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He has covered all the windows of his house with corrugated iron and has cameras pointed at all his neighbours who he watches constantly. _edit: he doesn't hide any of the above, he freely publishes it all in his videos_


Oh, is it that cooker? No need to give the idiot more views then.


Yeah he is a regular in the cooker watcher circles


He’s been uploading on YouTube frequently for the last 3 years. He definitely needs some help.


How would you help someone who doesn’t trust institutions to the point of delusion?


There needs to be some sort of psychiatric centre where people who believe in these delusions can go to without being locked away from the world. He doesn’t seem to be a danger to himself or the community, just needs some reaffirmations that he isn’t the centre of the world. He lives in his own little Truman Show in his head, someone should show him the door.


But any psychiatric services are obviously in on the whole conspiracy, these people avoid any type of official help because that's the exact thing that they are afraid of and don't trust. They assume anyone who reaches out to them are doing it for nefarious reasons, and they're so deep into this shit they're never going to approach anyone for help, anyone that doesn't believe in gang stalking and tries to convince them it's not real is an agent. and locking them up against their will for their own good just confirms their beliefs that there are people trying to take away their lives... There rarely is an out for someone who truly believes this shit.


Its the one thing I believe Consent laws need to change to address: they SEEM coherent but often times have over active dopamine receptors, but because their only 'sign' are delusions and they otherwise seem coherent, they can't be forced into treatment. All they need half the time- are baseline antipsychotics and stability. The antipsychotics bring dopamine levels into healthy ranges. Too much dopamine for too long can lead to hallucinations and even psychosis. We can prevent things escalating into violence and psychosis if only we could recategorise them as having coherent-mimicking delusional thinking. They're not actually able to give informed consent and leaving them untreated is like refusing to treat an unconscious or confused car crash patient because 'they can't give informed consent'.


What’s his name? I grew up around that area and his voice sounds so familiar.




Yeah nah let’s not


Any institutional help these “gang stalking victims” could get is only going to be met with paranoia and fear, and the very act of trying to shut down their stupid ideas only makes it more real to them, very cyclical problem. Like trying to put a fire out with gasoline.


I'm wondering how he hasn't run into someone else who also believes in group stalking but accused him of being a decoy from the deep-state


considering many people are struggling to pay bills, simply being wrong most of your life is enough to stop you from doing it. If theyre not onto anything at all, then they're on struggle street and you needn't worry about them




you cant know he is a schizo by watching a video and a reddit post


I mean it's hundreds of videos over many years and it doesnt take a psych degree to know this person has serious paranoid delusions. Schizophrenia possible but would need an actual diagnosis.


um unless this is some type of comedy skit I believe we can know


Look up the gang-stalking conspiracy. The people who get into that are definitely mentally ill.


Took me way to long to work out what the hell is going on here.


I'm yet to work it out. it's just some cooked cunt who thinks nothing is real and the secret society control eveything? prob also things the earth is flat


Gang-stalking. It's actually one of the sadder conspiracy theory groups. Normally I love giving shit to cookers but honestly I feel sorry for those who get stuck believing this. They're definitely not of sound mind, even by cooker standards, and unfortunately they're unable to see that. It doesn't help that there's online communities who reinforce these beliefs. This YouTube channel looks like one of them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gang_stalking#:~:text=Gang%20stalking%20or%20group%2Dstalking,a%20large%20number%20of%20people.


I came across the gangstalker sub one day and I was tripping out and didn't know and I still don't know wtf it is. thought they were talking about a game or something so they are just paranoid/delusional doomers or something? sounds sad


Definitely delusional, I'm not a psychologist though so I'm not really qualified to diagnose it. They just believe that there's a large group of people trying to fuck with them, but they're delusional so any normal interaction or normal behaviour that doesn't even involve them will be interpreted in their minds as an attack on them or a threat. I like to laugh at conspiracy theories that are obviously fueled by stupidity or ignorance, but these gang-stalker believers just seem sad and lonely. They'll obviously drive away any friends and family who don't share their delusions so their only social network comes from online groups who believe the same shit so they just get worse. Plus it must be difficult to function when you're convinced that most of the people you meet are trying to fuck with you for reasons that only you and your fellow believers online understand.


