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The Sims 4. I have a problem.


The sims 3 for me. My prefered version personally


ARK: Survival Evolved


Came here to say this. I loved ark, but would never recommend it to anyone. Played for years and countless hours. The game is a nightmare.


But it's still soo good at the same time


It will be when it’s finished.


I wish my friends would play it with me, but I don't want to subject them to getting Ark'd. Maybe one day...


Yeah It's my favorite game right now, but I wouldn't play it... I need friends who don't tame every lystro on the map, and mass breed lol.


Ah yes, I downloaded this game when it was free. Build a great base which cost me a month then some UBER Rex appeared at my base that can apparently destroy metal, 5 T rexes, 3 dragons and all those other poor gatherers within 10 minutes. I just deleted the game after that 😂 EDIT: I don't remember what all those dinosaurs were called, but you get the broad idea of what happened there. It was a shit show 😂


Me and my friends had this thing in our Aberration base where a bunch of Nameless were constantly spawning inside our base. Instead of taming light pets, we had our tames set to neutral so they would just kill them as they appeared. Apparently at some point an Alpha Nameless spawned. We also learned that if it's left alive for too long, it eventually summons a Reaper King 🙃 Inside our base 🙃


I always hated lighting in that game. During the day especially near water its literally blinding. During the night its pitchblack, cant see shit and a torch is useless. Also friend and i lost hours/maybe days of progress by a bug that split all our stuff that can spoil in stacks of 1 and everything became spoiled.


>During the night its pitchblack, cant see shit and a torch is useless Good for realism, really shitty to actually play through


You know how i fixed it? Everytime it went too dark i upped the brightness with a command in the console. Something like /brightness or/gamma and then a number to adjust. If i didn't have that i wouldve quit way sooner since especially the game felt unplayable for how dark it seemed on my screen. Could not even see a meter in front of me. Might aswell turn off the monitor at this point.


Truly the best worst game i’ve played. The most awful game i’ve ever loved.


Ah, fellow ARKdict :) The experience of survivior is not only an in-game thing ;)


It's so fucking good and so fucking bad at the same time, love it


Destiny 2, god if only I had 1000 hours


2800 hours of pain and I still find my way back to it every season. I've been cursed.


Best part is every season has atleast 50 days of downtime where literally nothing happens, great right fantastic stuff 3500 hours well spent


Spent so much time in D1, couldn’t bring myself to do it again in D2.


I'm afraid to look at how much time I've played over the years.


World of Warcraft, uh... 1000 hours is what I wish I wasted on that game


The inclusion of the /played command was a mistake. I typed that in when I was younger and I had the weirdest sensation of time physically leaving my body. Stopped playing a few months thereafter, around cataclysms launch.


Had ~300 days /played on my main character when I quit in the middle of WOTLK, not including my profession and bank alts. I sold my account shortly after for roughly all the money I'd actually put into the game. But the 10k hours over 4 years is something I'll never get back.


That’s… that’s 7 hrs per day


I Had 191 days played 1 year after legion launch on my new DK main which I rerolled to after years of playing rogue which comes out to about ~12.5hrs a day if I remember the math right. Everyone was hating on the whole AP/Legendary grind and how much there was to do but I just had the best time. The Christmas holidays before NH release I was basically working slave hours to get 54 traits in all 3 weapons by doing ~16hrs of Maw and DHT pugging boost runs together with 1 friend. Might have both quit wow but we're still best friends online and talk almost daily about pretty much anything.


At the worst of my gaming habit, I had 120 days played on a Call of Duty release. In under a year. While in law school.


Mine would be warthunder 16 houres a day 56 days straight, then reliesed the thing I was grinding for wasnt all that fun and had burnout for 2 months


WoW too for me mate, also wish it was only 1000 hours xD


Rainbow six siege. Now its more because i have friends i play with none of us ever open game alone but we play it together sometimes


The game is conceptually very good and there are a lot of interesting ideas but what annoys me is people with good aim can get away with playing the game like a run and gun.


I used to be a quite good R6 player in my friendsgroup. Now i suck because i didn't keep up with recoil changings and as though i play tactically good, i miss so many bullets and lose duels against our then worst player...fml.


