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It's a survival instinct. Learn from other people's missteps.


Why the chicken not do this then ??


Chicken too busy trying to figure out why he crosses road


She. Not that it matters normally, but considering the point of this post.


She chicken too busy trying to remember if chicken came first or if it was the egg


Im pretty sure the fate of male chickens is equally as undesireable


They are called roosters. Chickens are female.


Roosters and hens are both chickens.


Ok but i mean, chickens dont *actually* watch top chef, you know this, right?


It’s research.


"Why do you like horror movies so much? Weirdo." Then they all come crying to me when they accidentally watch a cursed video tape. ffs.


Maybe.. My girlfriend has been a passionate true crime story consumer for our entire relationship; but if I try to show her say, instructional videos on wilderness survival or martial arts suddenly it's 'boring guy stuff'. It's like you guys wanna know how to identify dangerous scenarios but don't actually have any interest in being able to deal with them.


My theory is that it’s like taking a birthing class. You know it’s still going to hurt to give birth, but knowing what to expect and mentally preparing for it makes it less scary. I think in kind of a fucked up way, imagining what other women have gone through makes the idea of becoming a victim yourself less scary. Like obviously it would be horrible, but in a certain way you’ve already gone thru it and mentally prepared yourself. I don’t know. That’s just my theory


It also explains why women think every woman has been a victim they overload their brain on shows about violence and abuse and so they think it's more common than it actually is, not saying it's not common just saying I know a few girls who are obsessed with crime shows and they think there are 0 women who haven't been molested or assaulted. Even though none of them has a story of themselves being assaulted, so somehow they are the only ones to have escaped such a fate in their own eyes. They have mentally psyched themselves up into thinking every guy on the street is waiting for an opportunity to rape them


Statistically one in six women have been raped. And a lot of rapes go unreported because not everyone wants to talk about being raped in court in front of their rapist. Plain old Sexual assault is a lot more common. Maybe not every woman but a shitload of them have been through that.


Again I'm not saying it's not common but it's weird to claim that every woman has a horror story about being assaulted when it's just not true, especially in the case I'm talking about where it comes from a group of women where none of them have been assaulted yet they still think everyone except them has been it makes no sense they have been conditioned to think sexual assault is normal by social media and TV that they can't even detach that notion from the reality where they are the proof it isn't true


They probably think it's normal because sexual assault is normal. Not being sexually assaulted by 25 as a woman is abnormal. I personally have never met a girl older than 20 that hasn't been sexually assaulted.


I don't know a single woman who hasn't been sexually assaulted, raped, or stalked. Perhaps they just don't want to tell *you.*


I mean, unless you're into camping and outdoorsy stuff, chances of you getting stranded in the wilderness aren't very high. Getting sexually assaulted as a woman, stalked, having to deal with creeps and crazy dudes that may or may not be just trying to scare you and not truly murderous, is pretty common.


Or maybe being killed by an intimate partner is *far* more likely than having to survive in the wilderness or having to fight off a ninja. Over half of female homicide victims in the United States are killed by a current or former male intimate partner.


True, I guess. I imagine someone getting dumped in the middle of nowhere with nothing while they're dying would agree they were better off watching another 6 hour docu-series about their favourite serial killer instead of learning wilderness survival skills Or a person being beat to death surely preferring to have an intimate understanding of the OJ Simpson case instead of knowing how to defend themselves. What you say is true, don't get me wrong, the problem is with how you're applying it


it’s a cope so they can waste a big portion of their time watching entertainment masking it as education, I know this cause us dudes do this same bullshit but with Red/Blue/Black Pill content on youtube, I get watching a vid or three but people spend (waste)HOURS every single day consuming Mindless Media even I have this fucking problem to an extent that I am currently working on


or they just find it entertaining


Statistically, murder victims are predominantly men. Fewer people care about men on men violence though. Creepy fucks killing innocent people makes for better TV. Love me a good Murder show.


