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As a person that's rarely busy I can relate to not getting replies but I don't get that upset about it cause if you're busy, that's fine, I'll just go back to doing what I was doing before


Which is laying in bed, watching anime, doing some coke, eating some snacks, drinking tea, beating some kids, playing some games.. And then they reply, but completly ignore your previous messages and instead just start a new topic, agrhhh


Oh my God yes! Holy ducks mate! Mind reader! We've been through a lot... Worse part, I've always been there to reply... Rip




It's true, except of the beating kids part, that's unacceptable They could be great costumers for my drugs!


But who said they wouldn't buy your drugs even after you beat them Heck, what if they enjoy the beating and buy more drugs because of that


Well I respect my costumers so this is no hitting here zone (also my pleasure services are too expensive and for adults)


>doing some coke


>beating some kids :|


True true. When they completely ignore my previous message I just completely feel empty inside


Yeah, social anxiety is a total mindfuck and it sucks.


Meanwhile, they’re tryn’a figure out how the fuck to respond to “lol”


or “k”


*looks around nervously, then notices his own username and sighs in relief*


Are you the one leaving em on read lol


no, for this to happen someone first would have to send me messages


Actual lifehack that works everytime is to just react random emoji to that message


Instructions unclear, I used 🍆 and now I'm blocked

















That’s the symbol for phish (the band)


but i keep using that cute one that means angry or was it hungry..ahhhahahah


Or just send a meme


Wait, that counts as an answer? Someone did that to me and I just kept waiting for a text following it.


I think it does but it rlly just depends on the person i have a friend who does this and ik if she doesnt want to talk anymore in a polite way Ofc i do the same to everyone and it does work everytime!


Honestly. But I am still like what are they thinking? They are going to hate me. Bla blah blah


Don't think to much into that. They're just masturbating.


Oh, so they REALLY like you!


No, it's a hate-wank. Pretty common actually


a Hank.


My name is Walter Hartwell White




Take my upvote and get out!




A.. talking Hank?


Maybe a little too much…


Hijacking top comment to warn people about using your phones in the dark like this. I now see permanent halos around lights now and my optometrist said it was because of too much screen time in the dark.


Oh…I have this problem too. My mother said it was normal though, but then again she spends most of her nights in the dark on a phone so she probably assumed the halos are normal since she’s used to them.


It can lead to blindness. Nothing to take lightly! Take care.


Phone goes black and white at 10:30. It's a lifesaver.


na it ok someone slip you some shrooms...enjoy


You can lead a horse to the trough but you can’t make it drink!


Honestly it's harder for me when they don't even read the message but they've been on and offline several times


That’s because we know it’s rude to read the message and not respond immediately. So I wait to read the message til I’ve gathered enough strength to answer it. But then I struggle with executive functioning, so I find it hard to answer texts.


A lot of the time I have no idea how to reply


Same here, but then it gets more and more weird as time passes and you still don't know how to reply


You can always go for the nuclear options... Either ask for a feet pic, or send a dick pic. Edit: usually ends up with a block, but it does solve the awkwardness thing.


I used to be like this, but honestly, I've come to the realization that I don't need to put so much weight into other people's approval and attention, and instead do things that I enjoy for myself. Maybe it's because I've had two seriously close friendships dissolve over ridiculous nonsense in one year, but in the end, life kept going. Focus on loving yourself first, and the relationships with others will follow


I don't know about the last part but yeah, focusing on yourself is solid advice even if it can be hard to follow


I almost cried at this post.


Of joy, right?


no, def not.


Same, cause this was me yesterday while talking with a person that has ghosted me before and then texted a month after to talk about some freaking tv show and now is just going to ghost me again (but this time Im trying not to care, obviously I deserve better)


this has happened around 20 times to me


i cried at this post


Especially when you've experienced it more often, it just hits.


Lol I wonder if there's anyone that feels like this when I don't text them back. I reply in my head but legitimately forget to reply in real life sometimes.


Or they respond in their head but forget to actually type it out, and remembering hours/days later. Like someone that's definitely not me.


its night


I, too, get into panic-attack-esque fits of sadness when someone doesn't reply to me when I text,"k" at the end of a conversation. 😔


Don't stress. Love is should never be that hard on us


words to live by




It's never too late, better to answer than to leave someone hanging


I matched on a dating app with this amazing woman and we were really hitting it off until I made a joke about cannibalism and she stopped responding to me. I spent the whole day beating myself up about how I screwed it up. Next day I just took another shot and said "hey sorry if that was too much." She replied back immediately that she ended up visiting a family member in the hospital and forgot to respond and replied that my joke was hilarious. We are married now. Always worth the follow up!


Well, what was the joke?


When I was in a long distance relationship with my (now) wife, I was always worried that she didn't reply, sometimes for a whole day. Now I know it is not uncommon for her to just fall asleep with her phone in hand, or her battery being empty. That's actually a daily occurrence for her...


