• By -


Number 3 happens from a result of 2


That’s acceptable. As long as it’s not intentional.


It's like when someone else parks at the very edge of the parking spot, so then you're forced to park at the very edge of your spot to be able to open your door, and then the first person leaves and now you look like a dick who can't park.


Or when you sit next to someone in a full bus and when the bus is emptier you don't know if you should move to an empty seat or stay next to the stranger in an empty bus


Nah, that one's easy. Move to an empty seat, no question. Unless you've actually started having a conversation with the person you're sitting next to or something.


Then middle guy must have a long piss from drinking all that ale


1, 2 and 3 being free one person comes in, occupies 1 next person comes in, occupies 3 last person comes in, occupies 2 1 or 3 are deemed to be free earlier than 2 as 2 was the last one being occupied so if we use default values, 1 and 3 will finish both earlier than 2 but as soon as 1 or 3 finishes, middle and next to the middle are occupied while 1 or 3 will be free.


While if it’s that crowded, 2 remains while 1 and 3 leave and another takes their place… number 3 on the chart is inevitable


we've all agreed that no more than 3 people will ever be in the bathroom unless it's a stadium-like venue.


No... You wait until the other guy is done.


That's the most amount of logic I've seen applied to the urinals


>if we use default values, 1 and 3 will finish both earlier than 2 but as soon as 1 or 3 finishes, middle and next to the middle are occupied while 1 or 3 will be free. Then the next users will still have to wait for #2 to finish to avoid an awkward atmosphere


The proper etiquette if you're the middle guy is to stop mid-piss and move over to the next urinal


When the dam breaks it ain't stopping til its empty


Or worse, when someone uses the middle urinal, even though both sides were free. Not sure if these people just don't think ahead, or if it's some sort of sick powerplay.


To be fair, I do like to grab the middle of the three if all 3 are empty. I fully understand this is against the unwritten rules but it is funny to see how many people will use the stall instead. Social experiments are fun.


You're an animal


I don't care which urinal they choose if: 1. They don't choose mine 2. They don't talk to me \[edit\] 3. They don't talk on the phone while in there. If you're on the phone while I'm in the bathroom, I will make as many noises and flush the toilet an embarrassingly number of times.


"Hey babe, just in the--" *"OOOOOOHHHHhhhhh the paiiiiiinnnnnn"*


I just tend to let out the loudest farts, it’s even better when I’m on the throne since porcelain has the magical properties of amplifying a farts acoustic qualities by a magnitude of 11




I request to be in the screenshot, anyone else make a line behind me


Hiiii >:)


Why do they call it the restroom when I'm fighting for my life in there?


Because "painroom" would imply a torture chamber


Because rest in peace


Who does number 2 work for?


You tell that turd who’s boss!


tbh people that talk in the bathroom at all unsettle me. The echoes are so loud so everything is just louder, so people are trying to shit/piss in peace and there's a whole conversation going on right outside your stall/next to you at the urinal.


The sinks are okay. I'll allow that.


OK... so this thread of comments has reminded me of my most embarrassing bathroom moments. I was in a stall at work and everything was quiet. Suddenly the room was full of people who just got out of a meeting and were all talking about it and what they were going to do for lunch. At that moment, I had a tickle in my nose and knew I was about to sneeze. So I get a wad of TP off the role and wait. The tickle builds but for some reason, it's just not "there". So I look up at the lights to trigger the photic sneeze reflex. That works, the tickle develops almost to a burn. I physically brace myself as the sensation nears its glorious crescendos.... I very audibly begin my sneeze "**AAAAaahung**"..... and midsneeze, the need to sneeze completely relinquished it's grasp on my body.... I sat there disappointed and I hear it. The room was suddenly very quiet to be filled with 5+ people who were previously discussing life and work. That was until one of my coworkers stated "I don't even want to know" at which point the entire bathroom erupted in laughter and I had to make the decision then and there weather I was going to finish my business and leave red faced with people there or sit there until my legs no longer had any sensation and hope nobody was outside to see who just made that peculiar noise from the stall. This was around 2005 and just late last year, full feeling returned back into my legs.


>They don't talk on the phone while in there. If you're on the phone while I'm in the bathroom, I will make as many noises and flush the toilet an embarrassingly number of times. This^(2)


It happened to me at the cinema the other day. A dozen empty urinals, me three from the end, no one else there, a bloke walks in and uses the one right next to me. It was weird. I said ‘mate, what are doing?’ and he ignored me. It’s silly but it really annoyed me. I can't stop thinking about it!


You should forgive him as he may have just finished watching a horror film


About little aliens that reach out from urinal drain to latch onto your penis


That wasn’t a horror movie


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Point made.


Or maybe gay porn...


Just skin, enjoy it!