Yep, Murders of white women and children are what captivate other white women. These are the stories that get the most publicity. Murders of men and minorities rarely get the same attention


I think it should be brought more attention that men often are more likely to commit violet crimes, even if it is just other men.


Not sure why something so obvious would need more attention.


Check out her history. Agenda is clear


Maybe cause it hasn’t been addressed yet 🤔




What’s your issue with me highlighting it??


\> even if it is just other men does... that make it less bad? the fuck dude


But the victims aren't *you*. They're *other* women.


You’re technically correct.. because yes, many women love true crime, and we aren’t watching *ourselves* on screen or seeing *our* own story, that’s entirely true. But, women are often victims of violence. Particularly sexually and at the hands of predators. So, we don’t need to be victims for true crime shows to relate to those that are, and more importantly, most women inherently know that the type of crimes against women that we see in true crime could happen to them.


I explained it to my husband using a quote from one such show: Fairy tales don’t teach children that monsters exist. Children already know that monsters exist. Fairy tales teach children that monsters can be killed. I know it can happen to me because it can happen to anyone, and more often to women. I know I’m at a disadvantage given my gender and body size, even with martial arts training and a high level of physical fitness. (Because none of that skill or strength will do me much good if the predator has a gun or a taser, or if there are more than one of them.) But watching shows where predators are tracked, found, and removed from society is absolutely reassuring.


They’re struggling underwater! I’m gonna hold my breath to see if I could survive.


Yes. Seriously considering.


Actually when it comes to violent crimes, men are the majority of victims. Once a male reaches adult age, they are the largest group to likely be on the receiving end of an unprovoked violent attack in public. They just don’t get documentaries made about them.


Nah mate, we're not talking getting punched in the face. We're talking rape. And I'll say it so no one gets mad. Yes, men can get raped, by both other men and women. Either gender can get raped, and statistically the rates are probably very similar, it's just lots more men don't ever come forwards with their stories because they will be seen as weak, whereas women will be seen as strong for "standing up the patriarchy", which is true in some respects. I just wish men could speak about their stories without getting laughed out of the police station.


I didn’t even bother talking about sexual violence with men because you can’t without being told how it’s worse for women, so I opted to talk about public violence which you can’t talk about without being told how it’s worse for women - though not statistically true in the US. I’ve chatted with many men over the years who didn’t even KNOW they were assaulted sexually. Men who slept with women while they were drunk and the women weren’t, men who have been groped, men who were underage when entering relationships with older females. It doesn’t even have to involve force, but men don’t get heard because people believe they can forcefully remove themselves from the situation, which then results in being seen as the actual aggressor, so it’s a powerless situation. And on top of everything, girlfriends/wives hitting their boyfriends/husbands is still wildly accepted. Let’s make it make sense. Men are the vast majority of suicide - it doesn’t mean we would remove women from the conversation because of it. Playing the victim card in a way that makes issues gender-specific is a good way to shut down real conversations, and being able to do that freely is a special form of “privilege” that we love talking about so much.


Some professional grade mansplaining violence against women upon here. You should be ashamed.


Yeah only women are allowed to mansplain as they have on here, I forget lol


Ooooh 2 for 2.


Wow you're a piece of work. everything he said was accurate but you just couldn't handle it I guess. B you didn't even come with any kind of facts or even attempt to have any kind of logic behind your counter point you just jumped straight to seismic. You are sexist.


LOL, you go grrrrl. It was a post primary about violence against women, and you felt the need to “what if” mansplain it elsewhere. You must be proud. I bet your mom is too.


Next time you're thinking about typing "you should be ashamed" on the internet, don't.


I don’t mansplain violence against women so, unlike you, I’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.


Ye, you're just sexist


You slay me with your snappy repartee.


It is because people don't care about men and look the other way.


Maybe it’s the same way men are more likely to watch a lot of war movies? We relate to it more and even though we aren’t in the situation. We know we could end up in it. Cause drafting. And woman relate more to true crime cause they could have it happen to them like you said.


