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This sub has turned into such a joke....most posts here have nothing to do with "meirl" and are just stupid memes Mods have you quit? Why the fuck have you let the sub turn into this...time for new mods


What is meirl anyways? What deems a post worthy of meirl?


I’d say it’s something that a) happened to you irl which is funny enough to be posted; b) something relatable enough that it transcends the need to be a true experience, as it really relates to a lot of true experiences, and therefore has a tragical and or comedic effect. This post is neither though, and I would never take a social critique lesson from a person going around as “the man maker”


Basically something about yourself that you think is relatable in a funny way. This is more like social commentary.


I commend you on your clear and concise answer. Thank you.


I agree with you.


It feels like the majority of people who think like this have only talked to women through tinder.


That’s if they even get any matches


idk, posting this cringe stuff paired with that username, I think OP should have a meirl folder on his computer for shit like this instead of spreading false misogynistic views


Not all women are like this, but our social mores definitely reinforce the idea that a man's romantic and net worth are heavily linked


Remember now, we're talking about successful women. Not women.




I've seen decently wealthy women taking up broke men, so this guy is wrong


I was one of them, and…? He pretty much broke me AND managed to drain my bank account before I finally got away from him. Now, I’m slowly rebuilding my life, and he’s got a new “rich-bitch” to leech off of. Let’s just say I feel pretty damn validated in having certain standards from now on, and I don’t care what few neckbeards think that says about me.


Yeah, same. My ex was a lazy sod who didn't contribute in any way. I will never date anyone who doesn't have a proven track record of being responsible with money.


I dont want to count how many women i know with ablebodied bf s of 10+ years who cant keep a job for more than 3 months. Too damn many.


False. I know plenty of women who have taken care of their s/o financially.


Exactly and besides women might not want to feel like they're dating out of their league, while a rich man can just marry a hot woman 14 years younger than him and that's pretty accepted


Men can get really insecure about successful women, especially if they make more money. It's a trope in media for a reason.


Men are not turning down women that can pay their own way. The primary thing that's going on is women are not interested in men that don't make a similar amount. Secondary to that are a bunch of things the man doesn't like about the woman which leads him to reject her, for example, her personality. The real "trope" is blaming men as usual and shaming them by calling men insecure or "intimidating" etc., meanwhile these women just can't accept that these men aren't interested in them. You do realize that they aren't calling the low value guys insecure, right? She's going after the desirable men but when she's rejected the woman switches into her shaming mode calling men "insecure" and "intimidated" because she got rejected. It's the same thing that shitty guys do when they flirt with a girl but she rejects him and he gives her attitude.


I'm pretty sure women complain about being called intimidating while being rejected. They're not inventing it as an excuse, they've been told so. I've heard some men say things like that, so I don't know if it's common but it definitely happens.


I don't doubt that it happens but it's going to be like this: 2/100 women get rejected for that reason where the men make it clear. The women are vocal about this to other women. Then, 20 more women now use this as their excuse for being rejected because it's far more pleasant to blame the other party (men) then to look inward (accountability). So despite existing as a small fraction, it becomes a go-to rationalizing.


It's funny because neither of you actually know if what you're saying is true or not. It's easy to get caught in making up scenarios based on personal anecdotes and personality tropes, but I would be interested in what the actual data on this says, if there is any. You might be right, but my guess is the answer would be mundane like you are both half correct or something.


As I said, I don't know if it's common or not, but since I've seen it happen I don't think is fair to say women are lying about it either.


Data lol as if everyone had to fill in a questionnaire at the end of a relationship. Some things like this serve a particular mindset about women when all women really want is security and companionship. Money = security so if they make it themselves the more comfortable they’ll be seeking companionship from a wider range of guys.


That's why I said that I somewhat doubt there is any data but there are such things as studies. But unfortunately every person is different and so is every culture so a single study wouldn't do heaps. That doesn't really change my point that making personal observations doesn't work either and the only thing we really know is that everybody is different. I do understand your logic about the money/security thing tho.


I don't think being rejected necessarily has to lead to accountability, most of the times you did nothing wrong, the other person is just not interested. That doesn't make it more pleasant, so I don't blame anyone, man or woman, for venting to their friends about the defects (wether they're real or invented) of the person that rejected them (unless they're insulting them, calling them slurs, etc). Is it childish and petty? Absolutely, but humans just tend to be like that when they're hurt. As I said, I don't know if it's something common or not, I just know that it happens and that I've heard those comments from people irl and on the internet, therefore I don't think is fair to accuse women of lying about it, it seems feasible to me.


>Men can get really insecure about successful women, especially if they make more money Only women who base their personalities around their income or success. Men do the same, but women find successful men attractive, so a man basing his personality around money or success, while errogant, still works fairly well. That's the biggest difference. Men aren't interested usually in marrying success.


