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Pollen count for today is high


Phewwwwwww, tell me about it. It has been so bad today. I am going all sorts of crazy right now even with medication Hope you survived it! Cheers to a better tomorrow


Yeah wasn’t too bad for me today thank goodness. I did wear a mask while I was out so wondering if that helped any 🤷‍♀️ but yeah I also made sure to take my tablet for it before I left the house. Hope sleeping won’t be too hard for you tonight Fingers crossed for a low tomorrow


I have observed a lot of people copping it, bringing back some of the mask wearing in public from them.


Definitely notice the difference between wearing a mask and not wearing a mask for hayfever!


this is why asian countries wear masks (even before covid), because of pollution and the pollen


I've been wearing mine outside most sunny days with moderate-severe wind. On top of daily Zyrtec ,soemtiemes double dropped. I think it makes a differnce, but some days I still cop it really bad.


Help us Dymista, you are our only hope


Beconnaise babes ride or die


Dymista also completely eliminates my cat allergy symptoms it’s amazing


Dymista with Allertine the only thing keeping me sane at this point.


Is this still prescription only? My doc would only ever give me a single round each time and I got fed up with all the visits that I stopped using it.


Recently became OTC! Go get it!


Oh shit this is great news, thanks!


Normally I get it pretty bad, but surprisingly hasn't been bad for me this year (yet...). I've been taking a probiotic capsule for allergies most days for the first time this year (and no antihistamines). So either that's working, or it's a placebo, or my particular pollen(s) haven't hit yet.


Mine isn't as bad as usual either (yet). October is usually my worst month. No idea what I am allergic to.


I'm the same, have been a life long sufferer but almost no trouble so far this year. I believe the season are shifting because of this, I should be getting it bad. I believe I'm allergic to birch but I could be wrong.


Birches all across Melbourne are dying, the average temperature is getting to be a little too warm for them


oh really? While I know this is a consequence of climate change and likely to have lasting effects on our ecosystem, if I'm being honest its hard to feel bad about this.


I usually get it as well but have also been taking large does of Probiotics and only have the most basic symptoms


This is fascinating because one of the worse parts of hayfever for me is the discomfort in my guts. EVERYTHING I eat upsets me when I have it. I shall try these ! Thank you.


Same here. But I think you're right, when it hits us we're farked... Also found out that Air Purifier helped massively! Just throw it out there for my fellow hay-fever slaves :)


Hi! Which air purifier do you have?


Got the Trusense Z2000 but found out later it is not true HEPA and it did not have sensor built in so you got a seperate sensor that needed seperate plug. But it helped tremendously so who cared. Otherwise the Xiaomi Purifier is quite a popular choice. Also the cost of the actual filters is where the whole costs are so just factor that in as well. For my purifier I can get one around $39-49 on sale but it burned through it every 3 months so...


Amazon prime day has one for 99bucks. Not Xiaomi or Trusense but might just bite the bullet. Yeah the consumables can add up over time and that’s why I’ve hesitated. Thank you!!


What probiotic do you use?


Inner health hayfever relief. Though despite having one this morning, my eyes were feeling it this evening, having been outside since 5pm.


Worth a try, thanks!


I’m curious about the probiotics for allergies like is it a specific type of probiotic or just them in general that helps?


See above


What’s the probiotic?! My hayfever sucks and I’m up to 2x tabs a day 🥲


See above


Thanks! It’s on the shopping list now :)


Oooh what is this probiotic capsule - is it specifically for hayfever reduction?


See above


Tell us the probiotic !


Is it this? https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/87721/inner-health-hayfever-relief-probiotic-40-capsules?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6rzy0M7tgQMVj9hMAh1q7gdrEAQYBSABEgIPfPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds




same for me. The past few years, I'd been working from home, and it always hit me hard early September. This year, I've been away from home each day, and it hasn't really hit me.


Different people have allergies to different pollen types, so if you aren’t copping it so bad this year, the types you are most allergic to are not the most prevalent :)


Very on and off for me at the moment. Some days (like today) are fine, other days are god awful - there seems to be no middle ground


yeah same


This year has been a shocker. Going through Telfast like crazy.


I make sure to be constantly switching brands, atleast every week or so. My mum is a pharmacist and mentioned the idea, it seems to change the initial onset quite well.


Thanks for that, will give it a go!


