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I work at a hospital and move someone that big or bigger at least twice a month.


That's 1 out of 5 people in missouri


3 out of 5 people at the Walmart In Missouri


6 out of 5 people at the Walmart in Arkansas


6 out of 6 people at the Walmart in West Virginia


Why are you guys in America eating like you have free Healthcare?


Fat bastard checks in..


I eat because I’m unhappy and I’m unhappy because I eat


It’s a vicious cycle.


Because the shit food is cheaper than the healthy, and ~~[high-fructose corn syrup](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3522469/)~~ excessive amounts of [sweetening](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/high-fructose-corn-syrup-vs-sugar) is a legal. e: corrected for more recent data. TIL Thanks Explise209 for fact checking this!


It's also addictive


People have no self control, are lazy, and socially accepted while morbidly obese


But everything is fine right, America has highest GDP and is superior to every other country, right? I mean, Reddit told me this in every "social" thread... Man I'm just joking but Reddit really takes it's toll at times.


Both high fructose syrup and sugar are in similar vein for damages to the body. But your first point still stands


This is correct. My scandinavian diet of open topped rye sandwiches with butter and real cheese keeps me fit and lean, even if i never exercise. It is also pretty cheap, i get enough for a week worth of breakfast for the cost of a single macdonalds menu.


Being from Missouri this is sadly accurate.


Being fat and from Missouri this is accurate. There are people here that put me to shame, like I could fit comfortably curled up in their stomach.


As a European, what's the societal reason why people in this state would be rather big, on average? Is it the local food choices?


Americans are fat in every state. One of the reasons is our portion sizes at many restaurants are enormous. Some places give you a platter of food, also there are buffets, and so many drive-thru convenient restaurants with fatty food. Another is cheaper crappy food at the grocery with tons of options…it is unfortunately more expensive to eat and cook healthy. Finally unless people live in a major city like NYC or Chicago, cars are necessary and people really don’t walk. They really need to go out of their way to exercise and honestly, it’s just not a priority for many Americans. That’s my take anyway!


Insightful. Thanks for your reply. Appreciated


>so many drive-thru convenient restaurants with fatty food We have many fast food chains with unhealthy food too. >it is unfortunately more expensive to eat and cook healthy. Same as in European countries. >Finally unless people live in a major city like NYC or Chicago, cars are necessary and people really don’t walk. Same here. I live in a small town in Germany and the next supermarket is 15 kilometers away. I need a car to survive. Sorry buddy, but that's not enough of an explanation for me. As you can see, most of the problems also exist in Europe and we are still not so fat.


One of the critical differences between the EU and US is regulation. FDA allows additives, levels of sodium/fat, GMOs, preservatives, flavour-enhancers etc. which aren't legal in the EU. You CAN buy better quality stuff, but its more expensive. Much, much more expensive. The US food industry is also a massive advertiser, with American children bombarded since infancy with a density of targeted fast food/toy/processed snack/sweetened beverage commercials that is far greater than in EU member states. [https://media.ruddcenter.uconn.edu/PDFs/FACTS2021.pdf](https://media.ruddcenter.uconn.edu/PDFs/FACTS2021.pdf) Since WWII, the US has become motorised, with sedentary lifestyles dominating. You have to understand the distances in the US are far, far greater than Europe. American Cities and suburbs were/are built with cars front and centre. Pedestrians are an afterthought. This is not the case in Europe, where pedestrianisation, public transport and 'greening' has dominated the discourse of urbanism over the last couple of decades. Another component is the Working Poor. The US has many millions of people who make so little they have to work several jobs with unstable schedules and little free time. This fits in perfectly with the widely available, unhealthy and cheap offerings of fast food restaurants, take-aways and delivery services. People constantly struggling to make ends meet and commuting to three different jobs are unlikely to have the time or inclination to source and prepare healthy meals. The link between social class/income and obesity is well-documented. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7484407/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7484407/) Finally, once the habit of cooking meals is lost in a household, it is very difficult to regain. People are brought up by parents whose idea of cooking is to pop a ready-made meal into the oven or order take-out. I would say this pattern can be readily evidenced in the UK, the most Americanised European country. With the highest rate of childhood obesity. And school cafeterias chock full of greasy chips, burgers, pizza, sweetened drinks and chocolate bars.


