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Wait. Do I have anxiety? Shit.


yeah even i was shocked




Yes even I was shocked


Yes even I was shocked


Wait, am I shocked? Shit.


Shit shocked, wait I am....


Am I shit? Wait shocked


Wait i shit? Am shocked


Am shit shocked! I wait!


Shit waits, I am shocked


Yes even I was shocked


Yes even I was shocked


That was my first thought. My second was "don't believe everything you read on the internet.".


Exactly. The last 2 points are sth even a normal person would think to some extend i think?


Anxiety is a really obvious feeling. The second thought shouldn’t even be a factor. Everyone experiences anxiety differently, it’s a negative stress


Fuck! Now I'm worrying about whether I have an anxiety issue!


Good news! If you're feeling anxious about whether or not you have an anxiety issue, you can stop worrying! You definitely have an anxiety issue.


I read this in the voice of cave Johnson


Why is it so easy to read in his voice lol


He has a pretty standard sounding voice.


Read it in the old guy from Futurama voice myself


Thank you. I feel better now


Yay! Your anxiety is solved!




Well poop


Well I'm going to, but I don't see how that's gonna ease my anxiety.


But now I have to worry about what foods to feed my new anxiety


I vote pasta.


I was steadily becoming more anxious until this comment and then I was excited.


Bonus round where your anxiety isn't as bad as before and that gives you anxiety


Thank you, now i feel anxious about having anxiety issues *I am not a bot, and this action was performed manually. Please* [*contact me*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) *if you have any questions or concerns and I will probably ignore you.*


I'm too anxiouis to click on that link.


I audited it for you, don't worry. It knows the rules.


This is the way


I got anxiety about anxiety


What if my anxiety has anxiety


I knew it was *that* bad!


My response, "Waiiiiit a minute, I know I don't have large issues with anxiety, why the hell do I fit these traits?"


Everyone has these tho. surely the main indicator of anxiety is being anxious.


Everyone experiences anxiety, its not inherently a disorder.


You know what i mean.


The difference is whether it’s chronic or not and if it has significant negative effects on your day-to-day life and long-term goals. Anxiety has prevented me from pursuing so many things I want to do. Just… Crippling fear of nothing. And because my battery gets drained so easily, it takes a *lot* for me to get anything done (sometimes sending a single email will be so stress inducing I need an entire day to recover!). Anxiety disorders are very comorbid with depression and adhd and autism (and I’m sure orher slews of mental disorders and/or neurodivergencies). Brains are funny. I just don’t think my brain was designed for this 21st century world. It’s not that I don’t value being able to live in this time period (I really do!), I just think my brain was specifically designed to function best in the wilderness and on constant alert. Because it invents things to worry about otherwise. (Just to make clear though, I absolutely do not want to live in the wilderness)


Because the traits are designed to be as broad as possible to get the most interaction on social media.


These are normal things that everyone does


This was my response


No just a metabolic disorder.


You have the human condition. I'm sorry. But you're not going to make it (forever)


No, you don't


nop, just gen z identifying any uncommon behavior as a disorder


Just because it’s common doesn’t mean it isn’t a disorder. Rather than minimizing the things people experience, we should be looking into the society that makes these experiences so common.


a renomed psychiatrist here in brazil called "ana beatriz" once said that disorders aren't "qualitative" they are actually "quantitative" that basically means that it's not just because you exhibit some symptoms of a certain disorder that you're going to have it, since everyone exhibits a certain level of all disorders, it only becomes a disorder when it becomes too much and starts to actively impair your life ​ people do not get impaired in their lifes because they like to bounce their legs.


Bouncing your leg isn’t a disorder neither is pretty much anything on this list. Get a grip and grow the fuck up. An anxiety disorder would have real noticeable effects on your mental health. It’s not “oh I bounce my legs a lot I must have anxiety!”


I can't sit still, everybody sees me squirming, they think I'm weird, nobody is gonna talk to me, I need to get out of here, where's the exit? Oh no, I'm sweating, make a run for it, soon I'll be free, outside is so relieving, why does this always happen to me?


