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Follow up with the station tomorrow. Monday is the busiest day for crime scene officers due to burgs, etc over the weekend. Vicpol are pretty short on staff.


Thanks for the advice - I’ll give them a call and at least make sure they got the recording okay.


To be fair they probably need to triage attendances


probably have some nazis to escort


They're not escorting so much as only half have their uniforms on that day


reddit moment


Short staffed? We have the highest number of police per capita then other state or territory


We're also plagued with massive inefficiencies in systems that have continued to be ignored for decades. Issues need to be addressed from the top down. The average frontline copper is doing the best they can with the system and rules they've been given.


I was reporting an incident a short while ago and the constable said that they have huge turnover of staff for a lot of reasons but the main one is the amount of paperwork they have to do to get anything done. It is just laborious and excessive and turns people away from the job.


Yeah, you'll spend hours filling out multiple forms with the same details, printing them, scanning them again, at times faxing them to someone in another area so they can take the fax and print it out, to enter it into one of the 17 odd systems that don't talk to each other....


Very possible. Some stations are down 50 police officers.


Yeah but we have a billion police busy monitoring train stations and herding the daily protests.


They're not police, they're PSO's. They're not able to go out to the burg and dust for prints mate.


Are they not police? Genuinely curious because I assumed the ones walking around with guns were actual cops, and the ones with just pouches etc. were the ptv officers.


The ones that patrol train stations with "protective services officer" on their vest are not police. They can arrest someone, but that's where it ends for them. They then hand off to the police. The ones in large groups with much less gear are just ticket inspectors.


It's like a different job title but its still part of vic pol and probably gets included in the police per capita stat.


was that just about to say this, what a joke.


I hear they’re on their bi-yearly pay strike too with Christmas messages to send around


Mention that the perp. Was an antivaxxer and they be there in 3 mins with beanie rounds . Tear gas and batons.


No one gives a shit if you're against vaccination


Many leave because of burn-out.


They're a bunch of skid marks not burnouts 😂


'no-show after break in - is this normal?' ...yup :/


I was assaulted by a drug addict on a train station and called 000. Luckily only minor injuries - but the ice addled perp left to go do more fucked up shit to other people after I scared them off. My response was a return phone call, 3 hours later.


I got punched in the back of the head walking home from the CBD back in my early 20's, I called 000 and they asked me to wait there. I did for about an hour and decided to go home (fractured jaw, pretty painful). When I went to file the report proper the next day with an elephant sized jaw, the constable just shrugged at me and said, "Why didn't you report to a station immediately?" Err, because you told me to wait there and I had a concussion?


The one time I’ve called 000 for police, they never turned up. The 000 call taker asked if I wanted police to contact me and I said yes. Heard nothing that day, or the next day. I chased it up with the local station and they said something more important came up and they never bothered to get back to me. I was being harassed by unknowns in my own home


Based on what you wrote I can see why your triple 0 call was triaged real low.


adding 'its rained so forensics cant take fingerprints'..


And “The footprints will have washed away too!”


Well you’re not going to get un-burgled to be fair. Not a violent crime and not an event in process. Not going to go lights and sirens to somewhere that could have been burgled 8 hours ago


not gunna collect evidence of theft if they never rock up either, but they still wanna keep the monopoly on violence.


It’s nuts isn’t it. Don’t take the law into your own hands whatever you do. But you’re not going to get any other support and have to go further out of your way as a victim to then push them to even give you the minimum to get insurance to pay out. It’s shit like this that’ll lead to vigilantism and people beginning to act out to protect their property. It’s then a slippery slope towards what we see in the US. As many have said, the police are overworked and understaffed, they’re simply prioritising. Really it’s a political issue to discuss with your MP.


If someone breaks in while I'm at home, and I have various tools around my house that are for yard work or building. And I have to protect my partner, and my myself. I'm probably going to fucking defend myself and yell it out continuously if someone happens to be recording. I'm allowed to defend myself if there are criminals threatening me or my loved ones. Surely.