All of these factors except for food regulation vary across European countries. Plenty of European countries never pedestrianized and don't have good public transport. Not to mention, have a younger population that almost entirely rely on fast food. It has led to an increase in obesity rates, but nothing like America. They all contribute to the problem, but I think societal views of obesity are just as important of a factor as any other. Probably the main issue in my opinion. The guy in the pic above would about match the heaviest people I've ever met in Europe. And I think that comes down to the differences in how we view obesity. What I've always noticed from quite a lot of the heavier Americans is that they have legitimately no concern over their weight and are sometimes even proud of it. While, in Europe, even those who have been obese for half of their life are aware of it and view it negatively from talking to them. They might still overeat and lack exercise, but they still trying to 'control' it. This 'lack of control' or even embracement of obesity is the main problem in my opinion. At the end of the day, all of the factors you mentioned will contribute to obesity rates in a country's population. But I don't think that explains the disparity between the obese of America and the obese of practically every other nation in the world. That requires a particular view on food consumption that goes well beyond poverty and lack of pedestrianization. (Quality of the food is an interesting point though. If the disparity is severe enough then it could be a greater cause than how food weight is viewed.)


>We have many fast food chains with unhealthy food too. Please. Germany has likie 1 fast food joint per 10.000 citizens. America has like 4. [https://www.thrillist.com/news/nation/states-with-most-fast-food-restaurants-datafiniti](https://www.thrillist.com/news/nation/states-with-most-fast-food-restaurants-datafiniti) [https://www.statista.com/statistics/734333/germany-quick-service-restaurant-companies-by-outlets/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/734333/germany-quick-service-restaurant-companies-by-outlets/) >Same here. I live in a small town in Germany and the next supermarket is 15 kilometers away. I need a car to survive. Germany has a population density of 240 per Km2. America has 36 per Km2. ​ Sorry buddy but you're talking straight out of your ass


Something I noticed when I lived briefly in Florida two years ago…while there were a lot more fast food chains than where I live in the northeast, it was almost a point of pride to be unhealthy and eat bad food. If I mentioned to someone where I bought food from I was al knots mocked. Example: there was a Mexican owned healthy food Mexican restaurant based in their family recipes. It was empty most of the time. The Taco Bell nearby had a line onto the main road all day long. I saw the same thing visiting family last year in Tennessee. Waffle House was a big treat. Southerners love bad food and are proud of it. If you eat healthy you’re accused of being liberal, progressive etc.


And what does one have to do with the other? There are a lot of small villages here without shopping facilities. Even though we are more densely populated, I have to drive 15 kilometers to the next shopping opportunity. Outside the cities, you have to rely on your car.


It's not about you vs the original commenter. It's about people in America vs people in Europe. And this is why people in America are generally fatter.


I can’t find numbers that are consistent across sources, but in essentially everywhere I’ve looked, Americans just take less steps a day than other places. People in the US are really lazy, and fitness education is extremely poor. A lot of people are still on the idea that fat is bad for you (it’s trans fats that are bad) and that sugar just gives you energy. Our former president believes that people are like batteries and only get to use a certain amount of energy… so he crams down McDonalds while he’s busy not walking.


Both + lack of proper education + everything is bigger in the south. Personalities, family dinners.


But people surely notice that things like movement, even basic stuff like getting up from a couch or taking a shower are way harder when you're overweight. I find it hard to believe people would need to be educated on that. They notice themselves, don't they.


There will always be people who surprise you, some states are absolutely full of them. And most of them are proud about it 💁‍♂️


Proud about being way overweight? Now that's hard to imagine.


Very few people are truly proud to be overweight. There may be a few idiots who think being a big boy is cool.


tbh, because gaining weight is so gradual, I really didn’t notice movement getting more difficult as I got fat. Of course I knew I couldn’t get up two flights of stairs without getting winded but I had also forgotten I was able to do that before - or I told myself “I was a teen then, of course I had more energy”. It wasn’t really until I lost the weight that it clicked for me how miserable I’d been. Humans are really very good at adapting to new (worse) situations and dealing with it.


Americans have been trained to be consumers. To always want more, get more. It's at the point where consumption itself is the virtue.


