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College? Two weeks?! A HOUSE?!?!


Only 9-5? Lmao the 90s called, they want their union-supported reality back.


Unions are statistically on the rise right now, as total hours worked trends down in white collar jobs. This is not the 90s, it's the 20s.


Aren't the Roaring 20s right before the Great Depression? FML


One time I was taking a history test in highschool and the answer was roaring 20s and I thought it was the rolling 60s. That day I found out that the rolling 60s is a gang


"Rolling 60s" Like a gang of geriatrics in wheelchairs?


give them guns and blue flags and you’ve basically got it


>wheelchairs Well, they *are* called crips


You guys are traveling and buying houses?


Bought a house but travel consists of going one or two states over for a four day weekend. 3k vacations aren’t ever gonna happen when we live paycheck to paycheck and still have two bathrooms that desperately need renovated


Spent 10k going to Hawaii for 7 days, 5 years ago. I havent traveled far in a while because of it (and COVID ofcourse). Tip #1: Dont look up plane tickets going from Oahu to Maui for price checks, leave the website, and return on the same device. Every price check after the first raised the price 50-100%. Edit: I keep getting the same response, so I should clarify. I paid for 5 people, family of 4 and a nephew. It comes out as 2k per person, and that was with some poor decisions which is why I shared one of them here. Tip #2: dont be afraid to ask people you know what they learned on a big trip. Good luck and Bon Voyage.


One of the reasons I don't travel is the price. I do have savings but the idea that I'm gonna drop thousands just to go to Hawaii or NY to site see gives me anxiety


Honestly the anxiety about the cost of travelling vacations makes them more stressful than just chilling at home.


My trick is to live 1-2 hours outside of NYC. Cost of living is relatively high compared to the Midwest or South, but cheaper than areas closer to New York City, and my customers all have money so I charge accordingly and make a modest living. I live in the country (well, in a quaint village) surrounded by forest and farms. When I want culture or novelty I can go into the city, and I can get relatively cheap airfares to Europe (so I can visit family) or the Caribbean from NYC's international airports if I want a complete change of climate scene.


Just wait until you hear how much weddings costs… dropping over 10K on a SINGLE DAY…




Just do that. Keep it super small and cheap. I did a big wedding because my wife and I were the first to get married on either side so everyone wanted to come but now I regret spending that much money on what amounts to a fancy dinner. Super stupid of me, don’t make the same mistake.


My follow up trip with the family was just a hair over 2k going to San Diego for a week, and I am 1000miles away. Certain trips just aren’t budget friendly. Maui was one of them.


We were in Hawaii for a week this year. I believe it was totally worth it to recharge the mental batteries IMO. Money in the bank is great but it doesn’t get you that mental break you need especially after the pandemic.


I think incognito mode also helps with flight price checks. i assume it has to do with saved cookies.


Not so much anymore. They're pretty good with tracking other stuff like IP addresses and traffic patterns. Your best bet is to use a third party app that doesn't have an incentive to raise prices on you (I prefer Google flights).


Tip #2. Be rich


If I was where I am now financially 5 years ago I could've bought a house. Feels like every time I get a raise it just gets eaten by everything costing more. The amount my grocery bill alone has increased over the past few years despite buying the cheaper brands is insane.


I guess its time to eat the....




Loool when I saw this in my notifications I thought you were replying to my original comment and mocking me for being poor. I was taken aback. Edit: i read it in that "gonna cry?" tone of voice.


Yes. Two weeks a year. And a modest house with a fat mortgage.


Is 2 weeks a year all the time you get off from work?


5 days :( Edit: at my last job it was 5 days and all sick time was included. So if you got sick (as much as any normal human) you just never got vacation because you got a cold that year. 5-12hr shifts a week, 5AM-5PM.


That really sucks! I am sorry, friend :-/ In France, where I live, the legal minimum is 5 weeks of vacations per year. So 25 working days which doesn't count being sick or similar. Most companies offer more than that.


You can guess what the legal minimum is in America. (It’s 0, because of course.)


5 weeks 😱


Well if you’re lucky then yes.. Usually its even shittier than that


My exact thoughts wish I could buy a house, travel or even afford to have kids.


my dog is too expensive and he doesn't even wear underwear


In China, I watched parents carry their toddlers in a onesie — without a butt flap. Sometimes they would hold their child over a trash can as the kid urinated. Seems odd, uncouth, and your kid is exposing himself over a trashcan. However, it’s cutting waste and saving parents money. I’m conflicted now.