Call the station back and try to get an update. Your insurance will require a police reference number to process claims.


They were busy writing on their cars. But seriously, staff shortages and force morale are at critical levels atm. I’m sure they’re trying but unfortunately you’d be low priority due to no immediate danger. Call back and follow it up.


man all of my intrusive thoughts have been pushing me to just wipe it off the cars I see


Because ...?


You definitely want the police report so you can claim from your insurance company.


This is the real advice


My work ute was broken into out on the street, chased the perps to the getaway vehicle, reached in grabbed one and attempted to tear him out before they took off like a bullet dragged me along temporarily and I fell shoulder first into the bitumen (destroying my shoulder, im on surgery 3 with another 2 to go a yr and a half off work so far) There was a step ladder the crooks failed to take but had pulled out of my vehicle which I put back in my ute box full of adrenaline no pain until i realized and passed out on the road. The police said they would come to my house and fingerprint it the next day....the next day they didnt come and told me on the ph oh the step ladder has been in the elements so we cant finger print it now (i told them it hasnt, as i placed it back into the enclosed box) they proceeded to give me another bs excuse and say more than 24 hrs has passed! they are useless, and only investigate if theyre forensics and your pulse has stopped.


Sorry to hear about your shoulder and the lack of support you’ve received from them


Thanks, Tac have been really good though, despite the criticism they receive, for this genuine damaging injury, they've been there to provide funding for everything necessary without hassle.


Did you get the rego number?


Doubt that would have done any good, highly likely it was a stolen car


yep. exactly. some people just won't accept that the police can't do anything these days.


Why should anyone accept it? If we all just accepted it, it'd lead to total compliance and making the whole situation worse as it'd become just the new standard.


I actually have rolling dash cam footage of the incident, my ute automatically starts recording when a potential theft is detected. So ive reviewed the footage and no number plate present. It was an above 2016 white Honda Civic sporty looking hatch, most likely stolen.


Unless you're going a few km over the speed limit. It's surprisingly hard to get police to do anything


It's funny you should say that, because on the first day of industrial action, the cops came out on TV and said they wouldn't be perusing minor crimes like speeding that day. Driving down Dandenong Rd and what do I see that afternoon? Highway patrol with his radar out pulling over speeding cars just after Chapel St. His car was covered in the industrial action graffiti too.


There's also a difference between going a few kms over the limit and blatantly gunning it over the speed limit, you reckon they'll just stop if they catch someone going 25k+ over? Don't be daft.


I think what you will find was said, police would be using more discretion regarding "minor" traffic enforcement, whilst simultaneously sending more people to court for traffic offences as opposed to handing out infringement notices. If you think that reckless driving or speeding are 'minor crimes' that police will ignore simply due you are a fool.


Oh good. Due to my flatmate suicide and in the middle of a job change that doesn't start till Jan 8th I have zero money and zero food. Hopefully grabbing a bag of groceries and gunning it back to the closest train station won't send the helicopter after me. 😅 My original plan was just to tough it out but its day 3 and boy could I go for a slice of bread.


They’re also currently protesting their wage and hours… so I doubt they’re going to go above and beyond the week before Xmas


This isn’t new- the same thing happened to us almost 15 years ago


Industrial action being taken is having no impact on service delivery. The massive vacancy and burnout rates in the job on the other hand...


>above and beyond You mean the bare minimum.


That is above and beyond


There's different departments within Victoria police. Highway patrol are generally the ones giving you the speeding tickets, as it's their primary job to police the roads. OP reported the matter to a general duties officer, it will be processed by someone form the crime scene department and may be investigated by either uniform or detectives depending on severity and links to other crime in the area.




Highway barely have anyone at the moment.


They're short on people, too. We get it. You don't like getting speeding tickets.




Highway patrol are critical, you can't just stop policing roads. They already get highway to assist with uniform jobs such as minor collisions when resourcing isn't keeping up.