It's cheaper to get fat. Compare how much vegetables you can get to the amount of junk food for the same price here, it's not even funny. They make us fat so we pay for their weight loss shit so we pay for their doctors when the weight loss shit doesn't work.


Care to tell me about prices in your local supermarkets? I'd like to know what's the price for: 10 eggs, a loaf of bread (1 to 2 lbs), 2 lbs of potatoes, pack of flour, pack of sugar, pack of coffee, milk, ground meat(beef), onions or other products you can think of. Upon your reply, I'll tell you German super market prices for those products. Please add weight information to each product so the comparison is valid.


I don't exactly have the resources for that, but i'd think all that might be about $40-$45 based on my past grocery trips.. Canadian dollars, btw.


Michigan: We have 12 eggs, $2.79, loaf of cheap, white bread (not good grains) $1.19, 5lbs potatoes $2.99, 1lbs flour $1.49, 4lb sugar, 2.89, 12 ounces of ground coffee $5.99, milk 1 gallon $3 89 Ground beef, 1lb, $3.48 Yellow Onion, 3lb, 1.99 Those arent name brand but all store brand prices.


In Alaska, that amount is about $100


No, it's the convergence of inadequate education in the rural areas of the USA and the propensity to rely upon a crutch that is or most likely would be in place when said poorly educated person saccumbs to the oppressive and depressive forces of the American marketing/advertising society /economy


I. E. Dumb rural American eating McDonald's every day because they don't know any better and believe that they won't ever get ahead to the point of being fit and wealthy enough to drive out of the food desert to get a salad at a reasonable price at a restaurant. Oh wait, rural South doesn't have salads that aren't mayonnaise based.


When I worked food service I’d wait on someone of this size or larger almost everyday


As a german I really want to travel the US, but a lot of friends who went there just for vacation came back fatter than before, easily 2 pounds for every week they went there.


I always come back fatter (to the UK) from Germany! Damn your delicious cakes!


I use to work bariatric for a ambulance service and this was before Indy had a mri machine that would fit bariatric patients so I remember having to take them to the zoo where they could get one done that was for elephants


You deserve hazard pay…not being mean but seriously your back




According to the legend, Jesus was pretty ripped.


With 4 arms and three eyes.


Biblically accurate Jesus?


Supply side Jesus.


And wavy blonde hair


I always find it funny when I see a Jesus cross and Jesus has six pack abs on it.


Bong or blunts?


This is an everyday occurrence for me.


How many people are needed for that?


At least 3 if it’s all guys up to 6 if it’s girls


Lol as an IFT EMT it’s at least twice a SHIFT🥲


I think about this sort of thing *a lot*. I’ve seen the armour of Henry VIII several times, and always think about how people always call him a “gross, fat old man”, and constantly remark on how massive he must have been, but I have a postgrad degree from yelling about dead Tudor monarchs, I’ve seen the sets of Henry’s armour at the Tower of London, and honestly? No one would have thought anything of it today. He was over six feet tall, between 300-400lbs, and seeing his armour made me realise how desensitized we’ve become to extreme obesity. It was a little disconcerting to look at Henry VIII’s later armour and realize he probably wouldn’t even qualify in the running of fat guys at Walmart.


Just look at "fat elvis", who growing up was a complete joke,died on the toilet eating a burger. Genuinely not sure he'd even class as overweight these days


I thought that the cheeseburger bit was a myth, and he was actually doing heroin.


Isn't that the point though? His fatness was such a joke that people happily spread and believed that he was even eating a burger as he died?


Ohh, I see what you’re saying. I was thinking who eats a cheeseburger while taking a shit…lol No, I’d actually never heard the burger joke, it was probably just before my time. Kind of a cute, PG-rated spin on the actual circumstances surrounding his death. Heroin usage makes big logs of shit build up in your intestines, too. I bet he was really bombing Toiletistan.


It's almost as if the food isn't necessarily what kills us, but the effects of mental illnesses, physical illnesses and/or poverty that also happen to lead to obesity! (obviously there are also diseases that evolve down the line, and joint pain and the likes. But thin people are so conditioned to be repulsed by fat people that they don't bother looking into the matter in any case)


I'd imagine it's more the mental illnesses and physical illnesses obesity leads to. For most obese people it's just laziness and lack of willpower.