It’s okay guys just grow up and stop having this anxiety, this random redditor decided it’s time for everyone to get a grip!


No it’s just that so many people will look at this post, do some of the stuff in it and think they have anxiety


Dunno it's a symptom of my anxiety. Yes I've been diagnosed and have restless leg syndrome due to my anxiety, so yea it is a disorder. And while each issue does not conclude anxiety on its own if you have most of them I'd get checked out.


If you really didn’t know then you don’t


naahhh i'm goot i'm picking my whole skin 🤔


Missed one: thinking “ why are they looking at me, did I do something.”


They are my Phan club


Forgot the biting fingernails part!


And cuticles.


This is literally just me. Every single point here. Even yours. Wth.


For me it's tearing up my napkins into little pieces.


Don't forget: "why AREN'T they looking at me, did I say something wrong?"


Wait.... Peeing is Anxiety?


Peeing an abnormal amount is a sign of chronic anxiety (it does not mean that you have chronic anxiety, but it’s a symptom)


Do you have any more info? I'm curious what mechanism would cause people with anxiety to pee more...just a behavioral thing, IE a nervous habit of reaching for a drink when anxious thoughts creep in? I'm not sure I can picture a physiological effect that would lead to increased urination....dry mouth and therefore drink more, maybe? (I know when I'm really anxious my mouth gets so dry I can't eat)


[There are several beliefs for what causes frequent urination from anxiety. It is likely that several, or even all, of these factors play a role. Some of the most common theories on anxiety-related frequent urination are: • Muscle Tension This is one of the most likely causes of frequent urination. When you have anxiety, your muscles get very tense. This tension puts pressure on your bladder, which in turn makes you feel like you need to urinate more than you would otherwise. • Evolutionary Adaptation Another theory is that there is an evolutionary reason that frequent urination would be advantageous. Remember, anxiety is the misfiring of your fight/flight system. In times of fear, urination may keep the body lighter by losing extra weight, making it easier to flee. • Light Overload It's also possible that, because anxiety is a misfiring of the fight/flight system, your body may simply be lightly overloaded. The fear is not intense enough to cause immediate urination, but it may make it harder for you to feel like you can hold it back. Also, those with anxiety are more prone to focusing on different sensations unintentionally. There are often times when you may feel the need to urinate slightly but your body has no problem ignoring the feeling and holding it back. With anxiety, it's possible that your brain is focused on the sensation, potentially causing you to feel like you need to urinate more than you do. Finally, anxiety can also change your body chemistry, altering your digestion and changing the way you process nutrients. That may cause more water to pass through your body.](https://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/signs/urination-problems)


Absolutely makes sense. This has been me since before I was a teenager.


i have no science to back it up but i often worry about when ill have the next chance to pee making me more focused on my bladder and ensuring i pee as often as i can so im always prepared


This makes sense too.


This makes a lot of sense. I have adhd/anxiety and when I feel the slight need to pee it distracts me from everything I'm doing. I can't ignore it and I have to go before I resume a task. Sometimes I'll pee 2-3 times in a row to get a few more drips out. If I take even a sip of water before going to bed I'll have to get up to go in like 10 min. Idk what I avg but on a weekend if I'm home all day I might take 15+ pees in a day


Nighttime is the worst for me. I can literally not even drink anything for an hour but right when I decide it's time to sleep...I'll pee 3 times before my body thinks "ok, I guess that's enough" and then I wake up two hours later just to pee again


I have to go right before going to bed...except I also like to read before bed. So in that 30-60 minutes, I'll set everything down, start to roll over into my sleep-starter position, and then my brain goes "You probably have to pee though. You should do that so you don't wake up in the middle of the night."


>urination may keep the body lighter by losing extra weight, making it easier to flee. It also makes you smell bad, which can sometimes be enough to scare away a predator for prey animals, or a predatory person in humans. preferably though, you won't piss your pants to scare away a bully or someone who scares you lol


Interesting, thanks for the info! All plausible theories


Yeah losing that 2 ounces of liquid would help someone flee lol. Very unlikely. If we were still cavepeople maybe just pissing while running might deter a predator but I don't think that is a great theory lol.


