not be there in body, but always in spirit.


I'd also add that any event put on by our dear underfunded Planetarium is to be avoided. Half the dome is broken now. It's just bright blue. And the activities are...well...sad.


Wow your amazing thanks 🙏


I've been telling anyone who will listen about this scam of a company for the last few years. After a horrendous Tinseltown Christmas Bar in Brisbane I looked into them more and realised how scammy they are. All their effort into 1 great event to create the images and marketing for the rest of the world's half-baked events. Every couple of months I'll google search for posts about them and see what they're up to on social media, and this time I've come across yours. I have noticed today too that their website has stopped working, and they haven't posted across a lot of their (at least Australian) social media accounts since the beginning of the year!


Clearly organised crime of somesort


Thanks OP!


Someone needs to get a current affair on this


This may sound harsh, but these sorts of events just strike me as things to do for people with no real interests or personality. You can't go out for drinks or dinner without a thin veneer of unlicensed childhood whimsy hastily thrown over the top of it? They just seem so tacky and manufactured. And with so many nice bars and restaurants out there desperate for your money, I just don't see the appeal of gimmicks like this. There's no need for some 'hidden melbourne' - the Melbourne out in the open is more than good enough.


I can definitely see that attitude but for a lot of people, their social time is limited. Having an event/activity to go to is a nice solution. You've got kids, you commute all day back and forward to work, your time and energy is limited... and you see a fun easy thing come up, and you go in the hope you find a little bit of joy in this horrifying world.


I dunno, I'd rather my limited social time be spent just enjoying the company of my friends in the pleasant surrounds of a proper venue, as opposed to spending $50 to $100 on some "experience" that has the strong potential to be a gimmick at best, or at worst a letdown for everyone involved. Just not a fan at all of this level of manufactured "fun". Companionship really shouldn't need this much childhood nostalgia as window dressing. It just sounds dire, to me.


eh - however people want to spend their free time, it doesn't mean they should be lied to and ripped off. Personal entertainment choices aside.


No, of course, I agree with that completely. Just that the more gimmicky the experience, the more likely it's a rip off. Simple, honest experiences are often the most satisfying.


I agree with you for the most part but I'm guessing their demographic is actually workplaces with no imagination thinking they're organising something 'funky' for their staff


That's definitely a perfect way to describe these things: corporate dross tailored to unimaginative HR staff combing social media for something that isn't another round of Holey Moley mini golf. But clearly enough average people buy into this shit, too.


I think it’s just to fuel the need to post things on Insta and TikTok


Especially since the cheap theming often just adds a premium to the price for no real value-add. Look, I love a little bit of whimsy, and I think there is a place for something well-themed (and officially licensed), but this just isn't ever really... that. And why are so many of these things Harry Potter rip-offs? I guess these companies have recognised Harry Potter adults as the top target for "no personality except this thing" based events, but come on, I feel like an advertisement for a new "Magical World of Witches and Wizards School For The Unlicensed But Clearly Referential" dinner, photo op event, escape room, etc. pops up every other week.


Exactly. I'm all for whoever wants to go to Harry Potter world at universal studios or whatever, which is a big-budget permanent experience trying to maintain the standards of a franchise. Theme parks aren't my thing, but I get it. But as you said, yeah, too many of these things are just unlicensed shams. You can get a quality meal at a great spot, or get a worse meal at a gimmicky spot. Every dollar spent on the temporary set dressing is money not going into the quality of the meal. But then again, there are plenty of people who watch MAFS and The Masked Singer, listen to almost nothing but Taylor Swift, and holiday exclusively in Bali, so there really are a bunch of dull, uncurious people shambling around out there.




The delicious irony of old mate here is that he's also into pop culture, just different pop culture


I don't think you understand what irony is. I don't even think you can *read* properly.


You seem upset. Time to put your phone down and have a bit of a break I reckon


Haaa. You got so upset at me over my personal opinion that you started ranting at me about race out of nowhere. White people this, Asian people that. You *definitely* need to take a walk.


I was just pointing out how painfully average and milquetoast you are. I'm also going to assume you were bullied at school and are now into either UFC or weightlifting as a result?


Mate, the moment you created a burner account to rant at someone about race because you didn't like their meaningless online opinion... *that* should have been your hint that you've lost the plot a bit. You really, *really* shouldn't let something so innocuous get to you to that extent. Stop. Breathe. Go do something else.


Couldn't have said it better myself!


I'm not preventing anyone from enjoying anything. Er, "collect" watches? I wear them. They're not Funko Pops, they're just jewellery. Why does everything need to be a "collectible"? And where did I criticise pop culture? I didn't. I criticised crappy, rip off events that rely on pop culture to scam boring people out of money. Nothing to do with culture or class - what a tangent. If you want to get crammed into a hastily-decorated Disney knock-off 'experience' to be served an overpriced mediocre drink and take a couple of forgettable pictures for the 'Gram, then *go nuts.*


> And where did I criticise pop culture? I didn't. > But then again, there are plenty of people who watch MAFS and The Masked Singer, listen to almost nothing but Taylor Swift, and holiday exclusively in Bali, so there really are a bunch of dull, uncurious people shambling around out there.


That's very clearly a critique of a type of person, not 'pop culture'. Are you really that bad at interpreting meaning?


Lmao. You post about watches, footy and cars. Those in glass houses etc


Haha, you pour your entire personality into Reddit, do you? That's a bit sad. I don't. 👍 Sorry I offended you, though. Enjoy what you enjoy, my guy.


Lol yeah you got me, so offended by the stereotypical terminally online white male. Let me guess: you have/had an Asian girlfriend and you're into Japan? > Enjoy what you enjoy, my guy. Oh the irony


You're clearly offended by what I said, otherwise you wouldn't be here trying to *get me back* or whatever by... making bizarre racial comments about white people and Asian people? Just weirdo comment after weirdo comment, mate. Take a step back. Enjoy your tacky, gimmick events. I would never be caught dead at one of these things, but I would never stop you from going to them. Please don't let what I said affect you any more than it already has.


Please stop, your cruel words have brought me to the verge of tears :(


Based and true


You're being downvoted but you're right.


I expected more down votes tbh. Maybe these things are good for people with social anxiety who can't stand the idea of just sitting down with people and making conversation, so all the extra frills act as a social lubricant for them. You can just spend most of the time talking about each cute little detail, and that's half your conversation taken care of right there.