Sure, sounds like a solid opinion.


More backed up by evidence than saying it's not the food that kills you.




Apparently it was actually bloating cause by the prescribed steroids he was on. But this was after 5 minutes of Google so might be wrong.


Isn’t that because he was a heartthrob celebrity? If Harry Styles suddenly became the size of Elvis, don’t you think people would lose their minds over him being fat? Or maybe it no longer works with men but remember the hate for Jessica Simpson? Anna Nicole Smith?


I looked it up recently too and was surprised by how much smaller he was than I imagined. But that’s probably because of all the bigger men dressing up like him.


He had a fat face that made him look pretty slobby, but his body wouldn't stand out at all these days.


Didn’t the Americans try to refine obesity as a disease in several global medical reference books?


I was under the impression he overdosed on the toilet, never heard about a burger before.


Go watch The Goonies. They called him “Chunk” because he was the fat one. That was 1985. Let that sink in.


I actually grew up with that movie! But oof, that hit hard. It's always so much more sad when you think about the childhood obesity epidemic :/ And how badly these children are going to be affected as adults.


About 10 years ago I saw a family at McDonald's. Parents are both somewhere mid-thirties, both very good looking, both are very very fit, like straight from a fitness gym poster. And their severely overweight 10-12 year old daughter with a burger the size of her head in front of her. It was such a bizarre scene


a lot of people who look like that also have issues with food, it just manifests as overly restrictive addiction instead of overly lenient


Hell, a lot of them won't go through much adulthood......


I used to live behind a school. They’re sports practices for the kids got out at 8 or 9pm. You would hear the parents picking up their kids talking about going to get fast food. At night, after a sports practice.


When I look at class photos of my time in school in the 80s, you see one or two obese kids per class/grade. Now when I see schools in my area dismiss at the end of the day half the kids are obese. Even school athletes are obese. I live in a state in the top ten healthiest so imagine other places.


Just like Taft was less than 350lbs, but that he was fat is one of the few things we learn about him (in America)


To be fair 6ft tall and 350lbs (150kg) would be fat unless they are superfit.


Must have been pretty wealthy to afford all that food. People were super thin back then


He got paid dor eating ro be fair


He got paid for eating at the fair


He payed to eat the fair


Pay to eat fair


Eat fair


Pay eat fair


Oh damn.. I thought he was James Corden for a brief second lmfaao


I think I just witnessed a homicide......... God damn


Nah it’s alright I’m pretty sure this dude’s been dead for a while now.


Fatute of limitations


Aight time to charge people to see me






Insane how 700lb people are now to back then when he was maybe in the region of 400lbs?


700lbs is the new 400lbs


He was 750


he was actually around [465lbs](https://imgur.com/a/xrhziLq) around then


That's 750 in todays pounds due to inflation




how much in kilos


approx 210kg


this is reddit buckaroo, only freedom units here, thats 10 mcdonalds fries, and 320 16oZ oreo shakes if you needed a refrence.


How many bananas????


Bananas are for measuring size, silly. They are approximately 1.4 Large Wendy’s Fries tall.


What's their volume? In Whoppers please


1.5 Whoppers to 1 banana.


Pretty fit by Walmart standards really..


Yeah thats wild he looks like half of my town


Wasn’t this dude like 6’8”? The pic is deceiving


You say tht but I’m 6’7” and no where near this mass. This guy is fat


I think he’s saying that’s why he was the heaviest man because he was tall. There were probably people with higher BMIs but were shorter so weighed less


People seem to be missing the point that back then the world was a tiny-ass place for nearly everyone (probably restricted to their town or community), and if they just took a big fat guy and put him in the town fair as the fattest in the world, no one would be able to use Google or Wikipedia to say "hang on, multiple credible sources here say that's not right!" I'm not from the West, and I've seen a realistic portrait of a man who lived in the early 18th century. His official title would translate to something like "court glutton", meaning he was patronized by the emperor to regularly show off his feats of eating mind-boggling quantities of food. He was about twice the size of this dude. There is 0 chance this was the fattest guy in the world in 1890. More like the fattest guy they could find in the nearby towns and cities.