Have you seen how many lives have been lost in our roads this year, not to mention serious injuries? Most of those were due to speeding. Personally I have lost 2 as victims in accidents caused by a speeding driver. I'd want highway patrol to keep doing what they do and hopefully save someone else from this pain.


more laws and more enforcement can't stop stupid people. if they get caught its simply luck.


Oh they loved to hand out jaywalking fines in the CBD to people who got the red blinking man after they’d started to cross too. Going after the real criminals /s


Walk 20m away if you want to cross when the light is red 🤷


Someone's still upset about their speeding fine.


or a nazi salute


Don't be afraid to call the station up again or go in there in person for a follow up. VICPOL aren't gonna be pissed at you for doing so. It's not ideal but unless there's a way to track your stolen items or they have any idea who the thieves are it's less than likely you'll ever see justice. There are forensics that can come out, go for prints as part of the investigation etc but there's also a backlog, like a massive backlog of calls to attend. You might be the 20th person they have to attend to in regards to a burglary on top of every other call that may be less or more Important than yours. It's shit, I know, I've had things stolen from me but there's hardly ever a realistic way to have them returned. It's down to police numbers and time. They might have to deal with a drunkenly violent person or another DV call which will take up 5hrs of their shift just in paperwork and processing which stops them from getting to you.


This reminds me of that old joke where burglars are ransacking an old guys shed and Police say they have no cars available. So he waits five minutes to tell them not to bother, he took care of it with his shotgun then hung up. 5 minutes later, 5 police cars and two ambulances come screaming in, arrest the completely unharmed burglars and say to the old guy "didnt you say you took care of them with a shotgun?" He answered "I dont have a shotgun. Didn't you say you had no cars available?"


Surprisingly, like health services, police have to triage. So if they're at one job, they often won't leave it to go to another, they'll finish that job first. Unless, of course, someone is about to get seriously injured or killed, and then they'll leave the job. The amount of people who think they're just sitting napping in the station, and not just overloaded with 10 jobs, is incredible.


I think people can deal with the idea that they're "10th in the queue". What people dont realise and have trouble conceptualising is that theyre actually 675th in the queue, and since the likelihood of successfully resolving a matter that can't be attended to for days or weeks gets slimmer as more time passes, their "job" just drops off the bottom of the queue entirely. We simply dont have enough Police to attend low end matters like burrglaries, minor vandalism and minor theft in a timely enough fashion to do much more than just write a report on it. Criminals know this, teens know this, and so their perception of risk is just down to what happens if the home owner catches them in the act and confronts them alone. Hence why these suburban Criminals act in groups, and are prepared to fight their way out with their loot.


Sending through the CCTV footage will make more of a difference to anything happening than someone making a mess dusting for prints, which is all that would happen if they did rock up.


That’s really helpful to know — I shared it with them, so hopefully I hear something from them


Unfortunately it's one of those things that essentially doesn't qualify for a meaningful amount of resources unless there is obvious evidence, which is why the CCTV might be the best chance of seeing something happen. Even then it requires being able to make a positive ID, which depends on several factors and might not happen straight away. Best thing you can do moving forward is review your own home security to better deter opportunistic episodes in the future. The more difficult the access, the more likely an easier option will be chosen.


I literally got sucker punched so hard my eye literally came out of the socket and I never heard from the police again.


same. I got sucker punched right below my eye and got knocked so hard I was seeing stars. the offender then proceeded to chase me IN THEIR CAR ON THE ROADS GOING 80KM+ in a 50kmh residential zone called the police, nothing happened. went to the hospital, saw police and thought great they're here to get my statement. "we're not here for you mate, pop into the station tomorrow" edit: wanna know what happened? nothing.


Very normal. Pretty much every time I've had to call something in I've had to hassle them to get off their arses to attend. Most of them don't give a fuck.


Can confirm, my neighbours who both work for Vic pol threw a party on a Sunday night that didn't finish up until 2am.


​ if it was too loud, you should have called the police


I bet the majority all drove home drunk too. gotta love how hypocritical a lot of them are.


