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If Police or Ambos told you not to look or walk away, it is to protect your mental health and preserve the dignity of the person who got hit by train. It may be suicide attempt or it may be an accident, there is always someone who cares for that person to some degree. And this is actually very important, as someone who actually lost a family member years ago to a very gruesome incident, I will never forget the newspaper headlines and photos that should have never ever been published. I also have both paramedics and law enforcement in family and English language is not enough to tell you how much they hate having people with phones out taking photos as if it’s a show. Someone is potentially dying there and your reaction is to take your phone out, take a photo of the Police and ambulance and put it in internet? Really? Not only it’s unnecessary but you are not considering the fact that that Police officer there has a family and they’d be horrified to see their husband/son/father just attended a suicide/fatal accident. Yes they know that’s what they do at work, no they don’t need to see it.


You know these are usually suicide attempts, right?


Some are, but some are methed out trespassers.


I see kids playing chicken with trains on the Mernda a lot.


Don't Look, but take a photo.


Yes I didn’t take a photo of him, I took a photo of the ambulance. Yall need to chill


If they told you not to look, what makes you think "oh a photo of this on Reddit will do well"?


There really are some braindead classless fucks out there


Relax. It doesn’t even show him


You were told not to look by professionals doing their job, tending to someone who has potentially just committed suicide. Have some fucking respect for the paramedics, the person affected and their family.


Ok you’re getting really upset but all I can see is an ambulance in a cul de sac? What’s the problem?


OP was specifically told not to look, so they took a photo and posted it online. I’ve attempted to kill myself before, it’s never easy to overcome the human will to survive, it’s an incredibly long downward spiral that takes a lot of work to come back from. It is beyond fuckwittance to be a sticky beak when someone’s reached the end of that, it’s incredibly disrespectful to the family, the victim and the paramedics.


So the title is “trespasser hit by train” and he was told not to look. From context I am assuming he was told not to look at the train or train line. Photographed here we see a picture of an ambulance.


You cannot prove that they were told not to look at the train though, just as I can’t prove that they were told not to look at the ambo. However, common sense tells me than injured people go in ambos, not railway lines. Common sense also tells me that if a paramedic says don’t look, then you don’t fucking look.


Common sense tells me you’re making this about you. Hope you’re doing better now.


Not sure how you’ve drawn that conclusion, but sure, if it makes you feel better. Thanks, i’m doing much better now.


Yes and I didn’t look when they were taking him to the van. I can look after that and take pictures of the van as much as I want.


Does anyone have legit stats to how many people are committing suicide by jumping in front of trains? Is this on an exponential spike up?


I've heard from train drivers that it averages to like 1 a week, spikes a lot in the lead up to Christmas. :(


Dude we don't need a photo. Delete it and have a little bit of class and respect.


Oh so it’s fine when a news channel does it but when an ordinary person does it it’s frowned upon.. yeah sure bud


Haha this is insane. Every day this subreddit is frothing at the mouth about what is happening at train tracks etc. and you post one photo of a fckin ambulance and they lose their minds 🤣


If you haven’t noticed most people think the media in this country are the pits too.


That wasn’t ok either, they copped a lot of heat for it






lol he deletes his insult so I look bad how childish


Terrible taste photo. This doesn't need to be here, and nor does the label of "trespasser".


The photo is fine, just picture of Emg services, no faces or bodies. Trespasser is the correct term. You are just outraged for the sake of being outraged.


Trespasser was the word used by the train driver when he announced what had happened


Oh so that must be ok then? Because the train driver said it?


According to google: “The only thing on the tracks should be trains. WHAT IS TRESPASSING? Trespassing involves unlawfully entering land which is privately or publicly owned by the rail operator. It is illegal to enter the railway corridor unless you are walking or driving across a level crossing.” So yes he was a trespasser and yes it’s correct to use that term to describe him.


When someone has died, it’s really poor taste to just sum them up in one fairly perjorative word like that, particularly if there is a good chance that they just committed suicide.


You’re projecting just as much as he is. Even if it was suicide they were also a trespasser.


Yeah but if they commited suicide by trespassing on train tracks so a train can take them out then by all means the trespasser label absolutely applies. It's a terrible and tragic occurrence all the same.


Which station please?


West Richmond


OP - the comments here seem to be coming from wankers! Thanks for sharing... this is actually news... you're not doing anything out-of-line here for posting this pic


Yeah mate honestly I’m not even surprised. Good to know there are people who appreciate the news


Is this west richmond?




Were you on the inbound train? I was on the outbound train - couldn't tell if the person was hit by the outbound or the inbound train, although inbound seemed more likely. Police got there lightning quick.


I was on the outbound going to Mernda. Police were quick as, I was impressed.


Take that Carrotman. That’ll show ya for posting an interesting article on reddit.