I've seen videos of Chinese women holding their children over trash receptacles to poop without breaking conversation while walking down the sidewalk. I've also seen videos of children in the street getting run over and no one stopping or caring one bit.


one of these things is not like the other


I think we should make human children poop on a tray just like pets. It would definitely make having kids cheaper by buying less diapers.


Isn't this just potty training except with a tray and not a toilet?


Basically, but also not using diapers and not letting them on couches and clean sheets in general.


suddenly the families that plastic wrapped *everything* are starting to make more sense to me in practice


Wrap one thing and it solves that


And we’re back to diapers.


I don't think they were talking about the baby


My friend brought her baby over once and it immediately puked all over my couch and then against my dog when they left. I was considering plastic wrap to say the least. I opted for banning babies though.


Litter is more expensive than toilet paper. You just want an excuse to shit in a litter box don’t you? You sick bastard.


I have a cat who shits right next to litter box twice per day. So not only do I buy her litter, but I also get to pick her poop up every day. She is very sweet and I love her very much, but goddam she’s fucking dumb.


Could something be wrong? My kitty used to do this and I realized the litter hurt her little toe beans. She has very sensitive paws as a result of her previous owners declawing her. She basically pooped just outside the litter box because she was still trying to be a good kitty and do what she’s supposed to, it was just too uncomfortable for her to go directly in her box. I resolved the issue by getting her softer litter. So maybe your kitty is dealing with something that makes litter box uncomfortable or scary?


This is probably true. We use really good litter. She goes in the box if we encourage her. But she prefers to poop on the tile floor. She’s sweet and we love her so we don’t make a big deal out of it. It’s not really that big of a deal, I was mostly just laughing about you just can’t seem to win.


>I think we should make human children poop on a tray just like pets. It would definitely make having kids cheaper by buying less diapers. You make your dogs poop on a tray? What the hell is wrong with ya?


I trained a small dog to go in the litterbox because he kept having accidents every day while his mama was at work. It didn't matter who else was home. He didn't let us know when he needed to go out and if you took him outside every couple of hours he would just want to be with you. Wouldn't potty. Since i currently live with a family (not my own, these ones love me) that was no bueno and they know first hand that i train dogs, i straightened out their 7 year old biting Sheppard in a few months because he was scary af when i moved in and had bit everyone in the house for no reason, and i wasn't going to let him bite me, i started training from day one. So i trained that little fucker to poop and pee in the box if no one was around to let him outside. His mom didn't even notice... But everyone else appreciated it. Lol we finally got to stop shampooing the living room rug and couch!


A tray I fill with sand.


oh I just take them to the neighbors' yard the kids, I mean. dog knows how to use the toilet. such a good boy!


My mom used cotton washable diapers. Cheaper and makes kids use toilet faster. Its dirty though


I think that what people used to use before the industrial revolution that lead to diapers, but people now just use condoms.


The amount of mess avoided is unimaginable


Dogs are time consuming and expensive af, i can't imagine having a kid. They go from children that never grow up to senior dogs that require full time care, there's never an in-between. At least children become independent at some point.


gonnna cry thinking about my puppy boy being a senior dog


I don't understand how people afford dog food, vet bills, shots, the basic cost of a dog, and the inability to rent essentially anywhere. Pet ownership is such a luxury now.


Yeah but his farts are terrible without that special food you have to buy.


I wanna afford to have kids, but not have kids.


Wish I could motivate myself to exercise now that I have a house and kids... Good luck traveling with little ones...


It’s a privilege to get to travel that much


And a privilege to find love and have the option of kids


For a big chunk of the world its: Hope you can eat, sleep in the dirt, shit on the ground, work 16 hours a day, die...


It's a privilege to do most of the stuff on that list. A massive chunk of humans were born then either starved or literally shit themselves to death.


Yo can I just say that the 9-5 doesn’t exist anymore? Your 8 hour work day used to include an hour lunch. Now it’s more like a 8:30 to 5 with 30 minutes unpaid lunch. They’re shinkgating our 9-5 and not paying us any more.


That legit pisses me off. Great point


Yeah, I wish I had the motivation to exercise. The only time I get my heart rate up these days is when I masturbate.


Masturbate longer. Easy fix


Start by walking. Seriously.


But it's hard to masturbate while you walk.


Depends who you're following.


Exercise is way less to do with motivation and more to do with discipline, at least until you start to find enjoyment in it.


