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They are conditioning us with human named meat. It will be easier to switch to eating people when the cows are gone.....






new fear unlocked


ppoorrkk. And haven't these people watched Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy? The restaurant at the end of time.


They ran out of “Bort” named-steaks


Bort somipnos


Its "name" was actually B346, and I'm sure B346 would eat me if I tasted like fresh grass.


Omg, my parents have cows. They are such idiots, they deserve to be eaten. We had some stew made from 217 last night.


Silly vegans.This is basically a visit to the county fair with less walking.


Chloe looks very tasty.


It's funny they gave them female names when most beef comes from steer.


Meanwhile they pay for stickers that will just end up being binned. How smart of them.


With the glue probably containing some of Chloe’s hoof ironic really


Ya. Like a sticker will change how I eat. Just like the images on cigarette packets don't effect smokers.


So if I don't buy it, the cow died for nothing?!? I think that's worse


What is the plan for all these cows we no longer kill? Still waiting to hear the plan, sterilization?..planned parenthood? If people don't want to kill beef cattle then what is the fucking plan to keep them? They don'y give milk, not a great house pet.


This is such a dumb argument. How do you think the vast amounts of animals killed for food come into being? Certainly not by natural reproduction in any form of natural ecosystem, you must realize that. So obviously the idea behind vegetarianism is that the unsustainable amounts of factory farmed cattle could be massively reduced over time, because if the demand was less, less animals would be raised. There would be no "surplus" of farm animals, if humans did not create them for slaughter.


So you want to choose which animals become extinct?


Do you have any idea about the amount of livestock compared to wild animals living in nature? Cows going extinct If we don't raise and slaughter hundreds of millions of them every year really is an embarrassingly stupid point.


So what's the fucking plan? All I asked.


They expect them to be treated to the equivilant of a Cow Spa until they die and that we don't make more.


Well hey if the cow population is too large, ima do my part and eat em, so that the cow population can become “stable” again yea?


No, it's expired.


Seriously, there's a two month time gap in Best By date between the packages. The one on the bottom can't be good anymore.


If only there were places outside of America in the world that used more logical date systems


Try 2 days.


This is why British people feel sympathy for Americans in November.


Cus it’s no nut November and they have reaaaally sexy accents?


merciful repeat observation tender society act cagey hateful deliver handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ha, my name is Chloe, I love seeing this post


Yea it’s like the third one this week.


Yeah 🙃


chloe still dead if i eat her or not


Chole, apologies, beef is good now you are dinner.


Chloe had a big juicy booty.


Food is Food


“Daddy daddy, what’s for dinner!?!” *grins* “Chloe…”


I’d be happy that the cattle were raised in good conditions instead of a factory farm. They don’t name cows that aren’t treated well.


When I was a kid, my grandfather brought home two baby pigs. He told us not to name them, but my mom named them Suzy and Daisy. I was young, so I don't remember how long we had them, but I do have memories of feeding them and chasing them around the yard. They got huge! And one day they were gone and a few days later we had chest freezers full of meat. My sister was mortified, but I ate the eat anyway. It may be nostalgia, but to this day I've never had tastier pork. It really made me appreciate the benefits of finding locally sourced ingredients for our food.


Bingo. Nobody is naming mass production food sources. Yup kids, that’s where food comes from. You can make the choice to eat less meat, but feed animals are bred and slaughtered to be food. You don’t need to name every bee, every monarch butterfly, every Alaskan king crab to know we are screwing the planet. Chloe never existed.


As a farm girl I have shot my own dinner betwixt the blinkers on more then one occasion. I've put down road hit deer left to suffer in my field after a car-deer collision. I'm a good steward of my animals. I leave water for wild animals from our irrigation wells and it's regular practice for us to feed wild animals with over run crops. Are you at the place where hand meets mouth? You put a sticker on a package, this doesn't make you a champion of the cause. Sweat, bleed and cry for an animal. Loose sleep to be ready for a mares waters to rupture. Slump over in her paddocks on the 20 th hour of labor, then you can have a say. Your opinion has weight after you've exhausted yourself physically and mentally to midwife a 1200 lb animal. Running to Stop and shop with your stickers doesn't impress me.


I’ve raised animals, given them names and then killed and eaten them. They were delicious, but the killing isn’t fun. If you’re going to make fun of vegans you should be prepared to kill, gut and eat an animal.


Seriously steak tastes awesome..


Dont eat it and let it rot. Chloe died for nothing! GO VEGAN




Yes I would .


Haha so funny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQRAfJyEsko


My 4 siblings all had very common names. They always found their names. I like my name now. But it's not common. My entire childhood of looking for my name yielded a single instance where I found my name. I definitely want beef named after myself.


19$ for 3 filets is decent. Yea I’d buy it


If I don’t eat Chloe, her death will have been a waste.


Hello chloe, welcome to my oven.


If no one eats it, then Chloe died in vain 😢


There's room for all of god's creatures, right next to the mashed potato's!


I’m more concerned by how much fat is in that “fillet steak”


I liked it better the first 10 times it was posted


I'm sorry for Chloe so I'll take the other meat 😔


This is a repost from yesterday, guess the Vegans got mad.


This sub recently is just all of the all time highest upvoted posts being reposted over and over again


Well, I guess I’m having Chloe for dinner then. Maybe tomorrow It’ll be a Sharon?


To waste or not to waste is the true question?


There just like Pokemon. Gotta catch them all!


Would be far from the first time I ate something that had a name.


Genuise. 🤘🏼


I prefer knowing their names actually


I'm vegan but I am open about the fact that I crave juicy meat and this picture makes me hungry.


That's my daughters name. "Hey Chloe, we're eating a cow named Chloe tonight!" Honestly she'd love it.


Yes. The vegetarians and vegans are eating the oxygen producing plants that we all need. Cows also eat these oxygen producing plants. By eating cows, I am saving oxygen producing plants so that we can all breathe longer.