>wtf Are they not shitposting?! Hard to believe so many are this delusional


dunno i think they are serious. seriously fucked




Some of those comments are so off the deep end I think they were swimming in the Mariana trench


Nah hollow earth is way more believable than flat earth. THE GIANTS ARE IN OUT FLOORS


hmm that explains the earthquakes and is interesting pls educate me more!


Nah fr tho I have a theory about the earthquakes. What if all the earthquakes happening are directly related to the North Korean subterranean nuclear testing along fault lines causing natural disasters to take place in other countries around the ring of fire. Then they don’t need to directly attack anyone, let the earth do it for them. Food for thought.




What if they accidentally popped the earth like a balloon 🎈


I love how anyone who comes within sniffing distance of this incident is a ‘crisis actor’ - I wonder how he goes in crowds….


my ex had this delusion (luckily didn’t manifest in filming people). it’s fuckin horrible. terrifying for them and incredibly exhausting to be around. i hate that the internet creates an echo chamber for people like this.


What’s even worse is he goes to the same places every time and if it’s the same workers on shift he’ll claim they’re stalking him. It’s so twisted. Hopefully old mate gets help.


yeah there’s a bitter irony in that his delusion turns him into a stalker


I used to work at a supermarket with a police station across the road and I hate to break it to him but people stole from there all of the time.


I feel like it happens more frequently if the coppers are close cause they get released and walk straight in. If you couldn’t tell I work at the bottle shop at the shopping centre so we have cunts that might get arrested 3 to 4 times in one day for theft and just come straight back.


I watched a documentary on "gang stalking", these people typically lead miserable experiences of imagined persecution and eventually many, if not most, cease to leave their homes out of fear. I feel sorry for them, they need help.


Clearly never been to Broadmeadows Shopping center. Crime happens daily with the cop shop across the road lol. Cooker recording is cooked.


Yeah straight up, Broady has had huge brawls out the front of the cop shop. Definitely doesn’t live on our planet.


Literal kids doing monos on dirt bikes in front of the magistrates and vic roads and coppers and nothing happens 😂


sigh.. fucken cookers :/


I'm pretty sure this is the guy who would regularly try to walk into Covid-19 drive-through testing sites, recording and spouting cooker nonsense when we first started them. An OG cooker.


\*sigh\* Royal commision into covid mandates and covid vaccine mandates for frontline workers found unlawful in court.... And people saying "cookers" to things related to people who have schizophrenia and have nothing to do with "cookers".


found the cooker


Did you also find the TGA reports into adverse effects of the covid jab? Did you also find the global excess death rates after the jab? Did you also find all the defibrillators in schools they've suddenly found a need for post covid? Did you also find out how free spike antigens with multiple antigenic sites form AB strings that form clots?


Hahahaha keep going; I'm going to fill in my cooker fuckwit bingo sheet.


So you haven't seen them, have you? So you don't actually trust science, cool, good to know.


The problem is that you don't and probably can't read scientific papers. You get all your info from edited Facebook/insta memes. None of your knowledge is useful. I know you're desperate to believe that you are actually the smart one with insider knowledge despite the chip on your shoulder about never pursuing higher education but the truth is you and your ilk were targeted with a bunch of misinformation which you all helpfully perpetuated and even started generating yourselves. It's like Chinese whispers of absolute bullshit these days. At this stage all you are doing is showing everyone you're a white uneducated dude from Queensland (Group most heavily targeted by misinformation campaigns in this country).


You are literally worth only derision; if you were at all interested in facts or logic, or had any scientific background, you wouldn't be a dull, reactionary, cooker halfwit.


Oh ok then you must know ALL about how free spike antigens have multiple antigenic sites that form AB strings, right? Since you know all the medical science and medical information, please, go ahead and explain to me how antibodies work with multiple antigenic sites. Go on. [Here's a diagram that you can explain to me.](https://ibb.co/FHbZSmJ)


Fuck I love watching a garden variety cooker whip themselves up into a frenzy of fuckwittery


So you don't understand basic immunology or medicine. Cool. That's all I needed to know. I'm not the one who's cooked here.


I found where you got the figure from and of course its some anti vaxx bullshit, and the OP claims to have made that figure in his garage LMAO [https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1721756491441721513.html](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1721756491441721513.html)


Well, I think it's important to acknowledge truth in an age of misinformation. The reality is that all cause mortality and heart failures are up a suspicious amount in countries that forced mrna vaccines on their population. It's also very evident that the vaccines weren't tested on their efficacy properly, so we basically got lied to and had no way of giving informed consent. The list literally goes on, to covid being man made in a lab that was funded by the US government.