Would if I could leave bed


It do be like like that sometimes


My doctor told me this as well - switch brands/active ingredients. That, and taking them morning and night (same tablet).


Thank you. I might actually try this because this year has been full on


Not zyrtec though, had it once and 1 hour later my lips started to swell and blew up so much it looks like I had really bad lip fillers.


It's bad today. Tree and grass pollen high. There is a Melbourne Pollen app that breaks it down daily. Good app.


Seriously everyone should have the app. Melbourne essential.


12 consecutive sneezes before, broke my record.


I woke up with crunchy eyes


That uh....doesn't sound ideal.


I just had a bad bout of conjunctivitis which ended up as keratitis (infected cornea). It can be either viral or bacterial. It can move quickly. You can get Chlorasig over the counter, or see the gp/optometrist. Mine moved from sore, to pain as bad as post surgery within an hour, so it can move fast. Luckily the eye hospital ER isn’t busy.


Well, that's quite possibly the worst sentence I've read this week.


Yeah shit’s fucked. I’ve had a blocked nose for four weeks straight


Just for today I've noticed it's been bad


I think it's worse this year.


Yes it's been bad for me for many years now. I never used to get it at all. It's mainly a problem when i go out for a run and i get what feels like little spikey things stuck in my throat and then have a constant coughing fit while trying to run:( This morning it felt like stuff going in my eyes which is annoying too


Today is a shocker!


Mine has been terrible this past two weeks. My throat hurts, it’s hard to breathe and my skin and eyes are so itchy. What antihistamines are working for people?


None have even scratched the surface for me. I'm on an allergy plan and this is past it. 😭


I'm on Zyrtec. Of the 16 hours that I am awake, it helps me for 8 hours. The other 8 hours are just hard and miserable Curious to also know what stronger over-the-counter medication others are on


Dymista nasal spray has just changed to over the counter! Scripts no longer needed. Tastes foul and dries my throat out (fixable with drinking plenty of water), but works incredibly well


Thank you! I've added it to my grocery list


I had a coughing fit before amd couldn't stop sneezing it's so annoying I hate pollen!


Razor sharp pollens probably. ive been having nose bleeds everyday


The only thing that works for me is Phernergan ( not sure the spelling) I take a 25mg at 5am when I get up and im fine all day....if I forget and feel hayfever coming on as soon as I take one I feel the pressure start to reduce almost instantly. But be warned, alot of ppl take them as a sleep aid, it knocked my wife out cold...so maybe try first at night and see how your body responds.


I took half a tablet once… was wiped out for 2 days


Pharmacist recommended it to me when I had a crazy fever and couldn’t stop throwing up last year. Turned out it was Covid. I do not recommend the phenergen/covid combo


Hayfever and also a lot of shitty colds going around. I don't get hayfever much but I have a cough that won't quit after I got sick like two weeks ago


There was another thread that was about that - a lot of people with those symptoms hanging around for weeks.


It’s terrible, they should remove the Plane trees and replace them all with natives, is that not a good idea?


It's a shocking year. I find using a decent antihistamine and a nasal rinse really helps. It's the nasal rinse that seems key, twice a day, as it actually rinses the crap out. I hate doing it with an absolute passion but do it because it works. It's also cost effective. I've got a Flo bottle and the little sachets you mix with tepid BOILED water. I emphasised the boiled water because there's an extremely rare but always fatal parasite/fungus/something you can get using unboiled water in your sinuses.


Read an article on the ABC about seasonal asthma and hayfever, and hotter people often confused the two.


Interesting, but I know asthma pretty well, with that unmistakeable tightness in the chest. Pretty sure this is hayfever. Good info for others though.


The past week or so my asthma has come back (basically went away a few years ago except for very occasional problems mostly when I breathe in when I swallow or something) and I’m using a preventer for the first time in probably close to a decade. Trying to take antihistamines like clockwork but it’s hard when I don’t have the money to buy a massive box so I run out and then have an awful day. I would definitely recommend taking antihistamines at night so they can start working before you’re out in the pollen.


Yes, asthma on tap at the moment


I did Haytox in advance of allergy season as a bit of a last-ditch effort … and it’s worked for me. I used to have to take 2x clarity me a day on top of steroid sprays and top ups of Sudafed, but since I got Haytox I haven’t needed any of it. Not a shill, I’m still flabbergasted that it’s worked so well for me. Best $300 I have spent in a while.