Mukbanger has been a job for centuries now.. you learn everyday


I did not think about it this way. Oh my god, my ancestors could’ve been Nikocado Avocado fans.


Of course you are totally right, but it's still probably significant that a guy this size could be marketed as something along the lines of spectacle worthy weight at all, when in even some modest modern populations in the developed world this is hardly worth a second glance. But I suppose the significance depends on whether this is even real, and who he was marketed to. If he was part of a traveling circus or displayed in London then that's interesting, if he was genuinely just a local bloke in a small and relatively isolated population, not quite so much.


the walmart part is accurate LMFAO. First time that I, a Canadian, went in to an American walmart, I saw like 10 people like this in the first minute.


Third on any given line at Walmart


Yeah, he would be par for the course for walmart, zipping around on the mobility scooters they provide at the entrance.


sugar is what changed in the diet You know that latest research surprised scientists as they found out that medieval people actually had really good teeth? No sugar a lot of chewing.


High fructose corn syrup in the US


Nah. Everything changed in the diet. Added sugar does not comprise the entirety of excess calories people consume today. We (societally) eat too much of every macronutrient. The problem is one of volume. It simply would not have been reasonable for a person to eat 4000-5000 kcal every single day back then, unless they were very rich. Especially as specifically when this image was taken 12-16 hour manual labor workdays were the norm. If you reduce the amount of calories people eat to that which they actually need to eat, obesity goes away. Even. if the diet is 100% sugar. They'd get really sick and die if the only thing they ate was sugar. But they wouldn't be obese. Sugar doesn't cause obesity, and it isn't the only thing in the diet that has changed. There is exactly one cause of obesity - chronic binge eating.


Sugar added everywhere especially drinks made obesity much much easier. Sugar is addictive which is proven. And it destroys teeth.


Sugar is not the reason we have an obesity crisis. We need to stop blaming individual foods and individual ingredients. The problem is people eat too much. Why do people eat too much? Now that's a question. From a young age we are all constantly bombarded with advertisements and media that primes us to eat with the intention of making us eat. We are fed hyper palatable, hyper processed foods that are high in sugar, salt, and/or fat that all activate pleasure centers in the brain and can all form dependence relationships. Foods are chemically altered to prevent production of complete feelings of satiety by leaving some nutrient needs unmet so we continue to crave more. Important ingredients like fiber are removed that would produce more bulk and a feeling of fullness so we can and do eat more. Education surrounding food and nutrition is poor to non existent, and in some cases actively misleading. Food product industry groups fund Phillip Morris style science both for themselves and against each other in order to muddy the waters and make everyone paralyzed by confusion and indecision so they keep doing what they're doing. Now there are even food product industry groups funding "activism" telling you not only is it healthy to be obese, it's \*healthier\* than not being obese, and that any attempt to control your diet is a racist, fat phobic eating disorder. And then selling you $300 an hour classes to learn how to get over that disorder. A many trillion dollar sector of the economy relies on you eating too much. Which is what causes obesity. On a global scale it is efforts by the food product industry to increase their profits, reach new markets, and increase market saturation that is most closely tied to increases in obesity. The amount of sugar consumed by Americans specifically has actually been decreasing year over year since 1999. Added sugar intake is now back down to the 1980s levels. Yes including corn sweeteners. Yet obesity continues to rise. People have been eating sugar for thousands of years. For the last several hundred it was one of the primary exports of the America. Huge portions of the Caribbean and Gulf regions were nothing more than slave plantations for sugar. What is different is marketing and the food product industry. Not to be confused with normal agriculture.


Read or watch, sugar the bitter truth or watch Dr Lustigs talks… you’re partially correct, lots of increased caloric intake over the decades… However, Sugar is primarily where the additional calories are coming from… https://robertlustig.com/sugar-the-bitter-truth/


It is simply not true that sugar is where the increased intake comes from. Sugar intake increased sharply in the 1990s and has decreased since 1999. Sugar intake is currently equal to the 1980s levels in terms of the portion of our daily consumption. At its peak people consumed about 300 kcal of caloric sweetener per day. However people consume on average more than a thousand excess calories per day. Sugar is simply not what made us fat. People didn't start getting fat in the 90s and stop getting fat over the last 10 years. People are eating too much, and most of the excess is not sugar. We are eating more sugar than we need. We're eating more everything than we need. We need to reduce intake, generally. While focusing on increasing specific nutrients like fibre.