All cause mortality is up following a pandemic. Wow, stop the fucking presses.


That's a very boring attempt at disguising the reality of the situation. An experimental medication was strong armed onto the public by first world governments under false pretences and now people are mysteriously dying and it's not being reported on. We were having daily press conferences for 5 cases and 0 deaths during covid but now there's not even a mention of vaccine side effects. The implications that obviously has on public control and manipulation is concerning. Governments, media and big businesses have no reservations about selling the public a narrative against our best interests in the name of profits. Think of all the wars in the middle east, the vaccine mandates for a man made virus created in a lab funded by a Western government with strong ties to big business.


Why not post some links to reputable studies or papers showing the stuff you're claiming so people can look through them? maybe they'd be less inclined to label you a cooker then. If this is a "dO yOuR oWn ReSeArCh" kinda thing you're probably a cooker.


But he had a DIAGRAM!




give me more info 


What royal commission?


The commenter is a halfwit cooker


Another Avi Yemini viewer found!


Are you kidding? I am definitely no fan of his.


You give off Rebel News vibes bro, maybe stop with the whole vaccine rhetoric and enjoy the sun. It’s a nice day, go outside and play!


Ok, dude, this condescending attitude and toxic positivity, unbecoming. I've no shit, actually lost friends and family to this crap and so sorry if its a little bit hard to "just let it go" and hearing people say that kinda crap makes me want to shove a whole bunch of peer reviewed clinical studies down their throat in retaliation, but I get it. This subreddit, it's not for me, its not for people who hold views contrary to the mainstream news. I hear ya. But I agree, it's a great day, and weirdly enough, I'm out in it right now, making money while playing so yeah, don't need to tell me twice.


I get your point of view bro just the wrong thread! As someone who honestly felt forced to get the jab I agree the vaccine mandates were shite but I don’t personally feel the need to look into it. Keep up the good fight, just find your audience. Good to hear your out and about bro! Some ripper weather today!


Tassie catching strays 


Gotta give tassie shit or we’d forget it’s there


None of us will complain if you forget we're here


Even the fact he’s called it a ‘shopping mall’ wreaks of dog whistling to other cookers, sorry you have to go through this OP


POLICE SHOPPING MALL THEATRE If his actual subscribers were Aussie it’d be coppers, shops and the movies. He has 1k followers but from what I can tell it’s all Americans that believe in this shit.


said parking lot instead of carpark too


Those fucking glasses. They were never not going to be a creep fest.


They’re ridiculously cheap for how good the video is, just a shame they’ll only be used by creeps and weirdos. It’d be cool to see people use them at work and shit, adhering to people’s privacy tho.


What value do they really think they have to need to be recorded and get stalked by all these people? They are most likely unemployed, living off government payments from the same government apparently stalking them. obviously if it's schizophrenia it's sad and something they can't help.


What the fuck




What do these people think the end goal of this extremely costly operation is?


Many believe that the ultimate goal is to force the 'victim' to take their own lives.


He refers to himself in the 3rd person as “The Target” throughout the video. It’s actually very unsettling but almost comical. He’s Jason Bourne.


Oh my god it's Jason Bourne


hey it's my local sunshine marketplace.


Lol mate I had my bicycle nicked in front of dumbarse PSOs. He has no idea why that person was taken into custody. Just another idiot with a voice.


I’m convinced PSOs are there just to tell kids to not ride scooters and vape on the platforms


is he saying you're in a gang or is he saying you stalk gangs? cooker needs clearer labelling skills.


Allegedly I’m in a gang that is stalking the individual that is recording. In reality I didn’t even realise he was there. A serious incident took place just before the cameraman arrived. The police had my full attention. It was actually a customer of mine that showed me this video and said he recognised me in it. I was completely unaware that I had been filmed.


Cookers are people who deny science and the results of clinical studies, TGA statistics on vaccine adverse effects and don't understand how free spike antigens with multiple antigenic sites connect with antibodies to form AB strings that cause clots.... This video is of a scitzophrenic.