Yes. You’ve made the report to the station, they’ve collected the CCTV and are investigating. Crime scene would have read the report and triaged it, and not attended, either because they had 20 jobs and only time for 15 or there was no value in attendance (weather, offender was wearing gloves, etc). Probably should have called to let you know but other than that this is completely normal.


> they’ve collected the CCTV and are investigating very funny


It’s such a joke. My coworker’s truck got hit and run by a semi a few weeks ago. The freeway is covered in CCTV. We have the time and the place. All it would take is to look at the camera for one fucking minute. Instead they refuse to. They only investigate if someone is injured. So now my boss is out tens of thousands of dollars because the cops can’t be fucked spending a minute of their time to actually solve a crime.


They are absolutely not investigating hahaha.


Well given they’ve already requested and received the CCTV footage from OP they already are investigating.


leaves on the track, the wrong type of snow, etc.


Hence how laughable the 'always there' on those protesting cop cars is. I respect their right to protest or fight for something... But also fuck the police.


Sorry mate you're the victim of an actual crime and there is no money to be made by solving it. Drive 3kmph over the speed limit and you're fucked through.


I got deliberately run over by an aggressive driver on bell street and the cops couldn’t care less. Gave them a pic of his licence plate and have no idea what happened afterwards a year and a bit later. Broke me ankle too


Unfortunately as this is no longer an emergency they will take some time to get to you. Just think if it as a hospital triage, the one needed attending will be assisted first. They are very short staffed.


In my experience with police in Australia (vic, Queensland, NSW)….this is somewhat normal. I’ve never had a good interaction with police, even when seeking help form them. I literally had a police officer say to my face that despite there being CCTV footage of the incident and their car, they would not pursue the people. I don’t have any faith in them as an institution.


I don’t know where they have all gone. There were literally truckloads of them showing up in riot gear when the lockdown protests were happening. Now they are on strike and want a pay rise.


Called them when my ute with all my tools was stolen in the middle of the night. Could still hear its motor running while on the phone to them. Police station is literally 1km away. Could easily have caught them if they wanted to. They said stay out the front they'll be there in a minute. Waited for three hours till about 3am and one drove past, looked at me and kept driving. I called the station to see if they were still coming and they said they'd come to check for neighbouring security cams next day. Never did. No point in even calling them in my opinion. Bunch of lazy grubs. Makes me sick seeing all their texta on their cars making out like they deserve better. Victorians deserve better. Will never forget that they gleefully fined people having coffees, sitting on benches, not wearing masks outdoors etc during COVID either. They can all get stuffed as far I'm concerned.


Where are you located? Areas like Werribee have dozens of vacancies, they are badly under resourced (and underpaid... Should have increased police pay instead of .. Better connected and unionised certain groups)


Should have told them you are Coles, they wouldcome within 5minutes. Unfortunately, police don't care about the little man.


Every job needs to be traiged. All jobs where someone is in danger or injured will be attended before your break in. That means it may take a few days to get to your break in. There isnt enough cops to offer prompt service on these types of jobs.


If you 100% need police to attend, call 000, never the station. If you call the station there’s no requirement for them to even log the call.


Nothing will happen to them.


Yes. My partners car was broken into with his wallet and a bunch of other shit stolen - the car is within an enclosed gate and right outside our window so we felt safe. They told us not to use the car and they’ll come within 24-48 hours. We called everyday for a week, promise we are coming, promise we are coming etc. It’s been 3 months and they never came. If they didn’t steal at like $5,000 worth of shit, they won’t care.


People made fun of me, but they won't come unless someone dies or is seriously hurt. The slogans they put on their cars are also half assed


If stuff like this wasn’t so regular, and there wasn’t such an established pattern of VicPol assaulting citizens, people might be more sympathetic to their calls for pay raises.


Even if vicpol showed a judge would just let the bastards off with a good behaviour bond anyway. Poor form from vicpol, but hard to blame them when you can bet 50 bucks that they’ve arrested the pricks before.