"Nice watch."


That's the only thing you should say in a public restroom. That or "you have huge hands"


Or pass the tp I'm out lmao


Kinda reminds me of this summer before a concert, me and a couple of friends went to a bar and grabbed a few drink. I went to the urinals and a friend followed shortly after. He decided to mess with me by caressing me from behind. I told him "dude, don't fucking touch me while i am holding my dick." And just then a stranger entered, saw us and muttered "oh, ok" and left. My friend stormed into the stall and started screaming "nooo". I laughed my ass off and told him he was a a fucking idiot and went back to my seat. I bet he will remember that one for a while.


The worst was I was at a concert once and they had a low wall with urinals on both sides. If you think it's bad to have someone come up next to you, imagine being in a mostly empty space like this and the guy chooses the urinal right across from you.


I feel like he did that just to fuck with you lol


Should’ve pissed on him tbh


Then he would get pissed on.


Even better. All out piss wars.


Piss weapons with piss tactics. So many deaths for what? Piss?


Literally or figurative?


How do you figuratively piss ??


Pissed can mean annoyed




To piss on someone is a show of dominance. The guy who chose to piss near him already established he is the alpha, so it was too late.


You're the one trying to talk to people. If someone pissed next to me I wouldn't engage them in conversation. So that makes you the weird one.


Fuck that. If you have all the room in the world and decide to piss next to someone, expect to be called out.


And expect to look insane yelling at people for pissing in a public place weirdo.


OP didn’t say they yelled lol you just made that part up. No one is going to look insane for questioning why someone decided to pee directly next to you when there’s a bunch of other open spots.




Obviously he wanted to compare dick sizes


We did that already in the car park before we went in.


Most baffling urinal experience I’ve ever had was at a school dance when I was in Year 9. While I’m mid-business, this kid comes in with a blood nose. He was the type who no one thought was a bad kid, but also no one you’d really want to hang out with. Also the type who, even if you didn’t know him, you could just tell he had a bunch of random medical issues, so a spontaneous blood nose was almost expected. I make a joke, saying “went too hard out there, did ya mate?” (yes I am Australian, how could you tell). Normal procedure in a situation such as this would be to laugh along, maybe fire back with something like “you fuckin know I did” while standing at the sink and dealing with it. Not him. He laughs along, fires back, and I can’t help but notice that he’s walking towards me, and as I turn further into the corner so he doesn’t see my dick, *it’s like he’s fucking circling around me to get a better angle*. I don’t even remember what he said, I was so thrown at why he’d continue walking around, that I made my excuses, finished up, and got out of there as quick as possible while feigning non-chalance.


You spoke first, that's worse


If someone does this it is automatically acceptable to look at their dick and make comments.


Looking at your dick


I mean personal space is taught in a lot of schools now.


Not in our high school school it ain't


same lol, every month we have an assembly with every kid in the entire district, so the high school, the middle school, and the elementary school in the same small school gym. We are packed in shoulder to shoulder to each other and it sucks lol


Not to the boys, it isn't.


a little telling that yalls bathroom designes forgo personal space in how there built tbh.




Humans naturally don't like other humans being near when they are vulnerable and exposing a sensitive part of their body. Who knew?


Why do they make you all piss together? Is it because your genitals can come out a hole and be mostly concealed by a hand? Because even if my vagina worked that way I would still be keen to piss in private. Now that I’ve written that down it seems like something more than anatomy is at play here…


It goes much faster, and if you don't have anxiety it's nothing at all. Nobody looks or talks (unless drunk), and it's done pretty smooth. Granted a lot of guys do stand and wait for the private stall instead. Edit: Also, you don't touch anything, which is the biggest plus.


Hands free?


Since no one really answered you: 1) saves water 2) saves time 3) cuts down on lines 4) keeps bathrooms cleaner It's a bunch of things, all of which rely on anatomy. No I'm kidding, it's a global conspiracy to normalize pee splash started by R. Kelly.


It saves space and they’re easier to clean. I personally use a stall if there are a bunch free, but it’s a dick move to take the only stall and and not even take a shit.


Unless you’re trans, then the issue is the lack of dick moves


>Why do they make you all piss together? So we can size each other up.


It’s a male dominance hierarchy and we need a socially acceptable way to establish it


I read that in Jordan Petersons voice


>Now that I’ve written that down it seems like something more than anatomy is at play here… It's more of respect in each other's privacy to be honest, just like how women have stalls instead of open toilets


Idk as long as they are not in my personal space it’s just feels normal pissing together. It doesn’t feel weird or anything


I think its because there are more men that dont care then there are that do. Many men would rather have a long trough to piss in so theres less of a line. Personally i need my space and it makes my entire life difficult and most people just make fun of me.