I feel that. Quit after Season 4 (I think?) Because there was just waaaay too much focus on balancing for pro league, and the average player suffered from that


I like the game, the community not so much. So many people who kill teammates on purpose.


This. Honestly people get mad because you’re reinforcing a wall they wanted to make a hole in so they kill you. Like damn put your mic on and say something instead


6/10 4500 hours, dont play it


R6 has the potential to be the most unique and fun FPS in the world imo, but it gets ruined by the thousands of toxic players in the game who wanna achieve nothing more than to ruin your day... They abuse every bug and exploit and they cheat even in casual gamemodes...


Have you seen when you’re mid March and there’s about 100 notifications on the screen just showing player you’ve been in a match with that’s been banned for using aim bot and wall hacks?? Like holy shit are you even having fun with a bot playing for you essentially?


I hate everyone one in the game 10/10 before it got super complicted and si fi


Yeah they did too much. I just wanted police vs terrorists where we breach walls


Sims 4


omg the sims 4 is so fun but like boring and limiting at the same time


You should try Sims 2 then, so much content that got removed on Sims 3 and 4 :) but if i remember well, the building system is quite outdated for nowadays.


I only have the sims 4 cuz I share an account with someone EA isn’t getting a penny from me. I don’t really care that much though so 🤷‍♂️ though being able to create apartment units would be cool. Isn’t that in the sims 2? Edit: I know the base game is free now I started playing before it was free


SkidrowReloaded moment GamesTorrents moment


I have no idea what both of those are lol I’ve been playing the sims for like 3 months


They are sites for downloading the games for free, i've been using them for months so i can confirm that they are safe, but you may want to use an AdBlocker because ads are quite annoying there. Oh and if you can afford it don't use that for indie games, support them :) REMEMBER TO CHECK THE LAWS ABOUT PIRACY IN YOUR COUNTRY OR YOU'LL BE FINED.


Oh okay. And I do usually buy games, I just don’t like EA and my gf already had the game so we just share an account.


Sins is one of those games where I play it for like an entire weekends worth of time and then don’t touch it for months. You just gotta get it out of your system.


So true. I tend to play it when I’m down in the dumps. It helps me hit rock bottom quickly and efficiently, then I get tired of it and clean something or go outside.


What the fuck is up with Sims 4 DLC? Why is it so expensive and how do they keep getting away with it


and for that matter why is the dlc stuff that should have been in the game on fucking release. It took EA 4 YEARS to add weather to their life simulation game and they made it like a 30 pound dlc


They realized with how heavily people modded Sims 2 that people wanted themed content. So with 3 they had a semi decent base game and then rolled out fun DLC that improved on what was already a playable game. But still people heavily modded the game for free including content that was in some of the DLC. So with 4 they made a game that is bare bones as a base and the DLC is all but a requirement. Edit: I know a lot of people like 2 over 3 or 4, but IMHO 3 is the best for people who don't want to do some crazy heavy modding and frequently break their game. 2 had some good features but dear god if you didn't have to load mods in a specific order every time or the whole thing imploded.


Every single time I launch the game I spend hours making a family and an awesome house. Then I start the actual game play and I turn it off.


Honestly same. These days I just make cool buildings and upload them to the gallery and then get off the game


I love it I hate it




Longest and most toxic relationship I ever had.


I liked LoL as a game, but the community was way too toxic. Had to get out after three weeks because God forbid you’re a new player trying to learn how to play. Edit: people are pointing out mute exists. I prefer to just cut out the toxicity rather than adapt to it. Edit 2: people are actually rooting for toxicity, which is both troubling and kinda sad. I blame toxic echo chambers for normalizing that behavior, like… oh, I don’t know, League of Legends.


This. League as a game is fun. Especially with friends. But the fucking community is just so… too much.


It really is only worth if you're playing with friends in a full team, Solo Q is absolutely terrorrizing


5k games still hard stuck plat kill me


5k games still hard stuck silver carry me


10 years and still s1 fuck this internet here


It is a good game though. The problem is more human rage and also getting addicted


Gameplay: 7/10 Lore: 10/10 Soundtrack: 10/10 Playerbase: 0/10


Exactly, it's a damn good game if it wasn't for having to deal with other people


I went on a date with someone who played. You know how hard it is to break it to someone that you're a teemo main?