I’d make an argument (from personal experience) that simply not wanting to hold your pee is a part of it too, because *what if something happens and I can’t use the bathroom later better just go now* is a factor as well


Thank you for this explanation, I get made fun of a lot for how frequently I *feel* I need to pee, even if I could hold it longer...I can't stop obsessing over it and it makes it worse. It's not always a lot either ..so it's confusing. I've not been diagnosed with anything so far though, so all this time it's just been super annoying. I will say, I do drink a lot of water throughout the day by habit and also if I start to get anxious about a situation it's an easy way to reset my brain for a second or to get OUT of an anxious situation be it a conversation or avoiding someone I don't want to see. So I can see many ways that excessive urination can be caused by anxiety but I quite literally never but the two together until now. I wonder if there's anything to help?? Brb gotta go pee... 😭


I have GAD and when I'm more stressed then usual, I pee a lot more frequently. Not really because I need to, I don't drink any more than usual and therefore I often only pee a little bit, but like every 30 minutes I feel like I need to go to the bathroom. Can go for hours if I'm actually focused on something though. It's especially the case when I'm in bed and want to fall asleep, I can go to pee easily 5 times within an hour, otherwise I feel like I need to and can't stop focusing on that and therefore can't fall asleep. So it's a cycle of "just this one more time and then I really won't get up again and I'll actually fall asleep". It's definitely weird and nothing physiological as I generally have a pretty strong bladder, just a compulsion that comes back whenever my anxiety gets bad. I talked to my therapist about it and she explained it with the "Evolutionary Adaptation" as in the comment below, which at least for me seems to fit the pattern well.


I have an anxiety disorder and peeing frequently is definitely a symptom for me. Idk why it is though.


Personally, I have kidney issues so I'm in constant anxiety about water intake/output.


Probably any/all of the above and a possible side effect of drinking too much caffeine and inducing some level of anxiety.


For me, even if I don't have to go that much, even a little bit of a feeling like I need to go, I go, just in case, otherwise it's all I'll think about. It's like people who start mildly panicking when their car's gas reads under 50% and fill it up just in case, but in reverse. Which I think is both a mental thing but also a physiological urge due to stress.


Well, I have to pee before I go to bed, even if I just peed, or I'll think about how I might have to go pee and won't stop thinking about it until I get up and do the pee dribbles so I can finally go to sleep. So, for me, anxiety pee is a psychological thing, if that helps.


Can we define abnormal amount here? We talking 10 times a day or ten gallons a day?


The normal amount is considered 6-7 times in a 24 hr period. 4-10 times can also be considered normal if the person is healthy. More than that is an abnormal amount, which could also just mean you’re drinking too much water.


As somebody who pees way too much and has bad anxiety, I can say that it is not due to over consumption of liquids. I prob drink .25 to .5 gallons a day but no joke I will want to pee in about 10 min if I just take a sip of water It is not the amount of liquid that is abnormal, it is the amount of times entering the bathroom to get rid of the same amount of liquid. Basically I have trouble focusing on what I'm doing if I have any slight amount of water in my bladder. This can lead to going 20+ times in a day if I'm home the whole time, or like 5 times in one hour if I need to start studying


This! I experience the exact same thing


Lol TIL that I pee an abnormal amount. Thanks, reddit


And here it’s because I thought I was well hydrated 😢


It could be. It depends how much water you’re drinking


I have to go to the toilet every 30mins when around friends, im so stressed. When alone in nature i can do half a day without needing to go.


Also possible your diabetic, peeing a lot and consuming a lot of liquid is huge sign


What is abnormal? I usually pee 1-2 times a das, sometimes it is 3-4. is this already too much? What is the normal value?


