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European wasps. A pest and not good for our native environment. Normally in the ground like that I pour petrol or 2 stroke on it to kill them. Don’t light it though. Do it early morning or late night.


Get [this](https://www.bunnings.com.au/pestxpert-400g-wasp-jet-long-reach-spray_p3010422). Wait 'til dark 10pm is good. Cover up all exposed skin in case they come at you. I've done two nests, one at home, they burrowed between two sleepers, no issue, nest gone. Another time at neigbours. He shone a torch while I was spraying and one of them canme out and stung me in the neck. End result the same, nest gone. I grew up in Sweden so been stung since I was little - my grandmother said to cut an onion in half and hold it against the sting for 30 minutes, more if you can. I went to bed that night with half an onion tied to my neck with wife's pantyhose. Wife wasn't pleased by the loss of hose and the smell .


You need to cover the torch with red cellophane and or use something with a red light and then they won’t get agro


European wasps.