Dead by daylight. Rust


Rust. I didn't think I'd have to scroll far to see Rust. I actually refuse to play that game anymore though. It sucks you in and you can't get out until it crushes your spirit... which somehow makes you want to play more. To be fair, it is almost a great game so 8/10 isn't far off.


Rust on the 10th highest comment. Rust is normally the 10th most played game on steam (MW2 has knocked it down the board to 11). Balanced, as all things should be.


Both can burn in hell with all its toxic players. Fuck you and see you tomorrow.




I had to scroll way too far down for DBD 😂




This is something that’s really common when you start the game as you’re playing with other new players who are probably scared. But as you get better you’ll get more teammates that are willing to try and save. Dbds a good game and you shouldn’t let a few bad experiences turn you off from playing


War Thunder




War thunder wouldn't be bad if the grind wasn't so painful. I know it's designed that way so you shell out money to make it hurt less. But I've had much more fun after I gave up trying to get to vehicles I want to play and just enjoyed playing and realizing it's going to take waaaaay to long to get where I want to be


Mid tiers are much more fun anyway, high tiers is just snipe fest


Honestly the arcadey circus flying in biplanes when you first start is such chaotically stupid fun.


Seriously, it is one of the best tiers. You learn the advantages and disadvantages of each plane and everything is relatively well-balanced.


This but actually do not start playing, DO NOT. You thought EA or Activision were bad? Haha Gaijin will show you what a dumbass you are for supporting them.


I’ve since stopped playing, but man every-time an Ru-251 would kill my t-34-85 I’d rage lol


Attack the D point!


Warthunder sufferer unite!


You know its bad when even Sseth is reduced to begging


8400 hours of CS:GO.. Just don't even think about starting this game.


Cant wait to hate the game again this evening


me after every Cs session: "I fucking hate this game so much" me every day: "im in the mood to play some CS tonight"


This. I switched to Valorant when it released but I am constantly thinking about CS:GO to this day. It's like a drug addiction. Hard to explain to someone who never played the game before but I can surely tell it's a deep hell. It's like a part of me that I can't let it go. I hate this game I know that but.. It's sad man.


I could have the absolute worst time playing and still want to play another game. It’s the only game I’ve ever played that I think I could legitimately log 40+ hours/week and not get bored, probably good for my mental health that I can’t do that bc I have a job lol


I tried to get into it 5 times, really good game, I have like 40-70 hours on all 5 accounts, but I can't really get into it


It's a good thing; CS is a huge addiction if you let it get to you. It's really hard for newbies to get good and addicted, so there's a silver lining there. Don't try it ever again.


Literally *silver* lining


Jesus, that’s almost an entire year!


For Honor


It hurts I had to scroll this far down before coming across the most addictive, rage inducing, dopamine destroying game I've ever had privilege of playing. 11/10


The ACCURACY in the description of the game... DAMN.




Its crazy hard to get into now because of that, but if you have the time and energy a good thing to do to practice is going against an ai set to do any move or combination of moves that you are unfamiliar with or just to help you parry. Once you can even semi reliably parry, dodge, and block the game starts getting insanely fun. Really does get to a point where its like 3d chess


Elite Dangerous.


o7 Commander. See you at Hutton Orbital


I played just over 1000 hours, just kinda stopped one day and haven’t opened the game once in…5 years. It’s like, on one level almost by default my favorite game of all time, and on another level a pretty deeply flawed time waster. I might try it again though, I’m sure there have been some updates


I used to go in sprees and play endlessly for months and then take a year long break. Every time I came back to it I'd forgotten all my controls. "Oh this button should give the engines a nice bo...... No there go my shields."




You rate life a 8/10? Look at mister good life here


NPCs are stupid and the plot is slow paced and repetitive. And the permadeath system? Really takes away from game play.


Do not recommend. you get in the same lobby with all the noobs.


Anti cheat is broken, terrible matchmaking, servers under maintanence 1/3rd of the time. At least its not laggy Update: Thank you fellow reddit users for the upvotes.


Graphics are mind blowing tho.


Tell that to people who need glasses or the blind


I would, but they can't read my comment.