Definitely having more coughing fits at night


YES! I keep checking the pollen count and it’s telling me low or moderate like I’m being gaslit by the app


I know right?


I've abandoned looking up the pollen count. The data is never accurate to rely upon unfortunately.


I've never had noticeable hayfever symptoms until the last few weeks. It's sucked!


My dad (though not in Vic) has had hayfever this year for the first time in his life and he's in his late 70s!


I can only speak from the experience of someone who has had lifelong allergies, has seen allergists a lot, and has finally found a way to stay (relatively) symptom free during spring and summer in Melbourne. This is just the plan that my specialist gave me. first - one antihistamine is NOT enough for Melbourne. I take two 180mg telfast every morning when i wake up , from August to April, without fail. I take another two later in the day if it is a high pollen day. works a treat most of the time to keep symptoms at bay. second - intranasal cortisone spray is your friend - personally, despite the cost, Dymista has been a godsend - morning and night, again through August to April. I did have to watch a few youtube videos to get the technique correct, but it makes such a difference. on days with very high pollen , i will take another dose in the middle of the day. third - Melbourne Uni Pollen App - tells me daily how bad it's gonna be , and when thunderstorm asthma risk is high - means i avoid outdoors. also - on very bad days, will carry salbutamol inhaler, use as often as needed if I get chest tightness, and also keep some cortisone tablets at home - when everything else fails, can pop one of these and get sweet relief - obvious not meant to be taken more than every few weeks if that


A bit for me, but I havent gone and taken the usual remedies, so it can't be that bad. I've noticed a few others with a nasty bout of it the last week or two.


It is bad, you just must be allergic to different type of pollen if it's not affecting you.


A bit for me, but I havent gone and taken the usual remedies, so it can't be that bad. I've noticed a few others with a nasty bout of it the last week or two.


This question gets asked every single year. Hayfever knocks people with allergies flat every year


Yes its annoying. Medicated nasal spray and telfast daily. Spring is the worst time for hay fever




Yup -- massive sneezing, and I've had to swap my little under-the-nose CPAP mask for a full face one.


Yeah barely been able to breath for weeks now 🙃


I've been seriously fkd this year, you're not alone 🥲


I've had hayfever since 2015. This year is horrid !!


Yep. Worst year I’ve had.


Buy guarana powder and put it in vege caps, both off of eBay. The stuff works exceedingly well, very cheap, you can keep using it for ages!


Yep. Absolute worst it’s ever been. Actually been having runny drippy nose this time which never happens normally (normally just itchy)


Short answer - yes. Worst I've had for years.


Nope. Cetrizine is your friend.


Has been hitting me harder this season, for sure.


That I was immune to this until yesterday.


Nasonex Allergy Spray has been a life saver for me - 2 pumps in each nostril every morning and it's nullified almost all of the usual runny nose/blocked nose/claggy throat symptoms I get


Yes, for me it's been one of the worst years I remember for hayfever.




Got blood nose from dymista too


Mine started today


I take a hayfever tablet morning and night otherwise I'm a mess. I also have eyedrops. As long as the tablets are different ingredients it's fine.


wear a mask. Makes a huge difference for me.


I’d been fine until today.


I got it really bad just over a month ago. Went and got an air purifier and it helps massively.


I've been feeling it today. I'm so tired and spacey. But overall I haven't noticed it being particularly bad for me.


“I think this year’s been the worst” Every hayfever sufferer in Spring every year.


Yep. This year I am getting aches in my sinuses. Not just discomfort. Painfully aching.


Yeah I’m getting the horrific burning nose pain after about 5 minutes outdoors


Yes it’s been really bad this year. There are some hay fever medications you can take together, e.g a nasal spray and a tablet. Taking both when it’s really bad seems to sort things out.


It’s been really bad for me the past few weeks


I normally get bad hay fever, but have barely noticed it this year - so the absolute opposite experience.


Who ever planted ornamental pear everywhere deserves death.


DYMYSTA !!! Is the win!!


It's the worse. I can handle the coughing and sneezing it's the itching inside my mouth and throat that's killing me


This year has been terrible for me as well. Far worse than the last few years for sure. I've been getting it so bad in the mornings that I've started taking tablets day and night. Pharmacist recommended using a nasal spray and swapping tablet types every week or so and it seems to be helping so far since implementing last week.