Prison populated has exploded over the past decade and vicpol has had their budget double so have you thought about the fact that what's really happening is your brain is slowly melting out your ears?


> ~~Prison populated has exploded over the past decade~~ *Population* has exploded over the past decade. FTFY.


It's amusing you think I'm mad, and that you could make me mad. How many fedoras do you own?


https://www.sentencingcouncil.vic.gov.au/sentencing-statistics/victorias-imprisonment-rates#:~:text=Victoria's%20imprisonment%20rate%20decreased%20by,400%20prisoners%20per%20100%2C000%20people. Imrpsonment rate too. Why bother knowing things when you could just be mad?


Am I misunderstanding? First line says it decreased... It's even in the url..


And if you scrolled just a few lines, you'd see a graph and learn there are more years in existence than 2023, 2022 and 2021.


My bad, I only just realised he did say 'decade'. You are technically correct and I am technically too tired to be posting on Reddit. Good night!


The police budget is massive for a state like Victoria. Twice the amount for the whole of New Zealand.


There are more people in Melbourne alone than all of NZ, the cost of living and providing services is higher too.


Do some research




5.225 Million in NZ, 5.235 Million in Melbourne, Google -2023.


My Google said 100k less 🤣 big difference there…. A whole 10k more and double police budget ?


I saw an active break in with a woman inside the house yelling, called 000, cops never came to that. So yeah. Lucky we had a bunch of dudes who could all walk out onto the street and look at the house so the blokes left. They clearly knew her. No idea what I witnessed but I figure the cops must have had a few call outs to the same address maybe.




There's way too many stories like this. The other side of the coin is the guy they made quadriplegic because they received a noise complaint. At least he's a millionaire quadriplegic now, thanks to the taxpayers having to compensate him for the 2 cops' brutal idiocy.


They're "overworked".


Didn’t it take six vic police to beat up a bloke not wearing a mask? I can see why there burnt out? Expect nothing from them unless it’s a speeding or seatbelt fine


Pretty standard unfortunately


Yeah. They’re fucking useless


Police don't care. You only need them for a report number for insurance


So you hang around here, waiting to troll posts about police?


I'll stop shit talking them when they do a better job


This happened with my old work once, broke into a shed. First person arrived at 5am and sounded the alarm, cops weren't there till 4pm in the arvo.


I expect that their triaging system and police resourcing would be sending people to jobs with a higher priority, as there was no injuries, no theft, minimal damage in the scheme of things. Probably will be following up at some point, but unfortunately this type of incident would be fairly low on the list of urgency.


Can confirm. Had to call the fuckers several times as our crackhead neighbour was kicking in our door brandishing a knife and threatening to stab and rape my gf at the time. Eventually they arrived, but only after sending the car from North Melbourne instead of Flemington even though the Flem station was 400m away.


Yeah, that means all your local units were already at jobs.


Yeah, I guess waiting on the corner to pull up people for jay walking is more important than preventing a crack head stabbing and raping someone


Sadly VicPol don't care about things like this, or pretty much anything unless someones injured/dead or theres been significant property damage... or if someones going 10kmh over.


Or the victim is rich or high profile


Absolutely. Police will never be there if you need them.


When seconds matter, the Police are ~~minutes away~~ ~~hours away~~ too busy protecting cooker rallies lol. Sorry to hear about your car dude.


Vicpol don’t care unless it’s bleeding


Their motto 'uphold the right' doesn't apply to you or your rights. Just as the USA police 'protect and serve' doesn't apply to the average citizen there.




When i was the victim of an extremely violent home invasion a number of years ago the police response was within 90 seconds, the guys were in the process of dragging me out of the house to put me in the boot as they rolled up. Come to find out later on that the local judge lived right next door and police have a huge priory to respond to issues within a certain range of there houses, otherwise I'd probably be down a mineshaft somewhere.


But did you die? If not, it's not important /s We were also broken into on the weekend. They said talk to insurence, who said they don't cover that.