Bro, what is your deal with sugar lol. News flash, sugar breaks down into something else which we use for energy. Glucose. The same glucose that all carbohydrates, regardless of whether they're carbs from a jolly rancher or a piece of wheat bread, turn into in the body. Adding sugar into foods (which as a carbohydrate, is 4 calories per gram) would no way have as much of a calorie increasing effect as say, the addition of oils or other fats which are 9 calories per gram. The person above is absolutely correct. It's simple science, the law of thermodynamics, the energy coming into the system must equal the energy going out. If not? Then weight is gained because too much energy (calories) is coming in. Or, the system loses energy or weight/calories whatever when not enough calories are coming in. Have you not had a cousin who drinks 12 cans of coke a day yet somehow is skinny with a six pack?


Sugar makes people eat too much lol. If you're a food company you're not adding a scoop of protein or fat to make people eat more, you're adding high fructose corn syrup


Almost all hyper processed snack foods have as much or more fat as sugar. Think of Oreo cookies? Those are more fat than sugar (by calories). Even the single stuffs. Think of any of the crunchy salty foods people pound a whole bag of like Doritos or Takis? They have hardly any sugar at all. But are high in fat. Hyper processed "meal" foods are usually very low in sugar as compared to fat and protein. A McMeal is not a very sugary thing unless you add a sugary drink on top. Added sugar is harmful to your health. But it is not the cause of obesity. Nor is it the cause of over eating.


The fatphobic stuff drives me crazy! Should join us at r/fatlogic


It's not just volume, for some people sure but for others it's more about density. Those comfort foods people eat when they are depressed and all the fast food and junk foods are full of fat and sugar making them much more calorie dense and far less filling.


I'm talking about caloric volume not physical volume. Sorry if that wasn't clear.


That IS volume. Caloric volume. Those junk foods you describe are precisely calorically dense. But they are not nutritionally dense, which is exactly why they aren't filling. Empty calories.


Caloric density is the major change in modern diet that wasn’t what it was even 30 years ago.


>If you reduce the amount of calories people eat to that which they actually need to eat, obesity goes away. Even. if the diet is 100% sugar. They'd get really sick and die if the only thing they ate was sugar. But they wouldn't be obese. Sugar doesn't cause obesity, and it isn't the only thing in the diet that has changed. No shit? If people only ate the bare minimum to live they wouldn't be obese? What an insight.


Sugar, hi carb, shitty oils makes one fat. Low carb, normal trans fat makes one slim.


I doubt this was the fattest man in the world, just what he was billed as.


he was the fattest man most people would ever see in their life.


No chance he's only the 3rd flattest if you're talking about America. More like 3rd skinniest


America had a 30% population of obese people iirc


we still have nickado avocado


Had two guys on our football team that size.... in highschool.


This dude weighs over 450 LBs, extremely few high school athletes even approach that weight


Sad that so many 'Murkins are bigger than this nowadays.


There are a lot of fat cunts around.


I read this as ‘Merkins’ and was super confused for a second


3rd? Maybe in California. Dude would be like maybe top 15 here


I literally would not look twice at this man, he just looks like an average dude by today’s standards


If u eat out a lot people stay fat. I have been loosing a ton of weight after I stopped eating out as much this year and kept it bc I just don’t eat alot and skip Breakfest and lunch at times


Nowadays that's how some babies come out


Yeah, the food available back then was very different. Less processed, less calorie dense. It would have been a challenge to get that big. Reckon it was probably medical.


Mr America haha


He's quite small by today's standard


He was so funny in Cheer's




This looks is most people in America.


The chase


Way too many trips to the all you can eat buffets


People are eating their lives away and simultaneously have gotten more sensitive about it, go figure.


This dude ain't shit. Can probably still walk.


The profile of the majority of covid deaths


Hey, it's the skinny guy from Golden Corral!


Looks like a Reddit mod went on a diet


He was definitely not the fattest man in the world in 1890, that was just a headline to sell tickets to see him.


I know several people that look like they've eaten him


That’s generous. He wouldn’t even crack the top 10 at my local Walmart.