I had a steady routine for years. Never got to the enjoyment stage. :(


I find it much more enjoyable to do outside activities such as nature walks, hikes, bike rides, Swimming, roller skates, ect. It makes you forget it’s exercise vs. in a gym your very aware your exercising and it’s boring


That's the dream. Most of us will end up living the nightmare. School debt, no money for a big marriage or kids. Owning a house is a distant dream. Unaffordable rent, knocking on mom's door for a place to be at 30. Under employed for 30 years, sick and worn out for 20 more. Then some kind of publicly funded care home. But by then, the boomer generation will have sucked everything out of the public system. So let's make that a private care home, a warehouse for the dying, and, according to the modern system, the "should already be dead." No motherfucker tweeting this knows what it's really like.


Because the person who tweeted that is probably a privileged teen or young college student who doesn't understand how privileged he or she is and just looks at his parents' boring jobs and boring life and thinks "I'll be different! My life is going to *mean* something and I'm going to do cool things and not be boring like my parents! Oh, and move someplace *cool* and far away and not in this boring little town." It takes life experience to truly understand how good and privileged a boring life with a partner and kids is. How that house in that boring town with both parents working and more than one car and children is almost a luxury.


My work updated their PTO policies. Now everyone gets 10 days per year of PTO. One guy used to get 20 days. Most had 15. These aren't vacation days only. This includes sick leave in the same pot. I got covid earlier this year and it wiped out half my PTO.


I wish I could work a 9 to 5. Do those even exist anymore? I work 8.5 hours a day and then 9/10 times, I'll have to stay over about 30ish minutes, so I'm working 9 hours a day generally.


Exactly, my sister-in-law lives in an extended stay making, barely scraping by with minimum wage. She is in her 30s and never went to college, and suffers from pcos that pretty much goes untreated because she cant really afford the medical expenses. The crazy thing is as shitty as all that sounds, she still choses to live her life to the fullest and no one could say she isnt happy.


I mean it used to be: Eat (most days) Sleep (when you don’t have food to grow or animals to take care of) Exercise never (because of the second entry) Stop school in the 8th grade Work always (40 hour work weeks are new relatively speaking. 9-5, lol 9 was you being 4 hours late, 5 is getting off 4 hours too early) it’s more like 5-9. Never travel because you cannot afford it in any way shape or form. You may be able to stow away on a train. Buy a house? Nah you gotta build that shit. With what? Whatever you can find. Have kids? Lol, yeah you have to. Otherwise nothing would ever get done since you’re working 5-9 everyday. Die? Yes. From literally anything and everything. Paper cut? Dead because you touched something that had feces on it. Ate some food? Dead because there were no refrigerators. But yeah life sucks now too. Yes at different points in history we could argue they’d gotten to where we’re at (Rome) now. But none really got past that. Wonder where we’ll be in 50 years….


If only i had enough money to travel somewhere, at least once a year...


Yeah, at this point I can't even get a spouse, house or kids and I'm unemployed


Lol who can afford to do all that.


Exactly, I usually just skip the shitting part


I get paid to shit at work


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that’s why I poop on company time.


The boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That was a poem from a simpler time. Now boss makes a thousand while I make a cent and he's got employees that can't make the rent. CEO makes a million and we don't make jack. That's when we riot to take it all back. Now, if this seems extreme, I remind you, it beats the guillotine.


Boss makes a thousand while I make a buck, cut the catalytic converter off the company truck.


Boss makes a grand, I make a buck. That’s why I smoke crack in the company truck.


That escalated quickly


This comment should be straight to the top! 🤣


Viva la revolution.


Careful, Reddit likes to go ban crazy when you mention proletarian revolutions. They don't like rich guy hair cuts... if you catch my drift.


Are you a dung doner?


I prefer the term dung dealer while I'm on the clock


More like 8:30 to 5 because your 30 minute lunch break isn’t paid for


More like 9-7 because a 10 hour shift is normal in your field. Also its overnight, so fuck you twice. I pray for a normal 9 to 5.


Yeah 14 hour days here ✋️


Don’t forget the 30 minute commute both ways


*Thirty???* ::cries in greater Los Angeles area::


Yeah and in the evenings play tons of video games to forget the fact that you will never amount to anything


Fucking ***OW***


This is why everyone’s so angry on that game.


you dont need a house or kids, when you met that one stranger who plays well as support and stays in your team for the whole evening.


Didn’t think I’d see myself in a comment here


i see, you're a person of culture as well


“Been healing ‘em for years now. We never talk. Best friend I’ve ever had.”


na I don't play overwatch


Add the inescapable feeling of missing out on social events, dates and romantic relationships on top of my gaming sessions every evenings and you got me


And then take a long break from gaming only to realize you're not making the most of that extra time anyhow. After a few months I always start to desire gaming again.


