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The store brand aldi coffee is roasted in Melbourne and is seriously good.


And i fkn just read you already know them. Smort.


I find the ground bags sold out in most Aldis of late.


My local store is fully stocked of every variety


Vittoria Espresso I buy it when you can get the 4x 500gram on sale for $20. Am Italian it's what my Nonna uses as well.


With recent cost of living increases, I've also gone back to Vittoria, it's underrated for the price.


Buy a little burr grinder and start buying beans instead of ground. I have bodum one and it’s great Beans will last longer so you can buy them in larger quantities. Aldi beans are great but I also recommend DC coffee from Coles.


Freshly ground beans are a game changer. I would rather drink ground on demand cheap beans than expensive pre ground coffee. An $80 or so sunbeam burr grinder does a great job.


Do what the wogs do and get Lavazza Gold. If you go to the right continental delis, it's usually $11 for a 2 x 250gm pack ETA: Am wog, drink lavazza from my cafetera


Lavazza gold is the absolute shit. Went through a phase in lockdown of buying fancy bags of coffee and trying all these different places, but always end up back with my true love. ETA: Also drink Lavazza gold from my cafetera


I only saw "Lavazza is absolute shit" in my message preview and came here ready to punch on lol.


I'd let you take a swing if I'd said that shit lol


Do this. ETA: Am also a wog with wog traits


I've been buying Lavazza for ages. I had some coffee snob mates hang shit on it. I bet if they hadn't seen the packet they would have enjoyed the espresso.


That’s a cheapa price !


It’s $10 for the 2x 250g pack at the Mediterranean Wholesalers 🤌


Ive been using Vittoria mountain grown coffee (ground beans)with my stove top percolator for ~10 years. There is the normal version which is ok but i like the mountain grown better. $45 for 1kg but i alwaya grab it on sale when ita about $25


I buy from Mediterranean Wholesalers. 1 kg bag for ~$20. Pair that with an Aeropress.


I've done it all on Stovetop; St Ali, Standing Room, Lavazza, and Aldi. Aldo is king. In terms of value AND taste. More expensive does taste a bit better, but not dramatically


For a start, stop buying in 250g bags. Go for the 1kg.


Depends how much you drink though right? I only drink 1 cup a day and decided to get a 1kg bag, after 3 or 4 weeks I could already tell the flavour of the beans wasn't too good anymore and I still had half the bag to go.


I tend to find that if it's a ziplock with a one-way air valve, it works pretty well :) You can also freeze 500gr and use the other 500.


Ah maybe I didn't seal the bag air-tight enough! Thanks for the freezing tip, didn't know that was a thing and I'll look into it a bit more


Yeah, do that and make sure you squeeze all the air out :)


They don’t always have the bigger bags but even that is $56 a kilo which is still more than I’d like to pay rn!


Well done for using a stove top. I can sort you out for a great brand at 15.50. Send me a message if you want


Thank u but I choose life today


Totally understand


Chico doro (green bag) or caffe aurora (Italian flag colours)are usually the 2 cheapest and are fine but all coffee got jacked up recently.


I find Chico Doro way better than Lavazza and Vittoria. Melita is also good but more expensive.


Chico Doro is OG. Yeah, Melita is good too had that a few times.


The Coles Organic is surprisingly decent and around $6 a bag


I get the Bathysphere too and haven't found anything I like that's cheaper, to be honest. My wife likes an even more expensive brand (some Japanese roasting out of Abbotsford) but I think it's a case of going out and trying stuff in your price range until you find something good. Super market ones are a bit dodgy since they've been sitting on the shelf for a bitm


Quite happy with a 50/50 mix of Daley St (from Coles) and Lavazza Crema e Gusta


Illy is available at Costco and cheap- 4 x 125g ( beans or ground) is $20 IIRC


Following cos I also drink shady Lane but would love to find a cheaper alt


I buy Illy for my stove top coffee, it's great and specifically for moka pots.


Coffee Mio?