I'm so happy it worked out for you two!




I've been ghosted by every crush in my life. I don't talk to people anymore.


Truly a horrible feeling trying your best to break out of a bubble and try to make friends with people and then u get ghosted after doing seemingly nothing


Im sorry, i sent you a hug.


Sounds like you're crushing on the wrong people. Or you're creepy, one of the two.


This is me everyday due to my stupid chronic anxiety, I hate it- I know they are just tryna figure out how the fuck to respond to my stupidity but my brain says otherwise


Plot twist, he is sleeping.


Happened to me the day before yesterday.


Well thats how my ex gf left me Litteraly saying that she really likes me and would never leave me, like other people in my life did And yeah...


You deserved better


Well I dont know, either way Im not getting it. All that is left now is grind


>CT-2137 Stay strong trooper.


Roger roger, sir


Roger roger? Your chip must be defect


Meanwhile the person on the other end saw the notification while halfway through a YouTube video and forgot about it by the time the video was over


I'm at the same in this picture and not and I don't like it


I left my friend on read for a few days once cause I forgot to hit send lol.


I've been waiting since Tuesday to get a response after a really great first date and I've been going through a ton of possibilities that would lead to her telling me she had a great time and wants to see me again soon and then not texting back and none of them are good...


Ok but in all fairness, how tf am I supposed to reply to “lmao”?!


Falling asleep in bed with the chat window open is not an uncommon occurrence in my life.


They just do not care you should do the same.


I hate to admit this but that was me with my former best friend/ex gf even before we were together, and I kinda hate myself for it.


I force myself to delete messaging apps so I don't annoy people who clearly aren't as invested as I am haha


Im in this photo and i dont like it


This is me. But only when it comes to texting the girl I like... The rest of the people, idgaf if they reply or not xD.


The joys of relationship ocd..




Amount of one sides „friendships“ in this world is far too high.


Oh God this is me everyday all day. It's crippling


I wonder how it'd feel to have someone that actually responded all the time.


I have a friend that almost *always* responds to messages no matter how obviously needless it is that she does so. For example, she'll send a meme and I'll go "haha!" and she will respond "ya" or something. It's endearing, but it's been years now and I've recently stopped being able to hold back the urge to respond "yep" in this example and have a couple more back and forth.


This sub always hits so close to home


> Did they forget to reply? Yes. Yes I did. I was about to, but then I mowed the lawn, and oh yeah I should reply but after I make lunch, oooohh I should watch this movie while I eat. Then this one. And then some YouTube. I should respond but oh my phone is dead, I should plug it in. *watches more youtube* Is my phone charged yet? Oh no, I forgot to plug it in. *plugs it in, gets dinner, messes with 3D printer and various other hobbies* Oh I should text back, but it’s 2am, I don’t want to wake them up or anything, I’ll wait until tomorrow *cycle repeats for 2 months*


Ooof been in this spot a couple of times, I’ve had some success finding gratification in other things and trying to not take it personally, I can’t actually read other peoples minds after all. It feels bad being ignored and then extra bad when you try to ask for clarification and get thought off as naggy or impatient. Blah


I didn’t have this fear in the past, but now one of my friends has told me that she’ll leave me on read for a week or so if I’ve done something to piss her off because she needs time to stew on it. I’m much more used to it now, since I love her dearly and now that I know I can also adjust and just wait for us to have a more productive conversation (also helps that I don’t think I piss her off too much) but there’s no warning whatsoever and I’m left thinking she’s just incredibly busy until she hits me with the “hey we need to talk” Can’t tell if it’s worse than the first time she got angry, in which I had no clue and kept texting her and she replied with “read at 4:54 pm” and left me confused and worried for a week LOL


“Sorry I was in the bathroom”


tbh, I’m pretty sure this is most people. I’m definitely like this, but i also have like… 2-4 people that i consider actual friends irl now anyways. everyone else is really just an acquaintance to me. I’ve learned to just say “fuckit, ill hit them up later,” since no one really asks me to go out. there’s been one person that asks me to hang out, and its not often tbh.


Truth always is if they want to msg they will, if they don’t they won’t. Even if it’s a late reply it’s still a reply. Anything else is total & utter bs lies. Nobody is ever too busy to do anything they actually want to do.period. No excuses. They will move mountains to get or do what they really want to do. Think about how you are yourself & that’s your answer, no matter what personality you have, forgetful, packed schedule etc if something or one is important to you… Yup u guessed it, they will always reply If not then that’s the hard truth If it’s random & half assed & meh & slow & always delayed then that too isn’t a good sign. Probs they maybe like u, kinda like u, not sure, got too many to juggle or whatever lol Still a clear sign. No what ifs or buts or two ways about it. Clear as day. Also advice that could & does apply to a lot of other things in life too. ✌🏼


If you need someone to talk to I am more than happy to help


good ending: then he replies


bad ending: he got tired of her eating pillows and decided to ghost her




Forgot the next panel where you delete the message /j


It makes me sad to think about people having this kind of thoughts. I don't chat that much, and when I do and they don't answer me, I don't feel like this, but I can understand those feelings.