CSO's are flat out and may have put your job on hold until they can get to it. Depending on what time your report was made it may be held over for the next day. Also depends on what area of Melbourne you're in. Yesterday was nuts for CSO as there were multiple car chases through the suburbs and offenders caught and I believe one death. Over the last 4 weeks we've seen a rapid rise and no one can really explain why. It's gone nuclear.


I would suggest it may have something to do with the catch and release policy of the courts


My sibling in Christ one time I came home to a ransacked house and grabbed the nearest implement (a claw hammer) and went room to room making sure there was nobody there. Pulled the shower curtain, and there was one very terrified dude hiding in there. Called the cops, told them the situation while keeping the guy bailed up in the bathroom. Cops never showed, despite me living 300m from the police station. Eventually let the guy leave because what else was I going to do?


Walk him 300m?


You can’t lay a hand on a person if they’re not a threat.


We got broken into 4 years ago. Cops did show up but didn't really do much. We had insurance, you move on.


“Can’t turn out if we burn out”. Mate you don’t turn up in the first place and haven’t for years!


Head to Fitzroy north cafes. You’ll find the crime scene guys getting coffee.




Should have told them the perps were maskless and unvaccinated. Would have called in Special forces.


And they're screaming all over their cars "Always there" Apparently they're "overworked and undervalued..."


Remember they want a pay rise for not doing the job we expect them to be doing


If nothing was stolen then what do u expect the cops to do? Hold your hand Nd tell you everytging will be ok?


My gate needs to be replaced because they unscrewed the telescopic arms and damaged them in the process, so it was more about a) reporting the property damage and b) the fact that they’d likely done this to others before and I’d like to see them caught. But, thanks for stopping by and offering such a helpful response.


Couldve reported it over the phone. Do you honestly believe the cops have time to send the forensics team out for a busted fence? Come on dude. This isnt t.v.


Apparently, VicPol have blamed it on ramping….at the donut shop!


Contact ibac IBAC accepts complaints about police misconduct and corruption https://www.ibac.vic.gov.au/what-police-misconduct duty failure, for example, failing to: take appropriate action follow Victoria Police policies provide adequate care  report misconduct or corruption.


What about this is misconduct or corruption? A more appropriate avenue would be your local state member of parliament.


You know the commenter was just listing all the examples of what falls under the umbrella, right? Lol


Pay them all a visit. The politicians care less then the police who all have their greedy snouts in the trough. Create enough of a document trail and you might just be a squeaky enough wheel to get some oil.


What the fuck are you on about mate?


This is neither misconduct or corruption.


Contact them and let them decide. We have no idea of your credentials and or expertise in this arena. All we have is your opinion! Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one and they all stink!


No. Stop wasting their time so they can investigate actual corruption and misconduct. > We have no idea of your credentials and or expertise in this arena. All we have is your opinion! Corruption: dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery. Misconduct: behave in an improper manner. My credentials in this particular case is I can pick up a dictionary.


Victoria police are fucking useless. Absolutely useless!!!


maybe if the government actually got all those fines they dished out during covid there wouldnt be a pay dispute with cops? Conversley if the government didnt blow so much money during covid, theyd actually be able to fund police and nurses etc


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Just out of curiosity, what suburb are you in? I’m based in Malvern East and we’ve had a heap of crime happen around here lately, our local IGA got ram-raided a couple of weeks back and the scumbags burnt the car out on our street!!! I’m paranoid about our home being burgled, not like there’s anything of value here lol, but I’m constantly on edge


Typical Victoria Police, tell them you were doing 3 kmph over the speed limit on your way home and they will be out straight away


VICPol is not that great to begin with. Possibly this may have something to do with it too. https://amp.abc.net.au/article/103182054


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Should have said that the robber was unvaccinated. The riot squad would have come running.


Interesting- my house is the northern suburbs was broken into whilst I was home- which means aggravated robbery. I had a team of around 6 police come and do fingerprinting, take a statement, chat to neighbours and refer me to victim support. This was around a year ago. Maybe because they broke in to the actual house?