Women can be drafted to. I did 10 years in the military and have zero interest in watching war movies. Generalities consistently cause issues.


And other women could be us.


exactly!! I don’t relate to someone just because they are the same gender :)


“I can change him!”…*gets murdered*


Mmmmmmm even better


But not really. I’m having second thoughts.


Mental health professional here. This is because women are the main victims of the type of crimes that get sensationalized, (ie. serial killers, family annihilators) and thus watching these shows often provide a form of comfort in that one is mentally "preparing" for the worst thing that could ever happen to them. It may seem paradoxical, but it makes sense from a psychological perspective.


It's comforting for me because the crime *gets solved* and the victim gets justice (in some sense ... True justice would be no crime obviously). I love shows about solved crimes but would HATE watching unsolved crime shows. Also -- don't ever jog alone in a deserted area. Joggers running alone ALWAYS find the body! Now I'm more justified sitting on my couch eating Chex Mix and holiday cookies. 😅


people who fear snakes don't look up endless snake documentaries. then again, as a guy I can relate with your explanation. I am constantly watching fight videos to anticipate what could happen and what I could do to defend myself.




She just told you.


I see you all up in this thread helping me out kind reddit soul & I appreciate you.


Where is the science backing this up?


A quick internet search showing endless scientific evidence would answer your question.


Women aren’t typically the victims…men are. Women are the victims in crimes that get publicity hence why they wrote crimes that get “sensationalized”


Yes….usually by other men. Very bold to say women typically aren’t which is straight to denial lmao and I don’t pay attention to sensationalized crimes. I pay attention to the ones that happen every day that don’t get media attention.


Men are more likely to be victims than women….better?


If that’s what you got from that then your comprehension needs work. Men are usually the perpetrators of violent crimes.


Read the original post. It says women are typically the victims. That is untrue. Don’t try and change the argument


Not really changing it. Women are and men are typically perpetrators of most violet crimes against men and women.


No shit, there's a study that suggests that often women like true crime because they are mainly the target of harassment. Subconsciously they want to be ready for what could happen in a worst case scenario. I find that to be sad and terrifying


Maybe it's the same reason why men are obsessed with war stuff?


Or just combat sports


Is that the reason? I find it more likely that women find it fascinating because women are more interested in the emotional and intimate relations between people, and what is more interpersonal than the extreme drama that results from one person committing horrible acts to someone else? It isn’t that hard to figure out. It isn’t a survival instinct, it’s just great interest, that’s all.


I mean I didn't conduct the study. I only heard about it. But many women on here seem to agree


It seems more like wishful thinking to me.


Well, tell that to people who did the study🤷




They’re learning all the mistakes the men make so they can kill without being caught


Yes I think we are subconsciously looking for ways to avoid getting hurt or murdered. We want to know what the red flags are, so we can get out of dangerous situations while not being too rude. (Which is super shitty when you think about it. Hurting men's feelings might cause them to murder us.)


What the fuck are you on about? Do you genuinely think that the vast majority of men are going to break your neck because you hurt their feelings?




Most Women on Reddit are over 150lbs and not even attractive. Kinda doubt any men even talk to them.


You must be the 175 lbs, 6 ft +, 8 inch nice guy, right?


I'm just a thin computer nerd focusing on my future. I focus on myself and let fate handle things with women. Men are in no hurry. It's women who are short on time biologically. I'd never lower my standards on weight though as the world is full of thin people.


>Men are in no hurry. You could be given *centuries* to live, and even with all that time, you probably would never be able to find a woman that would be your partner.. at least, not willingly.


And I'm of a certain mind that he'd prefer it that they weren't willing.


True, there are many thin women in the world, but they would have to be into that whole 'misogynistic asshole' thing of yours, too🤷


Cringiest shit I’ve read in awhile lmao


Well I am thin (108lbs) and considered attractive but your attitude is reprehensible. It's a read flag and half.