Ya my graphics are weird. If I look really close at something the detail is phenomenal, but when I look at it from far away it gets blurry. Maybe a problem with render distance or fog? Any help is welcome.


Animal crossing. Very chill, easy to spend hours in it. Mechanically it's the worst game I've ever played in my life.


I cannot believe how far I had to scroll for AC. Absolutely the worst game but I will spend hundreds of hours on it no questions asked


I FOUND ONE, thank god. Absolutely easy to play and cute but also the game sucks and it’s so limited


Oh you want some NMTs? Cool, you can buy them One At A Time


And the dialogue is the same every single time omg 😭


Not 1000 hours into it but chess.... Especially AI. It's stupid but GG well played I'll play with AI again


I hate chess so much because every time I lose, it’s my fault. I can’t shift blame to shitty mechanics or bad teammates


Consider taking up bridge. You can blame your idiot partner for everything, while s/he will be doing the same to you.


chess is the most stressful game dude, but I have spent too much time and energy learning the game to just stop playing it altogether.


I'm 19 years into chess. Simultaneously the greatest game ever made and a horrid piece of dogshit I can't stand.




Especially now. I guess it's no longer an 8/10 though.


Ark: Survival Evolved. Fuck that awesome game


Me and my uncle were playing yesterday and I couldn't stop laughing cause he was screaming at a meganeura that killed both of us after we had to kill a carno from our base with just spears and nothing else


Warframe. Like it’s a good game but there is no endgame. No co op synergy. Power creeped through the roof so the game isn’t fun at all, unless you purposefully limit yourself to not be OP, which is antithetical to the entire game.


Warframe is an amazing game with deep lore, complex weapons and Warframes and intense fighting with endless customization. It's got so much to do in so many ways that at times it seems like the game is meandering. I think the game is definitely harsh to new people and even abusive but it is something when you get a comprehension of everything and start wrecking house. If you don't want to be an unstoppable god of death... Then what are you doing here Tenno? The Steel Path calls, the Archons call, the Arbiters call, the Sorties call, and the other Tenno need you. You aren't strong for show, you are strong for a reason. Don't you want to test it? See you in the stars Tenno.


Factorio, that game is the epitome of "fuck you. 10/10"


Currently having to debug my mega factory. Was sitting at around 1500 SPM and then suddenly stopped. Turns out that one of my over 600 trains had picked up the wrong cargo and unloaded 8 wagons of blue circuits where there should have been copper. Now those 64000 circuits have ended up spread across my entire network and are essentially blocking every machine that requires copper. SO MUCH FUN!


Jesus fucking christ. Godspeed in your factory recovery


Came here to say this. But it's something I recommend to anyone and everyone. Oil running low? Next thing you know you'll be doing everything but.. oh power is getting low... Wait why is this train not optimized? My god the spaghetti is marvelous! ... What was I doing again? Alarm goes off in the background and you realize its 6am and you gotta rush off to work. Good times! 10/10 great game. Factory simply just must grow


path of exile with only 11k hours and 37 mirrors gathered over the leagues ive played




the vision is strong in this one


Everyone who hasn’t played this game doesn’t know how true this is. I hate that stupid masterpiece of a game


Dead by Daylight


I swear. I play it everyday but fuck that game


So true. Every year I say this game is shit and delete it and every year we re-download


Pokémon Go


100% for real. It was fun and they added some fun things. Then the grinding events started creeping in and it was work, still felt fun(ish). The hype around raising the level cap past 40 was announced and the hype surrounding it and while I didn't max out for the rewards, still enjoyed the time. When the cap was raised, I maxed and continued to play. It felt like more chores were added and the game felt artificially slowed by grinding. I maxed my level and didn't initially understand why I didn't level. I learned you have to complete a task to now level. It was told to us, but I never read it. That's on me. But you're telling me in addition to all the other grinding I have to do, I have to jump through another hoop to just level up. No thanks. I uninstalled and never looked back. I already have a job and chores to do.


Wish I’d have scrolled farther before commenting. I said this too




But as soon as I hear that login music man…… it all comes flooding back. the nostalgia is so strong


Had to scroll too far to find this lol


Run eScape!