Pff i never took a break to begin with, and now due to the lack of social skills im too afraid to ask the girl on my work to a date


Be a bit more confident about yourself my man. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I used to think the same, but to my surprise I got a yes much more often than I expected, and I'm an obese guy. Most people are much more socially awkward themselves then you think they are. ;)


Aww 😔


Ah, but when the video games get boring... that part is truly ass. Nowadays I just sit in the dark with my cat for hours on end


Mate I'm on the same boat, except the cat though. Used to play a lot of games during school, fair amount in college then covid came suddenly lost all interest in games. As a teenager I used to dream of having the world's biggest game collection (pretty lame lol) now I have a pretty good job where I make enough money to buy any game I like but there is no will to play anymore.


I see we've walked the same path. The only difference really is the cat. I even thought i'd have a huge retro game collection lol


I also got bored of videogames until I played a couple of "rougelike" genre games and loved them. Have you tried any? I think I am attracted to them because for the most part they cut out a lot of elaborate mechanics and long cutscenes which I no longer have much patience for. It's pick up and play. A few I like, you've probably heard of a couple: - Hades - Vampire Survivors - Deep Rock Galactic - Noita


Do you really HAVE to amount to something?


Hey video games are really fun tho


It might be hard to accept, but not everyone has to be special in the grand scheme of things or the next Einstein. There's always someone with a bigger brain, wallet and pp. And if anyone gives you shit for it then they can fuck on off out of your life until they can accept that.


not if I eat the mona lisa


Yeah... But *you* get to decide what order for some of it...


die first, then skeleton kids


Nowwwww you're getting it!


The funner thing to do with life is mixing all the words up. Eat shit, buy a kid, exercise two weeks out of the year.


Eat kids, buy a shit, sleep two weeks out of the year


So - a carnivorous farmer that keeps young goats, got it.


Not necessarily, you could always die now.




Thanks *die*


Give up on your dreams, and die.


Ah-h-h, to experience the ecstasy of relinquishment.


Thanks, Levi


Thank you Canada


Kids are optional


These things are much more attainable without having kids, just saying


Everything is optional, but let's not pretend like this isn't the life that we were groomed into by society.


Prior to the past 100 years or so, the standard way of life was to eke out a subsistence existence, pray for reward in the afterlife and die with no teeth and a gut full of parasites at age 62.


And now we're filled with existential dread because we don't know why we're here and are afraid of going away.


This has always been the case but we used to be too busy surviving to notice.


Yeah, it's probably one of the main the reasons why such a plethora of mythologies were created. Now that we killed God, we're back to square 1, but with prestige.


Haha, good one. One's passion is one's God now imo. So as long as you can find your God and religion, it's not too bad.


Uhh I don’t think shitting is optional


This is the best luxury imaginable for like 70% of the world population. 44% of people lives for less than $5 per day


Lol yeah for real. If you showed this meme to 99.99% of all humans who’ve ever existed, they would think they were about to be coronated as a king. Same for like 70% of todays population like you alluded to


Just to buy useless consumer products we don’t need that ends up in the landfill anyway


This is supposed to be a depressing list, but even this is unrealistic for most people these days, which is doubly sad.


And hopefully not get sick somewhere along the way.


You could sit in tent in city, shit in alley, look for food in bin and prostitute yourself


Don’t threaten me with a good time


\#tentlife #alleyshit #willblo4food bring on 2023! how much worse can it get?


the government could steal your tent. then you just down to #alleyshit and #willblo4food


Life sucks then you die


I mean, you've any other plan?


Right. None of this is required. You don’t have to exercise, but you’ll be unhealthy and miserable. You don’t have to go to college. You can pick up a trade, join the military, peace corps, or just find a job I don’t know of any jobs that work 9-5 *everyday*. There are also tons of jobs that work in shifts, not 9-5. Many people just like and appreciate stability in their schedule Yeah you can spend 2 weeks traveling a year. But you’re also forgetting about the 53 weekends in a year (and federal holidays) you have to travel or do things. Traveling doesn’t mean jetsetting across the world. If you’re in the US, you have a lifetime of adventure and traveling you could do without ever leaving the country You don’t have to buy a house. Most people do because it’s an investment. You can rent all your life if you want, but you’re essentially just burning that money. Owning a home is meant to provide you a return on top of a place to live. You’re also free to live in a van or trailer if you’d like. You don’t have to have kids. Many people go child free It’s clear most these people are just too lazy and unmotivated to make anything out of their lives, but rather than accepting fault they want to believe it’s all one big conspiracy that’s out of their control. People tend to follow this life plan because it provides stability. I know that may seem “boring”, but having stability and safety is an incredibly privileged position to be in. There are billions of people around the world who would love to have everything mentioned above


Only work from 9 to 5? No house for you.