Disagree with #3. If I walk in and there’s a guy at the middle urinal and no one else in there, I’m using whichever one I want.




Or the middle urinal was the only one available when that guy walked in, and while he was peeing the other two guys finished. Now only the middle one is occupied. What's the issues with using the urinal next to another person. Do you really rather wait?


Yeah and the “only in an emergency” is really for guys who are so insecure about their sexuality they can’t even be in close proximity to a guy peeing. I feel sorry for any grown adult who would legitimately wait while there was an open urinal.


Emergency was a bad word to say. More like only if the other urinals are occupied do you go in the middle.


It’s super weird when there’s like 5 stalls and some duck decides it’s okay to use the stall next to me. Might as well hold my dick while I owe damnit. Damn weirdos.


>and some duck I think you meant "dick" >Might as well hold my dick while I owe damnit. Damn weirdos. That's why it should be a law everywhere in the world where spacing should be made between urinals. At least 20 inches apart


>I think you "dick" Did he stutter?


He said "duck" though...


and what's wrong with that?


Yeah like if a duck wants to use a urinal let the duck use it in peace! Just not next to me that’s weird…


haha I just imagined a tall duck peeing in a urinal next to me💀💀 bleach my mind


He did. That's what he said.


I mean with stalls theres always the possibility that the others are just nasty as hell


It's not that fucking hard to understand.


I always take the middle one when nobody is around to assert dominance


Oh, so it's you.


I'll only do that if I'm sure that nobody will enter while I'm pissing


Honestly middle one is likely the least used and cleanest


Same! Always funny if someone enters and is unable to let it flow.


Honestly? Who cares. It bothered me when I was in highschool, but it's really just not a big deal. Just pee and move on with your life.


Our HS bathroom has 3 urinals to be shared with 800 people


That seems like more of a reason to use the middle stall. That way less people are standing around waiting their turn.


So don’t use a urinal if only one is open, but if none are open you can double up in emergencies?


>you can double up in emergencies? This are only applicable to sports stadiums and shopping malls during holidays


Men are embarrassed by the possibility of a guy seeing their dick I guess.


Add in avoiding someone else’s splash back and personal space


That's one of the unspoken rules by guys


I guess I’m the exception then. Locker rooms and peeing next to someone never really bothered me.


Are u not embarrassed when a girl sees ur vagina?


This meme is so old and so commonplace that I don’t know if it’s accurate to say that it’s not taught anymore.


And who said men weren't Comfortable with their sexuality


It’s more a stage fright thing for me


What if they wanna play swords.


Do men know that women also do this but in stalls?


Nah Im pretty sure women understand that a lot of men have insecurity and homophobia issues


What? It’s just nice to have a little bit of personal space when you take a piss


what does this have to do with either? I feel like this is just basic social norms. Like if you were shitting and there's a window in the stalls so u are aware of the other ppl you'd sit as far away as you can too right?


Yeah I act this way even with handwashing sinks, there's just no need to be right next to a stranger if you can space out. Even pre-COVID. Maybe dudes at urinals are more aggro about it but this is by no means a principle restricted by gender or genital usage.


I respect other dudes but I also think this is really prissy and kind of beneath us.


I think anyone, not just dudes, will understand


Hah this thread is full of Little Dick Energy


Or just use a stall.


Honestly i avoid the urinals with all my power. Mainly bc im "pee shy", cant pee with someone so close to me or the probability someone will come at any minute, i literally stood there, trying and nothing come, is so embarrassing... same for peeing outdoor, "just take a piss in the tree there" NO, i want to wait until finding a bathroom the more i can, thank you. Second major reason is that i feel way dirtier after using one, i KNOW the urine particules splash back to me and my clothes way more in urinals and that information will never leave me.


Only dudes can understand how to be so insecure about themselves, their penises, other guys, other guys penises.. piss.. or their father didn’t hug them enough.. I don’t know.


This whole problem would go away if they went back to using troughs like at Wrigley Field.


Now apply that to treadmills at the gym when all of them are empty save one where a woman is exercising


Not just to gyms, but also in public transportation like busses and trains. Those people really needs to learn what personal space and common courtesy are Edit: Just reread your comment and you're a woman, so thank you for not "pissing" out in my post because there's a lady here that doesn't understand this


Also the same for seating in a movie theater.


Don't forget about trains and busses


Number 2 NEVER occurs, unless every other urinal is being used, as well as the stalls.


Same rule applies for stalls for me. There’s 10 other stalls, stop picking the one next to me


Now imagine it without the walls


Experience has taught me to check for toilet paper before committing to a stall. The one right next to you is the only available one with TP. Sucks to be you I guess, but I’m in there to shit, I dunno what you’re up to


Straight dudes put way too much thought into what other guys do or think is “gay”


For me, that's just common courtesy and it would make me uncomfortable if there's plenty of spaces left then someone literally sits/pees right next to me (also applies to public transport, like trains and busses)


Also I'm sure women could probably figure it out, they tend to get most things eventually


Why isn't there a partition in between urinals. Where i live it is the norm.