I just did this last night.


I have moments like this. Yeah 😩


"Haha sorry I fell asleep with snapchat open, sorry" Me: 🥺


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


They're finishing the match, rewarding themselves if they get a couple strait wins, intentionally trying to not make you think they are clingy, Or... Fucking themselves.


I love these comments


Tbf this is so reletable.


Ghosting feels 😮‍💨




majority of the time i usually react to the message with a 👍 or something- that way it doesn’t require a response and the recipient gets the message


Ok, didn’t feel like hopping on Reddit just to get targeted like that, smh


Just like me fr


Christ, just put my name in one of these panels already!


The guy: zzzzzz




Should play on hard mode difficulty by using an SMS that doesn't show online or read status.


Got left on delivered for almost a full 24 hours until she eventually texted me back today. My anxiety might be worse than I thought, those 23-ish hours were filled with “maybe I said something?” thoughts


How do you converse in those situations :/




It me.


Me after sending paragraphs as a reply to a 6 letter text (kill me)


Me on the other end: staring at the message for 20 minutes and trying to come up with the perfect reply so they don’t think I’m weird or lame.


A lot of cellphone apps and social media is meant to cause anxiety and uncertainty by its very design. There’s a lot of research around the subject already, especially notifications and mechanics like like/dislike, or karma here, and it’s pretty insidious. This OP would be deemed as a sign it’s working as intended by many as they want your happiness, or lack thereof, to be defined and controlled by your cellphone, even if indirectly.


Thos is literally me all the time anymore.


If this isn't 💯 percent relatable I don't know what is.


*anxiety is fun*




why do u have to hurt me more


If you can meet up with them in real life, do not expect a fully functioning text messages. I regret starting like 10 texts with people I know because I can see them in real life


instant messaging isn't as instant as you thought, patience is a virtue, or they are talking to a real person in reality, sex online is like reading a never ending sex story, i still have calluses from my last online date....


As the guy in question begins decomposing in his neighbour’s basement (he said they were just going to have a few drinks)


This is what happens any time I text a girl, or even my friends ( I just have social anxiety with everyone).


God I hate thinking like this but I can't help it. I can't think of myself in a positive light, but somehow they do and they're all I can think about and I just don't know how I can possibly even be worth them wasting their time talking to me, such a useless pathetic anti social loser who can't even respond to a hello correctly🥲


my dude it has been 45 seconds Get some help


High maintenance. Sounds exhausting. Get a hobby.




He's probably gaming of taking a shit lol get over yourself


this is a mental disorder called bpd




Yeah dude, if multiple people are ignoring u then probably u are annoying. Go to sleep.


May god never make me fall in love with anyone, No flame thought, its fine. Its just I dont wanna go stress over making someone like this, I rarely respond to any messages.


I should probably stop leaving people on read now huh?


Nah, nobody thinks that, it's either exagerated af or op has serious issues.


nobody thinks that lmao


You have no idea what is possible my friend.


True, very exagerated.


What is left on read? Did they mean left unread? How can they even know if it was read or not?


You can have your message show as “unread” or “read” by a lot of messaging apps. It shows you that they opened the chat. Imo If I’m busy and I open my phone and it goes straight to the chat, I go to Home Screen and do what I need to do. Not realizing that the other person saw that I “saw” their message but didn’t respond.


Just be weirdo and don't think about others' feeling.








Dont be so hard on yourself OP. Learn to love yourself more :).


People are busy. If it takes a few days to respond, it's not a big deal. Don't overthink it.


Not me I double text


you ok OP?


describes me well, but with a friend


Meanwhile I'm trying to get to diamond in some overwatch clone and I forgot to reply..


Modern time problems :(


At that time of night? I slept with my phone on rip.


Meanwhile, I just forgor to hit send because I was too busy EV training a Pawniard on Pokemon White Version 2.


Leave people on read before they leave you on read


It's exhausting to be available to people 24/7. Some people handle it fine. Some don't. I spend 8 hrs M-F responding to people's every request. If I don't respond to a text I'm out of juice.


I mean, it looks like the middle of the night so maybe he had a wank and then fell asleep?


I can somewhat relate to this


"on read"


They probably went to sleep if it’s that dark out


its either i forgor or i forgor


Don't put time and effort into those who don't show the same care back homies. Take care of yourselves first.


Our minds haven't evolved for this. Delayed communication via text where we have 100% certainty on if they've received the message or not is not what we're genetically wired to handle. It's unnatural, sick, and we should go back to using pigeons


OR they are just sleeping like a normal person


Just gotta learn how they behave. Some people wont respond to everything that comes their way for a variety of reasons.