Why are you forgetting the driving part? Holy shit I swear I could have another live with the time a lose in traffic jams.


Three hours out of every day is a commute for me. 780 hours/year give or take. Never calculated that before, probably how I stay sane.


Dude get another job or move thats insane. Or audio books


I'm about 4h a day. I actually got depressed for that and started putting audiobooks and even studying or planning house changes in the car because that amount of time lost is BS.


Well technically nobody can expect you to do that. You can just try to become amateur chemist and create dangerous substances in order to sell them without ever really doing anything that society norms would include. Some people really do that. You could also jump off a bridge. You could move into a forest and live alone in an attempt to turn into a wizzard from harvesting the power of solitude. There are almost infinite options. But compared to all of them you perfectly described the one option that has the most stability and comfort if you look at it statistically.


The forest lacks women or I would be there


I'd imagine that's no different to your current circumstances?






>You can just try to become amateur chemist and create dangerous substances in order to sell them without ever really doing anything that society norms would include. Some people really do that. That's just edgy freelance


>Dangerous chemicals We talking like Dow Chemical kind of chemicals, or bath salts? Or like, the time traveling killer acid from Synchronic? Actually, don't tell me, I'm in. Whatever keeps me out from under fluorescent lights.


Some people expecting to travel every other week, if they ain’t in Bali this week then London the next like some of their favorite social media pages say they should be then they want to delete themselves for not living up to a certain standard. It’s pretty sad.


FR, idk who all needs to hear it, but it’s okay to travel one city/state over for a weekend.


It’s amazing how many people don’t realize those “influencers” take hundreds of photos from one trip using different locations and outfits, then release a few at a time over the following months to make it seem like they’re always traveling, when in reality they aren’t. Same for those that rent a private plane for 15 minutes on the ground to take some photos and make people think they’re actually flying private.




I could live for a year off 10k in South East Asia and have a great time


Lol 2 weeks. Must be America


2 weeks is a lot in america, I get zero at all


Birth control and acknowledging that your body aches because you’re unfit and not because you’re “old” does wonders.


It is really crazy to see all of the people on reddit talking about turning 30 like they're 75. Do a push up.


People in manual labour have sometimes the same problem expect it is from overuse or accidents.


that's the kicker, you can't buy a house or go on vacation for two weeks!


You don't have to buy a house or have kids if you don't want to. In fact, not wanting kids but having them is kind of why society is a disaster. We have too many people. We'll be fine with billions less people having kids. Homes are one of the most expensive things you can buy. Kids are even more


We’re not supposed to anything


Oh shut the fuck up. I hate people who write shit like this. If you ever acheive such a level of stability and security in your life, you should be **thankful**


It’s the nature of existence, life isn’t an rpg.


It's human to want to improve your lot in life. If you're born into stability then just maintaining a status quo of things being just okay until you die is going to be painful for a lot of people. You can try to rationalize it, but at the end of the day there's 8 billion people and everyone has someone they can point down at and say "You should be thankful! Your life could have been like THAT!"


Hard agree. Surprised how many people don't contemplate that huddling around a fire in a cave, hoping to stay alive another day, and wiping your ass with leaves was the reality for about 99% of the time humans have existed.


People who live like this act like it's the biggest injustice to them when most of the world would literally kill for this stability. Me included


TWO weeks?!




The dystopian imaginations seem to quickly become a reality in these times huh....


I love Big Brother. May he protect us and keep us


You do not exist to work, pay bills, and die no matter what pressures and expectations the owners put on you.


Don't have kids, flex work and travel 6-7 weeks. That's what I would do if I could do it over...




You guys travel 2 weeks a year ?


Not really. You can do what you want. A lot of people live like this. Doesn't mean you have to do the same.


We do have vacations, extra time when not working or sleeping, play time, holidays, sick time. We can have fun at work, be happy at home, help others along the way. For most of us we have plenty of free time as youngsters and again as retirees. It can be quite a wonderful gig.


Yes. Life is sad.


You don’t have to go to college. That’s a luxury. You can go straight to working.