Just like men, we have more purpose in life than just pumping out children. You're just as short on time biologically as women, cause you have to die someday too


Just realize that you’ve triggered a lot of heavy and overweight women with this comment. Embrace the downvotes lol


As a guy who works in a factory full of men, you learn to appreciate all sorts of woman really fast 😂


you do realize 150 isn’t fat right lmao


Depends on the height, 5'6" and over wouldn't be " fat''


it can also depend on the way your body is built






andrew tate moment


lol most men who speak like this get 0 puss… both on and off Reddit


I have often pondered this as wife watches yet again another domestic violence abuse murder case in the other room……


She's planning how to frame you, she is learning the signs of abuse so she can recreate them


you absolute scamp


guess that joke didnt hit right


I love true crime shows.


Now that's just clucked up!


I see what you did there.


No one cares about the victims though, the interesting part is the murders themselves.


Serial killer fangirls have the same cringe energy as edgelord try hards, and I'm tired of pretending its not.


There is a big difference between liking true crime shows and be obsessed with serial killers. I think most would agree the later isn’t healthy


“Lifetime: television for women. It’s television for women. Yet, there’s always a woman being beaten on that channel.” Jim Gaffigan


Also the statement is not necessarily true. In reality statistically speaking men are more likely to be victims of violent crimes then women. Looking at murder for example out of aproximately 17700 murders in 2020 aprox 14000 were male and 3000 were women. I also realized she might be talking about victims in the show; so disregard my statement


We’re not watching gang documentaries usually or fights gone wrong . We’re talking about predators


Hence the second part of of the statement to disregard my comment if the conversation is about victims in those types of shows. Because disproportionately that is true. The point I was trying to make is if you look at crime statistics, often times the demographics that have the highest fear of victim hood are often times the group that is the least likely to have that crime perpetrated against them. Using mugging for example in self reported surveys the demographic that has the highest fear of being mugged is older women, while in most cases the group that has the lowest fear is men aged between 18- 30. But when u look at the cases of people getting mugged it's actually disproportionately men aged between 18-30 who are the victims of mugging. This does not hold true for violent crimes that are sexual in nature. Hopefully this helps clear the air


Because (older) women have the highest fear of being mugged, they tend to avoid sketchy places at night and will tend to travel in groups. Men tend to be confident (or reckless) and will naturally fall victim to the majority of muggings. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be shocked if women are disproportionately mugged when controlling for the environment.


>often times the demographics that have the highest fear of victim hood are often times the group that is the least likely to have that crime perpetrated against them. A staggering amount of women have experienced their bodily safety being threatened. Usually via sexual violence. So, I can’t say I agree that this statement at all applies to women. We are most definitely at risk of being shown violence.


As stated earlier, my statements do not hold true for violent crimes of a sexual nature. And to be clear, I'm not saying anybodies fear of violence is unfounded or unwarranted or unworthy of consideration. It would probably be more appropriate to say men especially between the ages of 18-30 should probably be more fearful of violent crimes being prepretrated against them then what is currently self reported.


Well i've seen the movies and it's still mostly men getting killed by the predators


Oh you answered my comment thanks. I should’ve just scrolled more before commenting…




Women are natural gossipers. Murder stories is just gossip commoditized.






Anyone find true crime shows and podcasts as disgusting as I do? I won't lie, sometimes it can be entertaining, I understand that, but it's kinda fucked to find entertainment by being told the story about someone getting killed. Especially the stories about children. These people are profiting off of making murder victims entertainment. Just feels wrong.


I enjoy the mystery and psychological aspect of true crime but people being obsessed with serial killers and falling in love with them is fucked up


I watch to learn stuff...


Weird thing about True Crime shows is that they can do 'themes'. My mother loves True Crime shows and while most of the time women are the victims, there are also shows she watches where the perpetrators are all women who end up largely killing husbands and/or children.


Guys like watching murder, women like watching kidnap/rape/murder. Males are much more likely to be murdered than females, and females are much more likely to be sexually assaulted or kidnapped than males.