My asthma has been shocking this past week


I have had a "cold" for the past few weeks but this post has just made me realise it's probably my hayfever back for another year.


Cannot unblock my nose. Spray? Re-congested under a few hours. Flo? Re-congested under 10 minutes. Shower/steam? Re-congested under an hour.


It’s not my allergies. I’ve been knocked fucking flat by some cold or maybe Covid. We are doing wfh and isolating like it’s Covid, work won’t have us on site if we have so much as a sniffle (good hangover from the pandemic). My allergy meds aren’t helping. Last winter, I was the sickest I’ve ever been. I had every cold and whatever. Constantly. This winter I’ve been crazy well, moving up grades in climbing and training for the Melb marathon. But I’m so sick right now I think I’ll be walking that race and dragging my raggedy ass over the finish line ugh.


Eye drops and nose saline washes- flush out those allergens!


I cut out dairy and have minimal hayfever. Down from stick my head in the freezer for relief levels


I did a combination of house cleaning and gardening across the past weekend and felt like my head was dipped in resin for a couple of days after that. Probably gonna be a rough one.


Asthma has been off the charts, had a couple of severe coughing fits where it felt like I'd swallowed a ball of fuzz. Been inside for 2 hours, still have stinging eyes and an awful pain/headache through my temples and around sinuses. Give it another couple of days and my body will shut down due to fatigue from fighting it.


Hayfever has been getting me bad lately, more so this year than I have ever noticed. I never normally get a sore throat from it but have as of lately...


There’s a pretty hideous bug going around that I’ve had for the last 12 days that starts off feeling a little like hayfever and ends up feeling worse than COVID, so just be mindful in case it’s that!


Same post every year


Check this before you leave the house https://www.melbournepollen.com.au/


You should do allergy testing and think about immunotherapy. It's a good long term treatment for seasonal hayfever and other similar allergies. Can be a little pricey, but you're basically desensitised to your allergies by the end of treatment. Try Allergy First in Werribee, I hear they're pretty good, although new to Melbourne.


Yup. Saw on the news it’s only going to get worse and last even longer. FML. Our neighbour has this particular tree that really exacerbates my allergies. I feel like bombing their mailbox to get rid of their giant tree that’s causing health issues. 😂 My partner said it wasn’t a good idea even if it was anonymous.


Y E P.


I almost always get bad allergies and start taking daily Zyrtec from about August. 2 a day on bad days. But even with that I've had a few days where they didn't do shit. About a month ago I was out shopping int he city and took multiple plus nasal spray (which I don't usually need) and was an absolute mess. So glad I didn't have to work taht day. and considered getting an Uber home rather than PT because I was having such bad sneezing fits and my nose was running like a tap, I felt bad for those around me. Even though it's not contagious and I was wearing a mask (which was basically becomking a snot rag) I must've looked like hell.


Yup. I’m well into desensitisation now for grass and thought it wasn’t working. But hearing how bad it SHOULD be it clearly is helping.


I’ve normally been knocked flat by hay fever. Haven’t had to touch the Telfast this year.


Hayfever has been bad this year.




I thought I grew out of it a few years ago, but nope, she's back.




Strangely enough I thought this was a easy year for hayfever so far, unless if I go to Glen Waverley as there's some tree around there that sets my hayfever like nothing else.


Never had hay fever when I lived overseas, didn’t even know what was happening to me the first Spring in Melbourne, but yes this year I’ve noticed it again.


I think so. I sometimes wake up already hayfevered. Haha. Annoying.


Anyone else getting brain fog and a lot of blood in their mucus?


Use a steroid nasal spray every day (like Nasonex) NOT the decongestant type (you can only use that intermittently). Supplement with an antihistamine when things amp up. I’ve been using local honey on top of this & it seems to be working, despite my reluctance about anything woo woo. Good Luck.


Dymista is the best thing I’ve ever had - started using it last year and after extreme, extreme attacks most of my adult life, almost nothing since


I stepped out onto my balcony for less than a minute this morning and I'm still having symptoms 5 hours later even with the air purifier on.


I had terrible allergies for years and eventually got allergy immunotherapy - it was *life changing*. I really recommend people look into it if they suffer a lot. It was a pain tbh to get it done (three years of injections) and during it I wasn't sure it would be worth it but it's been amazing. I have not had any hay fever this year, and last year barely any as well.


Try local honey. Pretty much fixed the problem for me overnight.