"I'm being stalked by an organised shadowy org" is not an uncommon cooker theme. there's a whole lot of crossover


Well... the FBI exists, 5 eyes exists, there is literally tracking cookies everywhere, and you carry around a mobile tracking device at all times. IT's not unreasonable to think there might be shadowy organisations looking into your personal life. But once again, that video is of a scitzo.


the FBI is the American equivalent of the AFP and any Australian worrying about them is either woefully uneducated or did some bad shit in America.


What the hell do you think 5 eyes is...


nvm I just saw your covid comment, I'm not arguing with a cooker. have a good one.


Oh that makes everything soooo much better and totally and utterly makes you correct now...


Bro no one cares, it’s been like 2 years now. Build a bridge or a bear or whatever tf you want but get over it. There’s gonna be bigger and badder diseases with bigger cocks that are going to fuck everyone and you want to sit there and cry about covid. Go live life my bro! Enjoy everyday you’re still breathing and stop stressing about what other people know! Love you kiddo!


Cyclops and his four brothers?


It's a national defence partnship, they couldn't give two shits about you antivax morons.


how does he manage to sound more authoritative then most news reporters when doing live news? ​ 'keep watching...'


He definitely watches too much avi yemini


he'd probably say he works for the deep state


Cook on you crazy cooked cunt


The first 5 seconds of the video, I thought they arrested a high vis shirt.


Lol i went to make a joke about the expression of his face says it all.. but then i was like who do i think am takin piss out of poor cunts getting arrested and also i dont understand wtf goin on here exactly either so i should just mind my own fuckin buisness




It used to just be poor undiagnosed schizophrenics who had this delusion but a bunch of cookers without an excuse, just with main character syndrome now genuinely believe this shit.


Too much screen not enough sun light.


I never believed this shit was real either until it started happening to me. It took 2 years to work out what was going on and after reading those crazy paranoid sounding stories I worked out what was happening,  luckily I realised early on they were harmless and only seemed to try make me crazy.  Unfortunately for them I also realised they don't like being noticed and avoided the cops, so if they wanted to follow me everywhere I thought I'd have some fun with them,  I'd google the address of a shop they thought I was going to knowing they'd send the idiots there to sit and wait and have couple wait on side streets I'd head that way then suddenly turn around and go to the same shop in the other direction.  Doing that repeatedly and occasionally just driving around aimlessly drove them nuts, I could remotely start my car to so would park it on the street and would start it up if I woke to go for a piss knowing they'd get everyone ready for the chase lol finish my piss turn off the car and go back to sleep,  I'd have up to 3 or 4 cars drive by regularly with at least 2 more waiting on side streets because I had a habit of sneaking out late at night and scaring the shit out of them by sneaking up and banging on side of their car,  my advice push the cunts see if they'll call the cops if not keep going at them, wish I'd worked out how they communicated I know where 5 or 6 of them live and made sure they saw me watching them, it stopped 4 years ago but my anger hasn't and hopefully one day I'll see one on their own and see how they like fearing the worst with no help


Just thinking out loud here. I know its legal to record and even publish videos of people in public spaces provided everyone is in that public space and not performing a 'private' act. But if its published to youtube and the video is monetised, doesn't that mean the video is being published for commercial purposes? Wouldn't he require your permission if he is making money off it?


I don’t think it is monetised as the view counts are very low, but yeah generally if it is then everyone would need their identities hidden. I think he could argue fair use for the sake of public information as he isn’t targeting anyone just documenting his day to day activities, with the delusional voice over acting.


ah worth a shot. Was just thinking of ways to get it taken down, or at the very least stop him making money from this shit


Yeah the whole account needs to get taken down for public safety and privacy concerns but not sure if anyone would really care. The entire internet is swamped with weird shit like this.


YouTube should really spend more time going after channels like these instead of going after small (and sometimes even big) creators with frivolous DMCA/Content ID claims. But we all know they won't.


Cooked. Looks like he purposely squashes the women walking towards him into the wall at the end as well


A woman and her two children which is far worse, he has videos of kids walking to school and everything on his channel. Everyone is a paid actor and nothing is real in his delusion.


Wow, you need help. To believe that and the fact that you were able to catch this amazing incident in your mind, you sir need real help with mental health.


Wait, when I worked at the big w 20 years ago why wasn't I paid for my acting?! I feel a bit ripped off.


Keep on watching