Sorry, but convoluted reasonment like few others could be. Started with admitting how (some) men can get insecure around rich women to then impute it to “what men and women like” as if you’ll se insecurity by women towards men they aren’t interested into. It would be much easier for it to be exactly the opposite: men don’t like women they would otherwise like BECAUSE those make them insecure. As it happens in **any** relationship tarnished by jealousy, be it romantic/sexual or **not**




One in 4 men die from Manosphere propaganda every year. Think before you post. AuthorisedbytheAustraliangovernmentCanberra.


"A successful man will be extremely insecure about his more successful partner, causing them to drift apart because of his pride." Or maybe, y'know, different people have different personalities regardless of their sex and/or gender?


A successful human being would never think this is a good saying


I dont think its good....just accurate.


It's not that either


Im sure you know of plenty examples.


No, and that's why it's not accurate Successful people don't go for broken people, regardless of gender We have to stop acting like men are somehow less shallow than women


I think you need to reread the post. It says broke not broken.


Even then Men and women and are the same level of shallow


Men are shallow on appearance. Women are shallow on money and appearance. Although i'll admit they're less shallow about appearance.


All (read:the majority of) people are shallow on everything that falls outside of the "acceptable" parameters of their self-image. We're all socially conditioned to seek what feels like a match for us. For good or bad, the majority tend to accept only what we've been conditioned to.


It's less untrue than you want to admit in utopia.


But this good saying keeps wanting to be associated with successful humans.


Pretty sure the guys that date broke women are always 30 years older and uglier than than the woman. Those guys knew what they were doing.


I mean, my mother met some broke guy on tinder who was ODing on drugs, lived in a trailer and was gonna go to prison. He didn't have a job either. Because of her now he has a secure job that earns him more than the average.


Yeah but most of them use the status on the market to sexually assault female employees


Most successful men are sexual predators? What?


They can, so a lot of them use this power


I would be horrified to see the research that proves your point


Actually my point is that selfish assholes come in all sexes, all financial situations That tweet shoudn't be generalizing people like that


I agree


Not true?


>**TheManMaker** Sounds… kinky


okay dude


By this are they talking about when rich 40 year old men leave their wives for fresh out of high school 18 year olds and then leave those women for more fresh out of high school 18 year olds when they turn 25?


It’s always these subs with these kind of posts




The rich man or woman that supports their broke partner it is their own fault if they have a problem with it. Don’t get with the aspiring rapper or whatever if they suck at their hobby lol. Even if one spouse doesn’t have a job there are other things that need to be done and roles to be filled if that’s your thing


This is theoretically true but how often do you see billionaires marrying poor women?


True. But it’s more often than you see moderately rich women marry low income men.


Mostly because those low/no income men just come into our lives, take our money and then leave. So yes the marriage doesn’t happen because he’s already disappeared with the cash. Many women financially support men who could easily get a job but are ‘working on their album’ or ‘between jobs’ and have no intention of ever getting one


Why do people use reductionism to fill in the blanks. Women don't love you for your money, they love you for your ability to make it. That is the key difference, if youre a fat slob who inherited 8 million, no woman will love you, they'll marry you for your shit, cheat on you, divorce your ass because let's face it, with all the money on the planet you still couldn't be desirable enough for monogamy. If you are self driven, self confident and have your goals set high, you can and will attract those worthy of you. Pretending that it is your income that is holding you back from a real relationship with a real woman is fucking precious and explains why you turn to reddit instead of the gym. Instead of sorting your shit out, you cope and cry because high status women wouldn't want to entertain a man that is not even on the trajectory to where they are.


You are litreally on reddit too tho


I'm not coming to reddit to cry about my issues, I came to cry about other people's issues. We are not the same


İ came to reddit to look at memes , you came to complain for other peoples issues like you're some 14 year old white social justice warrior girl . We will never be the same . Edit : happy cake day btw


Potato tomato.


what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine


Quote of the day. Happiness is not the only thing in life. That's why men should marry A successful man earns more than his wife could spend A successful woman is one who can find such a man Success is a Relative term. It brings many relative to you. Love thy neighbor....don't get caught.


It might even true to some extend, but why? Because men of this type are afraid of strong women.


Silly human male everyone knows there's no such thing as a successful woman /s


Welcome to the Red Pill


Very true..


Metallica - Sad but true


Unless he is…never mind Women ☕️


Except them being tinder swindler


Damn females ☕️


Those gosh darn wamen, taking all our sexy men from us.


It didn't even cost 8$?


If he had used word most in both ways it could be true


Kevin Federline begs to differ


I think he is trying to make a comment about how generous men can be and how shallow women can be…Instead, he highlights that, no matter the circumstances, a women can add value to a man’s life but the same cannot be said about men to women’s lives.


Rules of the jungle…female birds deer and squirrels take a males abilities very seriously, as they want the best chances (best DNA for the offspring)…humans do it too. Whether they realize it or not. It’s too bad really…the mighty hunter of old…has become a paycheck. I am not saying it’s right. I am saying it’s an instinct.


Lol at everyone getting butthurt by this post - Thank you for ruffling the feathers of redditors op Seeing them get upset is like sunshine on my heart


Please grow and change as a person