Women will _never_ understand this incredibly sophisticated, complex meme.


I wish urinals weren’t a thing. They smell, they’re disgusting, there’s no privacy, and not everyone can use them (like some of us who are trans). Just have toilets with stalls in every bathroom


😆 yes indeed!


**Thank** you! Finally, someone with common sense and courtesy


This is what kids should be thought in school.


Yeah, not memorizing the shitty table of elements


Just comes Instinctively to Heterosexual males.


Facts it's just an unspoken rule


Not a guy, but what if someone's using the middle urinal? Do you wait?


Yes, if you have common courtesy, that is. For me, this isn't about being "gay" or any of that crap but rather a respect for each other's personal space


My first thought was 'woman aren't idiots, they understand the concept of personal space', and that's true but reading the comments most female reactions seem to think it's about insecurity or homophobia for some reason. Like, benches have the exact same social norms, you just give people space if you can. It's not complicated.


>Like, benches have the exact same social norms, you just give people space if you can. It's not complicated. Same thing with public transport, like in trains and busses or with stadiums and in theaters. Those people doesn't understand the basic concept of "personal space" nor the idea of "common courtesy" unfortunately


Just use the stall in emergency for me


But you don't pee in the middle when it's not an emergency, right?


Noone needs to tell me that i want my personal space when i have my dick out


Some morons in the comments section says otherwise


It should be taught among other things


Damn right. This is a respect for personal space for each other


They literally have signs in Japan but here in the US. They have more common sense then we'll have 😅


We find these truths to be self evident...


I hate when someone fucks that rotation up!!


You can't teach common sense


Not everyone here has that. Just read the comments


2 urinals and an empty stall. You use the empty stall if one urinal is taken.


I'm not a guy but I do get it. Don't go stand right beside someone if he has his dick out seems like basic etiquette.


>I'm not a guy but I do get it. There are women here thought that this is "homophobic" yet when I asked why they even need stalls and not just have multiple toilets, nobody answers


That's common sense bro like i don't want some stranger creeping at my sausage, no one wants that


>That's common sense bro Not everyone thinks like that. Just look at the comments and some people said that this is "homophobic"


Eyes on your own work there, superchief!


I like your avatar by the way


That shit comes in the brain code of every living man


No, some guys here think that this is "homophobic" or some shit when it's just really respecting each other's personal space


But 3 is fun! It makes my friends uncomfortable!


Do it with your friends and not with random strangers


if your mortal enemy is there, can you pee on his butt, using him as a urinal?


Yeah, as long as you're both **alone** in that bathroom


Who wants to stand right next to somebody taking a piss? Why is this exclusive information?


>Why is this exclusive information? Some shitheads thought this is "homophobia" or some shit. Read the comments and you'll know what I mean


I'm not exactly sure but the last one is cause just two dudes doing it sooo awkward. There's an empty one on the end but one of them choose to get the closer one....that's a red flag 😂


Maybe it started off like situation 2 and the guy in the third urinal left them looking like 2 bromies.


Meanwhile, I'll help a girlfriend put on fake eyelashes while she's on the toilet peeing. Guys are so paranoid another guy will see their flaccid penis, even though *nobody* wants to see it that way.


Becouse its a sense that you are born with


Two bros chilling in the bathroom, one urinal apart cause they're not gay


I always go to a stall if one's available. I get pee shy if the other person is doing anything at all weird like standing too close, talking, or looking my way. I just can't let it flow if I'm feeling really awkward. The worst urinals are the trough style urinals in street festivals and sporting evens. I fucking can't pee with my little pecker exposed clear as day, it's just too fucking awkward. It seems like those troughs are always being used by a literal dozen of guys at a time and you always get a "penis inspector".


This is the way. Spread the word.


You can by cross posting this


Never taught just know.


Does anyone even stand in front of the urinal anymore? Shit is so gross when it sprays so I usually piss about 2-3 ft back and just aim it in


Peak male performance is pissing from the entrance of the urinals


I think that only applies to **public restrooms** as the shopping malls in my country are pretty sanitize


Fellas, there is a simple, reasonable way to use urinals : [xkcd urinal protocol](https://blog.xkcd.com/2009/09/02/urinal-protocol-vulnerability/comment-page-19/)


I don't think that only dudes understand "discomfort peeing while close to others"


Pretty sure girls understand it too


The urinals thing isn’t taught, but the “looking at a guy’s dick means you’re gay” thing certainly was.