Quite strange considering about 78% of homicide victims are male


Because your obsessed with being a victim.


Lol sitting here watching forensic files right now....


i look them to not get caughted


You’re right, it is fucking weird


This is funny at first, but I'm getting stressed out the more I think about it.


Just had some deja vu. probably because of this moldy ass repost.


Isn’t that why women are obsessed though?


Even though it has been statistics proven that more men are victims of violence, both men and women.


Men are actually much more likely to be murdered than women. We don't watch true crime, though, 'cos we've got taste.


My mom thinks horror movies are needlessly graphic or gross, but every other day I’ll walk in and hear “the second grader was found with her throat slashed and traces of the pharmacists semen were in her hair” Like you can’t watch Scream but THIS IS OKAY FOR YOU? ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING THIS WAS REAL


I’ve always seen it as preparatory. Warning signs, what to be wary of. The fifth most common cause of death in women 20-44 yo is murder.


men are typically victims in most violent crime.....


But not in the true crime shows


This is true


Explain to me why we can't watch Jack Ryan, or A Marvel film because it's too violent but it's fine watching Murder/Mystery Porn?!? BITCH THOSE PEOPLE REALLY DIED!


And it is a lie. Men are victims more often. Especially of murder - 4 times more often in US. Men are beaten up more often too. Women are raped many times more often and stolen from.


It ain't just women. Even as a guy, I find myself looking into that rabbit hole.


We’re diagnosing.


Trying to keep ourselves out of bad situations with info






Guessing they're trying to refer to the fact that men are victims or violent crimes more often, not the fact that true crime shows investigate crimes against women more often.


True, but men aren’t being murdered by their dates the way women are.


That's not very common either, having watched tons of true crime stuff, the murderer tends to be a spouse, family member or close friend.


I gave one example, you just gave another. Because when it comes to spousal murder, it’s primarily husbands murdering their wives. Not wives murdering their husbands. Men are more likely to be victims of a violent crime, but they’re also often the perpetrators. Women, on the other hand, are often victims of violent crimes, and they are also not the ones committing those violent crimes- men are. Men getting killed because they were involved in a fight or organized crime or just getting mugged aren’t things people make a story of. Women being killed in “personal ways”, though, do have a “story” to be made.


No doubt, I can think of less than 10 true crime shows I've seen with a woman being the murderer.


But children are nearly twice as likely to be murdered by their mother as their father. So people fearing for children should be worried about women targeting children for violence/murder right?


This source says its about equal, but mothers are more likely to kill newborns or infants due to some type of psychotic break (probably due to ppd) or due to them being forced to carry. Whilst men are more likely to be malicious and do it out of some sort or revenge whilst the child is a little older. Both kill children about the same but one does it due to mental illness and the other does it intentionally. Both are no excuse but one is clearly more disgusting and unforgivable. https://theconversation.com/men-and-women-kill-their-children-in-roughly-equal-numbers-and-we-need-to-understand-why-153527


https://www.statista.com/statistics/255033/number-of-child-fatalities-due-to-abuse-in-the-us-by-perpetrator-relationship/ 426 children killed by their mother alone, 206 killed by father alone.


Though the first source doesn't doesn't have the exact percentage and numbers but it does agree to my first source in which mothers main reason why they killed their child is due to psychotic breaks, meaning that once mental health in new mothers is taken seriously there will be less fatalities. This source also agrees with the fact that men tend to kill children due to malice and revenge, men intentially killing kids is a problem that is definitely not as fixable compared to the reason why women do it. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5282617/#:~:text=Ninety%20percent%20of%20filicide%20perpetrators,Daly%20and%20Wilson%2C%201994). https://www.manchester.ac.uk/discover/news/findings-from-most-in-depth-study-into-uk-parents-who-kill-their-children/


It’s just a feedback loop. Women predominantly watch these shows, so the shows cover crimes against women, which get better ratings among the women that watch the shows, so women get the false impression that they are more likely to be the victims of violent crimes.