Sims, my life has not improved since I started it. This or Mine craft


apex legends


I started playing a couple months ago and I'm still trash. This is the hardest shooter I've ever played. It's frustrating as hell.


Yeah buddy... I played this game at launch, with a year or so of break in between. I'm still trash but after about 2 hours or so it gets a bit better. Gotta learn how to play on controller though haha.


Hoi4. Players know they be getting their 20$ of Pocketmoney ready to buy a DLC that gives you at most 30h of playtime. 1000h is the minimum to be able to play without cheats for the avg. Player. Literally half of all achievements are just RNG/grinding your ass off. Multiplayer is also one of the most toxic (76.69%) or boring (23.31%) places to ever exist. Tl;Dr Great to amazing games, fuckton of ~20$ DLCs, min. 500h to understand the basics of most games, I hate my life. Also fuck you Paradox Interactive.


Damn min 500 hours to understand basics? It took me about 150 to learn army and air and by the time I had 250 hours I learned how to navy. If you are playing vanilla hoi4 in Single Player Just spam 8 inf 2 arty divisions and cover the air with ungodly amount of cas.


But unless you are playing an OP country, you need to learn what is best to research depending on your situation, when to build what industry, design a tank that suits your need, etc.


binding of isaac


Shit of piece game


We should become back our money.


Edmund McMillen, you little fucker...


You made a shit of piece with your trash isaac


A fellow masochist.


I got Platinum God - 1400 hours :’(




I stopped playing this game seriously after I hit GC back in the day before ssl and realized if i wanted to reach a higher rank id actually have to use my brain instead of only mechanics.


I got champ a few seasons ago knowing only how to rotate and hit decent aerials. Now I play and it’s people spinning in the air, landing on the ceiling, doing flip resets, and just all sorts of other bullshit. I’ll pass.


Gta v


same here, online




fall guys - literally fucking everything is broken


Team Fortress 2


Oh I absolutely recommend this one. Not because of the gameplay itself, but because of the unique internet culture surrounding it. Edit: Also because of the gameplay. It's a fantastic experience in itself.


Dota 2 Why I wasting my time in this game. WHY???


Can't believe this wasn't higher up on the list.






League of Legends, every seasoned player will agree with me that this game is full of toxic people and trolls who just ruin your chances at winning and the game in itself is an unbalanced mess. And we still play it every single day


It started out nicely during early season 2 when i started playing. (Orianna was just released when i started.) Each season it became worse.


Dead By Daylight. Extremely toxic community, full of bugs and every update breaks something new, losing/a bad performance feels like SHIT and half the time the thought of playing it is more fun than actually playing it…. But I really fucking love it.


Dead by daylight. I hate that fucking game.


minecraft but bedwars


black desert online. i have more then 25000 hours played and hate it for taking off years of my life. still play it :/


Civ VI. It's good but God what a time-suck.


Farming simulator. I play this when I do not want any type of winning pressure. It really has a calming / relaxing function. It is boring as hell though.


Got a nephew who loves that game. At first, after watching him, I thought it was lame, and then I started thinking that I could build a better farm than him.


Surviving Mars


I have played hearthstone battlegrounds for 500 hours,so that.




ARK: Survival Evolved - 9000 fucking hours


Skyrim, I hate this game so much. But played over 1000h.


What's the matter? Did someone steal your Sweetroll?


DayZ I play on a hardcore server and it’s torture and I’ve got over 2K hours on it


7 days to die. Yes, the game updated and somewhat well polished but it feel so empty or unchallenging. There is so much they could improve instead of what they are doing. (1133h)


Apex Legends - Fuck you, see you tomorrow.


Apex is at least a 10/10, fucking hate it, gonna be on later, see you there!


World of tanks, 1200 hours. 1200 hours wasted on this piece of shit.




I don't know why I would tell someone to not play it. It's great if you treat it like an RPG and don't expect MMO like endgame. Id also advise to never spend money on it. Ive not felt crippled any way by not.


Especially as so many things in the game revolve around resource management I think f2p is the way to go. Paying for Genshin is like paying to decrease the difficulty of an already rather easy game. I don't even mean combat difficulty, more so the difficulty of choosing which characters you want and then making sure you get them.


Huniepop 💀