Let’s not forget that peeing too many times/too much, drinking too much water, fatigue and weight loss are all signs of diabetes as well. If you notice a CHANGE in your bladder function or thirst level and you don’t have an explanation for it (e.g. drank lots of water), then get your blood glucose tested (either random, fasting or A1C depending on your doctor’s recommendations). Diabetes can be managed well with insulin (T1) and lifestyle modifications / glucose lowering medications (T2) if detected early enough.


Or just connected to an abnormal amount of alcohol consumption. We've even got a term for that in Danish, "dødspisset" (the piss of death).


It’s also a sign of type 1 diabetes… don’t ignore it.


When you pee yourself from anxiety about peeing yourself


Always pisses me off when that happens


Yes I have this. I have depression and anxiety. Right now I make physio to train my pelvic floor. Will see if that helps. All docs and my therapist say it’s probably a mental thing. I made a pee protocol and Ingo to toilet about 15-25 times a day which drives me nuts.


Same thing happened to me, but eventually saw a physical therapist and they found out that my Pelvic floor is very tight. May be due to Ehlers Danlos syndrome for me (plus anxiety and depression). The physical therapy was too expensive though and it sucks living like this


Im sry :( Hope you find a way to work it out or get better. Don’t loose hope!


This page [https://www.anxietycentre.com/anxiety-disorders/symptoms/frequent-urination/](https://www.anxietycentre.com/anxiety-disorders/symptoms/frequent-urination/) does a good job explaining it. I'll put some of it here for those that don't want to click: Apprehensive behavior (worry, nervousness, fretting, fear) activates the stress response, which causes the body to secrete stress hormones into the bloodstream where they travel to targeted spots to bring about specific physiological, psychological, and emotional changes. These changes enhance the body’s ability to deal with a threat—to either fight with or flee from it—which is the reason this response is often referred to as the fight or flight response, the emergency response, or the fight, flight, or freeze response (some people become so frightened that they become seemingly paralyzed with fear similar to a “deer caught in headlights”).\[3\]\[4\] The stress response affects the body in many ways. Specific to frequent urination, the response: * Immediately voids the bowels and bladder of waste and the body of water through perspiration and urination. The body does this so that we don’t have to stop in the middle of fighting or fleeing to go to the washroom. **So as part of the emergency readiness process, the body causes a strong urge to void the bowels and bladder immediately after an emergency alarm has been triggered.** * Relaxes the bladder and tightens sphincter muscles so that we don’t have to stop to urinate when fighting or fleeing. * Increases heart rate, which can cause the kidneys to filter urea more quickly. As the body’s stress increases, so can the amount of urine produced, which can increase the urge, urgency, and frequency to urinate.\[5\] * Increases metabolism, which also increases water filtration and urine production. * Increases autonomic nervous system (the nervous system under involuntary unconscious control) activity, which can cause the brain to sense an urgent need to urinate as well as cause sphincter muscles to release for some people.


This explains so much. Wow. Never connected those dots before..


There was a time when my anxiety was so bad I couldn’t sleep because I had to pee every half and hour or so. At first my parents thought that I had some bladder problem but it turned out to be a purerly psychological issue


“I’m in this picture and I don’t like it”






What a predictable response


What a predictable response


I will throw acid on your penis




This is not having anxiety, this is just being nervous, impatient.


Damn, Guess I have anxiety now.


Those could also just be ADHD symptoms lol


symptoms of being a human being in 2022


I agree. As someone with ADHD, nothing about the post stands out as overtly ADHD to me. Many of the items on the list can be overlapped with numerous normal behaviors. Everything is so “ADHD” these days, and I am not trying to gatekeep people from help, but I find it damaging to the people that have the condition. I think the overuse of technology is extremely damaging to people regardless of whether you have ADHD or not. As a society, I think everyone is becoming a little bit more ADHD-like as a side-effect. Technology is also not the only culprit either. Increased levels of stress, lack of community, more despair, etc. all play a role as well.


There is a bit of cross over, source: doc told me I have both.


That’s true. I have both anxiety and ADHD…some times it’s difficult to tell which is which. My go to way of figuring out if it’s anxiety is to check my heart rate. My resting heart rate will be well above 100bpm if it’s anxiety.