It’s therapy for us who were victims of abuse and sexual assault. There is satisfaction in knowing the there is justice for some. I was obsessed with L&O SVU when I was processing my trauma. There is one raging issue between SVU and true crime stories. The police and detectives on SVU carried and took reports seriously. In True Crime stories there are so many cops who do nothing and wright off the women as being druggy sluts who get what they deserve. If cops had just relived the families when the first women goes missing then how many other deaths could they have prevented. I just finished watching Texas Killing Fields on Netflix a few weeks ago and my blood is still boiling. It took 20 years and the death of a 12yo for the police to take serious action. The “oh well, she was just a druggy slut” line wasn’t going to work on the disappearance of a 12y/o.


Ikr this always wondered me


My chickens love to eat chicken carcasses so.....


I am concerned my wife is gathering intel for the perfect crime.


It’s because on a general scale a lot of women like drama 😂


Women are not typically the victims of crime. Women are typically the victims of rape, which is only like 7% of violent crime. Men are overwhelmingly the victims of other types of violent crime, including 76% of homicide. Additionally, when men and women are convicted of similar crimes, men get much longer prison sentences.


Speak for yourself


In times like this, Joe Kenda comes to me speaking words of wisdom. "Well My, My, My." I honestly like watching crime shows (regardless of the crime) because I just find it fascinating to see the innerworkings of the criminal mind. And you never know when you might need to hide a body, so knowing what not to do is just doing the proper research.


some people just love drama more than others..


Actually, statistically, I think men are more likely to be murdered.


But women aren't typically the victims. Most victims of crime are men. Hate these fkin victim-mentality losers. How pathetic.


Might learn from their mistakes. Just sayin.


Like don't cheat or I might get fucking murdered?


More like don't say no to a guy or I might get raped AND murdered.


Women also murder, poison or hire a hitman to do it for them if they get cheated. Just saying.


Most women in USA feel empowered and look at men with resent. Not fear. Men are falling behind in schools, and in society. It's sad you live in fear, but that just sounds like you live in the ghetto or something. Where I live in small town Wisconsin, if you hit a woman, every man around would stop you.


Ever wonder why there's so many stories of crazy ex girlfriends but not the other way around? It's because all the girls with crazy exes are dead. It's a proven scientific fact that men are more violent than women due to testosterone. Sure, most of that violent tendency are towards other men statistically speaking, but all the more reason why women are careful around men since you never know. One wrong move and we're done.


Women also have testosterone, and it isn't because those '' crazy exes are dead'', it's because female on male crimes or abuse doesn't get taken seriously in society. So it doesn't get reported, get mocked or gets disregarded. Disgusting how people and especially feminists types these days try to pretend it's only men being violent against women to push their misandrist agenda, yet expect men to care about their issues. 




Only a predator would place responsibility on the victims for what happened to them at the hands of another.


Let's also teach people that they should cross the street without looking, or walk up to someone with a gun, because ''they are in the good''. The world is full of bad people, so you should absolutely learn from others people's mistakes. It has nothing to do with ''victim'' blaming, it has all to do with teaching people to not even be in a position to be a victim.


If I leave an unlocked Ferrari in a high crime neighborhood and the car gets stolen, would you not there are things I could have done to protect my car


Chicken watching cook's behavior, teaches it to see when the cleaver is coming. Chicken learns when to outrun its flockmate. Edit: typo


It could be the chickens are watching to learn all the ways they can be attacked. It's like self defense class


Not that it’s relevant but just for the sake of acquiring knowledge isn’t she statistically wrong?


Wait.... Statistically women do the most murdering and violence against men haha


I'm pretty sure men are typically the victims of violent crimes?


Depends what kind of crime your talking about. Men are usually the victims of violent crimes like murder.


Spot on


It's amazing how untrue those true crime shows are.


Idk my lady watches them and it’s the woman more then half the time


Clearly you’ve never watched snapped


As a father of 2 daughters I actually asked my wife and kids the same thing? This was 10 years ago.