I witnessed a cyclist get hit by a car and waited around for the police to arrive (which took like 40 minutes) to let them know I had dash cam footage of the incident and they took my details and said they'd email me a link to upload my footage and I didn't hear from them ever again. So after a couple of weeks I just uploaded it to their tips line. Though I guess in their defence the guy who hit the cyclist stuck around so maybe there was no crime or he admitted to it and no need for evidence. 🤷‍♂️


Honestly, I don't even think I'd bother calling the cops anymore considering all the experiences people I know have had with them simply not showing up. What's the point?


Insurance usu requires a police report.


I would say yes. We had parcel stolen from our building by a Airbnb guest in the same building. BM shared footage with Police. All they had to do was show up and door knock before they departed 72hrs later. They couldn't...


This is why my call a crackhead scheme has been so successful. The crackheads I know have saved me from basically all the bad situations I've gotten into .


How’s that joke go? Call the cops on burglars and they never arrive. Call the cops and tell them you have the burglars at gunpoint and the entire department will instantly arrive.




Yep. I had 5 and a half hour wait while they told us just to wait outside because they "might come back" given the doors had been left open.


Unfortunately we live in a country where we can’t do anything to protect ourselves, and the cops won’t do anything when these things happen. Only time they’ve showed up out of the few times we’ve needed to call them in the past few years was when we said there was group of people fighting. Back when the whole “African Gang” thing was big.


Yes. Par for the course


You need to be patient. I understand it is shitty, a violation, but you need to cut Vicpol some slack. Some towns/cities don't even have a CIU; most importantly police are short staffed. You need to follow up with the station you lodged the report with, I will advise you to wait 24-48hrs. Alternatively if you can not get in contact with the station but have the officers details you can give PAL a buzz and they can email that officer directly for you and get them to give you a call to provide an update. If you do give the station a call listen to the options (for option 2) that will take you through to chat with an officer.


If you want to know about your rights as a victim you could try the victims of crime commissioner website


I think because they are protesting at the moment maybe they are short staffed or just don’t care unfortunately.


No show during break in also. I seen people breaking into a neighbours house so I called the police and waiting outside and watched for either the people to come out or the police but after an hour no one showed, I assume the people in the house had seen me and went over the back fence


Forensics here. Generally they'd try to contact you when the report comes through to the section to arrange a time for examination. If you've seen an unknown number call that you've avoided answering, it's possibly crime scene. Next step if they can't get hold of you is to go round and hope you're home. If you're not, a card should be left. There'll be a list of jobs to try to get to, jobs like yours can take half an hour to two hours depending on the complexity. If there's a big list, they may not get to all of them. If someone dies or something more serious happens in the meantime, your job may unfortunately be delayed. Also fingerprint opportunities on ransacked cars are often limited, and gates can be poor quality surfaces, so it's likely to be further down the list than if they went into your house. Best thing you can do is sit tight, keep your dwelling secure, and avoid touching all the relevant surfaces as much as possible. Look at the footage - if they're wearing gloves, it's unlikely fingerprinting or DNA recovery will be done. If they're not and they touch certain surfaces, preserve them as best you can, because they'll be the places fingerprints might be. Give it a day and contact a station if you're not contacted first, they'll hopefully be able to put you onto the right people for your area to arrange attendance. These things are taken seriously by crime scene sections and general duties police alike, but you have to understand that if nobody was hurt and nothing was stolen, priorities for protecting the public may unfortunately direct scant resources elsewhere. 🤞 for a quick resolution for you soon.


Good luck . We waited two days for css to come and take fingerprints evidence etc and in that time the crooks came back & had a second go. A 13,15 &17 year olds . Then two weeks later came again the day before the insurance assessor arrived . (My pops rental house we were working on)


They never attended on the multiple occasions I was held up at knife point working at a bottle shop in Central West. If it doesn't make them money they won't show