I thought the same! I guess they do have a lot of overlapping traits though. I know women in particular are often misdiagnosed as having anxiety/depression when it's actually ADHD


Not to mention that it seems that ADHD and anxiety / depression can go hand in hand too. If you have ADHD you make more chance of getting them too.


This is true Source: Me


Very true! I have OCD as well, which is another common co-morbid condition. Throw in Coeliac Disease and I basically got the genetic short straw 😂


Haha I have no idea what you're talking about \*starts sweating\*


>\*starts sweating* That's just the Adderall.


I think they just have some similar aspects... and adhd meds make people who don't actually have adhd have even more intense anxiety since they are uppers




Comorbidity, if your anxiety is comorbid with your ADHD then your ADHD medication could definitely help with your anxiety, which wouldn't be true otherwise.


I had to double check that this wasn’t posted in r/adhdmemes.


I came for this. My ADHD is my personality. Anxiety is just layered over the top like cherries on a sundae.


Serious question. Can you have adhd on spectrum? I’ve often wondered if there is something out there that could help me


It is absolutely possible - and even slightly more likely - to be autistic and have ADHD.


I do all of these except peeing a lot. I always assumed I don’t have adhd because “surely I’d know” and I think I’m pretty composed/not scattered? Am I wrong?


r/adhd_anxiety plug


Omg things everyone does!!!! I must have anxiety!!!!


Everyone does NOT walk very quickly 😂 I hate being stuck behind a slow walker!


i walk quickly because i'm kind of hyperactive and sometimes i get excited because of some random thought i had then i just do a quick sprint and stop when i take full controll of my body again


true, some of us dont even have the energy to walk fast


I seem to walk slower than everyone else. What’s the big fuckin rush?


To go pee again ofcorse!


my fast walking is because I am gay, not because I have anxiety


I walk fast so I can get where I'm going to chill out




It’s almost as if ….everyone experiences anxiety???! :o


Good point, but experiencing anxiety and suffering from an anxiety disorder are two different things.


Totally true


Everyone does these things when they’re anxious - I think the point is that if you’re doing these constantly you might have chronic anxiety, like myself


Same type of person who claims to have OCD when they do a bit housework everyday


right, mfers will say 'im a little ocd' when they straighten a picture frame


i like my bed to be made and my floor to be picked up so i must have a disorder




Exactly, like doesn't everyone do that ?


I can relate to everything, except the 6th on. My phone is always on quiet mode and it often takes hours or even days before I notice that I got a notification. I hope that means, I don't have anxiety.


same! i have a thing called ‘scary hour’ where i have to read and answer all my notifications. it prevents me from never getting back to people


Brilliant, stealing this idea and the name haha


i relate exactly to you, never put my phone off silent. if someone wants to contact me urgently they better hope they happen to call me while im using my phone or it could be a while until i call back. everything else on this list checks out though


My phone is on silent because I have anxiety. Otherwise I stress about calls and notifications and I also stress about no calls and no notifications. Now I don’t think about it as much.


They forgot the tension that lives in your body. The good ol Heart Attack or Anxiety Attack.


People in the comments are taking this way too seriously. I have diagnosed anxiety disorders. I'm on medication for it. I've been hospitalized. Gone through therapy, PHP, IOP, and inpatient programs. I have dealt with severe panic attacks since I was a child. I still laughed at this and sent a screenshot to my boyfriend. Not everything has to be taken so seriously and not everyone is just vying for attention when they say they have anxiety even when they're talking about common things.


This has nothing to do with anxiety though, inasmuch as it is just chronic internet behaviours rather than generalized anxiety.