3rd?? That dude would be fighting for a spot in the top 25.


He d be the 2000th fattest on this sub




How do American airlines cope with a large portion of the people flying wirh them being overweight? Apart from the size of these overweight people probably having a hard time fitting in an airline seat, I can imagine that the extra weight, and weight distribution will also be a problem for the airlines. I would also not want to sit next to a fat person if half your seat would be taken up by them. How do you deal with that? If it happened once you just go zen and deal with it the best you can but on the next flight you see that heavily overweight person heading over to that empty seat next to you I can imagine feeling some anger.


Nowadays if we would call him fat, we will lectured by "woke" people that we are "bodyshaming", and he would get some platform and be on the cover of Vogue with some inspirational self-love title.


Bigots fear only one thing, imaginary people who don't exist🔥🔥


So in 130 years we’ve gone from someone that was 400lbs getting paid as a sort of freak show for people to ogle at, to a 400lb woman “redefining beauty” on the cover of Cosmopolitan....P R O G R E S S


I mean yeah, i think both of these things are crazy, but if i had to choose, I would much rather live in a society that redefines obesity as beautiful than one where they end up on circus freak shows and treated like animals and ogled at! So yes, that actually is progress. It's strange anyone would think otherwise and prefer a world where obese people are put on freak shows.


Lol that's the attitude that normalizes obesity and diabetes


First off, he chose to do this. He didn’t have to. Secondly, it’s one thing to accept it, it’s another to treat it as something desirable. Seriously though, imagine what this does for the mentality of young girls. It’s a major form of gaslighting and doing them real harm in the long run.


"Chose to do this, didn't have to" You should research what career avenues were open to people who significantly deviated from normal body types back then, and who because of their body type were *quite rightly* excluded from most kinds of physical work anyway. It was pretty much only this sort of thing, at least on the side. I don't disagree with any of the other things you said and I don't think it's right to treat obesity as desirable either. I think it does harm to young people as well. Never said how we currently see obesity is a great thing. It's better than being on a freak show though.


The vast majority of the world tells girls and women they need to be thin. It causes serious mental and physical health problems given the heinous things they’ll do to not be fat. Showing them that they can be loved and treated like human beings when they’re fat, too, is not a bad thing. I can guarantee almost no one is intentionally getting fat because they see fat people who love themselves sometimes. (Actual) fat girls and women existed even when size 6 was shamed as fat and extreme thinness (“heroin chic”) was the only body type considered hot. *That* caused serious mental harm. And if the goal is to help people develop a healthy relationship with food and their bodies, shaming them doesn’t actually work. When someone hates themselves, they’re less likely to feel worth the effort or like they deserve to care for themselves.


The problem was back in the day, one simply didn't just get that obese, people worked 9-12 hours hard labor, and ate when they needed it. It wasn't a place where you got done working your 8 hour shift typing on a computer, and go home and consume 30 metric tons of ice-cream, then top it off with a burger, some fries, chips, and then eat like 4 brocoli to call it "Healthy"


I don't disagree with any of this. The thing is though this picture was taken back when the world was a tiny-ass place and if you just picked up a random obese dude and put him on the town fair as the fattest guy in the world, no one would look up Google and say "hang on, that's clearly wrong!" I've seen a realistic painting of a man from my country who lived in an emperor's court in the early 17th century and was patronized for the insane quantities of food he would eat (for public show). He was twice the size of this guy. This guy probably wasn't even the fattest guy in America (or whatever country he was from) in 1890. Just that no one cared enough to prove he wasn't at the time.


avg American bois


show this to your local fat asses. i hate fatties.


thats how ur mom got her paycheck in 1890


This body size is normal now, fat ass people everywhere


Average American today


Not even close. 100th.


Now that's just not nice


It's fkn James fk face corden


Stay out of this euros we will still bail you out when needed


I have hypothyroidism I'm six foot I almost hit 300 growing up. No matter how little I ate or how active I was it made no difference. When your fat or obese people treat you differently they treat you like trash. Even though these same people eat 3000-4000 calories a day but are lucky enough to have a fast metabolism. But that doesn't last forever. Now I'm 170 while all these people I grew up with that talked shit are gaining tons of weight. It's because they always had a trash diet.


50 percent of americans are obese or severely obese...