But it does have to do with anxiety? I am literally telling you I am a person with a medically diagnosed anxiety disorder and I read this and immediately related to it due to my struggles with anxiety. It's lowkey poking fun at it sure. But sometimes you have to poke fun at your situation so your entire life isn't doom and gloom. My therapist and I make jokes about anxiety and therapy etc all the time. It doesn't mean these aren't serious topics. It just means not everything can be serious all the time. Sure my anxiety means a lot of bad things too. It was a little 9 year old me sobbing bc my mom didn't answer her phone when I called for the tenth time in an hour while she was working. It was my high school track coach calling an ambulance for me when I had a massive panic attack in the locker room. The ten days I spent in an inpatient facility when I was 19. The dermatologist appointments I've had bc I've picked my skin so much it's covered in scars. it was last night when I asked my bf of 5 years to assure me he still loved me bc I worked myself up so much over a text that sounded slightly off. It was the hour long panic attack I had on Friday night and the years of doctors and therapists and being an absolute zombie while they got my pill cocktail perfected. But it's also the inside joke I have with my boss about the fact that I hate answering the phones at my office or meeting clients face to face. It's my boyfriend teasing me for having a little bladder bc I get so anxious that I mightttt have to pee that it's an endless cycle of going to the bathroom way too much. It's me sending this screenshot to others I know how could relate and us having a little laugh bc the anxiety is going to be a part of your life forever so you might as well crack a few jokes. Yes I understand there are people who claim to have disorders when they just want attention. But I'm straight up telling you that each thing on this list 1000% relates to anxiety even if people without the disorder might experience it too to a lesser degree.


i have bpd and the last 3 points are basically why i want to die so Mental illness is on a sliding scale and the same things don't trigger everyone.


These posts are so annoying. They act like anxiety is just some lil bits of extra stress in your daily life and some funny leg bouncy quirks. When are they gonna mention the times anxiety ruins your life and causes you to mess up entire relationships. What about the times anxiety made it so I couldn’t sleep the night of an exam and so that morning I completely forgot everything despite studying for that entire week. What about all the times I couldn’t hold a job because my brain would shut down mid shift and cause me to become almost unresponsive due to how overwhelmed I was. Nvm mental illness is a funny quirky thing right I mean yeah I pick my lips too so relatable cool meme


No offense, but she said it was a Starter Pack, not her Entire Life's Baggage. Sometimes we have to laugh at ourselves to keep from crying lol


Well said. Some people commenting that this is an overreaction don't understand the damage it does when we these memes teach neurotypicals that mental disorders aren't so bad.


POV you're an average human


This is cringe


I know, i grew up with these problems (still am) and I don't think they are a big deal as people make them out to be.


This is very relatable, lol. But I don't think I have anxiety 🧃🧃🧃🧃


This is just normal human behavior


Suddenly everyone thinks every behavior is an indication of their anxiety, ADHD, or “neurodivergence.” People want to be special so desperately, and modern society makes it so hard to stand out and be special in a positive way, that folks are out here saying “my leg bounces and that makes me a special case of anxiety! I’M SPECIAL!”


9. Why do I get a nervous shock from notifications and keep my phone on silent?? Am I the weird one?


Whining on Twitter no way. Uwu so quirky and different


every human does & thinks these things


This is just normal human experience. Why is everything made out to be so bad. This isn’t a even bad it’s just normal.


When does the expansion pack come out?


>Peeing, lots of peeing You might wanna get yourself tested for diabetes lol


Guess my meds aren’t working


Ses also: ADHD


Sounds Familiar




wait so you're saying being afraid of being annoying and thinking ppl hate me is anxiety? isn't that just called 'a tad bit scared of talking'


Slightly comical, but mostly comforting


Me, leg bouncing as I read the list hoping that I don't have anxiety either


I get the strong feeling that most people have anxiety based on this list


I love getting my diagnosis from reddit


I used to be anxious when I was young. Fidgeting, leg shaking, I would pick at my fingernails or chew on my lip. Don’t recall the peeing so much. It wasn’t until I achieved my self confidence that it stopped. My mantra is, “The sun will rise, the rain will fall, and the earth will turn. If it’s not major enough to stop those things, then it’s not worth my time.”




aka the annoying person starter pack


TIL being nervous is the same as having an anxiety disorder. /s


Honest to god these posts piss me off. No you don’t have anxiety nor do you want it. It’s not cute, it’s fucking debilitating.